ex^-: Rescheduled Christmas Parade Friday At 4 Population Greater Kings Mountain 91.914 City Limits 8.465 GiMrtar Ktags Mouatols llgur* lia tf*rtv«d tr«m Om RP«ar4 'Jnlted StatM Burvoni tlM Csfttus report o fnvorf t9M. and lactudee *ie U.tM populatlom • Soaber 4 Towashlp, oiid too remcJnlog 6.124 froa boaber 5 Towaslilp. la Clerelcmd Couatg oad Crowdor* MoMstcdu Towaehip la Gostoa Ceiaty* ^JJ. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL. 82 NO. 49 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, IN. C., Thursday, December 9, 1971 Eighty-Second Year PRICE TEN CENTS JPhiilips Launches $1,300,000 Housing Development Will /Ippear 1r Parade MOUNTAINEER AWARD WINNERS The fWe Kings Moiintcdn High football trophy winners ore shown here with Coach Jones following lost night's Lions Club fete at the high school cafe teria. Left to right ore Jake Bridges, Fred Plonk Bloddng Award winner; Marsholl Logan, most valuaA>le player; John Grier, leadership aword winner; Mork George, most improved player; Couch Jones, ond ^teve Plonk, scholastic ourard winner. (Photo by 1. G. Alexander). loganKMHS Most Valuable Jake Bridges Top Blocker San ‘i CiniN ? ulfin’t rvon I'rav- cl in In ' F*'!.lay’s hra .y snry.v sx) I’hc jc’ly <)M man fr 'ti Fn* \iiif.h I '0 F eel Kint;s MHint-ain’i annua! fijradc for a wcel.. Sai*'a will dcvinjtcly he 'here this Fri.!>:iy a'i 4 ali>n;? with ban.ls, | .( 'Ay iF- Is. horses, etc. J'n D '.vney, ohairman of Mie Mcr. harj;*'. ,V?.:: ttion • spansjicd parade, t"iat over 60 unKs will be entered. r.io parade linen;) will asseni. ble 0.1 VVt.'^t Street and dis band f n Ciiero’-ce Ftiret aO pan^in;? tliTcii^rh °\k city streets. ■May::* JciiinM.and c hex city c; ."rials. Miss Kin::s Moun tain Deajie Timm.s and ctier beauty queen?, s:aut grouips, fire depar'.neivts, i!-!! .1 bandis and r’’e nteadeis and srvevil othei C’'*2:ar!::''a''’on.s will lake p'rrt in the event. AMhoug'h offil.-i-al rorords have nL't been kept thioiuh tihe yeaxs, ir.'-iny citi/.ens believe tbi.s will be Kin,~.s Mountain’s big-rest pa rade ever. At any rafe, Eljiwney and Ciiiors wlio have worked hard to promote tiie event feel it will be the best. After as.somhling on Gold, the parade will proceed to Railroad Avenue and turn left to Hii^hiway 74. At 74, the lino will turn right and protwd to Piedmont, then •take a right to Mountain. At Mountain the line will turn right and go to Battleground, where it will take a left turn and parade through the main part otf town. The parade lineup, or order, -3 as follows: Continiwd On Page Six jff ‘f SiT£ CLEARING UNDERWAY — Gene Phillips, lef t pre.aidcat of Phillips Construction Company of Gafiney, S. C., points to Uie projected home of Pine Manor Apartments, a new complex of 100 apartments to be developed on nice acres of land at the intersection of 185 and York road at cost of S1.3 million. Site clearing began this week. Mayor John Henry Moss, right, inspects the site location with Phillips. (Herald Photo by Jim Belt) George, Plonk, Grier Awarded Grid Trophies ' Three seniors land two jun iors won trophies at last night’s annual lions Club football ban quet, heW at the tKiings Mountain high caifeteria. 'Marshall Loi^n, a senior half back. walked oflf with the George Plonk 'Most Valuaible Player award and Jake Bridges, a junior tackle, won the Fred Plonk Blocking Trophy. Those lwo awards are regarded as the most i looveted of the five trophies. Mark Gwrge, a junior center line-backer, won the most improv- i ed player award, John Grier won i the Mountaineer trophy for lead ership'. and Steve Plonk copped ' the John Gamble Scholastic 'Awarxl ior carrying the highest grade averaige during the 'toot- ® iball season. In addition to the iffive trophies, all 14 senior memibers of the KLMIHS squad received plaques. .'Boft) Waters, head football coach at Western Carolina Uni versity, was guest speaker tor the event. Bill Bates, former KlMiHS Contmued On Page Six