'I' •) Population Uroater Kings Mountain City Limits 21,914 8,465 Tho Greater Kings Mountain Ilgure is derived irom the Special United States Bureau of the Census report ol lanuaty. 19G6. ond includes the 14,990 population ^ Number 4 Township, and the rcmatning 6,124 Irom Number 5 Township, in Cleveland County and Crowders Mountain Township in Gaston County. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Pages Today VOL. 84 No. 21 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, May 24, 1973 Eighty-Fourth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Answer Indicated 74 Timetable By July 1 m >0m - '1 V '4 *. A X-. mi Mayorai Portraits Unveiled At Sunday Afternoon Rites Sunday Event Prelude To City's ‘14 Celebration ill 11. I \ ' : J rt'iii nil’. :,y llii'.l. KMHS CLASS OF 193C REUNION SATURDAY ^ tMembers of the Kings Mountain 'ligh vchool graduating Class pf 1938 will gather iSaturdcy :ior the .15th yaunion. Class .tnembers find for mer classmates and ftienda |are invited to tour the high school plant frem 4 until 6 p.m. At 8 ;3.m. yUnner will be served lit Rcyal Villa. Reservot ons should be made With class treasurer, Mrs. John Cheshire. Members of the class: |Mascots Barbara Jean Gault and Hugh Noisier in front of group): Front row, from left, Robert Morrison, Mary Frances Tidwell, Lila Faye Sides, Nell Sherrer, Minnie Early, Phyllis Patterson, Nina Put nam, Virgin a Logan, President Wilburn White, Faye Penland, Aileen Black, Jewel Brackett, and Sam McAbce; Second row. irom .left. Harold Plonk, Odus Davis, Charlotte Host, Mary Frances iCarpenter, ‘Morgeret 'V/iliiains, ,'3u*an henry Sammitt, Mildred Jolly, Lillian Moss, .Emilly Ashe, Vera'.'h;!. -r jcr.e Rhea and Charles ,Thomas.-,on; Third fov/, from : it, Carl F n- ger, Paul Walker, J. D. Jones. Frances Stowar:, Irene Gladden, Elizabeth Plonk, Virginia|Allen, Kotty Clon nger, lied McGill and Ned Hayes; Pack row, from left. Sunt. B. N. Ecirna?, Enri.o Hie ;s, George H. Mauney. Everette Cloningcr, Andy Kuiistotler, Mill Laughter, Bill Davis, Bureau Neill, James 3ot th, Excell Welch, Charlie Carpenter. Esker Earp, Principal D. M. Bridges and class spenser Mrs, W, T. V/eir. ICot pictured is Jim .datterreo. (Photo by Lillian Moss Wright) '»a Lease R: ccaulaura ^3 -T.-nx, f j? J bermoa bua First Wesleyan Pastor To Give KMHS Sermon I CHARLES A. NEISLER Charles Neisler Board Chairman Cliailo.s A. .XoisU'i- lia-’ bicii t ka tfcl iJiaiiniaii ot llio iiiiarcl of Kin.'.s M.ainlaiii liraiit’li of First L'iiion ISaiional Dank. '.Mr. .Nfi.^lt'r suftoo fs lii.s late lallit'i, Paul .M. NoisliT, Sr. Oiaor ini'miiors of tin- Kiii.,s M .unlain licaid are L. E. Ilin- iianl, J. H. Jlfniiluii, .Ir., J. t’. ihitl’i's, 111' loin Hakt'r, .1. (fllio Hams, tIcHjraii lloa.M'i, Jolni L. McGill ami John t). flunk. J'r. WOMAN'S CLUB In.slallall.iii c.' new otlifor.i of till’ Woman's i lull tvill foa- Inri' lilt' iH'.Cjti'am Momlay ni;,'lit at 1-ATi ji.m. .it Hit' Wcmaii’s t liti). Ainuial rt'iHnIs will bo Kivon by officor-'.. -Mrs. Aubruy .Maiiiioy IS fliainiian of Hie liosloss oommiltoo. I Commoncemont exorcises lur id.lO liittli school soiiiors, mombors of the 1973 graifnaling class of K.ngs .Mountain liigli school, co- yin on Sunday wilh tlio baocal- auroaio soi mon at b p. in. in the K.MllS gyninasinm. Itov. litiyd Kistlcr pastor of First Wesleyan .Method si chureh, will iloh\or tho mojsayo . Four area tnhiisleis will assist in me program, her. K. L- Gar vin, pastor ol .Muniit Pleasant iJ.ipl-St eiuirtli, will yi\e Hie in- vocation, llev. W. F. .Stoll. Jias- lor ol Liyiiiiin Chapel A.MK Zion t.until, will lead tho .