Pvpnlation Gred^ir Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8.465 Th* (2rt«t«r Cingi Mountain llguro U dorlvod from tht Spoclal Unltod StotM luroau of tbo Cantu* raporl of fonuary, 1M6. ond Includat Iho 14.990 population of Numbor 4 Township, and tho romolnlng 6,124 from Numbor 6 Township. In Ciovolond County ond Crowdors Mountoltt Township In Gaston County. ft-. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspopei VOL 84 No. 44 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, November I, 1973 PRICE TEN CENTS Eighty-Fourth Year Buffalo Creek Water Project Virtually Completed Citizens ToPolisForRunj()ffElectioiiTuesdayl^*"Sg*"s 4:55 Wednesday McGinnis’ Rites Conducted Heart Attack Was Fatal To Businessman RITES HELD — funeral ritM for Cttrl R chord McGinnis were conducted Sunday afternoon* Funeral sei'vices for Carl Rich ard (Dickl McGinnis, 45, Kings Mountain businessman, were con ducted Sunday afternoon frolm St. Matthew’s Lutheran church. Mr. McGinnis .was pronoiuaoed dead on arrival at Kings Moun tain ho:-pital at 9 o’clock Friday night. Death was attiriiouted to heart failure. He had been suf fering from a heart ailment since last spring. Mr. McGinnis was a stockhold er and officer of McGinnis Furni ture. Company and a partner in the Barbecue Barn, which open ed a few weeks ago. He woiRed several months at Gastonia Sav ings & Loan association before joining his late father’s ifumAure firm. The Kings MountfdJi native was a son of the late William. I Henkle and Iva Harris McGinnis. He served in Korea, with the aimy as a radio technician. He was a graduate of Lenoir Rhyme College and a memiber of St. Matthew’s Lutheran church. He was a member and past com mander of Otis D. Green Post 155, American Legion. .I'he final rites were conducted, by his pastor, Rev. Robert Allen, assisted by Rev. Glenn Boland, I>astor of Resurrection Lutheran church. Interment was in Moun tain Rest cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Margaret Cole McGinnis; one son, Greg, and one daughter, Myra, all of the home; sox broth- I ers, Odell McGinnis of Gastonia, I Paul MoGinnis, Hubert McGinnis, Harvey Ruppe, of 400 Hill I Donald McGinnis, WUHam H. street, said someone entered his | McGinnis, and James R. McGin- residence at 400 Hill street and | n'is, all of Kings Mountain; and (removed a coin collection valued five sistcirs, Mrs. Edward Gon- at between $500-$700, a $10 ring | i;ales of Bricktown, New Jersey, and a 22-calibro chrome-plated , Mrs. Jack Whetstine of Alexan- piSlol while he wa.s across the d-ria, Virginia; Mrs. Karl Sawyer of Charlotte, Mm. Louis Sabettie of Kings Mountain and Mrs. Herman Eagle of Kannapolis. Pallbearers were fellow Legion- nailres, Joe H. McDanielj Jr., Clinton Jolly, Clyde Whetstine, Bruce McDaniel, Fred Wright, Jr., and Ben T. Goforth. Thieves Take Coins, Jewelry Police continued their investi gation this week into the theft of Jewelry valued at $895 from Willie’s Jewelry and the theft of $500 worth of coins from a residence. Willie Williams, manager ;if Willie s Jewelry in downtown Kings Mountain, told .police that he suspected two custcmiers, a Negro man and woman, of lift ing two diamond ring.s from a jewelry case last week while he was busy with another customer. He described the man as weigh ing about 200 pounds, six feet in height, and wearing an Afro haircut and goatee. street at his mother’s residence. Mr. Ruppe said his home v^as left unlocked while the family received friends at the home of his late mother. His mother was buried the next day and he miss ed the items after returning to his home later in the evening. Spbolt9, GohKns Coverfitig Early Spooks and goblins cavorted about early yesterday. Elmployees of Kinder Manu facturing Company weren’t tricking and treating but work ing and decked out in Hallo ween costumes. They were treated to a Halloween lunch eon a-t the noon hour. Enrvployees of