Thursday, December 2, 1971 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. 9 MaUASC Ballots Now Il’s mw time for Cleveland county farmers to vote their choice for ASC community cotm- niiln-emcn says John W. Cline, cliairmaii of the County AKt'icuI- lurai Stabilization and Conserva tion (ASC) commit tec. Ballots went out in the mail iNovem'bc'r 19, and' they must be ]:ioperly voted fuid roli .rned to the County ASCS offic(* by De- cemlK'r 1, in order to tx- counted, 'Mr. Ciine said. V’otes wiil be tabulated public ly by the county committee De- cemljer 6 at the Cleveland eoun- t.v A.SCS office. Anvone re''ard- of race color, creed, se.x or national 'origin may view the counting. Fiach A.SC community will vote its own slate of nominees. Each farmer may vote for not more than three candidates in the ASC election. He may select up to three of the candidates listed, or be may write in his choices on the lines provided at the bottom of the ballot. In each of the eleven ASC com munities in the county, thiee community committeemen and two alternates will be elected. The c'andidi(te receiving the high est number of votes liecomes chairman; the second highest, vice chairman, third-high, regular memlrer; and fourth and fifth highest become first and sec-und alternates who serve on the com- :w be J)- \cw. ons, nil's , No new only dd- ftr ome J^i-d ims- ; r,o i ■ to a i.ns 11 to -ix itrli- lanic f’clir '(1 to nidi- nher. nin- ipa- lers, MA be aus- that nay n ct -nts sist- see ible isti :nd ar to e t^ PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS • SPECIAL OCCASION PORTRAITS • PHOTOGRAPHS COPIED • INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY • CUSTOM BLACK AND WHITE Reasonable Priced Dark Room Work, With SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Call FRED GREEN 629-2454 Day or Night WANT ADS JUST ARRIVED Brand New Shipment POLYESTER New Fall Colors S2.7S Yard Also Drapery Material 59c Yard Blouse Material $1.00 Yard ia beautiful color for Foil WAYSIDE FARRIC SIIG? Railroad Avenue Bessie Beam, Manager SSPECIAL! FREE! 36-DA/ supply when you buy the 144-teblet bottlel REG.VALUE $11.38 YOU SAVE ^ .A YOU PAY $8.69 SUPER PIENAMINS... USED BY ALL 26 TRAMS OF THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEA6UEI Exclinivtiy It ymr Dm Mm KINGS MOUNTAIN STORE DRUG COMPANY THE CITY'S MOOFRN'STORE TWISTER TENDERS Need Twister Tenders, average earnings of approx imately .SS per hour. Second and third shifts. Full six and seven day operating schedule. Excellent employee benefits. Apply 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. An equal opportunity employer. PERSONNEL OFFICE McNEILL SPINNING COMPANY Bessemer City, N. C. GROW WITH US Due to our continuing rapid expansion in our mining division we need the following personnel: • FLOTATION OPERATOR TRAINEES • EUCLID TRUCK DRIVERS • PARTS AND RECORD CLERK We offer good starting pay and liberal fringe benefit programs. If you have mining or quarry experience of any type or operate heavy equipment we would like to talk to you. LITHIUM CORPORATION of AMEBICA munily committee it rcguliu- inemuors are absent or if a per manent vaeancy occurs. All elec tion ties will be settled by lot. ASC community committeemen are elected for one-year lerm.s, to begin January 1. Mr. Cline said, ■•It’s very important that farm ers elect representatives and ! (pialificd farmer - neighbors for community commitu-e posts. I community committees I elect the county A.S-C committ<>e I and choose it.s officers. They ; also help keep fanners 'ft their I communities informed on how in dividual farm operations will be affected by farm programs ad- I ministered by the coiunty A.SC committee. The major A.SC pro grams in Cleveland county are cotton, feed