Iflt .by a by the 1. Out- ptaqu^^ that is country RS ES day jCommunityVeteransDayObservanceMonday Afternoon At5 Population Greater Kings 91,914 City Limits 8.465 OrMn«f IU1191 M«uatotfi ..lurt to d«rlT«d total ttt •pounl UnitAd StatM Burtou e< tbt Coutut report o joni/arr 1966. uod locludM thr 14.M0 p^uiottgo^o Btimbof 4 Towublp^ emd uo romcdnliio (*- Bib«r 5 Towuhlp, In CloTalond County and Crowder* Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Page Voday VOL 83 No. 42 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, October 19, 1972 Eighty-Third Year PRICE TEN CENTS Let’sMoveOnThoroughf ar<“Plan: Moss, KM Senators Wray A. Williams’ •Riles Conducted SUCCUMBS^Wroy A. WiUiams. '90. succumbed Sunday night. Funeral ntes were held Tues day. Local News BULLETINS ON TELEVISION Harold wMofgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Mjrg.jii, ol 305 West King Stree-t, will ap pear as a guest s^loi3t on * The Jlaur of Opportun-ity ovc.i' TV Station WSOC Channel 0, Char lotte on Sunday, Oct. 22, at 9:30 a.m. DRAMA PRESENTATION Clu’islian Tabernacle church of Shelby will present the drama, “I Dreamed I Searched Heaven P’or You," for the ninth t.me Saturday night at 7:30 p .m. at the church in Brittain Village south of Shelby. For more information, (.all -isT-see?. SAFETY MEETING Quarterly m«H?ting of the Blue Ridge Safety council will be held Octotwr 2tilii at Forest City Ele mentary school in Rutherford county. Dinner will be from 6 un til 7 p. m. and reservations should be made with Dan King, Cone Mills, Haynes Plant, Box 218, Henrietta, N. C. LUTHERAN TOPIC “Is Electing a President Any Conc*ern of the Christian?’’ will be the sermon topic of Rev. Robert E. Allen at Sunday morning wor ship service at St. Matthew’s Lutheran church at 11 o’clock, • METHODIST TOPIC “Also" is the sermon topic of 1 'Rev. N. C. Bush for Sunday morning worship hour at 11 o'clock at Grace United Methodist church. SO-Year-Old Church Leader Dies Sunday Funeral riles for Wray Alex ander Wiliiams, VO, retired farm er and businessman of Route Three, were conducted Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock from First |3aptist church, of which he was a member. Rev. Paul Riggs was assisted by a former pastor, Rev. Robert Mann of Boone, in officiating at the final r tes and interment was in Mountain Rest cemetery. Nephews of Mr. William, Rud- isill Ware, Paul Ware, Gene Ware, John Williams, Floyd Thornburg and Beattie ^ e e Queen, wore active pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers were First Baptist church deacons and members of the Men’s Sunday school class. Mr. Williams died Sunday night at S:55 in the Kings Mountain h- ipital after a brief illness. Born , December 7, 1881 in Cleveland county, he was son of the late David Jack and (Mary Finley Williams. His wife, the late Emma Sellers Williams, died in 1961. Active in the reigious and po litical life of Cleveland county, he was a former member of the Kings Mountain hosj^tal boiiixi of trustees and of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club. On his Wth birthday. First Baptist church named h'.m a life-time ac tive deacon. He is survived by one son, H. O. (Toby) Williams of Kings Mountain; three daughters, Mrs. Rimer McGill of Kings Moun tain. Mrs. Francis O Hunt of Lex ington and Mrs. Welford Bul- 'ock of Seaboard: one brother, W. .M. Williams of Kings Mountain; one sister, Mrs. Harley Queen of Karl; and one granddaurhter, M'ss Jan Williams of Raleigh. In lieu of flowers the family has designated memorials to the building fund of First Baptist church. SAVING the environment m Cenera! To Make Address Bay Seiidce Monday M Cemetery FIRST PLACE WINNER AT FAIR — Agricultural student^ ia the Outdoor Recreation and Ecology class at Kings Mountain high school copped the blue ribbon award for "Sov ng the Environment*' among school FFA booths at the Cleveland Coun ty Fair las) week. How to save water, soil, air and vegetation featured the es^ibit, also on display at Wednesday's Floral