K Le Fa PAGE 2 EstobUshed 1889 plj The Kings Mountain Herald ‘ 206 S«uth Piedmont Ave. Kings Mountain, N. C. 28086 ^ A w<x%ly newspa.per devoted to the promotion of the gtrneral welfare and published tor tht enligHtenment, entertalnmnt and benefit cf the citizens of Kings Mountain »nd its vicinity, ;xiblished every Thursday by the Herald Publishing House. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Kin?s Mountain, N. P.. 2S086 under Act of Congress or March 3. 1873. EOrrORJAL DEPARTMENT Martin Haimon Editor-Publisher Miai Elizabeth Stewart Circulation Manager and Society Editor Gary Stewait S{>orts Editor, Neys MUs Deboie Thornburg Clerk. B<»>kkeeper Rocky Martin MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Alien Myer« Roger Brown Paul Jackson Herbert M. Hunter MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE In North Carolina and South Carolina One year $4, six months S2.25; three months $1.50; school year $3. (Subscription In North Carolina subject to three percent sales tax.) In AU Other States One year $5; six months $3; three months $1.75; school year $3.75. PLUS NORTH CAROLINA SALES TAX TELEPHONE NUMBER — 739-5441 Summer lobs? N'oed a .summer job, hiRh school or college .student’ Come Summer .\inety-nino time.s we’ll say nothing. We like the .sounds of summer. Attend the Mayoral Pictures un veiling program Sunday at 3 p.m. at City Hall. NEA MAGAZINE LIBBERS. WHAT HAVE YOU IXDNE! — Aha! Women’s liberation is one of the biggest factors contributing to the high cost of meat, especially the better cuts. Says who? Says D. Gale Johnson, a University of Chicago agricultural eco nomist, leading authority on farm prices and former president of the American Farm Economic Association. How does he reach this conclusion? Well, says Johnson, as more women enter the labor force, those who must also cook for their families are con- •slantly seeking ways to save time. Since the higher priced cuts of beef take the least amount of lime to prepare, there lias been an enormous increase in de mand for sirloin, T-bone and porter house steaks. Curiously, Johnson does not men tion the fact that working wives al.so add to a family's income and thus in a quite literal sense are helping bring home more of the bacon. Incidentally, those women who work all day in offices, shops or fac tories and they have to cook for the family will hardly call that “liberation." Consider the lowly mo.squito. A- greed, it requires an act of supreme faith to say anything good about the mosquito’s role in the order of things. Yet the West African nation of Sierra Leone not only has nice words for mo.s- quitos, it has more or less en.shrined the malaria-caiTylng type by establishing the Order of Mosquito for gallantry. Nothing gets a group of women off the subject faster than her arrival. Money spent for the care and up keep of property, including clothes, pays the biggest dividend of all. For better or worse, our reputation depends mainly on what people say a- bout us behind our back. He who thinks Y • has no faults— Bumper Crop There ai'e openings. See Chairman Franklin Ware ol the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Committee. In today's edition the Herald has printed the picture.s of 12 King.s Moun tain young men and women who have attained degrees Irom institutions of higher learning. '1 here arc otlicr avenues, of course. The Herald's cla.ssified advertising section regularly lists job openings. There will be more. It bespeaks well of the public school system which prepared these students for college, for their parents who sacri ficed that their children might obtain more formal training and for the stu dents themselves who made the grade. Come summer, the kids in our neighborhood will say there's nothing to do. They’ll sit listles.sly on swings, prod ding them.selves into merest