-.riplmo, Itov. Glvnn Btilaiul, ;aslor ol ill siinot turn I.iilheian oliureli, will .ntrodni'O Kev. Kistlcr and : I’ev. John C. Soulliorn, pastor ai j ii.inG r.pisi’oiial unuivn, will i;;ive Iho bonodietion. I A K.tlllS m.huimontal oiisem- ; lilo u II proN ulo s, ..’vial musie ' alon;,' wilh the K.MJIS clioii' tor j ll’.e ,1. .■asion, .Miisie will a' inrl r tile liirofluin of -Mrs. J. N. ile- i t inro and IJonaUI Uoal. j lira.Illation oxt rcisos will bo ; nolil ai S p. m. Juno 1 at John ' Ganihle Slatliiim. I K.MII-S Award.s Day is Friday iani si.liolarships ami oilier him-' jois will ho aimoumod at 10:10 a. CONTINUED ON PACE ii Kings Mountain Bovi^lers Are Soon To Be Homeless Alter 26 Years Kings Mountain's bowling eon- j Hiigont, .siiavMU'd out of Mountain j f anes 15 iwling Ci nlor, and iiro- ' timer ot sovoral national dmki>in rh.vmi litin.- hip.s, is in a tiuaiuUiry. Tile bowlers are ready to stait a .Slimmer leayuo. Hut after Juno f, t'horoll bo no jdaro to bowl in Kings Mountain. .MiAintain Lanes will bo closed as of Juno 1, the Kings .Mountain lit dovel pmont eomimissi.m di'roo- li i, (lone White, said Wednes day. 'liie Bowling Center, of course, i.t till! property of the Ftedoveloii- ment Commis.-iion, it having pur- iha.sod the building from ('. If iCiit) ffouser-several mintlbs ago and h.aving rei’ontfy pureha.sed the equipment in order to clear the buikl'ing for razing. John Hall, assistant direetor, saad the equipment—lanes, pins. •setling-uip equilpment, balls, ete, —u ill bo offered for sale at aur- tion. Joint DMling, a howling veteran and winner of national honors, ami lither bowlers, were meeting Wednesday night t.t seek an an swer to their plight. Mr. Dilling saiid the bowlei-s felt the time is new ripe for the oily to exiutnd its recreation cen ter program into bowling, add ing, "where it ought to be.” Mr, Hou.ver said Mountain Lancs had been a bowling em- porioum for 26 years ‘at lea.sl Paul Ware and Albert Brackett say I hat’—oxicept for a five-year [terimi wlicn Mr. Houser operated a skating rink there. Ho reeafled he joined Kings Mountain bowl ers during that period at Die Shelby Recreation Center. SPEAKER — Rev. Boyd Kistler, pastor of First Wesleyan Meth odist church, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to th.o KMK3 graduating eta.ss Sunday nighl at 8 in the high school gymnoiium. Bethififase fains State Awaid Dethware hu l Ini' w mi .i slate awar.l in a Noilh Cai lim' .sohe. is sy. lein .seliod luauli.i’.-a- Hon icinpelition. The Kiii.;s M uii'iain d" tri.: biard of edii.atii II a.ile.l Hie a- wui'd al ils -Monda yniglil meea- ing ami Hii,'e,iiiien.lenl If.in.I.me addressed Hie foh w.n.t Imler !•: frini':,'pa,l Ktan ,1. K', am, Hi'V Itli'Sell Fills, pri'SKl.’iil td Hu iiciliwaTO I'areal-'rtMther a,s.-t . ia lion, amt I'-'IA mem.iers: ■■Tlie Kings M aintain Di.-lricI Board of Kdn. al ior,. al ils regulai montldy meeliiig, M.:ulay, .Mat 21, 1973. re.'oivf.i uilli inn.'ll pride the news Ihaf EcHhv.k'. Si lica) had receive I a kki -' WARD fvr KAUnFICAfia.N'. ‘‘Tliey a.skcd that I convey I licit ccngralulalions to .vcn and ex pre.ss apprei'ialicn to the fine .spirit that e.Yi.S'ted in Hie pfi'ii ning and i.mplemi ntaticn of rhi. prt ject. “We appreciate .veur e'.'or; and emtiniiei < o.g.ieration toward the improvc.'