Fair. FFA advisors were C. B. Knight, M. L- Campbell art G. W. Silver. (Photo by I. G. Alexander) Bowles To Visit In City Tuesday Candidate Here At City Hall At 4:45 CilyWiUOUer Free Leai-Pickup The city of Kings Mountain is providing free pickup for the the asking. City sanitation supervisor Ros- coe Wooten urges citizens to bag their leaves, leave them on the curb, and call him at City Hall. He sai i a truck would be sent as quickly as possible to pick the leaves. .ji'lf Ice Capade Tickets On Sale Deems Travel Center of Shelby has now on sale tickets to Uie 1972 Ice Capades. Ti'ckets for 18 yeafj end under will 'he half price for the following perform ances, Tlvurs.iay, 8:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. ^tuiiday and 5:30 pjm. Sun- oa' T ' purchase tickets rail 482- 7361 or write Decims Travel iCen* tci, 4C6'A S. La.Fayelte Stloet, Shelby, N. C. 28150. CFIta\e "" Tops $12,000 The Kings IMoimtam United Fund drive apix>ars to be picking up .somewhat with •cijpproximalely $3,000 in donations eomJng in fi’iCf' la‘^-1 week. Mrs. Becky Seism, soorotary- treasurer, said the total now has gene over the $12,000 rmark. Last week, $0,801 had boon eontribut- c(f Pine Manoi Opemng Set Pine Manor Apartments, the 100 unit apartment complex just off 1-85 on York road, is expected to be ready for occupancy in a- bout 10 days, Mike Coleman, spokesman for Phillips Develop ment Corporation said this week. Phillips is advertising for a re sident manager and a mainten ance man for the project, said Mr. Coleman. (Persons who wish to apply for either of the positions available should forward resumes to the Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, Democratic candidate for gover nor (Will campaign in Cleveland county Tuesday, Oct. 24, with a special Kings Mountain visit on his schedule. Bowles wil be honored at a pub-1 lie reception to be held at Shelby City Park from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. | After that, he’ll travel to Kings j Mountain city hall for a visit with citizens of the area begin ning at 4:45 p .m. All area residents are cordial ly invited to attend the Shelby reception and gieet the candidate at city hall. 'Bowles is expected to fly to the county, arriving about 2 p. m., and meet briefly with the press at the airport before the sche duled events beg'n. The visit will be his first to the county since the spring primaries. Mrs. Benton Head AuxSiary Mrs. Odell Benton has been e- lected president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Bethlehem Vol unteer Fire Department. Other officers are Mrs. Jack Lail, vice-president; Mrs. Gerald McDaniel, secretary; Mrs. Dwight Ledbetter, treasurer; Mrs. Ches ter Cash and Mrs. B. F. Canx‘n- ter, co-chairmoji of the committee on publicity: and Mrs. Maggie Lail Miss Piccola Blalock. Mrs. Mylie Huffstetler and Mrs. Grady Lail, members of the fooii com mittee. Mrs. David Smith served Hal loween refreshments at Monday’s Phillips office at 4601 South iBou- meeting at the fire department lovard in Charlotte. 'headquarters, HERE TUESDAY — Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles of Greens boro, Democratic candidate for Governor of North Carolina, will visit here on Tuesday. Comm. Ray Cline Chairs 13-Man Il^minittee Ward 1 Comm. Ray Cline has been named chairman of the fnax'or’s downtowm ctmmittec to study recent proposals by the Mcrt lianb’ Association and Cham ber of Commerce. The proopsals are: 1) to elim.- nato parking meters; 2) to as- .sign a full-time clean up man in the downtown area; and 3) to stat, n a poli.-eman downtown on Friday.? when traffic is heaviest. Otlier members of the commit tto are J. C. Brmges, president of the C of C; Jim Downey, pre.sidon Oi the retailer^; Comm. W. Biddi.\, Comm. Jonas Bridges; Charles Blanton, Donald Jones. Chioi Tom MrDevitt, Lewis Del linger, Public Work': Supt. ^oscoe VV..ot('n, John M’cGinnis and Lar ry liamcick. Mayor John M»o5s will serve e.