Silver Villa, including Manager Mrs. Dion Brown, were dressed in Hallo ween motif and decorated the restaurant with orange jacko-- lantern pumpkins. The little folks came out lat er in the day and the Hallo ween nou.se on W. Mountain street was enjoying a booiiiing business. Floyd Grigg Is Improving Floyd Edwin Grigg, 71, of Rt. 4, remains in satisfactory condi tion at Charlotte Memorial hos pital. Grigg is undergoing treatment for a .22 bullet wound in the fore head. Cleveland County sheriff’s dep uties have charged his wife, Mrs. Carrie Grigg-s, 55, with assault with a deadly weapon with in tent to kill. She was released on $1,000 bcncL Polls Open At 6:30 Tuesday ForRun-Oli Kings Mountain voters will determine Tuesday its Ward HI commissioner in a run off elec tion between Corbet LNicholson, challenger who led the Oettiber 9 voting, and veteran CommL- sioner T. J, (Tommy) Ellison, second in a three-man contest. Mr. Nicholson, owner of City negating Company, failed to at tain a majority by only 'tHfeo} votes. The totals were: Nicholwm , 601, Ellison 427, James A. Boll I 173. I Voters To Decide Four More Issues Owens, Stewart Are lAeing For Trustee By MARTIN HARMON CORBET NICHOLSON . . . Ud first laca i I King4 Mountain ' svill participate in tions Tuesday: are*a citizens theje elec- 1) They will deride the race for a six-year tenn on the Kings Mountain district board ctf edu cation between Alec Ow^ens, the incumbent completing his first term, and Tracy M. Stewart, Jt., high ' challenger, seeking public ! office for the first time. T. J. ELUSON . . . incumbent Mr. Nicholion imsucce.ssfuily challenged Mr. Ellison in 1969. .Mr. Nicnolson w’as entitled to a run-oif but declined to call for it. Voting will be conducted at the six city^ precincts: Ward 1, City Hall: Ward FI, American Li*gion; Ward III, East School; Ward IV, First Wesleyan Methodist Fel lowship Hall; Ward V. Armory; Ward VI, iClngs Mountain school. Hour.s of voting are 6:30 a.m. j 2) They will join their neigh- to 7:30 p.m. | ^qts across the state in helping Same election officials w^ho i answer three questions: conductexi the October 9 voting | w'iil conduct next Tuesday’s ele':- ^ a* shall liquor-by-the-drink be tion, Mis. Jack Mercier, secretary authorized? of the city elc'Ction board said, i . , . Comm. ¥lli.son .ha.s served ten I ^ shall the state issue ^ terrms on the board ol coimnls- I constntcUon goners, from I047-§1, 1953-56, and j ponds. 1959-73. He is a Cleveland ave- \ shall an amendment to the nue grocer. He is a member ^ $150 million “clean water” bond authorization of 1972 be adopt ed? ALEX OWENS . . . incumbent school trustee School Soildiiig Peimit 5900,000 (Laxton Construction Company, of Charlotte, bought a $900,000 city building permit this week for construction of the Kings Moun tain junior higb school. Rick Murphy bought a penmit to build a six-room residence, es timated to cost $27,5(X), on Garri son Drive. Jim Lybrand is con tractor. 'Horace Styers bought a permit to build a six-room residence, es timated to cost $18,0(X), at 507 West Gold Street. Permit was issued to Ray (Ja- nipo, (il9 Mauney Avenue, to build a $125 carport. Kinder Man-ulacturing Com pany was issued a perimeter zon ing permit to construct a stor age building at its plant at 102 Industrial Drive. Gene Tignoi Is File Chief Gone Tignor, as.si5(ant chief of the volunteer fire dei>artment for nearly 12 years, was namt^i chief of the fire department by the city commission Saturday. He wa.s named acting chief at the retirement of veteran chief Floyd Thornburg. The Kings Mountain Fire De partment now numbers 16 men. Mr. Tignor, owmer and opeiat- or of Tignor Garage on Cleve land avenue, is a veteran fire fighter. He is a Legionnaire, active in tho Ix'gion baseball program, and a member of R(»suiTCct.i()n Luth eran church. He and his wife, the former Dorothy Coibb, reside in the Bethlehem communily. Tho Tignor family also inclmlcs two sons, Ronald Tignor and Mike Tignor. Mrs. Wright Opens Nursery Soon Mrs. Paulirte Wright, owner and operator of a new Child Care Nursery to 'be opening soon is now taking applications for children to be admitted. The nur^^ry is located off Highway 216 behind tho Silver Dollar Mobile Home park. Ages of the children are from birt.h on up. If you think you may bo in terested please call Mrs. Wright at this number. 