Thursday, {January 13, 1972 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. 9d •20) i o f u o National Guard One Cii State s Big Businesses ftALEEGtn. The uni-! (form worn one weekend a month ty the some I2,()0t) North Caro-' lina Army and Air National guardsmen is symbolic in more ways than just heinji the tradi tional military color. ’Money is also gretm. You probahly nevi*r Ihouijht of the National G’uard as a business., it is ]ina National Guard has been issued new equipment worth in excess, of $.5 million. : Thirteen UII-ID , (Huey) heli- coplcns worth mX» reach ed a total of 1.59,0(J() across llie state. This number represents seven per cent increase over 1970. According to R.van, in 1971 the state as a whole placed 139,-.56.3.- (MX) long distance calls with Southern Bel). This ‘s an in crease of over 17 million or 11 per cent for the year, although tin; average revenue from each call is d(*c)ining. Stayini^ abreast with the un- I)re"e(lent('d demand for tele phone service pkiced greater d(»man(ls (»n our <.*ompany in 1971 than in 1970, .said Ryan. A recoj'd .$102.9 million was spent on new construction to impj’ove and exi>and our services to meet the communications need.s of North ('arolina. 'I'o pruvide the quality of .serv ice North (.'arulinians have come to expect and appreciate re(piire.s liuge amounts of capital. In addi tion. this great demand for var- ioi s tel(‘ci>mmunication services ointcd (jut. To help bring out revenues more in line uilli our increased costs <»f ^l(jing bu.siness, it became neces sary to aj:pear i)efore the Utilities C'ominission for some i-ate relief, said Ryan. “It’s significant lo note.' added liyan, “that Ih^ was <;ur first general rate in crease .since 19.54. Unfortunately, the amount giantod by the eom- mi.ssif)n left a deficit of urgently needed revenues, wliich necessi tated-the filing off a second rate r<'quest in October. ” A large part of the state’s $192.9 million construction ex- rag© ipendilure went for nmv central ' o'ffk.'e facilities, and many major, j additions id existing offices weie ■ made in practically every area of the state. A slgiiifiiant ponion was spent for additional eahh* n^U'tes into .suburban and rural areas to ks.” Contracts are expected to be awrdefl early in 1972, and the building is ex pected to require 17 1-2 months for compleitno. Brigadier Gen. Milred Bailey, as director of the U. S. Women’s Army Carps, is the third woman in tlie Whole U. S. army to gain the rank of general. A native of Craven county, she Is a graduate of the University of North Caro lina at Greensboro. GREEN STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON AND PUROtASe Of $10.00 or Moro Order A FREE AT YOUR Void After WINN-DIXIE STORES Jan, 15 1972 UMIT ONE COUPON PER ADULT CUSTOMEK WE NEED YOU Fast growing Mining & Chemical producer has an ex cellent opportunity for you. We need the following personnel: Production Operator Trainees Welders Piant Maintenance Heavy Equipment Mechanics Mechanics Heavy Equipment Maintenance Foreman Come in and see what our starting rates ai^ for these jobs. We offer good starting pay and liberal fringe benefits program. Contact: LITHIUM CORPORATION OF AMERICA Highway 161 Bessemer City, N. C. Equal Opportunity