Population k^Rreater Kings Mountain 91f914 City Limits 8.465 QiMter lungt Mouatala flgur* la daritad tran tba ■pacinl United Stotaa luraou of Um Canaua report o loavaiy 196«. and tncludaa Ua 14.990 Mumbai 4 Township, and tao rainalnlpg h«*iiii.ei 5 Township, la ClaTalcttd Couatr end Crowdor Mnimfcd^TownsU^l^QaatM ings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Pages Today VOL 83 No. 4 Established 1889 Ings Mountain. N. C.. Thursday. January 27, 1972 Eighty-Third Year PRICE TEN CENTS CROWDS ATTEND BANK OPEN HOUSE First itizens Bank & Trust Company moved Into a new banking house Monday and crowds attended the dedicatory rites and toured the building- Vice President Harold Sumner (above, addressing the group) is flanked by the bank staff and directors and their wives. Pictured, iright of speaker, local manager Lee McIntyre, Alex McFodyen. Central personnel director for First-Citizens; Mike McDaniel, Pam Wilson, Kay Gibbons, Martha Seism, Vickie Smith, Susan Ste\yart, Brenda Grimstaff. H ilda Greene and Donna .Butler Left of speaker are Tony Ruppe, Scarr Morrison, Jack White, Mayor John Moss. Mrs. Charles Easley, Mrs, George Plonk and Mrs. S. R. Suber, Jr. The bank used the battle anniversary theme in decorative details. The two young men in Mountain Men regalia gave o "shooting" demonstration and women tellers Colonialliins ApaitmeiS Work Starts Ttesday .'orr^ru Thur^- .cty c.n v^-.' ..-'1^ -' I Ills 311 Landin'^ stre« l'':tli* Brid^e-.s of Rrid«e.s Contrai|t i>ai> nesday. iij.» firm will pi 12 uni's Ci Vm* \y 5:2(;;’,CC3 an.^rlmen cn a 2.11 a TO l ’ iro.n Aich'l-'lc Mir Mans call for i two-bodr.oni un' flc-C'.s, vN'ith ono •.:a'h.s all .appliant cd throu, liGut livin; re: r*. ‘-ircaj:. Mr. rri.lrU'.' ^r-.id i rat't £i-j a; po; men 'i. A rA’in'..:nij::j a:oa i> ]•** .c: ted. Mr. said c.vn anti in:iiKi;;o dovolOiOmont. “Our firm has booi the hcrnc-ihuikiing fiol| M .untain ami wo loak entry into tlie apart: P'ha. o cf Kin^s Mouni dcMifiol housing,” Mri stated. & iission in iCKitinTs ioi cd •voliK':ra‘nt tt piio iUotd n". -U.so .st\lo. c'h t.v., (jno-lialf <1 cai^^ot- od bt 1- ..... a .tmciit- ])00l ^ ^ C» i% ‘M I 'P*'' tii Te CsiiDoiEkr . I, k rajicesian a 1 -1 i. .u r {!.(. hi i ». ■J. .11-1 i'l. the^‘^ trtmoni ci'e in r.'Ung.s ^w.-d to |tr-nlal resi* Brdges I- d. IS a d.‘ ' aiii/a,ion — ni *'r ('nM.\ T — \v!:i h a n i /.(-d i a at s u n i m . 1- '1 rnom ■( rs < 1 tlu' ta:n LuJiis ciub Fuc r ') IIul .'j 1 I'K iolod a - v*a.s or* ■. r!u‘ two ay r'-gat. wore Jong colonial-style dresses. Throngs Attend First Citizens Opening Party Largo throngs of visitors in- .epected the now First Citizens Hank & Trust Company building Monday evening. Kev. Cliarl(‘s Easley, former pas'tor of St. Matthew’s Lutheran rhurcii. prayed the invocation and Mayor Jehn Henry Mi^ss spake, cemimending the bank on its long history of progre.ssive* lU ss. IlaiDld Sumner, vice-pre.sidont in tharge of the G-osl.mia branch, thanked Kings Mountain area Tlizens fir their .support sin?e st Ciilizens opened lieio in Lee