jiiA THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD.-KINGS.MOIJNTAIN M C. i) Population Creator Kings Mountain ?lf914 City Limits 8.465 CiMiti Kiags Mouatpla ognj !• iJS,*? •IMurl Ualled Stala* luinn of 2 Komtovr 4 Town»litp, a»«l J2? h jnUf 5 TowMhlp. 1« ClrreJcmdCowtf »d Cfow^^* .•*iirtn T‘»mQ»hlD OOitPP CPMWy» ''A »*5- 'S i a s I i Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL. 82 No. 34 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C.. Thursday, ^^gust 26, 1971 Eighty-Second Year PRICE TEN CENTS Lynch AndDodsonj To Launch Paper RODNEt DOBSON Little Theatre Sets Auditions Kings i.Mnuntain’s Little Tliea tre announeos that its fall pro- cliretion will 'be “The Mou^- trap" a .suspense mystery by Agatha Christie. Performances are scheOuli^ for the first two weekends in Novi'inher. AiHlitions will be 'held on Mon day tand 'I'liesday, August 30 and 31 at S p. m. at Park Grajce school audiloi'ium. There are parts in tihe play for five men and three women. All interested persons should alten<i the auditions and also anyone inirrestwi in backstage work. Dirixling “The Mousetrap” will he .Mrs. JoaVnn tlBoots) Mc Daniel. KMMuior To Publish September 1 Lo.m Lynch, 25, and Rodney Dodscn, 24, both of Shelby, an nounced Wcdney'ay their plans to publish a new weekly news paper in Kings Mountain. First edition of “The Kings Mounitain Minor", is scheduled to appear on newsstands Wednesday morning, Septem'ber 1, said the Co-owners. Mr. Dcld.?on wfU serve as editor and Mr. Lynch will be photogra- pher and advertising manager. For the past two weeks Mr. Dods.on has been employed as managing editor of toe Cleveland rimes at Shelby. He attended Gardner Wobb college and prev- icxtsly worked as a news photo grapher with the Spartanburg Herald Journal and on the news staff of the E'laicksiburg, S. C., Times. He is married to the for mer Sue Hall of GaEiney, S. C. Mr. Lynch, who owns and op erates his own commercial photo graphy busine.ss in Shelby, was a photographer while stationed with the Anmy in Vietnam. He has done photograpFy work for the Kings Mounitain Herald, the Shelby Daily Star, the Cleveland Times and the Charlotte Observ er. He is a graduate of Shelby high school and is single. The Mirror will be published each Wednesday morning by Mir ror PubUshing Company wfliich will open offices tn Kings Moun tain within a week, said the 00- ownersr- Mrs. Dodson will be re ceptionist. The newspaper will utilize off- •set printing and will be prmted in Lincolnton at the Lincoln Times-Nows plant. The Mirror will be the second newspaper in Kings Mounitain and tile fourth in the county. 4169 Students Aie Enrolled CBD Renewal Support Reiterated T, W. Graysoa’s Rites Conducted Building Permit Activity Brief II requires a building permit to tear down a building. Howard Kobin.son, Jr., of Besse mer City, bouglit one ($10) this week to demolish tile building at N. Cuipentcr street. ___ nitrrwisc, p<Tmit activity was liini'led to purchase of two trailer pennit.s by Dotiald Connor to in stall two off Waco road, and by To'inmy Yarboro to 'install one trailer on tlie Gastonia highway. Belli will be located within the city’s mile zoning jurisdiction. Schools of the Kings Mountain listriet got off to a good start this week and all activities were running smixithly wit'h 4,169 stu- derrts registering for the first full day yesterday, according to Sup erintendent Donald Jones. The number is expected to increase some with late registrations, he said. The number include/; 