Mrs. Turner s Rites Cenducted Police Report Aduits^VoIunteei Minor Break-In Tutors For Slow North Students Choir To Sing Handel 'Messiah' Sunday at 4 ’Handel’s ‘•Messiah” will be sung by a 55-v()ice chorus of sin- 'gers I’opresenling seven city IN WHO'S WHO — Jim Wentz, grondson of Mr. ond Mrs. Hunt er Wore, hos been named to the 1971 edition of Who's Who Among Students In American Colleges and Universities. lim Wentz In Who's Who Jim Wentz, -student at the Uni versity of 'North Carolina, ’’’il- mington, has ibaen named to the .19711 edition of Who’s Who Among Students In American Universi ties and Colleges. His eampi’s affiliat'ions In- .Funeral rites for Mrs. Wilma business Club University -T- cn t 1 Chorus, .Engineers’ Club,. 'Home- Mlson Turner, 60. of route 1, ^,.^,dent hand- ■book, “On Top” co - chairman; Intcr-clUb Council, chairman; Al pha Phi Omega service frater- City police reported only one minor break-in during the past week. I>et. William Roper said that <?hurehcs Sunday afternoon at 4 sometime Sunday niglit or early o'^clock in Central United Meth- (Monday morning vandals broke o^Hst church. iKings Mountain schools laun- into Ak-oa Aluminum but nothing The chuivh program will ehed a volunteer program which was reported missing. He said launch the Christmas program officials say is organized to pro- theic was $75 damage to win- season in the community, vide tutorial help to slower stu- dows and door facing. J. N. McClure, m-usic di dents. (Roper said entry was made rector at the high school and The program is already under- iby -breaking a glass on the south choir director at Central chur<-h, way in the elementary schools side of tlie building. A glass was "^hl direct the presentation. Ro- 'where men and women volun- also reported broken in the shop 'hert Cashion will be organist, teers and some high school stu- and a desk there was thumbed ISoloists for the cantata will dents are providing help to the through. Roper said the vandals 'he Mrs. Delbert iDixon, Mrs Bet- classroom teacher who requests tried to open a filing cabinet in Ann iDeal, Jaocib Dixon and Cf>nfini«:'<l On Page Six the main office but could not. Continued On Page Six School Holidays Start Dec. 17 Christmas holidays for student.s and teachers will begin with the close of classes on December 17th. C lasses will reoix?n on January 3rd. Schools wore closed Friday be- cause of tiie heavy snow and make-up day is April 5. Three in- element weather days are iraciuii- cd in the scho()l calendar and il unused are added to spring holi days. LUTHERAN The senice of Il^ly Commun ion -will be otbserved at Sunday morning worship hour at 11 a. m. Sunday at St. Matthew's ■Lutheian church. Rev. Charles Easley will use the sermon topic, “Go and Tell.” Wilson Smyrna, S. C, sister of Mrs. Ber tie Amos and Mrs. John Jones of Kings Mountain, were liold Sunday aftornoion at 3 p. m. which be Is president and from Caarran Methodist church which he has held the pasi- of whi:h she was a memtber, in torment following in the church cemetery. Mrs. Turner died Thursday in Cherokee County Memorial ho-s- pital after a brief illness. Dmlh ^ ; was attrihutUHl to heart failure She was the wife of J. H. ^Turner win survives. Also sur- vlvinr are their son, Itirry Turner of route 1, Blacksburg, S. C.; tlirec grandchildren; \wo bx'othcrs, E. FYank .Wils"'n of Spartanburg, S. C. and James N. Wilson of \tlanta. Ga.; and four sisters, Mrs. Mabel Sternes and Mrs. Ruth Worley, both of Spartaniburg, and Mrs. Anna ^Spencer and Mrs. H. H. Mullinax ^both of Gaffney, S. C. tions of vice-president and mem- bershtp chairman. Continued On Page Six Three Building Permits Bought Three building permit? were issued by the ci'ty during the pa.st week. Luke W, Hoyle bough-t a per mit .to biiild a six-room dwelling est-imaited to cost $15,000 at 307 Somerset Drive. Bridges Brothers Construction Company of Shelby thought twip permits to build six-room houses