i Population Greater Kings Mountain Q1.914 City Limits 8.465 Oi«ater Mouatcda Ovur* * U itortvad Iimb tba Ualtad StotM BorMni ol tb* Census rsport o ioavon ^ tneiudss tbs 14,9M population o KamJMr 4 Towosblp, and us rsmaliilaa S«124 Iren ^..lnl^c 5 Township. In Clsrslond County and Crowdif* J; iwc% Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL. 82 No.39 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, September 30, 1971 Eighty-Second Year ro SO INC; [mm PRICE TEN CENTS Goforth To Start Today Goter Rites \' WINN DIXIE AWARD — Bill I^tham, left, district supervisor for Winn Dixie, presents 25 year serv ice award to Mr. and Mrs. Yates Harbison. Mr. Har bison, who joined Winn Dixie in 1946, has bi'en manager of the Kings Mountain store since 1948. (Photho by Jim Belt) Yates Harbison Out-going Mail Service Doubled YeaiWithW-D Yalt‘s Harbison, man*aj?er of llu* Kin.i^s Mountain W'inn Dixie store, rciently ri'coived a silver plague fur 25 years service with tile ciiitipany. 'File award was pn*sente(l by Hill Latham, distrkd sui)ervisor hor tin* '^rcK’eiy store chain. ■Harld.^on, a World War II aimy veteran, joiiu^ the com* jwny in ItUii after returning « ii the war to his hometown 'i\loi*ganton. Harbison w’ork* ed in Charlotte and Gastonia before coming here in February of liTlS. “It’s been a very enjoyable 25 years,•• said Harbison, who is marrii'd to the former Margaret Peeler, also a native of Morgan- ton. Tile Ilarbisoius live in Kings CMoiintain at S02 Woodside Drive witli tlieir two children, David, il2, and Ann, nine. A memdKM’ of the First Baptist church here, Harbison is a past •memi)(‘r of the Jaycees, is a sev en gallon blood donor and last year was voted “Boss of the Yivur” in the Kings Mountain High Srhool DE program. Latham, in presenting the award to the Harbisons, com mented ‘-rm very happy, on iH'half of WMnn Dixie, to present this award to a man. who has rendered sucli a great service to this company.’’ First KM DeRose Unit Due Friday DeUo.se Industries. Kings Moun tain’s new mobile home manu facturer, will put its first unit on 1:he road Frklay morning. Jt'rry Taylor, manager of De- Uose, said that Mayor John H. Muss and DeKose offi'cials will '«,iuiu( t a brief ceremony at 10 ^^‘VVeV<* been filling our line for abeut a week and a half now," said Taylor, “and we’re pulling our first unit out now.” DeRose sells solely to mobile hPnic dealers but Taylor said ho did net know immediately whai fiiim is purchasing the first unit. METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for 1'he week ending Tue.-day total- eil $113.G0, including 3101.75 from on-street meters and 311.85 from Oif-stix'et meters. TRUSTEE — Carl F. Mauney, Kings Mountain industrialist, ha... been oppointed by Govern- cr Scott to a four year term on the Board of Trustees of Cleve land County Technical Institute. Mrs. Moore's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Kath leen Moore, G3. of 111 Clonin :or street, wife of Clove Moore, were held Saturday aftrnoon at 3 p.m. from Kings Mountain Church <if iGod with th Rev. S. W. Avery oll.'iciating. Interment was in M...«ntain Rest Cemetery, Mrs. Moijre died suddenly at 1:15 a.m. Inursday in the Kings Mountain hospital emergency room, after suffering a h<*art attack a few minutes eariler at her home. She was the da-uighter of the late Mr .and Mrs. Ilenery iDailey and a member of Kings Mount ain Church of God. Besides her hus'band she is sur vived by seven daughters, Mrs. Raymond Mul]inax,Mrs. Ralph Bumgardner, Mrs. Boibby Rhea, Mrs. Henry Wells, and Mrs. Bill Sellers, all of Kings Mountain, (Continued on Page Eight) By MARTIN HARMON A fifty percxMit increase in out going mail .ser\'icc to all |X)lnt- from Kings .Mountain lias been announced by Postmaster Oharlt*s L. .Alexander. ■T\vo outgoing mails dally an- being dispatched, at 2:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Formerly there was only oiw* at C p.m. Pcstma<tOf .Alexander s:ud he felt th<’ a(l<iitional out-going mail at early aft(*rnoon would liel/ the service materially. He noted the rceent announce ment of William .A. Blount, cine, of the Postal Service, on o\i*r- niight mail delivery and the des ignation of 33 points (Atlanta ir tlii.s area) of collection. Tlie 30 minute earlier dis:»atLh time frem 6 p.m. to 5:30 U ilesignec' to facilitate over-night delivery the Postmastcir add<‘d, as will Hu- newly added 2:30 dispatili. The Postmaster urged patrons to po.st their mail an hour be fore departsre time. “We’ll dlsiratch to tlie la.st i)os sible minute,*' Po.stma.'ter Alex under centinued. “hut liour prior posting will ab.si'lutely assure dis patch at the pailicular hour.” Tlmrsday ^ Manager On Sunday ill iaten Rouge Funeral servi.’os will be held 'Inur. da> at 4 p.m. at liesurrec- i.:n Lu a .an ciiurch for E<lwin .1 jr;‘ (1 -U:., atj, oiK'ralioas man- agii oi .Mim ral Company and su;|KWi.S';r ol Fooilc’s Aybury p! ml opeiations in Knoxville, i'e:in. .’\lr. Gt Ut died Sunday m.-rn- iiig at 10 o'clock in a BiLun Rouge. La., h-.rpilal. .Mr. Gitivi and his wife were in B'.ilon R'.ugt' on a vi.sit to their dau;.:li.tei'. a giaduuU- student at L<,ui-iana Stale Lniversily, to rne( l .Miss Goter’s lienee. Ml. Goief bcvame ill ThLWsday. Deatd was attributed to a heait attack. .Mr. Goter joined FcTOte Mineral /uinjany here in February 1951 • i.-: mill ^upe^inlel^’ue^t shortly .iiiei I'oole actiuiiH d the litiuum .(• j rovluciT iiem S'oVvay I’r. .ng . Ho hji.l been ciK-'ra- ions manager •inv;: and be- ;an lii.-: a;s.\*iat on will tlio .m:;.Kvillt' linic opeialion in ItKiO. A nati\e of WoodA'i/rth. N. D., he wa-s a .- ui ol Lie late Mr. aiKl Mi.s. Edward Golcr. Ml. Goier was graduaUxl from hiiversHy of Norlli Dako*:a (1938) .vilh a H. 3. degiet? in minipg and enginc><?fingV' Prtrr joining Foote, he held posi ions with Don cor Kqe'pm<‘nl cm’ in> , Dt nvci . (’..h .; Gil idge .Mining Ccmi)an>, Dea Iwotxi. 1a: M. .a. Guwde Conir:utcr.; /it'dlina. Va.; Aineiiian Uutih (inaany, Beave:- DaTn. Va.; \meriean Mang.ine.'a' Company, Eyni i S:aiion. \a.; and NaLor.al .ead Cempany Lea i Company, ialv-iwus, N. A. Hi was an oivasi mal contribu- . >r cl .s; itmtiHj arl!*les to the :it:ori ol the Ami'rican In- liluie of .Mining Enginc’cr.s cl wbiv'i he wa.s a member, and .vas a nKimbev of tlie advi.sary -ommilice cl the N. C. State Min- ral* Ih'soarcli Laooratory. He \va.'- a mc.’mber of tlie Rotary Club and chairman of the cauncdl lioir membe-r and Sunday Scdiool eacher of Resurrc\/ion Lutheran hurch. ■mi Rebel Flags Result in "Incident' And Four KMHS Pupil Suspensions By GARY STEWART At least four King.s Mountain High Srho ;1 stuiienls were expell- (*d for di'ffert'iiit tiiin* periods Wed nesday alter fighting brake out in one classroam and in tlio teachers’ parking lot. Principal Jake Atkin.son referr ed to the fighting as “little in'ei- dents”. Atkinson said rumor that one student was cut willi a knife was lalse. The li^iating appa'r(*n‘Uy slartcYi ■W''hi»n two rebel flags were .seen on the school grounds. The flags —one cn the scho' 1 smokestack and another on utiHity wires—ap- j^ ntly were put up Tui*sday .Atkinson said. Ho said two of the four students expelled were black and the other two white. “We know who put up the flag,” Atkinson said,J‘an(T he wiu? one of the students exixdlcHl. But tliat was not the only (reason he was c.M)clled. He had been in a few other incidents lately.” Atkinson refused to name the students involved. Supt. Don Jones also refused to release the names of the students involved, noting “I would have to have authorization from our lawyer and the schagLbcKird.” Jones said “our soholl businoas is to educate and rri*'ke sure all 5’tudcmts have equal opportunities 