City Limits .•« ar«otM uagt Mouatctfa .juf« bi fiMft IM ipavw^ UnltMl StatM BorMcn of tte C«Mtu nport • laauorr ^ I—hwlt Ifc* I4.tta pppulfttaa • SumP«r 4 TowMtalp, and to* ftialilwf S TowntMp, ta Couaty nd Ctowwr qaafaOgartjf. Vol. 83 No. 17 Homths Oni Teamsteis In New President Says Teaaasters Sanford Brings Primary Bid To Cleveland; PreJicts Win LEADS CRUSADE — Rev. Tom Early is continuing the Great er Kings Mountain Crusade for Christ with services nightly at the Commimity Center. Early Crusade Is Continuing The Greater Kings LMountain Crusade for Christ, whilch con- timies thtx>ugh next Wednesday night at the Community Center, ti|^ hag been attracting between 150- 200 people each night, Recreation Center Director Roy Pearson esti- mated this week. In addition, Rev. Tcm Tirly, crusade leader, is leading sc;vices at several area churches and has spoken at student assembly at ■the high school. Mr. Early, a native of Kings Mountain, is son of Mrs. Georgia Early of 6606 Jackson street and the late Grayson Early. He is now pastor of Calvary Cathedral in Holland, Michigan and is the founder and director of Tom Early Evangelistic Assoiciation holding evangelistic crusades from Flori da to Icwa. During the year 1970 there w’ere approximately 4,000 decisions for Christ recorded by the team ministry. Curt Harrington is directing the song service and Mrs. Early, the former Phyllis Matheson, helps her husbajid and Mr. Harrington present special musJe. Services are at 7:30 pjm. night ly- Youth Revival This Weekend ' \ 'Mike Shook, Gardner-Webb col* ^^lege student, will be evangelist lor Youth Revival this weekend at Temple (Baptist church. Services will be held at 7:30 p. m. Friday and SatJurday eve- dings and 11 a. m. on Sunday morning. iLeland Curr, also a Gardner- Webb student, will lead the song service. ‘We invite the community and particularly all young people to join in the special service^,” said Youth Director Larry Wood. Miss Cindy Alexander will he organist and Miss Bolb Raynor will be pianist for the services. lOOHeaid Ex-Govemoi Wednesday By MARTIN HARMON Terry Sanford, candidate for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States, brought his North Carolina pri mary campaign to Cleveland County W^nesday evening. Some 400 Clevelanders gather ed at the Shellby Community Center to shake hands with the former Tar Heel governor, now president of Duke University, wish him well, munch barbecue, Jjllect “Sanford for President" buttons, and hear Sanford say, ••For the first time In 100 years I think a North Carolinian can be elected president.” The statement drew heavy ap plause, as he added, "and I think I am U." (He said he had visited Ore gon, Oklahoma, Idamo, Texas, New Jersey, South Carolina, and Aia:ama, and Virginia In out-ol state forays since announcing iiio candidacy several weeks ago. The former Governor paid high tribute to the leadership Cleveland County has provided the state in putting North Car olina in the forefront of states. With ten days remaining be fore the May 6 North Carolina primary, Sanford said, "Time ’s short, but I think its going to he all right," Sanford is appearing in as many as six counties per day in his Tar Heel primary campaign. He told his audience-welMac- ed with so-called "new voters fn ihe 18-20 age group — he did not discuss the issues at the short informal sessions, but counted on communications me dia-press, radio, and lelevision- to impart his th-inkink on Issues via press conferences. At the Shelby press confer ence, he replied to questions: 1) “Vietnam and how we get out is an Issii e and will contin ue to be. We must work to end the war.” 2) "I think a Democrat can win.” 3) "Issues change, but a con tinuing issue will be the econo my.” 4) "The Democratic situation is quite fluid and I do not know whether I will enter any other primaries.” CHAIRMAN — Carl F. Mouney has been re-elected chairman of the Kings Mountain Redevelop ment Commission. Call Maiuiey Is Be-Elected Carl F. Mauney, chairman of the Kings Mountain Redevelop ment Commission since itg begin ning over five years ago, was elected for another term Tues day. Directors at the annual meeting also elected John O. Plonk, presi dent of Foust Textiles, as yice- chaimian to succeed Postmaster Charles Alexander, who had re signed. Other onembers of the commis- sitwi are Leroy Blanton, William Herndon and Paul McGinnis, di rectors. Mr. Mauney is an executive of Mauney Hosieiy Mills. KiwanisShow Produces $2500 For Heart Unit me iviiiigd iviuuiiiaiii iviw<Aii'U» Club will Goon presenting the Kings Mountain Hospital with a check which will cover Kpproxi- matejy cnc-half the cost for an Inlcnrive Coronary Care Unit. Marvin Teers .