B drawing eligible to 1 ly in M I- a efiiolt tiven awiiy vening, Oo donated r Guemsi* rs of ag ted free tu day, and, a valuable at a draw- Octa'ocr 1 i. 1 chairman Carrieis lie, has re- runner-nj) seated on safety on iy of driv- ng, etiuip- 1 accident Tunissionci' : ,Motor Ve jitatlon ibi' rfotor Cai ecentiy at « o WO I tom pro — A record 2.5 nilUon vcliiciea made in the llnitbd Statci during the 19V3 fnodOl year wiil feature bodies protected agOinst rust and coiro- slbn.by a coating process ca'I- e(| eiectrodetiosltlon, according t( ik'-i Indubtrica. ■Pri, a major supplier of elec trodepotition primers for f'c auto industry, said the total It one tnllilon more vehicles than in the 1972 tn^el years. PPG hn.s beph a leader in developing tech nblbgy f 0 r e'cctrodeposition which Uses an blectrlc current to atiply a uniform coating of prim er to the vehicle tody. Imprbved air and water poliu- tiort control, as well as better corrosion protection and lower unit priming' costs, are re.^sons for the trend toward electrode- poiitlon of primers in the auto indtjstry, PPG says. the 1973 total will incindo 2.2 million aittew and 350,000 trucks. PPG said. The first electrodeposi- tlojfi llrie In the auto Industry be- gap operhtlon In 1963. PPG pre- djctti that by 1075, nearly half the vehicles produced in this cgUtlUy iVlU have bodies protect- th^ ^ocess. prf^ss coats cars in a Mhattr WitilUr to the way met- aw esBctrORlated. After Im- in a tank containing rllWP In a wdter suspesion, the il^^iodyfls given a positive elec- This attracts nega- t(wU(, charged paint particles, tHam to deposit smoothly attO.i^lforpj^ bn the metal. Coat- Intt.igetlon- stops when the paint fllni ifs thick enough to act as ah Ihluldtor. A complete body catf bh prime-coated in 120 sec ond In art'electrodeposition tank. Eaectrodcposltion Is used wied ly' by Evrtmpean and Japanese autbmkkefs. iFifty per cent of the dnAM prOt^uced in Europe has elCdtrbCoatM bodies, and the per- cehMge ot electrocoated Japanese fiuttii Is lyomewhat higher. ! 'Ambhg ilhports with electro- coated bodice are Datson, Fiat. Hhrtdei BeitedCs, Renaut, Slmca, Tbybtd, VoJkNvagen and British tejniind I Motors models. hotCs' that the use of elec- ttedCposU^rt' primer on trucks 1^0 is Incfessing. tinili Owners I .f^irtfl Cafbllna’s growing num- S r. of hdMe owners shouldn’t co^. cdmplacent about keeping thfcif dnttttels Immunized against tjife rtCW 'Hind of “sleeping sick- « lb8i<''(VEfc. VCihezUolen equine encephalo- - ipWlitjs 'Vvill continue to pose a tm’fckt to "ftr Heel horses, just as U eld ‘In' 1671 when the first epidemic hit Texas and again twi ypar when the disease threat- •Hed lb dptead into the U. S., iKm MpNltio- ■ Ndnh cerollna State Univer- Hiy horsi ' specialist Jim Heird putt tts this way; “VEE is here Md it will Stay here. Immuniz- ini Horses against the disease sliould become standard proce dure lor all horse owners." Unjess the horse population is protected through vaccination, the disease will continue to spread within the U. S., threatening se vers losses, the experts believe Under emergency procedures in 191, about 9 out of 10 horses in N.< ,>it WHOLESALERS WHERE ECONOMY ORiGiilATES es g-»rr-.T; SHOP A&P FOR THRIFTY MARKET STYLE 'SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF—OVEN READY RIB umm FRESH Thighs, lb. 49c Gizzards, lb. 49c Wings, lb. 29c Breesfs Drumsfic!: Livers Your Choice YOUR CHOICE SALE BANQUET OR FREEZER QUEEN BONE IM • SLICED BEEF • SLICED TURKEY • SALISBURY STEAK • BEEF FATTIES HEAT N' RJ SERVE ^ $ loo (isum it A&P WE@ TIP OR ROUND ROAST MOUND OR SWISS STEAR ISTEAK FROZEN S-Oi. Pkss. 'S jr~? r.IGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF STOCK UP TODAY Lb. Jane Parker Sandwich Sliced P ■j r' 1 ■/ ks-1 SERVE YOUR FAMILY CAMPBELLS IN QTR. FOUND PRINTS W3l ■ y W. 24-Oz. Loaves Jone Porker Sandwich or Frankfurter Rolls 4 e-ct. 12-C2. Pkr-R $1.G9 ato Soap '""iOc SHiinyfieldButter « 77c m. $1.00 fgjugtg [{gtQjjgp 23c •3 WI.H A&P NON DAIRY ^ic Coffee Creamer 55c 28c BARBARA DEE Cookies GREAT TO STa.,, . '.'a WI.'H y.fj AiP FRUIT Drinks WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED ..... C 13 FI. Oz. Milk ° COMPARE SAVINGS 89c Inna Pnai! 7 $1.00 PET OR CARNATION EVAPORATED Milk ” "■ 16c Tokay Graphs Honsydsw GOLDEN DELICIOUS Apples 4 U. S. NUMBER ONE Siveet Petstsas 2 r\ xji t L* L.c, ^ 6og Stock Your Poritiy With A&P k 17-01. I Cons iTexize iBIeoch 23d In Qtr. Pound Prints Check ond Compore—"Super-Right” LiwduiiHi Meat 43< Spom Lutiekeon Meat '1.°' 59^ Stock Up ond Save . Selt Plq Pai»eA/Te!ii'«l«4'“’M®® On Wash Day Use * ■ ^ Tih DeStmad "4 79^ Feed Your Dog Some ICesL- L RoUeii' Dim; FciiS J S Pillt W 'v iA kl5'/i-Oi. Cons Ctn. Buy o Case ot o Time ICIorox iBIeach 5Sc ^‘’"7 Ltaaifi / tl Fiavape Af I3-Os. Con 20.Os Pkg. Smcwth & Crunchy Peter Pan Peanut C'jtterl 'TTiTIn I FOODS A&P Insloot Non-Fot 280] jor 938 V- -v. ' ft--,,5.1 KfSiiht Cavts SugaiTi A&P Brand SyGAR 5 ■" 39c U.S.P. 5-8hIb Boyer Aspirin ’Y.f79c WITH THIS COU* WHfiovt Cotf^Mi Pay , LIMIT ONE BAG WIT I MORP ORDER AND T GOOD THROUGH < m MilL Sulidi 4-Lb. Pkg. Make. 20 Q’) w 'V* 99 r«i i M Cn> CO 03