JJ972 id f rom ?d as ^ : Mason- ? resides nd Mrs. .5 Floyd North 90 avcr- I b> I'lie '1 to be to Ihj ‘ntedbj Population Treater Kings M ?1,914 City Limits 8,465 Kiw^» Mouotale jui* Is derived ttoiu tM op«wl«^l tiutsd sioiss buruiiu oj tbs Cvusui ispun i lOuvar) iSbtf. iaclud(>r *bs 14.990 populatteo r Ikumaei 4 Townsblp. and i*<v remoiulng 6. i24 lioi A.-au«vr 5 TowiulUp. Id Cievslond Couaty sod Crowder • - «• v<»»vDshlr> In Qostee Coiiaty. 4 41 fj. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Pages V 0 d a 7 VOL 83 No. 26 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, June 29, 1972 Eighty-Third Year PRICE TEN CENTS Tentativfcly ecori 4th Celebration Starts Sunday; Firms Set Holidays I Worship Rites A cily-witie church service on Suiulay evening and a patriotic ceremony <*n Mon.lay al'lernoon will launch the community’s ce lebration ul Independence Day. The pre-July llh celebration is under sponsorship- of the city ivcroaliuii department and will 1)0 held at liie Community Center on Cleveland Avenue. Itev. Pasciial Waugh, pastor O: | Central UmteJ Methodist church,^ will deliver llie Sunday evening, sermon at 7:30 p.m. and Senator^ J. Ollie Harris of Kings Moun tain will make the patriotic ad-j drc.ii on Monday allernoon at 4:15 p.m. ! Other ministers and congrega-; lions pai'tuipaling in the wor-^ ship will include Uov. Frank 1 Cluiiv'y of I'emple Uaptist chuich, wuo will give the invocation; Dr. t haru i i:.awaras of Doyce Me-1 nioiial AKP church who will say; the welcome; Kev. tlugene Land of Second Daplist church who will give the response; Rev. Da vid Kime of Oak View Baptist (iun\)i who will read he sevip- ture; Rev. Russell Fitts of Uelh- leliem diurch who wiH bevelling prayer; and Rev. Robert Fllicklin of Faith Baptist church who will p.onounce the bcuielic- tion. Rev. Harry Vance of Fast- side Baiitist church will iniro-; (luce the ministers on tin* pro gram and Rev. Kdw*n C.iriScoe of Fast Cold Wesleyan church will introduce the speaker. B. S. Feeler, baiiloiu*, wi.i . ing "I Walked Today Whoic Jc.-^us Walked” and a w'omen's trio compostMl of Miss Pam MoCall, .Miss Debbie Burns and Mrs. Evelyn Chambers will sing “Why." Siiecial musie will \yo presented by the Junior Choir of Mount Zion Baptist church and Combined Choirs from Grace .Metho<Ust and Macedonia Bap tist churches will sing the an them, “God Bless Our Land.” Bob Cushion will be accompan ist for the special music and will also play a prelude of piano music before the service. David Lucas, trumpeter and Bob Cashion, jiianist, will open the Monday afternoon program with “Battle Hymn of the Re public” after wliich Kov. M. L. Campbell, pastor of Adams Cha- |)ei Metliodist church, will say CevUinued On Page ‘Eight Lions Install ONew Oificers Ru'hanI Groeno, principal of Ncrtli .sThooI, was in.S'lalleti as p.'csident of Ihe King.s Mounlain Li.ms club Tue.sday niglit. .Mr. Greene suWeeds Dave Saun ders. Ollier new officers include Charlie Blanton, first vice-jresi- dent; S’ill Bare>. second \ii'c-irrca- ide:it; Jim Downey, third vice- presidmit; George Tlmmasson, treasurer; C. Y\ Barry, Tail TwDl- er; Tim Gladden, Lion Tamer; and Edwin M.wn', Kay Holmi‘s, and C. A. Allison, dliriKdors. IMi'mbors of the civic club met for a dinner meeting at the Coun try club. 