Mylntyre, manager eJ tlio Kings Mountain branch was mas ter of ccreuK.nics, and l.iv al Laii.k t'mplcyecs and directors wcie h isis, as visitors toured the U\x>- >-l,,ry building. Tfxt of the Mayor’s siK^Cch: "First tTlizen,s Hank and Trust C. mjmny and iks prcdi\'(“.ss-'ir, the Hank of Hmii'IificlJ, have ht'on I ro Jng t!»c'r philos-opliy of will ing,nc-s and de.sire to be of genu ine scruce to the edtizens since 18dS. "In Hu* Fall of 1957, the three young Holding brotlicrs from Srnith'fickl inhoriU’d the Icadcr- .'iliip of tile First Citizens Bank, UiHi its a.ssc‘Ls of $220,000,000, Lorn their lather, .Mr. K. P. Hold ing. Sr., who had biH'n praised by allies and competitors alike as one of the Stale’s greate.st bank ing in'rsi:)nalilie.s of all time. ‘Tlu* yv>ung brothers, all under tliiriy-lhree years of age, oetvpt e(! the challenge of rospi>n.sibiiity and resolved a solid t( igeHicrncss iT puipose w'ith Robert, Jr., as Chairman of the Board, Lewis as i’rt sident, and Frank os Vice- Pi (.sideiu. • In a decade plus four years, Citizens has iiiLTca.sed its re- - urees to attain a level of ST 15.000,otto dcixi.sits, and total of $820,000,000 as of Dt*ccm- ^P^r 31, 1971. In those fourteen Continued On Page Eio^it (HeralS Photo by Jim Belt) Local Elections To Continue Local AutoMechai Grigg Retires g- M ^ ^ i s * Lloyd Fite's Bites Conducted OFFICER OF MONTH — Mrs. Dorothy Howell is "Police Offic er of the Month", the honor voted by the Kings Mountain Woman's club. Mrs. Howell Officer Of Month Dorethy Howell is Kings Morn, tain’s police officer of the month for the month of January. Mrs. Howell, a native of Gas ton county, joined the force in 'March of 1970 aid lias since serv ed as secretary to the depart ment as well as jail matron and school crossing guard. A graduate of Gastonia high school, Mrs. Howell lived in -Maryland for 13 years and work ed as an orthodontist beH)re re turning to Kiit^s Mountain. She and her husband, Ray, have three children, tw.o Iwys and a girl. They are members of Temple Baptist church. METHODIST TOPIC “First and Only Christian Mcs.saige” will be the sermon tt)i>ic of Rev. N. C. Bush at Sun day morning worship .sc'iioice at 11 oVlKk Sunday at Grace Mclliadi.st church. Home S & L Had Record Year— New Building For Bessemer Branch Funeral rites for Lloyd Wil- luirn Fite, G.3, of route 1, were c inducted Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock from First Wesleyan Metliodist church of wliich he was a mentiber. Rev. Carl V. Sparks, assisted liy Rev. L. 1). Scruggs, officiated at tlie final riles and interment wa.s in Mountain Rest cemetery. i.Mr. File smtcuni'bed to a heart attatk -Monday morning at 11 o’cl,.