8. 1971 pay'^ 3-0 'Y“ :07 iztz 22. 1971 ‘■•hursclay, July 15. 1971 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Page 3 Freak During his hif;h sciliDol and If- hioii days during llu- late thii-- til's, Gi'iii' Gofarih had dreams of lilayiii'' ma,1(>r league basehall. And, thi)ii;^h he's not bia„',^ii;d 'mind you, tiie lanky Kings Mon;;- linn resident ti U he tiud what it took to go to tile top. But, like many other fine ball- jilayerf duiin:: his ilay, "vVorld \Var 11 eame along and interr'ipt- I d his eareer. file War, in fa-.t, is the very thing that kept Big Gene out of tile biggie.s. During his .se;'ond hitih of what am iiinleil to f iiir ainl oiie l.alf years in ,llie .\niiv. Gene had a freak aeeident at ',',11110 Kilwa..is. Ma.s.s., wl'.ere a triuk tran.seos- si.Ill fell en the slioillder of his IMiifling arm. "I (litin'i lliitik there was mneh to it 111 the time ’, says Gene, "bitl it turned out to be rmteli mure .veiiiats 'than 1 thought.” (fofnrth and a buddy vvere wiirking -in a triinsmission under- 1^1 neatii the Iritik when the aeei- dent oeeuried. V.'e hail it sitting ttp on a i i.'k," Gene re ■.alls, ''when a couple of hot-rudders etime by in .a .ie.'p and hit tlie handle of the jack and knoekid it oft.” Gene got Iris di.'hiT.'e f.'orn the Ar.niy in the fall in Hltu and flayed tla entire s .nson of ’ Id in I’-,, t. mouth, Va., before eallin;' it d'uit.-; in '17, lie was playing .service hall in Frai.ee when lie d' I'ce' -'il i i' wa-ii't wiiat lie u-ed to be. "I still felt liki' I e ;ulrl 'il iy F''ine I'.o’o all,” I'e said, "lint 1 ei.uMn’t tlirciv tlie hall tie.iu.r as ha' I as I use.'l t 'l.” Gof.irlli -signe.'l with the old G.'i t.mia ; I ’Jina!: in tile lute sunint;'.- of '.'Jf! a-'lc: playing high s ■■ -1 an 1 |i‘ -io.'i sail Itere. ■'I pitch''! !i dig.1,met; lot the .'arlinals .'lU'l 'vei t).).'i o! I'h .'e,” 111 sad, “thanl.'s to ll'r ;T0’ ba.'-ki’vr the team t'ave me. ’ G;.:rih ;;.la'-( fl ih.- ni" ; v-'t '.vith the l.emdr Beds but wetit ini.) tile Army in the tali of 'd'l. ■'i got nut of tile Army in Sep temper ot 11 ami the next .spring I went down to .Macon lor .spri.ig Iraming. I wtis signed and a,s- .si ,■l,•,d t.) Winnipi ;, Canada,” . iei'e rlljiyi .l !ii.; lie.st year al Wiiri.i.e, ■'iliat’s where I played undei : i;uit'.."er I ever had. I y Pi.fia,” 'u .-rid. "I liara-d ■: or. :ia , ■•til uinh'r that m.in t ':t'; any.; ..ly 1 was: ever a;,.e; '''1- I't ■.•.llh, "i iiad a •■■■e'ly goal se.as m the ' h. eoiithiued, ■'iuid ley P |■.^;■lll I vva.s a pi'Ply giaai ma- j I' . 1.1 pri ,;a i " Ih't til It ftll, fl 'ne W't-' d-et'. I ba.mto th ' Ainiy aii.d didn i r'tii.p. to pro iiiill ijiilil ’dO. . .."I'd a:Is. the a ai.li'.-u which ruined hi., -.liouliier. VVlien lie ranii- back home, liis '' 'itra t i.i I .11 '1 dd ' ..'.■Ti Win- .e. I i' isr 11 h, V.i . .1, • it - 1 ' ' ■. ■■ . I.- I ’ue. If: s arm fr Kept Gene Out Of Majors ''/.T ‘ \ . FleeliSct Fes Bitke Ti'cicb Dl .Vsl. C. — Name f'jur v*C) .• 1 df ylran;;. PoicnT, • clynamiv* unci mUh- # * . r ' .. V - . Hi LOOKING OVER PAST — Gene Goforth of Kings Mountcrin locl-rs over some old pictures and clippings here and recalls his days as a professional baseball player. A ireak Army accident ruined Goferth's pitching arm and liis chances of bacc.ning a hij league pitcher. Lenoir Rhyne To Flay Davidson At Fiirmasi llirKOKY — Lenoir I’hyne Col- le';(' inis entered into long-tiTiii fo'.lliall eontiacis lo iilay doutli- ern ('oiifereiii'e teams Diivid) in iind Furiimn, actsnding lo head 11,aril an,I alliklic diiveloi Han ley Painter. The Bears also will play a 10- game .schedule I'li.s kill, intdu.iiiig .