'SPEAKER — Senator J. OlUe Harris w 11 moke the oddress at a community-wide patriotic' program Mondcry afternoon at tho Community Center. Tuesday Holiday Fetes Are Listed Kings Momilain area citizens will celebrate Indcjxmdence Day af r^iv outings planned in the utvitlay. > - r ri‘y recreation department h ’; planned a full day of activi- Ik i at the Community Center aiKl Parlio an-d Oak Grove Fire Department will be the sjene of all-day acliv'ities for families and friends. At h’ast tw'o private clubs have sdieduled July -Ith events for numbers and guests. Lake 'M lUonia 'Jlub, Inc. has scheduled a bauibecue at 5:30 p.m. at tho picnic area at the lake and tickets may be obtained lo cally from Charlie Blanton at Kings Miountain Drug Company, Wilson Griffin at Griffin Drug Compaiiy and Gearge B. Thomas- .son at $2 for adults and $l for tiiildren. Tuesday sporting events lx:gin lat 2 p.m. with shuffleboard, tennis, horseshoe pitching and swiimmin^ on tap, announces Club I'lresident Ciiarlie Blanton, j Kings Mountain Country eluh members and gut.sts* will lei»-ofi on the gclf course at 10 a/m. with gvlfing ‘arranged for adults and thi'Klren. Picnic lunch will ibe .'•pread “bem'alh the ‘big'tree” at noon and swimming comix'tition w'ill get underway at 4 p.m. Sup- I>t»r will be .served at the poolside at 6 p.m. Mrs. Sam Rchinson, Lliuirman cf the atrrangements committee, remfinds that re.serva- tions for Die evening pi’cnic should be made by noon Saturn day. The July Ith celebration at the Community .Center opens at 10 a.m. wllli a Field Day of activi- ti(*s planned for young and old alike. Events are schedule<l at P ividson Park and Deal Street Park. Kecreation Diiroctor Rw Pear- sr>n said a dance for tecMis will be held from 7 until 11 p.'m. Tues day evening at tJie Community Center. The Oak Grove Volunteer Fire IX'oaTt.rnent i; siMnsoring an all day July Fourth celebration Tues day at the fire department. Activities will begin at 10 ajm. and the day’s evenU will be cli- m.;ixed by an au'.li.m at 6 p.m. Coniinued On t-age Sight Week's Holiday At 23 Plants; Many Bonuses Kings Mountain readied for the annual Independence Day holi day—for many a week. To bt'gin a week’s holiday this weekend are majority of Kings Mountain area textile employees. For many, the week’s holiday starts on Saturday, with treks to vacation spas planned. 'Many firms have announced they are making vacation payments. Two exceptions are Dujplex-In- ternational and Kinder Manufac turing Company, w^hi^li have an nounced they will be closed two days only—ot\ Monday and Tues day. To begin week’s holidays this weekend are Kings’ Milla, K Mills Ideal Hosiery , Gay Hosiery', L & L ll-osiery, Lin-Tcx, Park Yarn Mills, Mauney Mills, .Mauney ilos- icry 'Mills, Carolina Throaving Company, Park Varn iMills, Sadie C-c-tten Mills, Oxfc'. d Industries, 'Jurlington Industries, Carlton Knits, Neis(X), Carolina Throwing CTcmpany, Minette Mulls, Bar-Ray, Grover Irvduotrics, Cleveland Pro ducts, BVD Corporation (Craft- spun Yarns) and Si^ectrum. Em:pl-oyees of the WindiQg De- l>artment of Spoctru-m will return to work Ju'ly 7th while other em ployees will vacation uivril July! i;)th. Crailspun Yarns w ill be; open Saturday for inventory tak ‘ ing, sard Personnel Manager Kyle Smith, and will resume