!t (7, 1972 Gmver enter, ^’ity nes, Shelby j !exrorlt,^'>s| y, Cit.N^r I ity c ihee, Besse-* IS, Cily lowe, Be.ssiv ments imy J: Neal, ly, announce ter, Tiie.idtiy, intain hosiii- ihen R. Wiil- imountco the xiay, Auirnsl ibspital. Lee Watson, , announce liter, Friday, luritain hivs. ■ry L. Webb, B, announce liter, Friday, ountain hos- >• E. Henson. Mount, 'Hol- Ih-ot a son, 32, Kiiuif THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C., _I^s3ay, August 17, J972 HERALD SPORTS By CARY STEWART Henson: Left Arm Must Dominate September I Homecoming Will Be Sentimental Night For Adams tvt I art rr o r> lacsttrsfltr 1 O 4 m t (Ed. Note: The following ar ticle on Kings Mountain na tive Larry Hinson, written by Bob Kurtz, appeared recently in the Coffee County Progress of Douglas, Ga. Hinson, touring pro of Beech Mountain Golf Club, is the grandson of Mrs. Grady Rhea of Kings Moun tain.) and Lee Trevino in that select me to begin the swing with my group. Last year a nagging mus- shoulders level. . .but the real cle injury clowed his overall per- advantage is mental and .spirit- formance, but he is now fully re- ual.” covered and has resumed his Larry told how his mother, a place as one of the standout pros registered nurse, worked continu- on the exciting and glamorous ously and prayerlully with him, PG.4 Tour. giving him the iphy.sical therapy Despite his obvious credentials, and spiritual faith necessary to lege in Douglas he won several I challenged llins-on about his overcome Euch a handicap. His amateur tournaments in the golfing cari-er has been his in tense desire. His long hours of [iractice have paid ofl.” While he was still in high school La.ry won hi< first ehamp- ion.'hip. His golf team won the Georgia stati- title. Before ho en tered South Georgia Junior C.il- mcnL’-. Larry credits his mother fo: his growth in Jesus riirist. "Her faith oecame my faTTc me spiri tual side of life is most import ant to me. It even helps my goli. When 1 think good, I produce good." Tlie PG.S number of the "cU swing." Larry Hin.son, the strong left arm because it as Homecomings are usually held late in the football ^’uism three times to .standard munbcipal course ad season tout when Kings Mountain’s Mountaineers host Bes- upon me its monumental monition "keep your head down." semer City Septemtoer 1 at John Gamtole Stadium, it will importance in building the eius- ' ' i^rt be a homecoming of sorts ive “pericct swing." for Bessemer City’s new Larry and I were having lunch head coach, Jerry Adams. together following his opening . Adams says he’s anxious- s_ \ 1 ciiaiieiiHeu auuui. v»vv.*v.vr.,.-o, niimhrf n i hpWt arm Must dominate dogmatic statement concerning d( to minution and ITurning desire -Peach Stater I he Junio*-t nllege : Larrv mnson. the strong left arm because it Is ' ■ su eeed a,; an athlete ^ led team won state honors both years 1 he r a,> y D. Waters. , aiinouiiee donday, Au- ?in liosiiital. 1.V W. .Arro- eiiu?:'5es!c. the birth of August l(«l. it«l. rles K. Te.'(- ler City , an r son. Tiie.-l- :s Mounlaip Lee McFep, Shelby, an a daughter, vings Moun ts S- Bjirri---, • announci- :Iiter, Tues :.s Mountain C._ Phillips, announct * ue.sday, Au- itain hospi- And in Lariy's caisc, left-side d'-imi.nance i.s difficult bt-cau.se his left arm t smaller and weaker ly awaiting the night “It’s anybody’s dream, especially a coach s, to come back home to play," he com mented. “But I know we’ll ■ have our hands full because Coach Jones (KM mentor <; Bob Jones) is going to have ;l a fine ball club.” It will be the season’s rouna in me L^ojoiiitii vjutl : ... , “ na.ni.nt. Ft. W.cth, Texa.s. Warm- 'hlh polio. His li>ft aim was par ing to hi:s supject with enthu-si- t.ally paralyzed leaving it near asm, Larry e.xplained, “The