-•i.x ga'Hie.s in llick.iry, lii' .sai l. Winslen-Sulcm Stale will be on tlie ken lir liliyne siale for the first time. Painler .said lii.s slalf lia.s had a banner reiritilin.!; year in ptep- uralion for meeling Davidson al home in lliTJ and wifli botli teams in ItfTB. Furman, vvdi.di will reitlaee Winston-Salem Slate in liJT.'i, al.so iday.s thi' first game with tile Bears in Hickory. Tile adililion of Dav idson to the Lenoir llhyiK' seliedule in('r<'ase.i the number of opponents to 11 vnd erases un ojien date in tlio Beans’ 1971 slate, lie said. The college also is negilialin.g lo re- s.'hedule Western Carolina in the ne.'ir future. FieddieSmsfh Winner Again At Carolina FTeddie .‘smith of Kings Moim- lain eontinued lo r;uk uj) wins ot Carolina .speedway, edging Haywuo.I Plyler of Kannapolis in a trt meiuk.u.s bailie Friday night In the Ill-lap Late .Model Sports man liiee. .Smilh led the first fogf'^ap.s, hi fore I’lyler fooJt over and le.d imlil lltp 2.5th lap. Then Smilh eased aliead and look tlie check ered flag. Plyler and Smilh split llie two 10 lap Iti'al liifes. In llie 2.5 lap holihy race. J. ( . Hiim'pliries won in .5(1 Ford, fol- lowe.i by I’roy Safril of Concord. Kadi driver won one of Hie heal raei'.s. In well over liilf of afl .and dt'iils Involving a molorcvde and 'a ear, the open.'ito-r of tlie c.if is lal fauH'—ttsu iliy he..ausc lie did not {>ee tliu inolureyelo. The Bears open file 1971 .season ui'.li mni-ionfaie.ue oi)j)i,neats GarJai 1 Wdi.a an 1 '.Voff >1,1 in 11 ilk ay on Fept. 11 :in I fie,)!. 19 bef.xc 1 r.ivel.n:; to ('rinlon. F. n.i f.i. c dell liiiin;; C.iaiiin.’-a . i.l- ference ehampion Frwbytci'kin on Si;... 2.5. .N'.cu’ocrry, anntli'.- conference foe, \i-siis nil Itory on 0-. i. 2 :i';,i liia Beat's mi ef '-riva I la.Ilian Ftaie, v.ii.ii recently j lin e.l Ihc s-leotliern reace, in Boone on Oet, 9. Guilford enl. icaicis. I.eaair Rliv.n ! in a eonfeiencc gtene in Gre."'-:. b.no on Gtl. Hi, then Ihi' Peacs ■ ;!i t a week o.T before Journ.gying lo Jefforson f'i'y, I'enii., I;,r a non-Ii-ague biiltle witli perennial- , ly sliong Carson-Kcwnun on Od. : 311. Tile Bears wrjij) up It'e soa-s-on. ' with \Vin.<ton-Fale,n Friite an.! Carolinos Confereiico rivals Fl-n; iind riataw ba in Hick iry on Koc. (), 13 ;ind 2!). All It .me .g.tmes begin al S n. m., except Hte Homoeoming date ' with Ivlon which .sltirts al 2 p.m Stewarl's .Men CoKfeciCd 'F'encfal riles for J.ancs Ress i Slcw.ii t, Jr., IS, of Hesse,r-.T C.iv, if.innierly of Kings .Mounte.ln. ■ere h. ' 1 Wedn .y ;ij .[ p, rn. from Gamble Hill Baprici cliiii i ’i. in eriv.ctii ioiiowing ia .\Ioumaiii ; iic .t t. tr.e’.ery. I ■',ir. Ftcwari ied ;il 7:2.5 a. m. j fdonday in lltc Veter.ni's Admin- jislrati.m liospiial i-i .Saii.sburv. i A i .ilivc of Ciierokee .County, F. C., he was .son o', Hie :a:e J.uues U. and L.fiio T.ater F'ew arl and a re ired ;,.a f .-.'igcunt I V. ilii the U. S. .-Xir !■ m'ce. : life i survived by i-Js w i.s, Mrs ,Veni M l.'triis .':'..->vc.ri; live ■ daif iiH . s, .Mi.sse.i K t;hy, 'Gear- :';i tiria, Hedty. Ci.uildie and j.,yn:t :'iow;nt of fee Icc.ie; o':c i. ter, .Mrs. I'lhi'!.' r .. i iier City; one in .-iiier. ,loim S'c.v- at'l of IP”ide' • e'J'.. |\v,, iia : cr di'.i"s, c, -c' ,rg ; m'i ,m ..t Glenn F'lirin',.; ' ,l;;a os I.nii- ani of Ifen' or on\:l,’o 'K;'v. fletio Fr.idv and Ilev. 11. C Franks orficiaied ui li.e final I riles. .1 I ,e f ce: war.-ls and ad.l rx ■ I -I an 1 y-u l ave the Pan 0.1.\ fnternai;■ nal 'ria''k .s -.1. .1 hole k.iy IC tii.d IV i !I. oiii.linn ,11 l.ake place in Dal e Univi-rsity's Wail,ace i iVa.Ii .Madili.