1971 i lly >rd NT S595 5595 dr. J395 S-ISC M95 1995 j. 95 791 mv. ved od- 57„ ith Ito :tal ang lost lers u-1 and ict. uM lion the t is itn the* C IT it to- .1 ild will I'.-.S (' HI- and i. No \oiir \3EX Pi’l.'j itio ’ wi with Phar- 1 Or 2.5 ixl ■m. ’les ing P 5 Thursday, November 18. 1971 d.!l WANT ADS THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Page 7 LEGALS Ihoncc wpsterly alon" the south i lot line of I’areel 2 Block 20 elfilit | feet more or le.ds to tlie north-1 east property corner of Parcel 3i Block 20; thence .soutlierly aloni;' the e.-i.st prn))<*rly line of stiid, parci'l and erftssitiK W<*st Gold Street to the northeast (-orner of way line of South Tracy 3.50 feet more or less to the .south east i-orner of Parcel 4 of Bks k 1(>; thence westerly aloiiK a south ern iir.iperly line of said parcel fid feel more or le».s to a hack corner; Iheiice northerly 2.5 feet mere oi less alon.o a rettr lot line Parcel 2 B!(K-k 25 and con-tinuinR of .said projH'ity to anciher btick .southerly alons: the ea.st proper-. corner:*iience we.sleiarcel ii total di.s-1 more or le.s.s to a rear corner of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Botird of Commission ers, Kinjis Mounltiin, Ninth Car- clina, hereby givi'S notice of a ; public hearing to be lu-ld on December 6, 1971 at 7:311 it.in. in the City Hall, Kings .Mountain, North Carolina, for the puipo,sn , of allowing any inicrt'sied per sons to pre.sent tlteir views in resiK'i't to the proposed redevel- ^ opnient of the following desorrbed area known as the Ctrn.sler Street Urban Renewal Area, Project No. N. C. R-9t>, and described as fol lows : Beginning at the northeast eor- m-r of th(‘ intersection of Cans ler Street and Warn Road and proceeding in a southerly rlirec- l.iim along tile c.-ist rig.h of way line of Cansler Stri'et 1,130 fiatl more or less to the north lot line of Parcel 1 of Block 10; thence easterly along said lot line and crossing North City Street 239 feet mure or li'ss to the east Tightsif ■\ way line of Nortli City Street; ^ J Ihenee .southerly along said right- of-way line 387 feet more or less to its interseetion with tlie norl-h . right-of-way line of West Ridge Street; thence ettsterly along said right-of-way line .380 feel more or le.-is to the ea.st right-of-way line , of Railroad Avenue- thence south erly along said riglrt-of-way line ' 243 feet mere or less to its inter section witli the west right-of- way line of tlie Southern Railroad property; theme .southerly along •said right-of-way line 044 feet moi<‘ or less, crossing West King Street, to the southern lot lino o' Block 19, Parcel 4 fronting on Railroad Avenue; tlience westerly along said lot line to the e:i.st riglit-i;f-wiiy line of South City Street and eontinuing in the .same direiition across Soulih City Street to a point on thi' west right-of- way line of Soutli City Street for a total di.stiince of 277 feet tnoiv or le.ss; thence soulberly along tlie west ■right-of->.'ay ’ iie ol Soulli City Street 294 feet more or less to it.s intersection with the north right-of-way bf West .Moun ■tain Street; thence westerly along said right-of-way line .58 f<“et mere or le.ss t-- c point, said point being directly across West Moun tain Street from the northeast corner of Parcel 2 of Block 20; : tlienci! southerly across West j Mountain Strc>et 50 feet more or I le.ss t04.said properly corner and continuing southerly with the east lot lino of Parcel 2 of Block 20 1.30 feci more or les.s -to the soulhea.st corner of sitid parcel; said property; thence noiTherly along the rear lot line of said propcilj- to and continuing ttlong tlie west lot line of Pari-cl 1 of Block It) a total di.'