lANOBS on, «lr- lervlea. makea 89-4618.^ Klnga 6:8Un I N • NB. 1 i|utot. or 789- tNED— week ig Room now for Roger 189 MfNrS nmnACM /iwAn m 1636 '•6609 raol 6S-9586 H64 RICK >NAL Mirk with inted and :t located I by ap- B. ntage on a good d at only ; border of lore. Call at, brick, ired patio 1 wooded EALTOR a backing >ntage on tear High t «8t 09M IW 1S9t4U IRICK 5 AOENCV NOTICE OF SAUSOF REAL ;.. PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of aale contained In that certain deed of truit executed by WlUle Jack- • aon, Single, dated Septem ber 18, 1974, and recorded In Book 96 at page 688 In the office of the Reglater of Deeda for Cleveland County, North CeiroUna, default having been made .In the payment of the In- debtedneaa thereby aecured, aald deed of tniat being by the terma thereof aub]ect to forecloaure and authorlaatlon for auch foreclOBure having been granted by the Clerk of Superior Court of Cleve land County, the under- algned Subatltute Truatee will offer for aale at public auction at the door of the Cleveland County Court- houae In Shelby, North Carolina, at 10:80 o’clock A. M. on Friday, December 10, 1976, the property conveyed In aald deed of truat, aame lying In Number Four TDwnahlp, Clevelauid County, North Carolina, and being more particularly deacrlbed aa foUowa: Beglimlng on a cement moiaiment the northweat comer of the Lona Jackaon property and aadd monu ment being on the aouth margin of OalUee Church Road, and running with the aouth margin of aald road, North 70 deg 40 min Beat 196.6 feet to an iron atake the northweat comer of the ■ Joale Jackaon property; . thence with her line South 94 deg 0 min Baat 176.5 feet - to a atake, her comer on ■ the weat margin of the City Lake Road; thence with the weat margin of aald road. South 18 deg 06 min Weat 909.8 feet to an Iron atake; thence with Lona Jackaon'a aouthweat line. North 88 deg 48 min Weat 864.4 feet to the Begliuilng, containing 1.04 acrea, more or leea. Reference la made to deed from Lona Jackaon, Widow, to WUUe Jackaon, dated the ‘ ApafK* 1974, now on record In the Office of the Reglater of Deeda for Cleveland County, in Book 14-Y at page 014. But thla aale will be made aubject to all out- atandlng and unpaid taxea and apeclal aaaeaamenta. The Subatltute Truatee may require a ten percent (10 percent) depoelt of the aucceaaful bidder at the aale, pending confirmation of the aale. Thla 8th day of November, 1976. Robert L. Bradley Subatltute Truatee Nov. 11, 18, 96; Dec. 2 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION > STATEOF NOETH CAROLINA CLEVELAND COUNTY IN THE GENERALCOURT OF JUSTICE BEFORE THE CLERK Klnga Mountain Redevelopment Com- mleaion. Petitioner Va. Mary EUmbeth Smith, et al, Reapondenta To: WUbur Brlgga, Jr. and wife, Mre. Wilbur Brlgga, Jr. and the Unknown Helra, Devlaeea, and Oedltora of Wilbur Brtgga, Jr. Take notice that a pleading aeeklng relief agalnat you haa been filed in the above-entitled ape clal proceeding. The nature of the relief being aought la aa followa: Acqulaltlon of fee almple title to the landa more particularly deacrlbed aa foUowa: Situated on the north aide of Ridge Street In the town of Klnga Mountain, N. C. and Beginning at a atake In the edge of aald atreet, •. Ephraim Wlae’a comer, , and runa thence with hla line North 90 feet to a atake In the W. A. Mania line; thence with the Morrla line Baat 66 feet to a eUke, a new comer; thence a new line South 90 feet to a atake In the edge of Ridge Street; thence