n Population Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8.465 riio Greater Kingb Mountain figure is derived from the Siiecial UnUed S'.aies Bureau of Ihe Cenbus report of January, t96t>, and includes iho 14,930 population of Number 4 Township, and the remaininq 6,124 from Number h Township, in Cleveland County and Crowders Mountain Township in Gaston County. W7. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL R4 No. 15 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, April 12, 1973 Eighty-Fourth Year PRICE TEN CENTS ivTr " Dixon Firm Announce? Plans For Relocation T ££THWAR£ EEAUTirZCATICN — Photos above show patt of o beautification project at Bethwarc Elementary Schcol. Photo at left shows a m ni park in the bus parking lot in the rear of the school where holly bushes surround a mag nolia tree. Photo on right shows white oinc trees were set out at the two ends cf the school building. Principal E. J. Evoas said the school set out approximote- lylGO trees and 100 holly bushes as a part of the keep North Corolina Beautiful project. (Photos by Gary Stewart) Plant Accident Injures Davis, Youth Suffers Facial Cuts. Is Improving Mike Davis, ITyoar-old Kinjjs IMuuiiiain hi^h sihfjol student, is t ni’ujM'ratiu;; in 'Kin;;s Mcwintain . Vspital alter an .irlusiiai acd' eiu MoiKlay nij^-ht whi'Ii r<";u}t- €vl ill frux* ami head c its v. nich rofiiiiiXMl from atV) to 70J s.i‘. Jics. Yt)iin;4 Davis, cant: .’U\i i.i Iiis : hosjjiial nH);ii We.ln.'j.lay, : .{.1 lit* v\a.s oittiiijr nn a dye ma.iiinc around 0:30 Mondoay vvluni it was acidi'idaliy lunuM on and ho was piiMod into it. “'Fhank goodness, somouiu’ ' thought to lurn it off and it I'hifiw me out into t/io floor,” ho; sa d. “d he Kings .M<7untain Res* ; cue Sijuad was there in no more i t!ian five minulos aiui brought' me to the lios{>ilal.” Davi.s stayed in ihe operating room for five hours. In addition to the hc*ad and facx* cut, he suffered pulUx! inuseles in li.s back and neck. Young Davis’s dnetors aren’t tiUrc‘ how long hospitali/alioii will Ix* rc'(|inrt'd. “I’m sig poscMl la have? miy band:iges removed 'rhursday,” young Davis noU* 1. “and hoiK’fully liiey’ll know something them.” Davis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jix-' Davis and lives on Gold street.. McGinni.s May Leave Hospital Thursday Diek McGinnis, partner in McGinnis Furnilure Comi)any, is sc'hedulcd to bt» released ( ■^.from Kings M-nintain lIosiMtal 9 today and will bo icvuiH'rating for sc’veral days at his hcime on Crchscent Circle. .Mcfjinnis was hospitalized ovcT two wvc'ks ago with a so vere heart attaek and was a pa tient in the coronary care unit for s4*veral days. fHs con'dition h:is steadily im-' proved since lu' wa^ trans.'erred to a private r>)om. Larry Dunn loins Timms' Larry Dunn has joined the staff of Timms Furniture. Aftc*r an eai ly i diremiuit from professi onal haseball due* to bur sitis in Ills pileliing ar.n, lie Those retail hudiiess as an .alter native to his liU;'s ambdioii, h<' said. lie came to Kings Mountain in .Tune ir72 as store man .gm* of the relativc'ly - m'w Chok Tire store and he and h s wife*, Joan, holli native*.^ of L;uin*ns, .S. C., are re.siding in Gold Street Apart ments. .''’airl Dunn, ‘‘I am looking f o w .'«rd to working with Timms Furniture and hope 1 can con- t •"tie tf> meet the f nc* people of tlrs wf'nderfnl little town while working in this new position.’’ TO BE ORDAINED Reginald i Alexander will be ordained in- ^ to the ministry at Sunday eve ning services ot First Boptist church. Alexander To Be Ordained Kegimil 1 Keith Ab’xaiKk*!', son of I’o.'imasler an<l Mis. Charlt*s L. AlexandcM’, will l>e ordained into the ministry Sunday (»ven- iiig at 7:.30 p.in. at First Baptist 1 hur.'h. The ordination service will be Med ,y K(*v. Baul Uiggs, pastor, iaf"d.stel } i; Dr. Kiigene Poston, prc'sidt'iit of Gardner We-bb col- U’.'