0 Population Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8465 ‘Jt-iT Kingii Mounialo figui* I* derived ttom iti» ipHCirJ Uaiitf'd Stotee Bureou ol the Cbnaus report o Jno.'ary t9b6, und iociudei the 14,990 populotioo o Niimhftr 4 ‘Vownthlp. and the remamliig 6.124 tr4>K Nutcl..er 5 Township, rieef>tar«/« ''minty and Crowder Townehlp Is GottOD County, |/a 4 •1 K *' * r- er f\ T 1 ? V i! Tj Kty Kings Mountain's Reliable Newsr>ai}ei VOL. 86 No. 24 Established 1899 Kirqs Mountain, N. C., Thursday, June 17, 1971 '’OICF TPN CENTS assenger BC-KM Sillily Drainage kJ BessemeL City Immediate Watei Walcr ( (ir.mil'.rps uf Bes i-mor City an,I KiiiRs M ii'- liii cllv j; vcrnmciils, fli^cusyin^ po.Ksibil- :‘y pT Bcs^f nii'r C i'v'< [uin 'ins-ini' u.'ilpr I'rpm Kinps Mcut-lain Mm liny ni’IU, n,l.|:;urnp:l vvitluiut ac- tinn to study area draiiia.i^o mans. T!i(> tiwo ccmmiltpp.s are to mpp't asaiii soon. nt. x. nA a M lyor .T.din llpnry M.is.s said, aftyr pprusal oi tlip draina;;e ni'ip, lip fpl't thp dit.'prpnpo ot (.pillion <11 uliPi-p to midpr tho water will be rp-iilved easily. Kinets .Mountain bad sug;;estcd placing flip mplor at the Bi'S- senior pity limits. Bes.spmpr City wants the m('tp.r placed slightly pad of Lewis Road, .Miyor .Mess said Be.s.spinpr City indicated immediate need for B'd.imO pall,His of \i-iter per clay, with inereasce to .'500,1)1)0 by a- bout .January 1. Kings Mnimtain lias R 000.000 gall ;ns daily treatmenit caiiacity,' is udrig about 3,0(M1,000. I .Membei-s of the Bc'ssemer City eoiiimiltee are Mayor George Newton, Commi.sionc'rs Don Car penter, Neil B^ni'.s, .nnd Jackson O. l-'arker. Tli^Kings .Mountaili committee incllkles Mayor .Mo.s.s, CLlmmisslnners B'lJ' Cline, W. Sci- more BicUii.x, and Jonas Bridges. rs HONOR GRADUATE Mrs. Gwendolyn Smilli Cani};- bell was one ot "."lO p'l'.uUiates to receive tlic- B. .S. degree' from North Carolina \ & T State Gni- \ersily in sprin ■ 'c-ommencement e.xei .'ise.s. .Mrs. Cami bidl re.-eiv- c'd lier dt'gree in the field of ac counting with cum laude honors. Slie is a gi-aduate of Camn Higli sdiool, Shelby, and is rnanied to I.t. .Marsh H. Campbell of Kin.gs ^Mountain, .son of Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Ctimpbell. SPEAKER — Rev. Thomas Nee ly, missionary to South Amv- ica for 10 years, will lead the Bible study for adults during Bible School June 21-25 at Boyce Memorial ARP church. Classes will be pio-/ided ior all ages Item 7 until 9 p.m. each eve ning. KM Scouts Flan Clean-Up Boy S.ouls here will clean and mow the railroad area from Wdlls 'll overihoTKl bridge tit King Street Salurdtiy. ! T!ie tlean-up effort was organ- i/ed liy nanny l irid'tes, son of j'Mr. and .Mi'S- C.trl Bridgi's of jut. 1, King.s ■Mountain. Danny is I a candidate for K.rgle Scout amt Mhis'cnnstilites bis Kagle pr(i,ject. will pai'ticiiiate. Tile work 'will be in at S a. m. The city will tu'u- 1 vide dump trucks for carryin,g iaway the deliris. Tlie work is I I'.eing done in coniunction witii the national efforts of the Boy Scout Project .s'OAH (Save Our America Ilesources). Arm In Melee ’ Near Here Salvatore Batvliiere and hi.- i wife ef Bui klyn, N. Y., we.-o < ii ; route Fort i’llk. La., to \isil I'leii , .son who is eompleting a l..iiii j mg (.