Population Greater Kings Mountain 91.914 City Limits 8.465 ... GiMttr Kingi Mcuotoiv Ogui* !■ d«rtv«d tiom Uw iip*H.inl UultPd StatM But«ou of tb* C»o*ut tcDort o fosuarr 1966. wad iMludM *lM .14.990 populatloo o RumlMt 4 Towotblp. ond Ito* r«mcilnlog 6*124 froa bonildtff 5 Townihlp. la CUTtload Couatr and Cvowdar* Motiptide Towmhlp la Ctaitoa Cowaty. •—z::^ Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspopei Pages Today VOL 82 No. 43 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, October 28, 1971 Eighty-Second Year PRICE TEN CENTS Preliminary Hearing Tuesday On Cansler Project I riday Parade Wilt launch Homecominr^ l-.m. paru.ii' Friday ;i Kini;i Moiniiain will iii;3:li A kirk S.-ii*;..'l's annual lic.iuiL^ining ac' li\ ilk'j. • :>. tlrady 11 waid, homiv)m ciKuniian, ' said llu.- parade will iK’gin on Mie (.'oriifr oi We.-t (add and . an-ilei .sUeets and end at llu' lurner ei I'-a^i L»old and e iieibkee. I’oui.t^en n.-al.s, spcnsarcd iby KMilS ilulia, will be <‘r4ereJ i;i .t!u' paradi' and M • seiiiar luoloall jilayers, in add!- ti..n lo llu' in>nieLX>.ining (jueen and !u‘r ieurt> will ride on the back, (.i eonverlibles. Mis. iloAurd said tlu' queen will be named Friday during a 2:3b }>ep .rally. Five .<enior.s are vying for tlic title ot ciuet'ii. Tlioy are Uiane Spearman, Judy \vu;e, Jynthia Ale.\an<l(‘r, Su^an Davk and Kalh- eriiK- Owens. llio parade route will be as follows: T.ie parade will begin at the iviner ol West CFdd and Cansler and proivod lo Kaiiroad Avenue. From Uailroad, it will go lo tlie overiu'ad bridge on East King and go right lo Pit'drnont Avenue. At Piedmont, it will turn right and proceed to Alouivlain Street. From Mountain, the lino will go right lo battleground A»enue, then protveU on •E'atiegi jund to East Gold, wheiv it will i-.me to an end at Kings Mountain l-arin CciUe/. 'kriday night aetivkies will be gin at 7:3U vvneii the hemeeom- ii^sponsors will parade on ears Jolin Gumble Stadium. The will be met by the latliers ol the senior players and the girls will pin a flower on the playc‘i*s’ molhens. 'File girls vsill view the Kings Mountain-Burns game Irom side line seals and tlie quwn will be crowned during haltlime by KMHS student body president Grallon Withers. Mrs. All'll Dixon will sing the Star Spangled Banner prior to file 8 p.m. ktckofl. A lionieeoming dance will fol low the lootbail game. Brown, Lowder Low Biciders For Bessemer Water Line Thieves Hit TV Films Eight television sets were tak en from two Kings MoUJilain firms early this week. Monday 'at 12:05 a.m., thieves broke into Bridges Ra<lio and TV on IMedmont Avenue and stole four portable itelevisions valued at $1,000. Wednesday at 3 a.m., thieves broke info Clark’s Goodyear Store on Battleground Avenue and stole lour portable TV sets, also valu ed at $1,000. It was the third lime in a month that Clark’s has been bmkeii into. City Del. William Roper said that officer Rob^Tt Dodge invest!- • >d the Bridges break-in and u‘ted that a city garbage can wJii('h was half full of water was •thrown tJvrougli the plate glass window of the store. Officer L. D. Beattie invosligat- (\l llie Clark’s break-in. Beattie said he disemered glass broken out of a door only 13 minutes after lie made a routine check at the store. Beat lie said the thieves used bricks to break tlie window, dark’s lias lost (’ighl televisions in the past month. Investigations into both break- ins are continuing. Line Enables BCToBuy Water From KM Brc wn Con.st ru c I i on Com pa ny and Lowde:- Con-tru('tion Com paiiy were appirent low bidders Wi dnosday as Bes.