.e, and Lev. Charlt‘s Frcxmian, ! campus pastor irf Gardner Webb college* at Ijj.iiing Sindngs. ; Ah'.x.nrUu* will receive his Masters in Heligdous l-:ducation fioin Southc'rn Caplist Tluxilogi- Conti mud On PmjC Eight \ iBethware ; Has Completed Beautification The Bc'Ihware School l^TA and the Kings Mountain Dislidct Schools board of education re- cimtly completed a $3,.7‘MJ .eaut- ifkation project at the school. | Fuj-t. Don Jones said the pro-1 pi\>gram was undertaken last year a.ter the Stale l>epartmenl of I rj lie Instruction encouraged ' schools to participate in a stale- wide “Keep North Carolina Bcau- tiiul” project. Jones said the Betliware PTA selocltHl a commitIc'o to study such a project and the iKiard ol- leml to match all funds provid ed by the PTA. The project features a side walk along tile front of the sc'hool, plus outside* lighting, Jones jfaicl cost of the larulsra- trash containers, a pavc'd bus /larking lot with a mini-park, ai> pro.ximately HiO white pine trce.s, 100 holly bibdies and new grass. oJiu'S sa I co.'-t oi l.ic* laadsc.a- ping was apiiro.ximalely $2,!00 and sidewalk paving and curl>- ing cost was approximately $1,000. j School Board Meets Monday The Kings Mountain D.'^trict ^^llo()ls ho:irci of cxUication will meet Monday night at 7;.30 at I'he School .A Iministration Guild* ing. ;Supt. Don Jones said the* I'.oard will mex't in a siK*.*ial c*.\(‘i.ulivc' s(*ssion at 7 p.ni. to discuss ix'i- sonne! matters. Joiu*s said (lecisif»n.> m.ute dur ing the .spc*cial session will lx* announced during tlie rc'gular nuH'ling. Jones said scdiool insurance', school policy conit’ining matc'i- nity and grUnance procelnrc'N and jdans for the new junior higli. auditorium at Ihe liigli school and impro\emenls at East and Wc'.d elenn'iitiuy schools will he presented during tlie regular meeting. Rites Conducted For Mrs. McGinnis Auto Firm Will Rebuild On York Road Dixon Chevrolet lias begun preliminary plan.s to build a new <x>mpany on York Road, acoird- ing to Charles Dixon, president ot the K»c-al firm. •Dixon said all plan.s are cur rently in tlie hands <*f the finrn’.« architect hut he said building should l)c*^gin in about 120 day.s. "Right now,” he said, “there’s not t'Kj much to tc‘ll. I don’t know the exact square footage of the new building, because the plans are wdth our architect, but the n(*!W company will be quite a bit bigger than out present one.” Di.xon said he has a imeetlng .sc'heduled with the archit<?ct ear ly next week, at wdrich lime he win secnire a c‘opy of the build ing plans. Tlie rurreni buildinfi housing Dixon Chevrolc't will be demoliisJied as part of Kings Mountain’s downtown redoveloi)- ment project. Dixon said the new building will be located beside Frederick- son Motor Lines. Kidney Ailment Was Fatal Cn Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. Iva Harris MciG nnis, S3, were con- - durUxt Monday morning at 11 J o’clock from Si*. Matlhc'w’s Luth- I oran church of which she was a i men • ei. I IL*v. Robert Allen officiate<l :d Ihe final rites, and interment i was in .Mountain Rost cemetery. ; Active i):illbearers wore Fred ! Fing<*r, Tim Gladden, S. R. Sub- : or Jr., Glee E. Bridges. Charlo.s : F. .Mauney and Joseph R. Smith. Mrs. McGinnis d:(Hl Satuixlay morning of a kidney condition at P:C..