Page 8A—MIRROR-HERAL.D—Thursday, November 18, IfM Bam-Dover Couple Pledge Marriage Vows Margaret Q. Elam and Herbert P. Dover pledged marriage vows Frl., Nov. 6, In an 8 o’clock wedding before Probate Judge W. R. Douglas In Gaffney, South Carolina. Members of the Im mediate families were present for the double-ring ceremony and for the reception and cake cutting which followed at the home of the bridegroom’s daughter, Mrs. Sandy Bridges, on Sharxrn Dr. llie bride wore a long- sleeved blue diress with a pink carnation shoulder corsage. ’Die new Mrs. Dover Is formerly of Cherryvllle and had been residing on Route ’Three, Kings Mountain, for thd past two years. Mr. Dover Is a native of Kings Mountain, formerly residing on Alexander St. The newlyweds have occupied their new home In the Bethlehem Com munity. KM Church Of God Plans Revival Service CENTiniY OLD CHURCH - St. Matthew's tolhenui Church congregation will celebrate the lOOtti Urttiday of the church at Sunday services. Evangelist Ramklsson, a full-bloodied Indian from ’Trinidad In the West In dies, Is guest speaker for revival services Nov. 22- Dec. 6 at Kings Mountain Church of God on Parker St. BET PROFESSIONAL drputclMningrasults! RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-th« imw portabli. Msy-to-uM hot wittr •xtraction carptt claaning machina that §Mt/f. • - • rinaaa carpat fibars with hot watar and elaaning aolutionf • iooaans and lifts all dirt, grima and rasiduas to tiia carpat surfaca whara thay ara immadiataly