Population Greater Kings l#"*’''"*ain ^1.914 City Limits 8,465 GrMtar Kings MountolB -^jurs U icom tM ipeuni Unltsd Ktatns Bureou of tbs Census report o icmuorf 1960. and Includes the 14,890 populoUiin o NuaUMr 4 Township, and tne remaining 6.184 iron Pomoer S Township. In Cloreland Countg and Crowdnr* viountotn Township to Gaston ConntT. Kings Mountoin's Reliable Newspaper VOL. 83 No. 30 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, July 27, 1972 Eighty-Third Ye PRICE TEN CENTS Strikers Heard, But Board Decision Is Reaffirmed Pail! ^ I Wooten Reports ijiadden Rescues bin Garbage Pickop Service Normal At Lake Caswell lliigs Mouiitaiu Mending i Retreat CATHODE RAY TUBE — New equipment installed by SouiheTH Bell in Gastonia this year is the telephone like di.'^play screen with conventional keyboard to type service orders. Operating the machine is Mrs. Janet Branton. service order typist, while R. B. Moore, Southern Bell manager, is shown obsexving. Infor mation is stored in a computer ba:ik end messages are called out to be pictured on the screen. Funeral Conducted For Harold George A Sci'cn.i Bapti.st chur.li ri*- ticai to the bcaLii oncle:! in Ira- ;’OJy WedncsJjy evening for a Kir!;^'; -Mountain family. Kov. Ka^enc Land, paster el Soj'.ncl diurcli, called i-ni.m.xers ci hi- con"re;;ation with the nevv.s that Paul Gladden, one the m( m>hers Oi llie sroup, dr wned afu. In pulled a youn.i' aild lijm deep water. The M'.nLstor, w'ho spoke via I licne with Ira Palls, a.')(;ul 7 p. ra., said that Gladden, 20, son Ct Mr. and M:s. Jehn W. Gladden ■ Ci. Kin;.;s Mountain, had gone out into the deep waters of a lake at Ca.-.Acil Baptist Retreat near Wil- mih-.-.n 1j help a young gfrl "in n‘ou‘:ie". ‘lie get her back to the 1 r-.x's and wo lookoi and Paul suddenly disappeared.’ Hescue workers were otill drag ging liie waters for young Glad den’s bedy laic Weunesday, Mrs. James vV. Ware, another mem- :xM’- oi the distressed congrega tion, reported. Aiftcr hearing news of the ac cident, parents oi other chHdren in tlie outing party irn'mediately . leU jljr.4:be Cifc>»)ii>/Vlni60 JiWtoa 'l*>t ■ »hini trtif.’V- Uie coast were Mr. and Mr.s. Chal mers Pruitt, Mr. and Mrs. jimmy Guyten, Mr. and Mns. Dewitt Guy ton, Mr. and Mrs. Htooks MoAbee, and Ira Kails. I AmoKsg 53i!Q7 Two i Men Scut Mates I CUlicial atlendancc at the I annual jll-slar game in At- I laiiia Tuesday nigiii was o3,10f. Among them was Ollio Har ris and Jii.s grandson John Oliv er Ill. After Hank Aaron's sixth in ning heme run, Mi. Harris was ehavting wiiii hij noiglioor who said, in effeol, "Wasn't that great?” iMr. Harris replied, “Sure, for tlhe BrJvcs and tlie National League and you—if you’re a National League fan." Convcr.saticn continued, and Mr. Harris remarked that he was from Nv.rih CarMina.” Three Youths hie Charged: Egg Assault His new-found friend replied, “1 once was from North Caro lina, vs'htre are you from?” Kings Mountain. "Say. I UiCd to live in Kings Mountain,” the neighbor re plied. Tile neighbor proved to be Larry Lline, wbo lives at near- cy Marietta, he is tiie son of City CLmmissioncr Kay Cline and son-in-law of Lulhex Ben nett. Mr. Cline continued, ‘T thought I had seen you before. My Dad and father-in-law are up there somewhere in the ' Three iKings Mountain yiuths ' were arrested Tue.sday night for j assault by throwing cgg.s after a 1 11:30 p.m. incident on vv’atteia^n ; Srect. | j City ■polu'c officers B. I'. Cook ! and Eoo Mead-w.s served wux"- 1 rants on Allen Lane Lr^gnii, 17, i Mark Erne-'d McDaniel, 17, and 1 Giegory Sutton, IT. j Aceerding to p dice, Konnio Per- ' kins cf 400 Parker Street and AI- I frevt J:mc:-son of Route 