71 Thursday,'October 14, 1971 Sm THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINC/S MOUNTAIN. N. C. Page 3 Mountaineers Hope To Spring Upset Friday By GARY STEWART Herald Sports Editor Kings Mountain High footbali coach Bobby Jones says that if his Mountaineers can give another good offensive effort and play tough defense here Friday night, they can hand Shelby’s Golden Lions their first Southwestern Con ference defeat. “Shelby has a real fine football team,” says Jones, “but they can be beaten. It will take a darn good effort for us to do it, but we can.” Jones feels much more confident about his team’s chances following last week’s 26-6 victory over R-S Cen tral. “If we can play as well as we did at R-S Central, we’ve got a good chance of winning,” continued Jones. “That win gave our kids .some incentive. They realize now they can play good football.” The Mountaineers rushed for well over 300 yards in handing the Hilltoppers their second straight defeat. R-S C'-nlral dropped a 27-12 decision to Shelby the week be fore. Shelby will come here with a .>0 SWC record and a 5-1 overall mark. The Lions’ only loss came in their season openei' to 4-A Hunter Huss, 9-7. Kings Mountain shows only a 2-3 conference mark -SWC CO-LEADER SHELBY HERE- and 3-3 overall tab but Jones feels that his club is capable of beating anybody. The Mountiiin(>ors’ now Power-1 of fense had not been consistent until last \ve('k, “We bad the best team effort wo ve had all year," said Jones. “Everybody played their best game of the year. ’ Jones hopes his offense will continue to move thi' football and that his defense will bottle up Shelby’s strong offense. “We’ll have to play a good defensive game, no doubt about it,” Jones says. “Our linebackers are going to have to be on their toes and we’re going to have to rush the pas.ser.” Shelby’s offen.se is built mainly around junior running star Tommy London, who played in the shadows of the brilliant Marcus Mauney last sea.son. Jones, however, notes that his team can't afford to key on London. Lion quarterback Gene McMuriay is capa ble of scoring through the air as he did three times against Crest’s Chargers last week. Coach Jones will be going up against his alma matci and his former high school coach, Gerald Allen. Jonc.'-' quarterbacked the Lions in 1956, Allen s first yoai as Shel by’s head coach. The former Holbrook High boss and Ashbrook assist ant says he’d like nothing better than to upset the Lions iind tlirow a roadblock into their hopes of a font Ih straight I'onicrence crown. “Our bo\s showed real cliaracter last week coming back the way they did iifter losing to ClK'rryville. siiid Jones. “Now, if we can just continue to play togeth.'r, we'll be in real good shap(!.’’ Jones says Ik' doesn t foresee anj' lineup chtinges. llis effense will show C.('r;ild Owensby and Jen \- Valentine at ends, Jake Bridges ;uid Steve ingle at tackles. Dale Hussell and Dennis Hogue at guaids, Steve Plonk id center, David Bolin id (luarti'i'biick, John Grii'i iit fullbiick. iind Chris Blanton iind Marshiill Logiin at hiilfbiick. Det('nsivel>', the lineup will be iibout the same. Cliris: .lohnson will start in the d('fensive backfield, Bobby Joiin- son will come in id one end spot iind Diinny Rliofla.s will be id linebacker. Miirk George, who liiis tciimed with Grier to give K.M oneof the best linebacking coinbiiiidions in ilu‘ cone'ri'nce. wdl pi'diiiibl.',' be on the sidelines loi ilie si'cond straight week, George had to letivi' thi' Cherryvi!];' game two weeks i>20 due to a suiriiich \irL;.