-ourse. ' I'ue.sday night tliey were jia- tienls in Kiie.'s .M-untain lies H- tal being treated for knde wounds, suffered wlieii auotlur pa-.-icn.ger on tl.(> Gr yir'i el imi: wi'iM berserk an t be .’.an -I’ sldng ..''.tier i.Ms.sen ;ei's widi a i.nile. lii<> iiereerk nrin '.ci.’ ■ .'.ik .Morgan, an .Ml.inta, Ga.. .''.e 'l i. When Driver Eidre I I’lOe ner br.'.u.girl the bus to a h.'dl „i IB: tile bus U.'IS about Sd fee: .''rcm the Clevelaii.l C -unly line. Other injured ji.i --engers: Patricia Gaine.s, IS GKc.icdle. S. C., dis,'barged VVediie:;day mornmg fi .m King.s Moun’.im hcsp'ital. Evangeli:: llaini'y, Ecllon, .3. who s'uifcrc.l a lir: ken arm an,: a patieiil tit Gas-toii .VIi inorial liospitaj. Regina C.il.'man, We.stberry, N Y’., at Kings Mountain ho.;t>ital, not a.l'.-nittod. Dale Boyle, Phil idelipliia, Pa., treated at K.ngs Mouiilaia liois- idlal, n t admitted. Ik.iie'ier .pid two pa.-cspnger.s sulidued .Mijr;an and held him until Gad.HI Rural p lice rivet. Miu.gaii is ill .'lastcm j.iil eliarge.l with four e. uat.s o.' le li.nious a rauli. lie is under 31,Hilt) bond. The bus na.l uninjurel pa.ssen- .gers reiiiriKSl Ij Gast.inia where Gasl.uiia Rural police iiilorciew- c-.l eai Ii to d< lerriiine wiial irud liappeiied. .Viter the interviews, the bus res'.uned its i^u'‘ journdy', minus the wouiiji'd aiar sr.nie others wlio deeklcd lo fore go the j'rurney. Morgan used two ueaixins on Boi.liiere. the knife and his teeth. BoCcIiiere liad a eliest wound tchere .Morgan bit him. mi IRA BUMGARDNER Master Sergeant Hazel Brown Is Retired After 23 Years In AF years, one of active } ^ after completing 23 monlli and 2t) days d'. ly. Sergeant Brown attended tlie Daviitson and iC.-mpa: I elemen tary schools and grailiiated Irem! Coniiuict high school in lltl I. Up- | on ' r.r iaation, he attended .\. &j T. Stale University in Greens boro. During his period of servici' wit'll the United States Air Force, he was on Inventory Manage ment Supervis-or and served with vai'iou!( units in <Ierm,an,v, .Vus- Iria, Japan, Korea, Thailand. Guam and stateside. I 'His awards in'cludc; IGoad con duct niedyl with broir^e clasp and four loops, WorJ 1 War II Vic tory 'Medal, Arni.v of Oeoupa- Ihin medal iGermany), United Nations Service medal with one bronze star, AF iLongevity Serv- L-e Award rililKin wit It tliree oak leaf clusters, Air Force Gool Condtrcl medal witli two Oak Leaf -C'luslers, Air 'Force Com- meiidat'iim '.Medal and Air l•''(ll'ee (Master Sergeant Hazel .1. ; Outstanding Unit Award melal. Brown, son of i.Mrs. Iiva Viiginia i Sergeant 'Brown Is married Uouser and llla'/el I. Brown of | to the former Virginia Perkins Kings Mountain, retired Irom Hie and at 'present resides with bis United Slates Air Force i.May 31,' wife on Houle 1. Fhlfei Tract Bid $i05,080 Ei'.lding w.is bri.-d\ .Monday at the re-au-'li.ining of tile .Mailin Phifer pi' -iierty. Tiie liigli bid of Wray- Plonk, i). C. and Claude Be.im was 310.5.000. 11 was $2,5,015 ever Hie previ- oin-- liigb of $7'J.l)a5. OHiei's bidding on the 131.G ti'cre trad were CoU'nian GeforUi .mil the .McGinnis Brothers group. The bidding sl'in.ls open until .5 p.m. June 21. RETIRES — M/Sgt. Hazel J. Brown retired from the USAF May 31 ofter completing 23 years service. Graver Maa A 2.5yeai--old Rt, 1, Grover man. Dale Li'wis Allen, was kill ed in a sin.'de-e.ir wie.k near Clover, S. C., on .s. 101 one mile souHi of the .