Philpot Christian Crusade Starts Sunday Night ^ Population Greater Kings Mountoin ~ 21,914 City Limits 8,465 The Greater Kings Mountoin figure is derived from the Special United Stotes Bureau of the Census report of fanuary* 1966, ond includes the 14.990 population of Number 4 Township, ond the remaining 6,124 from Number S Township, in Cleveland County and Crowders Mountain Township in Gaston County. VOL. 84 No. 28 <2^ Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, July 12, 1973 PRICE TEN CENTS Eighty-Fourth Year n !• . T* 1 1.117 1 Heart Attack Evangelist i oLonduct W eek Proves latai Of Kings Mountain Services Kings Mountain Area Chuiches Co-Sponsors ? ft ' lyif SAM DAVISS Jack White, Jr. Is At Oxford Jack Hutchins White of Kinizs Mountain, a rising junior at Davidson college, is studying at St. Anne's college, Oxford, Eng- ’and, this summer on an usual six-week program sponsor ed jointly l.y Davidson and by [ CMany Baldwin College of Staun- ■ ton, Va. Thirteen students from David son and 12 from Mary Baldwin ^ were selected to study in Ox- ♦ ford International Graduate fium- |nor school lecture series on the topic ‘“Britain. 1S70 - 1970: Lit erature, 'History and Society." f The students meet w’eekly in ^ groups of three to five vv th an Oxford don (tutor) for special y tutorials, attend lectures, and P' study in Oxford's; li- The areawide 'Ford Phil'pot re ligious crusade opens Sunday night at 7:30 in the Kings ■Mountain Community Center and crowds of 'between 2,500 ♦ 3,000 are expected to hear the nation ally-known evangelist each night through July 29. O'he Kings 'Mountain Minister* i'll ASS cuaion is ormgng the iPhlpot team to Kings Mountain an.i nui.utMi oi ia.v..ien iiu if- women are working this week un .inal p.ans lor the spiritual revival. | Philpot crusades are noted for their beautiful music programs, and in addition to hearing "The Fishermen” each night, a Cru sade choir of hundreds of area people w.ll sing special music each night during the services. Rev. 'Winston Pike, choir di rector, announces that choir members (and if you can sing in the choir only one night, you are invited) are asked to meet at the Community Center nightly at 6:45 p. m. for rehearsal. A total of 100 men will serve eac, . \ Funeral services for .Milos Henry (Smiley) Myers, 64, will { e held Friday aifternoon at 4 >cio:!< at Harris Funeral Home Chape). Mr. M’/ers died at Kings Moun tain hospital at noon w'' ii. s day. He had sufferow a h'^arl attack about 8 o’clock Wcnes:jay morning. A n:it VO of Gasten county, Mr Myers wa.^ the ':on cf Ihp late Henry and Petty Blackwell .My ers. lie was a retired emppjyee uu city of Kinfs Mount:iin. He was a me.mber of the Kings Mountain Life Saving and Res cue Squad and a World War U navy veteran. Surviving ar'^ his wife. Will’e Allen Myers, five sons, Dill My ers rif Earl and J«r'•i-'o B' - Mver.s, Allen Myers and Dav id Myers, all of Kings .Mountain; a dau’giitrr, Mrs. Cl f'crd Tesner, of Shelby: and three sisters. Mrs. Jake England, Mrs. Howard Fos ter, and .Mrs. Jim Patterson, all cf Kings .Mountain. Fourteeai grand-children survive. Rev. Frank Shirley and Rev. L. D. Scruggs will conduct the at Harris Funeral Home Chapel, where the body will remain, Funeral rites for Mrs. Maude; The family will receive friends Weathers Alien, 7S, of Sheloy. j from 7 to 9 o’clock Thursday widow of Jrvin Marion Allen, j night. will be conr^cted Thursday aft-, Whether :\Ir. Myers will be in- ernoon at 3> p. m. from Webb; terred at Gastonia, with his Chapel of Shelby’s First Bap-, parent.^ , or at Mountain Rest tist church. | cemetery here, will be determ- 1 r> Thursday morning, • ... t_ J # ♦!,«' Rev. Roland Leatn and R^^’* I pd Thursday morninc' n:ghl as ushers, and men of the " .MenLrs ot ZLife Saving and interment w.ll be in Elizabeth ; Rescue Squad will serve as active church cemetery. The body will pallbearers. lie in state at Lutz-Austell Fu- ’ ^ neral Home until 30 minutes be fore the final rites. Mrs. -Allen d ed Tuesday morn ing at 7 o’clock in Cleveland Memorial hospital. She had been in declining health for some Paving Petitions invited ity DR. FORD PHILPOT Mrs. Allen's Rites Conducted KIMMELL COMMENDED — Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) commends Kim