p I ' h *■ II THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Thursday. July li State Has Made Much Progress In Programs For Exceptional Kids WELFAItK HEFOIIM The only ball pen you'll ever want.. now with the only calendar you'll ever need I Perpetual Calendar Jotter ball pen. It's a Parker Writes better months longer—three times longer than the ordinary bailpoint. 4c Calendar can be set for any month... past, present or future. $2.95 ^ THE PAMCEK PEN COMPANY Kings Mountain Drag Company La^vt week, llip Ilou.se of Rep- resentative.s passed one of the most Inp'tlty and complex pieces of U'yislation to come iM'foie the CoiiKrcss tihis year. H. H. 1, So. l ial .SOiuiity and Family Assist ance Amendments of 1971, is lan intriciite hill en.ompa s s i n health, Social Securily, and wel- fan* proktstnis' Hecausct of Us imijoriiince, there was <i o.-cat loiil of .serious dehate coiuern- ino the hill, patticuliil'ly the eontroversial Title IV, the wel- fail* I ('form pr. posal. The wel- fan* (lueslion thus lx*came Ihe fo. cal issue i lion vvhiih final pass. :,!,>(■ of the l(';isl'alion was httsed. T'he (|uestion at issue was not whether the pie.sent welfare .sys. lem rie(‘rs to he replaced, as there is little distipreemenl that the pre.s<*nt system is chaotic, exces. sively (ostly, and hiKhly waste- iLil. In iiddition, in the many years it has been in o|X“ration, it it has failed lo aecomiilish ils puriio.se of moving pc'ople out of the poverty level and has only resulted in an verincreasing numher of people on flic welfar rolls. In fact, there is little in the bill lliat has been changed from the Faimily Assistance Plan pa.s.scd 'by the Ilo'.se of Representatives last year, which 1 opposcij lliat lime I The deliale on t'he welfaie (pro posal centered around the pro vision of a gu.Tnanleed annual in come. Tills principle, in my opi ion, is highly (|Ucstion;ible anti I have been vigorously o-;: posed to its passage. Under this progr.am, a family of four would receive an incomc'gua ranteed by the Federal .^overnmt'nt ol $2,11)0 pt'r year. A family of eight -would re ceive .$.3,900 per year. To bo ell- gillie, a family couM not have re- ' sources valued at more than $!,■ 1.30'), not including the ownership ! of a home and personal proper ty. It was argued during the de- hate on the hill that, taking into account all the allowable deduc tions, some 'amilies could earn i more than $(),000 per year and still receive welfare 'assistance. 'VV'hen the guaranlee.i income fature was first discussed in the past Congress, it contained pro- I vision lor $1,GOO per year for a I lamily of lour. This year, the ' figure has risen to $2,-100. Al- reul.iy, welfare lobby groups are talking ota guaranteed annual income of $.3,000 per year It is dilficult to sec just how tar tliis ' es-calation could go at a time when existing welfare costs have , hrougl'.l m.tny stale and local governments to the brink of banki uplej. I training for those who are em- I ploy-ihie and job placement for those who are unemployed. Tlie I nand up'- instead of the “hand I out” should be the 'way to help those citizens in need. ' Firemen Set luly 3 Events Gantt Finishes Repair Course In order lo provide welfare re- form that is effective, I 'feel tliat we must get awtiy from the stig ma ot a guaranteed ann.al in come. We must provide Ihe m< ans to help people to help the.Tt- s(*lves, to train tor a job and be lome gainfully employed. We must provide motivation for peo ple lob ecome self-suppnrling ralher than a burden on the tax payer. The guaranteed income principle, I feel, will encourage iho.se on welfare to look to Con gress for future income increases. Instead of I his ajrproach, I feel the emphasis shoul'l be