--lalo 11,le. According to Coroner A. Y. Losslie, Hi-o wreck is still u ider iiiM'sligaliiin. Lesslie said Hie ear Allen was operaliiig rei id'f the road in'o a small .grove of pme trees air,I overturin'd. Allen died of severe liead ir.juiies, accord ing lo Dcsslie. 'file hi.gliway jiatrolmr.n win investigated Hi(> wre.k was n:i- av.iilable earlier for cemiiK'iit Inti rescue workers from llio King.s Mountain re.iene su'.ad, who re- sixmded to Hie call, said Hie car was demolished. .■\ p isseiiger in Hie 'car with Allen, iG:ii'y Thomas Black, also of HI. 1, Grover, was uninjured in the wreck. veteran Wins C»jiie§e Degree .Vico;:','.' the 578 undergraduates ' :il 111,' ^oarii.'ite ColLseum reeeiv-' ing di'g.rei'S from the University \ •jf N-rili Carolina at Charlotte; wa.s re'.ired U. S. Army Sergeant j Major Ira B. Bumgarner, Tlie re- ' tire.i sildier, who resides with j lii-v wife and three ihiMren .at 800 . Hill- ide Diive, received a BA in | History.. e.-gl-ant Majiyr Bumgarner, i wlio will teacii in Gaston Couiify-| this fall, .-.erved in conibat engi- ' ncer iiattalioiis in Ear,ope and ; Km a. Indicative of Ikiingarner’s ' .service was that last served in Korea. It was durin.g the USS Puenlo .si.y .sliip crisis and the assault (.11 Hie Korean Presiden tial E.NcaiHve mansion by North Koiean agents, popularly kii.nvn as the "Blue Hou.se Iiicidenit” that a comliat engineer coiistrue- tioii ba.se eamp was built along the Korean DMZ and named "Camp Ira" in his honor. Sorgoanl Maj.vr ol Hie 13lh Engineer Batta lion, he had been instrumental in several "first" in awanls and ('vents being obtained by enlist ed men. 1I(> had selected and assisited in training tlie first KepuMie of Korea Army sergeants to attend Hie 7Hi Infantry Uivisioii Non- com'iiii.ssioiied Officer’s .-tcademy ' and (hen they graduale.l as Hie top lioiior sludeiit.s. Daring Ills t( iiiii'e a high miinber of grad- ii.iti's recei'.i'd similar awards aii'l honors from lln* Academy and from oHier military scIkkiIs tiir.iughonl Korea. His battalion consist,'ntly led in reenU.slmeivts and re.eived more S il.Hcr of the .Montti awards Hian any otlier hattal'ion .'-izi' unit. lUiingiriier was sele.'l('d as Mie first enlisted 111,111 to ad,dr(‘,ss graduating elass- cs at the NCO .Vcadcimy and also the Division's Clidnical, Biologi- ed, and Iv.uiioliogieal .■),'liool. Ilis effrits were cited in his award of Hio .3("cond Oal L('af Cluster to tlie Army Commendation Mixl al. P'i.'f t:) entering UNC-C, where lie 1110,le (he Chancellor's List .several limes, Bnmganter at't('iid- ed the Hniveisily- of Ma'iyland, .-'■oiilliea.'I Mis-ouri .Sl'iite Teaeh- ei'.s Cidlc'.'.e, North Carolina ."ttale Uiiiver.sily, and Worth’s Bii.-’iness Colic ■(■ of Fayeltev ill('. He has enlc'i'cd the UNC-C Graduate .■scini.d an t lias h('guii vvork on Ids ma-lei's de.gi'i’i' this m-oiitli. !q Theft Diamonds Stolen Immleweliy Are Recovered Two Kings .Mountain teen-agers, Jody .