jilA .'vIj.' lU'l i TLJC i i/>i iKiT A iki uirnAirv uiki/^ r>A j/m iait a iai k> y* 1971 Thursday, August 19, 1971 «*>' J O THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Football Team Page 3 W ( life / prl a .* ■ ■ ■* RUNNER-UP AT GROVER — Here's the Plonk Re .opping softball team which was runner up in the Midwestern District 23 tournament held re :ently in Grover. Front row, left to right, are Glenn Perkins, Steve Hill, Dickie Burgess and P rte Burgiss. Back row, Jerry Ramsey, Eric Yates, Gerald Corrigan and Larry Bennett. Not preesent when picture was token were Rick Hamrick, Bobby Green. Dana Sarvis, Mikee Smith and Lef y Mue.s. Dickie Burgess, Moss and F.umsey were namc4 to the aU toumoment team and Burgess w'-i the tourna’-nent's most valuable pl.aver. Twice-A-Day Drills To End On Thursday Kir.".-; Mounlair’.s .M mninin- ici'.' i; .V 3.i str ).-!", are drillin}i l.wiic‘-a-clay "(“liiii;' ready for tlie Sepl. 3 opener again.st Be.i.-e'iner C'ily. Ciaeh Bob Jone.s .^ys he b<.‘- li(-\ e.''’ tile team will be strong l>ul poinl.s out that “every team in ojt dhi.sion will be strong.” i'li( e Mountainoers vVill c'.m plcte the.r two-a-day drills Thurs- .,ay. i.ioy’ll dre.ss out Friday rni.-ning la.- p.: lure-; and l.ben srriinina.ge on Friday a;.i rno ni. . Junes, beginning iiis H.'si yea.' as luad mentor, .says he hu- been pi.'a e,l wi.u be k ,im'. •s.io.ving thus tar but adds tiiai .11 .uouiiiameers stiil lia-ve a lot A w :rk to do. Tile MountJineers iiave l.i let ('. i.eii ba,k from last year's team whrh tim.s.i. d i 3. jane., lia- a! ii ast one lettei-man a; - \i‘.j po.s.ticn. n.-.i:' li.il.n, a ITO-paand senior w'r.- ,dayej ;uU',,aeK ms l.i-. l.. .-ir.s.ty Ecasans, is railing thi ill..-. ai qua:...i.bai'k but lie i .ji.-.n, eus.ii'd by .juni): Ciir, joinsin. oti.i ar.' g ,.! :'u;;n.... but B ,lin ii .ids a .sl.g..; e... .i- ii. p.i.-ising. 'i'i.i re.urnees. Mar-hall Li gan ai.J . n.'ii i.la;.t;,n, ai'e lunmng at 1. .. ..ar.as but I'ra.i.. Wnate .4 Sa.*. '.-o- i'i*:.-. and F. an.'i.e So ' .' li: ; . ■:! ' sec-oiid o:,;y to ho t year and I II 11,1jeauiiig ALL-TOURNAMENT.. ,MVP — Jerry Ramsey, left, end Di-rkie Burgess, members of the Plonk Re capping softball team won individual honors in the Midwestern District 23 softball tournament at Grover last wsek. Both were named to the cll-tournament teom and Burgess was named the event's most valuable player. The Plonk team finished second in the double-elimination event. i.ij-- .\..l a..sc .se., I tr.-. i. .1 a. H-iiin in scaring j'.okt.; wa; l.ic g ndg liner. ^ .Icnej .‘'ai.;) he vva.s pleascj \vi..i liar an’-, p.i i-.ormance in ’ last J-riday's .scrimmage, I d.,lin (.Ir.er wha lia.; piayed at ! ,7 ..I ;.ic r.a.st two years. Ls run- I ning at fullback. The 195-pound ■ s< ni :r i.s still playing linebacker : on defen.se. He wa.s .-Ml-.Soutiiwest ; cm Canleronc'c at tlial p.jsition i iasi y< a.'. I tderald Ovensby, a returning '.slaiier, mad Eo.iny Johnson have I tile.' e I,.'e at offen.sive end.s, A'l- l.ic! .'..1 and Dale liu-sseil, tv.'o 1 .11 ..c r. t-.i.-neccs, have ti.e edge I .11 ■gi;a..l and .Mark George ai.d j.te.e i'liiiii; a.e alter;....'