739-6970. Grace United Methodist church 1 He lives at 910 Church street. I Mr. Nicholson, a former city ! natural gas superintendent, is a i menrber of Temple Bapti.st churcli. He lives at 910 lienry street. Elbert Payne's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Eliiert F. Payne, 74, of Bessemer City Kings Mountain native and for iner grocer, were condiicttHi Mon- da/ afternoon at 2 p. m. from tlio Chaiiel of Haros Funeral Homo. Rev. Edwin chri.scoe, assi.sted by Rev. J. *\W. Phillips, officiated at the final rites, and interment vvfis in Mount;iin Rest cemoteiy. Mr. Payne died at 10 a. m. i^aturday in the Kings Mountain hospiial after an illness of sever al years. Ho was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ik»n Payne of Kings Mountain and formerly owned and otx'rated Payne’s Grocery in Kings Mountain. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Susie Armstrong Payne; three .«ons, Ernest Payne of Kings Mountain, Billy Payne of Spruce Pine and Dean Pa,'>ne of Besse mer City; one .daughter, Mrs, O. Fuller of Bessemer City; two brothers, Wilmon Payne and Roy Payne, t oth of KingCv Mountain: 11 grandchiklren and five great grandchildren. Grandstms of Mr. Payne were pallbearers. Fall Festival Friday 5:30 The Bothwaire community will hold its annual Fall F€?stiival Friday, Nov. 2, begini^ing at 5:30 p.m. at ©cthiWiaire school. A hot-dog supper wilfh home made ice cream, cakes, pies, cookies and candies will be serv ed in the lundhrdbm followed at 7 p.m. by activities in the school gym con.‘5isting of bingo, movies and other games. There -will also be a “spook hrnise.” Everyone is invited to attend. Shive's Condition Is Much Improved i Verne Shivo, Gastonia lawyer I badly injured in an aut) acci dent Friday n-igtit near Hillsville, | Va., was reported much improv- < ed Wednesday. Mr. Shivp, in mute Wytheville, \ Va., for a Saturday morning courl hearing, lost control of his car on a (jurvo, inv’estigating officers reporte<i, about 8:30 p.m. He -suf fered a severe concussion and head lacerations. On Wednesday, attending doc tors at Roanoke, Va., Memorial hospital told his family, he was still seml-conscioin and under intensive rare, but w»is able to take liquid nourishment. The j physicians said 'they were plea.s- | cd with the improvement of Mr. Shive’s condition. The Gastonia attorney a.ssieted [ City Attorney Jack White in liti-1 gation comt^rning (property acqui- j sition for the city’s Buffalo Creok water project ' BIBLE CLASS SUPPER The Bible Cla's for high school and college-age students which meets each Monday night at the home of 'Bill and Betty Mas.s, lf()3 Grover road, will meet at 6:.30 this Monday evening. A covered di.sh sup per will be shared and Dr. Har ry Stam will teach the lesson. Ar('a young peoiile are invltod. Citizens of the Kings Mountain school district will determine the bo«ird of education contest. Voting places are at East Kings Mountain (City Hall). Bethware (Bethware School), Grover (Grov er fire station) and We.st Kings .Mountain (Armory). Mr. Owens is a York Road, Kings Mountain farmer and landscaper. Mr. Stewart, resident of the Dixon community, is an em ployee of Associated Sales, Inc. The liquor-by-the-drink Issue takes top billing on the three state-wide questions. Activity here has been limited to the “drys”, who have mounted a campaiign through churches and other organizatimis and who have been conducting a tele phone campiiign. If there is a “wet” organization in the area, it has not made itself apparent. The Kings Mountain .school di.