12iX en rolled at Kings Mountiaiir/ high school, which la.st year enirolled 1,283 and m;iirkc-d the largest student body ever. Breaking down the number at toch scliool, re ports yesterday showed 373 stu dents at Bethwarc; 350 at East; 415 at Grocer; 625 at North; 341 at West; 53 in the first and sec ond grade Early Childihoiod Edu cation program at COmipalct; 62 in the kindorgairlcn program at Compact; 709 at C^traf Junior high school PASTOR — Rev. Alfred Wright, formerly of Kings Mountain, has ossum'Ed new pastorate du ties at Unity Baptist church in Gastonia. Wright Assumes Pastorate Duties Rev. Alfred Wright, Kings Moun tain native and son t>f Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wright, ha.s assumed new pa.-itcrate duties at Unity Baptist church in .Gastonia and lie and his family are rc'siding therc^ on Uonnybrook road. 'Mr. Wright served for over four years as pastor of Greeirsboro't tSCu-member 16th St. Baptist fliureh. During his iiastoiatc there merrtbership iii'creased more than 300. Ordained at age 17 by Scc.ind Balintist church licre by the laU Rev. B. F. Au.stin,_ Rev. Mr. Wrigli is a 1955 graduate of Kings Moun tain high sciicxil, attended Gaixi iier Webb and Wingate colleges and graduated Irani LuMier Rice Seminary in Miami, Fla. Ik' is married to tlie focmer IXs-'is 1 i.sli- or ot Concord and they have foui sons, Jeel, Joni, Joiiat’iian and Jared W right. TaxPiepaymsnts Total $21,3% ■ City of Kings Mountain 1971 projKTty tax pre-payments totaled $21,336 Wednesday atternocin. Mrs. Judy Hinmon, a.'csistant collector, deseribt'd the payments as largely from small aecounl.s. Tuesday will be tiie final day pre-payers can earn the full two percent discount. On Sei'iembcr 1. tire dl-count drops to one percent, and to one half one percent on CX-tober 1. Taxes are payable at par during November and Decembt'r and a two ixiilcent iM'iitilly iipplics Jan uary 1. The General -Issembly dianged tlie law in tlie past ses sion, the former (K'nalty date be ing February 2.) City offieia'ls say tliey exTrict a large number of pre payments in the final two days of August. Tlie city budgeted $318,400 from 1971 tax revenues. Mis. Ramsey s Brothel Dies Kings Mountain leweler Passed Monday Morning Funcnal rites for Thomas Woodixjw ( World I Grayson, 58, vin.gs .Mountain jeweler, were .iclci Wednesday allermxm at 4 I'clrak from Cenlral United Aletliudist (liurcli of which he was a member. Rev. 1‘usc.ial Waugh d ficial- (Xi at the final riti'S, a.ssisted by a former minister. Rev. I). B. Alderman. Interment was in Mountain Rest cemetery with full .Masonic rites conducted by memliers of F'airvii w Lodge 33. AF&A.VI. Active pallbearers wen KKigo members ami iiorrors pali bearers w'ere D.ivi(l Saimdeis, Joe Costner, Charlie Ballard, Charles Wilson. Bill McGinnis, Dr. George W. Plonk, Willie Wil liams, Howard Bryant, Jack tVhile and W. D. Morrison. iMr. Grayson, ailmitled to the Kings .Mountain hospital last fuesday for a s dden gtil lilad- (ier attack, died Monday at ll:.tO 1, m. He had been in declining health for several years with a heart condition but liad been im- aoving and had returned to work at Grayson's Jewelry which le liad owned and operated for a number of years. He served with tiie Atany in Europe during World War H, was a mem'her of American Le gion Post 155. a Mason and Sltrincr. He was the son of I lie late Pearl Van Dyke and John Henry Grayson and a nalive of York County, South Carolina, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Maxine