‘^aid the ntwanls Clu'b’s annuil tabmt shew last Thursday netted $400 in tickets and $2,000 in adve-rtiaing. The cest Ci iTie unit is estimate I at $6,000. 'Mr. Tcer .said Oie KiA'anis Club now has $2,500 in proceeds from the talent shc.v but has more advertising money to come. “We expect to have betA'cen $2,500 and $3,000." he said. “We’ll either t ) or cCme real close to our cri^i^inal goal of $3,000.” The ho. pital received its origi nal giit cf $500 from the Kings M untiin Junior VV( .nan’.s club in March. The club also intends to donate ail proceeds frem ts 1972 cemmunity 'birthday calendar prcjc't. •Grady Ilcwaid, hospital admin istrator, .said rono.ation of one rocm, enlarging the ar(*a and electrical work is in.luded in the plan.s for the heart unit. Howard said the fund^ from the Junior Weman’s club and the Kiwanis club will be u.scd to esta blish and e<iuip a two bed Inten sive Care Unit. Ho said the unit will bo sufficient for the commun ity need but that plans call for enlarging the umit to four berh' OB the need ig indicated. Hayward said the unit will er n- tain a heart monitor at eaeh bed. SPEAKER — Mrs. Charles R« Barbee, president of the North Corolina Department of the American Legion Auxiliary, will make the principol address at Sunday's District 23 meeting at the American Le^tcxr building. Assessments Law Adopted State President 23rd District Speaker Here Mrs. Charles R. Baroee of VVinsion-Saiem, president of the Aortii Carolina Department of the American Legion auxiliary, will make the principal address at Ct.nday’.i District 23 meeting of tne American Legion Auxil ary here at the American Legion The Auxiliary Post 155 will be h.stess to a buffet luncheon at 1 p. m. and the annual meeting at 2 p. m. in the post dining hall. Mrs. Dorothy Ray, the state vice-president, Mrs. Margaret Greene, Division 5 president, of Stanley, and Mrs. Robert Me Rorie, district prcJdent of Ruth* X .rdton, will al-so appear on tne program. Miss Cynthia Alexander daugh ter of Postmaster and Mrs. Char les Alexander, will present an en tertainment program of patriotic selections. Mrs. Hubert Aderholdt will lead the group in the flag pledge, Mri. Orangrel Jolly will lead the “preamble” and Mrs. Paul Mauney will give the wel- f.ome. Otis D. Green P.,st 155 ARP SPEAKER Neil McCarter, senior student at Erskine Seminary and son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McCarter of Kings Mo>unta'in, was visiting minister at Boyie Memorial ARP church Sunday morning. He will be graduated May 21st and will be ordaaned as an ARP minister here at services June 4th. Library Svts Forgiveii^s Week Jacob S. Mauney .Memorial Li brary has designated the week of (May il-6 as "forgiveness week” which means that no charge wili 'be made for overdue 'books re turned on those days. iMrs. Helen Neal, librarian, an nounces that two boxes will be placed on the library porches, side and front, in which books may be placed. Names of persons not returning overdue 'books will be posted In the Horary and these persons won't have the privilege of checking out 'books until fines are paid and books returned. Costner Has Second Eye Suigeiy, But Doctors Say Eye To Be Saved Grady Costner, Kings Mountain carpet installer who suffered eye injury in an e'ccident two weeks ago, underwent his second oper ation Tuesday. According, to his wlTe, Dr. Han* nah of Shelby cleaned the eye and reported that Costner is do ing fine. ^ ‘Be’s able to tell Rghl now,” said Mrs. Castner, “and Dr. Han nah said he thinks he will regain the .sight of his eye.” Costner lost sight of tKe eye 'When a carpet tack y/ent through it while ho was romping carpet from a home owned by Henry I Noisier of Kings Mountain. The tack went all the way through the eye, causing cataracts to form. Mrs. Costner saT5 ^esday's op eration was successful in that it removed all the renSmhing catair- acts. Costner, who ik a patient at Cleveland Memorial Hospital, ex pects to come home either Friday or Saturday. However, he will faice a third operation in