-t.itice -if 175 fei't more or less t-i a 't- linl on the .s.iu:h ri.glit-of-way line of West King .-^trecl; thence wc.-l- erly along said riglit-of-way line 893 feel more or le.ss to a point, said point being directly u:r.iss We.si King kirect from llic .smith wr .-t corner of I‘ar-.-e] 22 of Bio, k 1-5; llieni-c norllietly cro.ssing 'A c.st King .Street to tlie southvi'c.st f o lUST ARRIVED Brand New Shipment POLYESTER New Fall Colors $2.73 Yard Also Drapery Material 59c Yard Blouse Material $1.00 Yard in beautiful color for Fall WAYSIDE FABRIC SMO? Railroad Avenue Bessie Beam, Manager tance of 3-43.5 fi'et more, or less to a point, said point br'ing the intersection of said proiM'rty line and the propicsed south riKlil-of- way line for the j)ro|,'0.sed wid ening of. We.si Gold Street; tlicn'cs' westerly along said pro|x>scd right-of-way' line 229 feet more or les-; to its intersection with tlic east right-of-way liiie of Soutli Cansler Street; 1 lienee w'e.-terl.v ■40 feet more or less to a point on the west right-of-way line of South Cansler Slris'l; thence southerly along Ihe west_ right- of-way line of South Canslei Street 1.53 fis-t more or le.ss to the Southeast corner of Parcel (i of Block 24; thence w'e.slerly a long the south pro])city line of Parcels 6, 3. 4 and 3 of B1(m-1< 21. ■ 335 feet more or le.ss to Hie soullt- wi-sl corner of Pttrcel 3 of f>lm-k 24; s-iifl corner being at the eart end of an uijoptmcd til icy; Hicn.-e Pared 21) of Block 13 for northerly eight feel more or less di-laii'-e of 221 feet along tihp we.st lot line of said Parcel 3 of Block 24 to the north righl-of-wa,v line of said unoitiMi ed alloy; Ihenee westerl.v along said right-of-way line crossing Cresecnl Hill Drive 199 fissl: more or li'.s.s to Ihe southwest eorner of Parcel 1 d El k 2.3; tlienee in a northerly direction tilong Hie we.si lot line of .said proiierty and crossing We.st Gold St-reid to ti point on the north right-of-way lino cf West Gold SI feet for a total distanei' of 212 feet more or li-ss; tlience ea.sterly along .said right-ot-way line 22 feet more or less to Hi<‘ southwivst corner of Parcel 2 of Block 22; thence nopfherly along the west it.t line of said proixnty 194 feet northwest cornet- of I>;irce| more or less to the souHi proper- Hlock 13; thence we.slerly along ty line of Parcel 1 of Block 22; a souHiein properlv line of Piir- thence westerly along said pr-Ni-d'Ol 2 Hlock 13 .5')'feet more or erty' line four feet more or less to I less to tlie .southwe.si corner of the .souHiwest co.-ner of the same ! said parcel; tlience norllKTly a property; Ihcnc-e northerly along| long Ihe west lot lino of Pared the west lot line of Parcel 1 of j 2 Block 13 anri crossing P-ai kcr Block 22 and across West Moun-1 feel to a po-ini on Hic iiorHi- tain Street to a point on tlie ff>'' iigld-of-\\ay- line of I'aiker north right-of-way- line of Wi*st;^Ue^9 to a total liislancc of Ittu Mountain Street tor a distance of i ’ inoi-(‘ or less; thence easterly 246 feet more or less; thence!north righl-ol-way itic easterly along said