-iTiier City re a'ived bids fer A 12-!tirh wa-ter line \Nhkh will enable B<*ssemer C.'ty lo purchase wacer ifom Kings Mcunlain. For cast iron pipe, Tiie Brown firm wa.s low bidd<?r to Lewder t>y e.vutly $50—$92,500 to $93,000. However, on tlie dc.Taci alter nate for asbestos pijH*. Lowder was low by $4950—078,000 to $82.95i;. Tlie L.>wder .'bid for using as bestos pipe are cdose to engineer ing e.'itimafes ol $75,800 which proved $21-10 low, iGaston County is pifiying foi ■the portion of the line from Kings Mountain system Iiook-on ait Kings Mountain Industrial Park to Bessemer city limits, wliicli eiiginct'rs estiimated wuuld, cost $012^0, while 'Bessemer City is paying for the portio.i of the line within Bt'ssemer’s city lim its, wliich engineers estimated would cost $13,000. OUicT bklder.-i did net make as- bc»stos - pipe deduct aUeriKites. 'i'lheir bi^ for cast iron pipe weu[‘; Sandci^ Bixitliers, Charlotte $99,750; Gilbert Engineering Com pany, Statesville, $102,178; and Hickory Sand and Gravel Com- iiany, Hickory, $105,0(K). iBcsscnni'r City e.\i)eots to pur- chase initially a quarter-million gallons of water daily, with de mand to increase as requirements dictate. J. M. Pease & Associates and W. K. Dickson & Company, both of Charlotte, joinlly engineered tile projec’t. f red C. Hobson, of •Ihe Pease firm, is resident engi neer. Legion Dance Set Saturday "The Blue Velvets” will play for a Hall(nve<Mi dance Saturday niglit from 9 until 12 p.m. at the American U'gitni building. Legionnaires of Otis D. Green PiWst 155 have scheduled the dance for members and guests. VrW Poppy Day Set Saturday Annual Poppy Day by Frank B. Glass Past 9811 Auxiliary mem bers will be conducted Saturday, Mrs. Frank B. 'Glass, president, announces. Ih.Koeds from the street sale of pttppies made by disabitxi velt*- raiis will bv» used lo aid local veterans families and provide haspital itreafnienl for veterans. Mrs. Alma Sellers and Mrs. Ruby Stiroupc are co-chairmen of the sale which will be conducted on downtown streets beginning at 9 a.m, "Wear a Poppy on Poppy Day”, .said the co-cliairmen. LEAD ROLES — Kay Wiesener, top. and husband. Reb Wiesener are cast in the lead roles in the Kings Mountain Little Thea tre's upcoming production of the mystery play. 'The Mouse trap”. Wieseners In Play Leads Lead role.s in "The Mousetrap”, murder my.stery by Agathie Chris tie to be stagtHl by file Kings Mountain Little Theatre Nov. 5-G and Nov. 12-13, will he portrayed by Kay and Reb Wic.^ener. The husband and wife portray the husband and wile in Hie famil>-rated play to be presented at Park Grace auditorium in the Little Theatre’s first production for the current season. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holmes, transplanted British subjects, are. helping the eight cast members acquire authentic FhiglLsli dia lects for the play. "Tlie Mouse- tiMp” has enjoyed a lung run in London, opening there Nov. 25, 1952. Mrs. Jo Ann McDaniel is directing the local drama and Ray Holmes is in charge of set design and construction. Setting is Ihc Great IlaM of MaH-.swell Continuvd On Page Eight Ssnme Towery s Silos Ccnducted 2k?. iatuiday Funeral rites f«)r Itninie Red- ferd lo.'.erv, 25, were lieid Sat urday a UTiUJ m ai 3 irm. from tile Kings M(;unlain Caapcl of fune.al inlcrmeni fol- in Mountain Rest come- I’y- jA-v. L.:ais Lendimore offi'ciatcHl a. Ihe iijial rites. Mr, io\ver,\ died about 3:09 a.m. Tliur. day enruute to Char- h.Uv' Me.madal In aiital of what }. .lit - .say was a .^ell inflielod gunslit; wuuiiil in Hk* liead. Ptiliee Chioi Thcaiiis MeDevitt said tlie man repc.t«'dly wa.s play ing "Ru-^.-iari Roultdle” about 1 a.m. Thur.'«lay when )u‘ fired a shot inio his riglit l( mph' at liis h.mie at -lOf VVe.st Gold strevt. MeUevitt said oflie<Ms l.iund a .38 pist d with only oik' .spent shell in tlie iliani.ber. 