Population y —- ^ ^ Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8.465 The Creator Kings Mountain figure is derived from the Special Ualtod States Bureau of the Census report of fanuary. 1966. and includes the 14,990 population ol Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6.124 from Number 5 Township, In Cleveland County and Crowdere Mountain Township In Gaston County. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaoei Pages Today VOL R4 No. 31 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. ,C., Thursday, August 2, 1973 PRICE TEN CENTS Eighty-Fourth Year 41 City Appeal: Double B Award Reverse ^*1 ' 4 Endorse Debt Merger Voting I Appeals Couit Orders Re-Trial 0! Ii?f y /iwaid ■ S-X t ■d^ / c> ANTIOCH HOMECOMING SUNDAY — Sunday will be the 160th anniversary of the founding of An tioch Baptist church near Grover and worshipers plan to dress in colonial style as feature of the day's activities. Mrs. Rebecca Broom, left in car rioge, observes as Miss Vera Hardin gets a help^ ing hand from Rev. A. C, Hughes as hirs. E. H. Love and Mrs. Eugene Conner, right, look on. This scene w.ll be repeated on Sunday morning, Aftil ‘ 160^k Homecoming At Antioch Baptist TAPPED — Captain Marsh R. Campbell has been tapped for inclusion in "Outstanding Yeung Men of Americo." Capt. Campbell In Who's Who Captain Marsh K. CamiJiiell, s n of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Camp- hell of Kin^s Mountain, has been tapped as an Outstandiiii^ Youn^ Man ol America for 1D73, accord ing t ? I lie board of a<ivisors for the national awards ‘publication. ! Ca;>*ain Campbell has just | 0 ;ni>Iel('<i a five year t«)ur of duly i with the United State.s Air Force j and has joinetl the staff of IBlVI < in Memphis, Tennessee. | "Now in its ninth year. “Out- ; standing Young Mim of Ameii- , ta", i;, an annual ’biographical. t •JoiUiniicd On fatje uiulit) Colonial Dress ^ Will Feature Celebration Antioch Baptist church of Grover will celebrate its 160th anniversary S nday with a diii) . af sp'^dal services. I In keei)ing with the centennial theme, worshipers attending Sun , day sorvict'G will dress in colon-1 ial costumes. i David Allred of Winston Sal- i em, son of a former pastor, will ^ fill the pulpit the worship j hour at 11 and special music | '\ill '.io featured. ^ r. Allred is a' coi’.nselor with the Mental Health , clinic in Winston Salem. Panic lunch wil U' spread un der the picnic shed at 12:30. Special sin.ging will begin at 2 p. m. with various singing groups of the community to par- ticij>ate. Kev. Yhince Johnson, minister of the church, issues invitation to the (ommim ty to attend. Sunday will also mar'\ the • "th anniversary of the Women’s Missionary Union and Iho Whli anniversary of the 'Girls Auxil iary. A ' rlef h story of A.nlioch Continued On PuOe EUjht ■ 't k ^ f' ' KM'BC Drive-In Theatre To Show KM-Ptoduced Film; Opens Sunday S nc KinfT‘: Mountain citizens ran them.sclve^ in the movies by attending the first area show ing ul '‘The Cnuitry House’’, an K-rated movie filnunl in and a- rfiUHt KIngr M >un‘aiii and ujten- ing Sunday night for five show ing: at Bes'^^emer City - Kings Aujuntain Drive-In Theatre. The ea t. says Hed Wie-seiKU*, who hel etl write the script and 19 one of the stars, is made uj) c all local talenf. I he movie, first ealled “Sign Off” and Hum “BtMjt.s and the Pren'.her”, was filmed over a viar ago and suhsetiuently under- \venl a name change and edit ing. The film was sliown re cently in I'crest City and play.s August 2nd at Monroe Drive-In, Star'ighl. Drive-In. Durham, and Spring Koad Drive-In, Hickory. Wiesener and Jim Arp, Im's cU'*c JtK’key, are the stars with ct. star.'