it MRS. LLOYD KENNETH PARSON (Carol Ann Dilling) MRS. EDWARD RAY TALLON (Linda Louise Roberts} MRS. GEORGE SYDNEY CARPENTER (Teresa Bess Jordan} June Weddings Unite Parson, Edward Tallons, Carpenters Miss Carol Ann Dilling became tlie bride of Lloyd Kenneth Par son, Jr. Sunday in a 4 p. m. ex- t.iange of wedding vows in Cen tral United Met'hi^ist church. Dr. J. v,.Jiliiei, w i.e- noi;-, a fermor pastor who per- t.jrnvd the wee!, ing ceremony of Ilie Inide's parent.s and clivisten- cd liie bride, offici.ited at the duu’.ile l ing ceremony, assisted by Itcv. U. it, Alderman, .Mrs. Au. rey .MauiK'y, organ ist fer the i>ridc's parents’ wed ding, pre.senlri: the nuptial rru: ic. .Mi.-s Dianne Parker of Mnv- freeslxiro, college suitemado of tile bride, was vocalist. 'MUs Parker, mezza stiiirano, sang "O Lord Most Holy” by Pranek and '’Tie 'rhou With Them” Ijy Dach Ixifoie tlie cere mony, For the bt'nediction she sang ‘'Wedding Prayer’’ by Dun- Mrs. ’Mauney’s of music included ".Xria” by Pceters, "'^tlinr 'A n t hony Chorale ’ by Ilaydn-Brahms, “Roman.e Sans Pir 'les” liv Ho'inet; “i’rebide in Classic Style” by Young; “Sweet est Story Ever Told ’ by Slults anil "T I A Wild” by Mc- Douel! during the ceremony. For the proce.ssional slie playu i-ci 1 oil’s " Volunlaiv’’ and ’’ rruinict Tu ’O ” and for the i/' co.ssicnal she played "Psalm XIX” oy .uarcello. -■Ml '.viiite flowers and back ground g.ceiieiy banked the al tar ang enlianced the green mo tif 01 tlie sanctuary. Jalin 'Jerry DiKiri ■ cscorte l his daii.ghler to the altar and gave her in marria;;e. Tlie hit e’s we.ldi.ig gnw’n w’as ,i tie ir il wliite organza >.er taffeta A-lined dress w. ii sweetheart lie. khi.e and short Alen.’on la a sleevi-s. Tiio bodice was of matching late vvilii a;.;'lit|ues of la?e .and seed pearls. 'Tiie dctac.balile tr in was on:iince<| witii l-aje and seed pearl rppliti'.e. Her formal-len.gth -M ntiila wa.s edgttl in matching Alencon lace and she carried a bouiiuet of w’hite garza ‘cliry- santhemiims. .Miss Frances Aileen Dilling, who altentled her sister as maid of honor, wore long, light blue ■and white formal with a natural waistlice. A matching blue tTTTT’mod - t-fib fongsb'eved. full- skirted gown with a stjuare net'k- line and a txiw of pearls en hancing the bodice, Slie carried a long-stemmed red roses. were .Mrs. Dou- S t .invreive .'irrter of n ilei.fh, YIrs. Kohert Eu ene Hill of t’..iy,> Miss Millie Wilmoth Wrenn of Coiitinui d On Pn Tr-o Miss Linda Louise Koherts and Edward Kay Tull ni e:v. iianged wedding Sun ay in a 1 p. m. candie ccrc.-.-.ony in Kings Mountain Baptist church. Kev. iM. \.,idei, minis ter of the thureh, ofticiaioi, is- ing tlie dou-iie-rin.g -servi.e. Traditional seven branched can’ d<‘l.i:,ra were u.scd to ..iini an arcli at the altar. Kra.'s tree can- delab. a weie used on ( ish side. T.he prayer bencii tompieted tiie setiing with tliree can.les ii.sed «; 1 it and the candle servite in elude t in tiie rhual. t’andU’s and p.i’ provided a b.ickgrouiui. In t ie'.iuie a m iss arrange ments of white giad.s, muni.