on work j Unfortunately, the Ho.se did not have Ine opportunity, in dc- ! hating this measure, to make ’ aimciidments or substitutions in tile original pmpor.al. Under the titles of debate, there was no ici-.'am-e to offer a meaningful al ternative to Title IV, tile Fam ily Assistance Plan , as many , mern'oers were pi ejiared to do .so. The only vote w.as a “yes’’ or X “no" on the total bill. I hope that when (his measure is con sidered in the Senate, more op-por- tunityij lor revision will be pro- V ided. I The Oak Grove Volunteer Fire Department is having their an nual July 4l'h clebration at their ew fire building in t'he Oak Grove Community near -Kings Mountain, ' SatuiUay, July 3. A'BEiRDBEN PROVING G'ROU (AIHTNC) ABERDEESVf PROV- .ING G'ROU'NiD, Md.-JArmy Pri- ivlate E.ldle F. Gantt, 18, son of I Mr. and iMrs. James E. Gantt, -100 N. Battleground Road, Kings Mountain, N. C.. recently com- j pleted a 14-iweek automotive re pair course at tlie U. S. Army Ordnance Center and Stahool, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. 'During tlie couirse, he was trained in the maintenance and I'ojiair of wlieeled and tracked ye- rlcle engines anij attcessories, I powrirain units apd chassis com- ponenls. The following activities will he taking place ’uly 3, begin ning at 10 o'clock until— 1. All day barbecue. 1 2. (Pony rides, greasy pole i'climb. j 3.—^Greased pJ; cha.se for chil- I dren under 13 years o'! age. I (k'finilely feel that the Fed- 4.—Dunking machine. ei-itl government should take the , 5. Crowning of the little King and O-een o ft lie fire depart- lead in provkil.-.g refoim of the welfare system. However, I also I e.-IGospel singing at 7 featur- feel strongly tlvat the step (ak- ing the 'Hamptons of Blacksburg, on by the Ilouse la.st week was,S, C. and the CalYary Quartet j of Spartanburg, S. C. SINUS SUFFERERS HiTe’s gotKl nevv8 for you! E.M'lusivc now “hard core” SYNA* c-KAu ua'"r,;;;,.nriy Ili-aln and deal' all na»al-alnus cavliu-ii. One hauls iri. lami mv.-s yiiu up >1 8 hours lelk'I Iroin pain ami tfivt's you up »;» » n«»ujs rcnci jumh pm.. - Allows ytiu to luonlhe easily iTHi^r nose. Y.hi can buy SYNA-ri.KAR AT MNf.S MOlUTAlN DKl G CO. without nt'Ctl for a prescription. Sutisracllun guaranteed by maker. Try U today! Kings Mtn. Drug. Introductory Oder Worth Cut out thU od—take to store liPed. Purchoso one pock of SYNA CLEAR 17‘t ond rnreJyo one morw SVNA.riFAR 12-Pnrkfree. in the wrong direction. HERALD CLASSIHED ADS PAY Th teal c|ucslion to he d(*ci(le(l , liy the House was wlielher the , welfaie cluinges emho'lid in It. R. 1 iirovide the reforms necessary lo move people from tK'in.g wel fare reeipienis to being job holders and t'axjiayei's. In my oiiinion, this plan would fail to aeeompli.s'h this purpose. It would, at Ihe out.set, add more than 10 million people to the wel fare rolls and increase program cosl.s tjy more than $5 billion. In addition, there are no safeguards in llie bill lo prevent ithe con tinual increase of welfare costs. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY MR. RUSINESS MAN! Does Your Firm Need A High Quality Aerial Photo For Display Advertisement or Any Other Purpose? If so. Contact: LEM R. LYNCH. PHOTOGRAPHER Shelby 482-6626 WE DO ALL TYPES OF PHOTOGRAPHY Shop Ahead & Save This Store Will Bo Closed Monday » I Prices in (his od effective through July 3rd. KINGS MOUNTAIN See o Porode. or perhop* a Fireworks DIsploy? A hockyord borbecue? However you celebrote we hope it will be o glorious 4th. We think lots of folks will be picnicking. We've onticipoted their needs. Our shelves ore stocked with everything to moke o picnic perfect. Here's the best port: No mottcr what you buy, no matter who mokes it it A&P sells it, A&P guorontces it. We guorontee everything except the weather. We're sorry about that but we'll do this: With you we'll wish for o perfect day. Lots of us’ will be picnicking too! P.S.