oiX'ra- tions on July 10th after plant vaications. Dick Slianey, personnel mar>.iger of Carolina Throwing Conupany, said tliere may be some limited operation at the throwing plant. Firms announcing they are making vacation p^iymenls are Spectrum Ito erai4oyeco who have been with the firm since Nc/V. 1); CrafLspun; Kinder Man ufacturing; K Mills; Kings Mills; Mauney Interests; Neiseo; Siidic Mills; Oxford Indusirics; Burling ton Indus-lries; and Carlton Knits. GRADUATE — Thomas Preston McAbee« son of Mrs. Russell Mc- Abcc cl Kings Mountain and the late Russell McAbee. has received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Eait Carcllna University. Over 2100 graduates recc vod iheii degrees Tick- len Stodium in Gtconvilley N. C. McAbcc is married to the for mer Rcba Baucom of Gastonia. Two Marines Die h Wreck Final Rites Conducted Saturday For Mrs. John Martin Patterson Funeral rit(?s for Mrs. John: Miitin I’atter.':on, S8, wore con-1 ducted Saturday aflornoon at Sj p m. from her home at 301 West Mounlain street. Her I ast r, Kev. Charles Ed- wartls, pastor of Boyce 'Memor ial ARP churdch, ofiddated at the final rites, and interment was in Mountain Rest cemetery. iMrs. Patterson, widow of John Martin Pa'tterson, died at 9:30 a.m. Friday in the Kings Moun tain hospital following dcclinnig health for several years. The former .Miss Rolierta Si- monton, she wa« the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Simonton. Her husband died Christmas Day 1950. She was a native of Fairfax County, South Carolina. She was a member of Boyce Memorial ARP church. Surviving are her son, Mal(x)m Patterson of Kings Mountain; two daughters, Miss Marian Pat terson and Miss Leone Pa'tter- 4>on, both of Kings Mountain; and one sister, Mrs. E. A. Har- rili (Kf pt'catur, Ga. Active pallbearers were liar- Club To BnUd Caiefaket House 'Lake Montonia Club, Inc. has aw'arded contract to build a new caretakers’ house to Audley Tig- nor, and construction is expected to begin soon. Cost of the new house is esti- matcMJ to be $13,500.. In a rt'j>()rt lost(X'khoIdersithis week, President Charlie Blanton noted that renovation and repairs have btvn made to the public bathrooms at the lake, to the dressing moms and sliding board and all piers damaged during winter have lK»en repaired. A new clock is to be installed and the grounds committee is working on some neiKied now equipment President Blanton reminded ,thai tickets for the July -Ith 'bar becue may be purchased by mem bers for their ;iamilies and friends at $2 per adult and $1 iK*r child from Warren Harmon, Don Crawford, George Thomasson, Pat Tignor, Wilson Griffin. Whitey Whitesides, Ken Kiser. Bob How’ard, Neill Carson or from Kings Mountain Drug Com pany. Local Women From Convention Mrs. Grace Teseniar and Mrs. Martha Ware have returned from a week’s trip- to Stanley Home Pnxlucts home office con vention in Westfield, .Massachu setts. They also toured the Pennsyl vania Dutch Country which was hit by Hurricane Agnes. They were held up in Pennsylvania for two days because of the storm. The two Kings Mountain wo men were among a group of 33 Stanley Home PnKluets ropre- Tw'o Camp Lojeunc M.iiincs en- route to Anderson, T on oj W'ekend pa.;s wo:e kilh d shortl> i afiei’ midnight I'ndaN night I when tlu'v apparentv 1 sr «’nntr »’] of tlieir car on I-S5 South and hit tho re.st area sign near the Dixoii road exit. j Assistant Coroner Bennett Mas-i tens s.iid tlio b^xlies of Pvt.! Charles Ran.lolph B.adley, 22, oI j Arhtetr4)TT, S. C./ and Pfc. Bar H F. Baliiday, 19, of NxshvHIe, | I'enn., were found by a pas-ing; nu torist at 6 a.m. Saturday | morning. Medical Examiner oai.nl ivcbin.son e.