-; and dji.'ies were used in a si.vci- urn. 'Include , in .Mrs. J. C. Dridgc.s’ prog: am U' organ rr.tsic were •’Andante Keligiosn” by Tlio:ne; Karii’s”>f I'hi a .\it .\eai”; ”.lesu Joy oi Man’s IXtsiring and "Ari so’; ' Wed liii'; I'ra.vcr ’ r,y D . il ia; ‘'l.p .\ \Vi d Jfo. ’’ hv M ’'..I’.v- e^lT’"D If! feet 1.0.1’" by Bar.’.liy and tile procession.d: "Truiniiet i’tr.e’’ by Purcell and ‘’Bridal Choius” from ’’Lohengri'n” iiy A net’ and the reiessional "PsaJm Xl'^’ bv Mafiello. Eugene Koss Kolierts escorted h . a.i.l'VlI' 1’ i J l,,.‘ ,,,,.11 a. gave her in p’.irrt ■ .e. 'I l;e lir o ' w.c’e a form’d ;-"wn of .-a’k oi- gan-'a r.r,: imtxu’ie.l pe-’n d’,.\’."e la-.’C posed over taffeta. The e.iipir ’ hi e i„id.,e wa.s actent- fd wi li iracerie; of pearls and niiklini’ with brng .si,'eves en- han.’cd b.v deei> ace cuffs and the .\dm .skirt, enhanced with .side p;inel,- oi Ittce scallops, had back which dippi-d to a Chapel tr.iin. Her foiin-ji len.gin n.a/i- tilla ’veil of impmted English tulle v,a.s bordered with match ing peaii d lace scallops and caugiit to a .s.-nall lace camc- lut . ap. she carried a white lace- cav”! ,‘d Eihle t ipjx’.l with a cas- ,adi‘ 1)0. juet of daisies and Irii.v’s hre.ith centeied with an oi ciiid. Ml.', .’■’cm II. Houston of Fay- eitcviik’, l ii.’.er •>! tiie bride, ’an 1 .Mr;:. Jay w. J'owcil of .Siielh.y wcie m.iir .'I’s '■[ honor, r.rides- ih.ii.'..s wen- Miss Keta flcbecca Piiilcr Id Kock Hill, ti. IC., cou.sin of the bride; .Miss Cecelia Ann Tail.mi of Fi.pence, S. C., sisters of tiie laideg.’oom; Miss Donna Lynn M,)rg,’n of -Sumter, .S. C., .Mis-; Vicki Th imas of Jefferson and Mi.vs Xancy Craig Brice of Belmont. ..Ml li.e attendants wore ecu- lelte.s of m.’.ize siik chiffon fasli , ’ c.l -.vit 1 ’iii'.ii .’ici Ivlir.e finished V. .Ill band of white V'enisc’dai.sies w.ih m.iizi’ centers whb.h e.\- tded down the from 'hot. ice and i: el tile raise,! waistline. ’I’iic full sleeves lu.d cuffs of the full flow- softly sliiired 1 lii’.v carried C.IS ade; ,,i ■ b,.’.s lireath. 1 d’’.c-1te ;K. I’crt.s, ni''.’'’ bi’idi’. w’-ns flo’.ver girl. F raley Memorial Baptist chure! umn skirt had a plain front jian- of Gastonia provided the setting ei wiin unpie.s.sed pleats .start- Saturday for a 4 p.m. double-ring ing at tlie hiplino and extending ceremony uniting Miss Teresa across t'le back. A self oiw ac- Jordan and George Sydney’ eentcd tlie back waistline. .She Carpenter in marriage. The c.atiale oledged vews be fore tlie Rev. Leon 'Nicholson. Mis. J(X) Bumgardner was or- carried a triiditional bouguet of white Killian <1 lisies a,, anted Willi miniature iv.v. Tito bi'idcgroom's father was ganist anti sMis. Bob .Mc.N’ew was man. D.ivi 1 C : g.c iicr .i soloist for (lie program of nup tial music. Tiie bride, given in marriage b.v her fa:her, w-i”.o a forrnal gown of Ori.ginai in can- iliei in satin and im,ported pcau d ango lave. .Siylej along "mpire li:ics, the lace 'bodice fcature.l a .