\-offv*io on the com mittee. Members of the committee are being asked to study (be propos als offered and m'ake ret'ommend- ations lo the full board of com missioners for their approval oi disapproval. Cential Rules Same As KMHS P-TA Endorses Bond Issue Bethwai*o school Paront-Tc'ach- er Association unanimously en- dors(Hl the upcoming school lx)nd issue at Thursday’s meeting. Action of the more than 1(X) parents piosenl came after a slide program was presented by Supt. Don Jones. Rev. Russell Fitts, P-TA pi'csi- (lent, presidtxJ. John Cline Appeals $72,800 City Award For Buffalo Creek Property John D. Cline has filed notice of appeal of a three-member commission's award of $72,860 tnr property he owns which is being sought by the City of Kings Mountain for the Buffalo Creek water project. The case has been set for the next civil term of Superior Court, The enmp-arign workers are seek- which begins Nov. according ing more than $1,00 lessjto Mrs. Ruth Dedmon, clerk of Jioan last year’s tfoal# ‘court. Cline had earlier filed ex^^ep- tinn In the commission’s ruling. That ruling was confirmed ijy the clerk of Superior C<to» t at a hearing last week. Cline’s property is one of two remaining parcels the city is seekinp- for the water project. Commissioners were appointed last week in the city’s condemna tion actions against Ambrose i Cline. The Kings Mountain Board of Education Monday night adopteJ the same sol of attendan.*e nilcs for Central Junior High as was earlier set for Kings Mountain high srhool. Bill Bates, director of school coimmunity relations who acted in the absence of Supt. Don Jones, told the board the rtwni regula tions ado^>tO(i for the high school is already paying divid<Mifls. "Ab senteeism has liropix'd 25 jM'r- f^VMirfl cent’’ since the rules were ad.>i>t- A/aOWS VAUWII ed, Bates nottxi. The new rules allow a student to miss only 15 days ixt semes ter. Aiiyonc ini.ssing o\ ('r 15 days will not rm'ive any credit and throe unexcu.s(Hi abseiKOS will re sult in the loss of one of those 15 days. iBates said the new regulations put attendance rc-iponsihilitios on the parents instead if theschods. In other Monday night actiom, bazaar carritxi out the theme “Lets Move With The Times" from the hom^ to school, office, industry, church, and politics. Attf'iition was given to the up coming gcm'ral election with coming genera’ Major General Fcrd L. Davis Zebuion, commanding oiXicer oi the cOth Infantry Division (Me chanized) Support Command, No.tn Carolina Army National Guard and Adjutant General of North Carol na, will make the patrk tic address at Kings Moun tain’s Veterans Day observance Monday at 5 p. m. in Veterans Park of Mountain Rest cemetery. 0)-rp: •„ :or.ng the program are the Amcr.'.an Legion and Auxil iary of Post 155, the VF^\'^ and Auxiliary of Frank B. Glass Post 9S11 and the City of Kings Mountain. The program will open at 4:45 p. m. with a 15 minute prelude of patriotic music by the Kings Mountain high school band under direction of Donald Deal. The 5 p. m. ceremonies will open with a color guard. Members of the Kings Mountain high school choir, under direction of Mrs. J. N. McClure, will present special music. Mrs. B. M. Janett of Shelby, national vic'c presidcnt of the A- merican Legion auxiliary, will lead the assemibly in "The Na ticna) Anthem." State Department Commanders of both the American Legion and V^FW \vill attend: VFW Com mander Fred Howell of Kanna polis and American Legion Oom- mander Jack Cranford of Con cord. Go’d Star Mothers and Fath ers of the area will be recogniz- ed. Mayor John Henry Moss will introduce special guecds and will intnxiucc the speaker. Mrs. Rob- ognize Gold Star parents. Ben Case, past comm'ander of VP'’*V Post 9811, will lead the plcxlge o." allegiance. Commander Lindlx'rgh Dixon of the American l egion Post 155 will introduce Legion dignitaries and Commander Jack Smith will introduce VFW dignitaries. Chairman Bi>b Davies will pre side. In proclaiming Veterans Week in the city, the mayor stated that “men of stout heart and strong convictions have borne arms in tlie