mi spon- irday fi. II be jnily y is tie I Population Treater Kings •f' **iin 91.914 City Limits 8.465 Si ^ztei tiingi Mountols jur« U tf«rlT«d tiom tM IJnltid StatM Bur«cni of th* Caiiftua report e touvoi) 196b. ^a4 iBcludM *b« 14.990 pepuladeo 0 NumPei 4 Towoibtp. <nid tue rematnlog 6«^>4 A S Towoshlp, In Clevelond Coimtr oBd Crowder Townililp 1b OoBtoa CowBty* Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 83 No. 13 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, March 30, 1972 Eighty-Third Year PRICE TEN CENTS 172 New Voters; Saturday Is Last Registration utheran Pastor Installed 0 Sowers CieanWater NEW PASTOR — Rev. Robert E. Alien will be installed as the pastor of St. Matthew's Luth- eian church during Sunday worship service April 9th. New Minisici To Assume Duties OnApiSSth The Reverend 'Ro.:ert E. Allen will be installed as pastor of St. Matthew’s Lutheran church Ap ril 9 by the Reverend Dr. George L. Whittecar, president of the North Carolina Synod of the (Lutheran Church in America. 'Pastor Allen comes to St. Mat thew’s from St. Paul Lutheran church, Decatur, Geor ia, after having served there four years. Prior to coming to the St. Paul parish, he was the pastor of Faith Lutheran church, Savan nah, Georgia. , , Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch was , . . .i u i lA native of CoR.imbia, South det-ted president of the Kings needed to repay the b:>nds, even Carolina, Pastor Allen received vj^un'tain Woman’s club at Mon- while the oond proceeds are be- his Bachelor C[f Arts degree in night’s meeting and will bo nig used la goed advantage all English from Lenoir Rhyne col- in^t.^ned, along with other new North Care ir.a to pra.ide lege, the Bachelor of Divinity on May 22nd. water andr treatment facdi- degree from the Lutheran Theo- ties.” logical Southern Seminary, the Mrs. Lynch, who succeeds Mrs. “l am convinced , said the Master of Theology degree from W. T. Weir, is immediate past candidate, That the legislature Columbia Seminary, and he has president of District IV of the needs to do more for municipali- also pursued advanced work on N. C. Federation of Women’s ties and counties and one of the the d<x?toral level. , Clubs. She has also so^-ved as big pr ^'bleins is pollution”. Mr. * president of the local club. PRESIDENT — Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch has been elected presi dent of the Kings Mountain Woman's club for the coming year. She will succeed Mrs. W. T. Weir, Mis. Lynch Is Elected FoimerAlderni^ii Knows Problems Of Pollution S'.jvvrt.s, (P.ndidate for lieu- ronaiit gxTV( rnor, cnthusiastioally endorsing Clean Water Bonds, de clared Wednesday this is the ma jor Issue Nortli Carolina votcjrl' .-;hcuid be ccncerned with on May 6t:i. •.Mr. S.)wcrs, who was politicking in King.s Mountain and Cleveland County yostriday, made his re marks at City Hall where he had stepped fer a hand shaking tcui and visit with Mayor John Henry M-.jS. “iho bond i£..'Uo won’t cost tax payers one exira penny”, Sow'ers said, ‘‘and ho more taxes will be PAYS CALL — Roy Sowers, candidate for lieutenant gov ernor, paid call on Kings Moun tain V/ednesday, ic£id Calls Public Hearing Tile city c.mmission Tuesday niglit called foir a public hearing _ to be held April lOlh two re- or”. They have two children, Bswiss Visit fJgTd Mrs. Hargrove (Skipper) West Precinct iltlkmsry . irdest Fiace Thi^ Wes: Kirig.s Mountain pol ling place at the National Guard Arm.L'y rep-rted the mo.st re- gi.sii-ation acLviiy Saturday as Mrs. .3. II. Arjiiui logged the names of 12 voters. A total of 172 now name^ have been added to the pcllbooks on two Saturdays t'Avr.ship regis trars have been on duty. Satjiday is the last day to ro- gijtcr t.") v'ote in th: Miy 6th Democratic primaiy. The regis- •ra:.-'. wi'.l ue at tlie polling places frern 9 a. m. until 6;3.'