Kimmell for his outstanding performance as a page in the United States Senate. Kimmell was appointed to this position by Senator Thurmond for a two-monjh period- He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kimmell of Chester, South Caro lina. formerly of Kings Mountain. Young Kimmell is grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ware of Kings Mountain and great- grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Herndon. Young Kim- rnell's mother is the former Cornelia Ware. community who will serve in this capacity are invited to t e at the ushers registrat.on table each evening at 6:45. Rev. Bobby McFalls, director, asks that persons serving as counselors during the week-long revival also meet with him for 6:45 p. m. 'briefing each evening. In recent years, the Philpot organization has conducted cru ibraries. Davidson students will i sades in Indiana, Michigan, Kan- earn two "course credits for the successiful completion of their studies, which end Aug. 10. Prof. Charles J. Stanley of the 'Mary Baldwin history de partment is serving as resident adviser for the David.son and Mary Baldwin students. White is a son of .Mr. and Mrs. Jack White of 21S Edgemonl Drive, Kings Mountain. At Dav idson ho has i)een a member of the Wildcat band, Wildcat hand book staff, Dana scholar, His tory departmental honors, Terry San.ord campaign staff, Pat Taylor campaign, judicial com mittee secretary, Cleveland coun ty Democratic parf.\ Chess club, YMCA and Student Peace coalition. sas, California F'lorida. Kentucki^' and Youth director for the crusade Mrs. Neisler's Sister Passes , Funeral rites for Miss Sara Evelyn (Sadie) Lutz, .55, of time. She was a native of Cleveland of Mrs. Hunter R. county. daughter_ r)f__ the__ fountain wore John F. and Annie Wall Wcath rrs and a member of Shelby’s First Baptist church. ! Surviving are five sons, Cleve- will -be another mem'ber of the j^^^^ Couniy Sheriff J. Haywood, conducted Saturday afteimoon frr/m Shelbj'’s Central United Methodist church of which she w’as a member. Rev. Howard Coleman officiat- team, Sam Davis, who also sei- and Chief Deputy «eorge . ..rial y.- - Allen, r-oth c-f ihelby; Irvin. M. , Sunset Evangelistic Association, head- (juartered in Lexington, Ky. Along with the musical team, Davis igoes into high schools and junior high schools in crusade area.s to present a secular pi'o-, . , ,, , gram of music and comedy. The Dr^ke and .Mrs. J- L. Dexen-,. kes its wav arrnstf flipiT^^'t LiUKlordale, Fla., Mis. country by Allen Jr. and Wiley H. Allen, both of Kings Mountain; and Aaron M. Allen of Warrenton; ' six daughters, Mrs. Sam Ham-; rick and -Mrs. Keith Hawkins, 1 •both of Shcl'by. Mrs. Virginia ; ■of 1 Bob-! team makes its way across the, . , , . of an Aero-!*^.'^’ of Kings Mountain way Commander airplane, piloted Davis. by and Mrs. Harry Danielson of Or- Fla.; three sisters, Mrs. <1 lando, Blake Gamble of I* ajettoville Concrete Produ^’ts for Dr. Philpot, a pioneer of ten Mrs. Tom Tucker of Gastonia ears in religious television, and .Mrs. Arthur Galla way o'f TAPPED — Seimore Biddix has been named president of Sturdi vant Life Insurance Company's I Key Producers club. [nsurancemen 'ap Biddix Seimore Biddix. local represon- Itative of Sturdivant Life lasur- I ance Company, has been named President of the Company's Key Produce.r’s Club oif the Monthly Ordinary Division. This award wa.s presented to Mr. Biddix at the Company’s an nual awards meeting in .\tlanta produced America’s first relig ious TV series, "The Story," winner of national awards and run over a network of 39 sta tions in Japan. He has served as ipresuJent of the National Asso- c.alion of Confei'ence Evangelists o! ihe United 'Methodist church and is author of two books. One is a book of sermons, "So You Want A Mountain’’ and the other a devotional book, "Truth In the .Morning." His own life story, "It Took A (Miracle,” has been dra matically written 'by Rev. Herb ert L. Bowdo n and pu, lishod by I'loming Revell. With his team, Philpot made two preaching missions to the Congo in the summers of 1966 and 196S. The 196S crusade cul minated in a final rally in the huge soccer stadium in Kins hasa, where he preached to a crowd of 85,000. What took place there maiy be what young