«ii.'nt ol tielli.xaie School.” (ri Piiike, Fho 11' jt iiii Ht-nry Mo.-s .4. lu llie ij'xiul <■-; i :ii' :ii’ '■ I :u .uLsy t.i.il liic V. y rrj:l ; a .i i !•'. >< • llu' .SmUliu-ni K:iil>v.iy Di'p’! a * i'- hiauU,.;i 'Un.i tin.I L-in- vc.i .:U‘ aa.iuu;,-; iiili* thi' I .ty p ii.i' aa.i lii'o tit' Availahilily cl Vao liv';.’ 'I pf: u appa.’.s.i ay ua’ > .la* ’ V i..uii ci -■'uiUac'rn’.'? I,. t..;..bi:. h a .Ml :)ile .tgen,y a; Bi'iai at. w'i- 'i ni auies iwi.o.ii- er .-‘.'I’l'ini'nis i..‘ inlenl. ti re- mo,..! the del!..I al China Gro.o and rein Hie lUpui at Landis to Hie Cib' t 1 l.an.iis, al.-.i al SI per year, tor lonwi.'i.in m .i mii.scam. In iu-tii the Liin iis an I King - Moiliita;:! inslan.es. the eiiies w.aii.l ;».g:'ee to I'l'miMO ihe ilc;i : iilil.lings i.n lei ininaticn -i leases. The Mv.y.ir sa l he w aid aisc rev.iminenti to llie .. ninf.'.sioii M Ml,lay nighl (■.-l.H'.Ii-Jimeiit ct H'j'.k ri'ines 111.on;',it the oily hi adiT to .si-:.e imiii d'.'.'. and :im- mer, e lully, hid H/ f.nriinn'v.o ,!!..s!:g.e el irm ks cn icsi.leiiGal SHCVlS. Tile M.'I.I 'I' will .'iIs.- invile a non' sg.M le- 'in' .Mil I i llie hall F.. i'u..,Cen'inis h;n ui'g- .n; liie i emm -11:1 1 : pie ec 1 i.n .1 Itafiie signali/al ion pii:glani iiiliiied l.isi year. Cily Cleik .tie .MeDaniel wiH ig 1 ..!s-| lit >:reei ..gt^’ri.veau'Mls n Jhnevii'.i sireet, Henry .s'lreet .'Xle.isieii, an.I Kllenwi.'ml drive. r.iin'nenlin,; \in [irej., ; ling uGI- izatii a ef llie -s lit hern R.iilaav i lii.!.il, .Mayor Mo.ss .-aid the i T.v | will he a ’le i,' gill vi,He a ■■ 11- 1 itiui: !ly w. r.si iiing -im e ino'ileiu d tily Hall ami ;il-'n aejivale .i ; hiid.ling now in.um'd, PMjpa! Sddrers I: lal ef l.OtlO areii eili/ens ate e.x.ae.'led lo atleiui a kivli-*‘t laiuiuet Wednesday eiening at Ihe Cemmunily (’enler in iire;;- iralien for the July L’2-211 Ford "nipet leligKiis lau-sade in liie city. Ur. Fcrl f.iilpit '.vill deliviT Ihe ad.liess an.l memlieis of tin’ .’hilp. r .Miisi.’id Team will pm)- vide .speeial miis'ie. Menvbets repre-enting .10 ihur- ■hes of the Greater Kings .Mi itii- tain .Area are invite.) to attend !ie kiek-otf program and tirkels for dinner are a-jailaule through Uic various vhurcli oHives vr .-in: lay .•;oii a. l.,y 11a.1. a pn lu lo ' \e. 's .ciehiaii n i.l Hie him i.edth ann.vei'sary. iio;-- (. iM.e Civ's 11 mayors (• unveile.l. along willt a . !! Cl all a.Imini.siraiion.s dur- i;:., ihe i ily s 99-year hietory. Ihe program leaiiiri-d an ad- h'e s by t.nilid Slates Itepi-’- .st ::’.a'.i'.e James T. E:o.yhill. .1- I'.ng w.ih an Inslurical review by .la, or Ji lin Henry .Moss. itepKsi'r.'.alivc Hroyhill unveil- ■ .1 t'.ie m.iyoral iiortraits ami Mr.s. i i. (;. Waha r, f.niner i orn.mis.sMn- . iiu! s.T' U of admini.'’trati.tns. U. 'v. I’anihul Waugh, pastor of C. n; .il L'liili.! .MethodLst chureh. t iayed llie invication, an.i Allen Ji lix, inii;..sler of music of Fiist ISai'-id (ilia ill, hd gr luj) .singing the "Bailie ll.vmn )f the Ke- iiiil.e" a:'..! ".\merica”. Rev. S. V. i ;e. ■ 1 Kings .Mountain, pas . , .. .N,,ly's Grove .VMF Zion piaxed the benediction. Ward V Ci :nm. Jonas Bri.igcs '.va.