r i I y 11,-1 ii> -1 ,r Rendering by Peterson-Clary, Architects, of new Kings Mountain Governmental Services Building Application To EDA For $999^250 Total Funding Grant Asked For City Hall By TOM McIntyre Editor, MiiTor-Heimld Application has been made to the U. S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Admlnlatratlon for full funding for construction of a govemmentsd services building In Kings Mountain. ■nie federal grant requested In the 180-page application submitted to EDA In Atlanta today totals $890,350 for the proposed 36,000 square foot building. Plans for the new “city hall” and for the application were revealed Monday night during the board of commissioners meeting. Moodye Clary, representative of Peterson-Clary, Architects of Charlotte, said the application Is being made "the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program,” which was spawned under the Public Works Employment Act of 1678. The firm of Peterson-Clary was hired Monday night to design the building and assist In making application for a 100 percent grant. Mayor John H. Moss said, “The application asks for the total amount needed for construction of the facility. The guidelines state an eligible municipality will either receive full funding or nothing under the program.” KIMG^ MOUMTMM 15' MIRROR-HGRMD VOL. 87 NO. 48 KINOS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA 88086 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 88. 1976 31,073 Voters Are Registered Turnout Expected At Polls Next Tuesday when lOngs Moun- tlaiu go to the polls they will receive a handful of ballots to mark. Seven different ballots have been printed ‘'cmtalnlng the names of candidates for President to Soil and Watei -. onservatlon ' Astrlct Super visor. But It Isn’t as Lad as It sounds because In some cases voters wl'J have very little choice In who they select. For Instance, the State Officers of the Qeneial Court of Justice ballot ccntsdns the names of 10 Democrat candidates for Judge and only one Republican. The lone OOP candi date Is Samuel A. Howard and he opposes J. Frank Husklns for Associate Justice of the State Supreme Oourt. On the county and district office ballot the only OOP opposition to a full Democrat slute Is In the Cleveland Oounty Commissioners and Register of Deeds races. Fred T. Leigh and Vernon L. Pattersm Sr., the OOP candidates, race Democrats Hugh Dover, Coleman Ooforth and Jack Palmer Jr. for commissioner seats. Three seats are open this election. Democrat Margie Hoyle Rogers faces Republican J. Hunt Hannah for Register of Deeds. The lone candidate for the single district supervisor of the Cleveland County Soil and Water Conservation District office Is Samuel A; Jenkins. This Is a non-partlssm race. In a special election ballot Cleve land CounUans will consider a pro posed local tax of 10 cents per $100 valuation to be used as a supplement to educators In the county school system. The fifth ballot Is for the lOth Congressional District race between Incumbent Rep. James T. BroyhlU and challenger John J. (Jack) Hunt. BroyhlU Is completing his seventh term as this district's Congressman. Dr. Hunt seeks the office for the first time. Hunt has served In the N. C. Senate prior to his candidacy for Congress. A Democrat, Dr. Hunt Is from Cleveland County. Rep. Broy- hlll Is from Lenoir. The sixth ballot Is for State Of ficers and the candidates are from four political parties. The Liber tarian Party offers only one can- Tum The Qock Back One Hour Saturday Night ftv** Eastern Standard Time begins at 1 a. m. Sun., Oct. 81. DayUght Saving Time wUl go Into Umbo untU 1977. Remember to set your clocks back one hour before retiring this Satur day night or Sunday dldate — Arlan K. Andrews Sr. — for Governor. The American Party offers six candidates. For Governor and Lieutenant Governor — H. F. I hub) SeaweU Jr. and Arils F. Pettyjohn; for Secretary of State — T. M. Long; for Commissioner of Agriculture — Edwin B. Drury; Commission of Labor — Robert W. (Please Turn To Page 8A) Nationwide Gintest Local Man Wins WA Cash Prize PhUlp BoUlnger was the most surprised man In Kings Mountain Monday. Back In July he droi^ed In to Odus Smith's Western Auto Store on S. Cherokee St. and at the Inslstance of a friend, registered In a WA contest. The 19-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Orayton BoUlnger of 8600 ParkdsUe Clr. had no Idea he would win anything because the contest was being run nationwide through the 6,000 Western Auto dealerships. Monday