!J, 197?, N FROM n of a jn last debtor le claims his per- ^le value s and a real es- thousand apart to i )tion has or other (titled to ents ofJ (titled to* f his ex'l ree fron ditors. 1 dollar 1 North, wners ofJ dwelling j only va* id is en* :emption. ar home- ion was Carolina here are eads or (at price ns a sin- ore than and on Supreme It a por- mtaining xe, ‘ce set it of real he value ; exempt icted for nises? liens of for work annot be ead ex- !he value ( exempt f be sold taxes. rs he “Hire tl poster [) entries ^ards of announc- ng to H. the Win- ministru- scholar- V^insor of i Techni- mington, Thomas singham g, Va., ! $1,00(); f Colton lit, $500 ented by nistrator t special ntral Of- rom the ilso was me bron- Life" by io, of Al as blind- my gren- ►resented i ire “The" ’resident Naranjo (ring his ation in est wore ni/ations m, also :K>d. Car- ’hen you ■ies, cur ler room • Kmgs Mountain Christmas 5? i ixl di Kings Mountain’s annual < iii'istinas parade, exixjcted to its i.i'ggest crowd ever, will b(‘ held Fridi^ at \ p. m. i Hoi) Smith, chairman of the paiad(' for the sponsoring Kings ■M'lunlain Merchants Association, I sji d that the lineup currently con-1 sisls of 16 units but more might bi- added by Friday. | “In our last-minute haste, we, might have overlooked someone,” noted Smith. “So, if there are oth(?rs who would like to be in the parade, they should contact, me at First Citizens Bank or Jim Downey at West(»rn Auto.” Cleveland County’s four high school bands will be in the pa-1 rude, those being Kings Moun tain, Shelby, Burns and Crest. | Also included are the varsity and i junior varsity cheerleaders from i Kings Mountain High and Ccn-| tral Junior High | Several beauty queens w ill help | highlight the <iay, among those! bo ng Debhie Page, the Kings | Mountain High Homecoming | Queen, and Janet Bridges, Kings, Mountain’s Carrousel Queen. ' One of the highlights of the event will be the WB'PV float, Population r. renter Kings *<nn ^1,914 City Limits 8,465 CiMzicr MouDtcdn /ura la darlvod tiom ttt Uoited Starna Burrou ol tba Caasus leport o toavarj 196b. MAd Ineiudvr *be (4.890 popiUatltio o NunuMr 4 Towaahip. unQ remainlag 6.124 fror 5 Township, tr Clevaiand Countv osd Crowdar' which annually is among the most leauliful in area Christmas parades. ' As in the past, the parade w'ill commence on West Gold Sti'cet and wdl follow this r'>ute: From Gold to Railroad, left to U. S. Ilwy. 71, right to Piedmont Avenue, right to Mountain Strc(?t, right to Balteground, and left on Battleground to the First Cit- '71 izens Bank area, where it will break up. Tbe pr(‘s<*nt lineup i^ as fol lows: 1, police; 2, Knights; 3, County Cemm'ssionors; -1, Stale .Senator Ollie Harris; 5, Belk float; 6, KM Carrousel Queen; 7, City Com missioners; 8, Kings Mountain Rescue .Squad; 9, Ministerial float; 10, KMIIS cheerleader.«i; 11, color guard; 12. KMII.S band; 13. KMiI.> jayve.* ■ In'io'lcaders; 1 i. ('.ntral ('luM'rdouU’rs; Kl- lei'.-i X'ending; !(», (’ity of Kings Mountain float; 17, Sherry Wil- oi} IViton srhodi; l'<. Hoy Scouts; 19, opc'n; 20, Junior i)oHce; 21, Kiiig.s Mountuin Fir<‘ D(‘part- mont; 22. Kings Mountain Res cue t-tcjuad; 23, financial firins’ float; 21, Civ^l cheerleaders; 25, Crest and; 26, Khig Mountain Shelby: 13. Shol!;y I'and; -Id, Home.tuning Quc(*n; 27, R.