n I ■f F* 'Uz >:''.’l; /I'i/ MtlS. WILLIAM JAC'Ki^ON JlLtiNiJOU, Jil (Funuy- aSun Wfiitr) JUDY GAHNLTTE ROSS (BrkluEU'Ot .of Chrislojtlur Ellh Johnson) MISS KA'IHY AEN WhUE (Bi idc-Elect of Roger Dale Litu^ingJ MRS, (J-AI'IHlH ray bxU mOaRD.^j^.a < (Karen Lorraine Russill) Church Rites Unite Herndons, Baumgardners; Two Area Couples Set Wedding Dates t' ^ JO , u-i„„c Mn,.,,.nin Miss Karen Lorraine Russell (fessional fraternity for gucsis after the ceremony. For a wedMing trip the new Mr. anti Airs. William Jackson Hen Ion Jr., v.ho were vvetl Sun- . day,' are on a v.e ltlin- trip to Mrs. Herndon eho.se a rod, vvh:to Dartcna Beach, Fla. anti alter- and hlue .leisey dress and he ^"rds will he at homo in San- '■■'‘l-i' iford. Nortli Carolina. '!M.ss Fannie* .Susan White ho- came* Air. Herntlt)n’s brUlc in a 3 orchid lifliJtl 'from hoi' Ijiidal bol{;uot. llitiDK AND BK1DP:G’ROO-M came 'Vir, iiern..o.,» ....... ... - - ^o.-d Wh.te p m ceremony in Boyce .Memor- of Kings Mountain are parents fal Associate Reformed Preslty- of the hride. She is a graduate of terian church. .Mountain liigh school anl Dr Charles Kdwards, minister Alverson Drauglin Business cul- of the ehuirh, heard the couple 'ege of Charlotte, exchange vows ot the dou^le-.ng *ThTau'ar of the church was tit.ii of Ameiica Bessemer Cdy’s AiranLU'd with trctditional sovon piunt. branched candelabra and palms with two brass live (andeiaDra Mr. and Mis. William interspersed with pink flowers. A lleinaon .Sr. of ‘ pi-ayor brmch completed the set- giactuate of Kings Mounta n hiji E j sciiool and attended Appalacli*an "Miss Mary Alice .McDaniel was State j organist for the program of nup- S..n.ford \vi h'>^c . firil mush, and B. S. I’celer Jr.. " h M Mr. and Mr.^. Carvis Joe Ross announce the enga-gerri^^nt of their daughter. Judy (larnctte to Christopher Ellis Johnson, sen of Joltn Clayton Johnson of York road an;l Mrs. Doris Dunn John son of 108 West Kmgs street. .Both families are of Kings Moun- tain. The ibridc-olect is a 1972 grad uate- of Kings '.Mountain high school. The prosi>ective bridegroom is a 1973 graduate of Kings Alountain high school and is employed by Ross Construction company. A July 22nd wedding is plan ned in Oak Grove Baptist church with the couple to exchange vows in a 3 p. m. ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar K. White announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathy Ann, to Roger Dale Lawdng, son of Mr. and- Mrs. Dav d J. Lawing. Holh families are of Kings Alountain. The bride-elect, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. -W. A. Hamrick, is a graduate of Kings Mountain h gh school and is a stu lent at Gaston college where she is em ployed in the College book store. The prospective bridegroom is a graduate of Kings Mountain high school and is employed ly Fry Electric company of Char lotte. 0, i tiu I aritone, was vocal soloist. Air. JVoler sang “O Perfect Love” .y darnay belore the ceremony ami Yunla'i's “Wedding Prayer" as ted in t^anloid with Marietta Ar.gi'cgates. Susan White, Bill Herndon Are Honored to Miss Susan Wliile, whose wed- <ling to Bill lleindon look i)lace .Sunday in Bo>ce Alemonal AUP lIuu was lioiunerl .Saturday at a biidesmaids luncheon at tin* couple krudt fur the bene diction. MiSS AIcDaniel’s prelude of ■music included Bach’s “I'lelude in G Alinor": •*AUva>.s Wdii Me" by Scott: “Lead Thou M." by INoele and “Song ol Devot.on” by Noete; "When God Leads’ by Clarke; “A Ciarden (»f Lill.es" l)y South'hri.lge, and "To A Wild aiose" by McDi^well. She played imi in Gastonia, by her the Traditional wedding march- yn-s. John Wh.te. PS, \ three course luncheon was John Loyd White escorted lus ^ciAed at one o dock at a table dccoiail'd in pink and while IGar/.a mums and .snapdragons. 