Grayi'OTi, ou'* mentary scltooi leaclier; two .sons, Titomas Woodrow Grayson, •Ir. and James Wesley Grayson, bother of the home; one brother, Harry B. Gi iyson of Greens boro; and three sisters, Mrs. Fred A. Dixon of Kin.gs Moun tain, Mrs. Ralnh A. Brown of Columbia, S. C., and Mi-ss Lu- nice Grayson of Lincolnton. Dswdoim- liK,, Urges I Proceed Ey MAl.uN H.4RMON I Till- jirc 1. c..; 1,! D(,.vnt wn. ' 111,'., vi'herl vith till' citv omini.s- I .i ,n .".t .Monday night's meeting ■ an.l i--ue.l a ia:i:ir.".i siipp-.r,- j, . t an - 111 tlie .ommi.ssici, "to t ,:r.inuc y. nr i.isi.ive ap- ;)i-.)c.. .i taki; . ni''e i. .-.ry actioi. , ha. ..1 .1 :..'c '.nK;il o} I'l .■g.oi O'-I ) P am” Ciiai'os Eiaiit m. Jr., i.s tlio pres- i'Icr.t ol the 11 .a-,.: ;1: i ,r,;c.r ition Frances Green Suffers Relapse •,v ii:m a: t > ''i inS 'x SUC2UME3 — T. Wood Gray son, Kings Mountain jovrelcr, succumbed Monday morning. Funeral rites were held Wed nesday aitemoon. E. D. Si Rites Ccudrxtcd Flint ral ri-'c-i for Kn a ll D. San- .Ir.-s, 63 oi .Mi.Vdcnville. lonner Kings M antain re-iident, wen- held We.l:icsday at 4 p.m. fiom Penley'r Uliapcl MeilvoiiMi -•hurcli witii the lie\. W. 1- iiiifb'.,-il:-r and the Ret - S. \\. .Yvery officiat- ing. Interment was in Mountain Res: cimelcry. M,'. Sanders died at 3 p.m. M inday after illness of .several year'. lie was tile son of the late Mr. and .Mr.-;. William Sandois. Surviving are liis willow, .Mrs. 11a Pi'jitt Sandei-s; one daugliler. Mrs. Martini Falls of .Mc.Y.lenville; one brother. Jolin Sanders of Kimrs .Mi'untain; thn-e sisters. .Mrs! Etta Cr.nv.ler, -Mrs. .■^iimnr.r Grecne and Mr.s. .Mary .Mycis, o. Kings Mouulain; and two .grand children. o WINS MASTER'S — Mrs. Mich ael Clark the former Beverly Willis of Kings Mountain, earn ed her master ol arts degree in J a.ly childhood education Fri- ny from Western Carolina Uni versity at Cullowhe*. She was among 341 students receiving degrees In summer cemmeitce- ment exercises. “it is the quietest opening since I’ve been superinlendenit,” Mr. Jones commented. "We had the best eloss distribution wipiicn will hold transfers, if any, to a min imum.” It is possible a fourth kinder garten class may be added in Novem'ber, he continued, depend ing on demand and budget limi tations. Thirty-live out-of-district stu dents who live In the Gaston County 'piKTlion of BaSt Kings Mountain are enrolled. Wade Bennett's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Wade Douglas Bennett, 80, were heM Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock from the ^iiapel of Harris Funeral Home, interment following in Mountain Rest cemetery. Rev. C. A. Bost officiated at the final rites. Mr. Bennett died Sunday night. He was the son ot the late Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett and hus- .lanil of the late Nancy Bennett. He was a member of St. Mat thew’s Luilhcran cBuirch. Survivors include one brother, Gus Bennett, of Kings Mounitain, and one sister, Mrs. John Ford of Kings Mountain. Nephews of Mr. Bennett were pallbearers. Interment of Josepli Bynum Hord, who died in Greenville, S. C.. Gencr.il Ilo-siiital Wednesday morning at 7:30 will be at Moun tain Rost (.x'lnelery licre follow ing funeral -rites in Greenville. Hour of the services had not been set at mid-afternoon Wed nesday. A Cleveland County native, Mr. Hord was a brother of Mrs. Marie Ramsey, of Kings Mountain. Other survivors include his wife, Mallie Smith Herd, of ■Greenville, two sons, Lawrence Hord, of the home and