PRg« SB-BORROK-HlSRALD-TliimdAy, Aaguit It, 197« Head Start Applications Now Being Accepted Operation Head Start begins the 1976>77 year In the Kings Mountain schools on Sept. 7. Applications are now being accepted at the KM District Schools Office on Parker St. or parents may call 789-8816 or write Cleveland County Head Start, PO Box 163, for further Infoimatlon. Children will ride the school bus and for each child enrolled the school officials must have his or her birth certificate. Immunisation record, and verification of family Income. The Head Start program serves a total of 126 children county-wide with 18 to 30 In a class and a teacher and assistant In each class. Two classrooms are located at Cleveland School In Shelby serving four year olds; two classes are In Kings Mountain, one for five year olds at Orover School and another for five year olds at North School and three classes are located In the county schools, one at Lattlmore for four year olds, one at PolkvUle school for four year olds and one at Elisabeth School for four year olds. Twenty people make up the Head Start staff. Cleveland County Head Start Is sponswed by KM District Schools and Supt. Donald Jones Is executive director and Director Is Anganette Homsley. Organised In 1866, Head Start Is concerned with the whole child and hla family. Admission to the program Is not based on race, religion, national origin, or color. The program Is designed to meet the needs of the less fortunate ones, using Income as the main means for eligibility. To overcome the han dicaps which hamper families. It was neceasary that all programs Imple ment the following broad goals. 1) Improving the child’s health 2) Improving and ex panding the child’s ability to think, reason, and speak clearly. 8) Helping the child’s emotional and social de velopment by encouraging self-confidence, self- expression, self-dlsclpllne, and curiosity. 4) Helping children to get wider and more varied experience which will broaden their horizons. Increase their ease of conversation, and Imirove their understanding of the world In which they live 6) Giving the child fre quent chances to success. Such chances may thus erase patterns of frustrations, and failure, and especially the fear of failure. 6) Developing a climate of confidence for the child which will make him want to learn. 7) Increasing the child’s ability to get along with others In his family and, at the same time, helping the family to understand him and his problems — thus strengthlng family ties. 8) Devel(9lng In the child and his family a responsible attitude toward society, and fostering feelings of belonging to the com munity. 9) Planning activities which allow groups from every social, ethnic, and economic level In the MRS. MILDRED PLATT Funeral services for Mrs. Mildred Platt, 68, were held Monday In Mel bourne, Fla, Surviving are her husband, Giles Platt; three sons and three dau^ters. Including Mrs. Carl Cham pion of Kings Mountain. community to Join with the poor In solving problenu. 10) Offering a chance for the child to meet and see teachers, policemen, health, and welfare of ficers — all figures of authority In situations which will bring respect and not fear. 11) Giving a child a chance to meet with older children, teenagers, and adults who will serve as ’’models” In manners, behavior, and speech 13) Helping both the child and his family to greater confidence, self- respect, and dignity. 18) Mainstreaming the handicapped child In regular classroom setting and teaching the child, parents and other children that these children can function In this setting with aU our help. DEAN WESTMORELAND DEMOCRAT ^ FOR STATE SENATE 25th DISTRICT Pd. for by Westmoreland For N. C. Senate campaign, Jamaa Scruggs, ’Treasurer Unil fcdlc rigi l^v rlgfa Ifta Prices Good thru Saturday ★ Onen NIghtt HI 9 ★ Um Your MASTER CHAHOE Prices Good ’Thra Saturday KM Plaia Shopping Center. Open Mon.-Thor. 10-7 0-9 Ftl. Sat. Sunday a-6 Gctloknoiirui;youVHiBU>.® IJie Most In Diy ISleaning 507 E. KING $T. 739-M44 MOmAT A LodlM 2 phc0 ft Dresses pick up same week for Special^ Laundered Crisp-Bright Folded or On HangRrs ’ Fttr SHIRTS 9^^ ^^SPECIAL Trousers Plain Skirts or Sweaters Mix pick up same week for Special I