the near future. '*'He's wanting; to come holnf>e awfully bad," said Mrs. Costner, ‘^e told me he was planning to be in church Saturday night.” Legion To Vote Foi: Officers Bob Davies, Lindberg Dixon and Ben Hord have been ndminated for Commander of Otis D. Green Post 155 American Legion for the coming year. Balloting for officers will be held Monday from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the American Legion building. Four positions are uncontested: thxjse of Adjutant-Finance Officer Joe McDaniel; Chaplain Franklin Ware; Service Officer Gene Stetfy; and Historian Stonewall Jackson. Legionnaires will choose five executive committeemen from 10 nominees: C. E. Whitey Bowen, C. E. Pete Bridges, Jake Bridges, Hobart Dy*e, Clinton Jolly, Dick McGinnis, Jay Powell, Gene Tig- nor, Carl Wiesener and Robert Wright. Outgoing Commander Bruce Mc Daniel and Clifford fProg) Pear son are vicing for vice-com mander and Gene Gibson and Carl Wilson are in the running for second vice commander; Charles Hampton and Gene Wright are vieing for sergcant-at-aitns and George Bowen and Johnny Cain seek the post of assistant sergeant-at-arms. The cuy cc-mmissif.n aic^irted street impro.ements ordinance •Commander Bruce McDaniel will Mc-nday night, the ordinance in- bring greetings from the post whertby, the nurse in oliarg*' can cerporati-ng irecdmmendai!!5^ns of and Mayor John Moss will bring the street assessments policy com- greetings fro-m the city. Mrs. mittoe headed by Commissioner Isabel Moser of Post 87 Shelby Ray W. Ci'ine. will make a response to t.he wel- Principal changes effecting pro- come, perty owner^ include: Bob Cashion will be pianist for 1) Half the cost of street im- the program, provements will be assessed to Reports from unit presidents abutting 'property owners, one- will featicre the afternoon ses- quarter cn each side of the street, sion. with the city paying half the Mi's. Barbee joined the Clyde cost plus all the cost of interscc- Bolling Unit ” Auxiliary in Win- tions. (Ed. Note"; the city will slon-Salem 19 years ago and has have intersection cost only on f:een a working member ever paving, as curbing-guttering-side- since, serving on local, dkririct, walks will abutt private proper- and state levels. She was 1967 ty,) _ Woman of the Year of Winston- 2) Petitions filed but on which Salem BP&W and in 1969 was bids were not taken prior to Jan- named among 10 outstanding uary 1 be ro-submitted, but w^omen of that city in their ob- the pcoitions of priority will be servance of National Business retaihed. Women’s Week. Nine years she 3) Pet'iticns filed and on whidh served on the Third Army Advi- bids were taken prior to January sory Committee, participating in 1 will not have to be re-submit- three Inter-National Geopolitics Seminars conducted by the U. S. In major degree, the policy army. She is an insurance secre- ccmmiltee’s recommendations im- tary at Bowan Gray School of plement the new law’ on assess- iMedicine and her husband is af- monts as enacted by the 1971 filiated with Norman Stockton, General Assembly. They are parents of one son City Attorney Jack Wiite out- and have a granddaughter, lined these major provisions in the new state statute:^ 1) Advance paymenrof assess ments on estimates“aTe permissi ble, with provision that adjust ment, upward, or downward, be made after actual costs are learn ed. 2) Installrncnt payments to a imaximum ot ten years are per missible by loity commission reso- can- lution, the balances ’bearing in terest at the rate of eight per- h^r cent per year. 3) Should a property on wiifoh assessment balances are owed be remotedy follow the patient's heart beat electronically and note any change in the patient’s condition as it occurs. The unit will be manned by nurses who have had special training in this type of care. The room will be so arranged that the nurse will have visual con trol of the patients at all times and at the same time bo able o observe the heart monitor at her desk. Antioch Sets Youth Revival A Youth-led revival will bo con ducted this weekend at Antioch Baptist church near Grover. Services will be lieTd on Satur day night at 7:30, at 11 a.m. on Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. on Sun day. The intere.stcd community is invited to parti’ciipate. Miss Sutton's Rites Conducted 'Miss Kittie Lou Sutton, for many years