■M jghter iVilfion tonsil- irlotte ind is ?v. 'Mr. m and [•ches. IS dis- Kings treat- ustain- under street. irdner, when 22 on recup- untain ! # Population Creoter Kings 21.914 City Limits 8.465 GiMMr I11B9P Mouatala !• Itmii tfet ep#ktf4 Uott«d litotM Bur«m ot lb« Ctuiu Mport • lonvaiy 1M6. und iBcludM Um I4.H0 pepulottoa o HiuuJMr 4 Towuhip, cmd Im* maalBlPV B.IM fra* R mu««r S Townnhtp, la Cl*T«lcmd Couaty oi * " ' TewMbip ta Qcwtoa Coa»ty. Kings Mountoin*s Reliable Newspoper VOL 83 No. 33 Esfsblished 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, August 17, 1972 Eighty-Third Year PRICE TEN CENTS Summer Ends Next Thursday As School Bells Ring Three Break-Ins, Robberies, Manhunt Keep Police Busy; Cash, Jewels Taken GRADUATE — Benny Dwoin Yarbrough has received his de gree in pschology from Gardner Webt coilega. Yarbiough Wins Degree 'Bonny Dwain Yarbrough, 'on of Mr. and Mrs. Bon Yarbrough of Kings Mountain, was gradu ated Saturday from Gardner- collogo at Boiling Springs. Yarbrough received his Bache- 1% lor of Science degree In psychol- Kings Mountain man is SiidoytHi Icy Kings Mountain Brick. He expects to return to St hool in about a year to resume work tovvaixl a master’s degree. McGill Heads Gaston McGills Norman F. McGill, Jr., partner in MdGills Esso Service Station, was elected president of McGill’s <if Gastonia at the annual reunion of the Clan Sunday at Bethel Church Anor. 'Mr. MdGill succeeds T. A. Lynn of Gastonia. Re-elected secretary t rcasurer was Mrs. Martin Harmon. 'Miss Willie McGill gave a his tory of the Clan and President Lynn read the scripture. Tim Gladden said the invocation. ipjcsidont Lynn announml that the Clan is publishing a 3()-page history book which will be off the presses in the next few days. Orders for the booklet s-liould be directed to Herald Editor Mar tin Harmon. Outlaw At-Large Is 25-Year-OId Prison Escapee Elford Guy Coker, 25-year-oId escapee from a Gaffney, S. C., pri son, who was the center of a manhunt in Kings Mountain Sun day, was Tuesday declared an outlaw by Superior Court Judge B. T. Falls. According to tlie Attorney Gen eral’s office, Coker i^ only the third person to be declarld an j)Utlaw in North Carolina. This means that any person, either a citizen or law enforce ment official, can shoot and kill Coker if he refuse.s arrest. Coker, who had been serving a 12-year sentence for armed rob bery, is wanted by Kings Moun tain authorities on charges of raping his five-year-old niece on August 3. Sunday’s search by local and Cherokee County, S. C., law en forcement officers began when Kingj Mountain police officer Tommy King stopped a car on Margrace Road. King said he spotted Coker in the back seat. When the car stopped, Coker ran and King gave chase. Ring tripped aui^' suffered a broken ankle. Coker is described as a white male, approximately five feet, eight inches . tall and weighing pounds; He has daHt, curly hair and a dark complexion. 'Kings Mountain Police Chief Tom McDevitt said late Wednes day that Coker’s father was try ing to locate him and urge him to turn himself in to authorities. McDevitt speculated that if he turns himself in, it will bt with in the next 24 hours. Coker reporedly has been liv ing in a wooded area behind his home since escaiping from the Gaffney prison three weeks ago. Police said they have Tound a large piece of plastic in the woods, used as a shelter, and emp ty food cans where he is believed to have camped. According to the police, rela tives had been taking him some of his meals up until the time the alleged rape occured. Police said that two ^nephews and the 7ivo-year-old niece took Coker his meal on that day. The two nephews reportedly returned home to get hatchet for the fugi tive and loft the girl alone with him. When the boys returned tru-j found that the girl had been raped, police said. Coker was spotted in the area Saturday night and prison author- Continued On Page Eight laycee Benefit To Rescue Squad ^£*he Kings Mountain Jaycees fly Kive away a liKJ2 Chevrolet ^“Btlun wagon on the final night of the Bethware F'air, Sept. IG. A drawing will bo hold at 10 p.m. and Steve Wilson, chairman