motion with one toe, or sprawl on the glider, making the springs creak like a complaint. When they talk about the money crunch, they don't mean that somebody is eating the lettuce called cash. They mean that the lettuce crop is puny. There's nothin to eat, they’ll say, standing before a refrigerator spilling with food. If wo only had a boat, a horse, a swimming pool, they’ll sa.y. Congratulations to Frances McGill, tapped by the Woman’s club for inclu sion in Who’s Who Among Outstanding Young Women of America. Tliey'll leave the record to scratcli out the same tune 20 times, mechanic ally insi.sting on monotony. Nothing to do they’ll say'. A hundred times a day the screen door will squeal open and clatter shut and that many times a day and more Grandma will say to the gran..lkid.s. don’t let the screen door slam. Hats off to the local plants who won safety awards Thursday night; Foote Mineral Company, 1.5th consecu- ti\e yciU' without a lost-time accident; U. S. Gypsum Company, sixth consecu tive year; Duplex-International, Dixon Chevrolet and Lambeth Corix>ration, third year; and Spangler's, .second year. Demise Ol Meter Parking metal's, installed by the H. Tom Fulton administration 25 years a- go, will bo no more, the city board a- greed Monday night. Two-houi' parking will be continued in the once-metered area and an all-day parking area for business firm employ ees is on the drawing board. Mrs. Jim Dickey, wife of Comm. Dickey, told the board she qualifies for a souvenir parking meter. She’s paid so many tickets, slie says. Are there oth ers? FROM TIME MAGAZINE — A thought on Watergate - Some of the men involved in the .scandal might do well to ponder this quotation from George Bernard Shaw; “Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power.” Two fire-fighting departments — Bethlehem and Oak Grove — are con ducting fund drives for equipment to do better jobs. Emblematic of the confi dence of the.se volunteers who risk life and limb to help neighbors in distress, they’ve already bought the equipment. They know “We’ll raise the money,” Send your check today. Hearty congratulations to Jack Smith, re-elected commander of Frank B. Glass VFW, and to Lindbergh Dixon, re-elected commander of Otis D. Green Post 155 Ameiican Legion, and to all other officers end directors. Reading Around America's most affluent families some 2.7 million accounting for 5 per cent of all_ U. S. families) had at their disposal 15 pel' cent of ail income and an impo.sing GO per cent of total discre tionary spondirg power at yearend 1971, according to “Finance Facts,” a monthly newsletter on consumer behavior pub lished by the National Consumer Fin ance Association. Reporting on a study by The Con ference Board, the newsletter points out that each of these families had an in come over ,S25,000, while the overall average for the group was approximate ly $35,000. The money flowing to the income elite .summed to about $100 billion. Broad characteristics of these wealthy families show: average age ot family head was about 50, nearly all were headed by men, about half held a college degree, and about 72 per cent had more than one wage earner in the THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C, Thursday. May 17, 1973 Viewpoints of Other Editors PRESS DIDNT CREATE WA'lt^HGATE CRYING OVER ONIONS The lowly onion, long tliCj whipping boy of many kitchens, j is getting its sweet levt'iige now; that onion prices lta\e sottrotl to WE DONT NEED “NO KNOCK” Some of the msponses to Wat- Did you read that story in the cents a pound or so. House-• CTgate that have come from pco- dail press lecently about fed- "’ivo.s and cooks who once critnl pie and politicians deserve com-ieral narcotics agents raiding ami I terrorizing two innocent families If you listen to conversation' i in Collinsvillle, Illinois? It you