'A cauiple of kids got into a i Rumors have gone out that are fight and we had a little ten* entirely untrue. The incident was Sion, lhat’s all that hapi>encd,’’ Continued On Page Eight Mrs. G&iorth's Club Skillet On Wall Mrs. I. Ben Guforlh, Sr. will hang up her skillet Tliursiiiu night aft(*r 32 years as caterei for Kings Mountain edvio clubs. Mrs. Goioi'lli, wlio is retiring, will servo her last meal to tlu Kinge Mountain Kiwani.s club at o:45 p.m. at the Woman’s club, 3he bi’gan co. king fur the Kiwan- ians 32 years ag<i. lias also ccKik- ed for meetings and banquets oi rhe Kings Mountain Lions club. Kings Mountain Jaycees, Senioi VVo.Tian's club and Junior Wom an's club. Widow cf I. Ben Gc iorlh, Sr. .Mrs.’ Goforlh i.s a mcnib<'r of the cafeteria staff at We.si .school. Mrs. W. T. Weir, president oi the Weman’s clu-b. said “the Wi.man’s club is most grateful for the .services of Mr.-?. Goforth and obtaining a replacement i.s goinp to be nio.^t dUfieuIt.” Airs. Weii said va.ioiN memaers of the Weman’s club liave agreed u serve meals to the c-ivic clubs foi the next three weeks until a cat erer is em|>loyi*d. SUCCrUMBS ^ Edwin R. Goter, operations monag^ of Foote Mineral Compony of Kings Mountain, died Sunday of <a heart attack. Funeral rites will be held Thursday at 4 ,p.m. from Resurrection Lutheran church. Scott Taps Mauney City Appealed Commission's $105,750 Award By MARTIN HARMON ! City of Kings Mountain vs. Colc- I man Geforth, the city’s ai;p<'al of ' c. imniissioner award in the Buf falo Creek r(*.s<*r\oir condt^m na tion action, is expecled la come to trial Thur.s<Ia>. Tlie ca.se wa.s re-calendared on this week's civil te:m ol (’leve- land Superior Court, Ju Igt* Lacy Tlu ;nburg of Sylv presiding from las! ca.se to thira. The second ca-ie, a d imago ar- tion, went to the jury iTU'sJay afternoL’n. A l!irre-man ccTMmis.sioner team awarded .Mr. G * rlli $105 750 for the 150 d.re.s the c''‘y requires, and the city immediately aa pealed the award “exres.sive”. In a counu r apTril, Mi. Go forth que.stioned ruling of the Clerk cf Superior Court on imints of law, including whether the city I actually needed th^' proixTty. i Judge Thornburg dciTTed the (hi- forth appeal Tuesday, c4ty attor- said. Mr. (^orth is represented by Charles Horn, ^^holby attorney while city attorneys are Jack White, Kings MounTain, and Verne Shivo, Gastonia. The city's key witness will bt Frank Hoyle cf Cherryviile, regL tered a^ipraiser. 4 . ?- Surviving arc his wife. Eleanor Continuid On Page Eight RALELII. - Governor Bob 8c<)tt today annO need the ap pointments to the B<«rd of Trus- cos of the Cleveland County Tt'chnk’iG Institute. " Appointed to sor\e a Uvo-yoar lerrrt expiring June 30, was ’Mrs. Ilolx-Tt O. Burns of Shelby. Mrs. Burns is director of Special Services in the Shelby City schools. Apponted (o serv’e a four-year term expiring June 30. 1975, was Carl F, Mauney of Kings Moun tain. Mr. ]Mauney is director and officer in several local textile plants and is semi-retired. Appointed to serve a six-year term e.xpiring Juno 30, 1977, was Ralph \V. Dixon of Fallston. Mr. Di.xon is a business associate of the W. J. Di.xon and Son Gener al Merchandise. Appointed to serve an eight- year term expiring June 30, 1979, was H. Eugene LeGrand of Shel by. Mr. LeGrand is president of the Planters and Merchants Warehouse Company, Inc., and plant manager of Fiber Indus tries, Inc., or Shelby. Alexander Has Jnique Clock Postmaster Charles L. Alex ander doubts many Kings Mountain (or ether) citizens can read the time of day frem the new cloivk, handiwork and .i^ft of C. O. Greene, secretary cf the Kings Mountain Baptist, association. The Pfistmaster is quite proud of the Bt'njamin Frank- I'in clock w'iiich adorns the Post master’s office. Postmaster Alexander furnish ed the walnut which encases the clock. The face has Roman