2 alleged ‘ that they were walking along i t!io street when a car drove by ! and the three youths threw eggs ceivin; I a: them. I There were other reports of ! egg-lhrcw'ing against cars and 1 buddings Tuesday night but no ; c.her chaige.s were filed. By MARTIN HARMCN Garbage pick-up service was 11-mill Wednt,‘."'iiay. Public Works Koicman Ris oo Woilen .said, fcT 1 wing ai/oreciated service over i1m‘ vscckeiul in the wake cf a sir,ke . vv.irkman rtporled at noon VVediK.sda^, "We’ve cleaned up Cifs.eni Hill.” .M'. VVucten reporti'd a full c\>m- plemcnt ol It- men on the pick up detail, in.luding seven men who didn’t walk ou; Inur' day, two who returned Ic work Friday, and Svven oMicr (‘niido.veca. In a sp(*cial meeting Sunday aftornroii, the board oi coinmis- si. ncis adepu^d a resolution de claring tile men who left their jci).-: an 1 lailed to return had for- leiiid their joas. Mayer J.;!in Henry Moss said Monday afternoon, "llie trucks are rolling.” The workmen are paid $1.93 Galveston, Te.xas and per houi. with truck driver.s re- $1.97. Mr. Wooten said PARTNER Huah Hallam, Jr. is a new partner and pharma cist at Mountaineer Pharmacy. Hallam loins KM Pharmacy Hugh Hallam. Jr., 30, native oi Arlington. Va. piiarmacist the pisl five years, has jiined Mountaineer I Wednesday Nigh! Vote Unanimous Ey MARVIN iiARMON 1 The cit\ tf-rm’^si-n rec'invpn- ed its earlic. seed n tliat ended at 6:30 W( im :i:*> t- give audi- en'’o I ) nine (. .Tipl w'cc •. w ho had walke:! cut I ut Thur:day, but the iv.-iult was the same: The four c c.Timi.sHoiieM pres ent voted ur. inm.M! Iv !■ reaf firm its deci.si(.n cl Sunday de- cla.ing those w'l walked cui as n longer in tlie city’s erm.dcy.^ Ccmnii.-.sioner Jonas Bridges made the mclion and Commi.a- sicner N'orman King scL'oiuled. Voting aye were Commis.sioncrs Seimore Biddix and T. J. Ellison. Johnny Short spoke for the em ployees, st.Uing they wanted more puj, more equipment, and ma-c lielp. Among his cemments were, •The new super doosiTt know what Uiese men know,” and “A man in Gastonia don’t know noliiiiig aojul Kings Mountain.” Miles H. tSmileyi Myers con tended the men ‘•ouldn’t get a- Service Station Owner Died Sunday Night Funeral rites for Harold Dean George, 37, owner and cjicrator of King Street Gulf Station, wore conducted Tuesday afternoon at 4 p.m. from Ea.st Gold Street Wes leyan church ,inteMnent following in Mountain Re.st cemetery. Joyce Ann King, daughter of Comm, and Mrs. Norman King, also called heme to report the tragedy. Rev. Ml. Land had accompani- c 1 a large group on the outing M mday morning, Mrs. Ware said. 'ii.ung Gladden is the youngest Li 11 children of Mr. and Mrs. , I J.dm W. Gladden and their sec- Buildm- permit purchases were oiaddcas brief dunn- the past week, prin-j , ^ drowning, cipal amons tl,em purclia.se of, Gladden, some years a-o. a peimit by N. !•. ! .\ graduate of Kinais Mountain addition of a room, estimated to Madden wa,, a >.:udt nt at Gaston college. He was active in the youth program Se.;oiuI E.iDtisi cliurcli. WW n Reunion Here On Sunday h..urs (otiaiglii time) per week. Johnny Short, spokesman for tlie gfwup, was quoted as saying the men wanted $2.10 and $2.20 per liour respectively plus tlie live iK'iveiii raise the city will in.sliluie for all employees on SepUmoer 1. Mayor Moss noted that city j fringe benefits are "good”, in-1 [eluding eity-pakl hospitalization; Funeral ri^'s for Dorus Frank-1 insurance and a retire- j lin Smith, t-t, Lake Montonia i plan. Employees get a i Club caretaker, were conducted i ^veek’s paid vacation after a; Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. trom j year's employment, two week’s] Qasar