^’s; 2S, Chne.and County New (’ar D-' al- King.s Mountain Miiror; 29. First ers .A.ssoriation; b'j. t'iiaiiie Dix- l>aj)list church; 3b, American J-e on anticjue car- !.». (.’hamb-'T of gion Post l.)5: 31. GA’s; 32, Jane ('’ommeioe float; 17, King-' Moun- School of Dance; 33. Jesus Loves tarn ivoscue ir.juad. Vou; 31, WB'i'V; 3r>, Ar.ny; .3b, Na\y; 37, Hurns ciieerlcuidcms; 3s, Santa C’-ms, the hi:;h!;ght o Burns hand; 39, \Vil^-;n fb;.,l: 1.), any , '-r;de. wjl rido on th' .irov(*r Rescue .Squad; -ll, (>ak CIkio • (' of Commerce floa- Gruve Rescue Squad; 12, Miss .Siniia said. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newsioaoer r^ge^ ay VOL 83 No. 48 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, November 30, 1972 Eighty-Third Year PRICE TErs CENTS Jury A wards B&B Ranch ♦.Al Gaston Residents CanY Cast Vote ISLmwood Bad Registered Thirteen 'Gaston County resi- fiont.j who h'-d registered to vote in the Dc‘c. lo Kings Mountain .s.'liool bond referendum will not be alloWLMj to vote. Reason given is that the legal description of the Kings Mountain S; h 'Ol District ha.s never been changed to reHcrt the acqu’silicjti of the Gaston County section into tlio school district. The Board of EVetions has no tified I .ose 13 pc'csons ihni thc'y will not be allowed to vote in the • million referen him. Appro\l->) ely 40 families living hi the; wockI section aie involve I. Bond Attorney A. Frarr :s TV h- ihson Jr. of New York \vrot‘* the Kings Mountain school board at- tornc’y on Nov. 21 notifying him that “c'nly those' clu'y registered p(’rsons resident whhin the boun daries as esiablishod by order of the IBoard of Education of Cleve land County adopted February 21, 1930 will be allowed to vote. The Gaston County area involv ed had not been considered a part of the school district until re cently. In the past, stucionts liv ing in that section had to pay a tuition to attend school in Kings Mountain. Hmvc*vcr, earlier this year it was discovered that any areas in the corporate limits oC a city are regarded as being in that city’s school district. The i:omi;ng attorney wrote that the lOliO onler has net been changofl, so from a ’ogal stand- l?i)int. Ihc school district remains «only the major part of the di.s- ftrict that lies in Clevclan i Coun- ' ly. The e’cction oixler <Irawn by the Kings Mountain school dis trict. nassoci l)y the county B(*ard of pidueation anri appnwc | by the county commissioners <i d not 'include tlv' Gaston part of the district, either. ^kupt. Don Jones expresstnl -dis- ^IPpointment that the Gaston County residents will not bi' al lowed to vote. We're liound by what the bon<l- ing attorney says,’’ noted Join's. “But we still want to encoura.ge those persons to support the issue* anyway and talk wdth their ■ ' IN NEW POST — Mrs. C. D. El more of Lexington, formerly of Kings Mountain, has been nam ed supervisor-consultant to the Davidson county schools. Mrs. Elmore Is Elected every 1 you >ts for ' drug k him rming u will re or R: friends about it.” The schools are calling for $2.5 million to build a new junior high achool, an auditorium at Kings Mountain High and make im provements at Hie <iistrict's elo- itientary sc1i(m>1s. BUILDING PERMIT ' Only one building permit was issued during the pa.