and read oj^n-fot-um cXnns Tni you are aw re your .Sundiiy paper tind read about it. in Its presence arc over its absence. now crying KINGS MOUNTAIN Hospital Log VISITING HOURS OaUr 10:30 to 11:30 AJtl. 3 to 4 PJ4. and 7 to 8 P.M. Snnonncetnfeiits Birth Restaurants and short-order joints famous for their hot dogs "smothered in onions” have had to unsmother them; some have had to cut out the onions alto- the nowspapc'rs, that some voters try to dismiss Watergate as a story blown up: ft's alarming to .see what’s be- hy the imagination of reporters. ‘ ing done in the name of "law! gather. The same goes for that Or if Watergate is not c.xactly ajand order” hen- in America, thc|*ampting extra order of fried creature of the news media, it is'greatest free society on arih. onion rings-now practically as di.smissed as a tsoiy based on:'’ ri’are as a museum piece and P.x- hearsay and rumor rather than A man and his wif weie a.slccp'tra onions in the tossed salad, a story based on hard, ugly Jtheir Collinsville townhouse fads. j the other night when suddenly , I without warning, a team of pis- V .CO president Agnew is one of | tol-wielding narcotic agents burst the politician.s who has cncourag-■ into their apartment The man e.i the public to take such a view and woman v.eie ph..sically and'tad a "farewell To Onions,” and of Watergate. i verbally abu-sed i.y'the agents] axpress^ the fervent hope that The leiioriers vihn havo Obey pointed pistols at tlie man’s famine wouldn’t be a perman- tligging into Watergate andibring- suggested'^^T^r'^^Hcels I of illegal drugs) before ihelJ^“*ga ramp for the onion--the I agents lealizwi they had raided pro dem being that the ramp The paucity of onions lias re- come so widespread that the' Greensboro Daily Xows, in its editorial columns, recently pc>n- ; the wrong ad,irc.^s. TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE .’)/» so,,. „ttend :„nto'„.!j imdc.ai, a„d bo,,- thhu: car to ,o,de,-sta.,di„!i; Pioverbs 5.'/ iiig sfamlalous findings to surface surely aren’t gods with out sin. There are overzealous rporters just as there are over- zealous iJolltielans and overzeal ous voters who.se fervent faith in. a half hour later across town a political adm.nistratlun leads'ix second family weie \ ictims of them to relu.se to believe infor-|a misdirected drug raid. In each mation llu-y Just don’t want to case the narcotics agents, upon ■ . realizing their mistake, loft the "smt'lls like a cross bt'tween the arlic plant and a skunk” We, too, can think of botler ways to weather the n'isis. Ab stinence and stoicism aiv classic virtues, and in any case there's But what we have rece . premises without pausing to make, ® brigliter side to the shortage. ! from the news media, particular ly from the digging newspaper an apologj'. -•since the storj- of those epi- leporcets intent on pualic the tr uth abttui Watergate. Ltvolved have been suspend.xl is for the most part not mere and both familis have prepared s,.eculaiion or hearsay or rumor, lawsuits against the governmei'.t. T.he trial and contlction of the former onion fanatics will prob- aoly find that they’re the benefi ciaries both of less toothpaste .ying the sodes was .-nade publicu the agents and more friends during the pttr- < ..t.,,..-..,,.. _ ■ ■ iod of denial. .And, while eating onions is said to he a good way to cut tie cholesterol, it's also a r-,,.,., guaranicXHl way to cut the con- Forumately, no one was killed Mrs. Eather G. Branch .Mrs. Julia D. CPi'dry Arthur L. Davis William J. England Mrs. Lona Mac Gaddy Riinson D. Goforth Mrs. Wilda E. Haskett Mrs. Charles Jackson Mrs. Verdie Mae Kale Paul B. Kirby Laura Jane Laws John Lewis, Jr. Mrs. Irene G. .Melton Walter M. Moorliead Manuel .A. Moss Frtxl ."VIcAbee ■Mrs. Betty P. Parker Mrs. Rufus Phifur Rebecca Lynn Rc'ld DeboraJi Ann Rhyne .Mrs. NeU W. Rhyne Jerry L. Roclsholt Ravinond David Sliarpe WUluam E. Thompson Dorcas Lee Wilson Mrs. F. Lee Yatbio Nils. Annie P. Dellinger Lawrence Guy (Max Daniel Ingle Ali.s. Eugene D. Jacitson Mrs. Buford Z. Neill Let, is E. Wright. .'5r. 