‘‘ Established 1889 fli The Kings Moimtain HetaM 206 South Piedmont Ave. Kings Mountain, rt. C. 28086 ^ K w.“«kly ncwspa.pcr devoted to Die promotion of me gorn ral velfare and publisliod iOr Ihi enlightenmert, entertainmnt and benefit cf the citiz! . s of Kings Mountain and its vicinity, pu.)li?;ned every Thursday by tlie Herald Pubi.'Shing Mouse. Entered as second cliuss matter at the post office ut Kirt.s Mounlain, N. -C., 28036 under Act of Congress of March 3. 1873. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT •Martin Harmon Editor-Publisher Miss Elizabeth Stewart Cireiila’ion Manager and Society Editor Gary Stewart Sports Editor, News viis.s l)eb.,ie Thornnurg Clerk, Bookkeeper -trii (ffNlsMtoiSa I'l! d Ray Parker Itocky Martin MECHANTc-tti, nr’ARTMENT Allen Myerg Roger Brown Paul Jackson Herbert M. Hunter ' On l,eave With Tlie United states Army VIAil -SUBSvi'JPnO.'. RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE In North Carolino and South Coiolina Jiiv .ear $4 six months $2 2.5; fltroe montlis St 50; sch.ool year $• Subscription in North Carolina sutilect to thr(*e i>ercent sates taK In All Other States Ore year $5; six months $3; rhree month.s school year $3.75 PLUS NORTH CAROLINA SAI-ES TAX TELEPHONE NUMBER — 739-5441 TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE Laney Departure Well, Nowl It’s a pretty fair distance between North Carolina and Montana yet fhe gap was bridged 'Tuesday when Sena tor Mike Mansfield, ma.iority leader, tagged North Carolina’-s former Govern or Terry Sanford as an acceptable presi dential candidate, national rather than regional in scope. The timing was appropriate, too, coinciding with opening of Sanford-for- President headquarters in the national capitol. Governor Sanford has informed; “We are now picking up support from delegates in other states and I exneet to ente" a primary outside the South.” Those who said initially the former North Carolina Governor is barking at the moon simply don’t understand the inter-working of convention polities. 'The Republican convention o'’ 1940 is a case in point. Governor Tom Drwcv raced ahead but not nuite far enou.eh to win. Then Senator Robert Taft raced ahead, but not, far enough to win. Who ever heard of Wendell W'ilkie? But Mr. Wilkie was the nominee. X A cordial welcome to Rcvl Robert E. Allen, newly arrived pastor of St. UfaUhew’s iUutheran church who will be installed Sunday. On Wisconsin! Resignation of Joe M. Laney as di rector of Kings Mountain Redevelop ment Commission, is much regretted by the members of the commission which Mr. Laney served directly, and to the many friends Mr. Laney has made dur ing the going-on four years he has been in Kings Mountain. When the ex-combat Marine Lieu tenant (World War II, Korea, V'ietnam) accepted the job as firat commission di rector, he knew the task would not be an easy one. In a mass venture involv ing people’s pocketbooks, it is quite nat ural that community plans will find some at variance. Col. Laney kept his cool. At one public hearing, he was be ing rather roundly villified Including some character insinuations which were as invalid as they were inapropos. Mr. Laney’s neck reddened, but liis voice re tained its calm and even good humor. It would have been impossible for a lesser man. Mr. Laney should bo proud of the commission’s accomplishments during his tenure as director. Two major projects, the $2 million -central business district r.edevelMmgnt ■project, and the $3 Cansler strleLur'L ban redevelopment project, were ap proved and grant reservations made by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He would have been happier had the CBD project moved faster. Yet it has and is moving and shortly the first acquisition for rebuilding will be offered for sale. The Cansler street project is a hap py one. It is on the verge of final ap proval, a project w-hich will see removal of some 189 sub-standard to derelict houses. Perhaps most important: the project has “consumer acceptance”. Mr. Laney says, quite honestly, “1 hate to leave. I like the people and I like the climate.” As a father of three, ho reaso.ns he cannot ignore the ecoonmic opportunity offered by