-' -Pele F^loyd and Carl Wiesener. All .six writers have roles in the show, and in addi- fm to the Wiesener brothers, Klcyd and .Vrp, are Kay Wie.scn- cr. wife of He:, and Kay Jen- k ns. Keb Wiesener plays the police lieutenant in a small country town who investigates the nuir- dor of the girlfriend of a Nash ville recording star (Arp). “Brok en in the eritcitairvment world by luisHing chicks the recor<{ing star return.^ luMiio to be enveloped in a large-.scaU> murder investiga tion wh'ch uncovers many .skele- lon=: of prominent t(>\vn.s;)eople.’’, explains Wic.sener. Kay Wiesener i.s Hie naieve maid and Kay Jenkins the madam ■of tlie House of III Kepute. Pete Kloyd is the Nashville star’s manager and Par! Wiiesener is the cliief of 'po lice. All characters arc fictitious. J. G. (Pat) Pattcrsrni. Jr. of CharloUe direeled and Pied'mont Promoters of Charlotte, which cwM': 2(i0 theatres in the two Car- olinas and Virginia, is dislribu- tf The 1 ick is in teclinicolor and is a reg dar-length movie. Rc'.? Wiesener stated apprecia tion to local folk for their co operation in thi> shooting of scenes for the movie. He said there are numerous parts filled by local people. MANAGER — Bill Crowson is the new branch manager of the newly-c^ned Social Secur ity office in Shelby on Lineber- ger street. Mr. Crow&on comes tc Cleveland County trom Flor ence, Alabama where he served as assistant distrl^ manager. Districi School Faculty Complete Final vacancy in the Kings Mountain district sc'hols faculty for the 1973-74 term was filled Wednesday, with aweptance of election by Mrs. Dc’obie Walker Nelson, of Boiling Springs. Superintendent DonakI Jone^ said Mrs. Nelson will be a first girade teaclier at Grover. On Tuo.sday, Supl. Jones rc- p irted, Mrs. Gail Henderson, of Shelby, accepted election as a kindergarten teacher. Three kin dergarten classes will he con- dueled at the Cl impact plant. 3’he new term < pmu' with eri- entatirn day on WTdne'Jday, Au gust 22, and the first full day of the term will Im* Augu.st 23. Fac- uTt> members report for duty on Mtonday, August 13. Kings Mountain Attaches Ifs" To Resolution Kings Mountain di.strict b')a*rd of education has endonsed a coun ty-wide election on wliich citi zens would vote for or against twj prof>JsaIs: 1) con.'-^olidation of the coun ty-wide school debt and 2) a $1,030,000 bond issue for county district schools. The county board of education has endor.scd the same resolu tion and the Shelby district hoard expects to consuler the reisolution at its August meeting and con- cunence i.-j iiKlicatcd. The King.-: Mountain district endoisemenl contained three ‘■ils’ : 1) tliat e.scrnv fund^ ol the several districts on hand at June 3«;, 1974, be retained in the par ticular district ace^ounts and that 2) il Kings Mountain district, which e.\i>ects to let some con- .