^k at Ins j<*l) at Neisco Mills. •He had been in api)areiitly good iicalth. He was a native of Cleveland City county, -‘=on of the late Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur Fite. IS rviving are h'.s wife, Mrs. Thelma Carpenter Fite: one son. Raul Fite of Kings Mountain; four brothers. Raymond Fite of Lando, S. C, Virgil File of Kings Company. Charlotte. Mountain, Tony Fite of Morgan- pated the now 'building will be Ion and Lewis Fite of Gastonia; occupied in June, three sisters. Mrs. Hazel Shehan Mr. Tate reported a record of Forest City. Mrs. Clara Biv- year for the savings and loan on of Cherryville and Mrs. Hel- and predicted “another good year en Putnam of Earl; and (grandchildren. Board To Name Three- Elections Body The city b; ard of comniLssion- ers, as ex'pected, accepted recoin- moiidation of the board’s elections cx>mmiUce and adopted a re.^olu- tion Monday night to cDiidu^it Its own elections under prov-i cions of state statute (G.S. i()3-233) as adopted by the 1971 Gchcral As sembly. Principal change in the Kings Mountain election si't-up is ro- quiroment that the cemmissien 'appoint an elections board of three members net later than June 30. The etty commission it self has priorly sat as the elt?tc- tions board. Other state statute change re- quiremcnl is date of holding the municiipal election — in Novem- biT of od(i-nu-.nDcrt*d years, ratli- cr than May as formerly. (The stale statute change has the ef- fe(d cf lengtiicning the term ol office Oi the current administra- ii.;n.) OtherAise, the city election process \^iH rcl-nain a.-; is. The city will maintain it.s own regis- trathin books and citizcnvmeninor boarrl cf electi ms will administer the r<'gi.-:r<vtion of voters, Hie conduct cf the election, oan.as.s of tlie veto and appeint'ment of election cfficials in the si.x ward precincts. King.s M untain elected effi- cials, imtuding the mayor aiivl six ua rd c .-mi.n i.'^.'-'iienc rs, .'cok election in non-partisan voting. WhC'.e a canu d do fails to oid'ain a majority a run-eff call the prcrogaii'ive cf the setron.1-run ning candidate, who lia.s until Monday aflcr the Thursday can- Viiis to call for a run-dif in writ ing. In other acHons: bv^ard: 1) -Vcccptcd bid o~ nt-.aJ Ford Truck Saks, (’harlot to. fer a I'i as :< for i fire trucl; at SXiSJ.rs pills h>r a raj’;d-air biiil I uji di'vice, 1 w to (-LM. Truck cikI Ccaih I)i\'i.‘^i itiiiarl of $t0,e(il. Ford bid $10,:j2S.10 on a (Continued on Page Eight) Glenn Grigg, veteran -Mountain automotive retire.! January 1. He and Frank Z!om'..ck, Mr. Grigg for thr» .>asl six anP)uiiA-'* 7:>*nHy Wed that the h..sinc.‘'.s J.mated oiil Mountain s^-rert Will cor ho operated as Grigg (jaiag' der the manogoment of Mr. rivk. “I appreciate very much patronage accoixled flrigg Ga over the years and the ac panying fricndsiliips establi h .Mr. Grigg said. "I can. ey Frank Hamrick my a'ppreoia fi.r iiis coi^siderahle aid duril t'.K* pa.^t .vi.\ years and my b wi.‘ le- to liiin in continuing t .on f Grigg Garage.” Mr. Grigg simnl 45 yrars a’dlfiniotive .service werk, start! wil.il B. II. 'I li(>mp.son, in Shel-lv in 1920, and joining H. 11. ('li Hudson-L--:.-a'x deah f, in 1929. Mr. Grigg came to King.s Mjuntain wiiii the late G. W. King Garage in 1930 and, he adds, ‘Tve bcvi hr.'o over .«ince.’’ Mr. Grigg epened hLs own bu.si- in -••. in 19M and rejoinrxl Mr. King in 1950. F iH<»\ving .Mr. King’s (Icatli in EK'cember 1953, Mi'. Grigg purJia.scd tlie business in Ajiril 1954. About retirement, Mr. Grigg comments, “After 45 years in the bu-iiM's.s, I’m not looking for too imuch to do.’’ Tlicre'H be some catching up on minor repairs at h '.nc and "maybe some visiting.” Mr. Hamrick lK*gan automotive service work willi .Mr. King in 1912, spent 1943-46 in army oru- nance as a m.'usi(*r .sergear.t in lac HacUic Theatre of Operations on Guad-acanal, the Philippines and Japan. On dc-^charge, he ae* {■amo ser\i;e ni Miager of Re>'n- (ild.s Mtiiors, then rejoined Mr. King from 1952-59. He spent five years as a salesman f.r Blue Plate Foods, Inc., a tiief tenure uit!» Plonk OH O'^mpany, nhcn j. hu i Vir Gnf?“ in 1966. “1 a. ■■ of Hrc oppontunity t.) conH 'j* operation of Grigg (Jarage. i pleJge c.:mpielt* ton- tinuance of the type of quality ivpair sen ice f:atron.s enjoycvl wilii Mr. King and .Mr. Grigg,” Mi. Hamrick .'-aid. Mr.-j. Grigg is Hh* f irmer Mary Oiinajvd. llieir son. Glenn Griggv J... IS a trafiic .«.ifety engineer '.vi'h the Stale litghway c..mmi.s- s'on in K-ileigh. Mr. Grigg is a mt m :cr (T Cent.al .NL'.uodisl I'ln.reh, a f;'rater Lion an.l was a \ -1 intccr fireman fji'.n IiKH-4Y. -Mis. Hamrick i-- the Rrmer HeL n Pat'(*rsoit. Tlici-r ('hildien, Mrc Frankh* \Veb!.tcr and Mrs Ajtn Gx?dsen. li' e hen*. Mr. Ham- rit k is a mem.u r < * )’ . ler. an 'Grove Laipti-.; v'hur.';i. an»l the Gak GiOve Volunteer Fire D.-parl- nieiit. He i.s tw ice a pa.«.t j1- d< nt of Hio Betiiware ^regressive Club. Ha-incs.’. of tin* V'.luntoor coun- (d;r('( t.ir*-- aie nott has been iiuTfxi.'-.Ing ifi Nove.mber the c iit’-cl -rs had 2:>0 calls, m <re in :K*re-mber ana to date in Jan- .uiiy 3.53. *Mr. Plonk =^.jd 90 per.-mt of the i'-eepk- who call of coun.sel- ing HT.und-Hie-cl(Kk .service) find thfm-riv(s under ten much .‘^train I't ib< ir <m'^:ional make up. ".M'l..; increly need to talk,” he II -.Viid s'me l\,v call cn <• f r twice per day.” He said Hieri* h.td ■7e('n .‘•kx sui- (•-'{* ; but n‘lie : I'n* six 1- \ .1'. u.-a. :'r :v,e c:*ll wi;*i ^ ; .■■•.I-'. ■ i(. ir • I ni- ii Log adair'-;, s>:ne have ven- c'.-cr.^e. seme want a tor- pt ... . He c,a;d A - k hc.s pro- £ !•. . " i ;-iA.k-u.' in t’u* pi.-; ms .’ •: “s. lawyer.;, tiie clergy k.( .Mi. Hullenclcr sail. "Yeung ■ ' .'le liavf.n ; v.rc'n'ica up to the vun. cl.ng 1 . g;am. a.s liC’ e oid- rr p.,; i(. nut wr e.xp 'G they 'Die prs/ram. wiiitii Ingc.n .^Ji ..ydnoy, An kclia. is n rw '•wide, .ei-iiing le.drr \aii- .> itcimc.s. He .''oi ’ Hic personnel cjni.dcrcly v luntcer, tiie cx- HiCs piiid i K by d. na i:;.*’'. and aynity of buHi caller and 'Jn.v, ; :r mainiamod. REP. ROBERT (BOB) FALLS N. C. House Candidate RALPH TUCKER Hcgistcj of Deeds Candldoto (gion Books Hcdo" Bend 5ie Lara lot s” w.ll ’ k : F.iiurday n:;h: . Lcj, ,n dance f> r an I ^ac.st.