the Greenville. North Caro lina, situation, where he will do a double tandem jolb, director of the Greenville Redevelopment Commission and direc tor of the 5(X)-unit Greenville Public Housing Authority. In Greenville, Mr. Laney will be succeeding a veteran director who is iietirlng. Mr. Laney has rendered good serv ice in Kings Mountain. He has demonstrated honesty and forthrightness in a job that would have found liesser men failing these tests. The results of the Wisconsin presi dential primary are in and considerable re-assessing of what’s in store for Dem ocrats at tlie Miami national conv'ontion is being done. Items; Senator George McGovern, of South Dakota, won a handsome plurality and can justifiably boast that his campaign is off the ground. Governor George Wallace, of Ala bama, who edged Senator Hubert Hum phrey, of Minnesota, for runner-up can point with pride to the fact he is more than a regional candidate. Senator Humphrey would have been happier to place higher. However, none is writing off the 1968 Democratic stand ard-bearer. Not only did he bring off 21 percent of the vote (one percent less than that of Governor Wallace), but he collected 13 delegates while Mr. Wal lace collected none. It vv-as a sad day for pauvre Senator Edmund Muskie, of Maine. His fourth place was weak and, after two years of camEtaigniog, . his eashronrlYand is ex hausted aiid hix cash flow appears to be drying up. Many a political operative and man-in-the-street is saying, “Muskie has had it.” When Mayor John Lindsay, of New York, switched allegiance from the Re publican party to the Democrats, with overtones that he would seek the Demo cratic nom.ination for the presidency, a precinct news commentator remarked that, merely because one embraced the faith, ho did not become Pope overiiight. This truism was not lost on Mayor Lind say, who, after the Wisconsin business, withdrew from the hustings and will re turn to running, or running at, his pain ful chore as m.ayor of his pain-ridden city. Senator Henry Jackson, of Wash ington, v on one percentage point less votes than Mayor Lindsay, is not figur ed to be a “heavy” for the nomination, but is not yet written off. There’s still a deal of primary do ings between now and Miami, with next ports of call in Pennsylvania and Massa chusetts. One factor in should be weighed. Wisconsin voting Wisconsin permits cross - voting, with Republicans permitted to vote in Democratic primaries and vice versa. With no visible contest on the GOP side (President Nixon won 97 percent of the GOP vote), many Republicans a- vailed themselves the opportunity to play in their friendly enemy’s backyard. Fridoy Last Day Time: 4:59 p.m. Friday. Place: Cleveland County Ccurt- house. Office: Elections board. Deadline: Last minute to register for the May 6 primaries. Under the permanent voter registra tion set-up, operative in Clev-eland Coun ty for the first time, unregistered citi zens who wish to vote should make the trek to the elections board office Thurs day or Friday. Lady in charge: Mrs. Brenda Ham ilton, clerk to the county elections board. Congratulations to Mrs. Hayivood E. Lynch, elected president of the Kings Mountain Woman’s Club. Congratula tions, too, to Mrs. W. T. Weir, retiring president for more than traditional “job well done”. A best bow to Gary Nolen, Gaston College student, named to “Who’s Who In American Junior Colleges”. - ■ ;.'.p Q5 MOUNTAIN. N.-C. Viewpoints of Other Editors tetter toT MEDICINE A TIME 'TO PAUSE; 'TO LOOK BACK” Having read the Herald'.s edi- By MARTIN HARMON STIFFENING POLITICAL ANYONE FOR ALPHABET LOAF REFORM? Try-outs,of Sir James Pitman’s , . Manh .31). 