winner does not have to be pre- of the car committee, said the sent. Tickets for the drawing may 'be obtained for one dollar dona tion, which will go to the Kings Mountain Uoscuo S<juad. Ti(‘kcts may ho OJtaintHl at Myers Print ing, Belt Detective Agency. Har ris F'uncral Home and the Kings Mountain R<?scuo S<iuad building. Rape Charge Is Lodged A 32-year-old TCings Mountain man has been charged with the August 11 raf)e of Mrs. Ruth Eu banks of 402 Hill Street. PoHce arrested Winifred Hope, who is aVicused of entering the Eubanks home around 3:45 a.m. August IT and sexually assault ing Mrs. Eubanks, According to police reports, Mrs. Eubanks and her husband, Grady Eubanks, were both asleep wlien Hope alledgedly entered the home. Grayson's First Firm To Relocate In Downtown; In New Home Today Groj^oii'a Jewelry, a Kings day). J Mountain business citizen since 1917, bwame the first business to relocatt' in the downtown pro- ! ject Tu(*sday. \ The ji‘welry store has 0(vupied handsome now, air-conditioned quarters in the building formerly j occupied by First-Citizens Bank & f Trust Company at 133 West ) Mountain street, f Tile firm’s homo ha,'? bi'cn in I the W. K. Mauney building which is yet to be purchased by the ■Kings Mountain Redevelopment J Commission. j Mrs. T. Woofi Grayson, owner of (* firm, said the firm will open ^Bits new lucation today (Thurs- The interior and e^^rtbf of the completely renovated build ing is yellow and large picture display windows open over the city’s new min paik. Enhancing the front of the building is a ■planter of flowers. ilnside the building arc 'ample display sections and one new feature is a music section which Tommy Grayson says will include country and western and go^>el ta'pes and records, in addition to the regular stock. music fix tures are also an ad’ditibn. Other mcmibers of the ^aff are Mi.'ss Peggy Rass,,. manager, and Mrs. Ralph Harrison. TAPPED — Dr. Bob E. Patter son, son of Mr. and Mrs. De witt Potterson of Kings Moun tain. has been tapped as one of the ''Outstanding Educators of Americo” for 1972. Di. Patteison InWho'sWho iDr. Bob E. Patterson has been elected one of the “Outstanding Educators of America” for 1972. H-is name will be included in the 1972 awards volume publish ed to repognize the achievements of the nation’s most distinguished college and university teachers and scholar. Only a select numlber of men and women are included in the awards volume every year — individuals whose contributions to profession and cxnnmunity have merited special recognition. Guidelines Include an educator’s talents in the class room, contributions to research, administrative abilities, civic ser vices and professional rec*ogni- tion. Dr. Patterson, an associate pro fessor at Baj^Tor University in Waco, Texas, was also electcKl the “Outstanding F'aculty Mem- iber Ifor 197172” by the stud<mt 'body at Baylor. He is son of Mr and Mrs. Dewitt Patterson of Kings Mountain. Dr. Patterson is editor of the twelve volume series, “Makci’s of the Modern Theological ■Mind.” The first three volumes of the series have alicady been published and the others are in the process of pifolication. He is the author of the seventh vol ume in the series. In 1971, he published “The Stirring Giant” a 312 page 'book on church re newal. IDr. Patterson is a B. A. gradu ate from Baylor University. He also holds three giaduate de- fgrees and has done post gradu ate work in philosophy at the University of Texas, 1500 Exp^ted By Craftspun Grocer, Motel, Rippy Jewelry Were Targets A rash of break-ins, two arm ed robbe/ic.s in the area, and a manliunt lor an outlaw and al leged rapist kept area law en- fojvemeiit officers busy during the ueekoTid. Polire said Saturda> morning's armed n>bbcfy oi K'jyal Villa Motor Inn at 1-85 netted thieves over $2(X) in eajh and travelers cheeks and Sunday morning’s break-in of Rippy’s Jewelry fill ed ihiev’cs purses with 16 waUTi- cs and 13 rings. Tuesday morning a Grover road service station c^crotor was b<‘at- en and robbed of approximately $200. iWednesday the .search had wid ened for a 25-year-aId prison escapee, Elford Coker, former res