-itiuction contracts this month, finds itself money shy, from $150,000 to $200,000 will oe made available, either from county monies or via a loan from the state literary fund. 3) approval c*f debt iconsolidatiun docs not predicate county-wide adminis trative consclidation. Both Shelby and county dis tricts currently have literary iund loans. The three districts have agreed that both iproiwsals must ho ap proved by the voters, fur cillioi to pass. Schools officials have explain ed that on the historic pupil per capita division of funds, the county district bend acciua) e. $4,030,000 would equalize the debt load. INced is ap])arcn1, they say, a: the county u'lslrict is in “^iespor- ate” need of two junior high schools. The election is o.\>-*c!ed to b( held on 'November 6, when Norlli Carolina voters will consider a $3(X) million bond is.sue proposal for schoo-l construction. Als.) gear ed to pupil ])cr c'apita division Ihiroughout the state, Cleveland county shares would be: Kings Mountain $1,072,798, Shelby $1,- 262,987, and county $2,239,392. Eiectioas Board Sworn Wednesda}! Pat!e?scs! (kme Titank Tate Chairman, Mrs. Mercier Is Secretary Former Citizen Badly Burned Mrs. Aloert Gangenliuhrr O'f AUairla, Ga., granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Prince ol King- Mt.untain, sufft'red first, second anfl third degree burns when she accidentally fell in the bathtub attei iLirning cH the c.*l,i \va tv. Her husband ru-hed her to (he Iicspilat iunmediately. She i.-: tlu* former Cathy Alston. The new city elections boaid teak c.ath.s e, cHice Wednc.May in..rning and elected E..x>ks R. lalc cliainnan and Mrs. Jack Mer. ier stcieiar>. Kev. M. L. Campbell is the third memoor. The catlis of oftico were ad- miiCslered by Alagislrate J. Lee RtJcrU. Under new state-law, the elec- lion; boat'd is successor to the • cit> commission which was the elections looard in the past. ^ The ele.ctions board will meet | Thui-sday to discuss provisions of the new law, some oi which were outlined by Mayor John Henry Moss afler Hie oatn-taKing. Mayor Moss tJianked the mcm- jors Oi the Board for aciepting iiie res]ionsi'bility of their irespec- li\c offices and thaiiKcd -virs. vTanlord fv.r her work, and thank cd ine pre^s for liierr coverage oi ihe L^ent. Mayor Moss said ‘everyone Is cn.c«'faged to endeavor to ac- quaiiit himself with their re- spL.iisl.'*ilit> in connection wi.ii Mu iRUN elcciion laws, and sakl that lie knows the press will en deavor to make citizens aware Oi t il IS. Mayor Mess >iated that the new lavs does enaole one to regi.slei c;ie lime and be able to vote in every election, but it is the re sp ai.sl<ulity of the citizen io sec iliat ho is registered. Magistrate Roberts asked if one slvu’Uld ro-rogister if he vot ed in the last municipal tdection. Mr. Moi-s explained that all <*ity registrations are no longer valid, and everyone mast re-register un less he has pieHou.-:ly ivg.isli'n‘-:l with Hie county. Il he has regis- iered with tlie County, he i> MiOicby registered with the City. Biddix Taking Citizen Complaints •Ward II Com-missiener W. S. Biddix is imaking himself avail able to citizens each VVt'-dnesday from 9 until 11 a.m. to handle “any cximplaints” in the Council Chambers of City Hall. ■Mr. Bi<ldix told the city hoanl Monday night he had received .some calls from citizens about the difficulty in contacting board mcmbt'rs about complaints. “I want everyone to know I’ll take any cximplaints each Wed- ne.vlay and pas.s your suggestions on to the council”, said Biddix. ATTENDr MEETING Mrs. Aubrey Mauiun of King.s Mountain alamded tne iciani rdccliiig Ol the .Munnd Ass.icia- ticn