<timaied ilie b dh.. | had been on tho s.ene fur a'jou si.', hours. ! Highway Patrolman J. R. ! Reid said he w'us unable to deier- mine who the driver of the car was. Be said Bradley s bjd\‘ was abaut 25 feet from l!ie rear of the car and Balliday^s ilx> Iy was' )Mlf-lrap|X‘d under the car. Reid .said Hie wreck wa.s apparently caused by the driver losin.r con trol cf Hie car, running off the right of the road, sfrikuT!: a i>Ool on a road .■sign and overturning dtrwm a slight embankment sev- eiMl times. Harris Funeral llonie .shipped Bradley’s body to AikUt.awi, S. C. for burial Tuesday aftern(K>n and Balliday's body to Na.'hville. Tenn. lor burial on Wednesday. Bradley is the sen of ►nd Mrs. Hal])}! Bradley of .Vnderson, .S. C. and is al.^o .survived by a sister, Donna Elaine. Baliiday is the sun of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M. Baliiday of Nosh- viile. Be is also survived by two bralha^s and two sisters. . easing set Fez July 13 A liearing has been .set for July 13 'in (L.s;rict court fur .Michacd •"(\o Lee. who is charged with a-.‘^.luJting a King; .Mountain wi.rnan with iniOjit to commit rajx-. l.ce, region su:;c: in’endent o'. 'hC' C. pDivm -ystsin. h:e' iTeen AV cJT'ed Iro-^i li s j >b pen ling t,ie out me of an invos'igatian ■by Li'. Ja-Tie-White', ares a-Imin- istraior for Hie, C.' prr-:'>n .sys- t< m. Lee, 30, is chargesi in a wt"- ranl l.ruen ;'Ul by H.oert E. iHefi) VV'ic eiu'r of Inb S^u1h Piedmont Avenue. Tlie warrant charge- Loo wit'u -a;.* lulling Wic^ner’s w.io, Bertha Kay VVie.seiier, 21. Oil June 13 vviili the intent to •ravish and cMrtially know her.” n p/li.c rc'por’s. Lee and t!i(' Wic.so le.r. li:id a'unicUd a parly at iiie li -me of Mrs. J^jc .•\nn .\i‘D:jniel c: Kings .Mountain cn June 18. William K:»por, Kings Mniniain police* captain who ‘•-eived the warrant, said the al leged ineident look place “during and after the party.” Dr. White said he wa.s iastruct- ed by N. C. prUon commissioner !.<'<* Bounds to invcntiga'te the hi- cid(*:U a personal inatici. •'Whether Major Leo wins or lc.s<‘s iiis Timinal ca.so is no con- co n ol our.-," sa'd Wliiie. “Wc are concerned only with deor- niining vviietner his conduct wa.- lx**:*: PTing a man in our dep'art- ment." Lee is free under $1,000 bond. -Vork oirtfcu ^et Highlight Hc'aiJ-GJS Budget UO YilK To Close Feurth V.'.iile m-ij >rity ot busTiies-ses w.di ;:e J - ad f u Hie Independ- eme Day ’ hoLda: Tue-riay, there will be a fe.\ c:: options. B niii-lect-r ihip: .- Market anrl Winn-Dixie v\»JI be open, 1h)U.;''i Asr (‘.\i)e. Is to (d isc. D ug .'^fj.rr's have anMsun'od vi.'yi! I .s.hoiules K::i.:s Meun- lain.' rug C)Jii;iany uiil be t.'.cn Ir. :n 10:3!. a.m. to 6 p.m., (L din Drug Stoie will offer pri .-;)tion .