-liecr yoke outlinetl wi’h kice m tifs ami a high neckline. Long sleeves had lace inserts from sliruilder t , wrist and ending in {xiinls ov,"!’ the hands. Gnr'.ands of lace extended down eacii side of the skirt with i deep hot er cf l:v,e f:om hips t,a hemline, i'earl and cr.vstal lieads were Jav- isiil’/ ombroidered on the bodice. iVed i:’’:il'Tes Kin tv .M’; n.sliered with David of Dallas. After a trip f) Gat'ir.l- rg. Ten’ nossee tlie newlywttis wi.l be at home in D.iilas. Mr. and Mrs. \v. ..\ J-irik.n of G.istoni.i are parents of the In i'le. A graduate of Ilnl’ ’ k school and Gasli.m college she is emnl.iyed by the U, .S. Depart- me;it of A'.riculture, .-X.-’B.-l, in li'.a . ,1:114 k.ce and , i ■:!l 'i it’i was t) ihe v.aisijine. tan-siuini'd e 1,1 i w'ii*’,’ i! 1;;!-*s anti :■ Vivi. of I lie Siie,’ m.ii.’e thifaii in iiar si.viii'g to Ihe athilt attend ants and c.irried a ha.kot of white dairies ant! 'lab.v’s breatli. I’ai ti ipatin.g in the wed'iin ■ as Contiiiiud On Paje Tiro .Mereliani .Ma rinos. he joint’d the Police ftii’ce in Gttsloni.^ ami li*)Ids mem bership in the last on County i''s A Boy He.’ .'hapel length mantill'a t)f .’1 ’dlc’i'ght imnorted English il- ion w as held by a satin came- lat r.ip en- rnsted with pearls. Isl'.e carrit I in all-whi'e b nttpiet of. r.iscs, sleplrtnolis, slirhuist elii ysantliemums witii miniature Fo' Family iv;- and ealatlium leaves. .’'Ir. and Mrs. Mar-lial! Gass f>f 3)1 Manor Roa 1 announce the .’M ss Paula Brown of Gastonia arrival ,.f a • n, Ciia,l .•Steii-heji .alte - etl the liri.le as ni.aitl of <>,1 j„;;o isi. cievelaiiti '.Me-’ h’ln.ii’ anti only cittendant. Slie memo: i.i! ll’sphal in Slielh.v ' ware a formal gown of green GramlpiB-enls are .Mr. iiul Mrs star saki wirli sltH’ empl.i-e Fretl ('nailer of Kings .Miiinilain b-idi.'-e reilui’ing a hii-ii neckline aiii .Mrs. Lillian ^tas.s of Whit- ■Witii narrow roil collar The col- tier. Debbie Br v.n Plans In Europe Debbie Brown, daugh ter of Mr, and M^s. Bill H. B.'ov/n, wi.l leave June 29 to ‘-...J’/ at the t-taos- oy In tit^irc in London, E:’. 'o’ ■ i-T the somn'or :‘’::,1 ■abroad v'l c'y Do-,i. -n, In- • i ' k' - cLard:’ i:”' - ■ rc':--, c,:-.. ■/ f’ in A, ■< ■ - )t :n • -.•■j . i _ wnich she was named to Lie [' II’’:, Lilt, L,;.. Crc'.’.'n is foll.-'vii’.rj a tv/o-ycar curriculum of stud’/ c.’','.b: i.-.i :j f a a. of tho Fashion Industry, T.c"o Tr.a ct::'t.:i ot heioo Ctj Lure and merchandising • ■’ c ■ ’’d.: ’k.v;, a:’d p" ilogi’cphy. Cy’.'