< tuid jiliived oiilv spiu inglv at R-S Central. “?liirk snapped foi run punts iir 1 i";ti-i iioints ii.nd Iih'O'cd just a little on otfi'nse iii R .S Centrid” said Jones. “We hope he'll be biick id full siieed before king. ' ALL'AMEstICAN — Gardaer Webb's George Adams, 6-5 senior from Kings Mountain, is picking up in basketball where he left c ti lest year. Adams has been named on Street and Smith's pre- season All-American team and the Bulldogs have been tabbed aa the number five team in the nation. HERALD SPORTS By GARY STEWART Mountaineers Win Over Hilltoppers 26-6 Golf Tourney ■ Team Gave Best EHori Oi ¥oas Giiei Scores Pair. loaes Savs .S Re - Schedule I Challenge Gardner-Webb College’s basketball Bulldogs arc going to have a lot ol Iocs “laying” lor tlicm this season. Coai ii PJddio Holbrook's team, a perennial power in the small college ranks, has been tabbed as the l.f'ih best loam in tlic nation by Street and Smltli s Basketball An nual. “We’re real tickled with the honor,” says Holbrook, A')ut iirc-season polls don't vein liasketliall games." ^ Iiollirook iias been working liis ciigers inside for over a week now and he s seen severii) bright spots. “George Adams is looking real good," be said. “We’re still working him inside but we plan to put him out on the floor as soon as we start scrimmaging." Adams, the former Kings Mountain High superstar, wiis solecled on Street and Smith’s pre-season All-Ameri can team. He made several first team All-Amcrican squad.*- last yeiir. “Were spending most of our time now on individual stuff,’’ said Iiollirook, “liut we have several players who look like they’re going to have outstanding seasons.’’ Holbrook said Tony Spagnola, a senior from New Jersey, looks “the best lie's looked since he’s been here.’ Spagnola teamed with Adams an.d 6-11 Henry Boyd last yciir to give the Bulldogs one of the best front lines in NAIA circles. “Boyd,’’ continued Holbrook, “is m.ucb stronger phys ically than he was last year and will be better because of it.” % it Play In KM tM Sevei’iil freshmen, Iiollirook said, are lookin.g good and will give tile Bulldogs good depth, .something that has been lacking the past few years. “We feel like we’ll have eight or nine players that can play con.sistently good basketball,’’ said Holbrook. “We've played lhal many boys in the past but this year those throe or four substitutes will be mucli bettor.” Though Gardner-Wcl.b will be better tlrs winter. linl- lirook sa d it will lie lou?:h to imtinive on last year's 20-4 record. The Bulldo.gs finished the season ranked seventh in the nation. “We’re i)lii,ving the toughest schedule we’ve over • nd. ’ lie s.iid, inenlioning sucli foes as i.enoir Rhyne, Klon, I, Augu.^'line, Barber-Scotia. Western Carolina, Guilford and other.!. Tile Bulldcgs open their season at home on November 23 agaln.st Piedmont College and then play in two tourna ments that Holbrook says will be as well-balanced as any ill the soiitlienst. G-W plays in the UNC-Aslicville Tipoff Tournament llie last weekend in November and then plays in the Kings Mountain Invitational on Docenilior 3-4. “Tlii.s Kings Mountain tournament is going to be aw fully lough,’’ .