yn. ^972 u’ve goi ng and jple you e YeW ing pro- on’s out- chers, is lopa^ia ^ Chief J (Ladies’ of the s named of the !r and in luing in- was the >ver pre- snted an her to >ry year 5 a tri- Shaw. Population Treater Kings U *aln 51.914 City Limits 8.465 QrncnM Kiags MouatoU iW6 ta dartvad frtdi IM 9«afd Oaltad itotM Buraon ^ tiM Caaaua rtpaii a iaBi>ary itM. ciad taeludat *Ba 14«M0 popoldtlad a Mombar 4 Towaahlp, oad tAa raoiiairtBt i«lI4 trad ajBUMi i TowuUp. In Claralasd Couaty oad Oraardar* la OiMtoa Oa—tf. VOLsi No. 18 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, May 4, 1972 Eighty-Third Year PRICE TEN CENTS Democrats Settle Primary Contests 11,000 aans ,al is 1800 citer- sible note [ the le of com- rther No More Tuition For Linwood 11 In Race ^ For Commission; 12 For Governor Policeman’s Kfeeas A, H. Patterson’s ArelnDistnct • i Conducted Rites Conducted m SUuCuMeS—^lionny Lee Bridges. 16, succumbed to leukemia Sat urday. Funeral riteg were held Monday. Leukemia Fatal To Danny Bridges Eagle Scout Danny Bridges, 16, lost his fight with leukemia He Trained CnKMFoice; Dies Tuesday A 21-year-oid former Kings Maintain policeman wag shot to death early Tuesday morning after stopping a car for a rou tine license check on Alalbama Avenue in Bessemer City. iMichel P. Jenkins, a member of the Bessemer C3ty police de partment, was pronounced dead shortly after an ambulance carried him from the shooting scene to Gaston Memorial Hos pital. Jenkins had been a memiber of the Bessemer City force for only three weeks. He left KM department on April 8. The murder suspect, Nathan Paul Hall of Charlotte, Negro was killed approximatey seven hours later during a gun battle with approximately 100 law en- forement officers from Gaston an i surrounding counties. Mem bers of p:Uce force, Including Chief ’i..,m McflDevltt, took pert in the gunflght. 'According to police reports a 1968 Ply- The Gaston County portion of Kings Mountain is, indeed, a part cf the Kings Mountain School District, according to Robert E. Faye of the Institute of Govern ment. City Schools Superintendent Don Jones has received a letter from Faye as to that effect. The question of whether or not students living in Gaslon ooui.- ty were actually inside the KiM school distri'et arose at last month’s school board meeting. The schools’ attornev, Ti"V White, inquired of the Institute of Government as to wihether or not the 1905 boundary rules would apply now . In his reply, Faye told the schools that the Kings Mountain School District automatioally ex tends to any area taken in by the city of Kin,gs Mountain. Sup. Jones said that students living in the Gaston County sec tion cf the school district, namely the Linwood section, would not in the future have to pay a $60 per year tuition to attend the Kings Mountain schools. DIXON SERVICE Sunday morning worship serv- th.. iri.,.,. *<* ^ held at 9:30 at Dixon ’Presbyterian church with Rev. RITES HELD — Funeral rites for Arthur Hunter Patterson, 90, were conducted Wednesday. Rescue Squad Continues Campaign Kings Mountain rescuq squad will continue its house numbers Robert Wilson sermon. to deliver the campaign. Saturday morning. He di^ at 4 Jenkins stopped a 1968 riy- a. m. in North Carolina Baptist occupied by Hail and ,1 fjspital at Winston-Saiem ‘ Funeral rites were conducted Monday afternoon at 1:30 .rum Faith Baptist church or whic.i he was a memiber witn memuers of bis Boy Scout Troop 92 as active pallbearers. His pastor, Rev. Robert Hicklin, officiated at the final rites, and interment in Mountain Rest emetery. Young Bridges, son of Mr. Continued On Page Eight Legion Taps Undbeiqh Dixon Smith Home Bniglaiized Due to weather and ihe short age of certain numbers the group was forced to discontinue son and had attended RutherXoird Home Savings' Founder Dies At Age 90 Funeral rites for ,^thur Hunt er Patterson, 9U, iounder or H^uie Sa.ings & Lean .