tt !■ Ij?3 ~' icted .) T William Udge stroot. irdai/ moim- >m St. Paul h Rev. T. A. Garvin offi. Kelly’s in ?ry. even sons anston, lli.. ronx, New 5 and Kivd itonia, Hu- tmore, AM., tucky anri of Califor- -Irs. Emma •orrk, N(nv er, Rolx'i-t It; two si.s. Iiodes and 'ings Moun- n and two fter Marc'h Non-mem- Iter’s Club ‘n-try fe<*. Population Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8.465 The Greater Kings Mountoln figure is derived from the SDOciol United States Bureau of the Census report of lanuary, 1966. ond includes the 14.990 population of Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6.124 from Number 5 Township. In Cleveland County und Crowders Mountain Township in Gaston County. NHcri VOL 84 No. 10 Established 1889 Thieves Relieve Pioak’s Of Suits Police Think Drag Addicts Did Robbery Lack Of Water Closed School A (lol<’'Liive water pump at Betliware sihool gave pupils and staff a holiday Monday. Sui)!. Donald Jones said via lu-lp from Lawmialc Fire De- Thieves suspeeted to lx? heroin paiiment which has a stainless addicts bi-oke into Plonk Broth- steel pumper tank the storage ers Dt'partrnent Store in Kings lank is now being filled and a Mountain last Thursaul Walker, manager of the the source of watei to the tie- store. A spokesman [or the police' de partment sail tiiat the thif'vos are tx-'liev<*r and Curlce brands ami were valued at $lil5 each. According to politv, eight suits were lying on the counter and i«irsi union ivtuiuoai iwum, eight others were left in one of; charlotte, was second at 4.12 per- I the suit bins. | cent. . ,,r n- T~> Tt I OthoT bUldcrs were Bank of Captain William R,>pve^al other >ncK ents 4-35 percent plu.s $104 premium; deported to poliw during the _ * _ ^ : mfMilary school. Wachovia Bid Low For Notes Kings Mountain Redevelopment Comnnis.sion hiis sold $1,185,000 of not(‘s for the Gansler area urban renewal project. Suc(e.s.sful bidder was Wacho via Bank & Trust Company, of Winston-Salem at an interest rale of 4.02 percent. First Union National iBank, Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspopev Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, March 8, 1973 —— ^ rv-Yofyg •w V a: Four Bmldings To Be Demolished B&Elci Mill. Battlegioi^nd ^Buildings To Go Pa^es Today Eighty-Fourth Year PRICE TEN C^^!TS m IN WHO'S WHO—Jerome Cosh, pres dentof the student council ot Kings Mountain high school, has been elected to member ship in '*Who's Who Among Americcm High School Stu- dente." ieiomeCasb InWbo'sWbo Jerr>me, senior student at Kings Mountain high scdiool and son of Mr. and Mrs. Che.ster 'Oasli, has been listed in the 17t.h an nual edition of "Who’s Who A- mjong American High School Stu dents.” Cash, who plans to attend Gard ner Webb college as a ministerial student, is active in the DeMo- lays. Future Farmers and Science club at Kings Mountain high school u liere he is president of the student council. ”Who’s Who Is the largest stu dent awau-d publication in the nation. King'. Mountain Redeveiopmi’iit Commiiiion’s demolition ('nnirac- j tor will begin razing four up town buildings Monday, Gene White, commi.s.sion director, said Wedne.sday. D. H. Griffin (’ompany. Greens b(T'), holds the dcmcIiJion con tract. Tlie Griffin ert Hamrick of 308 Oriental A- .jLf Aenue reported that someone cut his right rear pants pocket While he was asleep. The billfold contained $121. Childers is fi^ee oji $300 bond. Patsy Smith of No. 4 Gold St Apartments reported that someone let the air out of her car lii'cs and broke a window in her apartment. Damage was reported at $25. Youth Revival Attracts Crowd Last weekend’s Youth Revival at Grace United Methodist chtirch attracted crowds of young peciple Morgan Guaranty Trust. New York, 4.4 percent plus $99 pre- ; mium; and First National 'Bank, ; New Yofrk, 4.75 percent. The notes aire repayable in a I year. VFWAuxUiary Rad Poppy Sale Five meml'ers of Frank B. Glass Post 155 VVW conducted the second annual Poppy Sale Saturday for benefit of veterans projects. Leading the drive were Mrs. ■Roix'rt Ruff, president; Mrs. Ru- Thm-idavih>' Slrouix*. Mrs. Alma Selltrs. inuisuay sellers and Mrs. Mry- tle