’ * % Rocking Chair Marathon Begins At 10 a,m. today on Bicentennial Square MounTWh 15' BICENTENNIAL OBLEBltATION CEBEMONIES OOMBIEMOBATINO 198<h BATTLE ANNIVERSARY BATTLE OF KINGS MOUNTAIN CITY OF KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. OCTOBER 1, 8, 8, IFM Ya’U come! Everyone la Invited to attend theae eventa, and every event la free excluding the luncheon tor vlalUng gueata which la by Invitation. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, lt7« 10:00 a.m.—Rocking Ctialr Marathon — BlcentennlaJ Square 8:80 p. m. — Culmination of Overmountain March — Klnga Mountain National Military Pailc 8:80 p. m. — Faahlon Show on Battleground Avenue — Front of Belka. 4:80-8:00 p. m. — Chicken Dumpling Dinner — Community Center — Klnga Mountain Aging Program 8:80 p. m. — Overmountain Program In Klnga Mountain Military Park Amphitheatre 7:00p. m. — Film on Hlatory of Bicentennial Celebratlona Southeaatem United Statea — City Parking Plaza 7:80 p. m. — Klnga Mountain Senior High Pop Rally — City Parking Plaza 8:80 p. m. — Street Dance, Battleground Avenue FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1878 8:80 a. m. — Parking Plaza Dedication with Oueata — Mlaa North Carolina — Mlaa Suale Proffitt; Mlaa South Carolina — Mlaa Lavlnla Cox 10:00 a. m. — Welcome at City Hall for Oovemor Holahouaer and Governor Edwarda 10:80 a. m. — Qovemora Extend “Handa Acroaa Mountadn" at North Carolina-South Carolina Border In Klnga Mountain National Military Park Drink a Toaat 10:80 a. m. — Free Covered Wagon Rldea for Klddlea — City Parking Plaza 11:00 a. m. — Dedlcatlcm of Park Vlaltora’Center 1:00 p. m. — Luncheon tor Vlattlng Oueata Klnga Mountain Country Chib 8:80 p. m. — Bicentennial Parade Downtown 8:80 p. m. — Dinner at Klnga Mountain Senior High Cafeteria 6:00 p. m. — Senior Cltlzena Band, Program and Auction — Bicen tennial Square 8:00 p. m. — Klnga Mountain Mountalneera va. Buma — Football — ■ Qatmble Stadium 8:10p.m. — IWAWreatllng at Community Center 8:00 p. m. — Street Dance, Battleground .Avenue sAi.!,RSAT, oe.> aamaf*, itn 10:00 a. m. — Free Balloon Rldea tor Klddlea’''' Railroad Avenue 11:00 a. m. — Sidewalk Arta, Oafta Show In City Paritlng Plaza 18:00 Noon — Skydiving at City Stadium 1:00 p. m. — Pet Show and Profeazlonal Dog Show — Parking Plaza — Downtown 8:00 p. m. — Sky Diving at City StauUum 4:00p. m. — Grand Prize Drawing by Merchants 8:80 p. m. — Btcentennlsd Ball at Kings Mountain Natlonail Guard Armory *********** •******e******e******************,^**«*,^,^«„„*A,^,k,^ CBD Mi rchants Urged To Attend Tuesday Meeting MIRROR-H€Rf\LD VOL. 87 NO. 40 1 KINGS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA 88086 THURSDAY, OCTOBER^ 1876 Jack Ford To Sub For Poppa The Mirror-Herald learned Just before presstime that Jack Ford, youngest son of President Gerald Ford, will substitute for his father by visiting Kings Mountain Friday to Join In the 196th anniversary celebration of the Battle of Kings Mountain. Ford la expected In Raleigh about 1 p. m. Friday and here In time for the Bicentennial parade which begins at 3:80 p. m. It la not know whether Jack Ford will ride In the parade or alt among the dignitaries on the parade reviewing stand. Capt. J. D. Barrett of KMPD said the parade route will follow Gaston St. to King, then down Piedmont to W. Mountain, Mountain to S. Bat tleground, then back to King and down Railroad Ave. Capt. Barrett has also asked that citizens do not park on either side of Gaston, Piedmont, W. Mountain S. Battleground (from W. Mountain to King St.) or Railroad Ave. after 8 p. m. Friday. The Kings Mountain Jaycees, parade sponsors, report almost 100 units entered In the parade. SUSIE PROBITT ... Miss North Carolina Two Lovely Young Ladies Are Guests /L A meeting has been set tor Tues., Oct. 13 at 7 p. m. at the Klnga Mountain Country Club tor down town merchants, businessmen and landlords. Chsu-Ue Blanton, a KM druggist, said the meeting Is being sponsored by a committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association and will be an Informal exchange on building face-lifting and costs. C. Crawford Murphy, an architect from Shelby, will present examples of face-lifting and remodeling styles and has been asked to bring figures on approximate costs for the work. Blanton said CBD merchants and landlords with businesses adjacent to the new city parking plaza are urged to attend this meeting so continued face-lifting plans for the downtown area can be made. SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS COURSE Classes and Instructions tor school bus driving will be held Mon., Oc tober 11 and