.) p. m. Mrs. NgHc Cran*^ rd, East Ktngs M.untain pTCcmn regis- ix-'.r at C:t/ Hall, logged the names of Id new voters; Mrs. J. A. E. C'^nnor registered nine new voters at Bethware; and Mr A J. 13. Ellis registered nine new voters at Grover. Registrars pointed o.t that anyone who already is register cd to vote in a general electirn need not register. They also re mind citizens that lS-21 years- old are eligible to vote in the first primary but only if they are registered. Some 17 year olds also can vole in the primary if their I'dh birthday comes be fore the N V. 7 general eleceion. Anyone can register who Is at least 18 by the date of the Nov. 7 general election and who has been a resident of this state at least one year and of his pre cinct for at least 30 days. ChriscoeToPreach iirise Sermon SPEAKER — Rev. Edwin R. Chriscoe, pastor of East Gold Street Methodist church, will deliver the Easter message at Easter Sunrise services Sunday morning at 6 a.ui.Tt Mountain Rest cemetery. iPaistor Allen is married to the former Narbcy Huggins of Hick- quests for rezoning, A request to rezone 12 lots-less than two acres from ' resident ial to neighborhood busine.^s cfcime before the city board of jB^mmissioners on March 13. The request was forwarded to the city zoning board and .'^u'‘se- qucntly approved. F. LI end Genova G. Patterson vrre the petitioners and their attern^y, Bob Bradley, presented the peti tion to the city board. The second public hearing is on a reejuest to rezone 10.102 a- cres of land from light industry to residential by Otto Williams and to rezone 0.S38 acres of Wil liams land from R-20 to R-10. Local realtor J. Wils-on Craw ford, who holds an option on the Patterson property, termed plans f ,r a proposed shopping center as “premature.” Fred Plonk, chainhian of the zoning board, said he didn’t recall the word- in.: of petition but that the board had as.'liimed the area would be made into a shopping tenter and that he assumed the beard proceeded on that basis. Both public hearing.s will be held in council chamlbers at 7:30 p. m. lR:schel, 4, and Timothy, 2. he 3rd Is Asking Hew Ordinance The city commis ion, upon recommendation of Police Chief Tom McDevilt, is requesting th-» state highway commission t r a concurrent ordinance set ting the speed limit at 25 miles per hour (instead of 35) on Phifer Road from Flclton Drive and in front of the high school. According to Mayor John Henry Moss,' the highway com mission has requested the board adopt an ordinance de claring modifications to safe and reasonable speed limits on that portion of road. Sowers was ^ C'ily ccunciiman in Bowles, wife of the Democratic Sanford for six years, said he be- candidate for governor, will cam- Cther new officers will include ^ame aware ' Mrs. Carl Mauney, first \ice i(.nis as a town oUlciai. unw Mountain Javecs arc president: Mrs. W. S. Fulton Jr.. tor throe vears of the honored at a tea from 2:30 un- pondUin- the Tnnual sale of s;e.™d Department o£ ' C^servation & tiM:30 p. m at Cleveland Coun- orchids for benefit of the Earlier Orchid pcliution prJ)- pai-n in the county next Thurs- ContmUCS fitial. day (April 6th) and she will be < am .Taveees Development, Sewers also se.ved ty Memorial Library, f- r six mcnilis a.i secrctaiy of.Drive, Shefoy. tices meJicine in Sanf.)rd. sen. Key Sowers, III, is an 18- F. 3. Pritchard, corresponding sec retary. . Mrs. Aubrey Mauney, chairman f r.d eeJnomic resmrees. of the music division of the recent ^ state federation-sponsored Fine Arts Festival at Meredith col- u t u i u:n area lege, announced that two local >car-cld h.g’h sch^l se:ii..r Bo\vles‘vis wSmen won awards. Mrs. J. H. expec s to v, :e in-May and who 11 f be a freshman at Elen college in the fall He and hi.s wile, Joyce, 15-year-old daughter, J.yce Lynn, a high school fresh man. “The lieutenant governor’s off ice should bo epen to the people”. Sowers believes. He says he’ll serve only one special interest greu])—the people of North Caro lina. Howie civic cLb’s conimunlty projects. ITie orchids will be available Area women are invited to at- on Friday afternom and all day His and meet Mrs. Saturday at .Myer; Printing com- place w'omen won Arthur copped a second prize for her needlepoint picture and Mrs. Paul McGinnis received ^ a thiid place award lor her cro.ss- stitch quilt B'wles, said Mrs. John L. Me- pariy on West Mountain street. Gill, area coordinator for Mrs. visit. Mrs. McGill