back- shorter than his rich swing begins witii the left arm pushing away -from the ball. Tht moat important move iu .cecd as an him into a golfing career in a unique way. When he was 15 he wanted a moto'^ scooter, which both parents felt was tixj danger ous for the still frail youngster. As a compromise' they joined a than his right. When he was country club to give Larry the liv(-years-old Larry was stricken opp.orlunity to play gelt. Club pro T. C. Laughter was Hinson's first tea'cher. T. C. help ed build the high hand'position at the top of the swing that cha racterizes Hinson, yet 1. t. le- downswing is to pull hard with the left hand.” fn 1970 Hinson won $120,898 in clflciail manoy and ranked .sec ond cnly to Lee Trevino in the PGA Exemii-ticn Point List. 'Ho added, still relerring to the Sept. 1. contest. “I'll be play ing in a stadium named for a man that I admired so very much.” Hg was referring to John Gamble Stadium, named lor the late KMIIS head coach. already played West Linc oln. Those clubs clash on August 25 at West Lincoln. “It will be a sentimental occasion for me," Adams Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer Linebacker Big Question Mark For Tar Heels ly an inch sliortci than his riglit arm. - When Hin.son gets excited ‘h;.s the eye-s blaze. 'Pec,-lc are al-way.s talk.ng about my playing gr;lf with a handicap. I don’t tonsid- c. .Tiy smaHir le t a.i’n a handi cap it ha; given mo a tremond- tu.-; advantage.” "A mci-h.in cal advant.oge?" I asked. "D o - it alter your -wing?" ‘Well, !."tually, it dci pi‘i..';t and La-rry was named NJCAA All- .\mi*rrcan. IU w.s .uored a g( If ECholar.sliip to Ea.st Tcnnc.iiee State University where he earni'l NCAA Colli'ge division All-Ameri can lionoi'.s. His tuturo was determined. He i-nu.e.l the Approved Players Sc ical in Palm Bea,"h G.ardens, Fla., in 19CS wliere he easily qua lified for tlie PGA Tour. He wr -i only $.8,909 in that first yeai, but his determination was cnly jeets all the credit that Larry suengtheni'd by the rhailenge. has given him for the de.alre to Then in an exc iiin? play-cff w.Hi excel in go*L. veteran Frank Beard lie won the “L, ry wa.s always highly com- Nca C.leun.s Open and l.ni.shcd petitivo," T. C. explained. "His 19G9 with nearly S.).-.,(10C in wm- piiysical shart-eomin‘" only made nings and more importantly, he him m re dctermin'elT to be the was eximpi inmi ba.ing lo In si. Lnirv's greatest as.si I in his quality foi any mere l mnia- goll tear iivlu le- a riin.sti.in Atillete.-. tout scluslu / lire vents tium fr'.m parlicipai n.' in many activities of religious or ganizations, but they find way.- to .serve their Lord. For ills part, Hinson Im.s :ll•etl veiy fllctive witli the B.ll Gl lor llie opeii. r. ’ Luion s.pv.s lliat lu' leels t.i.it this team Uol lie .-in.n,;. r man last year s which won only tiiree ot nil, hut he (|iiiekiy adds, "our sclieduie also mu.'ii loughei rue l,U-...ogs have added t'a la.klia and Wofforrl to ihe 197 slate and dropped Maryville, Tenn. This will give the Bulldogs an 11 game siaie iiiciudin.g such powers as Elon. I‘r<‘Sii> it-i ian, Carson-Newman. .San.' ord and Mars Hill. ‘file liome openet is Salurdii.,' riiglit, Oct. .'10 with the Gnilfoi-d ,, jj t';. ii-lii .gained ("i. yai Is 'Jii the ground eci'ii liiougli he p.uyi’d in oiiiy seven rail garni.-. He averaged .5.7 yards prr , .ii ry his fimt year as a Buii.log. Hi .p 101 Uake-i slioui l come from .‘T nhomoie ninnin;; back. vcoU 'i'hijrr..ia)ii. .M.a leloii, Ga., an,I J-cai .■.lai.or,. of Ai hsaii, ,111..11, hc.i.i Va., a .5-1!. 165 pau.id -.peed-rtcr. 11 l.icse tvco ,ne'i li\<‘ u;) to ox- pe. tation. th.- l.aiidr g offen.so .■.ho.r.l I'e ;-ori-,i' touendov. ns. Ihi' ol .ns.ie line wiil be an- chore. 1 aroun 1 Mrki- Cherry. 