'r-.iwt'ry was tak en to Kit.gs Mountain hospital and transit ned to Cliurlcde Mem orial hospital. He wa.s a naliv<* of South Caro lina, .<011 ol Mrs. Eddh Stanley Towery and tlie late Roy D. Tow- V ry. He was employed as a lex- tile worker. Sui-vivk'.g are his mether; his wlie. .Mrs. .Maiy Di’.m r:)wery; two ihildia-n, Ronnit* Towery, Jr. and lieote.a Ann Tt.wry oi t.ic hi .ne; tlirci* sisiors. .Mrs. Jones \V!i;teman of Lcwell. Mr.s. Linda Jones Ol Kings Mouniain. Mrs. Bri nda Hull.field of Shelby; and three br •Hier.s. Bobln 'I\:wery of Rock Hill. S. C., Freddie Tiwveiy of Kings Mountain and Mieliaid Towery of Siielby. lire Sub="Stand«:id Iiill04creflrea I'leliminarv h(*aring on ].Ians I'lr the llo-a.Tc ('aiislcr ..ir-*' R''ti('\val .\r(‘a will b(' condin'ted tiv ijic* city r:*dcnel:j]).ii(‘nt cam- mg.It at y<) at cii- pr;- ' te.h'rai llie an 1 with H£ND£R:>ON HALL DEDICATED — Ranee Henderson, far right* superintendent of North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morgonton. Kings Mountain native* receives a replica of the Henderson Hall Hall building plaque from Cecil Porter of Wilkes boro* while Mrs. Henderson looks on. At left is Mrs. Julia Armstrong ox tne nCSD lacuity who served as interpreter at the dedication program. The new dormitory was named in honor of Henderson. Henderson Hall Honors KM Native i&M Mes. McCarter's Bites Conducted Funeral rites for .Mrs. Grady Me.'art('r. AG. of 503 E. King street, were held Tuesday after- neon at \ oMock from Fir.-t Pres- byte' i.m chureh of which she was a memoer. Mrs. McCarter died of can;cer at 11:15 a.m. Sunday in Hie Gaston M<-iTiorial Jiospital. She had been in ill lieaUli for several years. A native ol Lincoln Coumv, she was Hit' f.irnier H.irrie Let» Wo mack. daugiiU'r of the late 'Mr. an.l Mrs. George' Womack. Surviving are licr husband; one daughter. Mr.s. Gene Patteison oi KIng.s Mountain; one son, Sammy McCarti'r of St. .\ugu.stine, Fla.; e>ne brother, Gt'orge' Womack. Jr. of Jaca.sonv ille', Fli.; three .sis ters, Mr.'-. David Ki-^tler of Linc- ednlon, Mrs. I* *:>e'rt Hoyle ol Clie'ste'r, S. C. and Mrs. Hillard Black ek Kings Mountain; void eight graiidvhildren. Dr. Paul vVusle'v coiuluc’tod the final rites, assisle*,! by Dr. Cluirles Edwards. paste>r of Boyve* Alemor- ial .\Rr church. PROJECT MANAGER — Pichard Coleman, 22. 1971 graduate of the University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill and son of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Coleman of Gastonia has joined the Kings Mountain Redevelopment Com mission staff <ts Project Mon- og:r of the downtown renewal area. Fourth Graders Give 103 Pennies F. urtli grade classiiiatevs ek Denni.s \eung, Jr. saved llu’ir pennh'.s an 1 eulU'oled $!.l-3 lor ■bem'i't of Plu' Kings Mountain iRescue' Btjuad. Yi.ung turned in his penny bank to his fvitlier. Dennis Young, a crew member. Bi*nn :tt .Masters, a member of Tie R<'3cu(* S.'iuad board of di rt vt* rs. said the Jaycee.s’ fund drive for $8 000 is OiOr Hie lop and he c.-tijiKi-ted mare than $10,000 will be cullecU’ci for new equipmeiiit. Yi.niig, Jr. is a student Myrlle schcol in Gaiitoiiia. ul KIWANIS PROGRAM Rankin, administrator for iSPve'innd County Mental Clinre, will addi-ess members of the Ki- wanis club at their Thursday Di^ht meeting. Smith Bites Aie Conducted Funeral rites for Yates A. 8mitli. 8r., 73, of 5210 Midpines, we.