Ohristenson, assisted! by five young people, Kim Ledford, Gina 8troup<', Shonda Dotson and Kim George. Boards To Meet For Lunch March IG - Tile March meeting of the Kings Ahjuntain iiuara of Ldu.a- licn will he a joint one with Shelby City and Clevoiand Ct.on ly Boarls of Education and the Cleveland County Ikjaid of Com missioners. The luncheon meeting will be at noon on Marcli 19th at Hun- i. 1' o. .iuoi in. .Sficii • . ikihdaY Fsr'TVIissFiiima" Mrs. I^almon Di.xon of Clover, ^ S. (• rat‘<1 b''r S-'twi lia'ili- day .Sunday at a family gel-to i gether at Royal Villa. i Mrs. Dixon, whose husband i i 1#' #^ f * ^ i I cupuxi ny .ui-uoruy vudiic-ia au« -—• . the vacant building formerly oc- wa^; the late I almon Dixon and cupied by McGinnis Department grew up in the Beihlehcrn com' Store annex, and the former munity. was born March 7, 1891 Ware & Sons Roller mill, which the commission acquired from Mauney Mills. Mr. White said the demolition compiiny e.stimatcs the wewk will require about a month. The Battleground avenue proji- erties will be offered for resale for rodevelojiment, while the Gold street .proix'rty will be retained, projected rolo<.*ation Ciossioads Shows Sunday Crossroads Music Park in the Oak Grov'e community will head line Billy Crash Cradd(X‘k, Buddy Floyd and the Radford Sisters for two big countiy’ music shows Sunday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets may be obtained at the door. “The Radford Sisters” wlio wt>n a talent show at Crossroads in June have just cut their first record on the-Americountry label, "Hold On Woman.” pending t)u , of West Gold and an of Cherryville, Mrs. under the Southern Railway. j of Kin“s Mountain. F in York County, S. C. She has lived most of her life in the same house where she was born. “M:ss Emm-.”, as she is af-, fectionately called, has nine li-l ving children, 16 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mr., Dixon dkxl in 1955. Cliildren of Mrs. Dixon and the late Mr. Dixon are Hood Dixon; of Clover, S. C., Clarenet} Dixon Effie Sipe 'ank Dixon Mrs. Dixon's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Amanda Cardine Dixon, 84, wife of Grady • of ('’olumbiis, (ia., Mi's, .\liioieo The commission has previously jiocxi of Pensacola, Fla., .Mark razed tlie former offices of Dr. ni^on of Cherryville, Mrs. Aman- J. E. Anthony acquired from Lee of Charlotte, Glenn Dixon George Lublaneski and the f^or- Morganton and Joe Dixon of mer Herald building, acquired charlotte, from First Baptist church. 1^" Youths Charged GOSPEL SINGING The Jaycees will sponsor a 5;ospol singing May 12 at *%1v Tm until 9:09 at the Central Junior iJH Dl6dK*IEI high sch-tx^l. Tlie Messenger* ^ Quartet and the Carolina Slate | q\y(j Kings Mountain youths singers will be the R*‘^Uired ; groups f«»r the program. Admis- .Sion is $2.00 and children under six free. <111 rcl Ov t; C* l.lwWi4o v/i ^ *<1 Ft H J III- L^iAUIIf W'JlC VAl \TAoV4j’ who worshippt'd and enjoyed! Dixon, were conducted Tuesday «_i.i^ fiVkiv-kii-crH ' ..i;«O n m fellowship from Friday Sunday. •Bruce Stott, Gardner Webb ministerial student and >'outh di rector at ithe church, led the pro- graim of activities, a.ssUted by a quartet of youth from Greens boro, Rick Rhea, Plril Parrish, Kevin KHbreth and Chip Holden, alii college students wtho form “The Sons of Light” musical quartet which travel.s all over the country in church appear ances. The visiting students led -group worship service's, W’orkshops, choir practice sessions, prayer sessions, and visited in the wmmunity. A service of conumu-nion was held t at the Sunday worship hour and jflf •youth and their parents enjoyed ' a covered dish luncheon at the Church. through I afternoon at 3 p.m. from First church of which she was a member. GARDEN CLUB Mrs. Carl Mayes will give the program on “Flowers of Hawaii” at Wednesday’s meet ing of the Kings Mountain Gar den club. Mrs. William Herndon will be 'hostess at her home at 3:30 p.m. Her -pastor, Rev. Paul Riggs, of ficiated at the final rites, and interment was an Bethlehem Bap- church cemetery., Mrs. Dixon died at 5:30 a.m. Sunday in Broughton hospital at Morganton, She was a native of Cleveland County, daughter of the late Mr. and Mr.s. Larkin Howell. Surviving are her hu.sband: one .son, Fred Dixon of Kings Moun tain; tiwo daughters, Mrs. Marj orie Pien*e of Weldon and Mrs. Leroy Hammett of Kings Moun- toin; one sLster, Mrs. Annie White of Newton: four grandchil dren and two great-grandchildTen. Active pallbearers were neph ews of Mirs. Dixon. MRS. McGinnis Mlrs. W. Hinkle McGinnis was transferred to Cleveland -Mem- opial Hospital at Shelby WtHl- ne.sday for treatment of a kid ney condition. 