«. ‘Snein.: will be f'.v.i r 9 cm. ‘ m.drrigii! buildin'* a' dtc American fXv) Bfns llegister MPOc’ of new voters in [lad C'nutty—created by a td .'late goveni- ’• 1- lowering Hie voting i\e.o ,inly I cen tapped |y ;0 dale, wnh an esliniat- ki iiio isj'j agi* group t^istered to tiaie. ^ Lie report ol ^Irs. ;^ianiiUon, secretary to the el|icti;.iis boaid, wiio main tains the now-full-time elections board Office at tiie cn nty court house. •Mrs. (H4:nilton saiil Hicre has h«*en a in ■ulence” ol re gistration lirnon nc.vv citizens of Hie (m:y ^-1 y,, of age andjsa.i other citi.-en.' are registering l^^-ho have never l e- gistered be| re. '.Mrs. llan) ton’s offi' e u open Mondays-Frfcays s a. m. to noon .'Hid fix^ 1 La.st day ;to fop the May 0 primly jg y lial Baptiit Ch-jsch 6lh BiiShdav Siinfev Home Savings & Loan As sociation has lot contract for a now building for its Hessemer branch, Thomas A. Tate, told an- •Highlights of his report- for Hie year ending Dt'cemher 31: 1) First mortgage loans in creased $l.S39,OS9, up U.5S per cent to $13,501,499. Carson ehiuvli in thi^ tain communli; 20th birthday:^ services. ‘hnoriiil Ihiptist Ci'ow-ihn'.v M.nm- 'vill mark its ['iticlay at special Two Residential Permits Issued City buiUhn- permits were is- executive vice-p-re.sident shareholders at Tuesday’s an- 2) Total assets increased sued for tavo residences during nual meeting. $2,22R.20S. uo 11.G7 percent, to Li*' P«st week to: The new building ‘vill be lo- $15,551,469. Alexander & Di.xon (for Ralph calod on Virginia avenue and the 3) Savings and investment Harrison) for a seven-room home builder is Laxton Construction accornls increased $2,165,931, up nt 509 Ellcnwood Drive, estimat- It is antid- ll.Sl perc-ent to $14,133,863. to cost $22,697. VV, Marion 4) The association has 5910 Dixon, contractor, and Jerry now the Carson savings accounts. Westbrook, six-room residence on tist church. Soi 5> Dividends paid totaled $674,798. 6) Karnings for the year were lo Singer Evangt of Asheville the 11 o’cock service. On January store building J. Carson, four B.'b Jones Un!V( strumental in .‘-ti t Har [fill the Ing Id LoaUe pupil at wors'.iip three in *72.” Goal, he said, is a three $T2SJ>27, with $92,627 added million assets gain. Continued On Page Eight Wales Road, estimated to cost plus two older $29,(X)0, O. C. Penner contractor, were present at t Trailer location permit in the The following Si mile perimeter was issued to J. man plus the E. Queen, 1005 Shelby Road. present, and X:ol l‘^2, in an oM by Mr. .1. men froni Wi’ie in- what is ■*^orial Hap- ■^0 cjiildren girl.'^ 8<'i \ ice. '^f one adult jdren wore ^here the L. E. (JOSH) HINNANT Ccmmission Candidate SE42,683 - m Gf Total Levy Penalty of two and Hiroe- fo. rfas pen cnl applies on unpaid 1971 lax bills Febiuary 3, Ci^y Clerk Jue McDaniel reminded city la.vpayers yesterday. January c*oll(»ciions Vvin*e r9,0S5.0i) bringing lo a total of S212.6.''3.4S I he amount in 3971 city tax bills King.s Mountain taxpayers have pnirod into city V offers. Thi‘sc payments repre.'-'ont 73 pi'icent of the total levy td S32\3()5. a;id 7(1 pencnl (*f the $31S,590. tlie oily anticipates it would reTiv^' in revenm* fn'm this .s<)ur;e during Hie cuiTcnl fis-al year. Penally inrrea^^es by Hir'o huirtlis of one iierci'iit in sub- seijuent mmih.s until tax bills are paid, .said Mr. 