‘■aid Holbrook. "It will certainly let us know how we’ll fare in District 26.” Ill KM, llio Bulldogs will play against Elon, Barber- Seoliii till! St. Augiuslino. “Tlie learn that wins that tournament,’’ .said Hol- brook, “is going to knov; it’s been in .some tough fights.” Elon fiiv.'lied Ihe .sea.son last .vear ranked iOth in the na- t (111, Ba. bc -.'^'cofa ad\ aiiccd to the District 26 tournament and St. Aiigitstino madi' it to the District 29 tournament. "Barlirv-Seotia bivil its last year," said Holbrook, “and they I’iivi' ('\ery iilayer rcturnin.g. Fact is, every team in the"Kings Mouritain tournament, c.Mcept us, has everybody back." Augurtine, a R.aleigh school, has one of the states lictter plavcrs in 6 5 fn-iard Curtis Pritchett. He was drafted iii'this year’s ABA liardslup draft. “He’- a trcmi'iidoi’s shnotev” .‘■■aid Iiollirook, “and ho gave us f'le last year. lie's one of the bettor players we've i)l;iy<>u ag-unst.’ ‘ Elon, of course, will Rmturc All-Ainoriean guard Tom my Cole, a 6-2 .senior who pl.ive ’ w'lh Adems on the Wc.sl All-Star team when they were high school seniors. Barber-Scot ia. from Concord, has come on strong the past two years and has two former Gastonia Ashley stars, • enter Eric Bynum and guard Larry Garvin. I Besides Adam‘S Cardner-Wehb will feature several (Continued On Page Four) BEST GAME — Kings Mountain High quarterback David Bclin played his best game oi the sea son last Friday as the Moun- toineers whipped R-S Central 26- 6 in a Southwestern Conterenee football game. Bolin went 20 yards for one of KM's four touchdowns end had a good rushing game as the Mounties v.ion th^^it third game in si:: eatings. Continued on Pat/r Poiir RcijnY Weather Fqicqs Halt Ts Tewrney The Kin,gs .Mountain Country Clu'* Member-iGuest golf tour- ‘ nament, scheduled for last week- ; end, was postponed becau.se of rain and has been re-schedulod i for Saturday, October 23. Darrell Austin, a member of - the tournament committee, said i that only four foursomes had completed play when the event was stopped Sunday. The October 23 event will be for IS hole.s only. The tourney was originally a 36 hole event over K'.M Country Club’s new IS- hole layout. All participants in the Octo her 23 tourney arc asked to be at the cltibh'iuse by 10 a. m. Teit off time is set for IT a. m. A shotgun start will get the tour ney under way. All participants are also asked to get in touch with either Dar rell Austin or John Howe as soon as possible. The tournament banquet was held last Saturdiiy night at the club. Gene Tracy of Lowell was guest speaker. Several door prires were awarded. The top prize, a new golf bag, went to Bob Stowe, who was guest of Jack White. In the closest to the hole con test, Wilbur Bolt, who was Roy Pope's guest, won a 17-jewcl wrist watch. Bolt pit his tee shot within -si.x feet of the pin on hole number seven, a par three. / LONG TOUCHDOWN RUN — Halfback Chris Blanton ran 45 yard? for one of KM's four touchdowns in last Friday's 26 6 win over R 3 Central. The Mountaineers return noine Friday night ior their biggest