at 318 and 320 Somerset Drive. One is estimated to cost $19,400, the other $19,900. , y. SNOW FUN Kings Motmtoin young folk took odvontoge of [the jbeovy snow which began falling in the Kings Mounthin orcci f noay motniug ot d.uu aiid ended Friday evening with ten inches over the area. Ih the photogroph at Idt Scott and Melissa Bo^Yen (at snowman) and their neighbor, Robin Hampton, ploy in the white stuff ot the Bowen residence a 901 Boyce street. The snowman* at right, war the creation cf Debbie and Monte Thornburg and their fother, city fireman Fted .Thornburg, of West King s»treet The snowman stood 10 fcc-l tall and was 18 feet wide before the sun melted him on Sunday. (Herald Fhoto by Jim Belt) Proied Calls lS L. City Approves Cansler Area $3400,000 Renewal Project HUD Review To Require Two Months The city commi.sSion Monday niglu cleared the way for federal app\’.j\al of tiie $3,100,000 Cans- Icr SlrcH.'t Urban Renewal Rrojeet. A second and final public hear ing on tlio project wa.s followed by Mie board oi ci^mmissioners unanimously approving Hie pro ject. It is the second urban r(*n(‘wal efiort here since the Central Busi- iK'ss Di.sirict project is already u.iderway. Joe Laney, executive director <0/ the Redevelopment Commission, said the plan would now be f'or- warded to the office of Housing and Developmcmt and would take Contiyiiu'd On Page Six Gene ri:(llips prc':’4orit of Pail- lii;.: Cen- '';uctio:i C .n-pany of Gai^ney, S. J., j.nu linked lues- day t:ic fi;m viiU 'build 1(X) apart- m: n-t uni’s at 'i'he intcr>eL'tion c/ \oiA Road and Interstate 85 on Lie east si<'e of York R'.ad. The nine-a.re trav’ w<i.s ohascJ fi:i n tJie Lu'heran Synod of N'lr h vari'Tj a, wliii'h had ac- quiitd it by ght fi ;n Aubrey Mauney of K'.: M->unta‘in. To bi‘ named rin • Mancr ai>art- merts, li'iie coniplox will emtain one, two, tl'.rre and four-be.lro m umls and whl oe an FH.\ subsi dized h usii g pi\.ject under the 23-0 piwgi'ani. Site cieariv.g was underway 'lueiday on the $1,300,000 pro- jc... Mr. Phl'.lip.'-: anti(.’ip:te.s first uni’.i will be ready fer occupancy in April 1972 with the project scheduled lor completion in Au gust of next year. The apartments will be all- olectiiL* including hearing and the $125 to $UM) rent schedule will include all utilities furnish ed. There will be a central recrea tion room. The Phillips firm is also devel oping North-woods in East Kin^ Mountain where 32 homes are *. planned with 22 already under construction. The units will be rented to families with imumos between $3,000 and $10,000 per year. “The city is highly plcnasod aft the announcement by Phillips Construictiion Comi>any, “Mayor John Henry Moss commented. “Housing remains in short sup ply here.” K1WAN15 SPEAKER — Ronce HendcxMii, Kings Mountain na tive and supeiintendent of North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morgonton, will be guest speoker at Thursday's meeting of the Kiwanis club at 6:45 p.gi. at the Woman's club. Owemiby Accepts Cowans Pnlpit Rev. Roncllo Owensby, former ly a misfcucnary to Venezuela, has accepted the pastorate of First BajWist Cihiurcli of Cowpens, S. C., c,>.A(HUve JanuaiT' 1. Mr. Gwensby five and ono-lial'f >ears with the foreign mission board and previously held pii^lcraie.s at- Danville and Drake’s Branch, Virginia, and at Jene^boro and Clierokeo in Nordh Clarolina. lie Wits educated at Mars Hiill, Carson-.^i v%mun, and *ou heas-l- ern :jo:n.‘nary at Wake Ferc'viU. tie is a nai'iye ■ f Hcnder anville and Mrs. 'Owensay is a native o( Mill: Spring. i'hoy have two chiMron, Rdn- c\'a, .a tiiL'l grader, and Jenny who (bservxd Jier.fiflti bkJiduy \Vt;ine;-:la>. . I ho Owcii"‘>y f-Tmilyfre idcj on Soul’ll GUorth si'roct. SERMON TOPIC 'Dr. Paul Ausloy will' 1*50 the sermon topic, “A Dltftrent Christmas Picture,” at’Sundaj^' morning worship service at ,11 o’clock at First Presbyterian church.

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