31 Officers Take Course A total of 31 law enforcc'ment officers fix>m Kings Mountain, Bessemer City and Boiling Springs attended a two-day course on “Scientific Speixl De tection” at City Hall Mondai>- and Tuesday nights. Home Bi^ildinq Pemits Issued Several residential '“uilding permits were issued by Building In.'^ix'ctor \\h>odrow Laughter in the past week. nesday alter they were charged with breaking and entering and liur. eitN’ of a local re.-Jidence. Itichard Dale Collins, 17, and Alien Chad Ledford, 18, both of 605 Jackson St., were cliargt'd with breaking and entering at tlie home of Go4>rge DcBruie at Riiodt's and Groves street.*; s^>mc- I time bctwt'on Friday, .March 2 I and the following Monday and the larceny of a radio. Trial ' emplens 26 pt'i’sons but that numix'r will ix‘ increa.'icd to 35 when full ])rermit to build a porch, department will sponsor a bar- walkway and driveway at his becue pork supper Saluixiay. Mar. I residence. Spangler & Sons con- 10th at the fire station. Also on tractor, estimated cost $4(X). the menu will be French fries,' T & L Builders bought a per- niit for a six-room dwelling esti- mattHi to cost $28.1.50. Ware Bo thers are c'ontractors. Paul MtGinnis bought permit for room addition to his home at -lOS Hawthorne, esIimaUxl cost $3750, A. L. Dixon cimtractor. Clyde Lawson, 1003 First St. Paul Lancaster Is New President (M 18-Member Mineral Association Paul A. Lancaster, secTetary and general manager of Kings Mou-ntarn Mica Compamy, Inc., was elected president of tlie North Carolina Industtrial 'Min eral Association at the annual meeting held in Morganton, North Carolina. The association -is compri.sod of mining industry, and to ipromote a spirit of ccx>peration among its membc'rs. (Mr. Lancaster succeeds R. T. Denit, Diamond Mica company, Spruce Pine, N. C. Others elected to serve as officers and directors were Roy L. Hairris, Sr., Standard Mi-noral compoiny, Robbins, (N. C. slaw and cake. Adult plates are $1.75, child plates are $1.00. The department has on older a new tanker truck and a now truck designed for car fires and field files. Both these units are expected to -be completed in the near future and prcKOcds from Saturday’s supper will be applied toward i>ayments for these units. Pasadena, T e xas developer John O. Harris, Kings Mountain native, has purchasei 3(X) acies east of Burke road there and announ.xxi a development that will amount to ai'out $50 million when completed. Annual dinner meeting of the Harris is son of Mr. and Mrs. Kings Mountain Chamber of J. Ollie Harris of Kings Moun- Commerce will be held March tain. He and his wife, the for- 19th at 7:30 p. m. at Kings Moun- mer Joan Arthur, and their two Annual Dinnei Oi C oi C Set Edgar C. Wiggins, 1107 West Gold sti-eet, obtaintxi a perime ter zoning permit to build a re sidence. Meanwliilc. Charles Mauney of MMB Trust Co., otwnor of tlie jiark. said that there are no conerete plan.s for other industries build there. to Ollie Haiiis. Ii., Is Planning ^0 Million Development In Texas Contiact Awards, Zoning on Agenda Contrac‘t awards and several zoning niatters will be on city commission’s agenda at M'*n- day’s regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Four contract awards will be considered: 1) The city's hospitalizatmn policies for city emlp>yi'es and other insurance coverages. 2) Water and sewer line cv>n- sCruction. 3) Purchase of a trencher. 