with Ridge Street Weat 66 feet to the begln- „..jiing, containing 4,960 aquare feet, more or leaa. Being a part of the Monroe Reed property. You are required to make a defonae to auch pleading not later than December 8, 1976, and upon your failure to do ao, the party aeeklng aervlce agalnat you will apply to the Court for the relief aought. Thla 96th day of October, 1976. Robert L. Bradley Attorney for Petitioner 199 Cherokee Street Klnga Mountain, N. C. 98066 Telephone 7(M-7894696 Oct. 98, Nov. 4, 11 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATEOF NORTH CAROLINA CLEVELAND COUNTY In The General Court Of Juatlce Before The Clerk excluolve of auch date, being forty (40) daya after November 4, 1976 or by December 14, 1976, and upon your failure to do ao, the party aeeklng aervlce of proceaa by publication will apply to the Court for the relief aought. Thla the 4th day of November, 1976. HarrU, Bumgardner 6 Corry dayward C. Corry, Jr. Attorney for Plaintiff Poet Office Box 996 Klnga Mountain, North Carolina 98086 Telephone (704 ) 789-8696 Nov. 4, 11, 18 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CLEVELAND COUNTY In The General Court of Juatlce Superior Court DIvlalon ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE •SERVICES Klnga Mountain Redevelopment Com- mlaaion. Petitioner Vs. Oariee Jeklna, et ux et al., Reap(»identa To: David McMullen Jenkins and wife, Mrs. David M. Jenkins; The Unknown Heirs, Devisees and Credltars of Hattie Jenkins Dye; the Unknown Heirs, Devlaeea and Creditors of Freeman Dye; and the Unknown Heirs, Devisees and Creditors of Mary Elizabeth Dye Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled special proceeding. The nature of the relief being sought Is as follows: Acquisition of fee simply title to the landa more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the existing southwest Intersection of - Watterson Street and Parker Street as the same now exist; suid running with the existing southern margin of Parker Street North 89-87-80 West 900.0 feet to a stidce; thence goutl) ;;^-90 West 0.18 feet 190.90 feet to a stake; thence with the arc of a clrcuUr curve to the right having a radius of .11.0 feet in a southeMterly direction a distance of 11.70 feet to a stake In the existing western margin of Watterson Street; thence with the existing msu'gin of Watterson Street North 9- 17-C8 East 8.69 feet to the Beglimlng, containing 819.7 square feet For chain of title see Deed Book 8-L at pages 188 and 190 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County, North I Carolina You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than December 16, 1976, and upon failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 4th day of November, 1976. Robert L. Bradley, Atty. for Petitioner 199 Cherokee Street Kings Mountain, N. C. 98086 704-789-4896 Nov. 4, 11, 18 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF 1 CLEVELAND InThe G'jueral Court Of Justloe Bef orj The Clerk NOTICE OF SERVICE BY ■ PUBLICATION Linda Dlann Jones, Plaintiff, Va. Raimy RufUa Poole, Defendant. To: Raimy Rufua Poole Take notice that: A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action and Notice of Service of Process by Publication began on November 4, 1976. The nature of the relief being sought la as follows: Declaration of aban donment of your minor chUd. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than forty (40) days after the date of the first publication of notice stated above. Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Jesse W. Hsudln of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this la to notify aU persona having claims against the estate of said Jeaae W. Hardin to presmt them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of Sils notice or same will be pleaded In bsu* of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This the 98th day of October, 1976. Dovle P. Hardin, Administratrix Rt. 9, Box 806 Klnga Mtn.,N.C. George B. Thomasson 109 W. Mtn. Street, At torney Kings Mountain North Carolina 98086 Oct., 98; Nov. 4, 11, 18 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION State of Niwth Carolina Cleveland County In The General Court Of Juatlee District Court Carrlen Mae Smith, Plalntlfl Vs. J. Von Lester Smith, Jr., Defendant Th: J. Van Lester Smith, Jr.: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you haa been filed in the above-entitled ac tion. The nature of the reUef being sought Is as foUows: Absolute Divorce. You are required to nuUce defense to such pleading not later than December 14, 1976, and upon your failure to do ao, the party seeking service agalnat you will apply to the Cfourt for the relief aought. Tills the 4th day of November, 1976. Robert L. Bradley Attorney lor Plaintiff 199 Cherokee Street Kings Mountain, N. C. 98086 Telephone 704-789-4696 Nov. 4. 11. 18 ir STAR REAL ESTATE 739-7894 410 N. Cansler Street nice home 9 beautlfal fireplaces, big, big comer lot. Price 116,600. tbi SEAL YOUR ASPHALT - driveways before winter. SetUer fUls cracks and gives your driveway a new look. Call 780- _7M. 8:96tfn WE REFINISH your old furniture at a fair price. Work guaranteed. We also buy old furniture, etc. Mon. thru Sat., 0 a. m. til 0 p. m. PALMER A SON REfiNISHINO, 789-8800. 8:6tfn PAUL MORROW Home Repairs and Remodeling Service. Phone 789-6989 sdter 6:00 p. m. 10:98; 11:18 ONE RAT does $96.00 dsunage each year. 98c worth of Purina Rat Control kills him. It la a bargain. KINOS MTN. FARM C E N - TER. 10:91tfn HOLIDAY FOGUER Do It yourself. Fumigate your home. Just set and walk away. Kills all bugs easy. KINGS MTN. FARM C E N ■ TER. 10:91tfn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER. - — Total electric home In Bethlehem Community. On one acre land. Phone 780-7991. 9:98tfn FOR SALE — Farm. House, shop, bam. 98 acres of land. Phone 780- 7991. 9:91tfn BUILDINGr REMODELINOr Before you decide call W A W Construction Co., 789- 7760. We specialize In new home construction, remodeling, ad ditions. 10:91; 11:11 FOR RENT MOBILE HOME FOB RENT — References required. Call 789-8906 after 6 p. m. ll:il, 18 FOR RENT ^ Mobile home. Total electric, 19 wide, 9 bedroom. Couple only, no pets. CASTLE- WOOD. Also, spacious mobile home lots for lease in Oak Grove area. Phone 789-9917. 6:6tfn FOR RENT - Three bedroom house with dishwasher and partially carpeted. Phone 780- 4408. ii:4tfn Wir.GINS TRAILER PARK - has 16 new, 50’ x 100’ lots ni'W opea Rent for $30. a* mi-nth. Garbage pickup and water furnished. Call after 4 p. m. 864-4043 . 6:10tfn FOR RENT - TraUera for rent when available. Phone 789-6169 or 789- 4696. 9:9tfo MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT when available. 9 bedrooms; Inside city. Call 789-4498. 0:27tfn JIM’S INTERIOR PAINT- ING SERVICE. Owner — Jim Anderson. For free estimates phone 789- 8748. 10:91; ll:ii Thursday, November 11, 1976-MIRROR-HERAlJD-Page HA SNOW TIRES FOR SALE 2 - H78 X 14 Practically New Snow Tires Run Very Few Miles Excellent Buy Call 739-7496 OR 487-4136 Carpenter 739-4487 800 Southwood Let i;> Buy . Sdl For ' ®“JjQ Phone .