peo- iple today call “a happening," and the Bible calls a "reaping of the harvest." lason I. Pouchak On Deon's List Jason J. Pouichak, son of Mr. and Mr.s. D. M. Pouchak of Kings Mountain, has been named to .spring quarter dean’s list at Flor ida Institute of Technology, (Mel bourne, Fla. Being named to the dean’s list Concord; 21 grandchildren and •four great grandchildren. KM Pinnacle Not In Project The Kings Mountain pin nacle is not included in the projected purchase of 1(X)I) acre.s for a Crowder’s Mountain State Park. Steve .Meehan, public rela tions director of the Depart ment of Natural and Econom ic Resources, gave the inff rma- phone inquiry from the Kings tion in response to a tele- Mountain Herald. The recent General Aas.somb- ly appropriated $1.5 million for purchase of property for state parks, among them Crowder’s 'Mountain. The Department Tuesday ap proved purchase for throe of the 16,300 acres for the Eno River Park near Durham, 2(X)0 acres for the Medoc State Park west of Rocky Mount, and 664 acres for an addition to Hang ing Rock State Park north of Winston- Salem. tory. Miss Lutz died Frida'- morn ing at 10:10 in Cleveland Me- moMal hospital after su tdonly suffering a cerebral hemorrhage several days earlier. She was daughter of the late Theodore Henry and Dona Pat terson Lutz and had been cm- ployetl as office manager and executive assistant at Shelby 22 >’ears. Prior to that ‘«he -was associ'it'‘d with Z. J. Thompson Lumber company. She was active in the Demo cratic party, having served a number of yo-’rs as cha rman cf Precinct No. 3 in Shelhy, former secretary - treasurer of the ’ Cleveland Couniy Democratic party and on several judirial committees. She was a founding j member and office holder of the I Democratic women in the coun- ;ty. I A graduate of Slu^iby high I scliool and Peace college, she I \vis a mem'ber of the .SheP'- I Junior Charity League, Cleveland I Country club and Literario Book i club. i Other survivors include throe i sisters, Mrs. Faye Q-v'crton cf I She'; y, Mrs. C. F. Been of .'^an ] Franc SCO. Calif and .Airs. Paul j Wellmon of Asheville. I The family has designated I memorials to Central United I Methodist church of Shelby. SMATHERS HOME i John C. Smathers returned I heme Tuesday from treatiment j for a detached retina. He is rc- ! ported in go^xl condition. Schools Buy Gamble Residence To Give Space For West Addition Kings Mountain District Supt. Donald Jones. Supt. Jones schools have purchased the John said the hoard of education 'GeorgTa. He has been honored on. represents outstanding scholastic E. Gamble property on West has not yet determined how the four previous occasions for the same aw'ard and wa.s named Man of the Year in 19ti8. ’69, ’70. ’72. In addition to these achieve ments, Mr. Biddix ha.s been a Civic and church leader of the community. He is Ward II Chv S Commissioner and active with I his family in East Gold Street Methodist church. Mountain street at cost of $35,- house will he used or if it \viU| 000. . 0 sold at publ.c au -tion. The property will be the site J’ho Gamble pr^nert • is thii’d of the propased new addition to parcel to be purchased by the W^st Elementary school. A 40- school system for West school Kings Mountain high school, is: foot breezevvay will connect the additions and playgrounds. The a rising sophomore and is major-: present building with the new board cf e<iii:ation has already, ing in oeeanographic technology' addition. purchas-ed the George Can.sler at Florida Institute of Techno- The Gamble house will be Fsiate property and the Wini- lugy. i moved from the 110-200 lot, said Ired Fulton property. i performance and a letter of eon- gratiilat'ions has been sent by Ray A. Work. Jr., Dean of Student Af- fair.'i. Pouchak. a 1972 graduate of Present Juture line Extensions To Be Detailed The Pitometer Association, na- tiDn-w^idc water engiiKHuing rlim. began a .study of the city’s water distribution system last Thurs day. Purpose of Die .survey is to get rr i-mimcndations, plans and gen eral specifications for reinforce ments and extensions to meet the pro-senl and future require ments of the city in providing water service. Five principal areas of engin eering work are being done: 1) A division of the system in to sectiorus by valve operation, and the use of recording Pitome- ters t measure the consumption in each section for a twenty-four hour .period to determine pres sure and flow. 2. ) A study of the present wa ter consumption and fire pro tection requirements, in the City as a whole, and in various .sec tions cf the City, and a deter mination cl the probable water consumption and fire protection requirements in those sections fifteen yean; lunce. 