riglit-of-w'ay : Paiker Slioel -g) leel moii'or line 109 feel more or le.ss to Hic ,'‘‘s« inlei-.secHon willi the northwest corner of Hic inter.sec-. lot linos of Parcels .1, I and tion of South Tracy Slreei and of '; Hiencc nonherly a- West .Mountain Street; thence *'’fg said rear lines 2.51.3 fed northerly along the west right-of-: fiore or less to a point on Hie Street south lot line f.r Parcel 2 .d Block 4; thence weslei-ly al,,,,.. said Id line 128 fis-l more or le.ss to dn- west corner ot .said pi- .same iirop erty 181) feel more or le.s.s to Hie norlhwe.sl corner of Parcel 1.3 of Block 15; Ihenee easlin ly along a north properly line of said Par cel 1.3 Block 1.5 65 fed more or le.s.s to a iioint on tlie retir lot line of Parcel 12 of Block 15; Ihenee northerly along the rear property line of Pareels 12. H), >). •8, 7 and 1 of Block 15 a distance of 2.52 fei"! more or le.ss to Hie easterly along the retir lot lines of the iol.s fronting on (Belvedere Circle 1,31 fed more or less to Hie north riglilsif-wiiy line of an un-j oiiened street: tlienee iiorlliwe.sl- dly aliiii_. .s.iid iiglil-ol-wa.v line' 108 feet more or less to the east - rigiit-of-vvay' lini) fit -aniillier un opened street; Ihenee nortlierly along said right-of-wa.\ line 3.36 I'ei'l more or le.s.s to a point on Ihe north righl-of-W'ay line of Waeo Hoad; Ihenee .southeasterly along said iiorlli right-of-way line 172 f<‘d more or le.ss In Hie north west coriid' of Waeo H lad tind -North Cansler .Street; tlience in an ea.sterly direction across .Noi tli Cansler Sired 60 fed more oi ■ less to the nortlieasl corner of Waco Hoad and Nortli Pansier .Sired, the point of beginning, said project being Hie Cansler .stied I Urban Henewal .•\rea, N. C. R !I6 : lying in the City of Kings .Moun- ' Itiin. County of Cle\<’land, .Stale of .North Carolina. MICTION! lOaSPECIAL! FREE/ 36-D/^ SUPfHY when you buy the ' 144-tablet bottlel iBBI REG.VALUE$1L38 Yoy PAY $8.69 Yousm "America’s Ivgest sellhig anltl'ittamta i ^— SUPER PLENAMINS... USED BY ML 2S1EMH OF THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGNEl Exetinlvoly at ymr Drag I KINGS nOUNTAIN ■ sroRB DRUG COMPANY THE CITY'S MODERN'STORE TWISTER TENDERS Need Twister Tenders, average earnings of approx imately $3 per hour. Second and third shifts, full six and seven day operating .schedule. Excellent employee benefits. Apply 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. An equal opportunity employer. PERSONNEL OFFICE McNEILL SPINNING COMPANY Bessemer City, N. C. GROW WITH US Due to our continuing rapid expansion in our mining division we need the following personnel: • FLOTATION OPERATOR TRAINEES • EUCLID TRUCK DRIVERS • PARTS AND RECORD CLERK We offer good starting pay and liberal fringe benefit programs. If you have mining or quarry experience of any type or operate heavy equipment we would like to talk to you. LITHIUM CORPORATION ol AMERICA rif^Yway 161 Bessemer City. N. C. Pb. 629-2282 equal opportunity employer Household goods, furniture, glassware, electronic items from TV's to tape players, turntables and radios .many other articles. Christmas tree orders being taken, too! Maple Springs RECREATION PARK BETHWARE (Off U.S. 74 across from Bethware School) EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SALE STARTS AT 7 P.M. FLEA MARKET EVERY SATURDAY MORNING BEGINNING AT 10 A.M. Concession Stand Open PROFITS WILL GO TOWARD SCHOLARSHIPS FOR NEEDY STUDENTS P & A Enterprises Have something to sell? Bring your wares and we’ll auction them, too, for a commission. Dealers wel come! 1,1 'rite piii'lici.'io Ilf this healing i.s ■ -- to c-onsider a propos.