is wife of John L. McGill, retired partner in Kl-.igs Mountain Drug Company. Thornburg Back From Trinidad "Most Cruel Candidate? CONTINUES ILL City Attrirncy Jack White re mains a patient in the Kings Mountain hospital where ho is being troatixl for brcnchi'is. '^1 LEGION MEETING Mombt*rs of .American Legion post 155 will recoTve nomina tions for new officers at Mon day night’s regular moetang at 7:30 p.m. at the American Leg ion building. lltites Sunday AtZpjiL Foi Card Knox Funeral rites for Mrs. Card Davis Knox, 17, will be conduct ed Sunday afternoon at 2 p. no. from Mount Olive Baptist church. Mrs. Knox died suddenly Mon day afternoon. Her mother, Mrs. Robert Burris, said yesterday that an autopsy is being conduct ed by the county medical exam iner to determine the cause of death. WINS PROMO’TION — Richord K. McMackin, formerly of Kings Mountain, has been elected vice president of WacfiCwia Realty Investments in Winston Salem. Dick McMackin Wins Promotion Mrs. Jewel F'ord of 602 Ford street has a candidate for Kings Mountain's “most cruel person.” Writes Mrs. Ford: “I say it is the person who has nothing to do but to take a pis tol and shoot the intestines out of little innocent kittens. “Such two incidents have happened within a week at the Henry Ford’s re3idence on Ford street. ‘Tn both cases, a pistol shot has been heard and the kittens, “Tiger” and “Teddy Bear” have been found dying in the yard. “I think we have a city ordi nance ferbidding the use of fire arms iriiide the city limits, but it seems to be ignored more each day. In fact-there has been so much pistol and rifle shooting in this section of Kings Mountain that a stranger pas.sing through would think they were out on a rifle range somewhere. "It seems to me something else should be done to protect the <9 mb animals, before it gets to the human beings.” He sponsored an E.nvironmontal Intern Program so that college students could help solve environ mental prof)lems and established C(yntifiuC(i On Page Sir Rev. J. J. Thornburg, former re kient and pastor of Kings Mountain, has JlSI returned from a 10-day Revival Crusade in Car acas and Trinidad. The Crusade group consisted of 45 pajple from seven different states. Rev. Thornburg is now pastor of the Edgewood Baptist church in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Machowicz* Rites Conducted Funeral m^a'S for Mrs. Blanche Machowicz, 79. of 112 Casllewood Drive, was conducted Monday mcining at 11 o’clock from St. Michael's Ca'hclic cdvurch of Gas tonia of which she was a mem ber. Mrs. MacJr'UiVz died Saturday morning at 10:15 at her home. A natl.'o o(f Poland, she had been a Kings Mountain citizen for a number of years, moving here from New York City. She was daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zaborski. She is survived by her son, Eu gene J. Machowicz of Kings Moun tain and two grandsons. A Sor\nce of Ro?ar>* was held in the Chapel of Harris Funeral Home Sunday evening at 7 p.m. Rev. Benedict officiated at the final rites and interment was in Mountain Rost cemetery. Sunrise Bites Sunday ^ M Cemetery Rev. Edwin R. Chriscoe, pa^-'tor of East Gold Street Meth,-.tdLst church, will deliver tlie Easter sermon at traditional co.-nmun- ity-widc Easter Sunrise Services Sunday morning at 6 a. m. The service will be held in Memorial Park of Mountain Rest Cemetery with minister'; the I Kings Mountain .Minisicri :1 As- ! jscxriation leading the p: "gram. i TRAl'^PIC Mountain Rest Sunt. Ken Jenkins abks motorists to en ter the cemetery at the Gold street entrance. A 11 gates, hmvever, will be open to walk ing traffic. In evTent of rain, the service will be eaneolled. Rev. Archie Chapman will read the scripture. Rev. David Kime will pray the morning prayer, and Rev. S. W. Avery will pro nounce the benediction. Mrs. Carl Barnett and Mrs. J. D. Biddix will sing an Easter an them and a brass ensemble of high school students will play a prelude of Easter music under the direction cf Director Donaid Deal. The congregation will join in the singing of “He Lives’^ and al- s.