t NCPA Award Winning Newspaper Kinc; MOUMTMM MIRROR-HeRkLD J5* VOL. SI NO. 45 KINGS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA MM THURSDAY, NOVKMBBR U, 1»N Grover h "^Sprucing Up* AYfEWLOOK-' new Town Hall, obo' look like when the I ondlaplnjrntOrover'a redecorating lain afreet of town will iron railings I I project ia completed. and memorla fhato Rp Oarp Stewart constructed in several places, arlU soon be painted In the The neighboring town of Orover la getting a face-Uftlng, thanks to what Mayor W. W. (BUt) MoOartar ealla “good conununlty aplilt and good cooperation from all BM cittaens." And Mrs. B. A. (Miss Baaale) Harry and Martha (Mrs. Jim) Scruggs, chairmen of the two major committees planning the beautifica tion and downtown redevel(q>ment, echo his statements. The two women got tired of people talking about Orover’e appearance and did something about It, tlelng In a historical theme and an "Old Charleston” Southern motif to "spruce up and fix up” for last Sun day's dedication of the newly- rwiovated Town Hall and PTre Department. Ghover Town Council contributed $1,600 to the appearance budget and cltisens did the rest. Buslneseee and Industry started to work, remodeling and painting their buildings In bright colors and Mrs. Scruggs, asalBted by art students, went to work with paintbrush. The town is getting an “old Charleston” look with wrought-lron railings, wrought-lron trash con tainers, wrought-lron benches, fosterl holly trimmed In toplary-tree form In the sidewalks, and one warehouse, which fronts the new town hall. Is a beautiful cream with painted windows and flower box, antique lamp, etc. aptly dubbed Et Cetera. Downtown features will Include a depot and village scerw, the Orover akylltw with steeple and roofs, and 11 memorial trees will be planted as living memorials to Orover cltisens. There are also plans for a mini park.'y -ai The beautification corrunlttee also Includes Mrs. BUI HldeU, Dean Westmoreland, Mrs. Roy Houser, Mrs. Tim Dover, Leary White, David Hambright, and Jim Scruggs. (Please Tom To Page tA) Atvards Banquet Tonight United Fund Goal Ebsceeded For 1977 .C I'! Swine Flu Shots For KM Tuesday The 19T7 Kings Mountain United Fund has exceeded its $$9,000 goal by $16,000 according to Larry W. Wood, campaign chairman. "The cltisens of this area responded very generously with a campaign total of Just over $55,000,” Wood said. “This year’s success echoes the successful cs.-npaugn led toy Lee McIntyre last year.” Wood said 75 to 100 persons are expected to attend the UUted Fund banquet taught at 6:90 at Kings Moimtaln Junior High to get the full campaign details. The Industrial dlvlsloa Wood said, was this year’s campaign’s largest achieving a total of $40,500 In con- Qiildren’s Center '* Eadnbition Set At Hie Library This month Is National Mental Health Month and Jacob 8. Mauney Memorial Library has two exhibi tions on display by 80 local children among 180 enrolled at The ChUdren’s Center In Shelby. The pictures, according to Mrs. Charles Blanton, social worker In the school system, depicts Kings Mountain chUdren from the ages of three and 81 engaged In swimming, cooking, household chores, reading, , writing and learning basic life skills. The exhibits are also scheduled for showing In local banka and buUdlng and loan associations during the month. of this division, was given an original goal of $34,000. Wood said one or two Industries stUl have iMt reported In so the total could be much higher. Industrial donation leaders this year were Spectrum Textured ,Fibers, Inc., the leader (Or two c'wsecutlvr yoars; Maunc:’ Hosiery Mills, Inc.; and Dup. ix In ternational, Inc. The Conunerclal Division, chaired by Pat Cheshire, achieved 104 percent of Its goal with contrlbutlosu totaling $5,745. June Lee brought the Professional Division in with $1,818 topping a goal of $1,500. John Cheshire helped In returning Kings Mountain Hospital to the campaign this year and Jerry Ledford brought In $608 to achieve 133 percent of that goal. The City Employes outdid themselves this year by more than tripling their goal of $800 by con tributing $1,868.06. Grace Wolfe was the chairperson for this division. The ot^.sr divisions, although falling to top their respective goals, still contributed commendably to the campaign. The Advanced Gifts