‘5'trict ha.s a $1,060,()()0 in the $300 'million con.struction bond (issue. That is the district share. The county-wide .«ihare CincJudiiig county and Shelby districts) totals $4:5 milMon. The re-vote on the $150 'million water bond Issue actually con cerns only $30 million of <the to tal, this amount having not been issued before the federal govern ment increased Its share of par ticipation in “clean water” pro jects from 53 to 75 percent. Bond attorneys have indicated the wonling of the original act makes the romaming $30 million un marketable. TRACY STEWART. JR. . . . challenger PEARSON RECUPERATING Roy Pearson, city recreation director, returned heme from Charlotte MemOtiaf hospital .Monday, after underling an opor'ition for removal'of a kid ney. lesse Dover s Rites Conducted Funeral rites for James Dover, 74, of 4tX) Tate Terrace, were co;i iucted Wednesday afternoon at 3 p. m. from the Chiuch o. God in Shelby, interment follow ing in Cleveland Memorial park. Rev. Ronald .Martin and Rev Paul Stanley ofl'iciaUxI at the fi nal rites. Mr. Dover died Monday after noon about 1 o’clock of a heari attack at Kings Mountain hospi tal. He was formerly empIoye<i at MaTgracc Mill and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Dover. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Eiith Crawford Dfwor; six sons. James Dover of East Gary, Ind.. Charles Dover of Portage, Ind., Jolinny Dover of Mauden, S. C., and Donald and Jack Dover, xoth of Shelby, and Jerry Dover of Kings Mountain; two daughters Mrs. Jmd McEnlyre and Mrs sister, Mrs. Charles Farris of Don White, both of Shelby; one Kings Mountain: 23 grandchildrei and two gn'at-grandchildren. >r- A V 3 I FIRST PATIENTS OF NURSING HOME — Mrs. Mobel Atkinson, left. W. M. Moorhead and Mrs. Annie Jolly arc the first patienU admitted to K ings Mountain Convalescent Center, which open ed Monday morning. . • t . .. « . By MARTIN HARMON The city's Buffalo Creok water project virtually was completed Wednesday afternoon as the fivc-foot diameter pipe at the base of the dam was plugged with several tons of concrete. The concrete work was finished at 4:53. Ail that remains to be done is bulldozing dirt from a suriMundmg bJufl to cover the '‘plug”, to be clone Thurs- lay, a small amount of grubbing and clearing along the .)anUs, and removal of trash debris. Ray Gillespie, of Gillfspic Con- driK'tioii Company .sirporintcnd- ed the plugging. On hajid for the event were Put’k John on, of W. K. Diikeon Comiiany, consulting engineer for tlie 'project, Ma>-x>r John Henry Mcis, and City Com- missicnei^ T. J. (Tommy) Elli- on and Jonas Bridges. |i “Plugging of the hole” meant rjmpletion of a $3.5 million pro- ject star!e(i July 6, 1966—^seven I /ear.s and three months ago — vvhen the city commirsion (pass-, ed a resolution to tap Buffalo ' Creek as a water supply. | { The lake, with a sh(?reline' '-lightly longer than Lake Lure's. t| vill provide Kingj Mountain ® , g* .vater supply of up to 20 million giallonc daily. | Current treatment facilities j have a capacity of four million ! gallons daily and plans are al- i redy In process to double this caipacity. “It’s a great day,” Mayor M^'jss I 'ommentprt, ihc (.'onjmi.ssion- j ers agret'd. It was Comm. Ellisoji t wlio made tho motion to proc'eed on the Buffalo project in 1966. Total current <-ity water treat- i ment capacity is si.x million gal- | Ions daily, with the De-H street ! Ana wClVIvC’ib plant, Duilt in 1928, retained on | '1 EVANGEUST — Rev. Grant F. Johnson of Loncoster. S. C. will bo evangalUt for Spiritual Emphasis Week beginning Sun day mom*ng ct Boyce Memor* ial ARP church. Johnson To Lead Rev. Grant F. Johnson, , pastor i of Lancaster, Vi C. I'ir.5t ARP j cluuch gnd former Athletic direc- I tor and 00a h at King college in I Hristol, Tenn., .vill be evange- I list for Spiritual F:m;:hasis \V(.