-il week. A ■permit was issuet( Wedm'-day to Paul 'Roberts Jr., Box 335, for remodeling of his home. Ksli- imated cost was $1A40. The Davidson county Board of Education at its last regular moi'ting elected Mrs. C. D. (Jane) Elmore as a supervisor-consult ant to l!ie county schools of Lex ington. Mrs. Elmore is a native of Cleveland county, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char les E. Goforth of Kings Moun tain. .^he complete! her under grad uate degixv at Appalachian State University an<l graduate degix'c at Appalachian and UNCC. She has 12 ve.'irs ti'aohin.g experience In Burk*', Gaston and Davidson count es. .\Tr.s. Elmore is prnh's- sionaiiy a member of the NCAK ant NEA along with iTeing a iTK'mber of the Division of ITom<' Kc.'Tiomic Teachci’s. She i.? active in churcli vvoi’k at Shi- ’oh .Methodist whm’o she teaches a yoiine adult Sunday school class, siie is married to C. D. Elmore. They are the parents of four childiTn and reside in tlio Reeds community. Sunt. E. I awson Brown indi cated she will 'be working under tlie dii’t'ction of ass:'ciale super intendent J. W. Allen in the mid dle .grad'^s area. She* w 11 report to her new nosilirm with the ho- gir.ning of the .‘-econd semester of the curix'nt school year. Pine Hanoi Complex Ready Pine Manor Apartments will lx}gin renting one, two, three and four ofircK'm townhouse apart ments next Friday, II. Michael Coleman, director of marketing, announced this week. Pine Manor is Kings Moun tain’s newest apartment complex just outside the city on Charles street. Pine Manor is a govcrnm''nt subsidy project and rent is ha ed on income of occupants, said .Mr. Co’eman. Mr. Coleman sa d open house is planned at the complex next week with December 4.-0 as grand oern- ing when visitors will be invited to insper-t the new apartments. Mr. Ce’eman s'^Vl Pine Manor offers equal housing oonnrtiinity ani H-sted a number (^f “tirre-sav ihg and eujoyab’o fontuio^;” as* ind’vidua’V controlled hoati'^g svstem; dist)n'’tive cedar shak*^ trimmine; penty of in-front park ing: meticu’ou.s landscaping and maintenance; distinctive lighting f vtures; special sound condition ing. December iO ws Eleciri School Out Early Friday Kings Mountain district schawls will be dismissed an hour early Friday to give students tBme to attend the Kings Mountain Cbrist- ma.s Parade, Supt. Don Jones an nounced today. DAR MEETING Mirs. L. E. Hinnant will pre sent a pre^ram on “Christmas Customs” at Wednesday’s meet ing of Colonel Frederick Ham- bright Chapter, D.\R, at 'the home of Mrs. C. E. Neisler, Jr. Spectrum Sale Is Finalized New York. N. Y. — C. Douglas Blanchard stated today that the previous’y announced purchase of Spectrum Textured IIIm'I’s has boon fin:Bi'/.ed. One hundred pei' (X’nl of the stock of Spectrum T('.