ident of the Margrace area, wTio was officialy declared an outlaw, the state's third. Cleveland County Sheriff’s dep uties are still investigating tiie Tuesday morning beutinj: and rebbery of a Route 2, grocery store and service station operator. Henry Wiiitc, 79-year-old owner of the Military Park Service Sta tion on Highway 29 near Grover, told Dot. Paul Barbee that two blaiok men beat him and nibbed him of $200 shortly after 8:30 a.m., as he was straightening up some drink bottles in the tback of the store. White told Barbee the two men hit 'him over the head with some kind of object. He said he tried to get uj) and they knocked him down again and ttK>k his wallet. He said the men tlien went to the cash 'register and tried to oi)en it but it was kK’ked. WTiitc said he tried again to got up but'the men aga^in knock ed him to the floor and beat him. Ho said the men started to leave the store and when lie tried to get up again they turned and fired a shot at him. Wliite said tile pistol appeared to be a .22 Continued On Page Eight Mis. C. F. Stowe's Rites Conducted iF'unerai rites for -Mrs. Martha Catherine Stowe, S9, widow of Charles F. Stowe who died in TB-IO, were conducicxi Monday, morning at 11 o’clock from Kings Mountain Baptist chuivli of which slie was a member. Her pastor, Rev. James Wild er, officiated at the final rites and interment was in .Mountain Rest cemetery. Active pallbearers were W. T. Weir, Odell Benton. J. C. Bridges, Eugene Rotjcrts, Jake Hord and Marion Di.xon. Mrs. Stowe died Saturday aft ernoon at 5:30 p. m. in the Kings Mountain hospital 'follow ing declining health for several years. She was a native of Gaston county, the daughter of the late iMr. and Mrs. William Wriglit. A crowd of between 1300-11500 j She formerly ovviumI and operat- Oraftsjpun Yarn emplo-yees and led Sl(m'o’s Cash Grocery. CITY EMPLOYEE HONORED FOR LONG SERVICE—Glenn Carroll, left, holding plaque, is congrat ulated on “17 years service with the City of Kings Mounain” by Mayor John H. Moss, pre senting the certificate along with a gift from Carroll’s co-workers in the Public Works Department. Mr. Carroll retired August 11th on his 65th birthday. Pictured in the group around Carroll and the Mayor, from left'to right, J, C. Bell. Andrew Smith Bynum Cook, Ace Mace, Dale Watson, James Boheler, Ronnie Carpenter, Jerry Hollifitld, S. A, "Rod ' Blanton. Mr. Moss, Donnie Mace, Jack Wil liams, and Public Works' Supt. Roscoe Woolen. (Photo by Jim Belt) Mayor To Tap 15-Man Group On Celebration A 15-man Centennial /omnii.'i- siuui to plan tijc i’ommiuiit} ei'lebration of King^s Mount-iin’^s lObth birthday in 1971 will be Icrmuiatcd. The city c-jmmlsslMi ha.? au thorized Mayor John i • ap point 15 citiz(‘ns to a cemniUsion for tile purpise of directing the Centennial cclofTna^ion and its attend a n t ccrcm on i es. "We anticipate this will be the city’s biggest <vl<‘bratioM in many years”, said tlic mayor. Mrs. Rites Pattersons Conducted Mosters Infant Seiiously Ill The inlani aaiighler of Mr. and .Mrs. Bennett Ma.sters re- maim d in .serious condition yes terday in Clevelind Memorial hcs(f)ital at Shelby. Tlie baby was born Tue.?da\ morning at 8 a.m., with a lung ailment. ' ^ Mr. Masters is a Harris Funeral Home employee. their families will gather for the company’s annual picnic Satur day. Lunch will bo spread from 12 until 2 p-m. at Shelter No. 2 at Lake Crawford at South Carolina State Park. A i^pokesman for the firm said that activities for employet's and their famdlios will get underway at 11 a.m. and continue until 4 p.m. He said horseshoe pitching, badminton games, swimming, and putt-putt goM are on tlie agenda for the day. arc Football Tickets Go On Sale Here Season foootbell tickets now on sale at the Kings Moun tain bigih school. Scihool Secretary .Sandra Bum- gairdner said tickets, good for five home games, are $7 each. First game of the season for the Moufitarneers is Septem-ber 1 with Bessemer City as the visit ing team. School Workshop Was "Success" The first subj>titute teacher worksliop cmductcd by the City Scluwl.s Admini.stralion Wednes day was a succtss, Supt. Don Jones .