-n witidi will .‘■(at ■ll.li.k'. I The ..'Uhl ring cl a'hle'e.s will; re-c-.s. Ill m ' p I'.vx lul s: o'l ■ coni.a'n nl e. cr t > perf irm in ' No:! 1 . '’.r .il.n.i. A.- . rcr.- \ track and hel.l c';p-n - iur,( In " tl loi Am.'r:.'un ' • rn a ■ t!;c ■' .Ir -t' ■ a . I',,,.,-',:-,! the United f-'t a ■ es. j i ■; .xf..'.'m f. rnn wil’n three 01. I . Ml 1 ■ — Ken- ' I -I - . - a- e iin.i .'Xm IS end Uin;s,is M;:.ji.i.T!e:l (.ace; ■.•:k, — mark-- he ;ir:-i lirn.,- that sucii a 'grou;) has ef/mpeieo imde: ■ .. ie- .-'c: .if the Su;ce:ne Cenn'il .‘•'jioit lor .Xlriia. IIcv. 'ic -,' K- t.ie L’.S. team th'it will cr.-rtiele tigainst tile , .Xij i'. .n;.s? 1-air U..-S. 19(>S gold ' mi .'lali.-. ; did net make the squad. They were •e.ilen in ti’.e rii.-nl A.XU meet w.ri, it detided , 'die ts ■■: i. ! Tlie United F. ates team will in I elude t .vo worl.d N'cord li dder.-: I .Old one .V rli <■ ■ n 'oi.t tH.lder. I .Rod Milbinn of .'ioutherii U.ii- • :.-lly p-sled a Id.'i- in Hie hi.-,o I Irar.lles t.i ia-e.nk the iire.-iou:-' ‘ lendco.-i .ly Ivvo-lenth.s of cne see lend. .N.'i til Caiolina Ciiitral Uni \er-i'y’sS Ran Driti.-r w.ll also I co'-n eti in the liighs. : UCL.X’.-i J..!m Cmitli. tap world’- ' nti'iiiier quarier niiler (14.5) ;ind ; iwc-'ime -XAF cli.anii>. and . Iriries ' fir! e.l ot flip U. S. .■Xrmy, po-h.ild- ■cr of fhe li; -\ar.l w.-.iil mark toil will h:' in Hk’ meet. Grppii will ccnipplo on Hip 'lOrl-.-nelPi fckiy .s/iiia'I. Tile Iii,' h jump and polo vault 'offer in,‘. resting mcasuiii-g sHck.-' I as to till' ralih-<' , ■' tilt' Pan i '■. ■ i i-U3.\ performers, j Tint .Vt'a.ili; C w C- ■■■nil'* tp.t-. il.s pole vault at 1.3 foot in I tile- . ii.inipionr’iip meet. Tiio bar w'll '-la t al li’ fri-; in .!u- Pan ! .'ifriva meet end cii in arc s era' p o-iicinan''- will "■; t. ''tB The i'.v) .■\nicriran enlrir.s. Jan ■ k-’ins -1 Ci-k; : ) .r:;uk c.c; .Dave R -rif, ef Rice Univo.-'-'ily. . Iiaie i; ;lii .'em over 17 fci't. Juiiii i -I n's b. si niai’ b-. 17-7'c. P.f berw. i till' lri’!'K’;,t vauDer for a left- 1,aac'.'. , Icare ; 17 3'_- in winninn lie s’A.X nie.'l several weeks a- loiitimied to give him trouble and III was thinking seriou.sly ot quit- ting. , "1 lia.l a fair season al Ports- inouHi” sai.l Gene, '-but I was liaviiig a lot of ,\rm trouble. I went to sjiring training at I’en.sa- e.ila. Fla,, the next year iind h.ol a pri 'ly gix .spring liaiiiing but dl i.lerl I . (juit. ’1 ■' d m> lelea'!" fn-m Ports- m lulli and .-ami- liaik iiome.” iie ■ nt.uucd. '11111 ! couldn’t stand •ilH' g aio'.iiul so I Went d'lwn to la. 1: Hill an | si.;m‘<l with Hie Cardi.ial larm eluh there. I pl.ty- cd ihi-ro until Ihe latter |iari of Hie se ison ail I then quit.” Gene e.-iti’l hel|) but believe that Hie .-Ximy accident ruitis-d liis clianei' at playing big league ilil'c'l.lll. ”1 believe I would have had a ; nrel'y :•■) I chance ha.l it not bee.i f ir that.” he says. ”ln ’!2, I lear.ied a to! of baseball under Ivy Grilfin. He lauglil me lio'vv to a Ii an,I I pn! .in siirni- wei'ght in Mifcii A k 1 ) a\id slijwuituli softliall i. ‘is wiio is the finest hit- ici i:i me in id and iii.ie ot them ■ ii .sty Ji.ai .Gall ).viiy of Conn- . .. .’s N. V. ’ .. i: , ;ly none of tfie.m will ■ 1 Jfe.i .'lit liem of Pharr I’arcis ill M onviile, Nk C. liui in a few ycnr.s, Hie r.iurcular 29- ■' a-. i! ■ .i.:,;s Mountain native •■'d e.T ,;y t,e ihe best. Mi'.i'lieni, better known for his •,.v...al ar-.iitie.-, is in only iiis le.o'Kl .vear as a Pharr ' 1 niei but he's rapid ly lioco.Ting on‘_‘ of the most- e ir.'d ii.t < r; in the game 1.3; ve.ir. his fir;.l season ■ e, ,gs -i sot:hall i)1.3yp;', his ':.