\turcd Fibers ha.s i>een pur- cha.sed l>y Mr. Blanchari and a groiin, including the investment hanking firm of Giblmns, Green, and Ri(‘e. The stock was pui’chas- ed from Tnlernafonal Stretch Products and other focmer stock holder?. Mr. Rlanchnrl has been electcMl ITesident and Chief FNe- cutive Officer of Spectrum by the iboai’d of dii’cclors. Spectrum is a major toxturizer. yarn <iyer., ani fabric uver and finisher with manufacturing fa- I cllities in K ngs Mountain. North I Carolina and sales offhx'*? at 1450 I Broadway, New Yoi'k City. i — j HOSPITALIZED I Mrs. J. K. Childei’s is a patient in Cleveland Momoidal liospital ! at Shelby where she is undci'go- ' ing tivatment and observation. All-Electric Customers Get Special Rate Kings Mount an cili/ens will sec just liow much tlicyie affoeb cd by the iw'cnt eJectii.-a' p< wer increase when they receive their DeL.*oin: er billings. I’lie new rates went into effect' on Nov. J, aceording to city e’erk j and treajLCi'r Joe .McDaniel. I'li' increase did not involve a Lai perc(?nla!'e-vv ise rale but is bas;c-; ally the Duke Power rate, Mc Daniel said. The new rates will give special dir counts for persons whose Ir'mes are ail-eleelric. The all- olectric rates will cegin to be cheaper than the regular resiuen- t.al rates after 219 kilowatt houi.s are used. The regular rates are actuaRy‘eiKHAiier until that point. For instance, for 290 kiiovv all ; hours, those on regular lates would pay $9.44. Tliose on all electric would pay $6,19. For 21- hours, those on the regular rate would be charged $6.69 tmd tho.^e . on all-elocti*ic would bt' billed • $6.67. The charge for 290 liours [ on the od serv ice would bo $6.27. ; This is the first time that Kings : Mountain has offered special rates for persbns with all elec- tric homes. Most power compan ies are using that system now. In some rare instances, the new rates will lie cheaper. For e.xam- plo, if -you uscti 125 killowalt hours, under the old rales you woultl pay $1.79. Under the new rate, you would pay only $1.61 for ix?si<lential and $1.69 for all- electric. The same is true if you used 150 KWil. Under the oM rates, you vvouNi pay $5.3S. Un der the current rate, you would pay $.5.21 for losidential and $5.29 for all-electric. City PiohaMy Will Court .'■'uperior ' in’’ i;:.v .Mom’ay award.-.J rwn."- -■ ‘-i'. ll::n.;h 1:17.5.1 : ) ' r ' II;- ■ j! of Kb, ' ■ - r r, rp' -h :rn.’E.-n r ’.lo ihif j’o . !• -. u;«' r ni-.i- r -.nd fi-r dam age . i>. rt‘;:;.fir.;i.. ; . 1. d' ' I dg w. ■ : V 217.57 t.i...f a I t -' o'3T'}.q acres -f '> .b'’ira t.,., fwo'd i Nf' . I C'dii^ ; r ’ J I- •n- .>■ '^1 '4m \ * ; .1 i.; ! U. ’ out in a >id:ii' -n a • a 11 ^ . 5 ■ ’.( •» j ; 1 *1 - '"It peg f; , ■'.! hv ! ‘ i.«n -t- : .. V'-, •:> ST I’s. (,n ' o,‘ ;!a‘ -'tt 'i*- •i(. . r •••■' ' r* • a-'?-!-at 1‘ic v(*rf;. i if Ju'lge T. : di ! -.i-i .I'l lo]- a new via ••-n 1 hi.s verd et a.'-^ide. .T’.i l'X' F.a!''- <-i; j ),(» would take S’.ldvcs’ nioiii)j!s uruU'r a<lvise- ment. i !'