1972, Labor leader George Meany is phonetic “initial teaching alplia- end (|iiote: seeking 1:; make food prices into bet” have been going on in brought loo many the rtaff Of political life for schools since Wl. Eirst in 24 biar^f and m mi which l>as ud .XixBii—to cudgel him schocis, later in Iho ■* with. KINGS MOUNTAIN Hospital Log VISITING HOURS Dally 10:30 to 11:30 AM. 3 to 4 B.M. and 7 to 8 VM. ieiune^^’me i^f he^nlon^'ovo.dua I ko<.p trying Charlotte Metrolina Magazine, bi- oi* ® quotation of to pa.st monthly magarine published by of course. Mr. Meany did not ® ^ the same wav. Some ^ a company w'hi:?h is an affiliate himselif pl^Il the strings which teachers are enthusiasLic Some ^ touch of pink * of the Charlotte Chamber of Com- have notched fo:xi prices steadily are not some ones ^, - . merce. higher in recent months - most ‘ , I will have fell tha I m-m startling in February, lAhen they The Irouible is, *the Pitman al- wirked with God. ^1^’ • , r,. r>se at a 23 pe rcent annual clip, phabet is net in general use. which I feel tihat rnany ‘ The feature, by £.li2a2>ot2i«Si'mi> jrojjj prices particularly hiu’t Children have to go on from it agree. That Martin was y son, is en'iitlcJ ‘ Secret at the what Mr. Meany likoj to think and learn the reg. lar Latin al- every Americ n Altar** and ccnccrna a beautiful Qf ^is CJiisiitueixy, the work- phabet and the highly irregular something. In this miwern stain-glasij.'d wmdow of five ixin- inginian. They also are worse spelling in which the English in \^hlch we live with all lno els wiiic’h is no.v t.ie alloir win- vexing to the poor and aged language is normally written and late. t medical and mdustna dow of the Episcopal chur_']i on fixed or m'arginal incomes; printed. Groan! ilecnology, in many ways whicn Parii IwOad in CiiapkOtte. This Ls f^j. whom food is a primary por- good to the benefit of man* not the original iui.ne ef the tjon [jig household budget. Bernard Shaw made some ef- kind. Yet. there Ln't anythin.' beautiful window, which original- ^ torts dui-ing his lifetime and aft- (hat can take the Pdce vf bridg- ly was erected os the .altar win- Thus the food price issue comes erwards (iby a bequests in his ing the gap between friendly to- dow at the Holy Comferter Church handily to Mr. Meany as his will) to get the Englisih speak- lationshlps between the human on -Charlotte’s South Boulevard, most potent argument against Ing world to switch to the Pit- heart like that of a song. Song.s Wlien the new church was built, the economic policies of the Nix- man alphabet. Pitman is close /which have brought young lov- it was designed to utilize the al- on administration. Mr. Meany enough to the customary system ers together. Words have a great tar window of Holy Comforter. had lost ground against the presi- of wrltimg so that most literates many ways of expressing one's dent when he walked off the can read Pitman at sight. But true feelings, inWaidly and out- Pay Board recently, just as he the effort didn’t get anywhere, wardly. Yes It’s good that man Tlie window wa^ given by Ed- I*® treated the presi- and it is by no means certain should take time to pause -to Happyis ihe man that ^lndcth^msd</)n and,!fi.e mmi that pettetli understanding. fPvoveibs 3:1.3) ward Ardiur Smith, Sr as a shabbily at his union’s con- that Pitman will catch on as a look back. As life has its be memorial to his ivif’c, .Mary Lamb vention in Florida. Mr. Meany fij^st-step in teaching reading. -ginning; man must first begin Smith, a victim of the influenza In the past few days sought lancuaaes do not have “ „„ fcrs'd-M 'b'.':lor jrsrhu-io ,„;rb.;s:';= ,, cause the Pay Board was not t"een siting and sound, and ii- },g gg^g beginning 2 working for labor, only for man- regulantios In selling. A good ^fg.^ journey. TV. 'irst Sm-th a.nd the ro.tor, Kei. R. B. a-gement. Then after it was evi- many languages have undeigone ^.j^g stone of Gwens, made wliat -Miss Simpson jg„g j[,e board would keep on spelling reforms, to make the x'„.. 3 j,g. spelling consistent and duced staff, he said he preferred Tl'en an a.thoritative Acklit K. Btam Vincent D. Bradshaw .Mrs. Paulint R. Davi.s Mrs. Ira J. Falls ■Mrs. James L. Guffey Mrs. Ola C. Hayes Mrs, Eva O. Hovis .4nnie Lois Ledford .Mrs. Dorothy M. Lowery .Mr. Roland C. -Mackey Mrs. Ora D. .Mauney Walter -M. Moorhead Sheila Diane Nance Arthur H. Patterson Effie -Mac Peterson Lula VV. Keep Annie B- Self .Mamie 3. Sipe.s Gladys T. Strange Herman R. Terry Jerry D. Tucker Jack H. White Ruby P. WhiU- Charlie Allen Duncan .Mrs. Katie G. Miskelly Elzic Lee Putnam Leonard D. Bridge.s Mr-s. Lee R. Sellers Roy J. Wade Anthony Lriwis Jones Mrs. Roger Mullinax Myrtle E. Pearson Henrv Tavlor Ro.se Mrs. William F. Sander.