-Va' 'i.u.cn, we-e conducted Wednesday^ morning at 11 o’Uoj.v from ueiitral L'n.ttd Me;hoJis'l enuKh. His pastor. Rev. Paschal Waugh, cCikrated at tne tmal nteg auu interment was in -Mountain Ke^. lueiiie Lcry. In lieu o._ flowers the family has desigrfateo momoriaLs to me Dui.u.ng fund of the chur^n. Active pallbearers were David Saunders, Jav H. Patterson, Lany Hamr.ck,- hiTi Russell, John Che shire, and Charley T. Carpenter, Jr. ^ Mr. Patterson, in Hi health for scvc.al years, died of heart fail ure Tuesday morning at 1:30 in Kings Mountain hospital. He had been a resident of Beam’s Rest Hou-ne in Cherryv'ilie prior to his hospitalization. .4 native of Cleveland (County, he was the son of the late Ira H. and Angeline Whitesides Patter- U E. (Josh) HINNANT KM Candidate For County Commission RICHARD (Dick) WARE KM Candidate For County Commission Kinmont Industry To Employ 50 A thief or thieves broke into the hdme of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Smith of 815 First Street some time late Tuesday night or early tne program. Beginning Monday, May 8 they will continue this worth while project. Rescue squad members will in.stali your house numlber for a minimum donation of $1.00. (Lindlbergh Dixon, construction superintendent, has 'been elected Wednesday morning, ransaicked Commander of Otig D. Green Post two bedrooms and stole approxi- 155 American Legion for the mately $420. Mrs. Carl A. Bridges of route 1, coming year. Det. William Roper of the Kings was a native of Kings Moon- Mr. Dixon defeatec^itwo other Mountain Police Department said nominees — Bob Davies tuid Ben the Smiths left home about 10:30 tain. He was a sophomore stud ent at Kings Mountain high sliool and active in school- church and scouting activities until his recent hospitalization. BVFD Begins Fund Drive The Bethlehem Volunteer Fire college. L;Lst surviving member of the origin-il organizers of Home Sav ings & Loan Association, he w-as 'Vice president of the Institution at the time of his death. He had served as secreary-trea.-;urcr of the association from 1923-1961. •He was a member of Central United Methodist church, and ol the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club. He served as a city commin- .sicner, as Kings Mountain past- master from 1915-1923 and was a former member of the board Sling-Shot Anyone? Tourngment Set Hdrd — in post elections Monday p-m. Tuesday to go to work and departnient will begin its annual education, night. He will succeed Oounimanld- reported the break-in when they drive Sunday. He had been married more than er Bruce McDaniei. returned home at 7:30 Wednes- Fred Tate, a spokesman for 50 ye-aj-g to the former Fairy Long Commander MlcDaniel was elect- day morning. the department, said the fiiemen of Kings Mountain. In addition to ed First Vfce-Commander and Aooording to Roper, the thieves "’hi call on all individuals and t,ig witg he is survived by four Gene Gibson was tapped as Sec- gained entrance by breaking the businesses in the BVIT) district, daughters, Mrs. Charles E. War ond Vice-Commander. glass out of a tioor in the rear donations are tax deductible. Mrs. Jcihn C. Smabhers, Mrs. Other new officers, all to be in- of the house. said the purpo.se for this p. c. Etheridge, all of Kings Moun stalled at the May meeting Mon- Roper said $90 w^ taken from A ‘sling shot" tourna(ment will day night at 7:30 p.m. at the Mrs. Smith’s pocketbook; $90 be held Saturday from 3^untU 5 American Legion building, will in- from a canfeter set; $121 in 50- p.m. at Ray's Park-Inn Grill on elude Joe H. McDaniel, adjutant cent pieces, $3 in sil.