\!in Wooten, Dixie l.’iiler Park, and Helen Case Cmper, Sims .street, were in City jail Wednesday afternoon in lieu of larceny. i Tli(' two are eliarged witli theSl. of tvvo diamond rings from Wil lie’s Jewelry late Wednesday morning. i LI. Bob Hayes, who made the arrests said the young women a. v.nil.ied the thtfi.s. me rings, weie recovered, one in the boot- | tee of Hie Ceopt'r vvoman'jj baby’s b. -'Ottee, Hie oilier in a drink cup in Hie warehouse across the .street from Kings .Mountain Farm ' renter. | Lt. Hayes .=aid he was on rcu- 1 tine pitrol when ihe' iioli'ced Wil lie Williams, owner of Hie store, out l.oii't in an argument with the tvvo w-omeii. He asked the trouble and Hie arrests ensued. M'-r. -S*-- NEW OFFICERS OF STUDENT PARTICU AriC!< CTZ Participation were elected recently in left to right. Irelou Easley, sccr<*ta*v; and Bill L.oftin. right, outgoing pre \icn AI'IZATICU — “tii-g ct King: 'r, rrCcjd^nt. Chri.^; bj ' .azc Alexander) New officer", cf Mouurain h '-h hn r the Student (choal. From c president Building Permits Issued By City City building permits were is- , sued' to; j Beil T. Goforth, Crescent Circle, ' $8,1)01) residence addition, Hobart Dye, cojitractcr; Fred Finger, 908 Shenwxid Lane, $1898 general remodeling of ri'sidenee; ! Earl Hannon, Shelby Road, I jilacement of two trailers, $3,00C eacli. I MAKES DEAN'S LIST MLss Kathy Lynn Rii< a. dui,,li fer ol Nlr. and Mrs. B 'liliie ',V. Rhea, and ri-iiig .soph, a.'Ci' Wotern Carolina I'lii'.cisity. was I’lai'ed on Hk' Dean's Li.-t lo: the spring (|uarter. Miss Rhea, currently plod.fing Zeta Iota eh'.ipter ot Zeta 'lau Alpha sorority at the univers ity is an early eiiildhoe.i eUu- tation major. Qlhtiz PLAYGROUND OPENS Tiu* Davison Playgrmmi will be open fr.jm 10 a.m. initii I p.m. for ga.Tie playin;;, Tau;:ht by the youth on government pr.a'sram. Parentis are ur^^e.l to bring llieir children for tills opportunity. ..i ,.1;- ara i.ane .or.; a. Eight Kings Mountain Students Win Degrees In Recent Graduations Additional graduates are re ceiving degrees Irem colleges and universities. Sar.ah Edith Hambright, daugh-' ter of Mr. ;tnd .Mrs. Myers Ham- bright. received Hie degree of Bacliolor of Arts in Cliemistry with leaelior certifiealioii- from the University of North Carolina at Greensooro. During her course of study at UNC-G she wa.s fresh- . mail orientation assistant for three \ears. pre.sident of Inter- fai'tli Council two years, and pres ident of Hie Wesley Foundation on campus. She plans t,) teach elieniistry beginning in the fall. Jane Young Birmingham Mor- Ian, d'auglvter of .Mr. and Mr.s. V an Birmingham, received lier Master of .Masic degree from East Carolina University at Greenville. Susan Carolyn Harper, daugh ter of -Mr. and .Vfrs. Toini Harper, received her Bachelor of Design from the Co/lege of .Vrchiteelure and Fine Arts at the University of Florida June 12tli on Florida Field. William D. Bridges, .son ,of Mrs. B('n 11. Bridges and the late Mr. Bridges, was graduatcxl with Bach elor of .VrI.s degree in business administration from the Univers ity of North Carolina at Char lotte. ! Mrs. Riclvard .Greene, wife of North sichool principal Richard Grcf'iie, earned her .Master of Vi'ts degree in edueation from Western Cai-olina University. Jean Adc'le Goforth, daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. William Garrison Goforth, receive',1 li(>r Ea'-lielor of •Science degree in so.'i.il welfare eoncciitralion from Western Car olina Univ'cr.sity. Mrs. Conn! S. Marlowe of 505 West Gold street carnc'd her Bachelor of .Science degree in ed ucation from Western Carolina Univer.sity. Mrs. -Margaret .