■ r.i.ng bat helped le.3d the Kec-s to tile I:.d'islr:al national it;:" ir.sliip And, you can hot ’i i.; ve.ir's event is staged 'u V' 'k. Pa. ”ig Ken and the ‘.i.: If.'d Ma.)u..e will lie in the Hie serviee. ”1 liad always h;it' a real geod fa.-l ball,” lie added. "And wliile I was playing for Winnipi'g, I di'- veloped a prelly fair eurvehall.” VVliih' ill PortsmouHi Goforlli pl.'iy.i d iigainsl fellow.s tlial Di/zy Dean W'lulil call "pri'tly fair e.iuiilry hitter.s.” Gil il.),lge.s and Chuek Conners, who lal<'r irt'ide it big with Hie D dgers. were in Hie same league ali iig witli B)i) 1’orlc‘rfield, Virgil Flaleup, F'l'd Halfield, and oili er.'. Conn >r.s, of course, made it big as a movie ;ind television stai af:e.- quittiiig tiro lia.stball and Ifalfiel.l. after a eouple of yeans with Detroit. m:"te a name for liimself as baseball eoaeh al Fl .rid i State University. Gene played all three major .-;).)ct,s at Kings Mountain High -SeiKX)! but says the teams lieri' Hien didn’t exactly set Hie woods on fire. ”My freshman year,” he reeiills. ”\ve won the eonferenee eliamp- i-msliip in bii.sehall. riial leim had ill! oiit.sian ling gioup ot baseiall pltiyeis. hu-luiling Jake K.yly, '.luo later ma.Ie it big wfli Wasliinglon. Hot iifier Hi ll grouo left Me dklii'i liave a a liole lot ■ >f .iiitslaii.lipg iiktyer.s,” Gi ue (ris i.nei-.s with niait.x !);iseh.'ili toHowers who .say pliiv- ers aiett’t a.s go;.l as they used to he. ”K.ril;:|,i\ei's at.' getting ,‘.;‘lif every y.'.ii.” In s.iys. --riieC.-e just n.it fifii .tie.i .'IS Iliey iisei to l-e Most of tli<‘ super stars ii’i.i are l ioking for tin money. Bad; '.vhe:! I played, nco'a.ix ■.^■,'^.s■ all that i.-iteresled in money ho cause lliex' .lidn’t kpow alial .i w;is anywty. Tliej jit,t u.iitted ' play baseball. \ iw. s mie ol lit;- ho.vs that really lune a lit o! power Won’t jilay unle-s Hiey gel a labulous sum fur .signiirg.’’ G'.torlii says It... inieiest .in base...ill ll|..■t dei-line.l :i lot Hirnngb Hie .years. In fad, li- s more inle.’e.steU lU it every d.i.v. ”Ba .('ball lias al.iays liei". Hlc number one s;)orl lot me aiiii it .ikvay.s ‘.vill be,” lie says "1 siiH enjoy watching it. I li.slen I . Hie Brive- on r.idi , .i.i Hie lini" .mil I w.ileh naselnill on tel,. ... inn e.l ry fhao.e 1 gel. 111 of pe,;;i|.‘ say ')a~e',ril is diill.” be .'..nmuie.i, "ini; It's n ,i as .lull .'Is tliey in.i.k. lliey jus; deii’i iin(li','..ian,l it. ’■B.iselia I I's iusi hke fool nal] or any i''li('; sport. Vmi'ie i. .. e .it: ■ lo s.'c ,1 gooil ginie ('.I'ly time y 111 go .1111 tlii':<'. c.iil, in )i..'!i,ill, I'.en if it’s a slialiliy ganie, you II see .s'.'ne''o,ly g;v" ;in .luislar, i ing jierlorman. e. I in",''.; ;il<'t,l', ef actien in liaseti.ill i: ,i I'e.'.si.f, rtali/e.' bnu niiieb .iliilily it t ike I ti. pl.iy Itie earne.” flene. 111 coiir.se. .in a.: l lol lowci o; till local hi;tb s' "■ 'I aiiil le'gi-iti team. His son, I! - !:>, pili'!ie,l Kii. 's Mont,lain High i . the stall' 3 iianipion.-bip .; lew years ago. He a;i,i his wife, the t'.l'Cl otii- Jej.-inio f ); iniT F;iye .Mos-,. iiav' er i ll.1,1.en. Hi y e:ir ol,l ,ino IJ-vear-ol 1 !aii..'e. Go!.);ili say.s pr.) .'laseball hasn’t . It,11, ted a .\lioli' lul Hirough the y> ais Til;' li'tiins are still going for Hi, l.ii cer Oiiil;:I ly crs. espts'iuily Hi,, iiitclier.s.” lie say.s. ”Tney v. oat tile guy.s uho aie big and fast ■'ii.n k .Vilen I jilayi'd jjro ball, 1 .'.av. .1 1 ol small |)ili lier.s and .some ,)1 t.iem were re il oulsi ili.