I’aul H;ird, Brunswick, Ga., anotlier si-sler ■Mrs. -Ynn Bridwcll, Decatur, Ga. a half-brother, J. C. Hord, of Cherryvillo, and a lialf-sistcr, Mrs. Irene Bynum, of Atlanta, Ga. FROM HOSPITAL Senator J. OlHc Harris was discharged Tue.sday from Char lotte Prcsbyiterian hospital after undergoing surgery and is re cuperating at ills home. Police Launch Safety Piogiam The ei'ly of Kings Mountain be- j gins its annual drive to alert ; motori.sts to drive with extra care in scliool area.s and ne.ir sclioiil buses tills wei'k.. .anil dur ing tile weeks to come. Colorful “School’.s Open” pest ers are being di-ipl-ayed throa.gli- out tlie community as part of tlic national effort by tlie American .-Yutomoliile Association and tlic Carolina Motor Club to reduce the deatli and injury of our ehildren. Citing nation-al,figures revealed in a reicenf AA.\ nationwide sur vey. Chief of Police Tom McDevitt ixiiiiti^d out that oacli year some 501) soliool elii-ldren aged 5-11 are killed and nearly 11,000 are in jured as they travel to and from school. BecaiLse the AAA .study showed that kindergarten and fir.-it grade youngsters suffer tlie greatest number of school-route pedestrian injuries, Cliief M.'Devitt urgeit jiarents lo walk willi llieir ciiil- dren at least on tiie opening d ly of seliool to make certain lli.il tile y.'iung.sters take tlie sa[e.--l rmile to scIukiI. I£ at all [casible,, tiie ciiie; said, parents sliould avoid dri\‘- ing ehildren lo .scIkk:! heeiu-e (his onl.v adiis to the traffic con fusion around school aivas. tine creating I'Xtra hazards for all youngsters going to si-IkkvI. Rivard Amends ResoEulicn laycees To Lead Fund Campaign For Liie-Saving Squad Equipment The 22-mC'mber Kings .Mountain Rescue Squad and Life Saving Crew will kk'k-off a $8,465.19 fund drive for new equipment next Thursday. Kings Mounitain Juycees will lead llic two week promtrtion aimixi In otiltaining donations to purchase a new ambulance at cost of $11,848.32, radio i-quip ment, and pay for a rented am bulance now in use by the de partment. Gifts from tiie UniFed Fund will not pay for all the costs, explain-1 ed a cri'W member, and a total of $8,465.19 will h' needed lo de fray ixi-s's of the eqiill>m<-nt “bad ly iiei'ded to proviiic sen ice to Kings M.mnt-.iin which wo arc giving.” Tie Jaycees will serve on com- miltrx's to ask fund.s from bud ne.ismen and iniliislry and also plan a Ra lio Day ami oilier events during the two-week iht- iod wliioh begins September 2. The Re.scue Squad is a volun teer non-profit organization. The city comniissinn .Monday ni"lit pas.-ied a re.soiuii-.in amen I- ing the municipal .igrcenieni wiih tile Stale lligliway ficparnncnt i:i re.gard to tlio rc.vntly <ii.n;il> tod Can.sler street project. A resolution was pas.sed by the full board at its lad moeliiig re questing the lligliway is'ininis- sion to I'stablisli no parking areas along Canslc-r f-'tr'i''i. Mayor J >hn [ Henry Ma.-cs said lie bad coiiferied I willi a higlnvay commission rcii- ! reseiitativc v.dio informed liini an ! j ami-ndincnt to tlie municipal o’li i i rcscivlalive who informe.i liim -an , amendment to the iminicilial a , I greement siiould he [la.^sed. , i 1' The board received a Icitci ! signed by James E. dams, trca.s i ! urer and Irusti'i' of Bynum Chafiel ' .\ME Zion cluirch on lielialf of I .several eliur. lies and businc.s.ses l i requesting tliat parkin.g h' al- j I lowed in front of tlie.r biiilding.s ' on Can.sler stri'ot bix-ause there i was no prolierty avaiia'bie for Itu’ j I .ain-.triielkm of a parKing lot, - ’ Named in tlie letter wi're. in ad . dilion lo Byiuim , ii ipel. .New ] ! ii.