Bai^ist chureik j (paid vacaHom after five-yeap^s, folicwln? in the church cemeterv. with a weeks bonus pay at Cluh Caretaker s Rites Conducted r..und” on their acvsigned routes the normal w’ork schedule is 44 pharmacy as a partner and phar- i and told the board, "ihey want macict. | pay rales of $2.10 and $2.25 per ' hour.” i Johnny Whaley said P'oreman Kostoe Woolen told him on Wha- U->'s Ih-sl day as a driver, ‘‘Get’ ovei liie roiUe twice or else.” Danny Smith, who drives a "limb” truck, contended the city could save mu{Mi time and money with a chopping machine, saving time - consuming trips to the dumping area. Mr. Short contended the “five percent raise isn’t enough”. Anncuncemcnt of the new’part nership was made by Carl V. WiesGiier. Mr. Hallam is a graduate of North Dakota Stale University ! and Sv’hool ol Pharmacy. He is married to the former Joyce James and they are par ents of a son, Jeff, age 10. The Hallams are Baptist and are residing in Georgetown Apart- mtnts. Building Petmit Activity Brief ©' Rev. Edwin R. (Tiristtie officiat ed at the final riles, assisted by Rev. W. Leonard Huffstetler. x\ctive pallbearers were Frank Hollifield, Guy Wallens, Denver Sliula, Alfred Tate, Ed Yarbro and Paul Grigg.s. Kings Mountain Rescue' Scfuad mcimbens Max Brooks and Keith Bewen answered a call Saturday night at 10:20 to the George home at IGOO Shelby road. Mr. Bowen said they found George lying in the yard Ix'himi his car, his body close to the left rear wheel. Bowen .said they found no pulse but immediately began administering mouth-to- moU'th re.-jcuitation and heart mas.sage in effort to rt'vive him. Mr. George was pronounced dead on arrival at Kings Moun tain hospital at 10:30 p.m. by County Medical Examiner Dr. Sam Robinson. On a question of cause of death. Dr. Robin.s )n told the Herald yesterday eveming, "Our studies are incomplete” There are no indications of foul play.” A Kings Mountain native, John 1. George, Sr. ol Kings Moun- 'tain. Surviving, oUkt tlian hi.- George was .son of Mr. and Mrs. parent.s, arc his wife*, Mrs. Mickey Hamm George; one s >n, TG;niny Dean George, arul three daugh ters Debbie, Tammie, and Kim George, all of the heme'; four brothers, John George, Jr. of Kingj Mountain, Kcnnelh George of Lincolnton, Curtis Gexirge of Statesville and Richard George of Virginia Beach, Va.; and three sisters, M-rs. Bill Wy(*rs, Mr.s. Hor ace Cunningham and Mrs. Gary jii k c\>sl $3S50. to his residence at 705 wore i West Mouiuain street. Melvin W’right is c.mtracor. DenifTiiion permit was i^su(*d to Mauney Mills, Inc., to remove a .smill metal building, a remodel- ing permit (zoning! was issued to EmedcH Jones, wlio lives in the Route 3 perimeter area. Irailer placement was isoued to Fred and Geneva Neal, 1419 Shelby Road. l Oi The tliild rep irledly pulled to .salety oy young Gladden was a meni jcr cl a Forest City Baptist l iiurvh gi- up led by the minister- hi Oi W. W. Laughter of King.; Maantain. Mauney Home On Home Tour Gimand Clan Beumon Set Annual Ormand Reunion will , , be held Saturday at 12:30 at Tin* summer homo of Rep. and Presbyterian church. Mrs. W. K. Mauney. Jr. of Kings p.' Mountain Is among f.ve vacation and kin recall the first homes on the annual tour ] ^atiu rin *' the “Old Furnace hom<- .»ponsored by the women I attracted crowds of St. Mary.s of the Hills Episco-i auaiaer of years to what pal cluirih of Blowing Rock. Qj^j pui-nace Iron Tour hours ai(* Friday from creek nearby in the 11:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. ending with a complimentary tea at Blowing Hock Country club. A luncheon will be .servcrl at the Parish Hall there Irom 11 a.m. Long Greek