.g i... ! center. Number 36 Meet The Mountaineers ■>4 » '."i'X 2 J>V '2 * ^ ' alwA>. V , >1^ If? 0 " { 7 V CITED BY COACH — Halfback Chris Blanton was cited by Coach Bob Jones for his offensive showing in last Friday's scrimmage. A senior letterman, Blanton is being counted on to help shoulder the tunning load for the Mountaineers this fall. Dove Hunting Seasons And Limits Are Set NAME POS. HGT. .J.it-ol) Mi'itlRes • (' 2 Mark (ieoi-ge C ri'Ki” .1. rr.v \'al''Mlini' K (i 0 " Tommy Sliii-lcy T C 0" Dali' Ifiisscll G ;i' 7" iJ.iviH IJolin QR 5' b” .lohti Hi-iflgt's T (V 0 " Chris Johii.son QR 0” rioiinio Tcssoticcf R 5' ;)■■ Itii-k halls R Chi'.s iJiaiiton R .0 S ' liolniv ,Iohn:;on i: H' (/■’ (a-i-;il(l Owensby I-: .oil Monk G .T'lO” ■M','11)11 (Jpoifio R .") l i' •liiitmy Amos G .o' III I-’raiik I luirtplii't'v s G .5' liut'k Wlioelei G il' S ' R.'intly Ifan-i'lson G ry s" •Mart-iis h'loytl 1-: '■jTH' -Milm .‘^hipp T .'i'll 1 r-'roflilu- \Villiiinis i; f)i Clytli' I’ess, Jf. FR (V ()'■ h'ranlcic Slokos R .■)' ti ' .lavon .Smith R H' 0■’ I Ial lot' Davis K .5 If Ii li'i'.v Jac-kson 1’ li' ()•' \Vi'n(!,'l! Dawkins 1-: 1,' 1} AUi-i'tl Ash (; .■) Kl" ■John Gi’itT FR -i 1 ■ .Mat'shtill Logan R .h'l I" .Io(> Doll T li' ;i D.inny Uliotles FR ,5 !)■' Antly .Sli'iokhinti G .') 10' SI ('VO Inglo G .■311'' Fi'ttvoi' While R .o' U' WCT. CLASS Match Play Ton rnament Is Set At Pinehurst 'VVluit makes a great golf tour- t at il of SdjS.OtK) in prize money rtamenff VVUiy have some events,' making it tlic t idiest week it such as the Masters, grown in sfature and prominence year after yc.ir wlii'.e oriicis, carrying larger purses Wave fallen to tlie wayside? W-lia.t is that ine.Mplic- ahle force that triggers excite ment in play and spectator alike for some tourniaments, while others ftail to generate more than passing inttcrest? Is it the coLisc? Or the field? iMaytlie it's iiUblie sentiment . . . or the prestige linked with var ious contests. The answer is not pa.sy to come by. Tournament promoters have been askiii; tlieniselves itliese Same questions for years . . and they till don't have a surefire formula whw'h guaran- g . i durin-t the .vear. Hut the l.unnament has ni.on .going for it Ilian the pniae am field. Tile ebosen site Pineliurst North OarolitKa caiihl be tlr single most important ingredient in makin;; this one of Hie trul; great tournaments. Pineiuirst, located in the mid die d North Carolina Sandliillt area, i.s the lieart of one of tlie greatest golfing complexes ir the world. In addition to the five courses wdiicli are part of Fine hurst, Inc., there are eleven oilier j alluringly beautiful, yet treacii- erously eompetilive laworls ir a six-mile radius. This golfing mecca, referret', to by many as 'Goifland, U. .“s. A. tees sifccess. They do know, how- | came into being liack in l-'-’OT, ever, that every succesful tour nament must have a eombinalkin of ingredients . .shrdluw-w'm'mari ^a.' rngredients- siK-h as a tough *yourse, a highly competitive field and a siziiible perse—if it is to have any chance of ever becom ing great or even surviving. Tha.| being the ease, the golf wxirld is just weeks aavay from the birth df What could be one of the truly great goW tourna ments on the professional tour— the U. S. Professional Match Play Ch'Tmpionshlp. Tiie tourna ment will bo August 21-29 at pinehurst. if Hio revival f>f m.ntcli p' ly isn't unioiie ennu'’ili to whet your golfing I'opelite, think laboul -some of the other features the to •rnanient will el !fer: A field of eliampiion.s. The 6-1 conle.slants will he winners of major TPD - Sanctioned tourna- .tneiTls in the twelve months prior to the ovent, as well ns the current Brili.sh Open chiamp and o'hcr goM greats (thosen on a Ibasis of tournament -erformance fr.