-er dollars, Highway 161 so^th of Kings and finance officer; Franklin $4 in pennies, $20 in other ciiange Mountain (Bear i^en). Wairo, chaiplain; Gene SteWy, .serv- and two savings bonds. Participants should ^provide jee officer; Stonewall Jad^n, Roper said he got several fin- thciiT own sling shot an3 pay ajijstorian; Gene Wright, sergeant- gerprints tram the canister sets new pumper. year’s drive Is to raise money for a new brush truck. Tate noted that l.sst year’s funds were used toward building a new ceiling on the fire depart ment building, buying cutomaiic door openers and purchasing a $1 entry fee. Ol ON DEAN'S UST Mary A. Payne and Ronald Dean Payne are listed on the University’s official honor lists at E>ist C^lina University in Greenville. ’J v LLPatnam's Rites Conducted Elzie Lee Putnam, 51, of Rt. 1, died at 6:30 a. m. Sunday in Kings Mountain hospital follow ing an illness of several months. A native of Cleveland county, he was owner of Putnam For eign Car Garage, a former Cleveland county justice of peace and a moniier of Temple Bap fist church where he served as deacon and Sunday school teach er. IHe is survived by his widow, 'Edna Louise Gainey Putnam; one daughter- Mrs. Ronnie Gregory of Kings Mountain; one son- Pete Putnam of Kings Moun tain; one sister, Mrs. J. W. Ray- field of Kings Mountain: five brothers, William G. Putnam of Denville, N. J.. Lloyd Putn.am and Babby Putnam, both cf Kings Mountain and Forest Put nam and Billy Putnam, both of Chcrl:tte ad two grandchildren. (Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday at 4 p. m. at Temple Baptist church by the Rev. Frank Shirley, the Rev. Richard Plyler and the Rev. Richard Whitener. Burial was in Patterson Grove cemetery. at-arms; George Bowen, assista'nt but the police have no other sergeant-at-arms; and Jake BrJdr- leads. _ ges, Hobert Dye, Dkk McGinnis, Det. Retper said that local m°r- Jay Po(well and Gene Tignar, chants should contact him at 739- ■members of the executive com- 3636 if someone tries to cash-in mittee. a large amount of change. He said special activities by the department last year in cluded operating the concession stand at the Bethware fair and sponsoring several chicken and hot dog suppers. tain and Mi's. Herman Sli-aparo of New York City; four brothers. Price Patterson cf Chaileotan, S. C., Wray Patrerso’n of Dawson, Ga., Grady Patterson and DeWitt Patterson, both of Kings Moun tain; one sister, Mrs. Clarence S. Plonk of Kings Mountain, five grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Fund Established Tot Mrs. Jenkins The Gaston County Law En- f.-rcement Associati -n. has est-ab- lisJied a fund for ll.e w;d .w of Michael Jenkins. 21-year-old slain Ees-iomer City ipolice.man. Jenkins, a former ivings Moun tain policeman, was“ot to death when he stopped a car for a rou tine check early Tuesday morn ing in Bc’ssomer City. liie Gastan Law 'i..nforromcnt .i\s-;,c iaticn opened file fund with -.1 S250 contribution to Mrs. Jen- kin.s, who is a student at Gardner Webb college. Contrioution.5 may be sent to the Citizens Bank in Lowell, N. C., according to Captain Jim .4u- ton of the Gaston County Rural Police. MAY QUEEN—Kathryn Owens, high school senior, will reign as Queen of May at traditional May Day festivities May 12th at the high school gymnasium. Kathryn Owens Is May Queen Kathiyn Owens, senior student and daughter c-f Mr. and Mrs. Alex Owens, will reign as May Queen at May Day festivities May 12th -at Kings Mountain high school. Other members of the May Court will include: Maid of Honor Judy Wc.st, a .senior; Lynn Bridges and Brenda Stone, senior attend ants; Susan Bumgardner and Debbie Page, junior attendants; Nancy Hord and Becky Scruggs, sophomore attendants; and Vickie Bell and Toby Brown, freshmen attendants. MLsg Owens is president of the KMHS Health Careers club and is active in the Future Teachers and Future Homemakers organi zations. IN NEW POST Charles Wilson has been elect ed president of the Rotary club to fill the unexpired ter.