'Mrs. Hunter G. Wylie Leonard L. Colas WUliam W. Ilastlng.s Mis. Jessie W. Hord ■Mrs. Johnnie G. .\Itx>re Mr.s. Colean D. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Hoy R. Ruff, Bes- .sc'mcr City, jtnnounce the birili of a daughter. May 7lh. Kin .VIountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lee Bright, 318 Wilson Terrace, an nounce the birth of a daughlei, May 8<h, Kings .Mountain Ims- pital. -Mr. and .Mrs, Cliarles L. Kelly, Be.Asemer City, announce ih,. birth of a daughter, May Sili, King.s Mountain hospital. .\li. and Mrs. Gary S. Wilkin son. Llncolnton, announce tin- birtli of a daughter. May Stii, King.s .Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. MUtbn Hetm-s, Bessemer City, announce tin- birth of a daugtiiti'r, Friday, .May ' lull, King.s Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mr.s. Billy R. Thomas, Be&semer (Nty, announce the birth ot a daughter, Friday, May UUi, King.s Mountain hospital. 14lh, Kings .Mounlai nho.spilal’ Mr. and .Mrs. Floyd E, Jaeks m, Gastonia, announce the birtli of a daughter. .Monday, May Mih. King.s Mountain hospital. ADMITTED THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Eng, HI. Barber .Street, aiinoiincc the birth of a daughter, .Monday, May Mrli, Kings Mountain hospital. , s*?ven political spies involved in or seriouslv injured In either the bugging anl burglarizing of raid. But what if the ticti.-ns of the Ds-mocraiic headquarters in this over,valous e.xercise in law the Watergate cu.iding, ot enforrement had pulled guns of ; lannot <■ labeletl "hearsay or their otvn and decided to fight ■ ■ .'umor. back to defend their homes’ , And surely the "rumor" label ha'a happened, turn "’-an aohorrent .ncidont. into versation. In any case, onion lovers have oniy their frustration to swal- Itf.v. No matter how jou slice it. Mrs. Yates D. Blanton, 11-1 Wa co Rd., City George H. Froneberger, lit. 1, Bax 300, City Mrs. Stanley L. Gainey, Ml)7 ' cannot be attached to the report ' that tile aet.ng director of t.he 1 FBI destroyi-d evidence pertinent to its Watergate investigation and did so at the prompting of White House personnel. The act ing PHI director a£kno.vled_g«l I destruct.on of evidence. And .he has resigned his- pnsition. senseless tragedy. Why did thtv-e salad day s are gone for now.— shelby Road, City The Charlotte News. Hazel E. Lanford, 112 S. Cherry ! St.. Cherryville Mrs. Ruth .\!. Lema.stcr, 140 W. HOME NOT BAD! .A.merican military families re- misdlrected tirL’ig and staying in Europe are raids occur .n the first place’ e.ncounter r.g e.'onomic problems they never dreamed of. Some Virginia .Ave., Bessemer City The an.swer is "no-knocK. .S<)m.e .make the inflation crisis at ’ home seem like a picnic. N'or is this rumor. John Ehrichman, and regulations which allows po lice in amtain cases to forcialy For instance the.se families enter private dwelling w.thoui; quickly discover that canned announcing their presence when; goods are five to six tl.mes more ■vru.ou.blieve an announcment (expensive on the European mar- lalfairs in destruction of^ket, that pasteurized milk often ADMITTED FRIDAY Mrs. Samuel E. Colas, 90.5 W. .Alabama Ave, Be.ssemer City Mrs. Robert E. Herndon. Rt. 2, Box 46aA. Bess<>mer City Ervin A. Jenkins, Rt. 2, Birx 6A, Clover ADMITTED SATURDAY Mis. G. W. BeU. Rt. 1. Box 112. City’ -M.-s. Buddy C. Flettcher, 701 10 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Items of 'iiru's about Kiiitis llo’.intain area people and !vo>it,s taken fioni the fib's of the Kings Monntai,’. Ex-Mayor Glee .A. Bridges won relection to a fifth term as Kings Mountain .Mayor Tuestlav, I as 2.390 volet s went to tlie ' polls, giving Bridges l.i’l.’) voli-' to Mayor Kelly Dixon 977. 