‘iaid that 37 .substitute teachers lojk part in the two-hour worksliop. Joni\< said the second te.i(Tier workohop would be held in November or December. Any persons interested in par ticipating in the workshoi) should c'X>ntact the ik'hool .\dministra- tion Office. Substitute teacher pay is $15 per day. Suiwiving are two daughters, Ml'S. Margaret Spivey of Kings Mountain and Mrs. Herman Y'awn of Rock Hill, S. C; and two sons, CliaiTos y. Sknvc of Kings j Mountam and John Stowe of | SheFcy. Also surviving are 11 | grandchildren and 17 great-grand-i children. ’ KIWANIS PROGRAM Gene White, director of the Kings Mountain K('<ipvelo|>mont Commission, was guest speaker at Thursday’s meeting of tlie Kiwanis club at 6:45 p.m. at the W’oman’s club. Fishermen Find Missing Man's Clothing On City Lake Rank iFishermen found clothing re portedly belonging to Charles Foster, 35, White male, of Gas tonia. and a suicide note Tues day afternoon on the bank.s of the city’s York road reservoir. Rescue workers draggl'd th(' lake for several hours but found no b(Hiy, Politv Ciiief Tiun .Mc Devitt reportt'd. The Gaston County man has been missing from home since Saturday. In the pocket of a man’s pair of trousers was a note instruct ing the 'finder that Charles Fos ter’s 1961 white Chrysler had 'boon di^pased of and "new I’m disposing of myself. There’s no one to lielp me with my prol> lems.” Also on ilie hank with the trousers were a sliirt, shorts, an<t .shoes. Relatives of Mr. Foster said the car has been locattMi in Gastonia hut so far no tracH' of the missing man has been found. She Was First Woman Member Of School Board Funeral rites for Mrs. F'airy Long Patterson. S(3, widow of Arihur Hunter Patterson, were cy.'miucted Sunday alT(*rnoon at 3 p.in. from Central Methodist chuivh of which &he was a char- i ter menilM?!*. Mrs. Patterson died Friday night at 10:30 p.m. in the Kings ountain liospilai following illness of several y(?ars. F'irst w<.)man member of tlie Kings Mountain Hoard o-f FMu- cation, Mrs. Patlci^on was al.u) a former Kings Mountain Herald society editor and ndired assis tant secretry-trcasurer of Ih»me Savings c'i: Loan Association of whicii her hu.^banci wa.s founder. Mr. Pattei'son <lied May 2n(i this year. A native of Kings Mount.lin, Mrs. Patterson was tin' daughter of the late Perry and Melissa Lackey Long. An honorary life meml>cr of tlie Womtm's Soriely of Christ Continued On Page Eight 25th Year For Harris Firm Harris Funeral Some' Tuesday obscre.t its 2.‘)th anniversary in King.s Mountain. Founded in 1917 hy Ollie Har ris. Harris Funeral Honu* pics- cntly has seven ctnphwci's, in- ;Tuding Ollit* Harris. Bennett Ma.stcrs, Mr.:. B. F;i!l.s. .M ■ .\nn Randh'. lvichar<l M<‘Kcc. C D. Ware and .John While. Mr. Harris .said in the 2o years Harris Funeral Home has bum Ih'I'c. it ha"- served more than 2,dtX) families in the Grover-Kings .M nnilain area. "We liavc als) maintaitit'd for ^25 .v('ars on cffieicnl ambulamv st'rvi.t*, witli trained atleinlants wlv' know t!u' im{M>:tanec of care ami first aid in aiiNwering these alls, and wi‘ Iiojn' to eontinuc till: scivice in the fa.’c of a growin;’ trcn.l of government - maintained ambulance service.” Harris Harris also noltvl the improve ments in tin* Home over the 25 y(*ar jieri'Ml, noting (’.specially the modt’rn Chapid. "Kings Mountain - Gr.wer area cili/(‘ns liave complinK'nted us on our ser\ic(‘ througli a (piarl(‘r centurv and our jdi'dgc is to c'on- linin' to provide the high type ; of .service in the future,” Harris i ^ald. SPEAKER — L. G. Alexander, president oi Wix Corporation of Gastonia, will be guest speak er at next Thursday's (August 24th meeting of the Rotary club a 12:15 at the Country club, Leon Alexander Rotary Speaker Le n I. Alexander, Gaston County in.iustrialist and presi dent of Wix Corporation, will ad- drc'-s Kings Mountain Rotarians at their .\ugu.st 24th meeting (next Thursdayt at 12:15 at the C'aintry club. Mr. Alcx:jn<u r will sfx'ak on program arranged by Thomas L. Irotr. Hi' is a native of Cliarlottc Continued On Page Eight District Pupils Return To Books B:3C August 24 Where has summer gone? 