'lae bride elect’s plaee was marked by a Loui)uot of Gaiv.a mums and b.ioy's breath. Her motlier’s gift to her daughter was a solid wainuv de. ■a'aiar docu with matching candle holders. A1 ss W.iile, who look the oc casion to pieseiit g.its to lier at tended. ware a beige and white SECTION BTHE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Thursday, July 12, 1973 daughter to the* altar an.t ga^e her in marriage. Tiie bride’s vvc'dding gown was a lormal de sign created of silk org tn/a and imiKiiied peau de'ange lave i)os- cd ()\er lailela and lasii.one i m Victcrian silhouette witli higli neckline circled with an Edward ian collar of lace seaiiups trac ed with i-earis and nidesceiiis. Garlands cf beaded hue appli Visitors Here Foi July 4 Holidays O' CiariaiHia c'l ...v. n>nili a, a dv-*.,'- ....... ciued the bodice and extended in ([n:..s with matching a.cessor.es, panels dewn thi? iroiu ot the A Guei^s other tlian ilie hoiioree line skirt. Full B.shoj) sleeves m it her were iier futui ? had lace inserts ant! b-vided Uice mothi'r-n-l;\\v, Mrs. Jack Hern- culls at the wrist. Gathered' don; Mrs. Cieue l^atierson, Aliss ■ a.k tullness dipped to a t. i,.ilUjii. ALss Patti IL i n- lengtii tra.n. Her C'ha. : 1 length don. Airs. Dan Ki.%er, Mrs. Kick mantilla veil of English tuile pimnett, Aliss Paulette Ph.fer wn.-i bordered with met. Ping lace and Alls. Charlie Wright, scallops caught to a tulle ring. She carried a cascade ocuijuet of IreiK'hed carnations and \vh,ie sunliursls centered with a Royal Bouiiuet orchid surrounded with pink 'tlarzas. Miss Paulette Phifer altcnied the bride as ma d of honor and bridesmaids weie ^\iiss Heriuion cut their wedd ng cake iililiilisi All the ^ . the bride-tobe’s cousins, A1 ss gowns c)f pink dott.. . , ,,u,„ Bessie naumgardnor of Kings pink taflcta and k Mountain and Dr. Harvey Baum- vv(‘dding ring b(;U(iuet^> with gar/as and white sunvurst mums gaidnci ol Ualcig . wdh baby's breath and Binglish Susan White, Bride-Elect Is Honored Miss Susan White and Bill ivy cascading from them. William Jackson Herndon Sr. of Grover was his son’s • csi man. Ushers were Riihard Mcdr Tlio Kill gucsis were man I ers (.1 the wedding party and rela tive.-- and Iriends ol tlie honored pai:, Alls'; While wore a . lue-given J?mmy Payseur is vacatlon'ing this week at Ocean Isle Beach. N. C. as gup:i of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ledford and daughters, Amanda and Mary Both, of Charlotte. Joining them at a large house there named Lu All" for the wuek will be Mr. and Mrs. George Anto- nlch and ciiiiJron, E:ij:abe'i'h and Gregory, of Dayfona Beach, I-!a. and Ivir. and Mrs. Jack Prince and children. Debbie. Jesse and Becky, of Gainesville. Ga., with the exception of Jack Prince, Tiying to Canada on business for part of 1’ho time. On Thursday, Mrs. Wtillam Prince and daughters, Pamela and Penny, jalncd them until ihey return Satur day. Jimmy's father, Baxier Payseur, and his grandfa ther. A. D. Prince, took him to Cnarlotic Saturday to join the Ledford family on their trip down, leaving a'.mmy there and returning to Kings Mountain. * + ♦ * Jennifer Lynn Hamrick, hter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamrick, cele- ted her fourth birth day June 25lh at a party at Bolin Day Care Center at 705 Ramseur street. A Raggedy Ann doll cake was cut and served with Ice cream and party dau _ Edwin bra Y\ usners wt*ic uhiuhu ^ of (Ron All).no, WaLcr b.>tc-s formal with a coi>'age of daisie.s. 7 o.f Collettsvillo, Charllo Wright A color motii ot >ollo'vV and o.f Kmgif Alountain and Kon green featured dcr-orativo dot;uls Dalton of Akron Unio. and refr.' sim'iits. The hr dc s tabli. For her daughter’s wedding was twere.l with a white linen 'Airs. While ehc.se an a-.ju-i s Ik cluli and held three-tiei wedding shantung drc.«s featuring sleeves c.iko decorated in yellow roses as and neckline of aijua silk or- central higlilighl. Punch was seiv- ganza with tiny pearly framing ed from a s.lvor service at one the yoke. She wore a pink gla* end of ilio table, mellia corsage at her shoulder. .Mrs.'Don Bumgardner sen’cd The ridogroom’s mother punch an:l Mrs. (Arangrel JtnlV choose green polyester shantung and Airs. Alaleolm Tedder solved designed along empire lines ivnd the cake. Assisting m receiving overlaid with natching lace. .She and entertaining were Air. am ■chose a pink glamellia cor.sagi? to lAIrs. Jim White , complement her ensemble. Hoyle Mabry. Mr. and Mrs. ( har- Mrs. Danny Kiser of K'ngs le.