>m .Tornarv 1. l!>fl. througli just two years a.fler .Tames W. Tufts founded the resort village of I-'inehurst. Not long after wards, 'Ibifls called on the serv ices d. Donald Ross, a youn: man fre.sh from Scotland, to come down to organize golf. He remained 49 years and designed golf courses all over the Sand hills during that time. The first i four at Pineliur.st have been j called “The St. Andrews of ■ America.” I 1 Tournament golf came to the ] area shortly afterwards, and many of the events spotlighted | nalionil attention on this iltlo nariow sliolch of sand and ! greens in liie Tar Ileol State. After VVorid War II, the most comniorciitiized and publicized i tournaments were gradually dis- ".fiin, (. j‘'f mtl.mal prominence, but pio- A If”0 000 .Talejme toiirn.n-' molers were of to opinion it had ment at Kiame.'aha lake, New' to Iw different. O^'ork, and Iwo-orn-ams. These | Revival of m'ntch play. Jfour to'rnament'i -the cham-j -sald, might be the thing pionship, the .tateilile, and the j parently was, for two pro'ams—will have a grand ' dialc support 'onic of tile giants of tno game ucli as Palmer an.I Ni.idi.s Phe tourn.nmenl is unique in an- ifher re.s;ect. It wi’l he played | ■ver a five-day ijerioO instead of he cuslom.ary f-iur dat's and 72 ’oles. The . of. ers wil! battle! oad-to-.head in l.’^-ho'e stroke; 'lay matches, with the winner | letermincd by low score. 1 I Five r Hinds of eli-riinalinn j n-atclios will be played the first ; ■■our days of the ch-impionsliip. ■ caving two survivors for the | inal round. Tlie defeated semi- ; inalists al.'m.will pia.v a match: 'he final day to determine the ; hird-place money winner. | In each match, if the two go'.f- ; 'I's are tied at tiie end of IS loles, tliey will play sudden- lealh until a winner i.s deter mined. Tlie G.973-y'’rd rCN-C coiir.se aia.vs to par 72. O cned in 1933, h features yawning bunkers and huge beh't-.grass grrens. Water comes into p'.ay on severnl lioles. Milton Harrington, ciiief cxe- o.itive oil icer of the simnsoring Liggett and Myers Corporation, s o native Tar Heel and avid .golfer, not necessarily in that order. It is largely titrough his efforts tliat tills tournament reached I'iM' drawing hoiards and I'nen hecame a reality. He thinks it will be one of the biggest in time. “We think it will rank with he Oiien, the Masters, PGA, and lic.vevcr Jones and his -siaL hcivr a pr.jhlem at taci Ic. It's a pleasant one, Inongh. Four play , ..s, John L'rid.ges, Jake L ; l.ge.s, J..e Foil -and Steve Ingle are fight ing it out fur the two pjsts and J.iin .s 1 an t .see a l .t m d...i reiKL in tile four. D< .eiisivcly, the lineup wiM i'-ok ai) Hit il'.e same, Jones .i .1 Jeiry Valentine and Wetidel'I ’Jawkins will .see a lot of a-jtion a. ends. Owenshy will ] lay in the secondary, along with Lcgtin. KithiT Cjlin or Juiinson will open at SaJety. CU'.Kii Jones tags South P tint IS tiie iiam to heat in Uio SV.tC lilt po'nt - out that Kings M -un- I tain Lincolnton, Slielby and La: I | -tullierior.i will aW) be stron.g. Kir.gs .VI .untain's wi-ik .'