numeral markings and tliere are four bands from wihich to read the time of day or night. The time on the Ben Frank lin mat'clied the time reported on the conventional wall clock in the Postmaster’s office. BUILDING PERMITS City building permits is-sued during the past week include: to Fred J. Wright & Sons foi ccnst'ruction of office buildini: on S. Cansler, estimated cost $1325; and to C. A. Ellisan, Lake Monlonia Road, two-room addition. Hcbart Dye contractor perimeter zoning penmit. mmm V ii I-,-! iiii-'-*—Ulrttlii’'' MISS NORTH CAROUNA ^ Patsy Gail Wood of Benson, the state beauty queen, will be guest of the Cleveland County Fair on opening day Tuesday and will be guest of the Kings Moun tain Jaycees and ride in the 4 pun. Kings Mountain Mountain eer's Day parade here Wednesday. Mountaineer Days To Begin Monday McMackin Improving From Heart Attack W. Li. MdMackin, Jr., who suf fered a heart attack September 17th, was removed from th<? in tensive care unit Monday of Oteen Veterans hospital and is improvin -, his mother, Mrs. \V. L. MdMackin, Sr., said yester day. ^Ih Mr. MdMackin’s wife and mother, who had been stay ing with him at the hospital, re turned to Kings Mountain Tues day. Mr, MkiMackin, who was trans ferred to Oteen from Cleveland Memorial hospital, is a patient in Room 413, 4 West, Oteen. Plonks’ Request To October 18th, NeislerTractRe-zonedFor Apartments By MARTIN HARMON Disposition cf llu* re-zoning re |ucsl.-i of Hal 3. and Fred W. , Link, who want to build a max muni O'! 40 apartments on a six urc tract on Oakland .sLcot, i.^ hc.lulcvl to be made by tlu •ily commission on Gvlobi?r 18. The re-zoning ptHilion was ini ially moled la>t April 14 and uiu.'A wa-; dcferix’d on motion by A. Seimore Biddix, after Dr. John . .VKGill questioned a possible oiiilicl of interest due to the fact red W. Monk is cliaimiaii oi ,lu lily zoning board. whiGi ap jruved the re-zoning reijuc.st. City .Attorney Jack White dc- lined to offer an opinion but Id Hie board Cliairnvan Plonk • lad told him ho presided at the necMing but did not I'liter into he diseu.ssioii and abstained from .♦/ling. AHuniey W.ule .mid iie ould obtain an opinion frum the atloiiu'y general in a week. Dr. .McGill said he initially supported Hie re-zoning but liad Jiangt'd his miinil after roaltors lull* and in Shelby said an apart .luiiL complex eventually would levaiue adjaceiil property. Dr .VLGHl said he ownc*d four acres ni the area and represented own ers of 00 more aere.s. “I want my friends to make a p-rcliL," Dr. McGill said, “but turning a cotton pat.-li in'to $3t)G0 per acre is pretty gihid.” Dr. McGill, wlio purchased his hcniesite from Hie Plonks, said he v\a.s as.sured by tFu* BroHu‘rs Plonk in 196G that niljac'cnt prop- (Tty would be develoixxl with Continued On Page Eight PROGRAM SUNDAY—Rev. For- rest Whitener of Shelby will present special solos and read ings from 10 to 10:30 Sunday morning at First Wesleyan church, 105 Waco Road. Rev. Whitener is c dramatic soloist end sings often for special re ligious congregations and club groups. At this Sunday School Rally 1‘ach person ■'•esent will receive a souvenir, .^ev. Carl V. Sparks is the pastor, ond Mar ion Flowers is Sunday School Superintendent. The community is invited to participate. PRESIDENT — Lou Sobetti has been installed Os president of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club for the coming year. Kiwanis Taps Lou Sabetti Lou SahcHl was installed Thusday night as president of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club for the coming year. He succ'oeds Carl Finger. Other ne^vly-installed officers are I.^ewis Dellinger, first vu'e- pre.sident; Don Parker, second ^1^*0 president; Don Blanton, sec retary; John L. MtiGill, treasur er; Marvin Twr, a.ssistant treas- Continued On page Eight T:ic city cc'immiss'ion Monday night approvixi re-zoning reque.