[■ v-':n ■ : r d that llv' !an * t »i (' i ! h • -v b; •- \ valiu’ ’ in t‘ ■v ‘ ‘v ' r. i • g ' ' ,, •' -wi'.a: Cr-':n » , In i ?t ; 1 h I ONE NATION UNDER GOD — Members of the Exchange cluL of Shelby are piomotuig "One Nation Under God Month'' and mayors throughout the ccunty have proclaimed the month-long observance. Appearing bcfcie the city cemmissien recently \v cic G Ibort Greene and jee D. Robert?, who invited participation from local citizens. Mr. Greene, left. Mayor John Moss and Mr. Roberts, right, hold u mayor's proclamation. In the background are, fi om left. City Commissioner Ray Cline and Ws S. Biddix and a far right, Commiss oner Normcui aiug. (Exchange Club ^^noio) i ;■ h !-' Ih -:i t il and d; i; : •' : • land i." val- j !l,- ]. vv : I aid' OLD RATES NEV/ REG. HATE ALL-ELECTRIC KWH 23 A chart elsewhere on tliis pa'^o further illustixites tlu' rate chango.s. The fCst column sliows the ()l<i rates per KWII, the s<*c- omi column the now it'shlential rates and the thiixl column th.e all-cdectric rates. NAACP Endorses Bond Issue S 4.70 8 .3.^*8 S .3.S2 $ 0.27 $ (U 15 8 7.17 S 7.SI 8 O.IS 810.3:3 811.S7 Si;V22 81 1.36) SI 3.00 817.23 BILL s i.(;7 S 2.S1 •s :\ i 1 S 4.0 1 s 4.01 8 5.2 1 8 .3.S1 S l’>.4 1 8 O.Odl 8 7ti3 8 S.S3 811.1:1 813.12 SI.3.70 817.00 820 \17 S22.3t> .‘^24.8 1 .‘^:ui.:'3 8.43.00 8M.0S 80)0.01 877.7.3 804..38 BILL 809.: Central Methodist Choir Opens Christmas Season With Cantata Cansler Resale Friday At 10 Resale of the pi*op<'rty of the late Mrs. George Cansler wil! lx» held at the Cleveland County Court hou.«e door in Shelby on Fri day. Dec. Sth, at 10 a.m. Commissioner J. A. West said 'bidding for Tract l at 50S West Mountain Street will start at $7,S20. Bidding for Tract 11, at 303 King Street, will i::egin at S2,b5f/50. The 33 voice choir of Central Methodist church will sing the dlnistmas Cantata, “Bethlehem”, Sunday aftcinoon at 4 p.m. in the chuix'h sanctuary. The program, under the direc tion of 'Mrs. J. N. McClure, will launch the Christmas worship season in the aix'a. Text is by E. Cuthertnun and music by J. S. .Maunder. i The community is invited to join in the service of Christmas i music, said the pastoi’. Rev, Pas chal Waugh. Members of the choir arc: Somanos: Miss Janet Alexan- ler. Mrs. Robert Biggerstaff,/Miss Hesse Bumgardner, Miss Jane Camp!:ell, Miss Terry Cash, Mrs. D('’hert Dixon. Miss Winifred | Fulton, Miss Margaret Harmon, | Ml’S. Bennett Masters, -Miss 'Mary; Alice McDaniel, Mrs. G. C. Trout,- Mrs. W. A. Tinsley, Mrs. Pauli Walker and Miss Jeanne Ware. Tenors: Jake Dixon. Jimmy Hancock, W. E. Patterson, W. A. Russell, and Arthur Walker. Altos: Miss Jo Bryant, Mi.ss Laura Carpenter, Mrs. DavUi Dixon, Miss Myra iGriffin, Mrs. Gcoi’ge Hamrick. Mrs. Becky Patterson, Mi’s. W. A. Rus.seP, Mrs. W. D. Werner, and Mrs. Harvey R. Williams. Bass: David Dixon, Delbert Dixon, Carleton B. Harris, B. S. Peeler, Jr. and Paul Walker. M. L. Campbell, Pn al mini dor, | teacher of vocational a'-^i icultiii'»| at Kings Mount.oin high s hool; and a load ng member of th*? ("eveland coimtv branch of iMo National Association for the Ad- v’anctMnenl of Co’oix'd P('op!e, an- nf)imre.s that N AACP has on dorsed the Kings .‘'Tonntain citv school bond election to be held Di‘". 16. “Th(' or''nni7ati‘'n.’ sai<I Mi'. Cami'’'‘o9. “lK'’»eves finvls fronii the eief'tion will usc<l for the good of a’ pv'ople and <"^iK’cialy enrxnirages its members and oth er cifzens in the King.s .Mountnin district .school a mo to work dili gently for the app(x)V’al of the •bonds and to vote for the samo.