-i e I'leshytorian ehurcii, St, ' ' Paul MeilMilisi clniri li. J. VV. Gill I .g .-ten Funeral llunie. Carolina 1 C.ile. Briwn’s Sna.-k .8lic;i, Dr. .N. H. Reed and Di. D. E. Hor-I. Tile hoard jiasseil a roseliition granting tlie reque.st. On rec. mnicn(i:ili-’n of Connn \V. S. Bidiiix. till' bon.I ills) jia.s- e.i a re.scliilion reni'iving tin' temporary traffic liglil at I'ii 1 m.inl and NVaco road an:l tlial irartic marker! Iv mo\ed iia.-k iqi to 30 feet from the intiTsiH-tion pendin.g di.scil.ssion with piuperly . nets in the arei to extend tin m be.voiid 30 feel if i)j.s.siblo. p ; \ o 1 1 . - t vide ficc i .., .1,. C't .ii; 111. 11....- I i.'.o.'. e l ■'.vr, ■1 , te, e, : ,. O',' If II F" .vn, bar r\ lia-nr. \ Lc.vi.s Uellin-ger anJ W. .0. 1 lil'on, Jr. .-Mso iircsent weix \ii'. and -M—. Dan r.ir.er an.l l.din . hi !|;iie. Jr. 'leijl I till' ■ a-emeni f iMi.-ws. “fur i 'ain.-oii n is drdi; itc-.- .- im, r M .'i'ia and in :i -110; till' d-iwnii .Ml .h.eco.n'g disiric: Our niein ic o I'. i e hi .'ii ni'tive ;a t.m e; oil ii-r ni.'iiy yiar.-o Five ytai's ago i.u: piiv.itc venture to renovate a two ol ick area was ii’isui...-Slid .la-' to :: .'.gerin.c Cl-Sts', and natural r<''i-cati'c<- I'l ■liangc. iio.\e.i-r, tiianks to- til-' eiferl of -May :■ .\1; -y and the Cil;. ■oard ol L . ;ii.n-s ■amers. lie; e foi Die fulu.e the d'Will wvn li.i-' . v.ve! ai l-ic; th.ac with th • - 'I'.ili hni.’:i) i.'t iiie Kin .*! .\f nin- ■•in lie le . ' ;■ ni'iil Ci 'nmi.o.-.i " i - .i Mihs. :;ai I’t aiipr xal of 1. 1 . in fe.leral aid tc renov, .do Ci.t'.i'i' tliir','. a re d'wnUiv.'ii ■ I.ei. Wc heartilv eiidor.se thi- H ci-.-,- artii.u w'liicli c.i.ords the i'i/'i.-’ -.li Kings .Mountain tin i.ip . '.uiiiiy t- ren.ivate and pro- ■I'.xe liie maikil place of our his - I lie i.:y. ■ "tile e.'i riomi.'s of the dirwn- i lew 11 ri'devehipment are .s.ninil and wc ai! will iM-nefit Irom the . .o.gia n. The iniiilic funds are I used to iiiipioce jiuhlic facilities; . 'n'l'ts. sid.'waliis. walkw-.iys, lark.s an.l u'llitii s. This exiiendi-, lire encoiu':i.ges private invest- ■ ! aient liy tlie liusuie.s.mien and j tir.ipi rly ewner- t" hiiild new : I t 'res an.l renovate older prop- ■ erty, n f.icl, we liie members of' Do-wnii.'-.-a, In:, plan to inve.st in' .11 ,,h 111 p-aii 1 iiarking -ireas. This aeti.n will reverse the dcciiiio of ; iir dc'wnlown; hu.slne.ss will , [I'.oiit tin-ough in.-reased traile. ,1.,petty .I'.Murs will reaiize ap- ..rscia-lic.n arni higher in..line, the ily will benctil tlirougli ad.lition- .li rcvcn'ue genej-aled by privalt', inve.-'tment, and the indiUdual i I iti/.eu will eajey tiie cmvenieiice f a niodcrn slioi 'ping area here ■ at hcino. ".\t long last till' fi.'.st i-oncrote evideii.'O .'1 jirogre.ss is visible. ; The Re.ieveleiiinenl Commission is moving t change Ilie iace of the i.idral bu-ines; dislriit and! I.hc B.iar.l cf Dircclor.s of D iwui-- l.iwa In,', (ic.sires to take lliis . 'i- | p- rtunity lo njinimend both the City Toiird --f Cuniniissioiiers and tile' Kin.gs Mountain Rc.levelop- 1 ineiit Coinmis-ion fir tlie inilia-. Ci'iiliiuinl On 7’(i'/e Ei'tht I N , RITES TODAY — Military fune ral rites for Al/C Gary David Henderson, 20, will be held Thursday afternoon from Pat- tersor. Grove Baptist church. Gary Henderson Mes In Crash Full military funera) rites for A-IC Gary D.avid Henderson. 