vropulation Ckeoter Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8,465 The Greater Kings Mountain figure Is derived from the Special United States Bureau of the Census report of fonuory. 18S6, and Includes the 14,990 populotlon of Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6,124 from Humber 5 Township, in Cleveland County and Crowders Mountain Township In Gaston County. VOL. 84 No. I Established 1889 Kings Moontoin's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, January 4, 1973 Eighty-Fourth Year PRICE TEN CENTS City Building Permits At Record $3,521,850 In 72 chools Speeding Building Plans In Wake Of Bond Vote lamnittees Foi Piojeds f In special breakfast meeting .Vodnesday morning, the Kings Mountain district board of edu cation moved to speed its upcom ing building program tiy appoint ment of five com-nittees with specific responsb'cilities. Two of the committees—bud get and architect selection—^went (b work Wednesday night. Chairman George H. Manuey named the committees as follows: 1 Budget — himself chairman, Tommy Bridges and J. E. Hern don, Jr. Architect selection—P. A. Fran cis, chairman, Alec Owens and himself. Junior high school plarm.'ng conrmittce - Mr. Owens, chair man, Mr. Francis. Mr. Herndon, and Fred Witliors, principal of Central school. High schoo^ auditorium .com mittee — Mr. Herndon, chair man, Mr. Mauney, Mr. Bridges, and Jake Atkinson, high school principal, Mr. Owens and Mr. Francis. I'lti Board members indicated they * hope to launch construction in July. VjSupierintendent Don Jones es- tad the new junior high hool will cost between $1.5 to $l.f ndUion, based on recent cost jlgu’eaon like construction. He iso said that, witli normal capital outlay local funds plus ' ■ sales the budget committee Vith have approximately $2.8 million to allocate during the fis cal year starting July 1. ' Supt. Jones saw he anticipated the bonds’ will be sold in early April. He reported eight architectural firms have asked consideration for the work, six applications for mal and two by personal contact. Jerry E, Parker Area’s First Baby Yoimgstei Bom At 8:56 A.M. New Year's Day Fiiemen Answer Belle Store Fire Kings Mountain firemen an swered their first call of the year shoBtly after 12 noon Wednesday when they extinguished a minor fire in the basement of Belk’s De^tartmerit Store. A speriteeman for the dirpart- ment store said an elei triical shortage in a waTer pump caus ed the fire. No damage was rcpoi?e5[ Mis. McDaniel's Bites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Virgie J Payne McDaniel, 84, of 1277 Btarr jilrive, Atlanta, Ga., formerly of rKings Mountain, were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 4 p.m. 1 from Bethlehem Baptist church. Rev. Russell Fitts officiateil at final rites, and interment 'wer week. No completion date has -been set but Ruppe said work would begin right away. Coroner's Juiy: McCarter Yonth's Was Accidental By GARY S’TEWART A six-man coroner’s jury Tues day night ruled that Charles (Chip) McCarter, 18, died an ac cidental death. Young iMicCarter was shot on the night of -Nov. 11 at a cabin at Lake 'Montonia and later died in a Charlotte -hospial. Dr. Hobtart Wood, a Mecklen burg County medical examiner, had earlier ruled that McCarter eomm.ted suicide. Eight witnesses testified at the two-hour inquest, which was call ed by Cleveland County Coroner -M, D. (Bub) Walker. The -inquesl was held at City Hall 'in Kings Mountain. Attorney Jim Funderburk ques tioned Wayne Lowery, Clark Mauney, Tommy Baker, Jr., Ed win Campbell, Cathy Leonard, Ron-nie liaiwkins and Pless -MiU- lilts, all of whom were reported ly at the cabin when the shoot ing occurred. Several other young people who were at the cabin did not appear to testify. Also tesHfying was Sheriffs Deputy Dale Costner, who invest!- gated the InoidenL TestiiiAmy revealed that soiiiv' young peo-ple were having a party and M