230- cuNTixrr.u on page 65 Piospeccs I’Gj Pee Wee-Sy ;2 Mighty Mites xty-Lvi' . andiriates rep'rlcd j. i II. r.cain .' iliy ot prar-tice f • i.lay 1)1 till' (),)!im:.-t Clua- /j i.\t I M 111 .-.jion.si ii d I’ei v\ei mill fcotiiall leam- ii el .lie I' I wdl l’.;e till’ end and mighty Ce.i. be- p.-e- ti. '.lie be-/’ IBobby Jones, Kings Mountain Janes. “The boys ^ Highs sec'ond-year grid mentor, e.xpects ills club to better last year’s 4-4-2 record even tliough this yar's personnel isn’t as good as it was last year. "The players this year seem to have more enihusiasm than they did last year,” said J.jnes Mo.ida.v aft.T waiciiing his team go through heavy pra.'ti.e foi the third day. "It laoks like weire geing to have a more deteimin- cd, group." Janes, thru.Th, qui.kly a'lmit." that the playor.s and eoa:hing staff have a lot of work to do before the September 1 cpeiier 'O' er, P"'- here against 2-.\ iBe-cemer City. "It lookj like were going to have to learn w'lio to block," said G'uakeis visiting liuil.i'.g Springs, 'Last yc'ar the Bullrlo.gs weiii Hi Greensboro and whipped tin- yuaker.s 12-11, so the vi.sitors will lie out lor revenge. Litton .-ays he leels his otfi-n- sive line will ce mueh sironger tlian last season, ; lit the "deptli ty teams. Byers was one of the "ill le our pruhk'm as it has lot 0, bLoking assignments. The learhng ground '[i;; '’‘‘S'ach'HkhL.^Mav:’ihe^del..n. bIc'.xinfT is not real sharp and I Ireshman team, which finished iv;:l !■•■ vV t!. i(J ‘ bey t.-: the ii:.-: V. '-K / .said tile lust week o'!-. think it's mainly because the boys just don’t kn.iw wlio to block" Jine.s noted that the pas.sing game must improve, also. Ht* said the di fenoo shculd oe strong, even tiiough the team hasn t dene a lat-cf work in that phase of the game. ‘ Our defense will be pretty gcod," said Jones. "We’ll have a k t o; speed, especially in the de- tensive backfield ” Jones noted that the guards, both on cffen.se .11.d defense, have a t-- do. sive eoordinator, will have liis "■T hands full trying lo lili the va- Harlee Davis, and Jerry Valen- cancies caused by the graduation tine, a pair of veterans, aire of such men as Lee riiompson, working at the offeivsive end p./si- Toiv..iiy Way, Tommy i-fii l; an l tioiLS and Alfred A.she and Jake Hardin Davis. Thi'.ie lour men Bridges appear To have the ad- weie me niuinsiay. ol Alay’s .!<•- vantage at t.i.'kle.s. l!a\ I’uliiam, fen.se and reidacemenls .ei iheni a ncw'comer, and returnee Den- must be found, nis Hogue are at the guards. Olfeiisively the Italldogs will before losing the conference the seventh game of the season. KM finished J-1. "We had a bunch of dedicated athletes playing to gether for one cause, to win." he recalVd. “And, we had a great coach in Coach Gamble. He was a real .cood ebs^ ciplinarian, was well organized and he know the game Adams recalled some of the starters on that club naming quarterback James Robbs, halfbacks Punch far ker and Perry Champion, fullback Arthiir Alien, end Chester Clontz, tackles Dale Hollifield and Don Champion, guard Charles Burns and center Mike Dixon. After high school and with the help of Coach Gamble, it was on to Western and a first string job for four years^ Adams later had some tryouts with some pro clubs but decided to go into coaching. „ , , j . With six years of groomin’g, Adams feels he s ready to meet the challenge of a head coach. If bis coaching career is anything like his playing days, he 11 be success ful. . • Close Battles, Wreck Highlight Hickory Race ALLTIME FOOTBALL TEAM Ca.?t your vote for the all-time King.s Mountain football, basketball and ba.seball teams. Ballots must be returned to tlie King ! Mount in Herald. P. O. Box 752, on or before August 28. The teams will be announced in the August 31 edition of