*■ ay39-4487 C.I.CiriMii Phone _ _ _ 39-4487 Sf'Oo aSAL SSTATt aaOKIS For A Beautiful Figure Try Our Fabuloua Girdle with Ught Weight Figure Ccntrol Cuatom Fitted Bm’a PENNYRICH CREATIONS 817 South Broad St. Gaotonlan, N. C. 864-7011 804-1441 FOR SALE Call 789-72e6 Or 628-8476 5 Large BuUding Lots In New Sub-Dlvlalon Oft U. S. 74 One HUe From oty Ltmlts going tward Shelby HELP WANTED “How to Make $9 to $16 per hour while on vacation or on weekend.” $3 plus 506 postage and handling. The Morgan Press 308 South Dixie W. Palm Beach, FL 33401 QThe Morgen Press, 1976 HEALTH CARE PROTECTION Nongroup Plans for the • Individual/ Family • Student • Over 65 For enrollment information call C. P. Barry Nongroup Representative 217 Fulton Street Kings Mountain, N.C. 28086 739-5326 Blue Cross \w/ NEW HOUSE In Orover 3 BR, kitchen and dinette, living room, den, 3 full baths, P-D Stair and Utility Room. Double carport. Air Conditioned. HERNDONA HAMBRIOHT. Phone 937-7781 Or 987-7104 ’There’s Only One Place In ’ITils Area Where You Can CJet Records That Are Hot While ’They’re “IN” And That’s THE MUSIC BOX. ’There’s No Point In Running All vOver The Place Looking When You Can Just Pop In At DIXIE VILLAGE SHOPPING CEi\"rER In Gastonia And Pick Up What You Are Looking For. We Have ’The Largest Selection Of Soul, Rock, Country Western, Albums, Tapes And 45’s In The Area. We Also Have A Large Selectlwi Of Record Players, Tape Players, Black Lights, Strobe Lights And Posters. THE MUSIC BOX Dixie Village Shopping Center Gastonia, N. C. Phone 864-2076 Joanne, Sandy And Bill Young ' Open Mon. Sat. 10-9 I NEED A I I HOUSE \ I MOVED \ I Cat! I I 435-6311 I t I ICherryville.N. C.t I I I George D. Beam | I t : House Moving t I Inc. I : I I Cherryville, N. C. « t I I 50 Years * ic I : Experience t I I * FREE I I ESTIMATES | The used car buym guide The used cars listed here are among the finest bargains available in this area. They have been thoroughly inspected and reconditioned to give you miles of enjoyable driving. And I’ll personally stand behind every one of them. PrasiUent Wade Ford. inc. THANK YOU Cleveland County For Your Support and VOTE Hufus Edmisten Clyde Nolan, Mgr. Paid Political Adv. Three Bedroom Brick Veneer One and Half Baths Large porch . . . 6 x 20 . . . comer Brice and Sterling... total electric .. . fully carpeted .. . $28,600 .... CALL 739-6523 special- 76 MAVERICK, 4-DOOR $4195 Oemo rental unit, automatic, 6 cylinder, FACTORY AIR, Power Steering, Power brakes. AAA radio* white wall tires, wheel covers. It. blue with dark blue vinyl roof, blue vinyl interior, 4,000 miles. Like new. 74 OLDS CUTLASS $4095 Supreme. Automatic, 350 engine, FACTORY AIR, power steering and brakes, AM radio, whitewall tires and wheel covers. Medium green, black vinyl root, black vinyl interior, 34,000 miles and extra clean. 74 ELITE $3995 Automvic, 351 Migine. FACTORY AIR, power brakes A steering. AM radio, radial wbitewalls, wheel covers. Oreen. white vinyl roO'W**" clolti interior. Only 34.000 miles, bxtra sharp. New radial tires. 76 GRANADA 4-DOOR $4595 Automatic, 302angina, FACTORY AIR, power brakes & steering. AM radio, whitawalls, whe4l covers. Copper with beige vinyl interior. 9,000 miles and extra clean. 75 LTD 4-DOOR $3695 Automatic. 400engine, FACTORY AIR, power brakes 4 steering. AM radio, speed control, whitewall tiraa, wheel covers. Dark graan with graan vinyl roof and graan clolh Inttrler. 