I'ommunity. The pic- niikers spriuKl their lun'eh on the banks of the creek. Mrs. P. C, Froneborger of Gas- until 2 p.m. and a bazaar will boj tonia is the historian for the clan follCwlng in the church cemetery. Mr. Smitti died Friday in the Christmas, 53 pay checks for the Kings Mouiitain hospital. year. Sick pay is geared to longev- He was the son of the late: Henry Smith and Mattie Walker | Monday morning, Mayor Smith. ^ ^ I Moss conferred at length with Surviving are hi^ wife, Mrs. | 3hort and subsequently with World War II Army veterans'Green Smith, a foster (Smiley) Myers, in the 545lh Ordnance Division I The Mayor told the Herald lat will gather for nual reunion here Sunday p.m. at the American Legion building. Legion Member Drive Underway Comm. Bridges, via statements i from bath Mr. Short and Mr. Wooten, c-onfirmed that the strik- had walked off the job with out giving advance notice. Comm. Bridges then made the motion for icalhima-lion. Attack Fatal their fourth an-1 E:jweII; one sister, Mrs. Pete Nlic-j gj. informed these me>i he: reports Adjutant Joe H. Me- C^AVVaII 47 *re Sunday at I, ol Casar and one brother. i would glad to discuss the Daniel, Jr. j AU vClAAvAAf a* American Legion Post 155’s! memoership drive is underway - with 187 mem’oers already sign- Frank Hamrick, a former Mas- ^ ter Sergeant during World War| 11 and a mechanic at Grigg Ga-; rage, is lo(.*al chairman of the ar-1 rangoments committee with Clin-' ten Jolly as co-chairman. CoChairman Hamrick and Jolly estimated a crowd of between 50- GO “army buddies" _from New York, Florida, New Oilcans and the two Carolinas will attend. Jim Smitli of Casar. Rev. Jerry Laughter, assisted j by Rev. Cecil Bull, officiated at j the final rites. | Wright Sentenced In Drug Case matter with all dissident em-: ployeos individually. [ Mr. Wooten sajd he had insti-1 luted same changes, including; route changc.s, which “may have] upset some employees”. One of the changes he said he had in-. stiiuted was assignment of a • "late” detail to remove trash in| the retail busines.s area “after' Adjutant McDaniel reminds Lc-! Funejal_ rites for Tl^mas E. gionnaircs when they return theii Carr:*!!, 47. of 100< N. Pi^mont mem’oership dues via mail to Avenue, were conducted Wednes- mark on the check the name of ^ day afternoon at 1:30 p.m. froni the LegionnaiTe to whom credit is to be given for the dues’ collcx.- tioq. Legienn-aires are o’otain "Go-Getter ” Forrest Wayne Wright, 21, of Route 2, Kings Mountain, wa.s sentenced one to two years in prison Thursday in Superior Court after pleading guilty to a charge of posses.'-ion of hashish with in tent to sell. Wright was arrested last Jan- TT -i. in 1-.^ ^7 by King.s Mountain Po- Henry Mass and Police Ohief Tem high-speed chase which resulted hours”, or subsequent to 5:30 p.m.' mem-bership eflort. working to jlaius in the Present .•special guests will bo Senator Cllie Harris of Kings Mountain, Senator Marshall Rauch of Gastonia, Mayor John McDovitl of Kings Mountain. Rev. Pa.sehal Waugh, pastor of Contml Methodist church, will give the invocation. CIiarle.s Dwyer, of Charlotte, third member of the arrange- mints committee, has arranged lor the visitors to enjoy a cook- out on Saturday evening in Char lotte where they will be over night guests. hold in conjunction witli the luncheon. GTher liome.s on the tour are th(.rs(? of Mr. and .Mr.s. Dick Pope, of Cyprus Gardens, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Shuford of Hickory, Mrs. Belly Arbu(klc of Charlotte, and Mr. and Mr.s. James Comer of Gastonia. The throe-storied white Mauney homo pei\die.l at the tip of tlie gorge at B1 -.wing RO(*k features great ex]xui.sos of ghuss to pro vide sceniL' areas from inside, or from the par.li, wliich overhangs th(' gorge. Soft greens and warm yellows and oranges make a nat ural transition from inside to out. Sarvis, ai Kings Mountain. AUGUST DANCES August American Legion dances will feature "The Pali sades” on Augu.st 12th and “The Six of Clubs” on August 26th. Hold Growing Large Tomatoes Ge.