-l- in ' li. imu .1, ' Ifut mod of Hie .sin.ill Icllows can go out and in' -I whaie o. a cam-' I ir lonr '.r l.ve .nniiig.s ami tin'll lu.si '.rive -jal. ' ..lie ,I hell I pl.iyefl. they V tii'e t \"U I • >o rrino iiini :.'s. liny li. In i do too much pladon- .1,.'. 11 ;.':ey Hi u'll you e.ntld got .inyb.cly .'in. '.‘ley'd ki'op you out tla II for nin, innings. 11 you get into I"iUl)li', y.UM h;..! to p.tell vi. ur.sell lut of ,1 ” Noise J •Mi i.em has hit some shots, to say Hie least. lie ronsisteni- ly raps Hie .sofHiall well over 301) ieet a «; he's had some to meas ure clo.se 111 ICO. The longOi-l shot of his short ! areer came a aeek ago in Hie Lcuisviile Invitiinal Tounin- mi'nt, where he slammed or.e 100 lee:. However, it did not .go for ;i liome run. The Reds weie pl.iying in a baseball pnik and Ken’s sli'd bounced over Ihe centei'field fence for a gro,.nd' rule double. "I love soriiiall,” commetifs Hie Pan ..Xmerican basketbail staniloul. 'I liad never played any kin I of so, I ball hefore I j.iinr,-] Hie Reds but the sport is reall;.' r’r.iwing on me.” Mi'c'iem tirst became inter- ;“0ed in tin’ srofl Clitidmas be fore last when he received a let- ir Irom Doug .McDonald, Pharr V.'irns- manrigor. 'He -•1,(1 J,,, ir'UK.inHeierl ni,' ' from the iri.ght ] hit a h'.n;e ni'i over tlie liglns against Iris G.as- toni.i le-ion lea.n,” Ren leealls. ”H<‘ aske.i me if Id i,e inleie.s;. or! in Hyii'. mil f n- Hirteum lei.l ; wiMi him link .md ii.!', him I would. " .‘to, Whe.l K.lslel- h 1,1,;.., M.'iine aion.'g, .Mileiiem went l-i Mi-.Xden', .He lor a iry.iul and the rest is liislory, Ip. maiii' a lii-; imin'Ossion on .McDonald and other Pharr V'irn-. ofli. ials and j Red fans (-ouldn'l wait iim 1 tne "Hi,'; .'.lifl; ' joined Hie eluli, ' Ken piayo ulial am.-iU’-.ied to only live weeks with i.ist y.;.i'.-; eliil;. lie u.'t. .■ille,;d.ng -iinnnei ■ siho.ii at Pan Ameri, in ,'ii;,l w nild lly lo .M, ,\(|e.n].!,> |i,i to rn.'ini;'l;c-, After seif ,1. ho'.xcM'i. pe lie lame a i,‘:;ular a-i.l went on to sniasli ,50 liome runs in 15 games. at t; .limmv tollv. Par’ivs Xei.sler ar.,-1 ; David Noisier wan the sc'-ond I animal Kings Muun’ain Junior I Golf rr-u.-nament eh.'inipion.shi;),s I ai Hie KM Country Club Friday'. I ! .1 il!v, a sophomore b'lskelonil ; and .‘"'.'If staii;1oni al Kings M nin . ta’’! High, won Diiisian .\ wliu-li 'v.'is i .mnri.se,I of golfers 1-5 and fi.'i yea-s of age. i .Ill]-,' had a 54-li3le total of 2J\ four ever par. to -.vin bv a wale mar rill ■■■.or Seoll Neisler 'ind I Dennis Trout, wiio tied for -second 'Vith 259 scores. Jolly liad r.i'ind.s 0." 75, 7-! and 72. P.irks Noisier, a niemher o*' ;ni i Gr,,-!r-i Ra\' F.-h -ol golf team, j Wi n Divisi -n E 'wilb a .senre of ' '-d' He !':i i r, un is of 79. 70 ;in 1 ;'i7. To.mniy Tate e;iptured second pill'0 in Hie 13-14 age group with ! .s.-ore ol 25.5. I In Di'. ision C. fir golfers ages ^ ’f .''-'I 12. Davi.'l Meisler won b\' , e' (. stroke over his broHu'r. Rune '■'ciD ivT h.'irl a 27-hoIe to tal o. 137. while llano had a 13!:.. r!ri;-,'l p'aie ■.'•"nt ti Mike Havvire. wh'i y.li It a L5S. ' cilf .Mitiixm piaye.l very iillie l)';-;ei,all dur.ng liis li:" , : anil li'.'ion d.'iys. iR. i oci• it• el rriosily on basketball, stall in.,; .our \e,irs lor the It'd; ■•e.hooll.'.ini an,I l-i'iir; a me,-,, lier ol |\v.i e.nifeien.c el..mi pioie bi|) , ltd.s AHi'i lli 'll s. iiool, iie e.v.. :ei. Pan .A.'iv.'i,. :in .or v e- I iiinnl'‘I iw.) sc.rci and leliout; i e| on Hie lr:islim;in team tiieie. .■\s ,1 sophoninre Hiis pa-t ye.ii. Iiowever, lie saw liH;i' ;i.iini •mil lie, jiiie distI'cs.