game of the year with Shelby's Golden I.t-ans. ^ngMdmn youraU^... Three teams are tied for sec- for the winning team. Ronnie ond place in the ladies’ duckpin Cullx-rtson’s 111 lino and 314 set league and arc closin ; in on first topped the losers. p\ace Cleveland Radiator ^rvice. Albert Brackett and Rod Hou- The C'eveland team, which has gpj. pacb rolled 3.39 lines as Iwen in first place since the first Brackett's team won three of week of the .season, saw its lead fogr games from Dilling Heat- cut to a mre two games Tuesday And Tignor chipped in with night at Mountain Lanes Bowl- a 3.30 set for the winners. High ing Center. Kiiig.s .M.iuntam’s .Mounluhicer^ j.'laycil thisr best garni' >>1 ih<‘ ■ ('..-.'in !• 1 .,1.0. niclil at 1!-; t'i t!..l cn 1 ki. .. .-Le i (.'I thi liiljt. ;) p. 2i>,, in then .innn.il It imt- ,. iM:. , K.uili.i.l came. i-e- , 1 li ry Ci.e- .''.a it Ile'.iln .Inn . 1 a i: :e a 3-3 i rail i (( .d hi a l.n ’ nil:. ti.. : i'.:’ ■ w hit .'shel.K .It 1 ..111 G.-ini !.le .'q.,.l.aiii liie I -.s 3: iji, eii 111 I...' SI- n ( liie i- .1 I.'. ' liilK .1 lie|-«: I I 1-t i.vel ill .111:1 3-3 111 iile a. n A' -I a t'-hleren e. K.n .\i .uni.iin S' in .1 in e\i--.\ qiia.ii I and i-eci r li.aiii 1 in win- iiiie. u.-' .-I" 011-1 straig.it g nni- iiver till !lillli);)pers. llie .M.iii:i tameii's palled .-may Ir -in a lii.sl quail. 1 lead to win tin it -11 . .1 1 oiileiei,. e .c-iiiic. ■ i.,.it wa- a I i .ir ti Ain." I Ir.ie m. a lia, ■ .. i .i.ii h .lur.e . 1 li.il V....: l.ir 111:' l i.St ti :..n elii.n w \e li.i.l. A er b.' :, ■ .1 All s . l.i.v me pa t le.\ wiiK i liiink :.ui s; ;; .-.li .\i d n d ,!ai-a .e: iiim.n: b.etin tv. ', th d.d" .11,.a wf.,i;d liol .• in.-tie 1 III any irdi. ..iiiais ini iiK ;i iie.liirnt anc. s, •I-A i-r\ li i.ly .in tile tii- in pl.i.’.M lliei.- iie.st .lanie el tin \'(.ii'. ’ Ik .s.ii.l. ‘ I Inina the ni Il'l.slill Ae Aon A'a.s be. .ui.:e Ae.i the jihysi.al nnllle. Ii ,\a thi fir.st time thi.s .war tii.il w.'-,i‘ oulhil Ihe (then lenni.” I-allna. k Jcini Gtiei, i miliniiin i. t . nniirove ailer iilavin;; 'guaid tor tA'' years, s;ored tA loii ii dcwn.s. .giving li.in si.\ lai tin- ;-.ea on. Qa iiifrbaik Dn il bol.n and hnll.'.n k .'hris Plant in a l li .l ne 1- u. lulnwn a, i. i a't.l Jo in ny Pri:l,ge.s bccted a p.i.i .il e\li;. 1 cint Grit; pul Kiii.gs Mountain i bee 1 A dd 2 .'in li'lt in 'be lii.-t quarter Alien bo .snred Ir ni -is yaids out. Bridges ii-otel tin p.iim-.ijli 1 ;.ir a 3 b lea I, li- t . emral .stru.'k ri.'b' la k. l:e.M ,e:, .and eiil Ihe deti. it t 7-(i A iieii qnarli-rlia-k IMl Ili.vk- in; te.-s-(,| a lly.ird loiKhlivVn p.i.ss to Gene Siiuior.l. file Hill ti p.ii’s' Ir.i I :r tbe piin'-a.l i niilel, It sM.i:, and tie .Moan lain.’ers kepi their lead. l-'i, m lha: p n-t, KM - dr.'i-n-K .-tillenrd an.) hel I the ILIIt ] i" (111 ti t . i till gime. Tile ho I- imi- llt J A illi r.iily l.'tll total y.il 1- Ad’.ilr the M..untainee:.s liad 3'to. fContinued On Pnoe Four/ Gi in', was Ir tru.iii n t.\o \ ai 1- ( ■vn run at r dm ran one in I J a ad-■ ;u’;l P.lanI .11 ;■ led ■ n to, ...aine’.- |en I.,;!i. a !,3-\ ■ A l-n KM' olner .sen... Till. .Moitnla le ei.s _ : • i,. b.ill I ;i till ..'1-1,11,1 1.1 : I o. ille ! i-blt an,I lame up A .lii tiie.i t n r'i.sli- n ; ; . o . . t a . \ a’do '' a .11I'.', a p.i.