-n of President Joe Lanoy w-lio has moved t: Greenville. Mr. Wilson is a ivirtner in McCurdy Ciean- ers and an officer in the N. C. National Guard. SERMON TOPIC Dr. Paul Ausley will use the sermon topic, “God Is Beyond,’’ at Sunday morning worship hour at 11 o’clock at First Presbyter ian church. ADZIUART OFnCERS KombMS of th« AuxUlaty of Otis D. Green Post 155 were hostesses to the District 23 meeting in Kings Mountain Sunday at the Americon Legion building. Pictured from left to right; Mrs. Robert McRorie of Rutberfordton ■ re-elected district president; Miss Eliza- ' betU Stewart, Hecald stofier, local unit president ond new alternate president for the district; Mis. Margaret, Greene of Stanley, DiTislon V precldent; Mrs. Charles Barbee of Winston Salem, state president of the Auxiliary: and Mrs. Doris Ray of Hillsboro, the state vice-president ond incoming president. The local auxiliary won two memberihip erwords. (Herald Photo by Isaac Alexander) Winkler To Leod Revival Series Rev. J. Garland Winkler, re tired Methodist minister of Le n.'ir and pastor of Central Meth odist church from 1941-48, will be evangelist for revival serv ices beeinnlng May 14th. .Sjmvices will be held each eve ning beginnlrrg on .Sunday, May I ttb, and continuing through the following Wednesday. Plonk Maiiney To CoRvenSion Hal Plonk, representing Res- urreclion Lutheran church, and Charles F. Mauney, representing St. Matthew’s Lutheran church- a.-e delegates to the 168th annual cop'-enion of the North Carolina Synod of the Lutl'.eran Church in America beginning Monday a: Durham Motel and Civic cen ter ir Durha-m- Dclcgates will give major con- sic.crrtien to the proposals to change the synod staff strucure and related constitutional and by law amendments which were pul on notice at the 1971 conven tion. Rev. R. Douglas Fritz -■'f Salis- burj, a former pastor of Resur rection church here, will serve as master of ceremonies at the comenti n bantiuot Tucsd;iy eve ning. Bedpillow Manufacturer To Locate Here A group of North Carolina busi nessmen have formed a new Kings Mountain corporation Which will employ approximately 50 persons. Kinmont Industries, Inc., a manufacturer of bed pillows, will be located in the Kings Mountain Industrial Park. Bill Stinnett, President of the Cleveland and Gaston Develcp- ment Corporation, which is con structing the 35,000 square foot building, said that grading began on Monday and actual construc tion should begin within the ne.xt 10 days. , Stinnett said production will be gin September 1. In announcing the new indus try, Stinnett said: “This facility will produce bed pillows for direct sales to insti tutions and imasg merchandisers. In addition, Kinmont Industries has become a licensee of -the na tionally-advertised Blue Heaven name for bedpillo'ws as well as other well-known lines for manu facture and sale to Southern re tailers.” Other officer.s, in addition to Sti.nnett, include George Lewis, vice-president; Robert Goode, sec retary and Glenn -Adams, treasur er. Stinnett said total investment in the new corporation is $500,000. Ira Ro.ss, a native of Virginia and a graduate of Georgia Tech, will be general manager of the cceportion and will be moving to Kings Mountain soon, Stinnett said. Three Zoning Permits Issued Three permits for zoning v^’ere is.sued by the city building in spector this week. They included: Herman K. Cobb obtained a permit to place six tr.ailcrs, Ricky Wood of 701 Princeton Drive ob tained permit to place -a metal building and H. H. Yarboro bought a permit to close in a carport at h:s residence at 306 Juniper street. Kings .Mountain voters will go to the polls Saturday to take part in one of the most hctly-contcst- ed primaries in the histc.'y of North Carolina. 'Local voters will have no les.s than 12 choices in the Governor’s race and 11 in the county com missioner’s chase. AH 11 men running for the three vacant county co.-nmissicn- er’s .seats ore Domexcrats. The list inel'udes two Kings Mountain men, Richard (Di.:k) Ware a:id L. E. (Josh) Hinnant. Others seeking a sp-at on the nf -p Ij-j. cumbenfs Fritz Morehead Jr,, Rob ert iiu.