'That's a question being asked by several school-age ohildren in the Kings Mountain area. Summer will c(»me to an end for th<' students next week as the 1972-73 scho^d year begins. Thursday's first day of school vvill 1)0 fur re.,dr,tr;ition and or ientation. AH s.^hoo’s in the city district will begin at 8:30 a.m. Elementniy- schoo’s v'ill dismiss at 10:.30, Kings Mountain High at n:.30 and Central Junior High at 11: 15. The first full day of school wall b(‘ on FTiday, Aug. 25 with classes running from 8:30 a.ri. until 3 p.m. Superintendent Ron Jones s.iid that all first graders w((uli he dismissed at 12 noon through September 1. The s-chool year for teachers wilj begin on Monday. Meetings, lectures and evaluation of in structional programs are on tap for Monday through Wednesday. The sih(^u!e for Monday con sists mostly of staff meetings with the principals and teachers reviewing inventories and meet ing with c*o teachers. No general meetings are sched uled for Tuesday. Teachers will spend the day pi*eparing their Learning Activity Packages, planning and developing centers of interejjt and reviewing opera tion and care of media equip ment. principals will hold com mittee and department staff meetings and orient new sta':!f m(*mbers. Supt. Jones will preside over a gi’iieral staff meeting fi»m U);30-ll:30 a.m. Weiinesday in the Kings Mountain High Schend afeteria. Dudley BlofKl and Gene Causi )y of Raleigh will speak on "Human Relations” from 12 noon until 1:30 p.m. after teachers have lunch as guests of the Board of Education. Board Projects Dog Warden A dog ordinance and an envi ronmental council were the main li»i)ics of discussion during the regular agenda at the city board moi'ting Monday night. The cv)minisisoners authorized •Mayor John .Moss to appoint a committi'e. to be chairmaned by commissioner Jonas Bridges, to detail a workable dog ordinance i.\>\cring Cleveland County. Mayor Moss told the board that the county has only one dog warden. Ho said, "we have been talking to the county com missioners as to some kind olf tvntralizi'd plan, but have been unal)le to move this project for ward.” Moss said that the county commissioners "have discussed 'inued Page Eight Police Department Has Two Vacancies FV'Iice Chief Tom IMcDcvitt is accepting applications for two vacancies on the police depart ment. Applicants, male, should be be tween the ages of 21-30, and weigh 160 pounds and stand five feet eight inches tall. A high school diploma or otiuivalent is riHjuired and the man should be a resident of tlie city of Kings Mountain or be willing to move into the city. He should have no criminal ri*oord. Black Citizens Air Complaints On Davidson Park, Street Work Black reddent.s representing the Kings .Mountain Improvemoni A.ss:>cjation (jue.Mioned Mayoi Jolin M().s.s and city commission ers on city .-jcrvi'ces at Monday niglils regular meeting of the Lcminisavm. Ke\. \V. F. .^cotl, pastor of By num's (Tia[?el .\-MK Zion church and a rcsid»*Mt of Harmon Fourt. "Tve gone to Davidson Park and went swimming and got so sick I couldn’t drive homo,” he commented. He said there were no outdoor toilets there, that the baskethall goals are in a leaning position and tliat tlTT^re supixvs- ed to ht' a picnic area there. 'T’d like to know what’s hapjx'ned to the money and the grant. Was it City public hou.vsing (tevcloj)niont. i u.sed for something eloC?, ’ he \sas spikesman for the gnnip. He i aj4<('d. The grant he referred to told tiu' bard and commission ers tliat a "portion of Kings -Mountain is being overlooked.” "I don't know if you ever look at tlic black s<'ction of Kings Mountain,” he said, "but it’s in iKid .shai>c.” Rev. Scott cited Davidson Park as an cxamj)le of tlic "ihty’s lack of impi'.wemcnls in the 'olack sections.” was a fderal grant for the city’s park system. Rev. St»tt said he h is tried in the past to obtain an aiuswer from the city in regard to his qiu’stions hut has bt'cn given a "runaroumi. Phey lion’t want us to come up lu’rt’ bi'causo they are afraid it will g('l in the pai>- ers and make the city look bad,’* (Continued on Page Light)

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