'Me Daniel. KIWANIS CLUE Kings Mountain Kiwanians will hold n’gular nu'eting ’P'uir'ri.iy ni riF at '6:15 ;>.m. at ih(' W'l-nan’.s club. Pr :rnn f.»r t’;e rr.-’cting '.vns unanivHin-od. J. DOCK TURNER Commission Candidate >11 Taxes Tistsday Brilc! Power Cut-Off Sunday f/foming Power .service in King.'^ .M nin- taiii will be .-usponded hriclly Suiriay mcrning at 8 o’clock. Luke P 'vver Canii>any ha-i es timated tile <iUitJ<’'vvn lo be ten ■minu'e-- at mast. City Kleciiical .'^•.'perinlenvieni Earl Turbyfill said. chur h coniinu(‘d to r w. 'r’lo f iliowing ye:;r a elwir.-h Iniild- in ' \v IS ero'ted ar.d \ears later it was ci’i-’n'*! v. ih iu-iik. Karly in a SCui.OOd ren ovation <.'f the main anditoriimi wa.s fini.-hed to a omm-'date the •r’wiiig rongn'uatiini. Tlti.s also iurliided the addition r f Sunday .-.c'lool rvims. rest room faoilitles and offiic and tw > niirserie.s. Rev. W'avne KifK cont-niieci ns pastier of tin* chur.di ut.Hl Aug- 11 : or 1951 when !ie left to go to .Africa a.s a missionary. Rev, Jame.> Avev Mh’wed a.s na.'^tim intil 19“!). Po'v. Karl Shannon was pastor for (w ' vamr.s follow ed by Rev. C!iar’e.< 17r;tt who pastored from 19(il-39''5. Early in 19t'>il. the p:es,'nt Co/iH.i.'K’d 0-1 Page Eight Here Monday 4m Tlie Red Cros.s liloodine'ale will return to Kings Mountain 5I.)iiday for a one-day visit. Donors will be processed at Hu* CA'inmunity Center from 11 a. m. until 4:30 p. m. .Mrs. Cliarles Mauney, an of- f'C(*r i*f tlu* Ck'veiand County Red Cros.s eliapter. [ ointad to tlu* urgent need for hi. < d. mding that Kin;:.'- ^Tountain elli/ens had u.s<*d more I'ltNul than h-ad been donated durin. the past six nunifis. Particularl.v "heavy us- was durin:: the niontli of Decemlu'r. G i:H o.'' Monday’s collection is 125 pints of okHid. McDANIEL FUND .'Pk - 1 > lh(' M ’Oanitd Helping IF. :'d Fund t haled $35 during r’u* past \v«*ek. aee(»rdin;t t-» G:a -a MmiKwlisf ehurcli si'cre- taiv Li .\nMiony. Wihisnsili Bays Washerette R. G. \Vir.«nant. owner of Whi.s- nant’s .\Rpliaace an.l Jk air 8er- MV. has j»ur(‘hasiHl Piedmont \Va-!'erelt(' fomi its owner, Jim Ik'yiiolds. of Slielhy. The jniTihase was effective Jan uary 15. I’ied^ncnit Wadierefte i.< Kings ATcunlain’s- ‘d kvs* wlixicret-ie in conlinujus operation. At ie<tkcKkn Bids Tild L. K. (J.islD Ilinnon!, IGngi .M.unlain hank t. filed n ti c -nidiiia y U'e ln.e d.'.} k: Lie v.i! y coniiu* i.'in J. I- k 7'u'- m., 1 :rvV!Mp.-e f-u veyrr, f'leJ fo: n-riec.ion :-‘-s a county commis- sirner. Ikil])!) J. Tucl.er fil :l rvr r<‘-cle ' ion a.- regk’^-cr of decd“, $>tat(* pro < I.-atii'e K jbe;l Z. Falls anniurcfNi he w-^Hd seek a fifth term in the* House. •Ml arc D<*mc 'rats. liic.-JO we.'o tlie pr-lltiral devel opments of the i.