> oarticipale in the responsive call to worship which will be led by Re\-. Paschal Waugh. Dr. Cliarles Edwards, president of the Ministerial Association, will pre.side. “We invite the community to join us in this Easter service of worship.” said Dr. Edwards. Rev, Mr. Chriscoe will use the sermon topic. “The NIessage of Easter.” little Theatre Sets Tzy-Outs Try-outs for “Ladies In Retire- Richard K. (Dick) McMackin iRev. Eddie Evans, Jr., Rev. of Winston-Salem has been elect- ment”, forthcoming production by Sloan Murray, Rev. M. L. Cam.p- ed vi'ce president cif Waichovla the Kings Mounta'in Little Thea- bcl! and Rev. S::ott will oflic- Realty Investments. tre, w-iill be held Saturday, April iatc at the final rites, and mter- IMcMacklin Is the son of Mrs. g'lh, from 12 noon until 8 p.m. at ment will be in M unt Olive W. L. McMackin of Kings Moun- park Grace school, church cemetery. The body will EVANGELIST — Rgv. Guy E. Johnson, pastor of Main Streat Baptist church of Spindale, will be evangelist for revival serv ices beginning Monday at West- over Baptist church. Westover Sets Revival Series /)? the end of the <ts H began to down toiourd the fir^st daif lo/ the ux'Ck, etnne Mari/ Magdalene 'and the other Mari/ to s't'!' *he sroHlf^^'fi'e. And, behold, there iqa.s o great eaith-quakc; for the andcl <of the iTcrd d‘sa nded from heaven, and came \and rolled back the f^etone from the Jdoor eind sat u/fOn it. } His counf('nanec u-as ' like lightening, and his ratment tvhite os 'snov:; And for ftar of him the keejy- ers did {shake, and became as d<yid mend > And fhc angel ans'iecryd and said vnfo the xoomcn. Fear not im: for J f:now that i/e seek Jesus, v:hi('h iras crurifUd. Hr Is not hef*(; for he ij*? risen, yhe said. Come, sec the ptaci- xrJiere^the I.ord lag. And go Onu-kly, and tell his disfirJes that he In risem from fh'' d( "(f; and, lu'hold, g<x'th hrh.rv ytm ra/o Galilee; there shall ye s<'e him: lo, I have told you. And they driAi/ted quickltf frrym the sepulchre with f('ar and great joy; and did run to bring his diseijihs word. And as they juvaf fo tell his disciples, behold, Jesu,s met Jo Nolen and ron of Mr. and them, sai/ing. All hail. And they Mrs. nurwell Nolen, has been came and held hwx by his feet, nominated f r “Who’s Who in will worship]ied him. American Junior Colleges.” ACTION Training Course Slated A special training course for .tenON vclunteers will begin Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Com munity Center. The course Ls slated to run eight weeks. “Anyone interested in devoting a few hours each month to liclp- ing his fellowman is invited to attend” said a six)kcsman. Scouts To Assist At Sunrise Rites Boy Scouts of Troops 415-Amor ican Legion, 91 - St. Matthew’s Lutheran church and 294-Resur rection Lutheran church will be on hand Easter Sunday to help with the S'lnripe > ..iits will be giving out bullet ins, direct traffic and mix m li C crowd so as to be of any help pos.-iiblo. A:ay Scouts from other troops who wish to help will also be needed and welcome. S-outs should report to Scoutmaster Wal lace StawLs near the cemetery oftice at 5:30 a.m. Royal Villa Hit Heaviest, Police Investigate Rash of Vandalism IN WHO'S WHO Gary Nolen, senior student ot Gaston col lege. has been nominated lor membarship in “Who's Who In American Junior Colleges." Gaiy Nolen In Who's Who Gary Nolen, husband of Betty home cif Mrs. Knox’s parents, Mr. Anne Dilling of Kings Mountain. A cast cf six women and one man April 9th at 7 p. m. with Rev. Guy fi'o and Mrs Ei rris, North Can- 'McMackin serves as chief ac- is required. E. Johnson, evangelLst. sltM- street, Saturday at 5 p. m. countin|T and financial official Refre.shments will bo served Rev. Johnson is a graduate of thrwJ. *1... T o,._ ,fr»r .Wa/*hinvta'RPMltv InvestTYients. onH jifiaiUnn ic f>Ytf*-ndfYl >(0 Gardner-Weibh eolle?Te of BoiJini? /We tover Baptist church tain and the late Mr. MciMackin. Steve B'.iity, who will sorv’o as hold revival serviicos lx>ginning Then said Jesus unto them. Be He was an honor graduate of taken to the iHe is married to the former Miss director, will conduct the try outs. April 3rd and continuing through ^ afraid: go tell ,my brethren Kings .Mountain