-'i'l t, it I an.-C'ji.s, uill be tlie ends. Only j i.ven-.y saw any a.tion there- Ici-'.t year. The .Mountaineers lost | hrec- "tai ing enu-s, eitin r L..en.s British Open in time," he said. "It has everything we can tliink of at the moment, and uiytii: i.g we can't think of now, we'll add I it it comes up later.'- I -Harrington said he would like ' to soe this contosl heccome I "North Carolina's own." He ex- ! plained that it was lieing .spon sored liy North Carolina firms and proceeds would go to North Carolina sucli as Hie pniposed Slate Zoo. “I want every Tar Heel to feel a cio.sene.ss to it,'- said Ilar- ; in lion, “and I'll do verything I ran to make them feel close.” Tiierc you have it . . . the in gredients for the tournament. Do you think it will become one of Hi<' great ones? The homes of many of North C.-uolina's hunters have taken on 1 same rather strange ar'amas ini recenl days. I In the evenings tire master of | lie ii.ruse — unle&.s the wife I "<-cirs the pants — has secreted him.-telf in his den, and the faint smell of bananas, old cheese and 1 moldy cloihe.s is being wafted t under the door jamb. Lumps of dry dirt have appeared on the ■ rug.s and stray fetiHiers can ito - f.iund on Hie sofa. Over oil thi.s : lian,gs the smell of damp dogs. Tliere is, however, a simple ex planalion. The dove hunting .sea son i.s drawing nigh. ' Unless you a hunter, yoi will not under.siand that tin scent of slightly ripe ban.inas i i iv'viii> me uiiieil Oi llr.p.ics No. 9 i ,1 gun 'ol>.-ent minonly used t< j clc an fowling pieces. Tie moldy ! smell obviously came.s from the hunting rlcthe.s that have been ita ked up for Hie summer and Hie srr-nt of deceased clieese is explained by the fact that an .tm lent itiece of this .--tuff was Hnallv li/.'Cited in one of the poc- ive or defensive. The .VIountaineers are also in- rrperieiK-ed at quarterback, wheix’ Bolin or Johnson will replace Geejx'r Howard, and at fullnaek, Wilure Grier replaces Bolin. “We have boys tliere who are capable of doing the job” say- Jone.q “but we'll just liave to wait .ind see what happens.” Jones expects to base a saund doti'n.sive team. Thi* only qiu-s- lion m irks on dcfen.se will be at the ends and in the secondary. One thing in the Mounr.aineers' favor is tliat Ihoy meet the SWC's mi s.' prwerful ehibs at home .k'vu'h Point, F,ast Rutherford. Shelby and Lincolnton will all pay a visit to John Gam-bie Stad ium. ket.s. Tl'.e lumps of dry dirt l.ave nilon from Hie soi.-s of b i l.-- ind the toathers have drifted out 1 various game p-x-kets. Tliee busine.s.s about Hie dami) l>gs i.s explaiiKxl by the fact hot the master of the house is icing toHowed from r-xtm t i -.lom by his canine comjxinions --.vliich have al.so cauglil tlie aver of the .se.a.xin. All of ield.s of mber -1 pens. this will erupt into the North Parelina on S< pi ■vvlien the dove season Men's Bowling league Season Begins Monday .Hix five-men teams will make up the 1971-1972 men's Ixiwling league at .Mountain Lano.s liowl- iiig Ceiiiei'. The learns were ciiosin Mon- d.ay ni.giil al .in org-.mk-aliuiiai meeling. 1 .if six leanis inrlude: Teim mnnlicr one; Ak.ei ■ Brnkeii, cai-t.ii'i; Uoddv lioii- ■ser. Kddie .1 u-k-son. A.-I T. ;r..ii :mil liink V'in.-em. 'I'oa.