Page tA—MUIROR-HERALD —IliurMlaiy, November 4> 1VI4 Entries Are Invited For KM Yule Parade Bntrlea am Invited for Rings Hountaln’s Oulatmas parade to be ' held Dec. 7 at 4 p. m. Jerry White Is chairman and Fire Chief Oene Tlgnor la co-chairmen of the Tule Parade which Is co-q^cnaomd by the KM Fbe Department and KM Historical Museum. Becky O’Dell and Wanda Moore are co^ecretarles, treasurers and other mem bers of the planning .^commlttee am Frank Van Story, Bill Orissom, Roy Pearson, Elmer Rosa, Paul Falls, Chief Earl Lloyd, A1 Morels, Rev. Frank Shirley, Jonas Bridges, Rev. Floyd Seay uid Tom McIntyre. Other parade dates in the area am; Orover, Dec. 8; Shelby, Thum., Dec. 2at 4 p. m.; Bessemer City, Fri., Dec. 10, 4 p. m. Snd CherryvUle, Dec. 4. Them will be no parade In Oaatonla next month. (31 If you love your comfort... you’ll love**Tlie Natural” the woven dress shirt by Manhattan® that’s mostly cotton! I\ NATURAL BLEND" There's nothing like cotton for comfort, and you've got it in “The Natural”. Manhattan uses an exclusive “natural-blend"" of 60% cotton for cool, absorbent comfort and 40% polyester for no-iron convenience. The result? The best of both worlds. Cotton comfort and permanent press. “The Natural”. Exclusively from Manhattan in cotton bright solids. See our collection at our counters. ^ Bffnanhattan, $-| 2®o PLONK Bros. Co. AT BETitWARE OPEN HOUSE ~ Dcttiwam Prin cipal Ronald Nanney, left, receives refreshments from Afrs. Kathleen Ooforth, cafeteria manager at Beth- ware, following dedication of the new addition Sunday afternoon. Photo By Lib Stewart Bethware Addition Dedicated To %hildren^ Bethwmm School’s new 1714,000 addition was dedicated tc "our students, pmsent, past and futura’’ Sunday In special cem- monles followed by open house of the new facility. Making the presentation was KM District Board Chairman Philip Francis. Principal Rcnald Nanney. Bethwam P-TA Pmsldent Bob Webster, and fifth grader, Gary Osborne, accepting for parents, faculty and students. Siq>t. Donald D. Jones Intro duced q>eclsJ guests and Eugene Bumgardner, baritone, sang "Bless This House’’ as a song of dedication, accompanied by Mm. Darrell Austin at the piano. In his devotional which opened the 2 p. m. pro gram, Rev. Russell Hin ton, pastor of Oak Drove IS m HOMEOOBONO QUEEN Ronda Shytles, above, was crowned homecomlug queen of Kings Mountain Bgh School Friday night during halftime of die KM- Ctaerryvllle football game. The KMHS senior was elected by a vote of the student body. All-Wood Bedioom Suite! Bedding Included - 1 LOW PRICE! Includes mattress and foundation 6-Pc. Group $399 Double Dreiwr Framed Mirror Spindle Headboard Cheit Mattress and Matching Foundation As serene as an autumn countryside bathed in moonlight. Early American refined with classic detailing - - a bedroom selectioi ““‘Standing grouping from Forest Products features a cannonbal ^indle headboard with massive J-inch posts. Tremendous value! Includes double dresser, framed mirror, chest, headboard mattress and matching foundation. COOPER furniture inc. kll 21Q S. Rattroad Ave. Phone 7 210 S. Railroad Ave. Downtown Kings Mountain Phone 739-2581 Heavy Vote Goes Carter (FromPsge lA) Working bi Juvenile Court Reid Strickland, Klnga Mountain etudent at Eaat Carolina University In OreenvUle, correcttonal •ervicea major, la working In TTUrd Dietrlct Juvenile Court In Beaufort aa part of requtrementa tor hla degree which Involves four days each week In actual woric In human aervice settlnga, with one day on campus during which students attend eemlnara relevant to their field experiences and consult with teculty members. Strickland Is among 18 students from ECU par ticipating In field education placements in 17 eutem N. C social work jnd^comctional agencies. Revival Services Planned Revival eervlces are scheduled at Second Baqstlst Church beginning Mon., Nov. 8. Hie Rev. Leroy Smith will be the visiting evangelist for these special nightly services. TTie public la Invited to attend. CAROLINA POOL & PATIOS Complete line of pool ohemlcals ProioHional wato- tooting servloo Pool Toys, Games, and Supplies Automatic pool oloaners and Chlorlnatora All Types of Filters, Heaters and Pool Equipment Pool Service and Repair Work Available. We install Vinyl Liner, Concrete, Fiberglass Wall and above Ground Pools, "Do it Yourself’ Pool PaclosKes Ait^vallable. 