“ A Kings .Mountain native* ; -’ I former employee of th-* IIiTo’-i is I’oported’y hein-r fyrc<'d to leave his post at Belmont Abbey col lege. A renort in a Gr>tonia paper iMon<!ay said that Brother Rob ert Early was toUl y hi.s abbot, the Rev. 17 Imund F. Mc(hiffery, th.at h<* would have to h'a.c* if he persisted in plans to publish .a ! novel h has Ix'on ac. eoied ! for puldiv ation ' y lIoughb)!i .Mi.'’- vvilltflin C’o. .sing; 'rh(» Pistonia paper r*per{''d that it n.d.ed sr*\cral tie-:.-oim about the repo’-t anrl that it rt' ceivx'd no <lonials of the fact;, but P-rown Family and the Ambas- .‘several fwa-sons declined to com- Midview Sets G^suelSing Midview Baiitist church s»^onsor an all-nieht gosp**! Saluixlay night Ix'.ginning at 7 p. m. Featured groups vv-1! 1*0 the sadors of Reck Hill, S. C. Rev. John Frazier, nastor of church, i.ssucd invitation to the community to attend. KWH 23 30 73 lot) 123 130 173 2U0 210 2.30 ,300 100 .300 1)00 7t'0 80t) 900 IfHM) 1230 1.300 2000 .'^000 4000 .3000 * Denotes first decrease for all-olcctric rales * * Undv*r old svslem, all over 1,0()U KWII added 81-31 per KWII, *** Under new residential rate, all over 5,000 is 810.41 plus 8.0108.3 per KWH. **** Under new all-electrie rate, all over .3,000 is 80.14 plus 8.01202 per KWII. KM FcTiiive EroSker E^iriy Forced Tc Leave Post At tfctinn,” rv(*n IIkmi-*'!, Pr«*ibcr Kar’.y is a loaclior in tbe ; .dlogo’s En.r.'idi :lt*partmont. Father in-ui. Icy -a d Eli-, is a lU’ulilvmi of l!.c inun.i ter.. ”1! .-Pwavs a difficult situn- tiiin wlu'n a nuina.'-li.- is also a tficluT,” !-'athi*r Bradh*y said, “ft Ins always In'cn tlie policy that when a religious, who is tea lihig in the college, ’oav.*;' tla' I'-onn dory, then he al.-x) leaves lla* oulh'ge.” 1 if a lay person who 1);.’ -h: I a nov(*l like Brother P’-'i lvw -uM be let "o by the '■c' (* a a resnit. Father Br.'ui- lev s’Md "T think not.” Hnuc-va'r. b' e\»'nincd that tiie issue at hatui inv«)!\(*.; cauftn law*. C':v»n is the law which Tkiiets 0n Fci Liosts C.lpb Football Fete 9'li' K;.!* ; Mn;inia:n i2"i' 'bull’s aiiiu.al fi’q-. all fiaiKjuct. honoriic.r merni. -is of tin* K.M High choo] team, will i)o lu’Jd on ’I’lK'.sday night. Dec. 12. at 7 o’( lock at the h.gh sili.iol cab* Ic’ria. MeinlHTs of lh<' T.ions Club are lUiiviiliy se’ling. tickets tor ilu' event, wliich wdl be higlilighted by the presentation of louj- tr.;- p!i({*s lo outstanding; ineinb(*rs of llio teain. Ticket.-; atx* pric(*d at $2 each and in... . e obtalni'd Ii’om Lion-: C'ub Presideni Richard Gci'en, I.ioj] Bill loates or Lion Cliarles Bianlon. .\rl \Vein<*r. vic'e-presidont of tv.nlnitun Indust'ies, will b<* jae.g -geaker fo! tbe ev'nt. Wt*i- lu-r’s a fer: ('r .\'I-.-\r)eiiean <'!i 1 at the Univ'r iiy of .Xml » ('ii )- ina aa.l lie was It‘ad uadi of Bn* Mounta neei'.s in Icol. wli-'u lliuy post!' I a re. ui-I of fu-ir w ins, four defe.it, ani one lie. Lion dll? a* Ch.ar’es of lae i-r IPanton *:;ra-ii. IS (ll 'rn*i'hi<‘s to be jire !*nt''d in- •■In 'e tit*' deui-'H’ \V. Plonk Most \’a’;'a’)’(' player Aw, id. ibt* Ik d I* onk PdockiiV' ''’ic'hv. the dofin S liolastiu .