-.,diu ai.d J. IJO. .c lurnor; plus Jadt Palmer, W. H. Dxld, Coleman W. Goforth, .'larcnce C. Mellon, Clay Stapleton and Dwight Tessnecr. Six men are seeking the Demo cratic nomination for Go-vernor. They incl'jde Lt, G'-.e'i-ar Pat Taylor, Hargrove (Skip-e-) 'o-.vJes, Zeb D.Jcson, Reginald H-avvkins, iWlbur Hoo.ay and Gone Leggett. Seeking the Republican Party’s nomination for Gc-.ernor a.e Jim Gardner, an un.sur-cessful eppen- ent of Bob Scott in the 1958 elec tion, Jim Holshouser, Leroy Gib son and Thomas E. Chappell. Bruce (Bozo) Burleson and Arlis F. Pettyojhn are running on the .American Party ticket. Five Democrats and two Repub- IJcans are on the state’s first Presidential ballots. Democrats include former Governor Terry Sanford, George Wallace, Shirley Chisholm, Henry Jackson and Ed- imund Muskie. The Republicans arc President Richard Nixon and Paul McCloskcy, Jr. On the United States Senator ticket. Democrats will choose from a list of four, including in cumbent B, Ev'erett Jordan, Nick Galifianakis, Joe Brown and Gene Grace. Republicans will choose from the trio of Jesse Helms, Wil liam Booe and Jim Jolinson, Jr. The Lieutenant Governor’s rice, especially on the Democratic .side, also shapes up an interesting one. Democratic candidates in clude Allen C. B-arbee, Reginald Lee Frazier, Margaret Harper, Jim Hunt Jr. and Roy Sowers. N'One of the candidates appear to be way ahead of the padc. On the RepublDcan side. candJIS® dates are Norman Joyner and Johnny Walker. The Democratic Party has a slate of six candidate.s in the race for Commissioner of Insurance, including George Belk, (Jeorge Cherry, Jr., Johnny Clark, Cecil Duncan, John Ingram and E. Rus sell Secrest. The Republicans of fer only two, L. W. Douglass and C. Ed'Iey Hutchins. 'Winners of four races Saturday will be unopposed in the Nov ember General Elections. Reptib- lican.s are not .ceeking the posts of Secretary of State, Treasurer, Sinerlntendcnt of Public Instruc- atn and Commissioner of La'bor. Democrats seeking the Secretary of State post are Thad Eure and Louis M. Wade; Ekiwin Gill and Jack Jurney are running for Trea surer; John M. O'Oonnell is op posing incumbent Craigh Phil lips for the Superintendent of Puiblic Instruction and seeking the post of Ccwmmissioner of Labor arc John S. Blanton Jr.. John C. Brooks, W. C. (Billy) Creel, Phil lip Ellen, Bob Folger and Jclin Warden Jr. Voters will al.so face two state bonds. They will decide whether or not to spend $2,000,000 for a State Zoo and whether or not to spend $150,000,0(X) for a Clean Continued On 'Page Eight Funeral Services Thursday 3:30 For Mrs. Pearl Long Styers, 92 Funeral rites for Mrs. Pearl Long Styers, 92, will be con ducted Thursday afternoon at 3:30 from Kings Mountain Bap tist church of which she was a member. Rev. James Wilder will offi ciate at the final rites and inter ment will l>e in Mountain Rest cemetery. The body will remain at Harris Funeral Home until a half hour before the service. Widow of Winfred Scott Styers who died in 1962- Mrs. Styers succumbed to a long illness Tues day omrning at 9:55 a.m. in Green Briar Rest Home in Gas tonia. She had been liospit.aIi:"'d here some time with a hr ken hip but had become able to leave the hospital. She was a native of Cleveland county, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long. She re cently celebrated her 92nd birtli- day. She was a charter member of Kings Mountain Baptist church. Surviving are two daughters, Nlrs. D. E. Tate of Kings Moun tain and -Mrs. Carl Lewis of Gastonia; two sons- John Styers cf Hampton, Va- a n d Bruce Styers of Hagerstown, Md.; two foster cliildren. Mrs. Joe F.dison of Cast, nia and City Clerk .loe 'H. McDaniel Jr. of Kings '.loun- tain; 11 grandehildren; and le great-grandchildren.

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