>rge B. Ilnrd, retired as sistant pnatmastor. grows to- mat''0.' in hi-' backyard. The Hurd tirmatoe.s are Big Buys, vvliich ti]) the .seale.s at approximately one and one- IcuiUi pounds. and will road the history of the Ormand;. James Ormand of Gastonia is president of the clan and will cxuuluct busintv s of the meeting. "We invito eCoryone to come ’and bring well filled picnic bas ket.;”, .said a spokesman. Unit To Treat Oteen Patients M(mb('rs of the American Leg ion Auxiliary to Post 155 will treat patients of Oteen hospital to a bingo party on Auguot 27th, Project Chairman Mrs. Robert Ruff announced. Legionnaires are Being invited to join the Auxiliary members in the project. Members of Otis D. Green Post 155 recently voti*d to ctmtribute a new television set to patients at the hospital. Bessie Bnmgaidnei Badly Injured When Hit By Cai Saturday Night A 28-ycar-old Be.‘?semer City man, Ler.iy Camp'nell, has 61*011 charged with liit and run involv ing jicrsonal injury and driving on the wrong .side of tin* road hdlowing a Saturday night acci dent on York Road. Aecerding tf- tin* highway pa trol, Campbell turned himaelf in at King.-; Mountain Police Dt part- mont after Miss Be.ssie Bumgard- ncr, owner and operator of Bes- .sie’s Beauty Shop on N. C. 161. was hit by a car about 9:30 p. in the tw’o cars wrecking in Gro ver. Approximately 20 pounds of hashish was recovered from Wrighl’.s 1970 Pontiac GTO and from his home in the Bt*thl(item Community. Most of tlie hashish was found in w’ooden tubes in the trunk of the car. Judge Harry Martin ordered Wright to a one to two year term in “custody of the commissioner cf corrections in Raleigh.” Wright was given an additional year suspended sentence. Judge Martin ordered Wright to Record $3,485,647 City Budget Is Adopted; Tax Rate 85 Cents The city commission finally a-, all other departments, one of the depted, as it liad tentatively on June 28, a record $3,485,647 bud get for 1972-73, including $230,801 in capital improvements. The city c«)inmi&3ion also offi- cally set the prajierty tax rate at 85 cents ])er $100 property valua tion, same rate obtaining for many years, including five cents lor re^Tcaiional purposes. TJie budget as is required by North Carolina is in balance, with anticipated income the same as anticipated outgo. Principal increase in revenues derives Irom upward projections fourltd sale of utilities, including in- I cH/me from the water and sewer system of $170,400 (vs. $138,380) report to the probation offk'cr on 1 from the electric and power sys- his release from prison, to pay j tom $667.8(X) tvs. $532,026), the the court cost and to wnsent to! natural gas system $501,900 (vs; a search of his car or himself by! $111,278) and due from othei the probation officer at any ti'mc| funds $68ii,310 tvs. $652,637). wRhout a search warrant. A charge cf reckles.s driving a- gainst Wright was consolidated in the judgment. Hig car is also on trial for transporting hasliish. major one being the police de partment, up from $135,250 to $187,229 and reflecting the com mission’s prior decision to om^ ploy seven additional officer; (six have been employed to date) to provde two--man patrols dur ing night hours. Capital improvem(*nts are bud geted at about $30,(KK) more .than in the year