rAVc^c r»vc Babe Ruth All-Stars On Way To State Tourney Win Iiom(‘ a list to |>ut ml (Jjcoti- run-scor- Ik* bottom inal tA') fill wlu*M in:i a do fl Bur^i'ss a balk i>y llio scar- :lu* foui Hi a;;c‘ti just pair by )> Cana! I Iicorivi'it* ii pair by ‘?:v I 1 I 1 I i| 111 •* ■»• «• ■ m "•WiJ / •' r n > I MonSe FoSis ^eie PA Third . . Vicisiy Ce!ebration . Cocch T«n.v Le’cjh Gives Advice iiaineers Begin Football ft and ight in Kings 2 noon Filial Phvskals Set For Friday mu F ■ ■ i r -T* ■?f the Na an d ro- .un. nd l-'iVC I Run lis year. ho has lias only ton Cup vj 2tJ0 •tor ru I • in cos •»! 11 blo.k •d con coJs hi- lod with Icmi-oo- •Kep.;.Vt‘i i an the ,oiy v\ ill [ho Fm ;i f the laM rau* .1 . (1. hc- curnMii ) j)(>hd ♦ lis j i- l*ii Iiai I (’arl >, Old (i‘- y rai:|{. IS. ('. o .\lli‘M) ('Iks ’ »- praal^ I' Slavic irtsni.'i *1) . 1[mI^ (‘fliii iji till Kin, M iiiitain lli.Th St h(. 1 hiaiaali teaii'i will bou'in prc-si'a-v.n pr:.-• 1 t .M lulay at ‘ p.in. Hoad Caach Bi bby Jon(*s, in tIit‘t*n.'*bor. this wook for the an nua! Taataall <*jach(‘,- ;linl.. sail tlu loam will j !at’tioo in linin' •'oai f.i a lofori ;:to!.inii d(.ua 1 ai!(.u>- ba.anow. Ji MOK also' iHjlo I that twit s'!i i.l i- ,uTrm.4 out two .••■day pra( lio< sovsian In the the MauntaHKMMS have j.’racti.'i'.i twice a day until tlu* '.p< run;» of s.hGol. Its net uefiiiile yet hoA hi;,* a squad, nun\‘)or-\vi.s<*. the Moun taineer; will DC. TliirU i)rospoH.s ha\e thus far harl jihysierd*; .au a third and fhial pliysi -al is set for Friday at "/ p.ni. at the KMH ' field hnu.so. Jonr-- said tlial all persons \vh - plan la play foot ball, iiu'liidln.:* Ireshinen. uh' has'# nut yoi had physicals’.-should atltfid Friday. 'IV- Muuntainoeis will b<» sdiy lai^ poison in tlie eoacdiin;; d(‘- p.dni'-Mi. Tcnimy Pruett, who ha been an a.ssi.'^tant with the hrk.s the past threi' years, ha.s :o:;n»‘,t la a^'coj>i a eoa''liin...! k at Burn.- Hi‘.di S-I)».d. June- f sd a ri'pfa I’meni will n »l j( p«*r| at til.-' ti'ine. .\l(.un'ain will have s<‘.- enni.*' .\h. , ba:?*iu._- injury. .sh( uld pro.e t .’iC ju-ion,.’, lin* I ip lirumien in iln .'fate, day Putnam, Larry Hainri y and Hoy Putnam, whj were part-time .staru*rs, al.so ro- ai:n up Jr nl. 'i'he Vlounlaim r*r will have s.-i Dian four A(*ek.s to prepare . . th, . .-Vu^Mjsd Bl < pener at fk'ssemor (Tly. Allliou.ijh BC is u w a UK'ninei ui Iho S .utinso-a* orn Coni'enMice, IIh* ^'ame will -.-iini as n in-eanieri*nc.a*, .since tlu lea;;ue nuA has 13 members. • Kin:'.-' Mountain stay.s on tin* ' read for it- >•. Alternating be tween shortstop and second base rtuioh of tlie time, he was a oan- .si.stent glove man and on of- b«*fore topping the coveted I mark again in legion play, j ' Bridgo.s, one u: the smallest playons, .showed much I imprevemont during his three years oi legion play. This year he was one of the team's t:>p hit ter.-: with a .235 mark and, like Mor-re, was consistent 'vvith lii«‘ glove. j Fitts, the only one of the four j trophy wiinner.-; that will be back j next .season, hit .258 despite play ' ing most oi the sea.son with in juries. He was the team's second leading hitter behind Moore go ing Into the Area Four plaj'off.s. Augus: 31 K ngr Meunta'n at Bessemer City iCa.st Garton at CTe.st i-c'-ith Point at Chase N,.r,h Ga.ston at C'^o^Iy'^'ilk* iiutherfurdt.in at McDywoll September / City at Gaston .