=; Wright, Drew ledJei, Be Mountain kept the brUlo’s book While and Lynn Peelei. In the vesliibule of the church Aliss White and Mr. Ileinton where the bridal party formed a were married Sunday afternoon receiving line to greet wedding in Boyce Memorial ARp enure i. refreshments. Chlidren present for party fun were Mark Aaron Hamrick, Kendra Cash, Paul and Carl . Greene. Mark and Kyle Morris, Sa brina Scarborough, Jef frey Bolin, C.ndy Bolin, David Bolin, Candy Grayson, Beanie Hardin, Diane Cllp- pard. Dawn Gainey, Todd Cochrane, Chris Smith, Ash- ley and Candy GoodsOn, Bunny Perry, Preston Brown, Kevin Bolin, Tonya Hawkins, Piage Scarboroug'h, Mark Yarboro, Eric and Leisa Scoggins, Bobby Shirley, Loh and Lindsay Davis, David and Shane Hall and Eric Crawford. Jennifer is grandadughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hamrick and Mr. and Mrs. Arshel Sanders great-granddaughter of Mrs. Willie Bratton and Grady Rhea, both of Kings Mountain, and Mrs. Dora Hamrick of Florida. 'Dana Ann Tlmr|s, dau ghter of Mr. an5 Mrs. Ronnie Timms of Bessemer City. celebrated her fifth bIrThday at a family party on July 4th at the ‘home of her maternal grandparents, Mr. and *Mrs. Thomas Ross. Dana's Raggedy Ann birthday cake was cut and served wlt'h party refresh ments. She Is also granddaugh ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Clif ton Timms ot Kings Moun tain who also attended the party. Fred and Mrs. COMINGS AND GOINGS ifessional fraternity for women musicians and she plans to teach in South Carolina. The ;.:r.degroom is also a grad uate of Alars Hill college with a B. 'Al. education degree and a major in piano. He received his master of musx degree in piano perform'ance from Alorehead Stale University in Alorehead. presently employed by Chester county, s. C. as band and teacher. Aiiss Karen Lorraine Russell and Gaiiiier 'Kay Baumgardner were inarned al 7 p- ni. Saiur- aay, June db, in Asheville's Fust l_ungregai.uiial enuren wuh the Rev. David L. Crook, ' ;rolher-in- law of the Di'idegroom. official ing. ihe bride is the daughter of Air. and Airs. John A. Russell of Asneviiie. 'Ihe bridegroom is the sun of Mrs. iGert.e Baumgardner sinfonia fratern.ty and is 01 Kings i-Mounlain and the e late Benjamin 'T. Baumgardner. Given in marriage by her fatner. the bride woie a candle- hgnt gown oi Giiamiliy late over sai.n with an Empire waist. Iier .hapci-iength mantilla of Eng- Arfhijr pami V hall net was bordered with Chan- ^ / tiny lace and attached’lo a Came- RGUniOfT lot cap. .Mis. William David AlcSwain cf Kichinund, Va., was ner s.s- lei s matron of honor. She vvoie an orange thillon print gown witii an Empire waisi trimmed Joining vvha an avocado velvet I'ic .on ter. Mii>. director Teresa Lynn Grigg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Gi‘.gg. celebrated her fifth blrtnday July 3rd at a party at her home on Grover road. Lynn's pink and white birthday cake v/as decora ted with ballerina dolls. The cake was cuf and ser ved with party refresh ments. Young friends of Lynn and her older brother, Jeff, age 8, enjoyed ^ party fun and favors. ‘ . The Grigg children 7 are grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Grigg ot Kings Mountain and great-grandchildren ot Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bell ot Mount Holly. Lynn will be a student at Trinity Day School in the fall. M Sgt. and Mrs. Herman Stewart and son, Rob bie, of Maxwell AFB. Montgomery. Ala., have been Continued On Pago Two The four daughters cf AIrs.j II. Arinur w.ii ue home weekend foi* a reunion. Airs, .\rlhui and - ueuige ii. 1 iioiT] and carr ed a bouquet of varna- yji'. 'inomasson and Ann lions, oaiSiCs and pompons. 