PAGE FOUR. -4- Recreation Department News Wilidat iH4« Kin;;- Mountain little loa"uo team-' (‘omiilotrd rp;; .<( .-Lian play llii.-' week. Parli^rncr rin oft wi'.ii the IcoLiur. (hainpionsiiip, posting a |)( ,'('i t l.'l-l Candidate.-; from the oiydit lit. tl< i( a.;iie leani.-.' will l)o,;;in prie- tice en .Inly 2h for file W'e.stern Area 'I luinameni, whi;li will be played l;eie July 27.2.S-2!t. Tile Kini;'; .Mountain all-st;ir ti-a.m will he eoaelied l)y Riek .M.icrc, ulio e.". i.'hed I’arkorace to the leayuK- title. Ih- will be as- s;*ite.l by Cam.11 hedfard, Rotary, and l’re.-.sley Ander.-;on, Park, dau e. Kinp.s M >untain'.s all-stars wi'll open t( urn ament play on July 27 the Tryon all-stars. The winner ol the sinsile eliminallon l(,iiniey here will advanee to the re?!,anal tournament in Concord on .\ up list H. Champion's Landscaping Num- her Two has regained the lead in the l.),al men’s scft.aall lea;;uc ra.-e. Ch.ampi *'.s whipi«‘d Caro lina Thia.uiiv;' Tue.sday, 6-3 to bn/di .a lie between clubs. Champion's held a comfortable 6-0 lead p;oin2 into the last in- nin.:;, when Canlina Throwin;; rallied for thri-c rina;.. II Hold Dean ha l rliree hits, in- ^ludin.;; a dou'ole, to lead the win ner.; at bat. Ne'aody had oyer one hit for Carolina Throwin;;. Champion's also l<S)k a 16-1 win over Oxford Tuesday. Erie Yates paced Champion’s with four hits and Ma.ves added three. 'Brirlses liad thri'e for Oxford. Craftspun romperl over Gas tonia Knit 22-1 as Jerry Ram.sey had three hits. Day and Green topped rhe lo.sers with two hits each. Duplex whipped Dicey Fabrics 11-4. Charles Barne.s, Jewel Wat son. Don Mace and Larry Goins had two hits each for Duplex and Di.n Ballard had two for Dicey. D.WIDSON — Jerry KroU, ^ all-Southern Con.'erenee fotrwtard durtn" .some of Davidspn’s most succestul sea.s-on.s, has been nam ed u.s-Lstanl basketball cxiaeh for iMlj « ■H!^. he ts going to help, our piogratn 'n every respect. Me knows out :'.xr,2ram well. Ills eontriburions IS a player wore great and 1 hink Cn.y will be even more ■.;;ti If as part of our cja.h- ins Stan.” Sbflimer Schoot-*^ In Session the Wildcats. The anTiounorrmrnt .waa made today b.v athletic direHtor Dtr. Tbm Scott and head coach Terjf Hol- i land. Kroll replaces Duncan Fast- ' tna, who. txrached the freshihan t team to a 17-2 record last year. ; Kroll,-who has 'deen in the in- •sura nee bu.siness : in Ghartnt’te,' will begin duties at Davidson in' Au.gust. , I “We could not be happier," I Holland said. "Jeny is a very Stn- nressive youn," man and 'ive think ep- tho ."w-ii .tij’yrywwty' MO TO advertisers: ^estions and nsw^ri NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Q. What are the 3 most important rulea for profitable newspaper advertisinK? What does A.B.C. do for mef A. i. Your advertising message should be newsy, V- friendly, informative, easy to read. Give facts and news about your merchandise and service. 2. Advertise regularly. Make your advertising do what successful salesmen do—call on customers and prospects consistently. I At regular intervals ona af tha Bnraau’a Urge staff of experienced circulation auditars makes a thorough audit of the cirtnUtion raeords of osch publisher member. The resnlta of oach audit are published in an aasy-to-raad A.B.C. report for your use and protection when you buy newspaper advertising. 