'FRr nv^t cato^ rhafin l°<ri ^ availkble at anv price, that ^ I FBI investigators that in 1971 the ^nock has been pushed as an in-j refrigerated foods and the means to, to refrigerate them, if they e.xist, I the (Wen.i-int in thn PenturnA i tracking down Oh Amei'-1 are well beyond the means of the the President’s wishe.s, Ehrlich- i man engaged the services of j Goidon Liddy and Howard Hunt ( (later sentenced for their parti- 1 cipation in the Watergate biir- I glary). Lidily and Hunt conduct- j ed a bieak-in at tlie office's of i ElLsherg’s psychiatrist. [ Ehrlichman’s acknowledgement that ho employed Liddy and I Hunt to investigate Ells .erg is I o<l contained in an I HI report pub- j General lished In an inter lichman denied he instructed until ... . - i ard housing is available only to v.,,' ua' -But no-knock ls turning oiit to wealthy. Mrs. Gertrude L. Hoffman, 209 W. Lee AvTnue, Bessemer City ADMITTED SUNDAY Mrs. Grover Greene. 1413 Shel- I Donn Freeman and John 'Tria, -Jr. have been chosen as King.-; I Mountain's representatives to i Boys .State at Chapel Hill Both i are juniors. Social and P< i-sonal he a i.igger threat to our rtree society than the drug menaK? it is supposed to curb. We don’t G, Gri.gg, 905 Mrs. Virginia In Madrid, a box of tuesues cast; c » $1, cigarette tJO cents a pack, ai April F. Lrc, 1106 Spencer Ave- neel "Gestapo-type" police tactics! bottle of catsup, SI. A maid can ! Gastonia which threaten our Constitution-1 be hired for $15 a week but the' Norman L. Pittman, 2SOO («ail guaranteed civil liberties ju.st to [high cast of almost everything -Avenue, Gastonia arrest a few drug pushers. : else usually eliminates that lu.x-- Charles Simmon.s, A bill authorizing no-knock ; ury. Be-ssomcr City in North Carolina was introtiuc-■ ,, ,, , , . . ' Emiaia W. Whitworth, earlier this .session in the! Half the people atlemptuig the Wa.sltington Ave.. Be.s.semer City .Mr. and Hrs. Thomas Hilliard Black announce the engagement ot their daughter, Peggy Ann. to Harold Henry Jackson, son .Mrs. 'fhompson Wood J;ick.son^^ Kings Mountain and the laic .Mr. Jackson. A July wedding Is planned. P. O. A.ssembly. Fortunately I ovearseas retirement doggedly 1 the Washington Post. In | for us, it hasn’t been enacted and! h out for about six months. :-v'ievv with the FBI, Ehr- appai'cntly won’t he consideretl i head for home, where the denied he instructed until the Legislature reconvenes! i is easiei evjen^ w ith ^our Liddy and Hunt to break into the next year. When it does com up psyehiati'lst’s offices. But he ad- for oon.s dration again, it ought mltted he had learned of the to he kilted for once and for all. break-in after the fact and did ' What an outrage It would he for not report the crime. Details of ' North Carolina, one of the orgin- ihe break-in were revealed the ■ al suiiporters of America’s Bill other day in open court by the ! judg conducting the trial of Ells- berg. What the FBI report disclosed i and what the Judge revealed : I surely were not riunor. | j The U. S. Justice Department last week charged the Finance I Ccmmittec to Reelect the Presi- ^ of Rights, to authorize such nets as those which occurred in Col linsville. — Smithfield Herald. high prices. — Wichita (Tex.) RecordiNews. Falls 1,0(10 Scoots Study Textiles A tlmusand pdus. Scouts studied i Te.xtiles during April, National i Textile Month, work-ing toward I the Textile .Merit Badge. Scouts : completing the work will earn ! the Textile Merit Badge and bti- come eligible for the Textile Scholarship offered by the North Carolina Texitle .Manufacturers’ Association. A Textile Workshop project waa FILE THIS! MAY COME IN GOOD SOME TIME Ashley .INitrell's remarks about the undiplomatic fellow