9 lumasson, will be Airs. Riihaid Guidon Garrison \\. jj. Aliher, Art ai of Elizabclli City. Miss Sara Burlington; Airs. Newman of Chariotie, Alus Harr.s Jr. and daughtel D.ane Smith oi Rockingham, ^eth and son, Jolmny. iMiss Judi Lund cf Greeiisooro, clei.a, Texas; and Dr, Alls. Robert Collier Jenkins of Hooeit K. Kinnem.ui Man... La., anl Airs. James Pruitt chiLlien. Airs. Harr.s, of Atlanta, Ga., were lirides- jtjan Arthur, nd her < maids. Tliey were dressed like already here and the liie lionor aliendant. liave . een sj endin,* Jolui Adams of Aiars Hill was vvhh the K.ngs Moai Lest man. Lugenc C. I-iaunigaid- assoiG at g,ake Aloni nor of i; ngs Mountain, . rother oi the bridegi-nom. Dale Roberts ^ q of ALirs Hill, Roger Williams ol c±' | ^:«U, Kannai alis, and William D. Me- For Steve Leigh, Swain of Richmond, brother-.n- law of the biAe, were ushers. Mrs. Baumgardner alien lei M.irs Hill college and B a gra-:iu- aie cf the I'niviMsity of Norih Carol na ai Green.'iKO i) with a B. AL ediual on <legiee and a major in violin. Siie is a charter mein 'vr ul Della Omiciun. a i)io- hornier Ten \cr sons Lie n TiJiitB* a. Legion Auxiliary Launches Drive For Members Girls State DeU*gaies Donna Jones and Nancy Hard say they lame liome from tlie w»eek assem bly in (Ireonsi)oro with ini'ie kimvvlrdge of state government and their countiy. The I AO young women, who g.ive tlie program ai 'Thiirs lay n ghi's inetMing of Ihe American Lx'gion Auxiliary, at a covered dish sui.'i zr at the American Le gion . uilding, gave h ghlighls of their trip to the 10 women at tending. 'Alls. Donald Jones anl Airs. D. F. Hold, mothers of Ihe guest takers, were also special guests, Air. and Alls lliO arrival Cii the: nine pound b:i the Dixon ^ummi July 8, Cle'.elaro pital. Sheeny, Ihe haay ' pher :^loven er. Grandpare. Mrs. Geor;; Airs. De^oc AI aniiain. Budd> Sell€ 'ihe ba mi r Vick] ..RuntaiiLj fflBl ' Leigh of ciiiid, a boy. Er*'fuyt ty annouiue Al’emerial hos- Chrisio- jj xur ma lai.i- are Rev. and ;h and Air. and 'at'kson of Kings ;randfalhcr is cf Kings McuiUain. motner is the lor- Jackson of Kings Linde Bridt fCrawl f Elect Is Honored A ey. idesmaids lunchecn \va Tiday lor ALss Lin- u *>, who will marry K at Shel'by Pro-oyte Cl a eri ^‘rry cluJch. fostesses for the event, h Cifveland Country club, we ie-elect’s maternal gran Airs. C. A. Crisp, of atints, Aliss Marjorie Winston-Salem and Mr serve Mt‘ml:crs kicked off the 1973- Batts of Charlotte. Sherry was guests arrived. Lunch was served in the club ballrr were seated at om cemered with an a yellow and \vhit<' - dragons and dais < > 'Aliss Crawley a . ' in sage cjf red ro her party dre? 71 mem.n r ’i p drive which seeks, a goal ot 111 men.•’.ershirs and AIi.s. Letuiard Gamble announced tliat team cajitains \\, ul.i be Airs. Stom'.\all J.ukson and Airs, roy Hammett, with all members assisting. Winneis of the winning t<'am s gning u/ the most me.n- I’orsliips vviil be fennl by the losing team at a party later the summer. Wi'.U Mrs. K( beil Ku!f. new president The bride-el who presided, vveleomcd Mrs. to present Bill Sanders and Mrs. Linda ants engrav i tlcP.vi- Clary as new i/embers. The devot.onal was given t/ lAIrs. Hubert Aderhoklt. chaplain. LAIrs. Charles Hamilton and Airs. StoncAvall Jmkson, Girls State co-chairmen, pi’“sented the Those pn'p- ' to-be, her Crawley J- ul 'Robert iL. i’e’ ’ Va., mother al ' groom, .Ml-' arc hn wiey N'C >iui Sam I guest speakers and conducted the (Lattimore. Vly l' opening and closing ceremonies Annad.^'e. Y*:Lji Vi ss’i-'h-ahctii as the unit sergeant-at-arms. II of CliupeJ Yulku'v;’. Report from the recent state Cravk’v d convention and announcement of Jarrrs 1^'' awards won by the local Ohi*’- ,-!it;ding l-'inest lA'iD eight awards won by the local Ohi'‘- *'!L)llin- und unit was ma<le 'by unit past ^11 of president Elizabeth Stewart. ^ .mbi ii;***' Airs. Meilina. Mrs. J. D. Hjnibri

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