-il tor the un-! dd'laking of Hiis Uibaii Henewal | Brojed,. under .Stale and Boeal j i.aw. with Federal finatiri-il a.---1 .sBianve tinder 3'ille ! of Hie' ilon.sing Ai-t of 191!l, a.s amend-, od: to ai-'iuire land in tlie i roi- ed area, to demolish or reinme hiiilding.s and imjjroM'iTieiils; and to make l-and availalile for devel o[)ment or redevelopment h.vpri' - ale enler|)ri.-ie or piihlii- ageneies as 'iiUhorized by law. i Tlii.s redevelopment is lieing ^ undertaken by Hu- Kings Moun tain HedevelopmenI C'ommi.ssion. , ProposaLs with re.speel hoHi to roloealion and to Hie Urban P.i' newal Plan will ho aMiilahle for examination at Hie offices -if the Kings .Mounl.ain I’.edevelopnietU Commi.ssion, City Hall, and at 216 Nru'Hl City .Slre<-t. Kings, .Mountain. N'ortli Carolina, dur- inklet also contains a iglo.ss ' ary of commonly used life insur anie terms. i Copies of Ihe booklet may hi oluained by writing Consumei •Services. 'I'lie Bankers Life, Do: .Moines, Iowa ,5(rid7 James Crawford Wins Promotion CA.MI' I,eJU.\E. .Marine l‘fc. James C. Cr.iu ford, Jr. son o' Mr. and Mrs. James C. Crawford .Sr., of 11)5 .s. Oi'ienlal Am'., King.' Mo: ntain, wits promoted to his pre.sent r;ink upon eompldion of Individual Comba-l training wit Hie First Infantry Training Regiment at the Miiiine Cor|i' Base, Camp I.ejeune, METRIC SYSTEM If you don't know your metric I system, including gi'ams and met- ■rs, you may do well to brush [up on if, Heientl.v the I.'. S. Congress re ceived a reporf stating that "the United St:He.s needs to switch to the metric .system.” rhe change, if it comes, will probably lie slow and orderl.y. Ir fact it ma.v lake a.s long as K years. lONGS MOUNTAIN' BESSEME^ CITY , DRIVE-IN THEATRE BOX OFFICE OPEN.S AT 6:15 SHOW STARTS AT 7:00 I ALWAYS $2.00 A CARLOAD! Thurs. Fri. * Double Feature! NO. 1 •TROUBLE WITH GIRLS" Color NO. 2 •THE PROFESSIONALS" Color Sat. Only * Triple Feature! NO. 1 ••THE SILENCERS" NO. 2 — Color • TROUBLE WITH GIRLS" Color NO. 3 •THE PROFESSIONALS" Color Sun. Wed. * Double Feature! NO. 1 ••BEGUILED" Color NO. 2 ■ YOUNG RUNAWAYS" Color Wed. Movies Fun Reverse Ord. ALL SEATS ALL SHOWS 75c SHOWS DAILY 35 7 9 SATURDAY 1-3 57 9 SUN. 1:30 3:30 9:00 STARTS WED. FOR 7 DAYS BILLY JACK. Just a person who protects children and other living things. ADULT LATE SHOW FRI. SAT 10:30 P.M. •’MAFIA GIRLS" RATER (R) ALL SEATS S1.25 -~Tr-“T— COMING NEXT WEEK “AIRPORT Heavy Equipment Operators IMMEDIATE OPENING UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY Kings Mountain Plant An Equal Opportunity Employer Located approximately 4 mi. South of King.s Mounlain on 216 (Grover Road) Turn left on Rd. 221,5. Look for U.S.G. .sign with ai’rou’. 11:18-2.5 MAINTENANCE MEN Experienceci Maintenance Mechan ics and Electricians interesfed in making a change in employment should contact Spectrum Textured Fibers, Inc, located just off Waco Road in Kings Mountain. (equal opportunity employer) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Exin-utor of the E-stale of Lloyd Pliifcr, Be-, cofl-sed, late of Cleveland County,! Xorth Carolina, this B to lotify all pe''