1972 in thi« trouble! itlcally’ ed Into )p wa. . TT>ur!i4ay, June . 1972 THE TAR HEEL KITCHEN TWa KIKEH I Fortunately, high quality North T jiomo FJconomist Carolina diary foods are avail- I nionth for brides, able every montw but they are ^omal get-togethers, good eat- particularly plentiful in June .. Ji course, Daily Month, when tliey are honored. The ease THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N C. t.ui bCTION in- ^\tTLSfl^ « (f—J « S MSm * * mBm « OAiaymN 208 YORK RO. SANDWICHES BIG BOSSY BIG MOO HAMBURGER For Convenient CALL IN SERVICE Dial 739-6503 HAMBURGER w/Let. & Tom- HOT DOG BARBQ CHEESEBURGER CHEESEBURGER w/Let. fi Tom. CORNDOG FISH FRENCH FRIES DAIRY MENU Shakes Sundaes CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE VANILLA PINEAPPLE PINEAPPLE STRAWBERRY STRAWBERRY CHERRY CHERRY WALNUT BUTTERSCOTCH BUTTERSCOTCH ORANGE HOT FUDGE COLA Special Delights BANANA HOT FUDGE CAKE PEANUT BUTTER STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE Cold Drinks BANANA SPUT COKE ICE CREAM SANDWICH SPRITE Hot Drinks ORANGE COFFEE FEA HOT CHOCOLATE MILK "The Family Place To Eat" CHURCH AND CIVIC GROUPS WELCOME with which dairy food.s into summertime living amazing, and the results are piea.sing to iamily and friond.s. Planning menus that are sim ple, tasty and easy to handle is sometimes one of the iiardest parts o( enlerlaining. Do you have trouble deciding what food.'^ go togethoi- for a bai'hecue, patio supper or a picnic? A few suggestions are given to help you have fun at your own parly. Jn case you prefer to eat indoors, a little adapting means you can serve the same menus informal ly in your home. Happy .lune Dairy Month and happy eating! MENUS BACKYAltD BARBECUE Barcecue Spareribs ! Cottage Potato Salad* Sliced Tomatoes Buttered Bread Picnic Parfaits^ Milk DINNER ON THE PATIO Patio Chicken ’n Mu.shrooms* IIorb-iBultered Tomatoe.s* I To.ssed Oreen Salad With Blue i Cheese Dressing" * Buttered Bread : Cantaloupe Ice Cream Bowls ' (Chilled Half Cantaloiifw ! ed With Vanilla Ice Cream) ; Mik Coffee PICNIC FOR YOUNGSTERS Cheese Stuffed Burgers On 1 Butter Toasted Buns (Cheese Slices Tucked Between Two Thin Hamburgers i Before Grilling) 1 Potato Sticks Individual Molded Fruit Salads In Paper Cups Party Cones* Milk PORTABLE PICNIC DINNER Gourmet Macaroni* Buttered Green Beans Fruit Salad Delight (Fresh peacthes. Bluelxuries and Strawberries) Sour CYeam Fruit Salad Dressing" Celery Curls i Bread And Butler j Chocolate Brownies Milk Cottage Potato .Salad - - To your favorite c'old potato salad, add 2 cups (lb-ounce carton) of creamed cottage cheese for each 3 cups of potatoes used. Chill well. Makes 0 to S ser\ ings. Picnic Parfaits Pr<*pare pnr- faits at home md freeze in your freezer for backyard serving. In tail paper drinking cups, (the waxed, or plastic coated tyiH*) alternate scoops of ic(‘ cream witj-i fresh or partially thawinl, frozen fruits of your choice, or a favorite sundae sauce. Top with a swirl of whi]>ped cream and maraschino cherry. Place in freez(‘r until ready to serve. PATIO CHICKEN ’N I MU.SHROOMS I frying chicken cul into serving I)ii‘ces T2 cup milk II cu]) flour Sail and pep]M*r 1 -2 cup (I stick I butter 1-2 pound cui>) mushrooms,' slict'd 2 cui:.> dairy sour cream ■ Dip chicken pieces in milk and dredge with flour seasoned vsith salt and peppiu-. Melt liutter in heavy skillet. Brown chicken in) hot butler and remo\e to cas.se- { role. .Saule mushrooms in hot but ter for about 5 minutes; spoon over chicken piece.s in cassei-ole. Cover chicken with mushrooms with .sour cream. Bake in a slow oven, 32.^ flegiws p., abrmt 30 minutes, until tender. Serve at picnic table, diri'cUy from casse-« lole. Makes 1 .servings. j Her!)