ending June 30. Other doparlmcnlal spending estimates: Cemetery department, $21,500 vs. S17.50C. Administrative department $65,- 215 vs. $56,280. Sanitary department $101,000 vs. $92,750. Street department $167,000 vs. $143,553. Fire department $50,100 vs. $36,625. the Cliapel of Harris Funeral Home. Rev. Burlie Moss and Rev. C. A. Host ofticialed at the final rites and interment was in Mountain Rest cemetery. NIr. Carroll died of an appar ent heart attack at 5:10 p.m. Monday on a downtown Kings Mountain street. A native of Cherokee County, S. C., he was the son of William K. Carroll of Kings Mountain and the late Mattie Blalock Oarroll. Surviving others than his lather are two brotliers, Haskell Carroll and Floyd Carroll, both of Kings Mountain; and thre3 s:sters, Mrs. Vergie Walters of Chula Vistia, Calif., Mrs. Ethel Bush of Kings Mouirtain and Mrs. Lois Huntinger of Bessemer City. Rites Conducted For Mrs. Hope, 84 m. Saturday. An o.st ing highway patrol man J. L. Evans .said Miss Bumgardner was about four feet into the loft lane when a car came across the (enter line and struck her. S!ie w'as admitted to Kings'ship. Mountain ho.spital where she re mains a patient. She suffortnl a cracked pelvis and .si*vere lacera tions and torn ligaments in her right leg. She is to undergo knee surgery at a later date, a famWy spokesman said. VFW To Sponsor Annual Contest Frank B. Glass Post 9811 is a- gain sponsoring the "V^oice of Democracy” oratorical contest in the school system. Students wlio are lOlh, Hth or 12th graders in public and priv ate schools are eligible for the ccmpetiticn. The national winner j receives a $10,000 college .scdiolar- Funeral rites for Mrs. Florence Peeler Hope, 84, of Charlotte, formerly of Kings Mountain, j wore conducted Tuesday after noon at 2 p.m. from Oarolhers F'uneral Home, • Mount Holly, ! graveside sor\ ices following in General department $220,185:^*"-® Mountain’s Mountain Rest The bu(iget includes a five per- vs. $194,352. ; c(m(*tory. j- j o j * . cent wag(* increase for all city Recreation department $51,921' bunday in a employees, effective Sept. 1. ' vs. $41,224. ^Charlotte hixspital. Otlier income boosts include' The approixlialion of 5230,801' widow of Will the city’s share of the one per-; for capital (long-term) improve- cent state sales tax, estimated a $97,644 (vs. $59,310), and in crease in state gasoline ta.x from the Powi‘11 Bill, virtually doubled to $108,521. (Pcwell Bill funds re bated to the cities effective July 1 were legislated by the 1971 General .Assembly.) One budget appropriation is less, for dc’ot service, and reflec*t- ing Uie city’s $170,000 per year amortization of bonded indebt edness. The new year’s intereist bill will be $193,500, compared to $202,600 in fiscal ’72. The return from increased tax valuation.s of $45,600,449 tindi- caled) w'ould return on 100 per- olkH-lions $387,603, which Commander Jack Smitji .said .students will be asked to sjieak on the .subject, “My Re.spon.sibili- j ty. to Fn'cdom” and that tai)es of! ihe city budgets on e.stimatc of last year's winners will be playpriation) $14,950. in the various classrooms of the i fi^^cal year. | 7) Police department, three cars school system, 1 Apprcpiiations arc greater for' Cunltnutjd On Payc Hix ment.s for 1973 includes 1) a new ek*i'trical sub-station to be located on 5’ork Road, esti mated cast $16,500. 2) Iwo garbage packers and trash truck, estimated cndsI $2,000. 3) New fire truck and pumper, estimated cost $30,603. 4) Fire deparltment ladders and other equipment $3500. 5) Eccikstical imprcA’cments to the community center building $5000 and mini-p.ark develop ment in re.sidential areas $25