teacher of mathe matics at Kings Mountain high school 'before her reiiromnt Sunday in Oliver Springs, nessee. Death was attributed to cer. Miss Sutton had made home with her sister, Mrs. A. C. Duller Jr. died Ten- She was a member of the scld, the balances are immediate- Methodist cbcrch o f Oliver Springs and the family has des ignated memorial gifts to the church building fund. Funeral riles were held Wed nesday in Oliver Springs. ly due and payable on .sale. 4) To meet tbe test of legality, petitions must now bear signa tures representing half cf the property abutting, "as formerly, Continued On Page t Demoaatic Meetings Cleveland County Democrats will hold their bi-annual precinct meetings and counfy c'onvention in May, organizing for an active campaign in uie fall. Precinct meetings are slated for S p.m. Tuesday, May 9, at each of the county’s 28 polling places. Thai’s a change from pri or years, when meetings were held on Saturday afternoons, ac cording to .neumbent Democratic Chairman Cameron S. Ware. Ths county Democratic conven tion will be hold at 2 p.m. Satur day’, May 27. in the Cleveland County courthouse, VV'are said, with State Sen. Marshall Rauch of Gaotonh Ji.s keynote speaker. PRECINCT MEETINGS All active registered Dernwral.s au* eligible to attend and vote Mrs. Frank Goforth Very Much Alive The Herald Tnadvertently and regrettably referred to "the late Mrs. Frank Goforth” in a recent newsstory. Mrs. Goforth Is very much a- live. 'The error appeared in the April 13th edition in the news account refafTRg tfie projected shopping center on Highway 74 for Mrs. Go'torth sold a tract of land. Four-County Taylor-for-Govemor Clambake At Shelby Monday Night •Lt. Gov. Pat Taylor, entering ment by Joe Franklin and his the home stretch of his cam- hand "The Hilanders”; and a paign for governor, will be the special performance by “The principal speaker at a four ooun- Wagon Wheelers," noted square ty district rally to be held in his dance team. (behalf at the Shelby city park at Lt. Gov. Taylor will be on 6 p. m. Monday, May 1. hand, along with his wife, Eliza- Cleveland county supporters of both, to meet his supporters. He Pat Taylor will host the event is scheduled to address the crowd which will be comprised of Tay- later in the evening, lor supporters from Cleveland, Local supportnrs of Taylor are Rutherford, Lincoln and Gaston describing thb event as “the counties. biggest political rally of the year cinct officers for the biennium. The rally, which is beintg call- in this area.” The officers are a precinct chair ed a “Country Jamboree for The public is invited to attend man; first vice chairman, who Pat Taylor" will feature a free the event and meet to discuss the imust bo a member of a minority .'barbecue supper beginning at 6 issues of the campaign for gov- group if 20 per cent or more of p. m., followed by live entertain- ernor with Pat Taylott Continued On Page Eight IN NEW POSTS — Charles E. Hamilton. IIL of Lincolnton, top, succeeds Xee McIntyre, below, 05 executive officer of First-Citi zens Bonk S Trust Cotnpony. Mr. McIntyre joins the monoge- ment-troinh^ program of Sadie Cotton Mills Inc. on May L First Citizens Names Hamilton Charles E. (Hamilton, III, as sistant vice president of First- Citizen Bank & Ti’ust company in Lincolnton. has been promot ed to executive officer of the bank's Kings Mountain office. As executive officer of the Kings Mountain office, he will have full management responsi bility for the operation of the bank. 'He succeeds Lee McIntyre who resigned fr, m the bank to enter family business in Kings (Mountain. Mr. McIntyre joins Sadie Cotton Mills, Inc. May 1st and will enter it’s management - training pro gram. He iMVame manager of Fir.‘?t- Citizens here four and onc-half years ago, moving from the Char lotto bank. A graduate of St. .An drews Presbyterian college in Laurinburg, he is a native of Lau rel Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee McIntyre, Sr. In Kings Mountain he is immediate president of the ChamiXT of Commerce and is active in the Rotary club and St. Matthew’s Lutheran church. He Is married to the former Beth Houser, Kings Mounain elemen tary teacher, ajid they reside on Sherwood Lane. A Gastonia native, Hamilton began his carec'r with Fiivt-lCiti- zens in 1966. He has held posi tions in numerous phases of ■ anking during his six years with First-Citizens including install ment loan (Tffi.'er, - perations of ficer, branch manager and com mercial loan officer. In IJncN)ln- ton lie was a commercial loan officer. In Gastonia, where he had bc’cn Continued On Page Eight *‘We have the business, we need Ls people." Ervin Rijgendorf, who will be prc‘aident of tlic corporation now being formed by the Teamster's Union Central State.s Southe-ost and S;>u:liwest Penoion Fund to eperate and manage the former pn-pe.