^ admitted THURSDAY terms a clandestine trip to New Y’ork, where they cammissioned Hattie O. Bi‘11, Rt. 3. City I James L. Blanton, 111 Fulloit Tl Tiliany Studios to design the having only puibhc representa- education imposes it in all the to ne proper foundation. Where spelJmg consistent and phonetic. “ -» i , the storms of life will not undo. Di., uiiy „ j „ minister , • „ william George Hai^ett, 1)28 So in clos ng, Martin has m a vviuiani window, .-\skcd the amount he wanted to spend, .Mr. Smith re plied, “I did not come here to baiter. This window is a mcimor- i-al to the most >54 p.-ccicus passes- belaboring the i sion I have ever had. I -want the infiati in-fi.-r' tives cn it, which in effect was and printers have to go ThT^uV^of to uphold the principle of the alon-t baok to Those CetionWTh“^donTheisn"w . J*!-Stat_e.s^and ^itain^ " Dutch Village, Giistonia Mrs, Harold L, Hayes, 3158 Hoi land St,, Dallas, N. C. Thomas Br-rt Payne, Rt, 2, Dal las, N. C, most beautiful window ycu can ^yorks build.” m-m The task was assigned to Fred erick Wilson, Tiffany’s most fam ous artit. Wlicn completed, the five-panel window de-picted Jesus aoonng me administration for ‘he two most important ^-glish- Wends „nM,>rrFn FRIDAY infiati infi^rT incr nrviirv that Speaking countnes, cannot speak life. Where inends were menus ADMITTED FRIDAY ■ks “trorf'eou-lv” on waces tiiemsolves, noF for each and social barriers were unheard william Brooks, 135 Robin,sf)n because ^°emXyers want to en- "‘her, for the other English- of in our city. Where those who c. Lrce” it. but fads on prices be- speaking countries. Spelling re- ^ t', o “ts. Rovxtovelt Camp, 606 W. cause the government h^ -t - soipght to make them work. Ala. A\e., Bessemer City, N. C. .Mrs. Floyd Champion, Rt. .1, City Mrs. Phillip O. Scate.s, Rt. 1, had the government-controlled, and Brit- means to do so. Worked side by ons and Americans seem to think side with those who had not. The White House knows Mr. it Is un-American and unJBritish. TTieir diildren were playing , , „ , . J. . , , , Meany is onto something. The Dictionaries record usage. across the tracks with the w'crk- Bessemer ■City, N. C. and eleven of Ills di^iples, Judas ^.i-esident the other day said he . j class. The parents on both Virgil James Stokes, Bi'.s- being omitted. The Clrnst domm- “mi-ddlemen” Early In this century Andiw gjaes had one common goal. ' hivv.. City ated the cen-lOr panel, and He food Industry if prices Carnegie, thb steel millionaire iL,et>s build a town, a city to- ‘ ~ showed another jump on the or- who built all those public library gether. There wasn’t such as I’m ADMITTED SATURDAY der of February’s. Secretary of buildings, got interested in spell- .better than you are. Where each Thomas Lee Adams, Route 2. Che Treasury John Connally has ‘"S reform of a modest order. He .^gj-e going to church tagether, city will send you another Comforter talking of checkin" out sup- h himself, and got some of praying together. Children play- Robert L. England, 31S from the Father, even tiie Spiril gmiarket price actions. But so his companies and his charitable jpg togeter. Parents working to- nfntop circle, Gastonia, N. C. Trutir . administration has only foundation to use it. But the peo- gether on all side.s. The Neis- Betty Jean Mellon, Rt. 1, Box said it would look into the situa- P^® laughed. jers, Mauneys, KLsers and oth- 72, Yoirk, S. C. At the time of h^ wife’s pass- tion. not take action. Meamrhiile, Chicago Tribune in Colon- f® building together a John Wayne Sliephcrd, 315 ing, Mt. Smith was a citizen of'^eod prices rise. gj jidCormick’s day had a lot was flanked by a white dove, symbol of the H-cly Comforter. The inscription below reads: "1 Charlotte birt also an indusSrioJ citizen of King.s Mountain. He had purchased tlie Phenix Mill from J. C. Plonk and 1917, adding it iMr. Nixon has ^ been careful clout, and thought it could. not to let farmers seem to be the make a sally in spelling refom—- culprits in the food price jump, again a modest one. The Colonel It can be noted that he Is trying bked to spell ‘ bureaucrat to several others he owned in the the tra- “burocrat” and "freighter” as .Carolinas. and