the Herald. % Ends (2) Tackles (2) Guards (2) Center (1) IJuartcrback (1) _ Halfbacks (2) Fullback (1) H'liOKORY — The Sportsman double-header at Hickory Speed way Saturday night had it all — a new face In the winner's cir cle, a car which smacked the wall headon and burst into Dames and a photo cinish be tween 'three of the track favor ites. Ned Setzer shook off his frus trations In the first feature, wtn- year. The second feature, started in inverted fashion with the fast cars in the rear and the slower ones up front, was marred on the third lap when Glenn Canipe of Conover lest control and ran hoadon into a concrete stanch ion which protects the edge of the track wall. trations in me m»' Canipe suffered burns on both ning the pole and leading all 40 legs, his face and right arm and laps in rerordlng his first Hick- may have a dislocated knee-cap. ory victory since May 22 of last ALLTIME BASKETBALL TEAM Fonvardo (2) renter (1> Guards (2) ALL-TIME BASEBALL TEAM First Ba-e (H - - Second Base (1) -—■ Shortstop (II Third Ba.se (1) Utility lilt. (1) Outfield (3) . Catcher (1) Leftliand Pitcher (H Jones has several starters re- tu.ning, especially on the line, but he pointed out that ine.\pen- en.ed playeis will have t > c.ame tluoagii at several po.sitions. Ho currently has Chris Johnson, a senicr, and Tcny Falls, a scplio- more, a,.ernating at the qua.r- u.oack position and he may wail until just prior to the game t,i make his tiiiil decision as to which one will .start. Johnny Byers, a sophomore, and Myioii George, a senici, arc oper ating at the halfback positions and Javen Smith is at fullback. Smith started at time.? on de fease last year and George let- le.ed as a member o.' the ....ecial- Aiai.k ueorge "ill he slartiim mr the third straight year al center. Defensively, the lineup will be about the samr'. Jones currently w.i has Davis and Floy'S at ends, lot Ol work -Ashe and Jake Bridges at tackles, Lanny Tlio.niiurg 'and 'icmmy L.iirley at guards, George and ILgue at lineoackers, Falls an.l Smitli at liallbacks and Jolinson at .sa.ety. count on the throwing arm ol senior (luarlerliai k. Ray llannun. of Greer, .S. C. wlio has iiassed .111(1 ran three consecutive years for mole Ilian I.IKIO yai - G.a i- sive Coacli K<'n San fin’d li'cls that llann ’ll will again lio a real Ihri’al e\ery lime lie gels tile lia'.l. A weldUiie letiirnee will he Ken Rciii of Charlotte, who was in jured la.sl tear and did nol iiiay at all. s\s a sophomore Reid caught 37 pas.ics tor 7.32 yards Jones .said the .M nuit lineera vvould hold their first team ■ . , ■ , , .. . , I.- Mo- ...r, and eight touchdowns. He li.c. the team is scheduled to host 4- htH-n pronounced ready atU’i a ..,.1- ...“II ;s-..-“Ol oi -liar- -Cg cpeiation. iotte in a .sevimmage on August The Build ,'gs running backs c ,-m slioiild he jiaced by soi.honioie *■ ‘ '■ ‘J ^ Dennis Dukes of Spindale, who pr.i.tii’e will . n 1-t iro-l.y ol ( ii'lit i.nin • (iMil- .'la.l 'he iun.i- ameiit il-; ol l.i.lhail Tiu-re w.ll ^ j)(’ .1 ..'1 9. . ■...ro. w-'i'k- (■- (.nila l la-:' . tiu* seaso’ c. on ' n 9. .1 1_. Jantnv L'nlei .ai .-'d h’lirn.-- a.e again coaching the wet team in.i .lo, ■ ■: iwei. inaili I tile In . lit' mites. Boi'l teams 'A ill ue . minding in the 'G.aslon Leagia . The pee "ee. i HI !• is' • lui’,. ’ll e-...c.’.: .1.. I lau hi t -n- !'■ -in. .■a’liir’',-( in Uu b'l.-kl'iei.l. lie till:.in : ’layer- up. f; nt in clude .stc'.i l.iugilt. :. Uhl'.-- ill lines and -left i'l'"- ■ tt al en.i.s. Kiiii. .1 \.i'i l.'vke and Buiiky 1! ii:i.-i n a! l.n kici. P : ly '■’■idg- e.s. D ill I'acen;, and Chris Hulmts al gii'. il-' an I Ir. >i \\' LI. ai ..lit, I. tjuaiii" nack Ri nnie ’vV.I- sin is till- ,n!. 1’•arnee in I'le backiiei I hut lies Litl'ejo'i:! an! Linn- .soviral playe.s ■Ail.. :■! lyi d A.til tiie mighty mil.s Ia-;t 1. fiil in al the ruinim ii.