“) in {.'l<‘voland .Memorial hos- ; pilal at Shelby after si,\ \vc*eks ' • illness. Six* was a native of Hickory, daughter of llio late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howard Harris. Her husban 1, the late William Hcn- kle M 'Ginnis, who foumled Mc Ginnis Furniture Company, dicxi in Ihdl. She was a m«*rnlx*r of the !vjn'.:s Mounla.n Senior Citizens , gS club. Min. Me jinnnis was mother of 13 ciiildH'ii. 12 of whom survive, incliKling Odell .McGinnis of Gas tonia. Ikuil McGinnis, Hubert McGinnis and James B. McGin- all of Kings Mountain; and five (laughter, Mrs. Kdward Gon- /al(‘/. of Bricklown, N. J., Mrs. J:ick Wliilstine of Alexandria, Va., .Mrs. Lou Salx'tli of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Herman F]agle of Kannai>olis ami Mrs. Carl Saw yer t»f Charlotte. Also .surviving are 2S giandiJiildren and 11 greal-granJchildren. Scholarship To lanet Sneed Miss Janet Marie Snetnl, high sehool senior, of 517 Cleveland | Avenue, is winner of the District i lY Sallie Southall Cotton Schol- 1 arship given by the N. C. Ferior- jalion of Women’s, clubs. , I Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch, presi-; I dent of the local Woman’s club j which sponsored .Miss Sn<x*d in I the cc>mp<*tition, made the an-i j nouncement. ! .Mrs. Elcie Blice of F\»rest City, District IV’^ president, will make the presentation to Miss Snet'ri at a meeting of the Kings .Moim-| tain clu!> April 30th at 7:1.5 p. m. ^ at the Kings Mountain Woman's chih. Mrs. Lynch said she was plea.s- : ed to make the scholarship an- nouncx’ment, noting that it is the I first time in the l(X*al cli* t’s his tory that a local girl has h(H*n tlie recipient of the district schol arship. Ladies Auxiliary Benefit Saturday Ladies .Auxiliary of Bethlehem Volunte('r Fire Dc^partiment will sponsor a liotdog sale on Satur day beginning at 11 a.m. and continuing until 7 p.m. at tlio Betlilehem Fire Dopart.m<*nt. Dei^^erts and drinks will also bo available. “Come by and oat with us or take it out”, said Mrs. Clioster Ca.sh and Mrs. Gene Car|H:nter, publicity cY>-chairTnen. lefked Accountant Jim Smith Died Saturday; Rites On Sunday — Gco.tje Webb '-•‘i-. 7r . TsHr*s ri'varta'n stu- Tovrmzn Ova/ Sshool cf ’.irh-.e. hr? I :?en indM'“tcd iat') n'rmbrrship by Alpha hcnaiary m:J cal fra- l<unciMl rito.s for .T'uncs Davis ."^mith. 70, were coiiducied .'Tin- day afternojui at I ; . m. fr.nn Central l’nil<*d M«'tli(Kr.sj church of which he was a mc;nLor. Rev. F. H. Waiigii e(Tiri:itrd at I lie final riles and .ntnrmcnt w :is in Ahuuilain U(*st cenx'tcry. Active palG'e.U’i’rs wen* ( h.*!-- lie K('nn<’ly. C. d*. Cart>rnt;'r Jr. (k'orge Ware, Bun Goloith, Jake Dixon and C. J. Gault Jr. Mr. Smith died f’aturdav nn rnin;; at D:t*a a. m. n Cle\<’- land Mcnn»rial hospital ai ^’d^ol- hy after several years illness. lie was a nvilive cf Me klen- ’ourg caunly, son (»f the la!e Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Smith. He wa.s a retired ac.’eunta»ii at vMargraie and Plienix .Mills. A veteran of Worlrl War I. Ik* s<*rved with the IVrsh iig Exp^xi,- tion in Mexico in IDKl anl as a memlx*!* of the KainG'av division. Me was a graduate of Ki.^^hhurne M litary Academy. Alexandria, V’^a., and North Carolina State college. Luiviving are his wife, Mrs. DELEGATES — Donna Jones, top. and Nancy Herd w 11 rep resent the American Legion Auxiliary at Tar Heel Girls State in June. Girls State Delegates Named Dunna Jt)ne.'5, d \u -.liter of Eiipt. aii'l Mis. D'»n .times, and .de.r. y Hoi-d, daic'htcr of Dr. and Mi l D. I'. Hold, have l-.ceii sc!('. 1 lo ri'iirc.^cnt thi* Ann*'i :in l e gion Auxili.iiN’ at 'I'ar lIi**! Girls Slate ill Juiu* n (hceirboio. Itolli M'v-: Jfnie.' and Mis Ilord . .>1- ‘ ’ ;:en 'T' at Ki’V'.s .>loun- tain h h heol . r i .n e a‘.di\ c. n-t eld; in .s*lv'<*l a.-tivilirs. loit in '’r*r l’..\er!; a:i 1 i imniimity a; l,\ itirs. 'Par I [c-'l Gir's .State is hold annii.ally f(*r :i week (tin die June in v.’n T him trod; fd \eung wo men fi ‘;n N'orl’i t .••‘rolTi.i learn .a I'lJt ••o\('Min'mi dnrim: :i full ) rn'T.ini of citi.