Ci the University of North Carolina at Greensboro wliich announced.it had readied ds ■fund-raising gc:al d $159,600 l.v tlK 1972-73 academic year. 3'he meeting was held on the (.aiiiipus ol UNC-G. McDcwell: Alrica Much-Changed Since He Founded Mission In '23 W'hcn Rev. Dr. and .Mrs. Henry j He first went to Angola in C. M.Deui'll IHngs Moaiilaia, HT:) as part ol a threc-nian team iilutncd f') Angida nucnlly to that cxpl ircd thousands of miles cclci rate tlie .bOtli anniversary O'f the cluiri li Dr. .McDowell start ed there in 11>23, they wore greci- od . y a short, stocky African ,\<Mi ,ng a helmet an I riding a bi I cle. Ho was portra.'ing Di'. .Mc Dowell in a p:igeant depicting Hi(' HmiKUng and growth of the Diin’ci .Mission, related to the United Chuich of Christ in the U. S. Dr. 'Dowell was the fired misivonary sent <>vorsras by iliack Congregational rhurches in the I’nited .State's under thc' American Hoard of Commission- iii t.,e .stjulhern i'irt ol tiu' country, Ha veil ing on fo(d. Dr. M ’I>:;wc]l .sole: ted Hie .site of the Hun;ei Miss on in Galangue. .\ng(>la, and with hi', colleagues built a scluxd, Iio-^pital, and do mestic training sciiool for g rls and started tlie Hunjei churoh. The I5un:ei .Mission was sup-. 1 aso 1' ’ll !').iy wa .“tun i i\ ai i ara'i'.-:* Il (,i''>«o l>,ip U.si il l: )i as ihi' (oagreiMiM-o lu. k li’ < ; ‘■II le " r.ni.-- Mu’C [‘a.-vtin- t-u hi;. Ida hirih day. 'i'.iC ap,:i : iatioii .• o. \ i. >' f 'a lui'o.l Ha. 11 o. 1)’. V'. • : drjj it. u and vaihius nicmlris .>i » c.jii gregaiion led thc i-Ci./i ji.an m i as a surprise honci i i \.,- pasloi'. Rv\. Hi -har 1 11 IMy'. ':'. i astoi of P.jtil l s 'li . il (A o ii a i*! V- (•■uiivil ilu’ pasi P) stars. \va taken •■(..nntdci.'Iy - y sur; r c as h(' prepared uj till lii'* .uilp for ihe Sunday sc-.non. In dead six mei.ii'ors of hi.s -or .m . gatio spoke for the con;.’' c. -il on ii “tltanldng liiin for i'is 'p'o.l ror\ ice to llu' com“i;iinil\ ' Mem: ors of t’i<' c-ongregnlioi parlidpaling in the sei'v ;-e vm'iv Mrs. Robei'i .Sci.sm. Hiigii Kail- Ml-^s Tch'S'I Hiilnam, Mis. I’d. PeniKU', 'Mis. Carl .Annstron' I and Kdwin .Moore. Haj’old Hol'd, [ vocalivSt, sang Hk' m nisti'r’s fa^ 1 c.ir.le .song, “Hi.'’' D v Is (dn th r.pairow'’ and Holion !c | Iho .sii'iijnuie .'oadinv. j i-d I ly 1, d i OVO-; ui ) ■.!’■ r fc !.:■ I ibicil'day gr:!.(d Hr' .-■H.ar an ’ ; liie cungi't' : io'i p; ■' r.!. I r ! Ic'.c' olierin;.; to hn. ■ I A r:' (’p!lon fr.'m 3 until .I )). i I m. tiru aitinn )'>n a!^o honored j Jlte \i\ to]- and h .s family and; William S. (Goikvi F-'nllon it'. ;im,n and rake v cn e sri v-d to: :on of -Mr. an 1 .Mrs, W. S- (HilH 'y * ^ ''^V alien led. •'ulion Jr. of King-; Mountain, lU'v- lUid .'Ii s. i :.v hn arc pai i las ro eived his Hacheior of cnls of Hircc clul iirii: j\i.han.; icon c in hu 'nr:s a \ ninistration from Hie I’niver.city 4 Noj'di (.'jro’ina at ( i'lepel ilill. r- piomas vvere a'v arded at he June com.nenrx'mc'iit. .Mr. Fulton, wlto was a tliuri najor at ('arol na for fwo years, s assc'iaiei with hs tamily in lie npcraiitni i,d' Fulton’s d<'p irt- mmt store'. lie leii'ntly attended i h e nem’s retail semi nar spoid u'c'd by tlie .Xaiional Men’s Rot ail .\s- mciaiion at Xotro Dame Univ<*r-i siiy. a GRADUATE — William S. (Corky) Fulton has received his degree from the University of Ncith Carolina at Chapel Hill. f ulton Wins B.S Degree T'lt .N-riii Carolina Court of .Xppeal; ha;-: reversed and re- ma ril'd to Supeiior Court the .