grain, wheal and REAP, Any farm owner, lenanus, or sharecropper, of legal votirf^ ago, may vote in the election if hi.s farm is eligible to participate in any of the ASC.S programs ad ministered in his community. Others who may vote are: a wife who actively operate a farm with liei iiusbatm; a lliinui will) supervises or conducts the farm ing oiteration of an entire farm: a legal guardian who manages a farm for a child; and a person representing a legal entity sucli as a partnership or corporation. Producers w'ho have farm in terests in more than one com munity may select the commun- ily in which to vote, bill may vote only one community in the county. :Ballol.s should be voted and then scaled inside the plain en velope. This envelope should then be placed inside the one ad dressed to the county office. This procedure insures the secrecy of each vote. The certification on tile election envelope must be signed and dated before bein,g re-1 turned to the county office. ! Voters who certify their 'oalloLs with an “X” for a signature must do so before a witness and obtain the .signature of the witm's.s in order for Ihe ballf)t to bp r-oont. ed. I A list of known eligible voters is open for inspecti<«fl at the coun ty ASCS office. Any person who believes he is an eligible voters : but is not listed, or has not re- ; ceived a ballot in the mail within a few days after .November 19, should inquire at the coiunty ASCS office as smn as possible, ^ Mr. Cline said. ' Here Are Tips On Preventing Wood Decay One of Ihe da.y.s in I be life of a homeowner i.s the day he discovers that the sills, joists or subflooring in the home is de eayed and must be replaced. The sorrow is aggravated by Ihe di.sovery that the decay could easily have been avoided. “Wood decaying fungi prohablj cause as mui-h dama,ge to North Carolina homes as do termites, ” eom-menls Dr. Miihael I’. Levi, North Carolina .Stale University wood deterioration exi)erf. He eiled a recent survey in Kaloigli which found that “iialf the hoiux-s e.xamined bad conditions suila hie for the growth of decay fun gi.” There are effective method.s ol avoiding decay. Drj' wood will not decay, .so kei'ping it dry is o sure method of prevention. An- olher foolproof measure is the of materials pre.s.sure treated Willi a preservative. The ehemi- ml acts as a poison lo the decay fungi. Here are some of Dr. Levi'.s .sug gestions for keeping untreated wood dry' and safe from decay: —Avoid earth - filled porches where soil is close to untreated wxKid. Most fungi only attack wood wiii'ch is alread.v wet, but a fungus called Boria can transport waler several feet through root- like .‘itiands. Tin- damake caused by rhis fungus is .sometimes call ed “dry rot,” even though mois- lure is reipiired for decay. —Make .sure there are no olher arr-ds where soil is in eontaet with, or close lo untreated wood. Good ventilation and drainage under the house are imporlant in keeping wood dry in a base ment house. Vents should be kept o|)en in all but the coldest weather to give cross ventilation in the crawl space. —^Direct water from the roof a- way from the house. Where water doesn’t drain away from tilio house, the foundations should be water-proofed, —Cover at 70 peroont of the crawl .space with plastic sheetin.g to stop moisture prob lems in the .subfloor area. —Keep plumbing in good re pair. —Inspect the house oneve or twice a year for signs of decay or conditions likely- to it. Signs of trouble include free water UNC-G Honors Flying Course Barbara Sipe Is Slated Page 7 GUFILNSBOKO — F’our Ga.-lon C'lmnly sludents were .iinim,g Hie J.SI) .si:i)liGm-)re.s lumored at ■< I'ial leceplion at llie I'niversily of .N'oilli Carolina al Oreen.s.bora on -Nov, Ih. They ;ire; Ileheica L. iM-emslc-r, daughler of ,\Ir. and .Mrs. k. .S. Kcein.slt-r, lOlS N. .New Hope ltd. and Debor.ih K. K<-ir, daugnier ol .