• Buttered Tomatoes - -j Wasli, dry and remove strnn j ends (core) fiiiin tomatoes. Cut j in (fuarters lialfway through. | Sprinkle with salt. pc*ppcr and { basil 01* other favorite herb; fill witj, a teaspoon of butter. Wrap MERCHANTS MEETING SPEAKERS — Retailers from throughout 4the State will gather in Greensboro on June 11 12 for the 70th annual convention of the N. C. Merchants Association. Speakers will include, left to tight above, Frank Kollmer of Minneapolis, president of the International Consumer Credit Association; Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, pastor of Marble Collegiate Church, New York City; and Gov. Hobart W. Scott, who will be a feature of the banquet on Monday evening^ June 12. Evans Opens New Facility (']i(*st(*r, .\. V., Evans Pro- (hu ts Conipan.v's divisimi. Pwi\- icra Products, tnrlay annnuDccd lh(* grand <»pcning of it.s .sixth manufacturing facilil.v. 'Hu* .3() tiuiusand s(}U.ir(* fool [ilant, .siiuat(*d on a (>..') a.rc site here will pi'oducc .Yio to (ioo kitchen cahinels dail.v <01 aoiie shilt basis and will employ ap proximately loo p(‘np]o. accord ing to Terry .S. Ottenweller. gen eral manage)* of the new facility, Riviera, with headfujailers in .'^l. Paul. Minn., is one of the country’s leafling manufadorers ,of kitchen ‘abinets and vanities j and has other plants in El Mon- jte.Calf.: Lancaster, Ohif>; Red ' W'ing, Minn.; and EnglewoofI and ColoJ’a^io Sf))‘ings, Colo. Ri\ iera is paid of Evans’ home group, the nation's number one I, reducer of cus(om-dcsignod. prc‘-cut, iionlract homes. Last yt-ar ihe homes group had j*e\enues of .Slo3 million K\ans had 1071 recoid i*(‘venuos of ST2() million. Evans Pi-oduds Company, with h<*adquariers in Portland, (}jv., is a major manufactor. re tailer aiirl wholesaler of building products. In addition to home building, it is a manufactor of industrial and metal specialty products. Governor Scott To Lead Panel Governor Boh .Scott will Icari a panel of three Noith Caiolina Congressmen at the Presbyterian j Meifs Conference .June Hvls, The ' panel discussion, which will tak<' I place in Montn?at will he on j “Living My Faith in Personal I and political life. <‘nce program chairman, the three Congreemcm are Jamoy T. Broyhill, Lenoir; L. H. Foun tain, Tarboro; and Ear] B. Ruth, Salisbury. securely in Idil. Plat.-t* over low heat on grill and cook until ten der, al)out io to 20 minutes. Blue Che<*se Dressing for Tossed .Salads -Mash 1-1 pound Blue chese. Blond in 1 small clove minced garlic, 1 teaspoon salt, 1-2 cup salad oil. M cup vine gar. Beal smooth. Fold in 1 cuj) dairy sour cream. Cov(*r and chill. May be stored in refrigera tor 7 to lO days. Makes 2 cups. Party Cones—-For a childi'en's party, ice cream cones are always the favorite. Purchase cones at your groc(*ry. Press ice cream firmly into cones. Fill small dishes with toppings, such as: crushed graham crackers, chop- p<^d nuts, flaked coconut, choco- i 70’s.” late sprinkles cinnamon h(‘arts, | Dr. J. Sherrard Rice pastor etc. Each child may dip his cone j of the First P]-esbvtei*ian church into the topping of his choice j Baton Rouge, Louisiana lo make a Parl^' Cone. GOURMET MACARONI 17-<)unce package macaroni 1-1 cui^ butter 3 tablcsiNionsflour 1 teaspoon salt 1-s teaspoon pepper 2 1-2 cups milk 1-3 cup Blue cheese 1 tablespoon parsley flakes 2 tables|)fK)ns diced pimento 1-1 pound '1-2 cup) mushrooms: ^ conci'iDcd with problems of moil I ern li\ing. I Sunday’s program will begin iwilp a 7 a. m. communion .service led by the Rev. Paul Felker of 'V'aldesc* and tiu* Rev. David Burr of Winston-.Salem. I Church scho<M hour will be di- ; j-ested by Mr. Price Gwynn III , of C'harlotlf*. The 11 a. m. moi'ning worship Accoialing to j service will he in Anderson audi- Jack Suddretli of Lenoij-. confer-i torium, with the Rev. David Burr, Sponsored annually |)y the -Men’s Council of the .Syjiod of Noitti Cai'olina, this yt^ar's theme is ‘'Living With Ciirist in First Presh\ tmian church, Win ston-.Salem, bringing the mes sage. Room accommodations a re available from C. A. Stubbs, .Montreal. N. C. Registrations should be