33,000 mllas. Sharp. 75 CHEV. IMPALA2-DR $3995 Automatic. 3S0 2 barrel engine, FACTORY AIR, power brakes and steering, AM radio, radial whitewalls, wheel covers. Light blue with blue vinyl interior. Extra clean and nlca. 74 LTD2-DOOR $3295 400 angina, automatic trans. FACTORY AIR, power brakes 4 staaring, AM FM sttrao. whitewall tirat and wheel covers. Dark green with green vinyl roof, graan cloth intarlor. 41.000 mllas. Local ana owner. Vary clean. 74 OLDS CUTLASS SALON $4295 2-dr. Automatic. 350 angina, FACTORY AIR, powtr brakes li steering. AM-FM radio, whitewall liras, color keyed wheel covers. Cream with tan W vinyl roof, beige cloth interior. Extra clean. 74 MUSTANG MACH I $3495 Straight drive. V4. FACTORY AIR, AM FM Stereo, style steel wheels, trim rings, console. Dark rad, black vinyl interior. Extra sharp. 73 PONTIAC LEMANS2.DR $2595 Automatic, 350 angina, FACTORY AIR, power brakes 8 steering, AM radio, whitewalls 4 wheel covers, brown with saddle vinyl interior; Extra clean. Locally owned. 73 CHEV. IMPALA CUSTOM $2795 2'dr. automatic. 350 angina. FACTOYR AIR, power brakes 4 steering, FM radio, whitewall tiraa 4 wheel covers. Mdeium grsen with green vinyl roof, green vinyl Interior. 52.000 miles 4 very sharp. 74 HONDA CB200 $650 Motorcycle. 1.342 miles. Ctrior green. 73 CHEV. IMPALA CUSTOM $2795 2 0r. Automatic, 350 engine, FACTORY AIR, power brakes 4 steering, AM-FM with tape player, whitewall tires 4 wheel covers. Gold with black vinyl roof, block vinyl interior. 50,000 miles. Nice unit. 73 VW BEETLE $1895 Straight drive, 4 cylinder. AM FM radio. Light blue with black vinyl interior. New paint lob and very clean. 38,000 miles. 72 CHEV. IMPALA 2-DR $2495 Au»m»llc, ISO, 7 barrti, FACTORY AIR. power brakes 4 steering. AM radio, whitewalls and wheel covers. Medium blue, medium blue vinyl roof, blue vinyl interior, 47,000 miles. Eklre clean 72 PLYM. FURY III 4 door. Automatic, VO engine, FACTORY AIR, power brakes 4 steering. AM radio, wheel covers, green with green cloth interior. 50,000 miles Local one owner. Extra clean. 71 PONTIAC FIREBIRD Formula. Automatic, 400 engine, FACTORY AIR, giowar brakes4 steering, AM-FM radio, bucket seats, consols, Whitt raised letter tires. Gold with white interior. New paint and vary clean. 71 PINTO 2-DOOR Straight drive 2000 ce engine FACTORY AIR, AM radio, whitewall tires. Cream with black vinyl in terior. 82.000 miles. Nice unit .$1995 .$2395 4 .$1395 TRUCK$ .$3695 .$3395 76 FORDF-100 PICKUP Strelght drive. 30} engine, AM radio, wlhtewells 4 wheat covers, low mount mirrors, step bumper, lorn wheel base, tan with ten vinyl Interior. 17,000 milee Ektre cleen. 76 FORD F-100 PICKUP U7" wheeioese. Strelght drive. 300 t cyl. engine, chrome bumper, whitewall tires 4 wheel covers. Ll«ht blue with dark blue top. 17.000 miles. Like new. 76 FORD RANGER XLT $5395 AutomalIc.SMengine. FACTORY AIR, power brakes 4 stsering, AM FM slerse. Step bumper, lang wheel base, low mount mirrors. Oeluke } tone copper end tan paint, tan cloin intarlor. Extra, extra Sharp 76 FORD F-250 PICKUP .$4195 Automatic 3M angina, power brakes, step bumpar eiuawimblutvlnyl Interior. 10.000 mllaa. Local truck 4 extra dean. 74 RANCH ERO 500 $3295 Automatic. 351 angina. FACTORY AIR. pewar brakas and staaring, AM radio, whitawalls and whaal cevars. WMta with biua vinyl intarlar. A claan unit. 73 RANCHEROSQUIRE S329S Yellow. Mack vinyl top. P. a . P. S .olr cond. Highway 74. Kings Ml.. N.C.