-en<hip a livifo's; fei iln* camims of Die Fniv(*rsiiy of N'orlh (Tirolimi at Green, boro. Girl’s State co-<hairmen for; Fnii 1.7.7 are Mrs. Stonewaill J:ick-; son and Mrs. Charles Hampton. Olhei- momi ors of the (‘ommittoo; were Mrs. O’^angrol Jolly and Jackie Barreit. Easter Holiday For Students Kin.gs Alounlain District schools will cbwse Friday for an eight- day 1,aster vacation. Siijit, Don Jones .‘iaid all schools will close at i’(*giil:ir hours and will resume classes on Tuesday, April 2-1. Joni's sa d the h’ngthy va('a- lion W’as mad<* possible* l.'cd w<*<'k alien I lie State Board of Eduea- tM)n rnh'^l th.at schools with less than five inclement weather days wculd not have to make them up. P-'ings Alountain lost thn'i* days doc to smnv and the board of education had decided to make up during the Easier br(*ak. Ho^v■ <’ver Jones said Ihe board de cided to give the stu lents their original vacation after the stale bord made its ruling. King WORKSHOP MtmiUain Little Thea- ‘ ‘'k dnlcd a dirc.di'r’s w . k Tn \ free and ojxm to the ■ i'k ■. < n A’lril Ui-20 at Park Grace scIkkiI auditoirium. C-e'*n e Gray of the Gastonia I ■ ‘’e Theatre will be conduct- Oak Grove Fund Reaches $999 First night solicitation effort by Oak Grove Volunteer Firemen resulted in contributions to its "hump” fund for e(iuipment of S!»t»9.00, a spokesman said yester day. The 100 voluntivrs leading the campaign for Slo.OOf) for a (piick- dumi) water truck and a brush fire truck report the drive 1-1.7 complete. Chief Wayne Self said the drive was launched Thursday night and ' voluntc'crs aix* already calling on i families in Ihe SOO-family area to se<'k pledges and cash for the campaign. Ml*. .Self said the annual mem- bi'rsliip drive has been j)o.stiv>nid until fX’tolx'r in order to ('oncen- trate on the imm<Hliate need for <*<|iiipmont. The O'loht'r dine will coincide with the promotion of Fire Prevention Wec'k. Other drive chairnK'ii are John O. Patterson, Rush White and How'ard Hamrick. Leaders from Ihe KN'nezer cnmmunitiy will be announced next week and the .drive progix'ss w’ill l>e ix*i>orto<l each w<’<*k dur ing the two-month campaign. SPEAKER — Rev. Jack Cooke of Cherryville will fill the pulpit ot Sunday morning worship hour at Boyce Memorial ARP church. Cooke To Fill ARP Pulpit Rev. Jack H. Cooke, chaplain of Carolina Fix*ighi Carriers CMr- poraiion of Cherryville since June LMiO, will fill th<' pulpit at .'Sunday morning woi^hip hour at 11 a. m. at Boyce Memorial ARP church. Rev. Mr. Cooke will sjx'ak in the absi'nce of Dr. Charles Ed-, war is, jiastor, who is l<*a<ling a' series of services at Due West. S. C. ARP church April 15-19. I Ml*. Cooke is a graduate of Mai den higli school. Br<»vard .binior coI](‘ge, I^'iioir-Kliyne college and Duke Ihvinily school. He has ser\4vl jiaslurates in Harmony. Statesville, Charlotte, t'herry- \lile and Asheville. He is mar- rie:i and has two sons. At tlie evening wor.<hip houi' at 7 P-. m. memlx*rs 4>f tin* Kings MouiiGiin high Sv-h<kd chorus, un der diix'ction of .Mrs. J. N. AIc- Cluro. will pix?senl a pixjgram of music. ; ““ i Mrs. Hay's Name Omitted From List The name of Mrs. Arthur Hay was inadv(*rtently omititnl from, the list of members of tin* Tiuirs- day Afternoon lk>ck (dul) supplied the .lerald for a ixhx'iii article. The late .Mrs. Hay joim'd Ihe club shortly after Dio club was foun.k*<l jiere in 1913. t The club will soon mark its 691)1 anniversary and was Dio, fii-st organized club in Dk* city. TIk* Herald is happy this correction. li make PENLEY'S SERVICE j Rev. Mauritx* Hampton, pastor t of Blacksburg. S. C. East End Bajilist church, is c<in.liu*ting re- via\I s('rvi<t's this W(H‘k at Pen- ley's Cha{K'l ehunb on Cherry-; ville !