3 Insist on audited circulation reports that give you the facts about the audience that your sales messages will have when you buy newspaper advertising. What are the FACTS in A.B.C. raporte? Q. Is there a measure for the value of news*, paper circulation to an advertiser such as the standards a merchant uses in buy ing merchandise—for example, like STERLING on silver? A.B.C. reports tell you how much circulation, where it goes, how obtained and othar facts that help you buy advartisin| .sip yon.wmdd make any,sound busineojimvtstment—on’ tlii| ‘ basis of known values dSk^uditsd information. Are all publications eligibis fer A.B.C. membership? A# Yes—in the well known circulation standards of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. A. Q. What is the A.B.C.? No. Only those with pmid circulation. This is important to advertisers because it is evidencs that the paper is wanted and read. A. The A.B.C. is a cooperative, non-profit associ ation of 3,450 adverti.sers, advertising agencies and publishers in the United States and Canada.' Organized in 1914. Brought or der out of advertising chaos by establishing a definition for paid circulation, rules and standards for measuring, auditing and re porting the circulations of news papers and periodicals. Q. Is this newspaper a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations? Yss. Ws are proud of our circulation. YU wsat you to know the FACn^ about ^ „ tl}s audience yeur seUii^ mss- tagea will kAye^wken thsy appear im these a sppy ef.eur_ lateet^A.B.C. report.. KINGS MOUNTAIN HEBAID ^l.t UNOilt^fACIt At A §A$tC Kr '.1, a 1070 graduate, was a hree-yoa.- .-itarter during a span n w’’; li the Wlldrats w n 73 galnes and last only 13. In that ime Davidaon teams were rank ed eighth, third and 15 national- ’y, xvon three .'■•tl sight Southern fcnterejioe cihamp-ion.shijw and rnadr; throe NG.\A pla.voJf 'caranoes, twice re.'dhlng .'a.strni Regional finals. In addit.ltn, he averaged ")r;rtt>: jxr , game for the 1®7 fiwhnran team that was'16-0.:!;. the only undefeotwd basketasli team In Davidson hl-iUiiy. ^ rank.-' Ets’enth -on Davidson’s ^ lime varsity scoriirg list with LtB3 p-dnts and av>ra,ged 13.9 irofrr^ )Of game. The second term of Gaidner- We;b College Summer School ; will begin July 10 and conclude with graduation on August 12, According to Thomas J. McGi’aw, director of summer school at t the college. Second semester re gistration will ;be held Saturday, jJuly 8, at 9 A.M. for those who I did not attend the first term. ■ The first semester has an en- I rollment of 416 students which is considered an excellent turn- ; but by school officials. I , Three sessions of classes aie I held each day for an hour andj 130 hUnutes each. The first class i begins at S o'clock each morning ifoUcwcd by 10 AIM. class and a 1 PAI. c'ass. Cour.'es for the second semes ter will include business admin- stratlon, art, education, theatre arts, English, Spanish, religion, bloiagy, chemistry, gcvology, .science, science education, math- ; ematics, data processing, socio- ' logy, geography, economics, 11- ' brary science, music education. .[speech, French, political science, | physical education, history, and j psychology. Aftxr graduating in 1970 Kroill ■sas dralfcd by tlic Indiana Pac- ere af the -4B-4 and. the Loe A'h- ;(das' Lakers of rhe NBA. evanittttlly -signtd wiith the P^c.; ecs and wa* traded to the daino- lina OtwgaTS. Kroll was rafed ojlg, it ^e top guards In the Oouga^; cat^ip. un,IJ) a knee injury emfpg ; his'ftareer. . ' -Wibr to sighUijj vvith Davidaqn, | Klhsll was a high school all-Amer- IcM ^t Memorml Senior Rill'h In Houston. ^ ■ You can’t, ; fool pre schodlei-s wh*h it cafnes to fobd, ' One young lad., enrollejl ii) a He«d. Start ttey Cait Ceijter ii) Pi^ham, wgs told in -the wffnfj ing .that ttie-green vegetable of the day would be collar.ds. ilowever, when the cook W'l gan to prepare the childTetp ?' noiun lunch; -she didn’t enough .doliard.s and substituted! ' ■ greens instead. turnip 'rte lad .called her hand. .Diji'- ipg'li ^'iupidi he emphatlbaliy ’’The oQok doesn't -kpaw hkl fop^. Thew aren’t eollarrfs. They-1 re tpo bitter."