3. A study of the probable in- in population during the no.xt fifteen years, both in tiie City as a whole, and in various sections. This will include stu dies of the probable location and grewth of induslpiai districts. 4. ) Investigations to deter mine the loss of head ami e>e- fficient cf friction in trunk lines whereever advvisable. Investiga tions a.s variou.? points in the distribution system where pres ent facilities appear to be in ad equate fer the purpose of deter- p-iining 'if reinforcements, exten sions or cleaning oi the main.s h; necessary.. Design, general details and specifications tor reinforcing mains necessary to meet persent needs and futire - Wl'.en the study of tlie cntixa system has ’oeen Cviinpioteu, a final repovt will ho submitted, in luding the*'re.sults of all in vestigations and studies, with general plans, specifications and recommendations for inaugurat ing an economical program of construction. The work is expected to re quire three weeks to a month. ROTARY SPEAKER Jimmy Piersall, former major league outfielder and now man ager of the Orangeburg Cardin als of the We.storn Carolinas Lea gue, will hbe six^aker at tile Rotaiy' Club’s monthly meet ing today at noon at Kings Alountain Country Club. \ S 1. . 4 t. 1 delegate — Kevin Bridges has returned from attending the state 4-H Electric Congress in Durham. Ha represented Cleveland County 4-H‘ers at the Congress. Kevin Bridges To 4-H Congress Cleveland county 4-H memlxu’, Kevin Bridges of Dixon commun- iiy l-II clu.) was a delegate to the state 4-11 Electric Congress in Durham, July 9-11. Florence Ellen McCaskill, as sistant extension agent. 4-II and Walter Aloss, assistant engineer from Duke Power comjiany ac companied the delegate. The 4iII-’er was .selected mi the h:isis of acliievc.mont in the ele'.iric project. Duke Power company spon- sir.v the trip to t!ie Ele.iric Mm. h To Pave W1 Present linoavcd Streets By MARTIN HARMON Tiic Mayc.' aivi city (f .nmis- ■ I.) i>- ]<‘tiiians i..- i>ave al) ui\aued (ity .^irecd-s. th( inti It t have all cl them paced dining llie current i>av- . ; .sea-ail whi. ii usually con- tinue.'-- i in/ugli November. In :a;i, j)e;ition ferm.s have Un oOi n pre.^-ared far the lal. da/.cn .sirccu.s and ]ir(]perty .\n(*; a.o inviii^i i.: circulate tlK-m. .-MI unpave.l street.s are in- iu.ief* i:\iep: th'si' .subject to su i-diviri ;n re^ulat i.m.s. Undi.- pre-;en1 policy property ..vners .-hare pavmg ecsts witli the (ity paying ..'omnleie cost of paving all inter.Neotions. Mayer Ji hn Henry AIo.s.s noted that 50 percent of the paving cost roprc'sents 25 percent or le^s of the total cost of a completed paved .street. Tlie city pays the lull cost of shaping an t .stoning and other advance preparation equi'rements. 4 he six .streets (ami any other which may have been missed, the AIa3'or said) on which peti tions are desired are: J illy strei't, irem Manor road to dead end; Sv.o4and Drive, from Lee street to Phili r road; S-mei^et drive, from Princeton dr.V(' t ' Soutliwo )d rlris'e; Amhcr.^l drive, from Souih- •w. -J to Sculhwood drixe; ami Soullnvoid drive, frtmi FuT- icn road {■ I’ineiunst. Approved for jtaving but n; : yet let to contract are Hire I. i el': Joyce street, from Meadow brook drive to llillside drive; Hillside drive, Inm Joyce street to S-:uth-v\e.-^l Mc'adowbrook; and olauney avenue, from York road to Oriental avenue. Publi. lu^arings havi' been set for July 30 on paving petitions for two streets: Siotlaml drive, frem Soullvvv<x)d drive to Lee .street; and Charle.s street, from York road te present paving. The cc-iTi'mission appropriated $120,126.65 in tlie current budget icr the city’s .share ot jK'ivmg c-'st.s and an additional $177,055 for regular street depaiLinent op- era.t ions. Mayor said tlie current budget does not have sufficient fund.s to ixdions for curb- and- gutter. "However,’’ he conlinuoii, "it is the intention of the city ccmml-oion to pr<imote a curo- and-gulter construction as quici-:- ly as funds permit.” \ Congress 1-II’ers. for Cio\eland coani,. I Bridges is tlje son of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby C. Bridges of the Dixon com mun i ty. Moss Predicts By-Pass Reality I Mayor John Henry M ).s.