^t'rvice on call, while Medical Piiarmacy will ho open on regular .scncd'ule. .'Untadiee; Pharmacy wall be c.po'i frem 2 to 6 p.m. Furnhure firm.s with the ex ec piini of .MlMnnii Furniture will be clc-cd on Tucsi-iy. ZMc- Ciinnis v\ill ekx;e both Tue.'Hlay and Wetirie.sdiy ni'crniiig. The.'ie F.ms . u.s < marily close on We<l- n( - lay alienKK>n. K.n,',:; Mounlain Postoffice and City nair"offia*s will be closed on dueoda}'. ■ v; ly night a rc'drcl n! i;i:2-73 totaK.ag ii ca e vjf SH 1,953 •: 1 r me fi.Kal year :d:.,. ••jijii al 'D rot the a ■ •*. •'» ro'z'r.i 'er Detailed Learning Lab h Third Week 'Simer iltes Conducted The R< V. C.Ius naye.s, 73. c 3C,"; E. Lnn St., S'lcljy, died a 11:30 'p.'in. Wednesday in Heve land .\Iem »r:al hospital Xollouin; iw J-Aeok illness. Twe Infured In Accident Tv\d Kings Mountain men sus laiwied minor injuries when the cars wdiieh they weie driving coT, lideii Tue.sday morning at tlu* 'in- j ter.'^i’ction of Clev(*land .Avenue' and Liinvood Road. I Ac. ording to palbe report.?, | Gevige .M t.i e. (19, of R;:uie 2,1 Kings .Mountain, wa-; driving a ; 1903 I‘‘ord whdi ran tlie stop' light at the intersection and struck a lOi'l riymuuth driven by .Maiden Jackson Coleman, 2‘i, of IDO.h First Street. ILth wtTe treited fir injuries at Kings .Maintain Invodigaling officer ^)b Bayes ■("^hmateil damage.s al 750 to (hjleman's car and $550 toi Moore’s. i A native of Cleveland County, lu: was the son of Dhe late Mr. and .Mrs, Ihcniaa Bayes. He was a .salesman i ir the Bi ble House in ChaihcU' '.md a for mer pasl.jj- of .Midpine; Baptiist ehunh in King - Mountain. Be is survived by his widr/w, Liil.an Ca>per ilayi's; two son^. A'illiani Ilaye-'. of and Jes-de Have..; of King> .Moun tain; live daughters. Mrs. Dwiglit P(Avell. Mrs. Harvey Kale. Mi>;. Otto Pniitt. and T-Y.s. Rita Conte, all of Shcl’oy and Mr.-;. Grady .Paugham of Sacramento, Calif.; iw» brullicrs, Kevo;'. Hayes of Path, S. thiee si.sters, Mrs. Lu na L vvrance, Mrs. Wade M Dwani and Mia. Odt'.v^a Barrett, all of Shelby; 19 grandcliildrcn and H) great grandchildren. Funeral .sc*rviees were conduci- ed Saturday at 4 p.m. at .Mission ary .Mcl'hcdisl (iluiiih of Shelby by the Rev. J. R. Howe, the Rev. G’-ady Lemmons and the Rev. Pat . is .M v uriy. Burial was in .Sunset iCt'met(‘ry. Boys are cooking and sowing and girls are working in the shop al. Central Junior high sch<K>l. .\o. It isn’t a M'omen’s Lib pro- je.*; hut the third week of sum-i nier l^earning Camp for 114| youngsters ages 12-14 enroRed in a tivc-weok program which end^■ July 18. “W'e're learning a lot and hav ing fun", is how one young man dcs! ribes the [cur-hour cive-days a- week morning activities. And, the 10 instruftors, appar ently are enjoying themselves, too. Joe Butcher, of Washington, D. C., with the Education Deparl- ni *!it of HFW, visiting here this: week, said he is highly impressed' witii Kings Mountain's program whieii has a vocational oriented Fayetteville ' curriculum. The 10 teachers from 'across tlie state who observed^ I lh(* program several weeks ago land the 40 teaeliers from the| j Kings .Mountain district who are lobserving for two weeks also- I praised tlie program and expres-; I sed themselves as pleased to have i the opiK'i’tunity to participate. ! T’lu' classes are in social liv- ■ The city's ten.ilively adopted li"-; rcpriatio i o. $23f''.8()] foi cai;ii- : tal dim, ti'i'ini imjir >\ements for ; fi.s.’al I5f3 imludea | 1) a new (leclrieal sub-station | t • 'jc Ic.’au'd on York Road, e.gi-j mated ta*t SI G,.500. 