20, will be hold Thursday afternoon al 4 o'clock from Patterson Gro\e iRaptist church of which lie was a niomlier. Rev. Richard Piyler will Of fil iate al the final riti'S, and in terment, witli military honors, will be in Mountain Rest ceme tery. Tile body was taken to the home on Route One Waco road Wednesday. The liody will lie in slate al the chuix-h 30 minutes before the services. Airman Henderson died al 2 a. 111. August 22nd in Grank Fork North Dakota, <F injuries re ceivi'-d in a m-ilor.'ycle ai'cident in whiih anither airman also dieil. According to report of As sistant Coroner Bennett Masters, a spokevm-an for the '(Jraiid Fork AFB said tlie two airmen were enroute lo the airbase wtien llieir molorcyele was struck in Ilie rear by an automoliile. A-IC Henderson joined the U.t.AF in Octolier 1970. He had graduated in .line 1970 from Kings Mountain high school. A native of Kings Mountain, lie was the .son of Eminitt ami -Margaret I’ridmoro Henderson. Be.sides ins parents he is surviv ed by two brother. IXiniiy Tdll- ; man Ilender.smi and Larry Ma son Henderson, both of the home and two sisters. Miss Nancy Jane llenderon and Miss Fran- eo Lynn llenderon, both of the homo. SoctoK Feel She May Reject Mew Ki^ey Mrs. Frances Green, recuperat ing in Charlotte .Memorial hespi- tal from a kidney transplant Aug. I, was to undergo surgc.y yester day afternoon lo remove what her hu.-inand termed a “block be tween her new kidney and olad- der.” Oscar (Bud) Green sal .vile returnisl to a kidnt. chine for six hour); izea Tuesday first time she had .. v the machine since .she received the life-sustaining kidney from her sister, .Mrs. Jean BurdeKe of rdyetteville, in a transplant eper- ation. -Ml'. .Green said doctors were afraid this week the patient was ■going to rejecit the kidney” and put her back on the machine to try to remove the block and avoid .in operation.” ■Mrs. Green undenvent more X rays on Wednesday morning and IfK'lOrij lion necessary for the kidney to unction prc.)erly, Mr. Green said his wife told him in a telephone conversation fre.-n the hospital. The 41-year-old mo'.her of six was also receiving blood transfusions ,it mid-afternoon WcHinesday. The Green familif was in Char- loltte with Mrs. Green yesterday afternoon. MeriitS Faroily Second Runner-up In tiudm For All-American Honor Sewing Classes Are Slated -Adult Beginners’ dressmaking ind tailoring classes will be of- ered this year beginning the veek of September 13’h at the 'ommunky Center under spon- ;c-.-ship of Cleveland Technical nstitute and Kings Mountain ligh .-achool. Seven rias.«es will be taught and interesleii stucents may pre- rogi.stor by calling 739-3794. .Instructors for the classes will be Mrs. Betty R. Gaimble, Mrs. .Margaret Baird, and Mrs. Ade laide Allison, all of the high •ichool home economics depart ment, and .Vl'.cs. Mae Tignor. Mayor Moss Named To Committee Mayor John Henry Moss has been afipointed to the resolutions committi’e of the Nortti Carolina D'ague of Municipalities which will make its reeoonmendations at the annual Lo.igue ironvention in Cclo'oer. Mayor Moss was appointed by t.be li'aguo president, Mayor Ferd L. Harrison, of Scotland Neck. Tile League will convene in Durham October 10-12. Privilege License Penalty To Advance City Clerk .T:>e M<-Daniel, Jr. reminded delinquent purelia-xcrs of city privilege li -ense.