their children’s children. Mrs. Thomas B. Stalcup, Route One common goal. Together. Yes 2, Clover, S. C. —A Time to Pause--To Liwk 'Back. And say thank yotui God ADMITTED SUNDAY lor the many that have passed Mrs. Maynard Grayson, Route on, and to those who remain ,2, Clover, 3. C. V-m ditionalljr Ren.lblilcan farm one patd much at- ^ great .pa,ft - in . - Mr.s. Alonzo F. Nicholson, Route the building (W our tewni •o-jk Bessrvtier City, N. C. idty. Respectfully, EVERETTE H. PEARSON. riitinity. But more important, •'tie lanUon. Mary Lamb Smith bore her t® lart^'ely right. Although in sirch There is still another theoreti- husband nine children, six of cases as the prices of tomat-c^s, possjbiiiy for getting spelling wdiom survivCj^ and five of whom where the government in c<)llu- pronunciation together, and live in the Charlotte area. The ®Lii with gro^vo^s keeps prices jj sometimes take children: James Davis Smith, up by blocking imported produce, This happens when people Kings Mountain; Mrs. Charlotte prices tend to be set by whole- (j-gjjjed on phonetics pronounce Arnold, Charlotte; Edward A, salers and retailers acoo-rding to vvay they are spelled. Smith, Jr,, Kings Mountain; the bow much they can get the pu‘.a- late George Smith; Alfred P Uc to pay. This in turn deter- But when children do that, (Bus) Smith, Le.xington; Mrs. mines the farmer’s share. None- teachers correct them, and others Mr. and Mrs Giarenc* Gon- Mary Larno Ditch, Baltimore, thele.s, there are those ^ven. laugh them out o f it. When ^rd, 2110 West 2nd Avenue -Maryland; the late .MTs, .Mar^ar- within the administration who others do it—for example, people Gastonia, N. c. anna.n e rne et Smith (who died last year); arsue that farmers must also who carefully say “ed-yor-ca- birth o^a daughtor, Monday, Chadwick P. (Peachy) Smith, malie sacrifices to keep prices Hon” instead of “ejucation’ Charlotte; and tlie laTe Mrs. Jane down. others think them prissy. Smitli Heavenar. (Whether we will actually see English spelling is terrible, but ,Route 1, Smj’ma, S. C. announce Birth Announcements ADMITTED MONDAY ^ Mrs. J. ri. Clary, 900 Jacksol St., Shelby, N. C. James Kenneth Downey, 90(1 Rhodes .^ve.. City Mary Belle Hicks, Route 2, Box 476, City ■Maggie L. Lutz, 304 S. 12tii Strt'ot, Bessemer City, N. C. Lewis H. Moon-, 4400 .Margraei' Rd., City Wanda Gail Pruitt, 1106 Spen March 27, Kings Mountain hos- cer Ave., Gastonia, N. C. pital. Marcella Arlene Smith, 412 ■Mr. and .Mrs. William Moss, Childers St., City m m affirmative action to stem food we seem to be stuck with it. That the birth of son. Monday, March prices is still in the airfparadox- Is, if we go on reading and writ- 27, Kings Mountain hospital. . ... A ■Ed H. Smith, grandson of the fgally, because cons)..mer willing- 'ing at all—Des Moines Register. Mr. and Mrs. D.anny Ward, ® rt,.,, donor of the window, helped me ness to spend does affect food Route 2, announce the birth of ^ Ronain ^nuc with the family list'. 1 bad known prices markedly, the recent rise a son, Tuesday, March 28, Kini;s Park Gastonia N and could remember only five of prices might actually be a sign emment is spending $1.6 billion Mountain hospital. ^ that the economic upturn Is get- on researchers who think that a Mr. and Mrs. Larry Moore. Anrii l Kines Moling " ting under way. virus may be the culprit, or that Route 1, Box 7 Waco Rd., an- '• g- -i the Smiiiis. .Mr. ...— ...-.J ..... rv,uui.c J., I vvauu rvii., an- . ■ h,-,onita1 J . rr- , . a . the predisposition to develop the pounce the birth of a daughter, ‘am nospuai. dUeaie Is transmitted through a /Friday, March 31, Kings Moun- Mr, and .Mrs. Virgil James Lamo Lter o 'tosrtS Jhn <J®f®®‘ive gene. ,tain hospital. Stokes, Bessemer City Highway, h - uedl^m roor^tfoJ however. Food prices halting ,we are moWnlg into an era (Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oliver, announce the birth of a daugh- nTcck Tim Smifh t wages incrMse but of medicine which, more and Chitrch Street, annon.-nce the ter. Sunday, April 2, Kings n,eces. Tlie Smiths Ii-ed in the a smidgeon, will hardly spur more, recognizes that what Wrth of a daughter, Friday, 'Mountain hospital. that p-nr-lon whiah ,vr.r.