-<' In'id Wt'vine.sday aftenuMni at 3:30 from East Gold Street We>ieyan -MciHimlist elunvh. Rev. Edwin R. Chriscix?, a.ssisl- e(t by Rev. C. R. ('laod.son, offieiat- ed at Mil' final riles, and int<ir- inc'iit was in .Mountain Real ceinie- I cry. Mr. Smith died at 8:45 ajm. .M outay in Kings .Mountain hos pital. ^ A native of Cleveland County and ■:» retired lextih' employee, he was the son ol Hie lafe Mr. and Mrs. Hill .Smith. Suivking are hi.s wife, Mrs. Lela Anderson Smith: three d.uiglilers, .Mrs. Jame< J. Sisk and Mrs. Lloyd Blanton, bolh cf Kings .Mountain and .Mrs. Francos Gad dy of Gastonia; ilhr('<^ .sons, Yates Smith, Jr. of Grover, Charles H. Smith of Kings .Mountain and Ja^^k Eugene Smith of Bessemer City; 20 grandchildren and 10 grcal-grancLchUdrcn* 1 Speedy Johnny Gets Shoes Bock Johnny Mt*Ginnis, manager of Mv'Ginnis D<vk. Store on Battle ground Avenue, vva.s know’ii as a good running quarlerbaek dur ing his hHdball playing days at Kings Mouniain High, McGinnis hasn’t slowed down a lot and proved tliaf la.st Satur day vvlien st?me men tri(vi to s eal two eas(»s of shoes frem Hie back of his store, M Ginnis .spotted the men as thev were leaving and saw them put the shoes into their car. Jolinny chased the car across the parking lot in back of his st'CTc and caught them near Winn Dixie. He gof his .shoes hack. School of Deaf Dedicates Its New Dormitory Henderson Hiill, a new dome tory for 120 deaf boys and girls in the sixth, se\<*nih and eighth grades, was dedicated in honor of Ranee Henderson, Kin.;s -Mountain native, fourth and pres ent superiniendeiil of North Carolina School for the E>oaf at •Morganton. Tiie ceremonies included pre- sentaticn cl a pla(|ue to Hender son, son of Mr .and Mrs. Ray 'Henderson of Kings Mountain. Jeter Hall, an innovation class room facility, was also dedicat ed in honor of the I. P. Jeter family of Morganton. The placpie to Henderson read: "Dediealod October 17, 1971 in lionor <k Chai’les L. Henderson, friend of the deaf, educator, and fourtli superintendent of the school.” Cecil Porter, chairman of Hie N’CSD executive t'ommittoe, de livered the lU'ivierS'an Hall dedica tion ad<L’C.'>s. He said ol Ih’nder- son: "His oducatituiai contribu tions have left their marks not only in his native state but al.so in Oiegon and Illinois. Charles L. Henderson has hrouglU dyna mic leadeiship to the offieo of the superintendent of th<‘ North Car olina School for the Di'af Hirough innovation, experience, courage and energy and it is very fitting Continued On Page Eight liji'-.’-^ion Tue.<fla\ Hall. 'I'k' commission is inviiin ;/.'‘ns to aMond, ask iju.- co;i;nicni, and lYu^mljej.' wi reaoy i«) answam .'ny on Iho propo^iHl $3.1,; ■ 3r2 jeci vvi’.i -h aheady grant iom':--. m:.s mount of $- I '.i.'iiio. Commi.ssi«)ii i );i<Ti<ir jnt' noy said a so. :■ 1 and final blic hearing wii; i;.- ,,)n(lu by the city boarrl V.. - ers probably in la to . n;- The abject of tliis . ■ u development program i- ' ■ velope between 150-175 new priv'ato luim'.s and ments in Hi 110 acre aiea. result will lie to <'limiiiate substandard structure's create a fine s. Jidivision improved streets, sidewalks, parks and modern utility distri- liuiion systems, explanerl Laney. .Mr. Laney said plans will ^ explaineil at Tuesday night's Jiearing and thi* area pin;>oinled. Major poition of the city sdrue of Hie co.st has already biH'ii [)rovUled by widening, im- j rovemeni and resurfaiing of Cairsler slixvt through out llie rem'vval area. Planned additional improvements programmed ov er the P)ur to five year period estimalcHl to complete the pro gram will eliminate any cash outlay. Eiglity three percent of the 280 struclure.s in llu? 245 an-a of 110.2 ae:-es have boon adjudgotl sub-standard. The initial grant resei-v-atiun for the Cansler area project was $1,771,000 and was apparved on Decembzer is, 19G9. The addit ional i^ranl application was made anti suiisetpiently apporvt'd S<'pu*ml)er IG, 1971 to cover in- t reused co-t.