high school, class ■■ ■ - • ~ '“*0 Galilee, and of 1970. He is now a senior at 8CC me, (Mat- Gastm college and will graduate in May with an A.A.S. degree in Mr.s Knox was the wife cif Lar- ior )WaiChovia Realty Investments, and Imvitation is extendrvl to Gardner-Webb college of Boiling mechanical engineering tcchnol- rv Junior Knox. Besides her bus- a real estate investment trust “everyone in.toxested in litMc the- Springs, Furman university, SchoOl HolidctyS ^ . ibind and oarents, she is survi- advised by Wachovia Bortjgage atre to attend”. Greenville, S. C. and Southwest- n ^ During his studies at (laston ved hv one s n, Larry Antuan Company. He also is vice presi- "We are mo5Jt anxioug to add orn Baptist Theological semin- Wn X TlCiay college, Nolen has maintained a Knox* two brothers, Harold and dent of the mortgage company. new mombers to the little thoa- ary. Ho ha;? sened many church- Kings M-Jimtain city schools gi'ade point average of 3.S6 out of rh'irlos Burris both of Washing- MdMackin, a native of Clov- tre”, sa>’s Gone Au.stin. president, os and is now piistor of the^Iain will dismUs for Easter holidays a possible 4.0. Ho plans to con- ton D- C.* and three sisters, er, S. G., joined Wachovia in 1960 More now faces are needed, not Street Baptist church, Spindale. Friday at 11:30 a.m. tin.e his studies at U. N. C. at Misses Constance Carrie and as an accountant. He graduated only onstage but backstage, says There will be gospel singing by Charlotte, where he will be w:rk- Cherrv Burris all of Kin^s from Lenoir Rhyne college and Austin and previous expepienco is the choir, along with «olos and Students will have the entire ing toward a bachelors degree. Mr^untnin- and her rrandpar- has done graduate work in busi- not a requirement of member- quartet!; under the direction of week after Easter as a .spring va- He is a grandson of Mr. and iVlOUn , __ ■* ^ _ J 1 _1 r.*. Tr~: i_ _ .......l A,-. /''iiftO.M Twn5r»rl onH tVifut-M My-C P* J_,, NolCO Of ShOll'^y. 1IC Mauney pnts Mr and Mrs Clarence Bur- ness administration at the Uni- ship. “There is a serious need John Ross. The pastor, Rev. \r- cation period and will return to Mrs. E. L. Nolen of .ShoJr Vnd Mrs Ruth BuitLs, all of versity of North Carolina at for technicians and backstage chie Chapman, invites the public clasros on Monday morning. Ap- and his wife live at 617 kings Mountain. Freensboro. crew mcinbers”i he added. to attend. ril 1C. Avenue. City police investigated many break-ins ®rid vandaTTsms during the past week, seme resulting in heavy losses. Th^ biggest loss, money-wise, was to tlie Royal Villa Motor Inn on 1-85. A thief or thieves entered the kitchen office sometime between 2 a.m. and 6:15 a.m. last Friday and stole S399.20. i/ntry vves made by removing a portion of the coiling. Other vandalism reported dur ing the past w<H?k included: Luther D. Caveny reported Sat urday that someone let the air out of 12 tircs on seven cars in the parking lot of the Sadie Mill The car tags were also painted with black paint. That vanda lisms was just two days aftoi’ Irene Lutz of Bi'ssomer City re ported that someone stole a bat tery* from her car which was parked in the Sadie Mill parking lot. Gn March 22, Plr^o Heavner re ported the loss of 13 bantam chickens. 10 rabbits and one guinea. Police chief Tom McDevitt said evidently dogs tunneleil un- dornoath the fence and killed them. Two other incidents were also reported on that day. J. R. Van Dyke, an employee ol Neisco Mills, told poMcx* that someone threw rov!^ and broke 73 windows in the mill ware house. The damage wa^ reported at $164.25. Also on the 22nd, Willard Sell ers rf Easley, S. C., rcix>rted that someone stole a battery out of a l:>adcr at Pine View Apartments SPEAKER — Dr. Eugene Poston, president of Gardner Webb col lege, will fill the pulpit on Easter Sunday at the 11 o'clock hour at Temple Baptist church. Rev. Frank Shirley. Temple pas tor, is conducting revival serv ices at Maize Road' Baptist church, Columbus, Ohio. Rev. Mr. Shirley will deliver the sermon ot the 7 p.m. evening worship service*

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