$170,'0.; award o. a s^ievola.id Cou.U\ irape-rior Court jury on .Xovembei 27 to V\'. K. Mauney Ji., and bu.urd iradnig as ■ it . J... i.ci'iy t.ie city condemned for the Buhalo I. 11-'« K It'.Sv. »t.i.. Ldtt' It./ t.,(- lit .. trial iia • not .HCii sei. i ,f ' lia.i Hn .iurv 'ou.: ■{ on gjound.s tlu' award 'wa.; e.\c’i?j)Sive. .\ni\oi' jidiii Henry Mo.-sS made I the amioun. e.neiit at the .\ivjji- ua> iiigiil niceling ai the board ... i c>iiunlssiujiers. .Vnonirys iiiiiig Hie ai>iieal for Hie city were JaHc H. Wiiife, neniy Foajci, oi .Sliel.’iy, and vtiJ.i .'’^liive, oi Ga.stonia. .\j.. \\iiite n.^tecl at tne Mon day, niguL i .annii.-;si.m meeting iiiai coiidemnaaon actions were Uo. rant'll ujiies.: • nevcs.-.aiy’’. He also .said that D )u.)le B lianch paivlia.se'l inc oiiginal 3j9.b-a.io .lacl in .\pril auei tne BuHa^ project hatl bei'n amiaun'-ed by iJie cii> in Janaai'>. Double B jjaid .$s.j,duo i'.i IJie l.unl ira. i, of vv.hv-n tile city requinvl 2r4.57 а. ics, or .-ligluly ij»er u.> iKovent J. tne vi'viinal iraH. Jju- ca.-e, No. TdJi.V'ino, is on- dtii'd K.ng.-. .Xhninta.n v.-:. Ciiue e;. al. Tlieodore C. Brown, Jr., Hei'K, ii'ina'ied the opiiii-’n Hied by tlie urt of AppivUs on July ^.j, Willi (.eiiilicaiicji uate .iugu.--.i б. City Accepts il50,00C Grant The city c'omnii'sien .Mond.iy night cn recommendation of Hie city’."' coisulting enginc'er accept- ('d .state grant of $150,000 from (he N. C. Dc'partment ol Human Rescurco.' under (he ( li'an Water .\it for exjiansion of the city’s water system. The city had applied f-r $204,750 from Hie slate and .S109..")0(' from the federal g-ivc'ni- mont for dcu’oling thc capacity at Hie new water treatment plant, addition of a two million gallon storage tank .«outh v>l tlu' eity and new vater lines and . nnevlor lines, Ralph Johnson, cf tlie firm of . K. Dick.'^m & '■ mpany told the board. Mi. J''hn.>on explained that rc- application may he submitted u- gain hut “thc'ie are no a'i.^'^ur- an.’0.< y( u’ll he offen’<l this same amount.’’ He .said additi' ii.'il n,v- pli. aliens ran he made for the pr jc'.’t “anti it may well i>e that $1.56,001; will take care il it a.ter bid’’ arc taken.'* He made the remarks after giving a report of progress of final 'pha.s(‘ c:f work on Hie Kin.gs M .untain water jiroject on Buffa- 1(> Creek. Good weather lias iH'rmilted cleaning and gruhhin.: work ('> CfOttmiif it On /'o.'/r Eites Ccsiducled Funeial ritr.s for Fr:ink .\nr- p-*an P: ‘ !'. wi'n (’' (1 .»f an ap parent li(*an at lack 'riiur.- I;iy, •.» o c-.m lu. 1C i hind ly afternoon at 3 f». m. in ni Hu’ Chajud o: Ilarr's Funer il il(»me. Rev. K<’nn'.’’.'i l.nn lec'n off- '•intci at ih * final rites and in tcrmeni was in Monniain Resi eemitciy. live pall'iearcrs were .h'ni('r )Ud»e}, Don Roper. Paul >'’;’i ]nMU( r. David .Md;e D ni and ( hiii: Hi\en. Ml'. Roper. Kiirts Moen'.ahi ’i:ilA(*. was ..on of .Mrv (‘v.i loins Roper an i Hi.’ lat • .1 Fi'aiik Rc'pi'r. I h' wn's r, g adiiat ' f>f Kings .\U’unt:!:n lii'V:i .‘■r iiool and atleiide 1 ]'m:n.ui unive-.-' ty. H<’ was a v’tei .ui of World War H C 'M' s i v e and was em- p!“yv' I • y F'- iP •'* in le tr I!(’ '.V ■ ; iva' r'ed (.» lti > U r'iiK'r T:ef‘ 'Lin ye •:’h. .H'* i'' arvivel by hiv 'wih' o: 1 ni .tiler. liew Building Fo? Lyirtind kim U\ iraiM Car]:el & Tile (.' »jn« pauv puiviia.'