Employer A MAIOR DISEASE EMPHYSEMA IS NOW In the past ten deaths from emphy sema almost tripled and in the past five years, the number of new emphysema patients has more than doubled. In simple terms, emphy sema occurs when the walls of the lungs break down, the blood vessels and elastic tissue in the walls disappear and the bronchial tubes become flabby and collapse. This obstructs the flow of air into and out of the lungs causing labored breathing. It comes on very slowly and at first there are no symptoms. Although there is no cure, because you can not reverse tissue damage, there is treatment to hold down further deterioration. Breathing cleaner air, no smoking, medications, controlled breathing and special devices such as nebuliz ers are port of the overall treatment plan. If you have any trouble breathing see your doctor at once. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will, deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people rely on us for their health needs. We welcome requests for delivery service and charge accounts. RKRVh KINGS nOUNTAIK K sroA^e DRUG COMPANY "■ME CITVS 5To;,'. PHONE 739-2571 YOUU ii W t' - >. s S t § 0 '■P ■/ I A '.HO'CE eONEUS^ SIfAR'- ALL THE FRIENDLY EftiP:.OY7cS OF VJ)i4N-DtXIE Vi/ILL CT.'*IVE wduj TO BRING YO:j T.!C FiNCST CUAlJTY IN THE FOOD YOU EJY ~ ^ IN T972. VDE VCVV T^TAT WE V^/fLL ACCEPT t;0?HlNG LESS THAN TOP QUALITY. T:*iG YEAR - JOIN THS TKCUSANDS CF VVJJ us..CHOICE - V, SATISFIED WINN-DIXIE CUSVO^V.ERS! SERVICE IS GUARANTEED TO OM3 Ar!D M.Y. STRIPS . .. :£*10” UfE VVHO'.E BONrtfS' 12 10 16 18 S»Zt' CUT t fBEEZEB WRAPPED FPEE .Y. STRIP LOINS . . *1*’ ...CHOICE ROUND TIP ROAST - *1“’ run QUARTER li.^‘6kls'5a&i£. FUU QUARTLP SUCED_ CR>VCKIN' GOOD D L' S GOVT. INSPECTED FRYER THIGHS OR WHOLE LEGS HAM... BISCUITS.. f~ I SUP LB. LB. V GRADE 'A' LARCF PALMETTO FARM EGGS«• 2 THRIFTY MAID ... Limit 1 with o $5 Of more SUGI^R DOZEN ONLY TMPfTr MA(0 DIXIE THRIFTY SANDWICH P/2-LB. LOAVES TQ* ASTDB tRUiT ^QC COCKTAIL . ^ ^ RAGS . _ HSCHER S BIACK QQC PEPPER... :c SUPESaBANO AGED I.Y. STATE 'iHEESE AS>E O SEA fBENCH ERlEO RED PERCH FILLETS TASTE O SEA fBENCH FRIED FLOUNDER FILLETS LB. GREEN STAMPS 25 FT. ROLL REYNOLDS STANDARD Aluminum Foil VOID AFTER JAN 15 , GREEN STAMPS 6 cz. ECONOMY SIZE PETROLEUM JELLY Voseline VOID AFTER JAN 15 ASTOR . . . ALL GRINDS.. . limit 1 with a S5 or more ord« i (SAVE 20c) FLOWER CART LADIES' FIRST QUALITY PANTY , . . ASSORTED COLORS HOSE PAIR ONLY o e • ASTOR PURE VEGETABLE Limit t with o $5 00 or more order K r\jnc vcwciMDtt Linii? i wiht u n»uir vt^tvt HORTENING... emm luuik.. AU flAVOfiS G£lAT>NCS JELLO illAC AOUA Vi hits or YJUOw SINGlt PlY mrds.... 4 ARROW BAGS . . IROPICAI STRAWSERBY PRESERVES . . . ^ - e e 3" 59' CRISP FIP'A LETTUCE... 2 7lPP£8 SHIN TANGERINES 2 HEADS JUICY FLORIDA 89' SllMP.... N shOri rii.LC) & DEvtiKtn cocurn .-.AtHlH SOI'” h'm OR W>f0 99' V£GETABIES 2 ‘ '•OLD K'N\. BOUTH ONION RINGS 3 - PIE SHELLS . 3 « *1°° B»BON SANDW' his vORION PaBREB HO.ISE « ^ BAR-B-^QUE.. - 99' ROLLS .... 2 r 69' fBOTCN SMOESTBINO ^srr•^ POTATOES . 4 JUICE 6 - MOLlOWAT MOUSI ^/CHEESC OR iOUB CBM BAKCO ii.PCBBBAND BABS POTATOES . 2 89' ICE CREAM... 8-LB. BAG 12 PR PRO. U.S. No. T WHITE POTATOES I 10 £ 49^ : 20 'Hr 89^