^utherferdton at Burns Kings Mountain at North Gaston C'.hasi* at Ka.it Rutherford I.incilnton at South Point riUJiter Huss at Shelby September 14 Cherryville at Ea.si Rutherford Burns at .Shelby South Point al East .Gaston Njrth Gaston at Rutheifocdtcn ^resi at Chase Lincclnton at Kings Mountain Chailotlc Catholic at B<‘.s.s. City i^eptembei 21 East Rutherford at Burns Shelby at Cr<*st Cherryvillo al B<'ssT-mer City Ea.st Ga.ston at Linednton South Point at Rutherfordton Chase at North Gaston September 28 Shelby at East Rutherford Chase at East Gaston Cro.vi at South Point . Ftu-herjcrciion al Ch(‘rrv’ville Kings rioiintain at Burns Ne'Aijii a: Lincclntun Nciiii Ciast'Uj at Cria:. Catholic October 5 Eco( Rutherford at Kings Mtn. E.ist Gaston at Sht*lby Bc'ssemc: City at Crest C-hUM at Rutherfordton i Biirm- at Chero'ciHe ; Lenoir at .St>uih Point October 12 East Kuthtrford at Rutherfordton Nortii Gaston at Shelby Bessemer City at Cha.se Kings Mounta n at East Gaston Hy .M. K. GAdtn.M.H N'. ('. Stale L'm\cr. ..v The fall weLworm can caure •xiensivc damage to many k:iiu.s I iree.s. Ine worms icaiei- jLu's) 1 ve In eolon.t-.s pioicci- j; ted by a web allacnci to q.e .a- ..ranenes. 'I'hey can be eus- y spotted and .should .e ciadi- -Lcj ..f-rure they dc-ioLale laiv,e «.(* sections. Spray vv..ii M‘.in V maldtiiion. M x the rnalcr.al.s -la water as directed on tin* •vntainer. I oome prefer to burn them out ’ usin.g a wad of ^jtton on tlie end ; 0. a ^uie saiuralei with kera- .ijne oil. U you use this meth- I ud, employ qu ck thi'usts with tile flame in order not to d ..n- : age tlie ioliage mole than ne.c.s- s-ry. Bcaiied iris mt.y be lifted and ; i.'vMed any time between m d- ' July and early September. If you nave not Utled and d.vid<'d the rhizome.'; in the last three years, , i.iC Plants arc pr • ably ...ecom.ng f'j'ovvded and should rt-cei\e at tention. .i...are soil well and add about one -measuring cup of an 0 14-’14 fertilizer to 10 .square fe‘d cf l)r-i .. e. .fA\ well .nio the first .six in.iu*;: c.' .soil. When planting, ' cover the rhizomes with about ' weeds and watered. Earl.er plant- one inch of Soil. Keep frf*e of ings become well established in the soil and blooms belter the following sprbig. Be on guan’ for lace'ougs on azaleas, rhodcKiendrons, pyra- c.inthas and ^v'ashington ha'.v- h-.vvihornes. Spray thoroughly with inalath.on i.eing sure to cover the unders.des of the leaves. Thes^* aa-e sucking in- .sects and cause the leaves to tv.rn a dirty gray. Tne .cpiay must strike the f.ody of the numphs and adults to be effec tive. Keep your roses prote..ed from insects and d seasc-s y s^.ruying every two weeks a con-.b.nalicn insecticide i.nd rung cido. Malathion and Captan are good if ou mi.x your own, or, you can use one of the yre- pared co mbinations available tram your garden supply stcre. If you have not accemplishod all of the old fruiting cano.s this cliore get with :t. Re.'no\e from your red and black rahi>- ’oerries and burn them. This pro cedure will luduoe ti:.scare n'e?- t'- n. :a is a good plan to pro tect the m'w growth with a com bination insori'c'de and fungi cide. Captan or Feitnate for the disease; and malathion for the in-;e"ts. Apply spray every two weeks. U. S. ARMY, GERMANY (AHTNC) — His name Isn't Gutenberg, b'df he runs printing presses in Germany. Army Sergeant First Cia-T Ecnaid R. Smith of Grover. N. C.. is assigned to the Repro- durtion Center at Boadquarters. U. S. Theatre Army Suppart Command. Europe (TASCOM). at Worms. Germany. As noncom missicned officer in charge (NCOIC) ot the Center, the son oi Mr. and Mrs. W lUam E. Smith of Route 1. Grover, supervises the running of 1 to 1.5 million copies through the Center's print ing presses each month. Sgt. Smith, whose wife, Paula, is with him in Germany, has three enlisted men and two German civil ians tc assist him in the shop. Normal work, he scrys. takas four days, while special jobs take a little longer. Department of the Army limits to 25J)00 the number of copies on any one Job. Sometimes, when the workload is heoyy. Sgt. Smith operates a printing press. MORE ABOUT CLASH 1 MORE ABOUT KM*s ASSURED , ,, , . , ., * C*b had one hit apiece for rhe member of the ever-formidable Atlantic Coast ConfercjKH* m a , ' t , i. i ^ ♦u. Siyan Randolph w-orkt'd the first Three InniJigs for B.. and ■was ohargo.se.s from last year’.s team were Rlok Hcldt and Jao Cafferk>, both starters. The 1973-74 schedule: Dee. I—Athlete.s In Action; fV— team.'