-uK i suion.;. 'Hu migiil;, .iiiles iSo pjunds) ala hail .simee.' ■. .-i.'n.’i-d play- I ■ and .'ll ml.I have a quick team. The qii irle:ha:’k will pro- iuiblv be liariA 1 uii b'.'ger. a ho started at lialtDa.k list .season, l oinwell .sa\-■ tlie eCier posi- r. ns art up f„. .griii-. P'heduL'.-. 1,1: nilli teams siiould hi .-oinplile t w.tiiin the ne.M wet'k. Recreation Department Mews Gastonia Knit. Carolina Throw ing, Duplex and Craft.s])un cop ped c.peiiing rouiitl viidories in the city league slowpitch s-.iftball tournament which got underA.ay Tuesday niglH at Deal Street Park. The event was originally •scheduled lo begin last Friday but .vas delayed due lo rain and the completinn of re.gular si'as.in play. Gastonia Knit picked up a 7-0 tc.-leit victory over Dicey Fabrics, Ca.-olina 1 brewing stopped King.s Righlliand Pitcher (1) ** CONTINUED ON PAGE -) Abbey-Booster's Club To Meet The Belmont Abbey Athletic Booster's Club will hold a tipoff dinner August 29 at S p. m. in the college cafeteria. Larry Brown, head coach of the Carolina Cougars and Doug Moe, his top aosistanl, wRl be guest jpeakers. Both are former Uni- „ versity of North Carolina greats M.aunt.iin -Mira 15-.5. Duiilex out and ex-pro cagers. .si ; .-ed .■spectrum 9-.5 and Craft- Tickets may be obtained from spun blanked O.xford 13-0. Chum- any Booster club member or pioiTs Land.'gaping Number Two, through the Department of .-Mil- the regular .seasan eliampion, letics at Belmont Abbey. Bobby Hussey, former Kings Mount tin high couch and now head coach and athletic diix'Ctor at A^-bey, organized the Boost er’s Clii' last year. The clu I’s aim is to aid (n scholarship fun.is for athletes as Hussey tries In pul the S-hool task on the athletic map. drew an oixuiing round bye, Gary Oliver, S.iniiy Jack.on. David Bullocks, Don .Ses.soms. Riunie K ill? and Tony Tompkin.s hud a pair 0! hits each lo lead CiriUna Tlirowing over KM Mhii. Nob.ady ha,I cvei one hit f"r the I )S( .s.’caronna fhrowin'T pul Ihe .’.amc out '! reach eariv. scor ing eight runs in the tirst two innings. 4, Do; U*x; a. vkl.vt utia Kni it; .lining i \V(' re the key: : I ) Dieey Fabrii’.-; : I. Spf ft rum ; s, Duple: Cs 9-5 will over Spe.l: uni. .Mica .Mine: !: . 0.\1 .III!. Hu- w ;nne!S tallied liii'i'i in tlU' fl.s:. 1 [r.u. in the tliir.l uml lA.) VVi’i*." aliiu i‘ .^tui t 1 itf com* in the ' fo'irtii 1. Ch arlie Burns v.u\ inuml; 1 .I'iiU : tr.L isi\ n: .pill. .\ u- Lari' . la in- liad lliiee lilts i ‘a.*h pu-si L' at ^ p.ai. while Danny M. Dowell, Chr iiiio 1 in vv'ni will if vU a'f a iilio.le s and J('»V( ■11 Will-on ta- U-. nni mat L.J p. :t..: a . .t ak el > pair eui li f ,;i Du, i.'X, M. D . A i ll aa.sl a ;U a' V Al .. ’lit ..g.unsl a hit a liome run. Ellis had I A ,) midgel Uhl 1 » l-Vv' > 4' ; jbl hits tor the loser .-■ and Mull Mil Mid; gel C " bov j t.alt' a:at. 1!' a h II tU! Jltll St ..’si •m.l A 1 11 ‘1 ■ Pell ■ Burge.ss a mined a pa It Little Buteli i imi t he Gr eat Solo. cl lioiiie runs to lead Craftspun 'Inis "ill iiui (at iv. .''1 t ■ its 13-0. five •innin;* v;;. •1 ary ai. •(' • . i.u- r, rv’.jt stil over O.xli rd. llurve', ; ai i pan, Vt V. i:t I k Pi U .- n cuul ?rv ; me al-so iKl'I Ol n tA'O 11 ity 'a . tlU' winners. Hu.UK W a 1 . t Di.kie Bur ^rS‘‘ hurled a t'vVa- Hawk :;i . .k hittci tr pi 1 k up Ihe viot .' . Hr D;:!> 1 iai'-' . up only two singles an i Jna (■ walk( •1 one. bi’inp . ; It ' . . a;i: ;al • ♦ * \\ r( st ki* 1 Tho ladic cluir. h league tour .m ■ namen! wRl gel iirdoi .vay next iliiklreu u.'i i" «ic’-' at Deal Street Park. u lmi-.--a n .1. The final men',? league slaiid- Ti.ket- .il iiig; wi e: 1. I'iiaiiri; ui's: doc. at 1 li.iu -'ralt-.mii; 3, Cuiclm.i Throwing;