^ed "I in not liap, y al P.'m .Xmei .1 111,'' he - .ly "hui a t.'i a- I know I'.l 1.' Ii.uk till':,' ne.xi year. I \\ .ul'l soil i,i lit; to I: ar.-.ic 1 I,. |■,■in)olll .M.ee;.. .-'Otle li'.-. l lose Il,):ne ,md II;.' i.i it ■ ilO'il I oa' il. i; lb I lie ey. Il is taken ,,v<'l Hie eoa. liii.n p.i- sili.ni tiieu'. iMiie .i ni adiii.ls that s..|lle,il 1 lly icgii t.-in ; liasketli.iii Wilsen Eiikei Win lenijs Titles .■T'uiiu- S.lifirt. M(;n!y Wih in ■ \u \ MarK Kak('r aIJI rcprcscni M auit.iin in tiu' N<‘ith Faniliiia -Jayv’ccs .Iunif>r Tsn;nis r- iirnanii ni iji Hi'-krtry July 2n- They uon llin ri.Fil to vf-i -n I jsi vs< 4'k in t!u* Kin.'': Mount *i;i J'lNiiMN lunii'i- T’fUrnamcni at City Dark. Short A ' : iho till, in tho V and utuU r (iiv .-ion. iofoaiitin Tt . IN F'.ank.*; in th(‘ l.:inls. ti 1. 7 "i. Wil^dii .11 (i Kiki‘1 Ai'ii llip !•■ an.l LtnJrr tl iiil.U-s rrown liy tlo II a'iiu: Kim Bumjaf'l-wr a::’ Kiank- in tin- I a, ti-2, (i ' 'riK'rc A{'i(‘ no nntia's in tlio iS-a.'n) LIT lor hoys diN i-i’in an.I tin- !<>• ni(l-ur.ilnr .^irls dAi.'.ion. :!i;,;h iumacr Reyn.ildo Brown ' b;'.') :i 7-3'I he-'t lean. Brown. Cali- ' f rgi.-i Iiili-rnationiij d'.-nck Clul), W.3-, an C]ym;)i,' performer a.s'a ^ ' p-rn .star. Tile h.-ir wilt start -at i el'll!’;' OS or IMO t,;r the Diirh.'im ; nie-'t a,; i .ipipaied to a (10 .start ; ill the ACC. I One of the to;) .Xiiierican per- ; will 'be Dr. DeDn- .V,') i- .'I'e'iio;' '’oliimore Olyninie Clul), the sensation 'f Hie in.lir r si-.e - on. cl Iter e.intiniies lo IP,'ke ml field iePowc: t!’ko nr;;'. He I'.i l a wind ai led 9.0, 100 yard viit -rv in tlie .\AU .Meek The Bon Afii i-l ”.X I'-'‘i'rna- ! I;'.:’..l M'.'. I sviH be run with the . pn jisi.cn of :t finely liined wat;-!!. A’l events- r;i '!i d.iv will I),- fin ■ils. The meet will .start a! 4 p.m. i','i;''i d.'.y' and will last appro.xi- ; m:'!f''v lwo.an-!-'i-''')lf hoors. Men ' wiH e inpete in 17 events. I A pre.Tiu'r cn liev'"'' > ■,'■ —....i : will .al.so perform. The American ■ Women’s squad wHl meet a I ”'.V''ir]d le.ani” e )rn;)i;'e;i of 'Per- fetmen f.-oin C-n.'tda, Africa, ; .\u ';-.,lia, .Ni",v Tle.'iiand ;ind o'h- ■ er n-'-Hons. R'cven wnnen’.s cveiit-t ;u'■ on It"' ■ '’I'd'ite, Tile Ke:'!n-Bi','.cttoG.'iniou.-li trio ■ "'■•O' t')o fri.'.'ins, a powerful dis- t.'i’e'o .si- cw. l!:;i't r t-’.'in') is , rin!-';l Hie I" ) 1500 nielc" man I in ri'.o woi'!,l. J("'!i Loui.s Ravelo- i m-.inlsr,a fr.-iii ili.. 5’,ii-'e-, ipuble will iTK' entered in the 100 (CunlhiuLd till Puji I'uiirJ r-t Tile se-'.ynd .amiial Ki.'.;;.s 'I .,i!it in tuni'ir .golf lourii'amenl '.'.'is hold H'is past week at Kig.s Mou';l )in C '.n'llry club. DivisFin ..nd it’ ; ded'ivling Ci, i'i”''on)' ' ii.e.iv .tollv 'md P.irks Neis'er s-'!c- fully riefcndeil their eh'im- ■■■n-' 'rirs. -I-'i'ey «Iio V "m in n ■i!:.y '1 :i‘.;.'H';-t Mike .McDaniel ' :, l vra’', sl’.ei rx.'i'lleni r.-, tid.s r 55' 7' and 72 I'H' a .51-!iole ■ o' i! of 221. fn division A behind .k'By were Do'inis Trout and ’■ 'I 'iei- 'or a; 25!'. I-lob Maner lini-lied Hiiid n! 2,i0. In d'visi ,n ij p.nks N'eisler find .1 79, 79. aed ;i 77 for .3 tola! of 235. In so ond piaei' was T'.'.ni''' T,-)'.' al 255. T’-u-d - '' e was .tylnrod by Kevin Mc- i'lni;; nl .'’7.! a’i:l fourtli liy (Hiiy Ifewye at 2''9. Divisien (' proved to I-" Hie elo.ses; as Dn' id and ITavne .■'ie'.sb'r l--c!!le ; il lait. Davirl nlav- o p'-c'-siTre ITu'f a:’d captured ’’'n D: P H'le at 137. Hayne '.'e's-ler fini-iu'd se.'ord nl 1.39, ■t '''r 1 r'are was i.iplured by .Mike 'Howe. More tlnin 2.7'0,‘)0') Mortli ''.'