2i rw-> garbage packers and trash truck, critimaleJ east S2;,00r‘. 3i -\ew fire truck and pumper, estimated er.-il S3>\603. 4) Fire departrru'nt ladders and! tem ether equipment $3500. 5i Eeciu.sticai improvements Jo the community co.nter building $.50tX) and mini-park develop ment in residential awas $250f). 6i Baekhoe, dump truck and mower for ('cinelery department !Id be purciia.sed from cemetoiy department perpetual care fund, net in'cluded in ha.sic capital ap propriation ) Stl,95u. 7> Police departm(*nt, three cars $0000. Region C equipment $30-X). 81 Billing machiiu* $20,f>>)0. 9) Twenty-five hydrants S55')0, 500-fect of slx-inoh pipt* $9000. valves and meter bo.xes $828.75. 25 valves $2250, water pump $o50, truck $25rX). 10) Curbing, gutter, paving $85,000, t ) highway ? .'mmi.ssiion _ L-r P'jrtion of share m Can.sici ' street unprovomen- $5955. sign- : pipe $1275, ’rurk $2(X)<), aign- making mateiial $2000. (Anothei j $45,000 is in the s’rwt depirt-i ment app^ropriatiion for re-surfac- I ing). Rites Conducted For Mrs. Cash If or sear By MAR'nN HARMON The city canvnisd in tentaiively ad ptc 1 Led i< l>udge: f: • :r; ?3,48;..blL .III o^ er th(? bu:lg which end:-. l i The CO .uni: tentative ta $ltK) valuation. ■ '.o rn'e ‘‘'h- 'i has prevailed f ■. t ht year.*?. “This budget is dc 'gnel to meet thi* needs oi every cMy de partment in eontinu! , the pro gram o: pro.’res.s for the total de- veit p.ment cl Kings Mountain,” .Mayor Jciin Henry Mais com- meniod, as he cuHined the pro visions of the budget estimate. Principal inenase in revenues derives from upward /xroje.I.onG' cl sale (.r utilities, including in- V )me L'om th.o water and sewer .^^ystem of S17e.lD0 (vs. .$138,380), from the electric arvl :>ower .-'y.?- $667,800 (\s. $532,026), the ^'itural ga.s system $5<;‘1,900 (vs. $-111,278) anci due fu ai otiiicr funds $6686,310 (vj. SG;^,G.37). Tin* tentative oudgei itn;lies a five p('reont '*vage increisi* f, r all city employee-;, the effe.tive date to be set when the budget is finally imsidered for adoption in late Juh. Ciher invome in.dude the city’s sha.x* of the one* per cent state .sales lax, e.sUni.'Hed a $97,344 (vs. $59.310). and in crease in state ga.rolim' tax fr‘-m the Po'.vrll Bill, virtually d mbied to Sl(^,521. (Powell Bill funds re bated to the cities cfleetive July 1 were legislated by the 1J71 General .Assembly.) One budget appropria*' ii ii less, for debt servf?e, an-fTi .le.d- ing the diy’s $170,000 per year imarti/.ation of bi-.’di'l indr'.l- cdJiess. The new year s inl(*rc.;t oill Will be* $193,.500. t ;mpa:-ed to $2 tJ.Go'X) in fi.'-al ‘72. The return fr.m intTca^md tax I valuation,:; $Ti,600,119 ^ (indi- I ; :P.ed) w :uld r< turn on lOO i*or- $387,603, which ; on estimate of diOiLs during the Cash. 69. of p-.m. .Sunday hospital .foD of several Ga., daughter of tlie Mrs. Thomas \V. ing, eommunirations, vocational lab. personal services and recrea tion. and in adiition all students take field trips to local imlus- Iries to see the job opportunities that are available. .Mrs. Annie Belle Rt. 3, died at 2:30 in Kings .Mountain low'ing an iHne^s weeks. A native of Hall County .She was the late .Ml*, and Pheagin. She is survived by her hus band, Me!