mailed now to th<* Rev. RobcM-t Turner 2(K) West Trade Ihe j Street. C'harloite 2S202. Wives : are encourag(‘d to attend. Ijersoiial sliced 1-4 cup buttered dry crumbs Cook macaroni according to package directions; drain and pour into 1 1-2-quarl casserole. Melt butter over low heat; blend in flour and seasonings. Add Bloodmobile Our Goal Is 100 Pintsof Blood Monday, June 12 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Kings Mountain Community Center on Cleveland Avenue Monday s visit of the regional bloodbanh will be the last one of this fiscal year. Blood is badly needed and Kings Mountain citizens are behind in their quota for the year. Blood Saves Lives! This message in the community interest by these Kings Mountain firms: . will b(‘ I the keynote speak<*r Friday n.ghi. i June 16. Dr. Rice is well known I for his attention to I evangelism. I Satui-day morning will fivifure I mini-workshops. Each will be . milk, stij-ring constantly, and j cook until sauce is smooth and thickcn(*d. Add che'o.se and stir until melted. Add parsley pi- memo and mu.shrooms. Pour - sauce over macaroni, stirring I with a fork to completely co\er bread Top with buttered bread ci*umb.s. Bake in moderate oven, 3.'^q de gree,s; F.. for 20 minutes. .Makes 6 servings. ^ Sour Cream Fruit Salari Di ess- ing Fold into 1 cup of dairv sour cream: 1 1(‘aspoon grate'd orange f i n d. 2 taI)lespoons orange juice, 2 tablospuons lem on .luice, 1 tablespoon honiw. 1,-2 teaspoon dry must«ard and ’ son with salt and peppei' Serve on fruit salaci. BEN T. GOFORTH, PLUMBING YORK ROAD KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. SUPERIOR STONE COMPANY GROVER ROAD KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. GRIFFIN DRUG COMPANY PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. BELK DEPARTMENT STORE YOUR HOME OF BETTER VALUES KINGS MOUNTAIN, N, C. HARRIS FUNERAL HOME KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. RADIO STATION WKMT 1220 ON YOUR DIAL KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE PRINTERS - PUBLISHERS KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C s(‘a - ChilJ. Superior Stone Taps Minton RALEIGH. WiJliam \V. .Min ton. general .^alcs manager of Superior Ston(‘ (Mmj)any, ha.*^ bei*n promoted to Vice Ih*esiflent -.Sales, it was announced by Trent Ragland. .Jr. president. Superior i^ a di\ision of .Mai- tin Alarietta Corporation. A native of Goldsboro. Minton has been wilp .Superior since 19.^1 Prior to this, he was with Bryant Hock and Sand Co. .Alter earning liis B. S. De gree from \Vak(‘ For<*sl, Minton attended graduate school at FNt' -Ciiape! liil!. During Woild War 11 he was in the U. S. Na\y. He is ,married the former'Lucinda* EdwarcIvS of Wasliingion. .\. C.. and they have one son. M'i.'Iiam U'. Minton. HI. Timber Lake Builders FIVE NEW BRICK HOMES Are Now Available For Your Inspection They feature three bedrooms, large living room, one-and-one-half or two baths, kitchen-dining with electric ap pliances, laundry area, electric heat, carpet, plus either a carport with utility room or attached garage, with or with out basement. A qualified buyer can move in with only $1,000 - $1,500 down payment. Twenty - thirty year conventional loans. Call now for further information and appointment to see these lovely homes in ASHBROOK PARK. SALES REPRESENTATIVE — JEAN COFFEY OFFICE PHONE 739-4906 9 TO 5 P.M. HOME PHONE 865-7193 6:8-29 T-T OVER 1,000 PAIRS 100% POLYESTER DOURLE KNIT DRESS PANTS By the Manufocturer You Know "FARAH * & "HUBBARD" FIRST QUALITY - MADE L\ U.SA. ALL STYLES INCLUDIXG BELT LOOPS BELTLESS MODELS FLARE LEGS REGULAR LEGS WESTERN OR REGULAR POCKETS SIZES 28 TO 48 MANY COLORS & PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FHO.M $16.00 to $23.00 ONE GROUP lOOG POLYESTER KNIT PANTS BELTLOOPS - FLARE LEGS SOLIDS & FANCIES SIZE 28 TO 42 $11.00 & $12.00 PLONK BROS

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