- . . , 'i 'Pf^ohobleita in Hepd Start «l)e ! exposi^ to tasting sessions wheirp i they iparii tq eat hew fcKi|iJ;i, notps! Mrs-Berji^disttc Watts. as&lstar<t‘ home eeortbmiis extension agent,.} Durham County. learned tds lesson well.. . dl^ria fLowsi had ' 'i iji During'Njftionai Miintol Heamh; V\'}(t|rK. ijjtienston.. h<>meiDBk#rp cliiib'^mehi^rs in AJaihante Cduh- ^ tyi^rejiiMisd- 50. arfifieii . fkjyitar : aidamgemen’ts to. darrj- to. patlenik' gt-Oth.slead Ptospltal 'ijfi.- B.i^her. ’•’t'; t»dles hop^ the areanik-: n^ts troUKf'l^fh^ each ^y- -fpi; the paii^Ls let thmp smpedne daipcs, s*jd ifr*. Ckgl^a Guye,'''. extension hprph ectjndniidt-’aj^nl. . V - ■ • su,vt» cOest; ■■ Tt',' ■i -.,-' . ■ ; iFfifnds ^eing through the din- ina njom «* 'he itayo Browg fatally,, BKadeitboro. alw'ay? e«m- m»nt ot>.->Irs. Biwvn’s elejfant silver chest. Add thdir 'flrst question ‘‘tVhiBrB did yoy get it?" j The chest originally was a I wpwden fcpx and lid used as a ' display case for garden seeds at a hMtal cBiuntrir store. ■ r, Mj>. Brewn refin.ished the hw. PU^ .(n)t divideip In- it for silver . aitd,vUijj^,'it^vitb .yfflyet, ' believe in making , uag ,e( ulnfti l hj^’e," the hbhlb- • iff |olW Wr*. EUdJie Blgke, if'.edPltrtjjji^s exteWsJon it^^chd, J '.'V i * '' Mr.jand Mha Rilahand'S. iJpjnaa, 3lp DavQi Hrive Basipmor Cl^, a^rtsititte the mrth of- ’ a son, Wedn^ay, July 5, Kings Mpun- tain hosplt^. . Mr: ahd Mr.s. Will lam H. Hager, 422 tevedere CSrcleT announce the birth Of a son, Wednesday, July 5, Kings Mountain hospitiid. Mr., and Mirs. W. C. Batehfind, 314 K S^rgo St, OaLUS, N. C., atmiDunce the birth of a daugh ter. Wednesday, July 5, iQngs Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Brown, Prinoetori Drive, announce the hrnih d a daughter, Friday, July 7, Kings Mountain hpspltaj. .Ml', and Mrs. Roger Poteat, Rt. 1, Bessemer City, aruioujjre the biinh of a daughter, FVlriay, July 7, Kings Mouirbain hospital. Mr. and Mre. Robert F. Ernst, 35 i Dbde TraUler Parte, announre the birth of a son, Sunday, July 9, Kings Mountain hcmital. Mr. and Mrs. Willuun L. Jad{- wn. 7115 . Bclhaven Boulevanl, Chaildttc, annmincc the birfli of a son, ^nday, July 9, Kln^j Mbuirtaln ho^ltal. | Mr. and M«. Michael E. BiSnMa, ) GenernJ Delivery, BovUlinj C»ecn, ^,C. annoyrkfe the bi-rth lA a son^ July 19, Kings S Atfimr, Koutf -nitauacit the b^. 414 Wn* July 10. ia^ MbudiUtB Grand Optiiing Friday Night, July 14 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Located at old Kings Mountain Super Club Opd Moose Lodge Building Daiice 9 PaIii. Until 1 Entertainment by The Wonders ri Club noom Opens at 5 p.m. MEMBERS ONLY — Quests Welcome If Accompanied by Member New Membership Applications Now Being Accepted Hubert Boyles, Manager #F,n SAVE HERE! Home Savings & Loan Association has a savings ac count plan tailored to the needs of any and everyone. Small Invetor? Open an account with as little as a dollar. Add to it regularly and prepare for surprise at how fast your total-increased by quarterly dividends —grows. Large Investor? Use bonus savings certificates or special higher-feturn certificates. Cdii't B4»dt Savihg Returns Here Home S & L Assn. 44^4. •««»«.. -A*. IDS B. Mountoiki Dbvuain window Service Free Parking .4^—4^ t t .l Su Inf and lo; tc( of th of Co Jiily Direc Colle( annot The area ai'C a tion : The the Ii ment clition pri me ditioii For show; lion I of th( adjus level pioyiT sli:Thl a (on wa rd nu.mb millio May 1 All diia’; Burca law ni .statisl Inlc houscl IS-ye the m Wonke enterh THEAl day Ol Admis from 1 Wad

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