- 11; . , r 01 eereinonies. ■ 1 re.-. .1 for lilt! ecri monies ... ( .ill 1.x .ng te rmer mayofs, » .1 ■phTsms!)',', ItlJl-LT, H. Tout '..liiii, hGi-iO. and Kelly Di.x"!:,. , .Mayor .Mo.ss has served ,U- ,. IdPj. r i.ncr Ciy e ni'ni'S-ioiiPrs pre I'”., in a.Idiiion lo .Mrs. Walker, :L F. .MCl.ll, 1:12.1-27. IJ. L. .S lejCets, 1916. Olland I’e:irson, ,1 K. Davis :Hid C. P. Barry. • il, and Paul Ledford, 1953- DEBORAH TIMMS I ,1 oil gue.-ts imliidi'tl .stab. .'hT.,!. : W . K. Mauney, Jr. d ' Kin s-M .unlain; I.',. Huaer.l Plas- le:, niaxvr of Shelbx; Gi’orgi .N .Mi;!i, in:iy.ir .;f Ee.'Semer ( hy: ..11 1 b. K. 'Popi .'I'.nmons. ehai; I in.'Hi (.1 tlie vlexidaml Cuunf.x i ., la..1 . ; ■ommi-ssioiuMS. ; Mo!-s paid e.speeial l:i- j l■.■.'.e 1 . .Mrs. Bonnie Maiiiie;, ! .Siimniei.-', a datigliler of tlie lii'sl ' inay.Jr W. A. Mauiiiv, for lier ! wi.rk in obiaiiHiig the mayora^l I pii Hill's. Onlv six are mi.s.'ing, R. ! s. Sur.;, A. Falls,' F. M. Gar- I relt, V7. r. Br.i.ir.:il. L. T. Mann, I ain.l Ur. J. C. Palrivk. .Mayer .M. s.s also exi)re.s.sed aii- I .arm hit,on hr .Mr.s. si|/.,|,,ie L.ick- . ralge W'i.se, arti.-t, 'rtlio iiieiiariv' 7/ /. THOMAS WILLIAM BRIDGES Two Students Win Diplomas Two Kings Mountain area stu- denls were among Hie large number .graduating from colleges during Hie weekend. They were Mi.ss Deborali Wriglit Timnis. Lime.stone: and Thomas William Bridges, U.NG of Chant 1 Hill. Thomas William Bridges, son Jim Diekey. | Uen,.rail Wright Timms, daiigh- Jr., 1'r his re.-eiHih of c.inimis-, ter of -Mr. and .Mis. Eugene It minute liooks. I limms ef King.s .Mountain, re- The m;:’.iile books, dating I’jimxed her fku lielor of Arts de- Ihe fii'sl m.'eliirctn IS7L weri’i gree .3aHn'day in the 12Slh eoin- .ii-.’laye.l in Hie Cily Hall U iln memi iiu nt pn grain al Limestone liege in Gaffney, S. C. Broyhill Urges Control Return To local Level 1 day'.s great gevernmenta ’.ced i.s involvii.neni by citizens v;. h I'arti.’ular emphasis at ihc lo.a, level, U. S. Kepie.seiilativi la.n.s '1. Eriiliill .said hijre -Sun day, as he .spike at ecremonie.' marking unveiling of ^rrraits •. r f„....er Kings .Mountajii may ors. ( The Congre.ssman calleil for fur therance cf a "new fodfralLsm' whereby funelions of goveritmciit are returned to the local level. The Nixon .Administration, he said, has launched lha move ment, with an initial ®ep the $5.3 billion revenue-sharing pro gram, whereby funds are return ed to IcK-al governments with re strictions on its use Mmited to eight broad categories, but with spe(.’ific decisions the province ol city and county commissions. He noted there are other reve nue-sharing programs, such as for law enfortemenf, on a re gional basis. He commended Kings Moun tain on its “enviable tradition ol able mayors and declared. “eJeeted local officials are clos est to the people". He added, "Lo cal gcvern.Tient i.s Hie foundation of re.sponsive democratic govern ment.” He said the "Watergate" has brought Ollier pha.ses of govern ment to a slandstill, wliieh il should not. I ei;. iU',1 mu' h iienisid. .M:iv , .M -■ !:'i.d Ihe eon-itiiUc- li.Mi ,>f Hie ChaileHe -Ml.inta Ait line Ihiilw.',. 11,-w the Soullierii, w:i; Hie impeliis frir the leun.iing I -■ Af M-ii.Hi:, mimed hv Mr.-:. J, om-s \', ri “I 'I', a y. w He ef :: te !■ Il r w “ ■ .* .1! .1 {ii'a. HI i: :u’t' 111 re :ii: I Ihii u ’.'ll ml the area. I'nsl hii-ine.