C % fagy 4 TLJC UikllC»e k J/M IlkIT A Ikl LJCflAin IKITAIAt K\ ^ THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. / Gridders \, *k I yi r' iK'il '4? \ i f •>'V: >ktf I'OP BLOCKER RETURNS — Guard Dale Russell, winner ol the Fred Plonk Blocking Trophy last year as a junior, returns to bolsters the KMHS line this talL Russell and his Mountaine<*r team mates began pre season workouts Monday lor the 1971 grid campaign, which begins here Sept. 4. Slated Itsve PesloR !n Mew Pest O’ in r'.ie s:nithern tip near HirreKK .'on:mUi‘iity, tho iiroposcd season would bi‘ from November 22-27, 7 .(1 tbe public hcarinjj will bo ; on Augiust 16 at the Harrells CcwrtTn:. rilty Build.nf?. In Gr-anvilit county, generally in t'he E.utner se.dion, tlio pr^* .used hunt \v..uld h<. on Novem- 'ber 22. The j:-ublic hearing :or tills pi )posal will gust 17 in tho •auditorium. be he','. Au* Hutner Hospital -UA'LKIGiiI. - - A total of 21 either sex doer hunts will ^e pro- posw.i at public hearings to be hold a'-ross the state A'-, gust 16 through August IS, 19711. ‘These hearings have been sohedulcd in response to land- owner complaints about deer de predation and we would like all thos^ concerned—bv^th landown- ers and sportsmen to let us have the benefit of their knmvl- edge df the situation at each hJeation,’’ saili Frank Bariek, chief of the Division of Oaioo for ] Montgomery county, in the N. C. WildB.e Resources adjoining the Uvvh.irrie Comimission. : gamelands, the pr‘y.osr l ciliier- il‘'’oUmving The hearings, thpi^p^ impt wcuid be a one- opinions of huntei's across the ^unt on November 22. Tlie state will be studied prior to p-jbJ'C hearing wid be Aug'.st 17 final adaption of any either sex jn the Troy C Jurthcusc. ’’T s-hedule of the pmposecl ' In Moore c-<>unty, on a .small “"sr i hearings will b^i held follows. All of tho hearings will U'gin at 8 o’clock. iFor CamD BiNH : :hHN^-h. - Steve in, a '.fniduil,. of Cre-t higi; s.MOol and Ciardner-Webb col li ge, has been n.'^nie; Iv.nd bas- kc.tll (.ahi ni i:i!;in high hi dt s ho )l. n-v'on i.^ the .son •»i Dr. a::d l.w.vno Poston of .-hie]by. Dr. prtslon is presi dent '>1' (P.M'dner-\Vei;b. dh r .in. 25, ( '.KK'hcd the junior varsity at Llkhi h.sl yoar to the confc’ .n.c ch.tmpionhiilp and was idevated to tho i..‘p I'-aching }j;;si:ion wlicn tlie former coach, ■l.-me.s nnllom.nn. rr.signed to take a [■n.'^iiion at Wingate Col lege. After radiaiiag from Oard- ii.nWVcbb with an A. A. dc.grec, Poston went to Wake Forest w!iere lie (V;rned a B. A. His tcn;hlng a:.‘dgnment was ai Chll'i !<‘ Junior High school in RuPierlped » u.Py. He went t Dikin for the 1069-70 school • term. Spodanicn county, ihe'proposed hunt wcuicl ^ be another or.o*day hunt cn Ssl vomher 22. The ^-ubl;- hearmg will be August 16 at th.e Abci--j N. C. — The HRA- decn Muni'cipUl building. | .sanctionc'J I-a‘e Model Sportsman and LimitcNl Sp »ruman driver.«i, ZS Prospects Drilling Daily At KMHS Held Kings Mountain High'.s football team began heavy workouts Wed nesday and today will begin 1 A'ice-a-d‘iy drills. Ih-ad Coach Bob Jones and hii assistants are drilling 7.n pros pet'ts daily at the KMILS praotic( field. Eighty boys came out foi l\\Q team on Monday. Jones said that the team ha.*- g('Od morale and is working hard ■T'he olfens<* and defon-«' i n( w t> Ihi^-m and 1 know we’re probably a little ragged right now,” said Jone.s, “but they’re eager to learn and there's no rr'a'icn why wr so but will probably have an intra-squad scrimmage on Friday. Jone.s has his team running tho Power ! oiIfcn.se. T!io Moun I aineers u.‘^ed the triple-option} last .se.Lson under Bill Laie.s. J jc.es has made two majoi changes. David Beilin, a twoyp in Char- ’olte. X. C., or indirectly, have wan th<, Soulliern 500 stock car •lassie four limes since they ame on the scene in 19.56. The •rU'iories could have been eight jivSt as easily. m k , V V- " =^ = o For Bertie county, in the low lands generally north of the lloanoke river, an eitheixsox sea son has been proposed foi Nov ember 22 through Decemlbcn- 4. ^ Tlio public hearing will be held on August 17 at the Lowis^ton Community House. iFor Gates c'^.nty, the entire county has been proposed for an either-sex season, hut th^-, pio- posal calls for a November 22 througli January 1 season east of N. C. 32 and an OctotKM’ 11 through January 1 season west of.N. C. 32, The publl'c hearing lor theso proposed hunt.s will l)e