-ed a euy buildiu.:! perniii HHs week Jo jorisiracT a ^ lUioeKiai niuKoiig at e.siimal- ed ec.si (d .$21,600 on .Sia.er .sireet. '.^.itia-^lr i.i lue lu w i)U;i...i!g wail va* Frank il. Conner Co:ii- paiiv V, 'Chaiioiie. (.{her pejni.t-. i uel were for 111 w ri.sideiice.s including: iC(A' (j.i.sselt, icwnsen.i lerraiO, eigiil lucm.s e.stimali-d al $J9,UU'), V.. G. Peniier (. ..iRiavl a. H*. J .M'pn Lie, Gari'isun Drive, Itr-i. ,,JI eg.aiaU d le- Ciwjt .$.d,odi . O. G. l ejiiK. ContracUr. B 'ooy ii. L'. idge.s, S24 Clevi land .'Winuu.ng p. *>1, Aa^.f Discount Cenier I’oiitractor. I'aiil (.;vei'.;. 2'io ruiicn Drive, .$Sn rev.f repair.s, BJiciby Rajiliiig V« .np:uiy c.uitnK tor. W . K. I’eai 'on, $.12 Tirid stre t, .$’16.') r. u‘ repair.s, .<helby Rooming Comp.any i',)ntraetor. J ..i.i George, Sr., rTTl F. ParkcT (Mi'lesi'd garage* and storage t’ai'oenl e r. rw;ni. $1.5(., Siiangier CoJicre;c} coiilraelor. Joe K. Smitli, 110 Hawtii.arne ii'.oi. $!6t‘ij ea.'pu’l roof, Roger 'd .vmi ejjitraclor. H. Ui.von. Hillside D. , It pax ijig drive. $l()0. MISSIONARY HERE D-. R'bci’t L. Goe ;e, Pr(*>by- tenan missimiarv Inim Tac'jun. Koi'ta, will Lll Hie imlpit at the 11 I cl vk worshir) hour SuU'iay m.,Tiling at F..'st ihes- hGc'i'iap eluimii. Efe. Jc?tk ilmefie Meiircs, Speni 33 Years Wife Telepliene Company s p('rted entTcly by bl.ark ('ongre-j ontinur rajiidlv and e ntra.gprs gationa! clnirvhes'unt I 1917 when are standing by “to cIom* the the Amen'-an Hoard coii’i ined plug" to fill Hie lake, the work ef black and white' “Fm very pleased", said John- (hurrhes. It is m’w supi)«n'ted hvy.son, “to aotiutlly se»’ in my the United (’hui’eli Ho;ir I for ‘min<!’s eye Hie e»'mpletien of HHs World Ministries. ; pioiect. Fm \er\ excited ahout “The dramati/alion revealed it." He tt)ld the hoard lu' kn >w' ers for Koivign .Missions, nowi to me African reactions of ;i9 cf no other water jiroject in the part of the United ('hiirch j years ago that 1 was never state which offers Hie r,x>tential overseas miss'ons arm of United Church of Christ. the The crowd roared at the char- tional .standiwunt. Continued On Page Eight i Coniinutd On Pago Eight RETIRES — Mrs. Jad« Arnette has xetirtid from Southern Bell Telephone Company after a 33- year tenure. 13 years ol which she spent here os chief oper* atox. >!r';. Jack Arnth', hanorrd 7!rir; -lay e-.on np' •;( :i re; K'n'cut .'.inner by .'5 uihcrii Foil le’-.?- piu’iH' • Mini any. cn'.'ved h t fiisl vvre!< a.'ay fv-tn teieph vc |<iuld'.-< Hu-i \\('ek alter vea’s. I For Id yt*: r. Mrs. Ar- jni'Me w.is (!i'ef t cniar !<>'■ Ih.> I Kings ?dounla n e;:chang". W .-cn :h«* orH^'cs r,'| • m l in c, ; ania she F.efamo seiAvve adv s-'f a Ill's tiun she lield until July gl. Sit'' joined SouHic’n Reil a telepliene (;]'f'ra: -r !>o R'i it). (';T| I'l's ef th<' « 'mpany pro- S(*nted her with gifts and prais- eil her for Iv r i . • t'vc.' to te!c';'henc .-ervive n\ -r i.';* ye is. I’or a “Ict'i'ps;’’- w's giv en h<'r old reha'^c to 'Tcmind of her ronHoe." H. Vv'. .'Muiih. of (’h.irlntt-'*. dis trict iraffie ni:uia :or. te.*k the I occasion to pn'<eni M"-:. Arnetp' a .seven diamon 1 pt'tid.int and a hillfold certduatt'. Jim M;H i j»resi<len( of Foot hills c'ouin il, TeIt'i>hone Pioneers of America, took Hie occasion I iConuautd On Page Light)

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