-i Wed- ne.sdiiy that the iienally fol iate payment' is five jicrccnt j«'r month. Tile five pi’reent ix'nalty w.is aiyplied .'Yugast 1 and another will apply September 1. Bill and Betty Patrick 'Monilt and tlicir tlii'ee sons. Rii.ss, 21, I’al, 19, and Dave, l.'i, ol Roa noke, Va. weie voted .Ymeiica's ina.st poi-ular family by ballot vote of the 276 family members in the national compciition and were sec.ind lunncr-iip in the All-Amei'i.-an Family I'ageant in Leliiirli Acres. I-'la. iMr.s. .Merrill i.s daigiiU'r of Mr.s. P. D. Pal rick of lllai k .'il.fimliin, fori'ierly ot King.s Mo'jarain, and of the late Dr. Pairick. lor many yc.ir.s iiastor 'of Kings Mmml.iin'.s Di.xon and ' Fir.st I'ro.sbylcri in cimi i lie.s. li'ul Mrs. Merri'.l ihnms the ■gr.caU’sl cxperii nee i-ame when her family was singled mil as ihe rnos' popular of the 51 .state and Distriit of Coi.mhia reiire.s- I nlativi's. The award was diH'iiled by in dividual iballot vote of the '276 family inember.s in llic competi- lion and based on |)erson-li)-per- (-.1.1 c.ml.icl .mil invohemonl j liirin:; i.ie lOday iiageant. ' ".',ow 1 know u.iy pco-ple I'l'f .in sir'll .siliiatinns.'' Mrs. Morriti sa.vs, admilling lhal slie wai le.'iiyeyed dining irni'll of the all-expcnsi'.s ] .li.l whirluind holi day "We'xe always been a el-'.s' family," siie lys, "hut lliroii h 0.1 liie eomiiciilion then' were .little Ihin'gs that made me roal iz it more.” 1 And Mrs. Merritt admits lhal I from the original involvement in the oimpetition, she has often asked liei.self. “Why us? We're just a typical family.” The Meri'itts xvere nominated for the stale searcli by Ilie Bramhlcion Junior Women's club j and even Ihe-i Betty Merritt ! "knew nolliing of wliat it was all ahivul.” (Among organi'/xition si>on.xor- ing till' pageant were the Gen eral I-'ederalioti of Women's Cliilis, Ilie .National I'onfei'e'icc if Chi'islian and Jews and Ihe All-.Ymerican Family Inslitiilc. 1 Mrs. Merritt's association with lh«' Bramlilelon Juniors came iliroiigli lier joli ■.‘'or eight years now as a .s]ieckil isiiiealion learli- or for emotionally disturbed ehil- Iren. Her class at Highland Park scliool is sponsored by tlie ■lub, and niemliers regularly .s<>rve as xxilunteers in the iiro- I’am. After being -selerted as stale semifinalists, fhe Merrltts were iterviewixi in their home by a igeint official, wlio came ifter linnet' "wlien things were a bit ■iished and there wasn't lime o iK' nerx'oii.s. J- st an All-Ameri- xn s em'e." she remembers, I Tlien notificalion came that ] hey were to represent Virginia, ' •in.i Mrs. Merritt telephoned last ear'.s family. Ihe Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Goodpasture of F'erriim. to learn more about w'lvat was : VMlinucd Vn Pag* Eight i Five Teachers In New Posts Addition of five new teachers brings to 194 the number of faiC- ulty members who oegin the sehoolterm yesterday in Uie dis trict system. Tliey are Patricia .M. Satter- white. North; Mary S. Hardin, We-it; Clara C. Jackson, Grover; Kenneth Blanton, Central; and Hairill Blanton. Central. Twins Second Time For John Conners Jolin Conner has fiis chest stuck out. On Friday, August 13, his wife, the former Donnie Vee Cooke, delivered the Conners’ scxsmd set oi; twins and their fifth and sixth children. The first sot of twins, San dra and Cheryl, arrived IGS •jears ago. Tlie recent iy arrived ttvins are Ixiys. Dr. John C. McGill, 'attending ph.vsician, logged Donnie’s arrival six minutes in advance of Johnny's. Tlie Conner family numiber two other .girls, Sheila Lynn 17'-j. and Gina J.eo. 14. Mr. Conner is 38, liis wife 39. Tliey reside at 300 Lackey street!

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