-Jt cf Noisier Brolhors, Inc., to per mit construction of a 24-uniit a- pa.lmcnt complex on Landing stre(?t. The rixiuest for ro-zoning had been approved by the zoning beard and Hie site plan by the planning board. In other actions the board: 1) Appro\'cd rt'-zoning reque.srt of Hal S. Plonk, Wray A. Plonk, Dr. George W. Plonk and N. F. McGill to permit ocnstruction of tiwa-Iamily dw’ellings in North- weeds sun-division. 2) Referrixi to the street iK)licy com m i H iH* for rccom m (* lul a t ion pctiiion for paving and curb-and [gutter on Scotland Drive, from I Leo Avenue to Southwood Street. 3) Votevi to hold public hear ing on reque.-vt of Mr. and .Mrs. i James Roy Ri.sh for annexation of! the property at 1010 N. Cansler j Extension to the city. 4) On motion of Commissioner i Gate.s will swing open Tues- nesday and participate in the 4 T. J. Ellison, seconded by Com-; day to the 4S1h annual Cleveland ; p. m. Alounlaineer Days pa- COMMUNION The servia* of Holy Commun ion will be observed at Sunday morning worship at 11 o’cU»i*k at Grace United Methodist church. Wednesday Parade Has 25 Entries Kings M)untain area citizens w lW et'U brail the 191st anniver- .-ary of the Eauh* of King.s Moun tain in Mountainc'er Days festivi ties bi'ginning Monday. Dan.’ing in tlu streets Monday evening, a i^o.-tume and bi*ard on Tuesday t'vening a »p’a- rade Wednesday afternoon and a hymn sing VNe.lnesday evening will h<Mdiine the thrw-day trade proiiK’lion spon.soicd by the .Mer- ( hanks .-As.scciation and Chamber of Cemmeree. It is the first local obsen'ance since 19(t5 when oV(*r 4l).t)00 Pied- 'nior.i Caroliiias citizens visited H'e . M;.'-, N. rth Carolina, Patsy Gail W(h>d of Benson, will be a guesd of tin* King.s Mountain Jaycees and w ill ride in 'Hie parade W'ed- ne.sday allerni.on at 4 p.m. The Monday night street dance begin ning at 7:30 ]).ni. will be spoil- s iri*d by Hie city n'greation de* p:irtni('nt and the Tuesday evc- ;iing costume and board contests get underAay at 7 p.m. at the Woriian’s clubs with the Senior and Junior Woman’.-? clubs in cliaTge cf Hi(' aelivilies. The Wednesday par.ide will form at 4 jum. cn West Gold .street, proeooil up Railroad Av€^ mie to King, fr :n King to Pied- m<»nr, from Piednmnt to Moun tain, from Mountain to Battle- Contbuad On Page Eight Cleveland County Fair Will Open; Five-Day Event Has Many Features missioner Ray Cline, voted to County Fair and workmen were transfer cab franchise of the RayjBvsy readying the fairgrounds Kirby Estate to Wilburn Ham and e.xhibit buildings tliis week. of Liberty and ri’ck, operator Dixie Cabs. 5) Adopted resolution amend ing agrei'iment of the city with the State Highway Commi.'-sion rad(*. Artxi lx*auty queens, including Kings Mountain'.-; Debbie Timms, will ho guests for grandstand sliows \V('dm*.sday evening. On next Thursday and Friday nights, sptxial guests will lie the North Carolina Rhododendron C^ueen The fair will run through next Saturday nigdil. Exhibits will again fill all available spacH* aiKl fair catalog prc'mium Iksls show lietvveen coiiceming Cansler street park SlS.OtK) and $20,000 in prizes for ^ hm’yl sue Johnson of SOiitliport ing. Priwiously "no parking”, the 'departments, 'and Miss Carol Gudger of Aslu*- atfriH'^ment permits botir side' 'Miss North Carolina, Patsy ville who has played the role of parking The question of parkin” Wood of B<mson, will be guest of Dorotliy in “The Land of Oz” -in w-h,ic'h areas and vvliat di'- I “’p oP«'ninK day .ind \yl/l ; this suntm.-r mensioni5—was referrei to the' the grandstand that. .Si-hool children in tills area safety committee, Commissioner Ii''-" (School teacher will c'ome from jfairgrounds on Tuesday and FrF Continued On Page Eight j Shelby to Kings Mountain Wed- Continued On Page Eight

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