/ J'ay King, I' ;’ ’Cl M.’. and Mrs. l’:i 1 '''--n, re'ebreted her si.sth birthday Sunday at a family party at her i'one at 206 North Rox- ■ ■■1 ’cad. Chri’ify v/as born on F.aihor's Day June 20, 1965. Her grandparents a-e Mr. and Mrs. C. B. IC"" of ."-ir^-s Mountain and Vlr. and ^'''‘s. Waiter D. Gi’cene of Shelby. She has two older sisters, Debbie and Sherrie King. Her birthday cake was -n doii cake decorated In a Oiue d’ess aiid trimmed with red rcsos. Tho cake was served wbh i-.e cream and party refreshments. Tirnmy and Kacy Plonk wofe present to help cele brate C.hriby's birthday. 'rill* ■nrifU*'.'^nKHTi is ilio son of ?Tr. :v- Mfs. K’;rrnT:T’ ]i_ Ciirprn- yicuinai:!. ' ii-' it- tcnacnl .^l a p d ro ’cd .v;r a p-'ic; lunch. T'-.-v C'”- : R.- T- harcks a’j’ Vi'iHinn Mary E'-L-'s ir P:- e'-e R.- •: •hardL. O,"’ iri'* U' k & 1 i ^ cc’z.n.dp.^ror'i-j 3,-0 Mr. a’\d M.-s. Lewis Api:z::o of East H.nven. Mary E.Sie s great grandmother Is Mrs. Cordio G’ant cf Spa.'tanburq, S. C. I- . I' MISS LORETTA PAULETTE HOWELL ' (Bride-Elei t of Thomas Du us’y Gardner} Miss Loretta Howell, Thomas D, Gardner Give Plans For Their July 17 Wedding 'em SlCT'ON b Lisa Cline In ReciHl THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN N C, Thursday, June 24. 1971 " Si. Matihew's Lutheran Church Setting For Hudson-Alien Nuptials On Sunday M l> Mrs. Minnie Howell of Kings Mountain, announce.s the engage, meni of her (laughI('i’, Dirella IMuletle, to riiomas Deavey Gard- lU I’. Tlie bride-ch'ct, daughter of Mrs. Howell and the late Paul Roger Howell, i.s a 19G7 graduale of Burn.s high schotil and a 1971 graduate of Winston-Salt'm State University, where she reccivi’d a 'BfS. degri-e in Early ChikiiiiKid taiucalion. This fall, the bride- cicet will be employed by tlie Cleveland County Board of Edu cation. Tlu' prtfciptX’tiv’c bridt’grcKim, .son (f W'llki’r Garner of Charlotle and the late Mrs. flardncr, .i.<: a 1961 graduate of Compact high s.’hcol in Kings .Mountain and a graduate ot Bull City Barber Col lege in Durham. He is employed tiy Coo’ve’.s Barber Shop and Car- I Hna rhruwing Company in Kings -Mauntain. Washington Baptist ehur,"h will be Ihe setiing for the July 17 wedding. 'Lisa t'li’ie. gr’Uddanghlcr ef .Ml’, a’ 'Ml':’. I iiilti’f r..’nni'i: ifd 'Mr. ar<| Mr.-. R v Cline ol r'""- Moutilai’i, paiti.’ii’iati’d i.a in'.- Follies 1971" of tiie Jan'- .oii’h,),)! of Dlllve June ."'I’l at Sl.'ll p. -e. in Tlariell.a Ga. Iiigh svliool aiidi- lorium. Miss Cline is 10 and d ’n,;liten of IMr. a d Ml’S. luirry Cline of Smyrna, C.a. ' 0 Lisa w i’i fe’liir.'d in ’ .M X.- n ara Baiirl” and '’Cisleii;'’ d nn;; tlie .siiow. li's iK'oii a dance pupil for several yens. Mr. a-id Mrs. Ib'nnotl went |a M'liella fir tho program and from Marietta .Mr. Cen.netl went to I.aiko Jun.iluska where ho was a dele’ate to Conferenv’O from Grace United MeUiixlist diureli. LISA CLINE •St. Matthew’s Lulheran chtir'ii was the setiing Sunday at IJi.T.'l for the v,'('(lding of Mrs. Shirley !I ►usor Hud.