-Vniietc' Sandc'rs Willis, daughter of Mr. and .Mr,-. Boyd F. SamU'r.s. nveived her Bachelor of Science' degree in ed ucation. Deborah Neil Smith, daughlc'rof l\Ir. and Mr.s. D. Hugh Smith, re ceived her B.C'helor (of .S( ic-iice dc'grec' in middle grade educa tion from Western Carolina Uni versity at Cullowliee. Miss Jane .Morris, daughter ef .Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Morris has gradnatc.l tr, ni lIio I'niversitv ,if North Carolina at Clnpel Hill with an VB degree in elementary education. Susan Harper, illcmied I’urrUie University, Lafayette, liriiana. and the University of Florida in Gainc'.svilU', where :ll' was gr;i 1- iiatc'd on June 11 with a Bache lor of De.sign do.grec' from Hie College ef .Vr.hilectLUe on,I Fine Arts. She was a member of Hie Gar goyle Honor Society and Hk' stu dent ehaiilcrs of .V.I.l). and .N'.S.- I.D. She is a daughter of .Mi. and -Mrs Ur, mas W llamoi d .5(13 West Gold St.. King.s .VFiun- tain, N. C. SERMON TOPIC ere: d i I a- '^7 M- IJ V. -a;: ; -7 iv I rui;;:i^]n. M,-. Mao_;a.v. i. T.i-* iiv.H v1 a > lui,. I) * r :i:5 .?f. .si iluii 1"! Mrs. .M . ilit* b- lul \ u-J a >u:j plcnifiU Itj.'* lv:i ^ icaJivs Ii/T lilt* V'iain-i year a..: rai.*;i‘vi \ln' juai •. h.-a >-i.- Ironi lo S12*K). iror »s. ;i l-.al fun.is iv.iv^ci Ur: liii* vonirii-. y* n- an iiuTt'aso u: a.>pr'i\ana:vl\ •. o'vi'r i;u fUiii'iJl vi-.;.. 'liio ii'D.rd Ira::-;.'-:-.1 j..- i. ai X-....a !,;<• rr- > .aid f(.:'ni..i’y ai.-.'fi a nuai- bn- vnaij :.;ui ;,>ri l...m lju ilUaiy I'Uib. iriU'Ji.li’r.; . • J . > la. ni;jl(‘d ] »i lilt- b*. J » .j d-.j .aiPs aial ay :!j«' mii-'n: ..y a] .V. t -n j^v. Suja ..fU idi n: Jv. - - ■*’ lii i.i.jtt ,i >'.:n;mLT s.a -1 I'nr »j!- mir. s aa* .*• .‘.‘’i. juni lii.di .SAaotd lAK and Iica.i >.ai. 130, VAlEZlCVOirJA.N'—r.i’jecca Ann da ighler of Mr. and Mrs. Van 5irI:•’.ing^a^l, was vaicd;:tciion cf her 33S mem* gicdutaiing class cf Ath- nrcc.N h^gh schorl. Graduation ••v.crcUc.> were held June 4th G A-s2;le/ Junicr high stadium. M s Euraingham. octive in the Ilo-.ci £cc.:tY and Tiench club« fjnished with an average of 9S.4 Prschai 1^1 aush teed 1:^1 i). Uiueman • ■ I .M ;ii 1913. of vvill he mov- ii-'i pastors ent.s. ■''■1. Ic.i. ing .'•■di'i ■ hu-reh :i:ol McHi sri-t -1, ' i ..’v' tiv*' V (> aal \Van;^"h, ■ t 'lUiro a- Bill- d Ml U'xodisl .Ii»\ .1 .;.*a iuate svilu-'l, j.»iiu*d a:, iina eon- , iimt ni of the Is a re£:lstcri*d a sou. jiLst DvIKi* Divinity •1 1 a.S't.ia'.e I Moih lilNt. i\ .:l . r VVi'M- 1 -' .vrtdv as r..i‘ 1.-!!. r.UFE IS PATIENT la. •«':! i:.;': . . s '» p?>* i.-. aim. , .rr A.n. • mu ? '■ ;• ; :il ;!i tlio \ A il'J. -t jn - ■’a'vu far Iri'almi-nJ o. a :• i’ y a:l- nir:',;. ni.t\ i«’m : lii:ii bv w: . Pmr' i».:, . W .i d 303. 3r! VA KIV.Aia? lU.T I'M .11 *. Is o a K u.;*; vd Jha. ;;y. 3u:w (■)U*“n, N. I:' « a>x* of in. b :?u*nt .voaih- r. ’bi' will hold in- ‘ •’I v' 4 - 'A--' .4a RDS - /' . 1 .‘(j*- f'-- A' . SUSAN CAROLYN KTkllPER SARAH EDITH HAMBRIGHT RICHARD W. BAKER CONNIE MARLOWE JANE BIRMINGHAM MORLAN DEBORAH SMITH JANE MORRIS AN.N SANDERS WILLIS

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