\\\:irdand t!’<* play a.'- win* plavtsl in al li-a.^l 2'> which is pr("-:cnted ■ v th“ h*-. n sibool cuacliitig sl.arr. A ’u. (or >b ;» trojdty iias been giva.“i in pa t v<‘ai- I:ui la-a I (o.ich and .ithfet^-- dive tur Bnl by Jones said that award wil! nut be given this ye.ir. 'Du* seni'*r members of the team wili receive plaqttes and ad plavc'fs who i).av“d n at east 29 (juariers d irinc the lO-eamo .«ea- ■<(>11 wil n*.-'-ive !<dtiMs a** t-io- h u’s. lh('vi(*u, l(*tl('r winners wi'i ix*- ceiv<* liars. ment on the situation. F-ather .To)in Bradlov, presid mt of the Abbev’. said “it is not a decision ol tUu college’s uUminis- The t)-1 re l.io’ts eh’" leani that 'o’d and e will b” hunor- finisliei with a avx* the schuul governs th<* faith and practi(.‘0 of on’v its .seeoiul vvinnin;’, season .n Continued On Fajc EigfU eight ;ears. in Ibe case a:. : ■ aa: an! ’’aan.-y an 1 . in* i (I he n. ■ 1 -v: c t.’O fiif- jieitn'.(' b'tv.iv'ii what the tota.l ' ir ..'t -if ■•.T'. ] wa.i .v c’h lei^n-a t’fv* • . cP-jT.it!' 1 the land min- i'.s v ; ‘ r. e-iaiiPn-j lan^ would e \vi Ill Ti-', the eitv gI Pd-te;! r5' -u rc Tb- (liiTcreiue ' woe’d hieb ic liuiii ilie «est of the land -.eken i’ : d'i’T'a''0 I inflicted to tli<‘ rf'mainir! • land. Th(* three wile ; fur land'*vMH'is 1 tl .1 P"* i-ip. i v.a V 1 ' '■ ■ j tohh; :>i:: ■ it was a prime • l.df fai-n o--“ iti- c. ''‘bey stat ed tlu* ie-nairc:v- k »' l is vab.ril‘’<' ' an ■' tb«oe bs not 'Ml •I ’ll len I ’e't M cojitinu'’ a dairy '•n-n. 'ree;. r-t.-ti-l th' t the remaining lanlv-on'd be .split in- |u ‘ Ir'.; . and vVi I ' bar i* ’ ! ‘ t( •* no p;t' i • Cc'ce-s . , . • J J ... 1V-. l ie'- also tc-itinei that the rcm.’hr la.-l wer; I have no l..i!;,in-' -pd a’i>| )>,» V 'der i.'ii it. P 'all tplb*'!!. ted'I'ving as en e\))cri land atmrahe'r fur t!'e Ian ’.•w’'eT v deed liio b"0.5 acre;; at S237.090 before the takhi-T and valiic i the ’eni dni;' : 142.-'c; a'-r 's at a diBViviuv of $260,- n dal' v farmer -g,... tb{* "'ifralo Crot'k ■Me-i. • P-'rd the n’<)nr.'rtv at $:“'.7.- '7» ;c' • * tlu* takii* .an ! valued Ibf* r'’"aii'iing an! al $26,100, a difb'ien • of $210d'dq. Jar'.; Crou'o, n furmer d-d y f;»’:u a c’li in F’e' c’and c■*unh^ ve’’icl tb(» .“70 e, 1 an I '.a’uul tlie rear*in;r! - 1?2,03 .. r.'-< -t $'25..5p‘\ a d;f.*(‘i..>n e of • jO. 'rhi* lau b>\vne’-s* .aMornc'’. N. ]'’• Mi i.au’ uv ,h', :*r- ’UMl to the jury (h «l tt;e ;.v-*oertv vvouM no loMcer Ih' a orime pi^'Ci* of land ,,j; t),;» I'rank e\pe>*t k-ini an- prai'jcr for the city, saitl the pur- .•h ■ rrieo jp,, acres in .'\p>'il of 1!b'i7 h.’d bem anm'oxi- mate'y Ili.j e.stir»-»ale of .a fair market valix’ for th<» ,379.G acres .an<! i^i’9.290 for th*' '('".ainhig Pbi .i.Tes. a differ- cn ■!'(d p.ivle said he bas- i 111-; Ilf the 1.32 acres on 'Ja'e.: of leod i''' tbal ar-'a. Mrs. Viida ?b;P-"»i. a forn'ov • tp'rv f,ae*T>t'r ^- ii\ -'s in (b^ Thiff.’h) Pr.'i'k a’e.a. tevtifioi thet sh(* fcM the 379.6 woiyi* wortli $2:’5 an acre before the lakin" «*" ah* jq -b. in -oid eui- inab*l tbe r<'’)vii)v*v» Vb2 a'T''s would iu* worth $1.(XV) an aci'e Continui-d On Fajc Light

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