Division responded with $1,176. The Correspondence Dlvlalon, guided by Becky Seism, brought In an ad ditional $876. Frank Shirley’s Minis terial Division contributed $430. Fred Weaver puUed In $153 for the’ post office group, artd Richard Greene brought In the Qty Schools Division with $3,667.60. "We hive these euccesses will continue through future cam paigns,” Wood said. "The work these contributions perform through the various United Way Agenclee benefits each and every one of us.” PlMto By ' SWINE FLU SHOT - Sen. OUle Harris of Kings Mov Swine Flu shot from Ina Wright, public health nurse, at ti center. Inoculatioas for the General public are scheduled ’ at the centerfrom 0 a. m. to 1 p. m. The Cleveland County Health Department luui scheduled Swine Flu shots for Kings Mountain cltisens at the community center on Tues., Nov. 38. Public Health Nurses from the dqrartment will be on hand In the health dqrartmsnt offices of the community center fran 6 a. m. until 1 p. m. administering the shots. The SwlTM Flu shots will be given only to people who are rmt presently In 111 heeUth, persons between the ages of 18 and 59. A second serium, A Victoria FTu shots, will be given to persons who have chron'^ health problems or who are 60-years of age and older. These persons will receive combination Swine Flu and A Victoria Flu shots. Jhnmy Hines, an employe with the county health department, said many people from Kings Mountain have had their shots by going to the health department In Shelby. He said the Swine Flu and A Victoria Fhi shots are given on a dally basis from 8:80 a. m.untU 4:46 p.m. at the 816 Orover St. location of the department In Shelby, beside Cleve land Memorial Hospital. "There has been some bad publicity about the public Inoculation program,” Htaies said, “but that’s all It was. Tliere Is ab solutely no link between the Swine Fhi shots and any reported fatalities among people who have had the shots.” Fhi or Infhienia, Is a highly con- tanglous respiratory disease caused by a virus that la constantly changing. You ce.i build an Im munity against one particular strain of flu-causlng virus, but the next year foe strain may be attend jiti your body cannot effectively fight off another bout with flu. Anyone can get the flu, especially when It is widespread within the community. Some people are more vuliwrable to flu than others, and to file complications that follow. Theee people are “high risk” cases and for them flu la a very serious Illness. The Swine Flu shots were devel(q>ed and distributed for free public Inoculations In order to reduce a wldeqrread Infection. moxam h Not Giniing Search Continues For PWD It’s official. Leonard P. Bloxam Is not coming to Kings Mountain. Hired by vote of corrunlsslonera on Mon., July 36, Bloxam was supposed to have reported to work as public works director on August 1, but asked for and was granted an ex tension by the board. Involved In a continuing project, Bloxam said he had to go through a final Inspection with federal agencies before completing the Job. Last week Commissioner James Childers said he hiul received a letter from Bloxam Indicating he was declining the Kings Mountain PWD position. In the letter, Childers ■aid, Mr. Bloxam cited his wife’s 111 health as hie reason for not wanting to make the move. Bloxam la employed at Freeman Associates, a firm of architects, planners and engineers. On July 36, then pubUc woike director, R. Blackwell Leonard, 63, was terminated In commissioner action and Bloxam was hired. Leonard had served as public worka director and codas director With Memorial Fund Library EstaMishing Local History Display ☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Early Editions Set Next Week for almost three years. He said he had been called the Wednesday (July 31) prior to the July 36 board meeting by newspaper reporters and asked to comment on the rumor he was being fired. Leonard said "It was news” to him and said when he asked several commissioners about the rumor he was told fiiey had heard nothing about It Leonard was terminated along with city engineering firm Ritter and Fox and Boyce Sanders, gas department ■iqMiintendent. The action came as extra business not on the agenda following an ekecutlve eeeslon by the board to hire a new city attorney. Neither Leonard, Dennis Fox