4) Electrical s>’stcm t'onstruc- tion. puriXTses. We feel like it’s a prime area for both industrial and dential development and in the future we’ll have some concrete SPEAKER — Rev. Lowell F. Sodeman, industrial chapla'n of the Baptist Home Mission Beard, will fill the pulpit on Sunday evening at Oak Grove Baptist church. Oak Grove Sets Mission Service Yarbro Improved Cleveland County Sheriff Hay wood A!l(‘n .said ttMla\’ Iliat law entorccnx'nt oflio'r.s have “a go'vd many leads" into the reeent .shoc4ing-n.ohi':y <*f Al\:n 5’arhro of Kings Mountain but they’n' still appa:.-jitly ii.,t loC to making an aritvi. "vVe have que.stioned a go.vl many jHMplo," said Alien, "and wo’v(* still got agc'fPs wo.k- ing on the e;we. \Vi'’re In.;!- ing ve’ll get tlie ri.^iu kia I af bre:ik that will lead u.-i to an ir- Test.” Alien .said .Sgl. ihiul Bar’m.*!’. l.t. ''B4K)by Putnam and one SHI agent are .still "running down Ic.kIs". Most -ff the talk. me of it. that loral (itizen*; ha\e heanl <• ni •erah: t!o* < a < a;.- |X‘ar to lx* runio!-s. lejv.jrt W((*k that G<‘'T.:ia 1 ia!s holding a nvin for nue*.ili>inng was untrue, Allt'ii .said. Y'arhro, 65. was shot >:.\ times and rob.htMl of so. oral t!i(»u-'aiii cr- : ating. "We liave std up 36 acres as: an industrial site,” he notcii. "There are about 500 a'ert's in all and it’s named tlie Gold Mine In dustrial Park because it's located on the old gi>la mine land my father owns.” Mauney, -his brother Hev. Lowell F. .'<<»deman, a.ssisi ^ tant (iireelor in the Division ot CIiat»lain.’y of the Southern Hap Home Mission Hoai.i in At lanta, Ga.. since HHUJ. will guest sp('akt*r at Oak (.iro\,t‘ bap tist thur. h Sumlay as Hie ens arc in- nkM?es of silver” for liome mis- vitisi to the Wetinesday night Herman * ' LITTLE THE-J^TKE Kings Mitunttun 1 ,ilt’a* Tlieatro IS eondiicting a i :-ios nf work- du'p.s on \V(’iiiestl 1, (‘\a n'.nps at 7:.20 at F-'n'k 'ha v s !H'‘d .-uidl- tdiium on Grover, 'I'h-' first ui'l'k.shap was eon-l(atns of Kainii'w I.o.lge. On the 1.5th the Chapter will hold an initiation of m'w carul)«ialcs. The week will coiu’liidc with anoHu'r iiaskethall game a niinst Hie Betiilehem Rapti.^t hall team. Mr. Emmett i- t!ie t'lrm- ter's advisor I'r Hu* local DcM'.>- Kiy organization. Frank 8. hand aivi nine Teen age N’x'niHi foundt'd the Order of DcMoIay on March 18. 1919 in Kansiis City. Mis-*ouri. T(^day, nearly t hrt'<'- m i 11 ion dedica ted young 'men of iciion hetAoen the ages of 13 and 21 are meinVrs. in Common" was eh-i-en 1x*'.ause (diapters Hinnighout the nation me association l-s n-rnpu.^eu iri ^ » U 18 companies producing industrial Vice President; Bill Wilkins, De- mineral, f J'- "It E. is cha r:n:m of' ,;„al‘ valuo lo ai o.„ $o0 million. the ..ado bnd iideresis^f Smi^^T" pm.nim ^ mmn.'M haruvo ^danl^ a allmomborsofthomm.nsmdus- Mr. Smith said a nis and swimmimr ci..:, ta.i'ity. ^ and the W-tiTspru;;. P^ne. iN.'^C.!speaker is hein, invitiKl to make adiaecn, ,o Section 3 of Vista puf.To^a^oar for its njom,her^ i'' will '’lirsaid tentative plans cali, retard' On Pa^e 1 DEVELOPER—Ollie Harris. Jr.. Kings Mountain native, has an nounced the purchase of 300 acres in Pasadena, Texas for a S50 million development of LOGO new homes. LEGION AUXILIARY Mtimhers t>f tlic decorations ('cimm't(r'c 'f the .\nic ’an D*- gion .Yiixiliarv. and any ntlw'r members, are invited U> gather Tuesday at 7:3'> p.m. at Hu* of Mr<. Cl>ar!es Dixon, stre(*t. to make palm trees and flow(*rs for a luau the Legion .Auxiliary is spon soring Marcli 31. heme Henrv it is indicatiM* of tlie <*<)mm<>n prin<‘i]>l('s i)i'lie\4'd in i>v the meni'ic-r^ of Kings MTunfain . hap'c”. He furlin';- sy-ped Hint in addhion t- t-r-'viding worth while a fer a v>nng mm, tlie ('’ it'r biiiMs charach'r arui It-ajlership (inaliti<'< while iK'iu- I ing hettcr the community in i which we live. i During the wt'^’k of .'-"Kvial an- I niver-giry activities, the Chap- ' lei's program of events will in- anti free wa^rld lu'lp make their c viimunilic.s Ih'ttcr i kuv.s to live. Mcrnht'rw- if McM c;.v Interna tional i’uludc ,h'hn Wnne. h^b Mathia.'; — fM\ r.ipic de*;ab;Don ch.arnpi'.n 'I'l.I ('on''rcs-.m.'in, ncwscastci'i Walter (Yenkite. ('het HiintliA- anil Piul Har\(*v; ninn- <*rcus c ngre-tenen. senators, giw- ernme:!! and t>us:ness leaders have also -x'ionged lo this civic- minded organizalion.