who terts your memory of his name dent with failing to report and ' remlnris of a tale told on the late maintain record on a $200JXX) | Governor Gregg Chetry Apocry- campaign contribution by New ' phal, we presume. Jersey financier Robert L. Vesco. i It happened as the Governor. v'esco contributed to the Nixon, stepped from the elevator into '“unched at a dinner .sponsored reelection campaign while in ; the lobby of the S’r Walter Ho-1 ^>y Burlington Industries on trouble with the government. ■ tel. An effusiye constituent htir- j March 22nd, where Troop leadetrs Last fall the Securities and E.\- ried over to shake hands and. were introduced to the project change commission charged in a | start a conversation. “I’ll -ot you by Burlington representatives, civil suit that Vesco has ".spirli-! don’t remember iri/ name.’’ he During April, Textile .Month, over ed” away from $221 million fromgu.shel And when Cherry hesi-l 700 Scouts received lastructions four mutual funds. ! tated, chided “Come on. Tell mcl fttim Burlington Industries em- Thc Nixon campaign commit-j my name.” ' ployees in the eleven counties of tee’s acceptance of money from I Then said Cherry, in a voice! the Piedmont Council lame’s Lorry Robbias. P. O. Box ; .338, Be.s.semer City ADMITTED MONDAY Mrs. Floyd E. Jaxicson, 27091 Skyland Dr., Ga.stonia | iMrs. Mary E. Shuford, 417 E. Georgia .Avenue. Bes-semer City | ; Mrs. Cliarles L. Price, 90 Pine I Manor (31., City Mrs. Robert W. Eng, HI, 30,5'i ' BatrbcT St., City | aiUy F. Bridges, Rt. 2, Box 116, McAdonvUle James C. Johason. 201 E. Tenn Ave., Bessemer City Wallace Rites Are Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Vera Mae Wallace, 63, ol 407 E. Parker ■Street, were conducted Monday ajterno.on Irom Grace United Methodist cthu-rcli of which she was a mcnt'ber. Rev. N. C. Busli, as-sisted by Rev. Edwin Chrlseoe and Rev. ' Clarence Hampton, officiated at -the final rites, and intemwml King.s -Mountain’s Phenix Plant of Erwin-Mooresville .Mills was a .sponsor. A Textile Merit Badge pamph let, a Textile Merit Badge, and a special certificate were presented to each of the boys in the ipro- •J-fsco was not fabricated by ru- - heard throughout the lobby, nor-mongers. Nor is it “specula-: "Can .somebody hel this poor feb lion ’ nor "hearsay.” i low? He forgot his name.”—^The Citation of Watergate inter- -State Magazine. mation that is not rumor or spec ! . ilation or hearsay t-ould go on! THAT INDIAN IN THE and on. Even President Nixon I WHITE HOUSE has acknowledged that Water-1 Little wonder a slogan popular ject. gate is a substantial scandal, and j in Washington these days:! The initial project will be fol- icrefcrrod last week to the “vig-l“Free The Watergate 500.” The' lowed-up by other Troops and >rous free press” that has proliferation of burglars, buggers I Scouts paxticipating under coun- rought it to light. i and bunglars mounts with each sclors furnished by Burlington In- | Exept for the convicted de- passing day. i dustrles, and other textile plants, fondants in the Watergate bur- It’s getting hard to keep track; Carolina Mills launched a Slmi- lary and espionage case, per- of them aU. For instance, as j lar project for the Catawba Coun Mrs. Gary W. Huffstetler, Rt, | was in Mountain View cemeter.v 6, Uncolnton I BU-tcItsburg, .S. C. Kevin R Bingham, 2910 Cama ! Drive, Gastonia j morning in the Kings Mountain ho.s5>it:iI after several month’.s illness. She was a member of tlie 'Mrs. Lany Rucker. SlOO Mar- grace Rd., Rt. 3, Box 21C, City Choir To Sing Al Ladies Night Senior Citizens club and daugli- ter of Uie late Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry F'rank Jones. The Ohoir of Kings .Mountain high school wUI present a pro gram oif entertainment as high light of the annua-l ladies night banquet of the Kings Mcnmtain Kiwanis c9ub 'Thursday