—Don't forget the con opener? Picnic Favorites! "Super-Ri^t" All Meet Better Meals Are Made With "'Super-Right'' Meats! ;^ “Super-Right” Quality 13-Lb. to 19-Lb. Average CSinoked Whole • Shonk Half ^ Ac •Sh<ink A QC or Butt Portion Portion gdCUV Ub. “fw '■b. Center Portion 89c ■ Center Slices 99c Franks 59c A&P Sliced Cooked Ham »'89c A&P Sliced Cooked Picnic '"65c "Super>Right'' Foncy Boneless Cooked Great With Breokfost Allgood Brand Sliced Bacon 55c • 5* *1"* Ik&P BrOnd. Dnlicafouen Dhiighfi ■ ■ < ' -j V * I-.'*■'* Froxon Sea Food, Buyi "Super-Right" Brond Froxen Chopped Beef Steak "Super<Right" Quolity Fresh 2 In A Bog Whole A&P Pimiento Spread A&P Chicken Salad A&P Potato Salad A&P Brond Cole Slow A&P Dill Pickles Cop'n Jehn't Flounder or Hoddoefc Calorie Watchers Dinners S9e Cop'x John's froton Breaded Fish Sticks Cop'n John's Frottn Ocean Perch Fillets Herald Want Ads Pay. LOOK WHAT 10c WILL BUY DURING A&P 10c SALE ryers 29 ^'Super-Right" Quolity Freshly Ground Beef 59 FLOUR & FROSTING MIXES > ADDINGS % suys White Lily Biscuit Mix ‘at 10c White Lily Cornbreod Mix •'.vr loc White Lily Corn Muffin Mix •'AT lOc White Lily Pancoke Mix •'A?' lOc Chorm Coke Mixes ‘iH 10c Chorm Fudge Brownie Mix loc Chorm Frosting Mix ’^Sm'**** 10c Charm Corn Muffin Mix ’wr 10c Charm Pancake & Biscuit Mix *'*.•■ 10c Jiffy Pancake Mixet lOc Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix •'Af- 10c Jiffy Biscuit Mixes 7f;. 10c Thompson Cornbread Mix tf;,- 10c Ann Page Pudding My-T-Finc Pudding Ann Page Lemon Pudding Ann Page ‘L.'m Gelatin FanibOS-For-Quality Groceries!® ■ A&P Pretzels: Mel-O-Bit Poitouriltd Prr'XOHoe AmerUon Cheese Slices SOFT DRINKS.A Jlijices . Shosta «*■ nT.**.'.? Drinks Liptons Iced Tea Mix V8 Vegetable Cocktail Sacromento Tomato Juice Campfire Marshmallows Ve” 25c Sunshine Sugar Wafers ',^1' 47c Ann Page Small Stuffed Olives ‘jt' 59c ill ///. v\\ III Nabisco Chips Ahoy Keebler Nabisco Toasteltes Cookies SAUCES & SAUCE MIXES aIISHTm Mushroom Sauce 'Vi'- lOc Chicken with tiSiST" •Vi- 10c A2!SuLa Chicken Grovy 'Vi- 10c juSSU Turkey Grovy ••a:- 10c Onion Sauce •Vi“ lOe AnJus & Brown Gravy lOc Arsl. Steok Sauce •Vi- 10c FEASTIC mixing spoon set * 10c ^romento Tomato Souce ■i; lOc A&P Brond Tomoto Sauce •if lOc Sfokely Tomoto Souce •i: lOc Piilsbury Souce Mixes lOc Down Steak Sauce 10c [ VEGETABLE VALUES 1 King Cole Cut Green Beans VL-- 10c King Cole “vtS-T Carrots 10c King Cole Green Peas ■i: lOc King Cote Peas w/Diced Carrots 1 VL' 10c King Cole Peas w/SMced Corrots 10c King Cole White Potatoes VS- 10c King Cole Mixed Vegetables '& 10c Piilsbury Pototoes •it 10c Phillips Pork & Beons in 'CHT Vt lOe lono Brand Green Peas •Vi- 10c Surfine Blockeye Peas •& 10c Ann Page Baked Beons «: lOc A&P Cut Green Beans lOc A&P Sliced Beets "AT 10c r PLASTIC & PAPER PRODUCTS 1 Kobeys Potato Sticks Filler Brand Bakorn Crisp Filler Brond Cheese Trix Filler Brand Tor-Tees Rye Krisp B.6.Q. SnaeVs ^SMIosty ML Olive , Fr..h Ko.h.r Dill Pick'« W • Cucumber ChH> • Homburjet Dill Cblpt n's—Fresh Produce! 69c , .Fir Cooking )lironderfoil ^tuminii.m Wrop 18”x25’ jfort 45c ^Cantaloupes Serve Chilled For Breakfost Honey Dews Tender Freeh Yellow Corn Mowlh Smeckina Watermelon California Secdlets White Grapes A&P Virginia Soiled Peanuts KIMBERLY CLARK PAPER A«»ort«4 Facial Ul'Ct. 2Qq •ur Wh<«< 28c Kleenex Ti».aa Pht. Shop A&P Far Sanitary Napklna Hiss Del) or Koter 45e sienderline V;5,'' 39c 3c 0(1 UNI an Print NiMnae j, o»( label an Oaap Calarad 32c

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