\in Cash; four daugh ters, Mrs. A. V. Davis and Mrs. William Blanton of Shelby. .Mrs. Marvin Wrr-y of Black.-burg, S. C. and .Mrs. Lawrt*n(‘e R.van of Rockville, .Md.; five sons. Howell Cash of Shelby. Paul Cash of Char’otte, Herman. Chester and Kenneth Cash of Kings .Moun- WKMT Broadcasts Protestant Hour Dr. Edward A. .8teimle, a LuHi- eran and pri.\‘'es.sor at Ujvion The-o- logical seminary in New A’ork. will he tlie speaker for thr(*e ni iiHi*: beginning Sunday en tlu* Prct(*st:uU Hour radio broaJva.sl .series. WK.MT King.s .Mountain will hicadva.-t the scrie.s at 6:30 p.m. eavh Sun'da>. , All young peoi'lo enrolled are, tain; six sisters, Mrs. T. A. CasI of Bra.selt(m, (Ja., Mrs. Cleo p('p |K'rs of Bxiford, (4a., .Mrs. Hill Kdmonds<'n of Kings Mountain, Mrs. Kn'd Kiehards, Mrs. Tom Ledford and Mrs. Sam .Mull, all of Shelby; two brothers. Homer Pheagin and Grover Pheagin. b(»th of Kings .Mountain; 20 grandchildren aiul thn'c grand children. Funeral servic’es were conduct ed Tuesday at 1 ji ni. at El Be- progj'am will ho oonlinued agahi'thel Fnited .Methodist cluirch by rising s(*venth and eight graders I in tho school system. ! Central Junior High Principal ' Fred Withers is director of the I federally-funded program wdiich I <*mploys eight teaclu'rs. a libra-; 1 rian, a counselor, and some part- i lime workers. I Sai(i Mr. Withers. ‘‘Our stu- j dents are (jiiitt* pnmd of wlial i they're accomplisliiiig in learn ing lab and we’re hupo ul this ! (ent coiloetions ! :he city nud.rcl 1 90 percent coJic 1 lisvai year, i .Appro-priaion*? are greiter for j all (..tiler dc}>arlments, one of the ’ mai.;r 'ine lioing l!ie i[k»live de- ' ; arlme:.;. up inm "$13.5,250 to $687,229 and reflecting the c»>rn- mi.-i.'NiGn's pru r do(i'i.)n to em- i ;;lo.s .sevmi additional offkei-s tsiN have been ( iiii'loyel to dab*) j to pr..\ ide two-man patrols dur- ' ing night hcur.s. I Capital impr ivements ore ‘rmd- ’ :e!cd al aliou! $3i),0(.K') more than ' in the year ending Friday. I Ollier departmiemal spending j ojtimate.s: • Cemetery department, $21,5(30 : \T. SIV.OOO. j Admini.-rraiA'c department $65,- 215 v.;. $5(:-,JS0. ' Sanitarv dcp.vrtment $101,000 $92,750. ' -.rer il€*par'.menl $167,0(X) vs. $.11 , Fir(* dcjiartment $50,100 vs. ‘ $3ti,6Z5. General riepartmont $220,185 : vs. $191.3.52. Re.reatio.i department $51,921 vs. $49,224. HOSPITAUZED Mr.;. C. L. Blavk. underwent rurgj'ry Wednesday mornrcT Tn the King^ Mountain li<»spital whore .she remains a patient. old Plonk, Gilbert Patrick, Thorn-! sontativos who. made the trip ton Harrill, Caswell Taylor, Jr., Norman McGill and Wendell Phifer. 72-73 Privilege License Same As Has Prevailed Several Years next summer. By MAR'nN HARMON The city c'mmission, on reeom- mendatii n of a study winmittee Hialred by- CommI ^^ioner W. Sei- more Eiddix, adapted VV’tMlne^day night the same privilege H’cnse Rnhedule for fiscal 1973 as it has been for seve'*al year;;. In a le".tal farmalit'>, the m .'sion also adoptc'd an interim hudirot a}>pn>priation ordinance to provide for city otK’raii ms un- tiil Ihe iK'w yoar’.s budget is fiji* alls' ad with <»jK'rations au- thorizi'd at the pame lc\(*l of with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krick. Marshall Taylor was driver fori s^xuiding as in 1971-72. the trip. I The commission also voted to ''utcr in)'' a coojicrative agree- 'V'ut witli K n.gs .Moun'ain Re- d'\ el’pment Commission for the C'oshT ''treet area urban rer'»w- a) p: *e ’t. Ihe agre''n':ent dr.aib- (he city’s ca.sh or “in kind” share of Hu* c -I. 