*ek I beginning f>un.lav at Hoyee Me- I mcrial ARP church. I Ho will fill the pulpit on Sun- cl-'v rrornoig at 11 ani s;oak earli evening through Thursday at 7:30 p. m. ' Edu cated at Davidnon co^ogo, 'the University of North Caro- I lina and Erskine Seminary, Rev. j Mr. John.‘5on was a physical I training dh'^'Ctcr in the Ar.ny Air said it apix'ared the low ] Forces during World War II. w»uld ix' wiUii.i the project esti- , . ,, , , , 'dar Sprinrjs AHP church, First specifications ca for douhlin-I „f Gastonia, and to four million gallons daily ca-Biirlinf;- p,aoity of the lolts tieok tre.i ' (,in. His wife is the former Rcrt ment plant, a pump station and | charlotte and a stand-by basis. Bidding Brisk On Sewei Project The cc-nmnissiim room at City Hall was crowded Wednesday dternoon as bid.s were ojH*ncd ip Iho ciily’s estiimatcd $768,410 ewago treatment oxpan.sion and line extension project. Determination of low bids a- wailed tabulation oy \V. K. Diid\- son & Coniiixany, tlu? city’s con sulting engineer, but Burk J >lin- of the Dickson Ce.mpaiiy. 1 they are parents cf six sons. I Sermon topics for the week of ■'""■['c.s will be: “You Ain’t .Seen Xotl'.iir: Yet”: “A Tough Ques- ti'in an<l Evangelism”: A Tough A Sin line extension to div(*rt a hail- million gallon daily effluent irom I'he McGill Creek plant, anJ itlicr line-laying. The project will be pajd for b'. \ federal grant of $177,130, a .state grant of $159,045, and bylflentenre and Stewardship” the City of Kin^ 'Mountain j Question to Moses”; “The $132^235. I We re Not Afraid to Commit”; The original Potts Crtn^k pro-I-nd “Are You Just Another ject, atvomi>aiii<Hl by doubling | Christian?" capacity of the M»Gill plant to Dr. Charles Klwarris. pastor,of a million gallon.'? TTaalv, c'ost ap- I R(»yce .Memorial cluirch. issiuxl proximatoly $],360,000. | invit.ations to the commimity to The city will finance its share ; worship in the series of services, by issuing SUO.tKX) in bonds, wiiih 1 the balance coming from federal revenue-sharing funds. ^ Ilopcfilly, Mayor John Henry Mos.: said Wedne.sday, King.s MounK^in will receive $251,(XX) from tho federal gfA-enimcnt for I Harry Stam, missionary to tho original $1.3 million (prr>ject. | Africa with the Africa Inland tlie a<ld:itional federal grant bt?- ; .Mission, will he visiting the Bill coming av'ailablc with the re- | Moss family for the next week, cent relea.se of $1.9 billion in j dp .•^tam taught at Nf'rthwe.st- federal “cle'in water” appropria- 1 college in Minneapolis, Min- tions. ”VVe are eligible for tliis a- [ pcota fer 20 years be'^ore re- Stain To Fill ARP Pulpit mount, application for it ban been made, and receipt acknow ledged. turnng to the mission field He is a brother of J^hn Stam, who with his wife B<dty, was mar tyred in China. A book enthlofl, “The Triumph of ’B(‘tty and John Slam” was written about them. Dr. Stam will hold prayer meeting on Wednesday night at Boyce Memorial ARP dnircli. He -M >nday night die home o'" Fill 1103 GroNor Builolo Water Usois Won't Be Shorted Users of Buffalo Creek down stream from the city’.s resovoir, n'AV beginning to fill, won’t be j wip speak to the young peoplc’.s .shut off from tlieir water. | clas.s on The city commi.ssiiryn. at a spe- ) whkh m^et.s .at rial meeting Saturday, ratififsl I pnd Betty Mct^ an agreement with tlie state IN'- | road. partment of Natupil and Eoc»- | — nomic Rc.siMirces for an arrange ment whereby water, a.s netHksi, will be supplied downriiram un til the lake fills and o\'er-n(>ws the spillway. A siphon-iixtinplng bponating facility has already been install ed. I HRST AID COURSE I ’Fhe King.s Mountain Rescii? ! Sfpiad is sponsoring an advanc- ; od first aid eonr e beginning ' Thur.sday and continuing for four i Thursdays from 6 until 10 p. j m. at tho squad 'juilding on Park er street. i

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