held August 18 at the Gatesville Courthouse. lEil'her-sex deer hunts in parts : (1. Hereford and all ol Peniui- mans counties will also posed on Augl. st 18 at lie Gates- ville Courthouse. An eillier-scx season will be proposed from OLtc'lTcr HI through January 1 in Hertfoild county north of the iMc'hcrrin river, while immediate ly south of the river, the pri)- posed season would be Novom- lx*r 22 t'hTOUg'h Decemiber 4. In Peniuimans county, the entire county will be pmposed for an cither-sox deer hunf from Nov- cmlber 22 through Deci-mbcr 4. •In Craven, Jones, On-slow and Pamlico cAmties, hearings on either-sex deer hunts will be held Ai.tgust 18 at th^ New Bern Courthouse. In Craven couaty, the proposed hunt would be on the Cherry Point Marine Air Sta tion on days desiign'aited by mili tary authorities from Novemher 22 throug'h January 1. In On slow county, th^ proposni hunts would also be on days designated by military personnel at Camp Lcejune between November 22 and January 1. In Pamiucx) coun ty, in the Olympia com'munity area, and in Jones county in the Trenton comm) nity area, the proposed eithersex deer hunts would bo from November 22-27. •For Northarpipt’on c<>unty. Mie entire county would be proix)si’[ for nnothtT bu-y shite Frid.tv ni’.ht at liie RuLh<‘rforl Coumy .Speedway and Satiirtl.ay night at liie Slielhy .Six^etiway. Beth events begin at 8 o’vK)ck. Riymmd Payne, B.ufird, Ga., and Billy Bish->i). Spartanburg Late Model vvimurs la-^l week; Bill Kuonc, Bill M-nteith, WiDon Peace, Joe llunt.singor, Harold Painter and Johnny Half ^d are the biggest crowd favorites. Jimmy >tartin, Cotton Ryaii, Gcorgi' Br.u’kcit and Lariy Poole arc waging lender-to-fender bat tles in the Limit(d Spjrtsman cla.-'s. Non^, of the fourth Southern )00 winmTs fmm the H-M stable iare active tr)i.;ay. Curtis Turner and Fireball Rolierts are dead. ;\’cd Jarretl and Nelson St*acy h.iv,, retired. .s.n.p Jarrcit’s victory in 19G5. IIoim-an-.Moo'dy has b<. cme a Iiriii^'smaid at the fame Dariing- We’re real plea.scd with Gri(*r ; also. He’s running good and is ' having a little trouble finding the holes once he get.s to the line of scrimmage.” Chris Jlins/m, Rick Falls and Kim Bumgardnor are also look ing good at quarterback, Jones said. Gerald Owensby, an end and the t(‘am’s leading receiver last year, ha.s been moved to tho back field on defense and Jerry Valon tine, who Is up from the joyvees, lias been moved to a defensive | end iKxst. ; On offense, Jones said that end Bobby Johnson and center Mark Gc'orge have bwn pleasant sur prises. Marshall Logan, Frankie ' Stokes, Fraver While and Chris 1 Blanton have been looking good at the halfback po.sitions. Tackle Joe Bell, who is cxiiect ed to be one of the team’s lop performers up front, has been slowed by an injured eye but Jone.s .says the 6-3. 215-pounder should be at top form in a few tun oval, whore the 22nd edi- I days. ; m (T i!ie .Southern 500 will be r.'cied off Labor Day, Sept. 6 at 12 noon. Tiireo consecutive Labor Day.s, ll'6<-6S-69 David Pearson trailed di<‘ winner liome in his ll-.M en try. DjsI year Poar.son finishcMd fourth. Pcar.son is no longer with H-M, having moved to the Pontiac of Ray Nichols. Bobiiy .Allison, who replaced Pearson. | Jacob Bridges, John Bridges and Steve Ingle have been looking good at tackle and Arthur Ash and Dale Rus.sell. returning start ers from la.st year, are among top gu-ard praspects. Of the 75 pros^jeots, four are fre.slimen and Jonc's says htat at least two of them, Tony Falls and Carl Roseboro, have a good A R.>:>kie main event slated on t'acli program. is also * r Thursday, August 12, 19^ Drills % - f W'U 'V: % t RETURNING STARTERS — Hallback Frankie Stokes, left, and guard linebacker John Grier, above, return as starters for KMHS this fall. Stokes was one ol the leading ground gainers and scor er, on last year's 7 3 team and Grier was an All-Conference Une- backcr. Gner will probably bi* moved to fullback this year. Read The Herald For Local Sports SALE OF Frigidaire Appliances •AUGUST ONLY- SEE THE FINEST DISPLAY OF APPLIANCES IN CLEVELAND COUNTY Frigidaire! 17.0 cu. ft. Refrigerator HURRY'only 30'wide Nowl A huge refrigerator in a 30" cabinet. 17.0 cu. ft. with a 4.75 cu. ft. freezer that stores up to 166 lbs. 100% Frost-Proof. Add-On Automatic Ice Maker may be in stalled now or later. Reversa-doors hinge for right- or left-hand open ing. Smooth-glide nylon Rollers malcG it easy to move. 