^ <*AStFOUR THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Thursday. Decemb»r_7,J972 FT'" It, i.i-, M v' . ■' -y ^ f' ■■■ ■\ \ U , i li/ 1 fg 1 '-Ay -HM I -.f.'flS ? :i^ ' i m ffi / \ a {?Tn hli m m PT;;< ut.s.-x ^ .- ff-xt'- Pc.Fy lifll it ‘-.v^'.'V/ ■i.J. A'^'o -n cr-r ^-r r-ri To ljuihl ;i ni'W Kf liGo! (o !■ : il I„ vfss'J 1 i.l.M I' > . rvv. (NS ;. N/! on Phiroi- Roa.l. Tlii. Cjai'is V, oil!!] : ,.!;’ i :.he .nudcllc r.chcol. 'i o bu.l'i n;; ; f; .,.,. in ;’ Tf.;::;! : t 1,. -.,' 1> 1JG>.' p;.'j.’;,o;'.s. T; .sUuKuin and (cn:LS ^» O i., * v.‘ ii ' . ’ !' •■'.' ■'I ■ :'.r' f '•' (< >>)• '••■■ \ ' bndclaiss in North Carolin.i ■- ■/'’ i :1 by ‘.b,' ini '’ r'ra.l sahool li s- or.'y Eonroe od funds to build a ; a Si ". 'a : ) i babd ay v. :;] i- , ■ Signed to have lecture aiid practice rocins for smaller groups which will open to liave one large room. 'I'he auditorium at the new Dallas High School in Gaston County is similar to the one proposed. This would provide space for any community program as there is no other such facil'ily in the community. To build multipui-po.se rooms, classrooms, cafeteria renovations and up date pres.- it facilities at East and West Elementary Schools. These are the only two elemen tary Schools. These are the only two ele mentary schools in the system that do not have an indoor recreation area and assem bly area. The library will also bo moved from the eafeteria at West School. At the Beihv\ ai'e and Grover Schools there v\'i!l be additional renovations such as caf- teria additions at both schools to provide toi' storage of perishable foods and updal- ing the water and sewage disposal systems so that better .sanitation conditions can ex ist as well as provide adequate dishwash ing equipment. At Bethware there will be additional covered walks and classroom renovations and at Grover there will he renovations of the audiloi-ium and class rooms. ‘ ' do.. ' ' '< 7, s ■’ c 'r:' t'rip that we can a :r - ;• o 'nt.i:;! School D.str'ct. ii'Ct-ve July 1, T.)73 school bondswill ba v jicd on a county-wide basis and we can not call tor a district election after that dale. Kings Mountain would then be at the mercy of Shelby and Cleveland County. They would have to approve any future buildings for us. On September 30 Shelby pa--;ed their bond issue—Let’s don’t be left behiffidl C. ci the money goes for salaries What is the current trend in school bond possage? h!l money derived from the sale of these bonds lias lo be used for buildings. No money can bo used for increased salaries ri any staff member—that includes teach- (i .y, princijials and superintendent. D j I have to regisSer? Since January 1, 1972 there have been 9 school bond elections held in North Caro lina and'7 of these have passed. One of those that did not pass was Cleveland County and the margin was only 9 votes. Plans now indicate that they will have an other election prior to July 1, 1973. Cabar rus County did not pass their bonds, but indications are that outside political fac tors entered into the issue. Not if y voted or were registered to vote bi the ov. 7 National, State, and County (lection::. , i ■- Shelby passed their bond issue on Septem ber 30 by a 2 to 1 majority. Their build ings are now in excellent shape and their people would be hesitant to vote bonds at a later date to help us moot our needs. fr'> £ i TnCiO are ni.io ii'.jj.l; new in uee n the K.n-js Movr'ain Dirtrirt o. Central Kiddle Schccl. S.hesl:. SI. of tliciro c, e Iccated at IC.t'.H.S., two ct V/cit Elementary and one K'f 1- _ p*op*:cJ Jun c.' H.g’i Sci.'.l w,Il he located c I'iiiler ri.ad apprc;:iniatcly one m^le bttyjnd the pissent Ik.M.H.S. site. This enable tha ;iaw school to share the stadium and athletic liClJ: now in use. iP%i C J > ^ T'cJp to ceo tf’aS iMi F: 7::c iiins’c b approved? A. Malic sure that you vote for the bonds. I’r.'k to p'-ople ab mt the needs, and see that they vote. Make .s-ure that our p.eople are aware th.iit July 1, 1973 is the last date for oui district to vote. So this will be our last chance as a school system to up date our schools. iT^ THE KIDS UUiliUU/l/m. THHTCO u^Ti Vote For Better 'll Dic. 16 Si ft'*, ft * All tils prGSGnt tims tli6 officG of thG Dean ci m ^hq nooicioom tlicit was dajigned te store surpEmentary booI-.s. Cns c.fl:s he : boon Ic.atcd in the ticket beoth at ttic gym and the clev(3tcr shaft closed end uoid to store books. The present high school building was designed to house 9SQ students, there are cutrentl/ 1263 enrolled. n ?' A—^ k JL \ F.3c:::::c7 y Ccm: ME.711’Mcmnfi Cc—mnmv, ^iv. . u nziz. MIC. Ccn^sc LidciSiJcG. Inc. IfindcM Eccniifactuilng Cc., Inc. liter Schools Build Be tier Communities DIm.;:-' Clie^»r©2el. Inc. i'I’Ct’'.' PJcnl, Burlington Industries. Inc. Kings Blountain Gavlngs <*1 Lmm Assn. Savings & Loan Assn. DcII’rigoi's Jewel Shop Oxford Knitting Mills. Inc. Ccdle Cotton Mill Company. Inc. Lorsiv O. HaiArick. Real Estolc Brokerr ^^elsco Industries. Inc. fuinette Mills. Inc. Gro'j'c: Indu.strics. Inc. [Sai-Rcy Mills. Inc. Fnjk Yam Mill Company D.V .D. Industries. Inc. Mauiiey Mills. Inc. |. E. Herndon. Co. Spectrum Textured Fibers. Inc. 1 Patterson Oil Company DouMo Enil Fabrics Wade's Ford Kings Mount:: n Dmg Co. Harris Fur.erc] Homo Kings Mountain Knit Fabrics Hoke Electric Company Kings Mountain Herald Superior Stone Division. Martin- Marietta Co.