-s lim'e was I'ai.'H 1 in New York Cit.V. wa; Kiei:,. I' ll.ct's - nv mill, w li,. h | nieiicemcnl .siK'aker. -'11, plied I'.n.s-.Hes an.i water Hi j Ihe in’w-- l:i\ ne Hie rail line in 1ST2. L.ite lhal year V. Falls !,r I W. A. M.iiiney h. u.'lit oeu'. .Mr. Maunex's home en N. | PQniipitt Miss Timms is the reigning ■■.Mi.ss Kings .Mountain'' and was also nameil “Miss Limestone Col lege." .Y t.ital of 110 students won degrees. Ill. Trx gve R. Thell-am, I’lidessor i-f M.uk-rn Eun pean ili.sli ry at t'elumhia Uiiivemily the jom- Bands To Play Mild is III .V e.'.'ii lie 1 by j P.iHleg iii.s dan ’ i r M;s. J. E. Herndon, .11.(1 Hie A. V. Fal's li(,,ne on N i;:| I’ie l;'i'>;!l is now Hie iit'.i- City cl ami ‘ u, ied I'.v George iCnntiitinU I'll Po;,' *s,.i'i Ml Kick-Off )ii% Crasade ,' ’n the ('dimade Gffiic at the Cl ninniiiity Cenler by leIe;)lion- ing 719-SUili. .Ml ..len aiinati. ns will pnrtki- liate in Hie initial meeting .1 the i.'lanning groups for the ewnt. Kill’s Me’unlain Ministerial A.s- s- . iaticM is .spon.sonng tile at), peaHUiei’’ ol Ihe miHonall.v- k'l wn evangelist, a;i a.s.soi’iate i^f I';-. I’illy .Grali.'im. in Hie week's enisade in Jill; Secretary Lentz: Cost Estimate Now $12 Million By MARTIN HARMON Kings Mountain may have some aii.siver a'buut I'he schedule on building the US 7-1 by-pass project by July 1. Bruce A. Lentz, st . .etary of the state De;;artnienl o: 'Iran-p.irta- tion, has written Mayer John Henry Moss tliat 1) the do|iart- ment e.xpeils to h:ixe ils review iirogiam i.. i.ie vi ..tier l.igli- xay c mmissii.n c. ... lete and jriL,iiiies (slaitli.slied b.\' July 1 'mil 2i Hie io.sl of Hie 7.2 mile ly-jiass is now proji i ted at $12 millii 11. Stcrelary Lentz, ai kno'lvledging .ise.pt ol a city eonim.s ion re.so- iution iiiging .speeding of Hie US ('1 projeit anti outlining other mad needs,wrote; "The project was iiu-litded in rite higltway pr.cgrain of Hie pre- vioiLS Highway Cc'nimi.ssion and is presently in Hie elesign stages. Ttie 7.3 mile B.xjtass i.s to be lull control of uucss and is e.stimated ,0 cost over S12,OUO,000. "The current Highway Caminis- don i.s reviewing the higltway tirc.gram ot rite previous Adniin- cs'traticn. The exi.sting program has enough proji els to utilize OUT anticipated available high way conslrucHon lunds lor tlie next eiglit years. The current Highway Commission is committ ed to establis-liing a pritgram that i.s capaole of being tinaneed and will best serve the interest of all North Carolinians. •'We e.xpect to have eiir re\ ii"V ccmplete and iiriurities estaolish- cd by July 1, ltl73, as this is when iiignvvay funds for lise.il year 1974 bcK.me available. At this time I cann it tell you what ji.iurity the King.s .M-aintain By pass will liavc, only Hiat tins itrojeel will be gixen every eom- .dderatioii po.s.-iiole eommeiisuratc with our other Statewide needs. Ho continued that Wateirgate had brought internal'ional eem- mendation from the London 1 rimes wiiLcIi editorialized Hial Hie United Slates "is Hie world’s most oiK’n sxjciely.” and "1 apiireeinle your coniern for this vital liighxx ay pr iject .-ind hope that piioiities are such that we can hegin con.slruvtiun on this vital project in tJie very near- future.” Reynolds Rites Are Conducted Funeral rites Cor Robert L. Reynolds, ol. King's .Mountain na- (ivo, were lield in Alemory Chapel of Phoenix, .