-n i.iHc.ber Iwi: .loan Dill- ing. eapt.iin; Harold iailu-r, j Ger.'Hd 11, ps, Teriy IHpi;.--, :inil ' Gene Stone. Team number rapli.n; nriilgc.-. .Norville number imleis heed Lkchse ntinl.-r- nl-o ,;’,.ime ik-.-r. b' ■v\Gd Uii'i;i'\s .Xiii'lli t'.ii-oiai.i pl.'iii : 1 Inii'i big at. wild b'.ar or .mywlu-ie in d.iiii;.; tile JjlTl- .M.iH Iie.im. .Moo.si- they II «p- I it dix'w imme- and praise from i CHURCH LEAGUE CHAMPS — Here's Temple / tiisi. the regular season champion in the KM Church SoltbcH League. First row, left to right, Gary Oliver, Jerry Barrett, Tommy Barrett, Max Brooks Bill Childers and Randy Oliver. Second row, Ken Towery, Gary Patterson, Donnie Mace, C B. Green. Raeiord White, Bill McMurray and Rev. Frank Shirley. 1 Tills year's dove seasin — set )y the U. S. Fish and Wildlife k'rvice — will again be -split into arts. Tito first half of Hu- .sea- on will open at 12 o'clock n-XJii .11 Sepiem.x-r 4 and close on -otobi-r 9. 1 .le set bad liall of Hu oason will open Uo.-i m.ier 13 nid end on Janu.iry 15. .4110 >1- ii.gs haur.s an- Irom n.'.on unlii uiLset cat li (l.iy ditrin.g t.u- li ga c;i..on. Tile nag limit fvir do.'cs ba.s x'cn reduce,1 this year follow- :ng two years of experimentin.g vvi-th a higher limit. This year's limit offers a daily bag of 12 doves witli 24 in p.is.se.s.si(.n. L;i.st year, the d.iily bag was IS and tlie possession limit was oli. U. S. Fisli and Wildlife lias also ;et liiicrs and .seiisoiis on woj.i- cock, Wilsan's snipe, aiid loui six-cie.s til rails. The woodcock sca.sim will open no.-t mlx-r 11 anti close February i2 with a d'.iily ba.g of five birds ;x'nnllted and a 'pi>.s.se.ssioii limit of III. The sea.sou on Wilsan's .sniix- epen.s Nove-mher 20 anil floss's on January 22 with a daily bag of 8 and a i),)S.sc.ssion limil of IG. Tlio .season on king -and claiipcr . raiKs will oiien Scpa-inix'r 1 an,I , .1 ..sc Ni'vem.,v‘r 9 wilh a daily bag limit of 15 an.I a ixi.ssi-ssi.iii ; limit o; .30. while the -easin on ' I .sora and Virgin,a rails i.- Hie ' i .s'lme—Irom 4e; It .n'aei 1 Hiioitgii .N„V( m-ber an.l Hu tiaily bag and pc.sscsioii limits fer s'ra and I Virginia rai!.- i.s 2.5. Waterfo'.vl .seasons — tlucks ' iind gee.se — luive n,)! ycl Ix-e'.i set, but should Ix' annouii’cd .s,r.in. IneidenliHy. the N. U. VVil.llife rvcs.iurccs t'ti;n.nis.sion's- 1971 Iili'2 Hunting anti li.rujng Be tula lions have ni-,\ been iiublUIici, and yi.u t an pick up a ct)py when you buy your licen e. For IliosG who have not yet Checked, the .iquirrel .season this year oixm.s October 11 and lasts through January 31. Thcrt' at” two local exceptions on squirrels in pail of Dare County and I’cn- dor v'liun'y. Ciie-.-k \ n-gula Hons if you hunt in Hie.se areas. The rabiii'l sea.son igx'n.s .\'ov ember 20 and lasts llirtuigh Fe-i)- ruary 12 this year, wliile tin- quail season will open Noveaibi r 2ii and last throu.gh Ke.sruaiy 2'' Ram.sey, : Rithaid I uid Lee ! Team mimlx'r our; H.iiinie 1 .■ulbertson, c.ipl'ain: W'ilireil I Bowen, Bud \V»-il.s, l!-Minie j.Strugg.s and Furm.in Wilson. Te.im numl.er livt': Rannie ; Bi.'inlon, i-aiilain: Bob Itroonie. : Bill Mullin.ix, Steve Ralbboac an.'l P.iul Ware. Te-.im numlx-i six; Bui) ll,-rn don, R.indy Ctilberl.s in. It .iCi 1 ; H.'imsey, K. Waiitei tiiid H.iVi-e Wells. Any husine.sses inleiesled in spoii.soring a learn tire askril to onl.icl .Sieve Rallil me at 7,'I9' 1721. Til,- iir I li .11 I H'.e si- ism lie- tins M.iail.:,- night al 7;."'l. 1972 bun.ing sivisoii will ni-eO a s'l.'