-on and Irvin .\I. Al- ’en, Jr. Tile couple pledged wod iing v.nvs before the Rev. Cliarit’s E.isly in the presence of heir immdiaU' f.amilies i.Miss l.aiura Ann Hudson was h('r .mother’s maid of honor and oti'Ii^ aliteiidant. T’le hrale and bridegro.xm oame lo l ie altar loge’her. Tho bride wore a liglil blue jackol dross wi nialrbing aeoo.ssories and a royal bou(|uol orchid at her shoulder. After the ceremonv the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. HoiL-er, were hosts at a fam ily lunehcun at Kings Mountain rp> Woman’s ikib. ■ lieon l■^hle.- \v<’re ovorlaid vvilii I'-i'ic green ta ili'.-lolhs an I clo.’orit.’d with ma ooaiis, Hollos- of Ireland ard .'■iiapdriig.tns. .Mrs. Leo .'L’lalyro. sister of liio hii'io out the throo-tior linio green an.l while wod iing rake and sorvad tlie lake with ice oii’r.-r Daiighlor of Mr. an ii:c Bea'li, S. i'. and .\ags He.ail Mr. and Mrs. .Al len will lie at home at Oil Cres cent Circle. Mir.iniJa Jean Robln- r; n, d ri.'htGr of Mr. and k ir'’. T’lr'my Robinson of ■ MS BeeC' sireef, Hazal- - wood, nn'obrai’cd her fL‘A,i4 fi-vi L’r ’tday Saf.’rdoy, ... Ju; .J I9:h, A i-.’- ’idoy parfy ".'.as # 1 fSL ^ '''5* j ’ , bi ':i:L=’.-/ r^’i.o was cut aP'd se’vi'd wiih party re- f.’eshnaents. Younn MI'ts Robinson Is granddaughter of Mrs. Clarence Elgin and the late Mr. Elgin of Kings Mounrain a"d of Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson of Har'i’lwood, N. C. Her groaf-qrandparenfs are Mrs. Henry Bc'p-ett ani’f the '.ite Mr. Bennett a:’'d cf the la’'’e Mr. an dMrs. Walter E' In and Mrs. Ben Mathis ard the I'r.’e k.'r. a.’: i M'g:. Thc.'as Robinson of H.igciwooda Miranda's nolh ■ ’’ ■‘hf’ f.srmer Jean Eiv’iii. rT’DF’-' rCT HONORFO ! ’’ da R ! ' , bridc-eicct, was honored at f V.'O .'a.T i i: ■ ■ ' ) 't week. '•'■. -.rd Ja-'k W.hilo, N'L, ard KRs. Lewis r* - ji’H k'’’, .-nci k'-s. T-na Take honored Miss P -'■‘■'^s '"d h-r fLi"'--’' Rav Ta'Ion. at a cookout at ■II/- T '.V h*’ ’.’ on S!iarv/ocd Lane. The 24 guests were fam h/ I ' mbo'-s. A Pi'i- Pr^o-r. theme was tna+iired in the .-I irgC.-jnc F>| -taiak^c w.’-e ov'ia-kald with blue ■ nd . '.i'.a 1 heol; f-k-stkx ind d -n-.-a'-ed with hurricane ’ ip-. 4’’.;) h!i’’fet ■‘.ibh'' held t';"’’’-. wa‘o'’melon, honey- dew roi' ’"d .i-’.^nes o'- tho cen*’e’’p’er''’. Harrburoe."s v.'C’io grill'd and servc'd wil!’’ acces"'’’’os. The br’.d’'-ele'-t, v.'ho v'e-o a mu t’l-’.a'-lnk i'.:’’nosul't', was la’-f''..'"n-i-ed ■’ ^-’ndi’" "'"k tr'am the hf-sf eei;ni,as. Mrs. R.a'' T.ailcn of Flo-en^e, S. C., mofho'’ of the b:’Idogrcom-to-bo, ortertalped at a rehearsal dinner CONTINULD ON PAGE TU'O