?! chenvvillc at Linrolnton •Barn.' at Crc.si October l£i Lincolnron at Ea.st Rutherford Eiielb> at Scath Point £o.s.semer Sitv at Burns East Gaston al North Ga.ston Chase at Kings Mountain Cre.st at Oherryvilh* October 2r East Rulheiicrd at Bessemer City ihelcy al Lincolnton Chcrrvwille at East Gaston South Point at Kings Mountain Crest at Rutheifordton Burn.'’ at Chase November 2 Ea.s: Rutherford at East Gaston Rutlierfordtcn at ShoLoy B<''semer City at North Gaston 8outh Point at Burn.s Lincolnton at Crest Kings Mountain at Cherryvllle November 9 Cres* at East Rutherford Shelby at Kings Mountain I Ttuiherfjrdtcn a: Bes.?t.ner City ; North Gaston at South Point , Cherrvvillo at Chase The Kings Mountain Herald's Want Ads Pay Keep Your Radio Dial Set At •I rt East Caraliaa; 7—Vermont; IS- | ping Trycn 144 Tuolsdav arid . IT. t A nt cit l4v.ii«! lf» Ceorela: .... . r "'4 LITTLE LEAGUE CHAMPIONS — Here s the Klw anis Little Leomie team which cop~.ed the reguiar season title in the Kings Mountain National League. Front row. left to right, are Steve Craw ford. Todd Sellers. Bobby Short, Jody Deaton. Bob by WiUiamr and Jimmy M Uor. Second row. some order, Ervin Gregory. Sherman Jenkins. Johnny Cobb. Kale Goins and David Cobb. Boek row ore •eoebes Wayne Wooster ond Bob Short. (Photo by Gory Stevrort). I UCEA at St. Louis; IS Georgia; 2b-29—Sugar Bowl Toiunameiil at New C:leaas (ViUanova, Mem phis State, LSU-Ne^v GrleansL Jan. 4-5—i3ig Four Tournament al Greensbor. (North Carolimi, Cuke, W'ake Firest); 9—at Duke; H—?lt nson; 13—Mar . land: 1?— at Virginia; 19—UNC-Charlotte; 22—at North' Carolina; 28—at Purdue; 3d-at Maryland. i Feb. 2—Virginia: 8—Georgia j Tech at Charlotte; P—Furman al : Charlotte; 13—Davidson; 16— Wake Forest; 20—Duke; 23—at Clemson; 26--North Carolina. Mar. i—at W’ake Forwit; 7-9— Mountain sea-od all four ot lt>' run.: in the third and BC gat its Lmo tally in the si.xth. Bo.ssemoi Ciiy’^ S:evo McNeil hurltxl a one-hitter Monday to nip Tryon 5-3 and earn the right , Burns at Lin< ulnlcn ot meet the KM National Leag- | ucr.s. He regi.stered seven strike- cutz. • KM .Amer. 013 201 7 9 0 Vincent Haye.e took the l ^s-: for' Charlotte CMX; 000 0 2 2 T.^on and gave up three hits a!id i Winning pitcher: Ray Roberion. .anned seven. A thret‘-ran se. 'nd , L*"sing pitcher: William McGar- Liining erasetl a 2-.1 Trycn load ity. and handed BC the victory. i Charlctte had 10 hits in .sti ;j- j TUESDAY'S GAMES :irvcn lU 001 4 4 5 Charlctte 282 02x 14 10 3 VVi:inmg pitcher: icri' -ny Little. I T Ing pitcher: Andrew Bumgard- : net. I « < eliminating the Gaston County team. Tomjny Little was the \v:n- . uing 'pitcher and Andre'.\ Pum- I gardnei the lose .. Micha'l '■ .■ rante pickcs.1 up a save fer O' : • lotto In rellel . I H le and al'.' lod the'Winner' at tlu- plate vvilh a hf'mc run and dr.u'.dt‘ in trips. *i*e w’innei cf the KM t.^unia- ment will advanro to the :?tate ' tourney tc be held in \Vhi:ev;iU* beginning next Monday , j Linescores: MONDAY'S GAMES Score by bin ings: R H Tryon 201 000 3 1 I B. C. 131 OOx 5 3 KM Nat'I. 004 000 4 4 4 .B. City 00«) (X)l 1 3 7 Winning pltclu.-: R .nnic Li.?ing pit.'her: Bryan Randolph. I ACC Taurnament at Greensboro, i Winning piteher: Steve McNeil. I ■ ——-■■■ 1 Lwiog pitchor; Vinoont FOREIGN TRADE North Carulir:a ..n t,'iacco mal es a larve cjntr.auiion to the U. S. balance in fereign [ i trade. The most rectmt figuix>s I E ^available Ind cate that annual | 4 tobacco cxpciis contribute $302 ^ 3 I million P>ward the balance of ^ payment in woidd trade ■ KtN(r7b MCjv.!!- New* 4 Weafher every heur on the ♦“ine er.Terta* niteni tn Read The Herald For Local Sports