cause of freedom since our nation was but a concept in the hearts and minds of patriots, and the Americm «>ldicr in every generation has given our United States since its birth his youth and strength, his love and loyal ty, and tw) often, his life lai<I on Continued On Page Eight SPEAKER—Major General Ferd L. Davis, Adjutont Generol cA North Carolina and command ing officer of the NCANG, will moke the patriotic oddress ot Monday's Veterans Day observ ance at Mountain est cemetery. Club Festival Crowds of fairgooi's were joying homecookt'd turkey and ham dinners whi’e v'siting tne Woman’s club 69th annual com- mnuity festival Wednc.sdny. A record num' er of exhibitors of all ages participated in the show. Paintings, ceramics, arts and crafts, school exhibits, flowers, lioi ti’ultiux*. ne<Kilework, and a Attack Fatal To McDaniel Funeral rites for Glenn Mc Daniel, 56, of 212 S. Roxford Road, were conducted .Monday afternoon at 3 p. m. from Resur rection Lutheran church of which he was a member. Rev. Glenn Rowland officiated at the final rites and masonic burial was conducted in Bethle hem Baptist church cemetery. Mr. McDaniel died suddenly Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. at his home of a heart attack. He was employed as an eleetri- can at Kings Mountain Mica Company and a Mason, member of Fairview Lodge 339 AF&AM. I Ho was the son of the late John Dixon and Lula Gqforth i McDaniel and a native of Kings Mountain. ! Surviving are his wife, ,Mrs. Frances Yates McDaniel; two sons, Brent McDaniel of Belmont I and Mark McDaniel of the home: : his daughter. Mrs. Dale HoIIi- ! field of Gaston'a: his stepmother, Mrs. Annie McDaniel of Kings Mountain; seven brothers. Clyde McDaniel. Charles McDaniel. Roger McDaniel. Durward Mc- and Gerald .McDaniel, all of Kings Mountain, and Naaman McDaniel of Shel’^y: and five sisters. Mrs. \V. O. Sellers. Mrs. Vance Stroupe. Mrs. Howard Ro- . berts. Mrs. James San<?ers, all I of Kings Mountain, and Mrs. 1 Ralph Wright of Conover; and i three prandchddren. ProvtiSe Study Fd I nileipass Is First 0-sf ctf Mayor John Moro day that he, Senat^r-elcc* VK. Mauney, Jr. and Senator >nie Harris will approach ri'.e hignway c ■ 'gi ask that group t • prov .e i.. for an undernaas und'cf Sore ein itailway’:- tracL-; In t.ic d:vv:’ aren. “The traffic proclem" arc ing and we are a growing city.'' Moss caid, “and that is w'hy we’ve decided to do this.*’ Present plans are to improve East Gold Street frern Cansler Street to York oad, thus, elimi nating s-Dime of the railroad cr.xss- ings |n town. "This is just part of our long- range thoroughfare plans,’* noted. Citizens apyr ve ’ thoroughfare plan ill.- hearing in 1969. Moss said the trio ask the to^vn of r.. join with Kings Mountain proving Cherryville oad bet'^.c^n the two towns. A third objective in this plan, Moss said, would be to instnll traffic lights at Canoler and King streets. William Herndon is chairman of the highway advancement 'committee and other contmittee members are J. Lee Rioberts, L. E. Hinnant. Carl F. Mauney, Leroy Blanton and Bill Grissom., City commissioner W. S. Biddix is chairman of the city traffic safety commilttee and other'cem- mittee members are Police Chief Tom McDevitt and commissioner Jo!na« Bridges. Marion Poole, of Raleigh, offi cial of the state highway depart ment, conducted a public hearing on the preliminary long-term thoroughfare plans for the city August 11, 1969. There was no opposition. The plan envisions a belt route around the outskirts of the city with take-off points at east and was on the proposed US 74 By pass, bisecting of the U. S. 74, N. C. 161 and 236, along with a grade separation point at the railcrossing at the intersection of Hawthorne Rt>ad and Battle ground. N. C. 261. Map of the preliminary p’an is available for viewing at Lie mayor’s office. GOSPEL SING Westover Baptist church will sponsor a gospel sing Saturday, Oct. 28th, at 7 p.m. with Frt^ Williams Gospel Singers and The Bmvns to be featured in the program of music. Viiqinia Foster, 26, Is Chiuaed Wth Murder In Slaying Oi Aunt the board: 1) Dis(‘iKV^'<l a summary ot budget reriue.st.'