nor Sanders were present when their Jobs were terminated. week that the board still has several ai^catlona on file and that they would “probably advertise foe more In trade publications” before making another selectloa (or public works director. A veteran city employe, Hal Hicks, and the then newly hired dty planner, Alvin Morets, have been sharing the duties of public works director since July 3A When asked If the public works director Job might go to Morets, Oommleeloner CSilldere said, "He’s a dynantlc Individual and la doing a great Job. But, If he ever gets to his city planner Job It wlU be a fUlttlme poelUon, Just as the pubUc works director position Is fulltime.” A special memorial fund donated to Mauney Memorial Public Library will be used to establish a Genealogical and Local History OoUection In memory of Mrs. Bonnie Maurwy Summers. ThU collection wUl begin with three of Mrs. Summers’ own works; Three Mauney FamlUes; The Ool. Frederick Hambright Family; Kings Mountain - The First Fifty The Library also has books on The CU. Wlillam Barry Allison Family and The Henry Hauser House and Family. “Other Families are urged to give their family histories we, old town photoisvki... . V. -vV this Im portant ocdlection,” said Mrs. Hasel Fryer, librarian. "The coUecUon will be kept separately and wlU be public will have access to them, but there will be tw possibility of lose.” Intermingled with the family histories wlU be specUl North Oaro- Una books that deserve preser vation. Gifts from the public of this kind, which may be Just gathering dust at home, would be Invaluable to future generations who often dis regard their heritage until It Is too late to find the desired material. Mautwy Library also has begun a collection of the famous Hummel figures of children as memorial gifts. These figures are ap- iwoptiately placed In a special cabinet in ths Junior Rooms. The library Is open Mondays from 1-6 p. m. and Saturdays from 8:80 a. m.-noon. And Tuesday through Friday from 9:80 a. m. 6 p. m. Pre-school story hours (or (our and five year olds le held each Weikieeday from 8-8:48 p. m. TWO early editions of The Mliror-Herald will be published Thanksgiving week. The first edition will be mailed to sub sciibers on Mon., Nov. 23. Tlie second edition will be In the malls and on the streets Wed., Nov. 34. The Mirror-Herald Is observing the early deadlines because of the Thanksgiving closing schedule of the KM Post Office. The deadlines for all advertising and news matter for Monday edition la this Friday (November 19) at 8 p. m. The deadline In Wednesday’s edition for ad- vertlslnglsMon.,Nov.23at8:80p. m. The news deadline for the Wednesday edition Is 10 a. m. Tues., Nov. 38. Thanksgiving week la the Initial week for The Mirror-Herald to begin It’s twice-weekly publishing schedule. In following weeks readers will receive their papers on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The Mirror-Herald appreciates your cooperation In the early deadlines and publishing schedule for Thanksgiving week. ☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆’A' Weaker Manley Moorhead Former Railroad Employe Is Dead Funsral servlcss for Walter Manly Moorhead, 80, of 618 Oesesnt Hill Rd., retired Southern Railway clerk, were conducted Monday afternoon at 3 p. m. from First Baptist Church of which he was a member and deacon. His pastor. Rev. Oyds Bearden, officiated at the rites and Interment was In Mountain Rest Osmetery. Active pallbearers were Grady Howard, Mayor John Henry Moss, Ben T. Goforth, BIU Alexander, Charles Alexander, and Fred Weaver. Honorary pallbearers were deacons of First Baptist Church. Mr. Moorhead died Saturday evening In the Kings Mountain Hospital after declining health for some time. He was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter James Moorhead, a graduate of Blacksburg High School and attended Furman UnlverMty In Greenville, S. C. He was a charter member of Kings Mowtaln Ktwanls Club. He was nruuTled to the former Thelma Watkins, who survives. Their only eon, W. M. Moorhead, Jr., was killed In actlan during World War n. Surviving In addition to his wife, are three brothers, Hughes Moorhead and William J. Moorhead, both of Blacksburg, S. C. and Carlyle C. Moorhead of Gastonia.

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