night. -D.lnncir will be served to Ki- -wanians, their wives and guests at 7 p.m. at tlie Woman’s club. The program will include tra ditional favors to the ladies. She Is s'urvived by her hus band, VVe.sley .Allen Wallace; five brothers, W. Q. Jones, D. II. Jones, both of Catawba; JI. F, Jones ot Virginia Beach, Va., Paul Jone.s of Benson, i^izona and Joltn R. Jones of GreenviUf^^ 3. C.; and three si.ster.s, Mrs. Rhr^pi Roberts Grose of RuthcrfordtoiiT Mrs. Marie GutherJe of CkUtney, S. C. and Mrs. Mary J. .Stone of Charlotte. sons bullty of wrongdoing in the Russell Baker nske1, was it Se-1 ty Scouts on April 23th at Malden, Watergate scandal are yet to bejgretti who parked his Maseratl North Carolina. Involved in this j Ictermine:! in courts. And we; at the Watergate or was It Masa-’ project will be over 300 Scouts -hould re. erve judgement on the; rati who parked his Segretti? I and 15 Troops. Joining Carolina Tuilt or innocnce of involved The latest member of the Wat- Mills in this project is Klopman, -ersons until the evidence Ls allicrgato cast is Emil Krogh, a for- Skufcxd Mills, CoUins Aikman, n. I mer While Hou.se aide who evi- ahJ Maiden Knitting, Inc., all lo- Bitt let no one ho so na’se or so I dently was Involved in ,t number! cated in Catawba County, bstinate as to believe that Wat-j of shady operations. W'hen his' SpindaJe Mills, on April 23rd, ■rgate is only an imagined scan-, name appeared in printe we fig.!launched a project to present the ’al publicized by the news media.' ured it was ponounced "A-mea11 Textile Merit Badge program to Vatergate is for real—not a Re- Krogg,” or maylie "E-mill Kroff.” new Scouts in new Boy Scout •ujliean disgrace so much as it| So we were unprepared when! troops. As a result of thedr pro- 5 a national di.sgrace.—^Smlth.'the true pronunciation was used' gram, they will present each boy ’ Terald. j on a television news program. It a merit badge pamphlet, merit | * sounded like “Eagle Crow.” At badge sasSt, and the merit badge, j ADVERTISING PUSHERS | first we though the story was| As a result of this projM, dur- .Advdrtiscments now appear on j about the settle at Wounded ing Textile Month, the Piedmont ] -upermarket carts. And poo,ole i Knee. number of Textile Merit Badges : ou.shing the otirts should deman i! In fact, reliable source who is CouncH will present the largest ; an advertising circulation fee. ; close to Impeachable sources in ever presented in one year in the ! Food Engineering I Washington Informs us the Mr. Boy Scouts of America. | ' Grough is, Indeed, of Indian de- It is the Intent ot the Piedmont | scene, despite the spelling. Our Council, Boy Scouts of AmerUca, ; sou^fe says his mother was a to continue the program, giving ; member of tl’.e SHckyHn gers he boys a special opportunity to ! ^pe. which inhabits the Chicago look Into the TexU'le p^ograim In j ^r^ HU -vi-.aA, (t, Fl|ithead, I the early portloji at their Scout- i Keep Your RaeJio Dial Set At .1“ fc, 1220 WKMT KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. THE SUCCESSFUL SALESMAN There’s a house-to-house sales man who says he owes his suc cess to five words: 'Miss, is yojif News & Weather every hour on Ihe hour. Weather every hour on the hour. Fine entertainment in between Thurse $1 Cl for lot .scliool i-tige ill Eui .Junioi C't'llod same. .Jones oiler .)e wo -Alt', .'ind -Mrs. Larry Rucker. 8l(X) .’Vtargrace read, antioun.e. the birth of a .son. Mondav, il w A has hi year I I tirst i .Slirini lina. f rai.sin (Jreen iiient n to rt’i he’ll t Kai-1 Mcfla Noi'll’ senioi letif's gone Larry span nis U Jjalloi Caule King.' year, tlieir ■ won I ing i Wolv in thi ing I) openi night :\Ulls jiraet I Club w eek In th Awai Gil)S( in 'tv pitch C.aflj Chuc ’71; ! 1 year from comr .sense H'he than Moot lime the ;

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