■iri’a 'IHgep" more than .51 rer rent of the 'o!:!! were licens- o'l lo drive rtoior vv’hii les l.n the ;t.ue in 1970. CILXRLOTTE—CliarloHenn Gary Gallo,say ss'.ts finally pti.slied oiil of winner’s circle nl Coiiord ; Fppcdw.iy this ;)ast weekend. I The bu.sy Mu.srang dris'er lias ’ won 15 races Hlis sea.soii aii.i was '.veil on his way to liis lOlh he fore developing nice liani:'nl diffl- lUllies wliicli f.iried him to fin- isli ill 13Hi iio.sifioii. Salishury’.s Tony Therrell ss'os the culprit who snippcl Gall)- svay’s siring, hut Hie Clinrger Di- S'ision automobile lo be beaten is i still a Ford. Tlienell cliaiiffeiiis I a ’63 Fairlane. Chuek Pia'zza eoiitiiiues to hal fie ihe .-supersirir's diivers on tin B.\FC.-VR eireuit which .saiicHoirs rieing at Charlolte's .Fpeedworhl ;tnd Concord S;iei'dvvay. Piazza rii.sherl to 'ils lOtlt I i.i payday and the Cnniaro pilot will he Hie man es'cryo^ie chases <lur- iirg Hie emiiiig weeki'iid. The Friday ni!:hl Speedworld p."ogrn;'n still reTriaiiis a regal ir card. -lOlaps for ■tiiper.spoils and Jjlaps for C.liarger.s, but one of a. i . li;. I "I sil l I'O i;... .1 ■ ill!.” he ' iiiil lf:i.' s.i,'':.'.ill li.a.s .iiy ..v n oo me. Ill 111 ■ n iri cii.il - a so t- 1. ; ; 1). ' T .'it- he:'.i I.;,.', pvked lip ..'.e: .;u "'K H,' l-.r.e.s plav- .1.: in lore.la,. , ..' ‘ I' n ie,;:l> i ,.,k.i! ■ li'i V. '.id to l i.i;. ' ;i 't.:c W -i. ; - in- .ri I ).'l 1.lit 11! I ; i'Ls ' he s.i.d. ■■■.', rli ;o'. el l.i;l;e Cgi-.s-u'.s, 1 !:■' .11.'I'lil i 1 ope.; , lam. .'in, to .vi'c tne 1. p icimi .n ail oi ..ft'.ill. ■ .\i ,1.' in- aiiilv !. 'rni akx- .'.I - III li I, 1. k t t'le iiaH..r.aI to iinm. ' .i. V. .ii.'li w, I ho hel'l 'lii' y,‘.1 in X'e.k, l-i. I was l..•'^.,a^ .11 ;.;l i last ><'.11 . .i.i:,.on; l,u: : '.c : i;;e i t-t I. il \v.l.- ii.l t.. ;,.o. I v\ as ai, I'i";,. ”1 ■■ i . hi'.'" ■ l; -'c." na- ; ■ ,1 . C!' 1 ri.i< \i .it as : .:■ ■ \ it ■■ ; coV., ' lie ■H I'- I "1 I; I ,.n;>' a:. ..5ii0 hi.sl ye I !):.' , .' '.v.i.l .ind tl it's •'.'n; ..am'.-. ' .'10. ,1 ; ilium.; in I'lo 1; gh . It'-. 111. Mimmi ; ... d lias hit c tlOPIO 'U;:-, -I;i i.' io.ning I'lO (lull r-o UK-k- H.’ ‘-axs hi-- (,nl\ p:-r a' .'.'i.al is I , .-kait as i;i my r.iun 1 flip- iiov.-- as in' e.in. '■U\er> li.- '.o I up to 1;. t-ii’ pi.iti'.’' la s:i>'s ' I . ; t jiie InoiK' 'can, I no..or •: p c a hit > 11 s a i.m,. 'u;’ e n:‘ if «o';e pl.iiin;; in iui.-ciiall i).ii k.' \'\'!iat ;'!■ ■ i t'-,' i- ■ • ii iliiy <1 1)1'.r.g ■ .iiiim I, I i.nvi'. ■'1 d'..:'i kr. >'.v acoiii t!-L,iT'■ h.e says. "I cirii.'wa... m last ;.oai ;- i)i'.. Cl.:- -n .n .Mv.\d,-:i- lire ar,l h.e'- .'i i;.'i.' '. Kvi'i'y- ki..' , ■ ' ' - h oi! o'.d i.oca '■f'vo hit s. -.'lo s':-j s" he I on- H-ute,l. ■'in!l it II laic- -,-;ic- (i.i- ip ■ i,el iio I i .'lit ( ion .to Wi'h Jaycees Spectacular At Hickory Ssalurday FUTURE SUPERSTAR? — Former Kings Mountain High athletic standout Ken Mitchem is making big noise as a soitball perform er for the World Champion Pharr Yarns Reds. An outfielder, Mitchem is hitting in the high GOO's and is averoging over a home run per game. Rumgardner Has Camaro Ready For Concord Race till' se.as in’s to-) fiel Is is e.\i)eole<l for Hk' Coiivord "lOO” .sl.iied an I Concord Falur:lay iii.glil. Coiieord’.s progiani lists n .spe- oial 7.5 kip race for Hie "big Iniys" and a 2.5.iap;)er I.M' Hie Cliar.;i'i.s I former rookie division i. ,.\ ;inir ol 10-laj) heat races aie on lap in eacl) division. Tlie Cone.ir.l pnr.s,- : o.'feis .'S.S'2;5 lor the whining -Suiier sports oar. ExiS'elcI to eom])ele fu;- a lion's sh.'tre of Hie Fpei'.Iw'. ld ,m i Concord Spei'dw;iy*pua>'i’ Superspurts drivci's Ilalpli Earn- liardt, KaiiiiaiK)li.s C.