' ^ ■■ • ■ ■* -k' » * ‘ •' t> ^ . v^- Bethlehem Begins Fund For firemen SIGN TELLS STORY Bethlehem firemen Paul Williams, left, and David Smith hold a sign that tells the story of the department's annual fund d rive which begins this weekend. The department is seeking SILOOO for the purchase of new equipment. (Gary Stewart photo). 1',4'tlik‘hem Volunteer Fire* de partment will ^ogin its annual o(|uipmt:nt fund drive this week- end. 1 A barbecue chicken sup|)er and open house is scheduled for Sat urday, beg nning at 5 p. m. and firemen will begin house-to-; : h()us<' solicitation of funds on I Sunday. | I ivt‘i ommended donations are |TM for ho.Ties, .$20 for small I businesses anartmenl has sponsored numonxis fund raising projetds aturday, are sponsored by the ladies auxiliary. In addition, the fire department annually takes part in the'Belli- ware CVimimimity Fair, (>pt»rating the concession stand and dunk ing machine on an alternating basis with Oak Grove Volunteer Fire Department. The'Bethlehem department was one of the first cN^mmunity fire CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 ^h^ NEW EQUIPMENT — The fire trucks shown abo ve were recently purchased by Ber cent asked by the national organization and welcomed -15 new members. i District 23, wliich also in-; eludes units in Shelby, Forest: City, Rutherfordton and Spin-^ ermits to taled over $200,000 more than in any other month of 1973. Janu ary permits were $197,485, Feb ruary $202,809 and March 163,726. Total building in 1972 was $3,521,850.50. Included in that figure were 10 businesses and a luiraing home. The bigge.st build ing months of '72 were October, wiih $885,030.50; Septem*ber, with $511,451 and November, with $476,444. Cash Property Bought For CBD Baptists Set Gfound-Breaking A busy day is planned for First Baptist ciiurch. Kings Mountain, on Simiay, .May 6. High Atlend- an e Day in Sunday school will lead oft the activities of the day. At the II o’clock worship hour, the first service of the spring re vival will be held. Rev. Paul Pviggs, pastor, will spe/k. After the mg'rning worship, a servile of ground- roaking for the construction of the follow- shij) anpreciation to citizon.s for their “great resiwnse to the clean up effoa’t” and reminded a- gain of clean-up bargains offered by the city. Derelict auto removed: no cost. Derelict building removed: no cost. Kat poison: no charge. Call 739-6731 before Saturday, says Comm. King. Ford To Lead Revival Series Rev. Bill Ford, pastor of Union Btiptist (horch of Slielby, will l)e evangelist lor revival services beginning Sunday at Oak View Baptist church. Services will lx? held each eve ning through Friday at 7:30 p. m. Rev. David Kime, pastor, is sued invitation to the community to worsh p in the services. Special singing will be a fea ture of the services. Pieluninary Plans Drawn For Walkway The Kings Mountain Redevelop ment Commission htis acquired the C. E. Casli proix'rty on Cheio- kee street, another of the proper ties it will raze, John Hall, a.s- sistanl director of the commis sion said yt'sterday. The lot, 50 fexit by 40 ftH?t, is between Sudie’s Beauty Shop and fluster Shoe Shop, and was pur chased from C. E. Ca.sh for $3,750. Meantime. Mr. HaH siiid the ('ommission has ret‘cived pre lim,inary drawings by Crawforgan, high school guidaixce counselor w.ho Is in charge of the programs, an nounced today that baccalaureate will ibe hold on May 27 at 8 p.m. in the high school gym and that graduation exerc'ises will bo at 8 p.m. June 1 in John Gamble Stadium. Rev. Wayne Kitslcr, jxistor of First Wesleyiui Mothodi.sl iCluircJi, will deliver the bacTalaureate ser mon and other area ministers wd'H also take part in the pro gram. Senior class officers will lead the graduation exercises. This year’s senior class totals 250, slightly less than last year’s class of 261 which was the larg est in KMHS history. Senior Citizen.s Mrs. Miller s Sister Passes Funeral rites for Mrs. Mary L. Ferguson, of Gastonia, sister of Mrs. R. D. Miller of Kings Moun tain, were conducted Sunday aft ernoon at 4 p. m. from Carol hers Funeral Home Chapel, inteiment following in Gaston Memorial Park. Mrs. Ferguson, widow of Ross A. Ferguson, died Friday in Au gusta, Ga. Also surviving are her son, Alvin Lee Ferguson, of Augusta, Ga. and five grandchildren. I Luncheon Friday Will Launch Local Events EXPLAINS LAKE PROJECT — Kings Mountain M ayor John Moss, l«ft exploins Kings Mountain lake project to Congressman Jim Broyhill during BroyhiU's visit to the city Friday. Broyhill was ot tbs mayor's oiiice to discuss political issues with the public. (Photo by Gary Stewart)t A Friday 'luncheon at Norlli Elementary School will kicktrft Senior Citizens Month in Kings Mounta in. The luncheon at 1 p.m. is ox- I)ected to draw more than 115 .senior citizens and is being s|K)n- sored by the recreation depart ment, the Kings Mountain Dis trict Schools and the Kings Meuntain M'ini^^terial Association. Mayor John Mos.s, in conjunc tion with earlier proclamations by Governor Jim Holshouser and pnKlaimed the month of May as President Richard Nixon, has .Senior Citizens Month. T li e Mayor’s pnxdamation reads: “\VHERE.\S, the City *of Kings Mountain is indebted to all of it.s citizens ov^er 65 years of ago who have made significant 1*011- tri'butions to the development of progri'ss of our city through their skills and leadership; and "WHEREAS, it is in the 'best interest of the city to create op- portunitii's and design worth while and ibeneficial programs which cn(‘ouirage <'ontinucd active involvement and participation for this rapidly increa.sing segment ■of citizen.s to use their capabili ties and experienced kmnvkxige in all areas of cx)mmunity af fairs; and “WHEREAS, to recognize Hint these older adults are a valuable resource and can continue to make current contributions to society which benefit our city: “ITIEREFORE, I prwlai-m the month of May 1973 SENIOR CITIZENS MONTH in Kings Mountain and commend this ob- .'fontinued On Page Six) Burglars Make Lingerie Haul - -1 Kings Mountain police are imestigaiing a Friday break ing, enterini^ and larceny in the trucking dcparlmenl of BVD Textiles. Jim While, an employee of the firm, reixirtcd iluit some one enterc^d the building a- round G .'i.m. by climbing over a wall and stole an unknown quantity of Gilead night gown.s, i BVD shirts and BVD underwear. 20th Year For Sabettie Louis G. Sahottie, Kings Moun tain insmance man. marks Ills :20th anniversary with Meiroiioli-j Ian Life insurance Co. May 5lh. , He first l)t'gan with the firm I as an agent. ; During the course of Ins cm-1 pUiynienl he has made substan tial gains and is presently in the pos.tion of special i*epresentativc sak's manager. ! .Sabt'tlie. who is marri<'