- :e> I hi' . •! ' a: . 20 .1 .It ' -. R .g (.■eiiiral managed only lob \ :o. . .1 : .e ..:,.r. 1 ai..l ni -I ..i I' . :: .a . .... t .K riil l.q. . I... ho on Old;, tv.'; nine 'i 1 ■ .“.3 ■.,0.1 'III: .M'iant.i::a er, 11 ! i ent- tou iidoAn lai b, Maisiial! I.. Ill rullike,! li;. a iienalty h it I'tclii'l II t il .ti.i ■ t ilii-i'i a,s Bill,!! le i ill 2:. .'.ar.is out. f : .1. :, ■ i ai:"i . i br.tiie a punt n ,.'111 i r a lo;i .i.l An, re- lornaig a II.til . iaiot lio.n lii- lAii 32 to the I’.-i' Central 13- i.n tile lo.s; pl-.y in :n .-.rim- .na 'I , KM 1 i Ine Inill on a .an. .I.-, ■'1 in I . ;n'l •.'noiegh ;ib mt ..u. l ie : t. " stii.l J ;;u .s. "Ctui oac’.s.s I..11 lei.l g' i an.I .lur linim. n i.l: i.l ,1. Wc.'re li'.d gl.i.l I. liavi lit:.'. ..in," 'li:e \ ieto: , .snait;)ed a tAo (Continued On Page Four) MM liesitmen Lsse To Grier, Piav Mi Holly Ki,i;;.s .Mctifitain High's fresh man 1 loi rail team a ill ;i(‘ trying I ' .snap bai'k fr;.ni it- only los- . t the si-ii.sim Thur.s.lay alternoon A’heii il travels !■ .Mt. Holly. i'.ia,:i Jihn I'.i.al -k'-' Little Mounl.iineet- A'ei'e sliut::ul by Gi.ii 01 ( List, :,:.I. 22 I. la-t Thurs- ■ lay at I. an . iam ile .‘fa.liuni. ill Cirie. li'aai i- noA iindefeat- 1 I .111 I unt or. il'all in three cen- te-l,'. 1 .1 1 .see'-.'; lo ; '.S’,! I hi' fir.st i'Sfer t 111 "ill r- A'lf m ike up ill.- K.nth Ltr.a le Aon ,i!l l.ve o. Ineir year at Cii .i.-d Jiinn \\ 1 liad li;-. t.-.i, Ii. biiu ,a Ih: tall. -'.■ie. t -..ni at Mt. II. I- I 1... 1.11' I. .M '.; ; 1 .r.ia't s Ail) I U: '1 t G ■!.- Ir t.i ii. n II. h i-'i Ti - '’nf. - renie lavcriie r. I-’, n.. cam. Ihey gatnt’.s las: : Hi.gh and c.itr.is a.s It .Ml. Cenhal Loses To AsMey, 21-20, Hosts lincolnicn Next Wednesday Central Junior Kigh’s Patriots mistit d a iwj p.dnt c inversion try t. 'lliOAirg a I. urth qu.irter tcuch- dovvn last VVedni's.lay an.d drop ped their scc. nd Mtrai;ht ftj'.hall g'tlx.e, 21-20 to Ashley of Gas- tc/iti'.i. 'I'hi; I0.S.S gives Coaih Porter Griggs’ Patriots a 2-2 record liead- in.g into a Wc:lne;sciay' game a- ga‘n.-rl Mari in. The Patri.it.s ho.sl Lincoln; ii nc\d Wo.dnc.S'.lay -al J'fhn ('.am'h'.p .Stadium, Central led twice durin; tlie game, at S-P in the fir.st quarter and at M-1.3 early in the .se.-ond liali. But a third qu irler touch- dtr-vn a'id :i tw.i ii.rint e-'iiversion Vv'on tile g.'.'.me tor A.siiley. Tito Gastonia sehcel took a (>-0 l-’t'd early in the .game wlien Kl- vin Sadler and Curtis Crank ho ik- c:l up cn a OH-yard pass p'lay on llie firil play tr im .scrimmage. jVshlcy’s try for the extra peini tailed and Central marched .33 yirds on the en uing kiekoff to take the lead. Quarterback Ste'.'e S iithweM pas.sed 15 yards to end Jejf Jones tor the score and Wendell Jackson pa.ssed to Tom my Manning for the .two-ixiinl co.T.'er--ion. Ashley came right back, how ever, and took a 13-S lead. Crank causht a 23-yard touchdown pass from Satller and Randy Malthew.s kicked the extra (Kiint. The .score remained 1.3-.S at halftime but Ccntr.il’s Dmnic .VtcDcviit returned the second half kL'kotf Go yard.s for a tomhdown and a 11-13 Central load. Crank and Ashley were back at it -again to.iowing the en..,u.ng kickoli. Crank scored on a 10- yard run and llicn eauglit