„r*7.a VhT oaT snows on nils cnari. Aiier [.-vir. ana Mrs. Frank Burns, C.. announce the birth of a son. L-rt Erit Kinr-mJT'^nstonn^w produrt and Otherwise years of beinf too research- 3900 Parkdale Circle, announce Monday, April 3, Kings Moun- occupLd by Ffe? p^-bv™ I*}® f'riday, tain ho^ital. Church. Presbyterian groiceries are groceries, and stat- germ, not the patient, was the March 31. Kings Mountain hos- Mr. and Mrs. John istics are just statistics. -Christ- obsession — doctons are treating pital. 1030 Barnett Drive, ian Science Monitor. the whole patient. E. Heath, announce Mr. Smitli had come_^ to Char lotte from Baltimore to organize the South’s fir.st miirsupply com pany, and iie lator became a mill owner and te.xlile producer. His wives, tile Lam'o sisters. East Car olinians, were crplianed -at an early age and were the eleventh and twelfth children admitted to Thompson Orphanage. Mary Skeptics, -and doctors are among their njiriber, who doubt this psychosomatic theory of cancer can name friends who died iBeing depressive, non-aggres- of it, none of whom had the ■sive overbonscientlous and self- character traits doicribed as be- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stalcup, the birth of a son, Tuesday, Route 2, Clover, S. C., announce prll 4. Kings Mountain hospitt’ IS UNHAPPINESS A CANCER CAUSE? sacrificing may be the dqath of ing part of the cancer personal- yodi ity. One famous example Is Brian Piccolo, who went on to , - While it is said that nobody pj^y jq,j. Chicago Bears, and La.Tib w.u one o. Ch-irloltes first ever died of hard work, mounting ^yjjo died cf the disease at 26. lemalo stenographers. She mar- evidence indicates that one’s Non-aggress/ive’' Depressed’' iHe ricd the boss. childhood and emotional compost- everything'to live for,' and aa-m ticn may make the difference in nothing to die about. ..t . 11 whether he develops cancer. .0 pi.tiire of the older .Mr. , , . . We think that if a solution to Smith reveals that Ed, Jr., is a Glasgow physldan surveyed is found, researchers will ireil-named He beats a remark- ],ooo cancer patients and found j^^^n that there are comibination able re.re.T.bkrnee to ins fathlr. many had been separated from certain emo- their parents 1 vfore age 15 and tj^nal states coupled with expos- ^ that, more than the average, they virus may spawn* cancer I am reminded tfiiit I teased had had unhappy childhood-M-any person. Another man with Grandson Edward H. on one oc- af those studied also had had “cancer personality" may casion that his gramlfail'her (’Cap- marital aird business difficulties, develop the disease because he tain) H. C. Moss would be ‘turn- And a Rocester Medical Center jjsa in’ierited a defective gene, ing over in his grave if iic k/icw doctor reported that a significant his grandson were practicing the loar—a jolb, a loved one—often The researchers are saying Rcpublivan political faith. Ed preceded the onset of the dis- simply this: there may be a per- rcpled, “Oh, I take after my ease. sonallty type more prone to de- Grandfathir Smith in politics.) r. . .u velop cancer than others. The But al! the professionals work ing on the aspects of "the cancer Tt remains for the •scientists in ^ , personality’’—now categorized as the long whdte coats to determine • .f 11 window was “depreissive, none - aggressive, what physical factors contribute installed anonymously and the over-conscientious and self sacri- to a person’s developing the rector pledged to secrecy uritil fiy^g”—^stress that the proof Is disease—a disease that robs Its title deatii of the donor, which far from conclusive. “ietiins of their d%nlty and shrlv. caino in 19..3. But Mr. ..mith took els their bodies beyond reoognl- to his grave a .part of die se.-iret. While evidence of a osyichoso- yon _The Charlotte Observer Only he knew the cost of the Tff- matic factor In the onset oif can- fany window. cer is increasing, the U. S. gov- Keep Your RaeJio Dial Set At 1220 WKMT KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. News & Weather every hour on the hour. Weather every hour on the half hour. Fine entertainment in between

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