-ries of Neisoo, Inc., made the state memt. The f .'ur-plant complex ’5 now whrily owned ty the Teamster Pension Fund. The sixlecm-plu.s year menage of Ernest and (jeo**ge Horvath, op erating first a.s Ma.s.-5achusotts Mo hair Iriush Company, then as Neiscc, Inc., is over. Tile Hervaths are ccmpletely out. Tht» Teamster Pension Fund is cc.Tipic'tely in. The Pension Fund, with more than $2 million already invested in the operation under the Hor- vath.s. bid SoO.OOO for the assets and tlie federal court in New York confirmed the sale, after adjudg ing Neiscv> an involuntary bank rupt last m-oriiJi. The four-plant complex includes Margrac*e and Pauline Mills, wcav ing eperations, in Kings Mountain: Mayo Mill, Mayo, S. C., and Michael Mill, Boiling Springs, spinning eperations. Production is being resumed ait Mayo, idle for three years. Mr. Ru-gendorf said production can be resumed at Boiling Springs, if employc?es can be obtained. The new firm expects to prot duce velvet at the Pauline plant, which Mr. Rugenclorf said is now in hc'avy demand. A new gas-fired Iwiler has been inslal'lcNj ait the Margrace at a cost cf $75,000, paid for in cash, Mr. Hugendorf n 'ted, and solving net only the plant’s steaun pr> during problems but the plant^ pollution problem. ".Absolu'tely no pollutants are being ennitted from the Margrace plant," Jaimes J. Dickey, to be vice-president and general man agor of the new company, cobfi mented. at Tlie exmpany now employs persons. rk. ‘'We could use another' in people right now," Mr. DickJt continued. (Continued on Page Eight) Mrs. Ormand's Rites Conducted Funeral services for Mrs. Eva Matthews Ormand, 69, of Besse mer City, retired Gaston County Y ' )i teacher, were conducted . uiulay at 2:30 p. m. from First Presbyterian church of Besse mer City, intermerrt following in Long Creek Church cemetery. Mrs. Ormand died at 4 p. m. Friday in the Kings Mountain h'ospital. She was daughter of the late Dr. William Matthews and Ada Wilhelm Matthews and widow of Robert S. Ormand. She W’as a memiber of the Bes semer City Garden club and had sein ed as a past president of the j^iossemer City Woman’s club and as district president of the Wom an’s club. She is survived by two sons William L. Ormand of Princeton, N. J. and Dwight H. Ormand of Summerfield, N. J.; one sister, •Mrs. Gone Froneberger of Besse- mity City; two brothers, D. Z. Matthews and Leon Matthews, both of Bessemer Dty; and four grandchildren. r I at the precinct meetings May 9. A quorum of be present before business can be conduct ed. If 10 are not present, the pre cinct meeting must be re«‘he- duled for the following Tuesday, May 16, at 8 p.m. The incumbent precinct chair man is expected to preside at the precinct' meetings, according to the party plan of organization. First order of business in the pre cinct w’ill bo the election of pro- Foimerly "Financial Overseer", Ervin Rugendorf New President Ervin Rugendorf, wbo will be pr4.*sident of the new corporation operating the former Neisoo, Inc., textile plants, is not now to the operation. Accountant • educated at City College of New York, Class of 1949, Mr. Rugendorf’s specialty is as a financial consultant. was retained hy the lT*amster’s Union Pension Fund .seme 30 months ago as a “financial orvorsc^er ”, when Neisoo. Inc., when the firm wag adjudged a voluntary bank rupt under Chapter XI of the fed eral bankruptcy Jaws. He resides on NevTYork's Long Island, said he’d spent as much time here a.s tiiere since being retained by the'Fension Fund. His background in textUea dates frem this assdeiation. “I don’t know too much about textiles," ho said wdth a faugh, adding, "but Crn learning*.*’’.* The Rugendorf’s have two chil dren, a son in school majoring 4n anthroiiology and sociology at the State Univ'ersity of New York, and a daughter in high school

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