Wed., October 18 at 8:80 a. m. at Kings Mountain Senior High School. Any Interested adults who wish to drive a school bus must attend these all day classes. Richard Beam la Instructor. Two very special guests expected In Kings Mountain Frl., Oct. 8 are Susie Proffitt, Miss North Carolina 1977, and Lavlnla Cox, kllss South Carolina 1877. The two young ladles will help Mayor John H. Moss officially dedicate the City Parking Plaza at 9:80a. m. tomorrow, then vidll be on hand to greet Gov. Jim Holshouser and <3ov. James Edwards when they arrive at city hall about 10 a. m. Both Misses Proffitt and Cox plan to spend the day In Kings Mountain, topping off their visit by riding In the parade downtown beginning at 3:80 p. m. Miss Proffitt Is a 1978 graduate of Western Carolina with a BS degree In home economics and a con centration In faahlon mer chandising. She was Miss Rutherford County In 1978 and competed imder that title tor the Miss North CsuoUna honors she now holds. Before becoming the North Carolina Jaycees Goodwill Am bassador, Miss Proffitt was seen In several TV commercials for a large department store and was a fashion model In the Atlanta Merchandise Mart. Miss Cox Is a graduate of Wln- throp College with a BA degree and plans to work toward her Masters in speech pathology at WInthrop. While In college. Miss Cox majored In communications and was on the dean’s list. She has ap peared In Who’s Who In American Colleges and was manager of the college radio station. She was also elected the 1976 Miss South Carolina Rose Queen. Miss Cox was first runner up In the Miss America Pageant In Atlantic City recently. LAVINIAOOX . Miss South ChroUna Speakers Named For Visitors Center Program VISITORS CENTER Dedloatlon eeremonles of the , recently oomptetod 7,086 aqnaN foot i/)/ Visitors Anter hi Kings Monnteln NnSonnl Mtfltnry Fsik wIB bo hold FM., Oet. 8 At 11 n. m. following the ’’Hands Aeross The Monntnin” msethig at the North-OsroSna-Sonth Carolina border by Gov. Jim Holshouser nad Gov. James Ed wards. John Beck, Public Information Officer for Kings Mountain National Military Park, today announced the principal speakers at dedication ceremonies to be held In the park October 8. They are former Chariotte At torney Douglas P. Wheeler, now Deputy lAsslstsmt Secretary of the Interior; Governor James E. Holshouser, Jr. of North Carolina and Governor James B. Edwards of South C^arollna. Gary Everhardt, Director of the National Park Service, will accompany Wheeler and act as master of ceremonies for the one hour program. A native of Brooklyn, New York, Wheeler graduated from Duke University School of Law in 1966. For three years he practiced law In Charlotte, then accepted a position as attorney-adviser In the Office of Legislative Counsel, Department of the Interior. In late 1971, he became Assistant Legislative Couneel for the Department and assumed his present position as Deputy Asslstsnt Secretary InNovember, 1878. Born In Lenoir, Everhardt gnuluated from North Carolina State University In 1987. He began his Park Service career as a civil engineer on the Blue Ridge Park way. Assignments In regional offices took him to Richmond, Va. and Sante Fe, New Mexico. Beginning in 1948 he spent six years In Wyoming, serving as Assistant Superintendent for Operations at Yellowstone National Park, and later as Superintendent of Grand Teton National Park. Everhardt became the ninth Director of the National Park Serv ice In January, 1978. The formal dedication begins at 11 a. m. at the park amphitheater. Living hlatory demonstrations and a concert will begin at 10 a. m. Bhodmobile Visit Here Monday The Red Q'oss Bloodmobile visit tor this quarter Is planned Mon., Oct. 11 from 11 a. m. until 4:80 p. m. at the First Baptist Church fellowship hall. Co-chairmen Lyn Cheshire and George Mauney Jr. said this la the beginning of ’’the new blood year and the goal for this Kings Mountain visit Is 180 pints.” Feed Benefits Rescue Squad Etet chicken and dumplings and help the KM Rescue ^uad Am- buluce Fund. TTiat’s the Invitation of the KM Aging Program which Is sponsoring a chicken and dumpling supper during Mountaineer Days Thura., Oct. 7, from 4:80 p. m. until 8 p. m.at KM Community Center. Plates are 88.38 for adulte and 81 tor children. All proceeds are earmarked for the Ambulance Fund. Senior Cltlsens will sponsor a second project tor benefit of the Ambulance Fund. On Frl., Oct. 8 at Bicentennial Square In downtown Kings Mountain an auction of handmade Items made by senior citizens will be held. TTie big auction starts at 6 p. m.

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