? by the State Di'- parlmtmt of Public Instruction for the 1973-75 bitMinium. The .sum mary iWeriNi four main areas...; coming general election with l>cr.sjnnel, programs, (HH'rations posters liearlng the cpndiciatos' and management. Batt»s notevl pictures und the Dee. 9 school the state department, at its top! bonds eleetitm hem with the priority, would be'pusliing for 10 theme, "V/s The Kids That months employment. Bates notw!; Count." that a 10 percent pay raise for General chairmen of the 1972 teachers over two years was ^festival were Mrs. George Thom- number 37 on the li.st of priori- asson. Mrs. Jay Powell and Mrs. Co7Uinucd On Page Eight ' W. D. Werner, Virginia Foster, 26-year-oId Kings Mountain woman, goes on trial Oct. 26 for the pistol slay ing of her aunt hy marriage, Cheryl Ann Foster. DtU. William Roper of the city police department arivsted Fi'ster last Thursdav after Cheryl Foster was shot while sitting in side her car at the stoplight at the intersection of North Pied mont ani Battleground avenues. Roper originally charged Vir ginia Foster with assualt with a deadly weapon but later changed the charge to murder where Cheryl Foster diefi at Kings Mountain Hospital. Roper gave this account: “I met Henry F’ostcr on North Piedmont Avenue at Kmg Sti'oet. lie was blowing his horn and said for me lo take him to the hospital. Henry Foster said his wife had Ix'en shot by Virginia K'^sler and that she was in a white Volkswagen." Virginia Foster reportedly went lo Gaston a to scH»k legal aid and Inter turned herself in at the police station. Police said that two cars pul led up to the stoplight at North Piedmont and Battleground. Vir ginia Foster rep<'rledly was in the first car and got out. Cheryl Ann Foster was reportedly in the second car and did not get out. AecoiMing to police, the p stol belived to ' e the one used in the slaying had been fii'od four times. It was not immfxiiately known how many times Cheryl Foster had been shot. Funeral services for Cheryl F'oster were held Saturday at 4 p.m. at Bessemer City f reewill Baptist Church by Rev. D. L. Wlinley ani Rev. Paul Banning. Sisk Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements and bur al was in Mountain Rest Cemetery. In ad(liti<m to her husband. Mns. Foster is survived hy her mother, .Mrs. Mary Jane Frixloll Stewart; one daughter. Tonya Poster; one son. IlaroM D. Fos ter; one sister. Mrs. Elaine War ren of Kings Mountain; four bro thers. Steve, Eddie and Jimmy Stewart, all of Kings Mountain and Vernon Lw Stewart of Gas tonia, Mrs. Eaker's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Myrtle Costner Eaker, 79, of 13S0 West- over Drive, wife of Lafayette 1 Eaker, were coiulucted We<lnes- day afternoon at 4 p.m. from El Bethel United Methodist church of which she was a mem ber. Her pastor, Rev. E. L. Murphy, officiated at the final rites, as sisted by Rev. Archie Chapm^^n and interment w'as in the El Be thel cemetery. Mrs. Eaker died Tuesday morn ing at 4:30 in the Kings Moun- ta n hospital following declining health for seveiai yeai's. She had '^een hosnita’ized for several wo'^ks following a stroke. She was a n-’tive of C’evelard County, daughter of the late Alexander and Florence Williams I Costner. She and her husb and had cele brated their 60th wedding an- I nlversary. I Surviving, in addition to her ; husband, are f ve sons, Gerald ( Faker. Bovee Faker. Jack Faker, • all of Kint^s Mountain, Ra’ph ; Eaker of Hickory and Wilhur I Eaker of Grover; three daugh ters, Mrs. Clvde Pridgens. Mrs. ■I..eonard Gamble, both of Kin<»s Mountain, and Mrs. He’en War ren of Hickory; four brothers. Bloom Costner of Shelby. F^.t- zhugh Costner and Wilbur Cost ner. both of Lawndale R«v. .1, Wheeler Costner of Ruther^ord- ton: one sister. Mrs. Maurice FI- liott of'Shelby; 17 grandchildren «nd nine great- grandchildren.

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