-Yrizonu, with full military lituiors aicofded Itim in Phoenix. \ .Miending Ihe rites last week were his three s^ters firrm this Poppy Day Sale Is Saturday Puppy Day is Saturday members ol Otis D. (insm Post 1.55 .'Auxiliary will sell the me morial iiojiiiy on downtown streets beginning at 9 a.m. Tile Memorial Poppy- Ihe symbol of sacrifite and the sym ol of hull" of Hio.se wlio suffer ed the sears of war is maile iiy hosp.lalized veterans fuiitls from area; .Mrs. Pearl ffavis and .Mrs. the popiiy sales benefit area ve terans. Mrs. Jackie D, Barrett and .Mrs. Jnanila Piiiilt at'e (•(.cltaii- men of the proieit ttiid invit ’ all mt’inlK'rs to paitie.pale in th street sale. Other ntemLers of Hie I’ommitleo iiii'tidi' Unit I’re- sident Klizaheth Stewart, Trea- surer Ofaiigrel ,Iiilly. vice Presi dent Until Ruff and .Mrs. Ptiiil .Matiney, chil I welfare elnilrman. GOSPEL SING Riverside tjuarlet .ind Cost ner tjiiarlel will he featured in a gii.sjiel singing program Sat urday night at 7:30 at We.-d- oxer Baptist (11111111. The piihlir is invitisl, said Rev. Arcliie Cliapman, pastor. Ethel Ocawford, both of Kings Mounlain, and Mrs. J. C. MufJon- nell of Charlotte. .Mr. Re.viuilds died suddenly ol a be.irt attack .Mav 1.5th. He liac retired fiom the U.S.VF after .K years .-erviie in FranvC. England Germany ;iiil Belgium. He wa; .son if Hie late William \V. am I'allie Reynolds of Kings Meun tain. I .Surviving, hesities Iris si.'mters ' are his wife, .Mrs. Lo.-ella Reyn 1 I'lds; tliree dauglitcrs, .Mrs. But Baldwin of Anaheim, Calif., Airs Pud VVtHtters of Phoenix, ant Mi.ss .Martlia Reynolils of tJi< I heme; two grantL’Iiiltlren; nnc two brolher.s, Warren and Johl [ Keyiiolxls, botli of Kings Moun lain. Tlie fiiiir hands of the Kin,g.s .Monnlain st hoiil .-xstem will play a free concei l '|■|lUl■.alay 1 t(itii.gln ' til s p. m. in Cenlral Junior high school auililoiium. Diteiltu Tmiial i ■'“’'‘j dentist, staved hand memli't's pailicipatin.g \mI1|,, ....... ,, _ , c those from seventh grade, eighth grade, high scchool fresh men and liigh scliool blazer Monday Was First Retirement Day For Veteran Dentist 0. R Lewis iiands. ,A vaiiely of music will feature tho piograin. Church Sets Memorial Day .Mcm.rial Day .service will be hel l by .Allen .Memorial Bapti.st (hnr.h of Gmver Sunday. Rex'. Gc’.irge Tlioiiiburg will fill the pulpit at Hie morning wor- "Tlii' Fislierim’ti'' make uj) the sliip hour at 11. - '!!ging group wliiclt appears ,A song .service will he held in wilii Hie ecangolist Hirougliiout the afternoon and the eommun- tiic cotuilry, riy it* invited lo participate. By MARTIN HARMON Dr. Gliver Preston Ix’wis, Kings h.~me .Monday. It was his first official day of retirement after .52 years of filling, cleaning and pulling , area eitize.n.s' teeth and making their store-b.iught m idels after those supti.'lied by nature wore out. j A Rulherfordlon natix-e. Dr. ; Iwxvis is a .son of Hie late Joseeh ' P. and .Mary Taylor Lewis. His father xvas a merx-hatTt and trad er, and a onetime rural mailman. After a stint as a field ai+il- leryman in World War I, Dr. Lexvis attended Atlanta Southern Dental College, now a division of Emory University, and opened practice here in the summer of 1921, ju.s1 .52 years ago. He had spent two years at Wake Forest , CONTINUED ON PACE 6 i DR. O. P. LEWIS