1312 West Second Ave. Gastonia, N. C. (704) 865-9bis6 Baptist Church, called attention to Paul’s writing to the Corinthian church and compared the building of a life with construction of a new building, noting that the home, church and school are Interlocked and that every child has three claserooms and It Is dif ficult to separate them as the child grows In the "bundle of life.’’ Just aa a building must have a ixir- poee, design, foundation and materials so does a child, declaring that Jesus Is the foundation on which we build a life. Rev. J. RusseU FltU, pastor of Bethlehem Bap- Ust Church, pronounced the benediction. Student guides con ducting a tour of the new clasarooms and cafeteria were Jerry McDaniel, Angel Allen, Mark Hern don, Dsuia Blalock, Donna Blackburn, and Johnnie Tarboro. Mrs. Margaret McCarter and Mrs. Virginia Kirby Invited visitors to Register as they entered the build ing and Mrs. Martha H. Wright, KM Schools Food Service Supervisor, aaaiated by Mrs. M. Kath leen Ooforth, Bethware Cafeteria Manager, In vited them to enjoy punch and party refreshments from a festive table decorated In the Fall mottf. All faculty members were recognized with mum corsages. Each classroom teacher received parents In the cUssrooms after the progrsun as guided tours were made of Uie building. Principal Nanney, who recently became the new principal at Bethware, said the new facility was both adaptable and flexible’’ and Bob Webster, P-TA President snd Bethware alumni, said he wished he could turn back the pages of history and go back to school. Fifth grader Osborne, In ac cepting for students, said the students were pleased to be a part of the new building and thanked everyone for making it poeslble. Presenting the new addition for formal dedication, Francis said "our purpose for being here is our children and this new facility represents the kind of Interest you at Bethware have in quiiiity education for our children.” iSBsa ^1^ METAMUCIL Mtg List V m *2.52 SAVINBi SMITH WALGREEN DRUGS November Sth-Sth dh ICY HOT ANAlAGESICBALMl For Ttmporvy RsMf oi F»n Irom I itrthntri Soamess & Snlii«» Mfg LSI U 00 *1.59 KAZ VAPORIZER Warm Steam 1 2 gaNon ' Automatic Shut-Otf A ROLAIDS ANTACID TABLETS Reg S( Spsarrmni 150$ Mig L«S2 t9ei ’ *1.39: BUFFERIN TABLHS 100s Mig List OS *1.29 I Mtg List $2 lueacn I !1.24 SOACLENS Soaking & Wetting Solution Mtg List K 49 *1.33 UQUIPRIN Pam ReitH for Intams t ^ lUiM' CMdrenSSa 1”^" ! MIJ LislSI « i! ^ idQc ALPHA KERI BATH OIL for Dry Skin 6 oj Mtg List S3 89 C 6 RADIO •2.22 CLEARASIL MEDICATED CREAM AsQ or Vamshmo 1 2 a Mtg Li$l tl SS « 99* CUnCURA MEDICATED SOAP SSOf BsthBer 2-83' HEO-SYNEPHRINE pSAL SPRAY W, Regular ?0 mi or MentnoiaiPO 18 Transistor marine- mobile receiver-trans mitter. 14 Synthesized crystals. Featiu'et built In pubUc address button and squelch control. Comes with long coll, cord, microphone and all necesMry brackets. Reg. h 29.95 Supply Limited 23-Channel CB RADIO Now Only 99 tegular ? 15ml Mtg List SI 75 each 94'... BRECK li^l CREME RINSE 'Pangburn’s MILLIONAIRES At Bethware there are MB voters registered and 12S of them cast ballots Tuesday. However, the split between Carter and Ford was s little more even with Oerter leading 898 to 810. Orover voters registered total 620 and 461 of them went to the polls Tuesday to give Carter 289 votes to President Ford’s 184. The official canvas of votes will be held today at the Elections Board offices In Shelby. f oz Mig I 69* Fresh Pecans, honey smooth Caramel anr* pure Milk Chocolate. Great for giving. KV4TO IV1MR v^nocQiaie. uroai lOf Qiving. 4.5 oz Reg.*l.35 Special At OO^ SMITH