■Vfis. ,Maz-y T. Kerr, 313(i Impi'rial Dr., notii ol Ga.sioma; Llizaoelli A, Si-uti, d-'ioghier of .Mr. and ■Mrs. David .M. .-„:oll, IDS Boyd Dr., .Slanicy; and 'Barbira A. Sipe, d'iiiigbler of -Mr. anu .Mrs. Junius. F. Siiie, Hi. 1, Bo,\ 297-.\, Kings -Moumain. The of llie recej-li.,;- vva.i to ackiiovvli dge oulsiandlng | seholai-shi]) and lo give sludenu' a ehan<-(- lo talk informally with varioiLs faculty members about future aeadeniie intere.sts ami UNC-G pi'-jgram.s. The scholars were chosen on the basis of ac ad.nWe aehieve- monl from a soplomore class of 1,4;J9 .sludent.s. Altogether, UNC-G has an enrollment ol nearly 7,0fK) this year. ’ i U.NC-G Chancellor James S. F'er- guson and other key 'icademk olficials at UN.“-G were ivreseni at till- reception lo talk with tlu,'| outstanding sophomores. | Dr. Bert Goldman dean of acii- ! in Ihe iravvl siwce, molds on the: sills, joists or suhfloor, or p<‘el-! ing paint on siding. “Tile in.siK-etiim need only take a short time and may save you many hundreds of dollars," Dr. Levi t-d. Gaston college will offer an ''Inlroduvlion to F'l.ving" Course at ‘'iastonia .Municiptil Airport it'alavvell Aviation I. Two si-c- tions of Ivvenly students each will b(‘ offered. There will he no (■b'lrgi- for Hie 1 lie couivse will assist ihe slu- dent in preparing lo take llie \vritt<>n I’rivale I'iiol F:,\am, Each class will be for ten weeks dura tion, two and one-half hours ea -h demit- advising, vva.s etsirdinator for till- event wliicb was temb-fl by deans, department b(-ads, ,iiivi.s(-r.s for |;u- Junior Year. Abroad Progra.m, ebairman of the Inli-rnational .Studies Pro gram and chairman of the Hon ors Con - il. ■.Moniiay and Thursday i-vi-ning. Phis is an exis-llent oPIiorlim- ity for an.vone is years of .igi- or older to learn the priiieiph-s of flying. r.’iRO DF THANKS Your kind (-xpie.s-i-m of symp;t-, tliy is deeply itpitit-einlt-d and gi'iitelully acknt/vvlt-dgi-il by tin- family ef Devvi-y Tiirin-r.—^Mr.s. Elizahetli Le.'evers and Faniilv. 12:2 lid \'A says a veK-ran vvilli a jx-f- manent plan GI insurants* policy- evt-r one .year old can borrow up 10 91 pet ct-nl of ils cash valu -. The -Manpivvor Adminisiration is eonlimiiitg efforls to im;:rove job assigimn-nls for members ol Ihe .Xeigliborltooil Youth Corps iNYCi. A oiie-year. S19.5.(M)0 ex- lierimenlal project has bt-en i fimded to XYC youngsters as 1 heliters in day care programs. AUenON! WE NEED YOU k’ast Hi'ow ing Mining & Chemical producer has an ex cellent opportunity for you. We need the follovvin,g personnel: Production Operator Trainees Welders Plant Maintenance Heavy Equipment Mechanics Mechanics Heavy Equipment Maintenance Foreman Come in and see what our starting rates are for these jobs. We offer good starting pay and liberal fringe benefits program. Contact; LITHIUM CORPORATION OF AMERICA Highway 161 Bessemer City, N. C. I'qual Opportunitv Emplover I]:2.'i-12:2 Household goods, furniiure, glass'-vard, electronic ilems I'i'om TX' s to laite jdayi-rs turnlables and radios ...many otiii-r articli-,s. Cliri-'iiiitts tree ni-der.s being tak(-n, tool Maple Springs RECREATIDH PARK BETHWARE (Off U..8, T-i ai.ross fiiim Ht-lhvvare School) EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SALE STARTS AT 7 P.M. FLEA MARKET EVERY SATURDAY MORNING BEGINNING AT 10 A.M. t-onci-ssion .Siapd Oju-n PROFITS WILL GO TOWARD SCHOLARSHIPS FOR NEEDY STUDENTS P & A Enferprises Have .soniclhing to sell? Bring yi-iir wai'es and we’ll auction them, loo. for a I.")', coininission. Dealei’s wel come! Herald V/ant Ads Pay WATER WEI6HT PROBLEM? USB E-LIM

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