'l lie eommi.S'ion ol ;> amondcil Hie 1971-72 budg(*t ordin'inee ridlt'vt variaticnv from KsTImates of exiMMuHture-; ami invmie made l ist July. The anuMulei fiscal 1972 lmdg<M totaloi .$3,973,694. Mayor John Henri Moss noUh) that jir tj<%'tions of esf imatwl util- itU’s reivipts for tlu* year to end Friday were only $3185 "long”. Ei&es Cendneied Mrs. Be.'Sie Wells, 7.5, of Rt. L died at 11 p.m. Wednesday at Ihe Kings Mounlain hospital af ter an (‘xt('nde<l il'iu'.ss. .'^iu' was the daughter (W Ihe late Mi. and .Mrs. 'I'humas Mc Clure and !h(' wife of Hie late James Hunter W'l'lls. Snrvi\<»r< include two sons. Fro I V\’ells and James K. Wells hf)th of Kiirg;; .Mountain: one daughter. Mis. James Gaultney of Kings Mountain; eight grand children; and nine great grand- ehildn n. Funeral services were at Be thany ARP Chur'h where she was a meni.'cv, Friday at I p.m. with the Rev. ibavid Kime of ficiating. Burial was in the ehudeh cemetery. CONTINUES ILL C. L. Black ri'nidTris quite ill in tlu* Kings .M uinlain hospital wliert* he has heon_a patient fur sjme time. the Rev. E. L. Murpliy and the Rev. Frank Blalock. Burial was in the church remeit'ry. Active pallbearers were Jack Kaker, Howard $u*<*fford, Robert Kale. Dean Costner, Llody Clark and Fred Tate. inspeefior's Force Is Hors-de-Comba! Both \V‘>odrow' W. Laughter, city building in.-«)ci.tor, and his as.sls.aiu G(H)rge Raines, arc* pj- Hents in Kings Mauiiiain hospi tal. Mr. Laughter is repertod be surfering a kidney ailment, but the nature of Mr. Raine3 ill- nc:.=: had not been learned. Ex-Drug Addict, Now Minister Details Experiences, Conversion By ANNE JAMES HARMON ‘•Why da >ouivg }x*ople turn to drug'^ alvOlu’l and illicit sex’.*’’ To Vincent fiuerra. former driG addict who Kmnd h-is answer in trust in Jesus Christ, tJiis is a silly que:>tion. Speaking at B^'yce ?,Iemorial ^ ARP Church's Bi'ble School Tues- day evening. Guerra said, “The^e i are .symptoms of the prohlen* ! vs'hich ni^ay stem f.T»m pc('r pres-1 .sure, parental hypoiricy or the ! universal need lor Iwe, identity ! and security.” j Tjaeing bus ow n Ufe story from ■ gang warfare in the Italian .stM*- > tor of Br^n^klyn’.s asi>halt jungle tian conversion, tho ministrv and c'unr(*U:ng. wt.rk in Christian mental health in Fior: la, the author of The Turning Point and Kcoke(?. or> God stated that mari juana is one of the ni vt danger ous drugj on the m arket t'xl \ •. “I can give y>u 89,090 Teamni for this sfatoment." These reas ons. he pointed out, waue the Sd.iXX) hard-e re ad.ticts in jiLst one section of oi'e borrough of New York City. tliree-.'Tarths of w'hom .startl'd with marijuana.” The young minister sinxssed that ChTit ti mity can lead nx'n into all truth, and said, “It re- ve.il'^' life and h'W to live it, ik'aih a:ui how to prei>are for it, I and an ambition t.i bei'ome a ! racketeer, through drug addiction, j eternity and how to receive it, piusliluliou and crime to a CJiris-' (fontinued on Page Eight)

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