*oad. Si’rvitx's are eonlinu- ing eaeli exening at 7 i>. m. and special music is lx.»ing featuied. 12 Others Plan To Move Says White • RedeveJopmen t Cf mm. Direc tor (k’lie \^'h !<' lued'cts that 12 doxvntown bu. inesse.s will be i*e* locaK-’J within thi- next 1-x months. Mr. White prt'face-i his pro- gr<\ss n*;.ori t(» the city (ommis- .sic.n willi this .statement Monday night. He :>aid that already 35 to 10 p(*re4*nt of th<* land tor the eight- block (-(‘ntial busin<’ss disti’ict re- m*\val pi‘oj(*ct has lx*(*n aexjuired an ! pn)j<*rt(Hl that by y(*ar end 5() j)ercenl will lx* actiuiitM. "We haven't gotten into high gear yet on the $2.5 million Oui- sler Street url)an i(‘new'al pro ject, hut we're working", said Mr. White, touching briefly on thi major proj<'(*t which reteived fi nal approval in Decx*mJ'er. Among items he discussed in downtown revitalization: It Grayson’s Jeweli’y (former ly on S. Battleground I relocat ed in haiuFome cjuarlers on VV. .Mountain street. 2) The Old (iambic Gulf Stal lion, Ware & Sons roller mill and old Grayson s building have been demolislKxl. 3) A Si'nior Citizens Park has iKK'n built on West Mountain St. and harulsomely furnisluxl. -1) Western Auto .Ston* has an- nouno<xl the firm will build in the former Bonnie .Mill Store lo cation. 5> Director White several oiher fii'ms sclu*dul<*<i for i'(*-locaTioii will r<*buil<l: among Jhem Bridges Hardware Onnpany City Ice Coi.ll and Di.xon Chevrolet. City Contracts For Water Line Tlie city commLssion Monday night aniroved agreement with the county for 5.500 feet of 12- iiudi and eight-inch water line Lo the Gold Mine Industrial Park. M-MB Trust, owners erf the pro- pi‘rty, agiXHxl to ixiy S68,0(X), the omlract b:ised on a 10->var tax ation period and in line with the county water {)olky. Alcan Aluminum Corporation is the first indu.stD* to announce re- l(x*aii«>n in Die new industrial jiark mvned by Cliarlos F. Mau- noy, his hrothc'r, Herman Mau- nt»y, and liis sister, Mrs. Kay Maum*y Berkeley. Gnmnd-breaking at tlie site on York road was held several w*e4*ks ago. In a minor action Monday niglit, the city hoard, aftc'r a pub- ii*.* hearing, approvcxl request for iK*rmancntly closing an unnamed .St 1*1*01 near Eiistside Baptist chureli on York road. LODGE MEETING An emergent 4*ommunieation of Fairviow' IxKige 339 AF«frAM will b<' hold Monday night at 7:30 at Masonic Hail for work in the first degree, announces Thomas D. Tindall, secretary. Gary Wayne Ledbetter, 23, Dies Oi Injuries; Rites Held Monday CHURCH SERVICES Pev'\ at servifx's aie continuing hreo-h Sunday ni'rht at Se^’ond 'aptisl church with Rev. John laas (d Lum'lx*rton as visiting 'vnngelist. Services are at 7:30 .'ach evening. TAPPED — Mrs. Princess Press- ley Swofiord hos been elected tD membeTshir in Phi Beta Kap ra at North Carolina State Uni- vers ty whei= she is a Junior. Funeral rites for Gary Wayne Le<tlx'tter. 2>. of Gro\er, wore heki .Monday afternoon at I p. m. from Bethany Baptist church of CJrover of which lie was a memlx'r. Rev. James Sand<*rs, assisted 7y Rev. Harry \’amv. officiat«'d, and ini<’rment was in Mountain Rost cemetery. Active palPx'arers wei'e Bill Parker, David Parker. Dennis (k»forDi. dark Mauney. Danny l>*wis, Danx'll Puimim and Den nis Smith. Lodlx'tter was kilbxl instant ly Saturday afternoon at 3 p. m. of injuries he siiffereti when he W’as thrown from the 1*H>T Co- mara he w;is o|H*raiing on N. C, 218 South. He was reportiMlly on route to his liome in Grover w li<*n tli(* vehicle appaiently skid- dtxl on wet paveiiK'iu an<l struck a utility pole in the fnmt y;u'd of the home of Mr. an1 Mrs. Gharlie Moss. .Assi^ ani Coroner Masters said. Continiud On Fuge Eight

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