'i'l has tile odds on his side going [ chance to make the varsity team. , ini.) the Ihd Labor Day lace. iBotih starred on Central Junior jThc past .six winners of the High'.s unbeaten team last fall. I .‘.assic in sij. k car raciiii^ did j Jones said he feels that “we’re I so .or the fir.st time. ’ I doing as well as ean be expiected i In sev('n .super speedway out- considering the change of of- ings, s:nC(^ taking over rho II-M I Mcr in y, Allisnn has fvur four ] nn l finished second twice. | “As many near misses a.s ( we've ha'.i in recent years at Darlington, I figure we’re about rem-arki :l Moody. “Alls iii i> doing a job for us lieyond o’, r w:ld st dream.’’ Reall\‘. it’s hard to believe i d'.e »urn aliout s a-smi Allison ' las had. Going into the Rebel | lOO at Darlington everything he | : d..l*tur ie:l sour. He caualn’t get of linanclal reasons. He was I :i break,” stics.se] Moody, “aft- | broke and up to his neck in debt. ! - r he siirncd with us ho did a j Since May he has won more !, 'mploto turn around tlie other i than $100,000. In addition to iwty. I can’t tell you what hap-| looking after and driving thei] ' jicnod. I wish I knew. One thing ' II-M car, Allison owns the Coca- fon.so. We’ve only worked on tho I-forma'tion one day and it will take five or six times for the boys to get adjusted, e.specially those who have clianged posi tions. “Everything is going pretty good,” he added. "The boys feel like they can win and when you have that attitude, you have half the battle won.” New 1971 Models Ate Here! FRIGIDAIRE RANGE SPECIALS! ■ LOWEST PRICE ■ HIGH QUALITY ) pNiurmBi i> -ure, I don’t want it to chin go.” Following the Rehrl 400 in M'ly, Allison announjed to the t ress tlial he was leaving the Grand N'Ttlonal circuit hw'ause Cola Dodge Marty Robbins drives in .selected races. You might call it a rags to riches story for Allison, from one mce at Darlington to the next. : Plonk^s Recapping Is Second At Grover Frigidaire! Frigidaire! Simple 3-step Cook-Master turns oven on and off at times you select... even if you're not there. Glass window oven door lifts off for easy clean ing. Infinite heat surface ur. t controls. Electric clock. 40-inch range has simple 3- step Cook-Master control that turns oven on and off at times you select. Radiantube sur^ / face units are self-cleaning, ^ Big oven, roomy range top* Automatic appliance outlet; § .'m- RETURNING LETTERMAN — Halfback Chris Blanton is one of 15 returning lettermen on this Year's KMHS football squad. Blanton started the first three games last year before being sidelined with an injury. The Mountaineers, who begon Monday, open their season Sept. 3. against Bessemer City. rionk’s Rocai>pin : ’ of King.s '■Mrumiain finhiiod .second in the ‘D'‘4r\‘t 23 soft',all tr>.rn'ament ni raver last week and is now pnit .‘ipiting in fho arm tourna- ' men! at Brice ir.iri*y Memorial I T'.irk. P 'i'lv, area event began la.st ! ni,.hi and will continue through 'Saiurd.ay. 'I'iic top uvo teams will illun go to the state tournamonl ! later ihi.s munih. I Bionks I.).st out in final.s 'of liie D.strict 23 event to Clyde's iCJwik Stop .Siiolby. Clyde’s w.in tlv* title game, S-1. od Norri.s Packing (7-1), PJlen- bom, All-Da Barbecue tl.5-5), Tignor’s arage (10-2), and Caro- lina-Pylhian (S-D. Dickie Burgess, piteher for Plonii’s won llic tournament’s mo.st valuable player award. He lilt .sot) in addition to hurling the entire tournament. L<*fiy Mo.s.s and Jerry Ram.sey of the Plonk’.s team wxin tourna ments for hitting .700 and tlie team also earned the runner-vp trophy. ‘Nino l<'nm.s from Ga.ston and Cleveland Counties are parlici- 30" or 40", White or Colors, Built Like a BATTLESHIP —Easy To Clean—See The Finest Display In Cleveland County. FrEggeSairo- Budget-priced range is cr.zy to cook on. easy to cler.n. Infinite heat settings. Sir^'c- d'al oven conlrol. Sc’.'-c!:' - ing broiler shield. Ror.',:. c-.j --door fAr easy even ♦ l-.JiHop. Plonk’s, wlric'li played the totir- pating in the area event. Plonk’.s nann'nt willt only 10 players, and Champion's Landscaping ar<> vvhipiK'd Clyde’s .5-1 to force a | re) .re.senting Kings Mountain, second chiampionsliip game.; Champion’s Landscaping earn- Clyde’s ha'i earlier knorih in t'he aiea event by KM team into lib* lu-'^er’s brack-' winning th,, District 23 tourna- ot. ' meat la.st year. Other Plonk’s victims invlud-1 • . — 'somDS ..J