-uiiara; .Icl’.i ny Miller, Kannapoli.s. Camaro; N'ova II: Dm Biim.g-.irdiier. C.i- man). Kings .M )unlain; I’laz/a Inman, .F FiK-k Ellion, Ca maro, .Shelby; Ih'ywurd Pljicr, ■Ford. Katm.ipulis; Ken Kliilz--, F);r,l. Suli.-lHtry nnd a lio.st ol ,)Hi. ers. F<':it',i;-e,l C;i.,ir.;(” drive'- w'i; be Galloway: Tony Tberreli, Fali-sbui'y; Jerry Waile;-, lU ■ mee; David Trexler, .'':!!k>)ti;vr A- iiold Kliilzz, Falisiiury; Kai),-,! HI. KoiA . .5. : — Tile foiiria iniiii.il ".hiycee S;).-i l.ieular" 20(' la, .Nati)nal Ciiainpionsiii; la..; .svhe.l'uli'd lor Falurday. Julv 17 at Il..-la)r\ Fpeeiiw;i> is drau.'i.; entries lioiii .-ome ol N.X.si'.'ii.'s ■lig-lest li.inie.s in Hie L.ilc Mim,'! :j)onsmari division l.arly i'!i;,' ., s iiivluile naliiiiiil elnimp Re,I F.ii mer. and Re.ls K:e;li' ubu lia- \Veii the henris ul r/ e t.ie^ eve- i rywlu'ie for lii.s lr<'mend..us , .ene I. aliel li)-'ill:’ .1 leg 111 l:;(' fitOl W ill I (UJO .It Ciiarlolle. K.igle liii.s ,vi:n se.cn I'ealiires .-<■ !.i. Hi;,- yc.ir. a];d i- ciir;e;iil> tile llillest iliiier riiniiillg tr;ivk.s .tMiind Hie ii.ilion’s ea;,i t I. His Ie ; a.s ..liciiie.i eif in i li'cak ,l.•.■;,l,•nl dining Hie iini- nin.; ,)f tile ipro World linp .riien a Iiiiie (.1 ;iiai,| tail r.'porle.li.v mounled .Mong came llirmi'ili Ills e.l., F.irnier won lie- l.ist outing •'( lliikori l.isi hill wlien be teo,. tile eiieekeii' I fl.ig in Ihe fiis| ;m luial "Winne; In\ .lational''. :!■■ a ill be lai.iie.l lo beeonte l!i lirst k.ird winner al Hi.kor.s tlii.s year. .\ t.ilal purse of .St;,401) i.s i),xsl,',l tor the J;iy. ee s'mnsorc.l p;.. .'.i.ini. wliiili iiulude.s .Slot) la;) prizes, and r ice- tor Liuiiie.l .imi Rookie .liiiers. Driiers running in Hic ;iisl tliiir' ii.isilion.s will he paid lap money al e.eiy 1(1 l.i); inn ri.il with Hie driver lead;;, ■ .g<'lH;;g .‘$1::, .sci.ind .SC, .uui thir l SI; i'r.i. k .\I.n’.a.;er .Ne,! .hirri'll said Ho '.eyi ull of Oakboi'.i; Ral I'l Me Hill ol C.lmrI.ille ;tiul nia.i> more R:i iivg at Fpei laorld 'g<’ls tla- iter.vjv Frid.i>, al S i).m ;ind Hi,' .'tatiu ia> Ci;n.-;)i-(! ;-;,i'eial event i- lisle 1 lor an identical .sl;irt:ng lime. Hu- i.ni pi in.-niivi' should niak,' foi' .1 lot el le.'ei elianges. i’e Il ls lice;, ,a-';ng about liat- ing Hie h' si til 1:1 -,! Fii.irtsiiiaii ,'nrs ni’nnn.s nn\ .vh.er-e, and he .says. "'vVlie;; you add dri.ei'.s li.-:.' rainie., .nil K.i-vl,'. Iheie will lu ll) d. It'll ;iho'L!i hiving rile best I ■i.'.iia't.tio.i ill li:, hind. " < >1 'oiu:. ' . lealan's lun at Ili.-i-ioiv tins yc.ir. t'leu' hav',’ tlci tl :e.en .liilelrllt wniiicrs. Tln.-e .riin.iug .so 1,0 ar,'. .lac.k ln,;:.ini ili.li'l) Pi'esslcy (.3i. Ned .' iz. r iJi. H:i.r> Gantt (2'. Bos- C', l.' .M ,11. Ro;. T'anlli iin (It, an.I Bo:i;)> .Miisuii ili. .Ml I'Xeept- in.’ Alli 'i , uill be in Ihe lield ,tU',!ay. 'l ii, .hi>.,'i race will b<‘ Rinhed 1 1 Hie l.t'lest 2! <|U;ilifu'i'.s, Pinie l;i;il' u.il I)e liel.i frail 7:00 ti '( ■ ii.ni.. the laee .stmts at S;30. Wms Pair R'llary liefegt I Opiimi.-r .-,.1 atilt c c Metal (i 2 i.i I'.-main -111 I ,p ol llie little League : ' id- ni ".s 111 in Lit ie I.i tgiio a,'.ion dui in;; Hie week. I’.ukei i\\ infer .ig.iinvt U .I'll.: s,;'kino eut 10, Geil u.'.s 1 e I' ndler f 1' R.g \, : 'll'.:-.,' 1 : i\ ,1 huiiie run.s ail,I .i.ivii, . .a Hell p.' :■( d :i: ..y i q ugnir.st C .v C 'o ; il, ., r i-'Ullcr. l.end.'i.: bine; w ... ;•-is ev w th a sin,.;le ail; Hie,-,' w.; ks. He s ored I..',-, runs I’.cll :;nil Wil son do.iiiled, I’lri.er, Vnii'niiiie nnd ii.dvi.e .singled.

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