<a-ot week. Rep. Falls’ announcement bring.s to three the number of Candida es for Hie tiircc .soets al lotted to the Ckn-oland-Rutiher- ford-Polk Hou.se di.striet. Rep. Roo- ert Jones, of RuHicrfard, .seek.s re- elertion and the other is Etirl Cnvenshy. of Clo. eland. Roj>. \V. K. Mauney, Jr., an nounced la.st WiU-k he would seek a .S(*nate sv:\{ in the now Clevc- I II! l-Ga.'-doii. Rutherford - Lincoln disirirl, alloMi'd three ront.s. Sen ator J. Ollie Harris is retiring. iMr. Hinnant. who Ims servi^i as :'h:)irmftii of the Kings Mountain indcsirial corn'mitieo. receiied Jiis in business a iminisim- iic-n from the Univershy of N irth Parr lina at f-hapc-l Hill. Vice- Prc.>idenl of First Unian Xatr-nal Bank of Kings Mountain, he wf:-k(':l for several banks in .sev eral N' F’h Carolina communities ,cr:ve <omiiig to Kings Moun- i un, .Mr.-;. Hinnant is the former Viigin a .'Timmers and they are of two children. They are a' iw,' in $1. Mattlicws Lutheran j t.iu:-h. / Hinnant “It basically b.'-i's down to the fact that the pi )p]e in t'le Kings Mountain ao'u need rej)re><'ntation. I have uu l..ne and energy to .serve and I ic J a desire to serve Hie i>?0'ple ti l’ie»eiand County. I kn^AV all the cc-mmi.ijioners on the pres- ( nt beard and I like them. Iha\e 1. a; (• to grinrl,” A gradu.ito af The Citadel, Mr. Pali- i-; a tanner. He series a, ...di te.ni ill the N. C. House. .Mr iu ficr, who seeks a third f ar-.veac a*nii as Cie\’eiand Coun ty r.« gLiUT af Deeds, is a resident <■. N '. 6 I'nwiiship and is a mem ber of Eliza.ieiii Baptist chumh. Ih* L president iT Gideons Inter- na‘i?mal oj Cli'veland County. In a slaiem(*nt, 'Tucker said, ".My pli'dge to the people in 1964 still stands gwd for the next 1 'ur years and that is to serve all Hie p<*<i])le of Cleveland Coun ty wiHi respivi and courtesy, to fulfill Hie office on a state le- w] hy meeting the mjuirements as (lir(*.'i<‘d by our North Caro- lii.a Association o-f Registras of 1 1 c!ialle:ige each one who has nio\ed to Cleveland County sinc'e Hie la.st election and those that !iave reached llic voting age to find y<\ r way to the reustration ifH>m in the Courthouse, register and exercise your rights by vot- Continued On Page Iright Mis. Kiser's Bites Thursday F. neral rites Jor Mrs. Thelma Violet Kiser. t>\ wife of Otto Kiser, Hr., will be held Thursday niternoou at 4 p. m. from '’Mac edonia baptist idiuix’h of wliich she was a me:nl>er. Rev. L. D. Scruggs, assisted hy Kev. Jame.s Grnh«iin and Kev. . ;a:(nve B ooitt, will officiate at the final rites, and interment w;ll be in .Mountain VwM ctmo- ter ■. Tin* iKidy will remain at Har ris Funeral Home until the hour of service. Mrs. Kiser died at 7 p. m. Tuesday night in the Kings Mountain hospital where she and !n*r Imsband had botli been hos pitalized with double pneumonia. A native of Cherckee County, S. C.. s’u* was the dau hter of tiu* late .Mr. and Mrs. Sam Z. Sneed. In aildition to her Inisband she i.s s. rvived by one «on. O. C. Kiser. Jr. of (kisionia; two sis ters, Mrs. H. IL Bridges and Mr.-. .Milton Hope, .'-^r.. both of Kings Mountain: tlim* grand children; and three great-grand* ihildren.

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