< pre- | ■lilted Wivlne.sday — "with fin- * gers crossed" — that the US 74 by-j)ass project here will become a reality. | He noted with appreciation I resolutions of endorsement by ; agencies of government, includ- ; ! ing tlie City of Shelhy and (li^- i ton county board of commission-; er.-?, and others from the Cleve- ! land board of ccinmissioner.s, the I vShelby and Gastonia Chambers , of Commerce. i PlaiLs call for con.strUvdion of a 7-plus mile thruway with ; 1 tiiree full intersections. Blanton Child s Rites Conducted Ciraveskle services for ih<' in fant son of Air. and Airs. Ui.h- ard Wesley Blanton of 203 Mai gr.ret street wcte held Fi‘ida> r'-‘'-rnOi r from Gn!; Ci:t)\e Baj)- lisl church. iiv\. Hus'^iOl Hinton officiated at llu‘ final rite.<. The chiUi (lied at 6 a. m. Thurs day in Cleveland Alemorial hos- p.tal. ANo surviving are the pa ternal grandparents, Mr. and Airs. Wesley Blanton of Kings Alountain and the maternal . ..! no .'Tents, Air. and Airs. Ray mond Dixon of Asheville. CLASSES POSTPONED $wimm!ng clashes at Deal Street po*'! ha\'e Ix'en postponed next week. Classes will resume on Ju)\ 23. GRADUATE — Mrs. Theo Huff- stitler Thomas has completed a four month program for fam ily practice nurse clinicians at Spartanburg. S. C. General hos pital. Mrs. Thomas is a Kings Mountain native. Msl Thomas Finishes Course Airs. Then Iluftstetler Thomas of Spartanburg, S. C., Kings Alountain nat vo and daughter of Airs. R. T. Huff.stetlor of the Bethlehem community and the late Air. Hirffsteiler. s among ' seven registered nur. es wlio have 'completed a hnir-nmnih program for Family Practice Nurse Clin ician-; al .SinTtaninirg Gen(*ral Hospital. It is a pioneer pro"ram of this type in .‘■^initli C’ar.'iina. Alls. Thomas 's the w fe cf .Tch iny ’I nomas. South ('arolina digh.'. ay patrolman. A registered and cliniri.m, she and hei* ;ui.-'::iMd have two cii Idren, Evye, age ]0, and, eg'-* eight, ^he is a head nurse ’n the nursing k'p:inment of Family Practice Clin (• near Soartanbiirg. P.'i.nai ' nhjeelive of the recent program wa.i; to provide oppor tunity for the nurses to learn and demonsti'aie ba.<ic medical h sicry-taking and physical dia gnosis as developed in the spec iality I f Family Practice. It was ; developed in cullaborafon with the UCC College of Nursing and funde i by a grant from HEW. Prankster Fills Tank With Sugar With talk of the gasoline shortage reaching the critical stage, many motorists would love ’ • ome up with a substitute for gas. But, sugar? lVi*ry Dean Henderson, 1003 Princeton Drive, reported to po lice Thursday that someone had poured sugar into the gas tank of b: car wiiile it was parked It Cliilers Roofing and Iloafng Co. on NoJtli Cnnsler slivot. And. if that wasn’t enough, the pianksti'r broke eggs on the ha(k windshield. l^'lice estimated it would cost Henderson $50 to repair the damage. Mm Damaaed When Hits Rail A bus o\erturned on the br:dge at N. C. 161 at 1-85 (Y’ork road) 8un lay and its driver escaped sci'ious injury. Th<Me wore no passengers. Ellis Marion Gallior, of Char- lone, was opi’ralor of the bus which was damaged approxi mately $600, said Trooper G. E. Mull of the State Highway pa trol. Head Start Applications Sought For School Tcim Starting Soon .\n {H^siiions for the 1973-1971 Kings Alouniadi Head Start proj ect are open and applications are being aceeplod al the office. 'Ph'a posit.ons an! pay scale follows: 1 Education director-teacher, $.5,538 -36 wei'ks. 1 teacher. $).361 36 weeks. 2 teacher aitles, $2.3S0 - 34 weeko. 1 pa' ont coord nat or, $1,179 'll weeks, I-'’ time. 1 nip'se. 8,300—part time. 1 cafeteria aide, $1,360 — 160 days. Applicants should contact the Kbigs Alountain District Schools office for application blanks. Donald L. Parker is chairman ('• the personnel selection com mittee.

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