-s an ! to pruvide lor heavily inert'ased ivlocalion costs, prodded by Congress after til original application was made. 4^' JOINS STAFF — Hazel Brown has joined the Kings Mountain Redevelopment Commission as project manager of the Cansler Street Urban Renewal Project. Hazel Brown Project Manager Hazel J. Brown, retirt'd Masloi .‘^^ergoanl in Hit' USAF. johu'd the Kings .Mountain Redevelojimenl Cenimi.ssion M mday a.s projt'cl manager of Hie ran.sK'r Strtvl Urban Renewal ProJtHM, unnounc es Carl F. .Mauney. chaiirman. A Kingft Mountain native, Mr. CoHfiH«(d On Page Eight United Fund Drive Lagging 'Kings Mountain’s United Fund drive- is still lagg.ng but cam paign vvorkt'r.s are still optimistic fhal they ll ('(nne close to their gcal of S34,5fHl. Den Jones, one' of tlie <*ommit- tec Lhairnien, .said vVedne.sday aft- < nKK>n that $17,000 has b('en rc- 'iiortfyl Hills far. That's an in crease of $2tMKt ov('r Iasi week. "It's going slow," said Jones, *'bui most divisi,)!! cliairmen think we’ll come elc'-^e to our goal. We hao'n'i lie.int toii much Horn the indu.-3ries. 'Dieir campaigns are w: ’i;-' F’dr own businesses.” .'..isi Oi iiie $2,000 ’ncreasoo\*er last vvcM'k came fronV the corre.s- Ihuidence division. Jianes j^aid s^mie funds also came through the a<i\:inLed gifts and industry divisions. Spooks And Goblins Will Cavoit At Jaycee Carnival, Hoiroi Show i I /' FIRST PRIZE WINNERS ~ Members of the Kings Mountain high school Future Farmers of Amer ica Judging Team copped a first place award in Ch^eland County Dairy Judging during the recent county fair competition. M. L. Campbell* agriculture instructor ot the high school* congratulates members of the team. From left to right. Randy Short, Darrell Black and Randy McDoniel. (Photo by Isaac Alexonder) The 5p<ioks -and gidilin.s will ca vort and dance about Saturday evening at a Halloween carnival .-'jNin i .id by t ie Kings M nirv tain Jayeves at Central scliool auditorium. f raiikc'ns'leiii’s Minster. the living mummy and /.ombie.s will apf oar on stage at 7 i). m. in a tliree-avl honor and m.i.:^ic show. Ken Hodge. 29-year old magi cian from Be.'^semer C'ily, will present his wellknown razor hl'ide act whi h la.'-f yi'ar won him a national award. Hodge say.s the biggest thrill of his life was playing “ThuH* Fains” with George iJndsay oGooher Pyle of Mayberry RFOt tele vision fame. H<Hi e exp<'cts to have his <iwn show on ('hannel 3G. Charlotte, in Jmne of 1972. Hodge said favorite monsters of young and old alike will fill Ihe auditorium (»f Central scliool 'for the carnival. He saiii make up and masks aw from Holly wood. California and will depict real-life spooks and goblins. Continued On Pay Eight Mrs. Styers' Rites Thursday Funeral rito.< will bo held Tlmr.s- day in Berwyn. Pa., for Mrs. Alta Sitler Styers, widow of Ro bert L. Styers, Kings Mountain native. ‘Mrs. Styers diinl Tuesday night a! Venict', Fla., where she had resided after Iior retirement •as a 41-year employee of Amer ican Teleplione & Telegraph Comply ny. She was a native of Berwyn. A brotiier survives. Also sur viving are her moHier-in-law, Mrs. \V. F. Styers, of Kings Mountain; a nephew. Joe H. M-'- Daniel. Jr. of Kings Mountain; thive nieces, .Mrs. D. K. Tale, Kings Mouniain, and Mr.-^. Carl Lewis and Mrs. Billie McDaniel Edison, both of (Vastonia. Mrs. Tate and hor hii'^band left Wednesday to attend the fu neral rites. ..J PLEDGES FRATERNITY—Hugh A. Logan* 111, Kings Mountain junior at Western Carolina Uni versity* has pledged Theta Xi fraternity. He is the son of Mr. and Mis. Hugh A. Logon. Ji. Turn Clock Bcrck Saturday Night You can g<‘t an I'xtra hour of .slr(‘p Saturdav night. Dayliglit 8.\vings Time will go out at 2 a.m. ^uiulay. so ilon't forget to turn your elook baek one hour when you go to bed Saturday'# ^

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