.'o .--'i-t-, i:ii i; g Game License in addition t.) .iny lUaei' i,-quir t'd ir en. i-.s t r p,-.- s, 'l.u-.-t' .v-i.c ial 1,.. Game Li- fi-nsi-s are ii-qui'i,! ; .,ii and oil 1.1 G. Wildi.:,' i;. ...i;n-.-es G.i.-nnii-.-iun s ivianag;-;! .lanie Linds. iliintei s wli.i jii ,M l.i luim on tl.e \t.!d:.;e Go.iin;;-. . Game 1. in.l.-- i-ii.ii-i 1 .1 :sn. li] or big canii’ .il- 1 111 ed eiii- i.f liu- new .-50 .'■i.;.v,m G.ime I. ind t se I’lmils. ,\ll.-i,'lie,| 1,1 ibe ..i.i.ne Land f. i- i'l-r.-nil a.e I,,., -anu- l;i t- Tnc.se r.ige d.j not jj.ate 111 liu- .--pecial Ii lalte li-.e f;,-inu- Inn' ill - i .1,1-: .ml it inte; s u-!i'i jil.in to Inini tiig •-.■line on Hie G.irr.e Igind- ate i-au-ioneil to lx- .suit- they line boili a \alid Gpet-iai I i- Ga III (, I.ici-nse l. S1.75I tuui .1 \-a!id -i .is-tn G.im.e i.ands l.'si- I'crni.l witli attach ed bit .game 1 "ts i$-;i.(li|i. 'I'he ta-ts wititii are fninislied wiili Hi,- Ga.ne I. mils Cse per mit are de.■■i';:;e■l leiiy l,i help \\ ddidt- G cr.mission lit-.-k kili.s an I m-n e m. inage lii ea:ne ; on G.-ime L.-iniLs. ersonnel e I'i' ienlly .iiuiki iions Film Series To Be Shown I -BOILIN SPRl.V.i.S. - -Civil ization.'' Hie renowned e.ilor I film series on the cidliir.il lite of Western man, written .'ind I nari-.iled liy art liistoriin Kt-n- ! tu'Hi Clai'k, will 1)1- .shown at I Gartltu-r - Webb (s.liege liO in I naig Si iitember 2 in Ilamritk , .'\uditiiriu-m on the t.impii.s ol the i ctilli ge. 'I’iu- series inrlii.le.s l.'i flirrs ; eaoli ;50 minutes lon.g. Tiiere wi.l lie t-,v,i sli 'Wings of e.i, li HIni. Tile Hrst will be al G: 1.5 on o.i li I sluuvin-g date for Hie c.ille'ge's .students and the second wiil I.e 11 s orliiv l; lor the genet il pub- liv-. There will be no charge lor tne showm-gs. The entire li.'-t of showing ilates is: .'ieiiiendiei- her 11. .-:i-, i-nher Hi, 23. .-si-pieml.er .''n. O I,'tier 2'!, t) l.'lier 2 I. N'livt-niiei 11. .\ 1). , emix-r 2 and D, 2, .Septem- , .s<-pii-mber loin 1 7, Oc- . .N'ovemltci' -Vv-miitr l,s. • ■'.iilicr 9. In ■Hi I uses ex.rpt out- the sluti- i-ni .-iiiiw.ii t will lx- vii G: 1.5 anti liu- gen-'i 11 piil-.li .'lio.ving vvdl Ix- at si,-t.|ii:.]; -pp,. exception i.s Si'iUemiu-r 1;1 when Hie stv-lent sluAv.ng \vi;l la ;u 9 o'clock in- .sle.id ol ti;-1.5 l',u‘ gt-ru-rai puij- lii- .slnrvv in .1 will 111- at .s o'clock, 'I'he tee ,il 1.11- .Hms has ' een in.nil- iio.s.siide by nuitcbing grants lot.Hin.- yi-'l.tl'itl fro.m liu? .Xaiioiial l-iiul ivnu-.ii tor the Ilnmaiii: i'-s and lioni Xerox Coi'i.v.i .it .-''11 'l.ie l.lms art- on ,ii in lit-i- 111 tiiarge li.im Hu- Na- li'iiv.il ailiiy ol .\rl in Washin t- lon aiul v.ill b,' -Ir w-ii In li)') col lege i.rmimses ii 1971 1972. In Hk- -Cl .e- Ci;i:k trai-es the story ol W iein livii.zntion tlirougii liu- visual ar.-s, music, literature and p-iliii. q lii.story, ii.'-m the fall ,if C'c R.inian Km- , ire Ihro-.u'i Hie 2(IHi eenlury. I < J me HAUL — Kings Mountain iisheimen are shown above with .‘omc ol the 307 pounds of ctappies and rock bass they caught over the weekend at Santee Cooper lleservoit. From left arc Chatlc* Dover. Cone Sellers (guide), Ervin Bull, Morris Putnam and Henry Lewis.