PhUlp was told he had won the grand prise. $1,860 In cash. “I can't beUeve It,” he said. “Just think. If Just one person had registered at each of the Western Auto stores It would be odds of 6,000 to one.” He has no Idea how nuuiy people registered, but figures the odds sigalnst him winning must have been tremendous. A Spectrum Textured Fibers, Inc. employe and unmarried, PhUlp said he would take part of the money and pay his bUls, “then start thinking about a new car.” The winner was presented the check Monday afternoon at the local Western Auto Store by Odus Smith, owner-manager; Western Auto's sales manager, J. E. Green, and distribution center manager, R. J. Reynolds. The odd-doUar amount (1,860), according to Green, represents the 1,860 custom colors of paint sold by Western Auto. Second prises In the contest were Paint Your Home packages (up to 10 gaUons of paint, brush, roUer and trays and a 16 foot extension ladder). Smith said a new contest — Western Auto’s Home Entertain ment Spectacular — la now under way. The prises Include a dosen 36 Inch color TV consoles and 64 color portables with a 18 Inch screen. Did Philip Bollinger enter? Just as fast as he could. fwt One of the program regulations is that a registered architect be em ployed by the applying munlclpaUty. Mayor Moss said today that EDA began accepting appUcatlons for the program Tuesday and the deadline Is November 16. “EDA wUl make Its selections and approve applications on December 10,” Mayor Moee said. "If Kings Mountain Is approved or denied, we wlU know by December 37.” The mayor said should the city's application be approved that regula tions caU tor on site construcUon to begin on March 16, 1977. Should the city be approved the new city haU construction will begin at the ssune time the Canaler St. Urban Renewal Project and the KM Housing Authority low rent housing construction program ends. "The application figure of $999,260 Is for construction of the facility only,” Mayor Moss said. "Acquisition of the land and furnishings for the facility will have to be paid for by another method. ” If the city’s application Is approved, the new facility should be com pleted by March 16,1978. Under the construction guidelines, contractors will have 366 days to complete the Job. The new federally funded program was created, according to Architect Clary, to pump money Into an unemployment area, to stimulate construction programs. “Ills really a program to send dollars to cities In need,” he said. Guidelines for the Local Public Works Capital Development and In vestment Program state that the act was established. “To Insure that adequate consideration Is given to the relative needs of the various sections of the country ... to fund projects that maximise Immediate employment opportunities and, wherever possible, that maximise employment opportunities for unemployed residents of the project area ... to fund locally oriented projects that provide useful public facilities In areas of Ugh unemployment and low Income ... to fund projects that advance local plans and provide long-term benefits.. . 99 Under the Peterson-Clary plans submitted to the Board the new facilities, which would be approximately two and a half times larger than the present city hall, would ctxiUnue to house city administrative and business offices, fire and police departments. The building would cover the present site and run to the comer of S. Piedmont and W. Mountain 3t. The buildings now on the site have been purchased by the redevelopment commission and are slated for demolition. Plans call for an entrsince behind the new building off W. Mountain St. and for a drlve-ln window and throughway off 3. Piedmont. Utility bills can be paid at the dilve-ln window. Fire and police department areas would be much larger under the plan. A bay area for fire vehicles, Bremen's quarters and offices have been sketched into the plans. Firefighting vehicles would enter on W. Mountain 3t. Instead of 3. Piedmont. If the tq)pllcatlon Is approved, the first phase of construction would begin at the comer of 3. Piedmont and W. Mountain. Including land acquisition and furnishing the new facility, the total project could run $1.6 million. At Bethware School Dedication Sunday Photo By Tom McIntyre GRAND PRIZE WINNER PhlUp BoUlnger of Kings Moantain accepts a check for $1,860, grand prise In a nationwide Western Auto contest, from Odus Smith, local WA owner-manager. Left Is J. E. Green, sales manager, and right is R. J. Reynolds, distribution center manager. Bethware School wlU formaUy dedicate Its new addition at 3 p. m. Sunday on the school grounds and tours of the new faculty and a reception will foUow. Supt. Donald Jones, assisted by members of the KM Board of Education, wlU lead the dedicatory rites. Rev. L. E. Hinton and Rev. RusseU Fitts, both of the Bethware Community, wUl lead the devotionsil and prayers of dedication. Ac- At Kings Moimtain Senhr High Community Watch Program On Rape Scheduled Tonight “How To Say No To A Rapist And Survive.” TTiat is the theme of this month’s Community Watch program to be presented Thurs., Oct. 38 at 7 p. m. at Kings Mountain Senior High. Police Chief Earl Lloyd la In chairge of the program. Community Watch la sponsored by the poUce department and CltlMns On Patrol and Emergencies (COPE), a large group of CB radio operators who provide volunteer community services. The pubUc Is urged to attend this month's meeting. -oOo- Wlth the holiday season ap proaching membera of COPE are stressing the Importance of cltlsens pcutlclpatlng In Operation Iden tification. COPE President Sam Tesenlar said the organisation Is still avaUable to any cidsen who wishes to either borrow an engraving tool to mark valuables or who wishes for one of the COPE members to come to their home and ID personal property. "Here are some questions and answers that wlU provide you with general Information about the pro gram,” Tesenlar said. Q; What Is "Operation Iden tification?” A. A program to discourage theft and burglary by Identification of valuables and notifying potential thieves this action has been taken. Q: How Is this accompUshed? A. By etching one’s operator’s Ucense number on portable Items such as' bicycles, tools, radios, appliances, TV sets, etc. Q: Why does this discourage theft? A: A window sticker serves notice that the Items have been identified; thus. If stolen, would be direct evidence against the thief when found in his posseulon and would also be moat difficult to trade or sell. Q: Where do I get etching tool and the window sticker? A: CaII your local law en forcement agency tor a list of locations where this program Is available. An etching tool will be loaned to you and stickers provided when you return the tool. Q: Why not use the social security number rather than the operator’s Ucense number? A: Because the Social Security Number cannot be used to trace people (Federal restriction) whereas the operator’s license number can be traced readily by any law enforcement agency, and wlU revestl the Indlvldusd's most recent address. Q: Has this program really worked to prevent crime? A: With nearly 6,000 participating homeowners In Montery Park, since 1963 only twenty have been victims of burglaries, and. In only one In stance, were Identified Items taken. Q: What other advantages would such a program offer? A: The North CaroUna Police In formation Network (PIN) now has the Identity and address of every Ucensed driver In the State com puterised. Hence, any North Carolina law enforcement agency (Please Turn To Page 8A) C'Ttance speeches will be made by Gary Osburn, representing the student body; Bobby Webster, representing the P-TA, parents and community; and Principal Ronsild Nanney, representing the (acuity and staff. Eugene Bumgardner, ac companied by Mrs. Darrell Austin at the piano, will sing a song of dedica tion. Kings Mountain Food Service staff, assisted by Bethware Cafe teria stSLff, WlU serve refreshments In the new school csifeterla untU 4 p. m. The handsome, new facilities include a modern kitchen and cafe teria, a library and media center, office suite, health room, records room, three spacious team rooms tor groups of first, second grades, conference rooms and office area, librarian’s office, and InstructionsU suppUes room. Bethware students wUl direct guests on tours of the beautiful new addition. Principal Nanney said the com munity is Invited to Join Bethware area parents and students In celebrating the occasion and In specting the new addition. Chamber Flans Detailed Gty IVlap Publication The Kings Mountain Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Associa tion Is planning to publish 10,000 large detailed city maps for distribution. Lyn Cheshire, chamber president, said arrangements have been made with Landmark PubUshlng Co. for the maps. The maps will be paid for through ads sold by lAndmark. Chamber and merchsuit members wlU be solicited tor ad spsu;e on the map. Landmark will update the map for the next three years.