(f - Page SA-MmaOB-HERALD-MoBday, November n, l(f* Julie Durham Is Carrousel FYincess JVUBIHIBBAII ... Cbrroawl Priaoeea fiC Women Host Dinner Meeting Beta Epsilon Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma, held Its November dinner meeting at Bessemer City Woman’s Club on Thur sday evening. Bessemer City members were hostesses for the occasion. The Invocation was given by Mrs. Genevieve Matthews. Greetings were e^ressed by Mrs. Edna Coon. Mrs. Maude Carter, president, presided over the business meeting. Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Lynda Sheffield, Area Director of Early Childhood Education from the State Department of Education. Mrs. Sheffield was In troduced by Mrs. Ruby Goff. Her subject was "The New Little Look.” Mrs. Sheffield briefly summarized the beginning In 1969-70 of North Carolina’s state supported kindergarten program following with the assumption that by 1978 the early childhood program will offer every five-year-old In North OaroUna the opportunity to attend a state-suppoifod kindergarten. Slides with their narration presented the group with visual ob servation of early childhood staff develop ment and pupil activities In North Carolina’s eight educational districts. Mrs. Sheffield’s presentation was most Informative and In teresting to her audience of professional women. Miss Julie Durham, smilor student at Kings Mountain Senior High School sold daughter of Dr. and Mrs. ’Thomas Durham, will represent Kings Moisitaln In the 80th an nual CaroHnas Carrouaal Parade and festlvltlea to ha held In Charlotte on ■nianksglvlng Day. Miss Durham won tbs title In a contest recently at KMSHS. She was also a member of the Homecoming Court. During her three day stay In Chariotte, Mlsa Durhsun will take part In a variety of activities and will be competing with SI other princesses for the Carollnas Carrousel Queen’s Crown. Activities prior to the parade will Include a Queen’s luncheon and the Pageant and Coronation Dance. The luncheon Is planned for Wed., Nov. 34, from 11:46 a. m. until 1 p. m. It will be held In the Charlotte Civic Center. The Pageant and Coronation Dance, adieduled tor Wednesday evening, will also be held In the Civic Center. The parade, beginning at 3 p. m. on ’Thanksgiving Day, will be the climax of the festival. ’Ihe route will travel from North Tryon (begin ning at Sears) to Stonewall St. where It will make a left turn and proceed down Stonewall, turning left again onto Caldwell St., and then right onto Third St. ’The parade will climax at Third and McDowell Streets with awarding ceremonies Immediately following In Marshall Park. Relatives and friends are encouraged to attend both the Queen’s Luncheon and the Pageant and Coronation Dance as well as the parade. Luncheon tickets are $8 each and Dance tickets are $4. The Pageant and Coronation Dance Is a seml-formal affair. Tickets are available by sending check or money order to Caro- linas Carrousel, Inc., 313 S. Tryon St, Room 601, Char lotte, N. C. 38381. Thanksgiving Week Saie Nov. 22nd Thru 26th UPHOLSTERY FABRICS ★ Velvets ★ Herculons ★ Nylons ★ Vinyls ★ Upholstery Supplies ★ Buttons Covered ★ Hand Made Gifts ★ Plant Hangers TO 98 YARD NONE HIGHER OVER 5000 YAROS ON DISPLAY vie''** REGISTER For A Velvet Bedroom Chair | To Be Given I Away Nov. 26| 'OW Pi "ft® ces ICOLONY UPHOLSTERY FABRICSl 904 West Gold Street kings Mountain, N. C. 739-8301 (Behind K M Plaza Shopping Center) Closed Thanksgiving Day Here’s Good News MRS. BUQENB TLCTD LOVBLACB (Elisabeth Fitch) Fitch-Lovelace Vows Are Spoken David Baptist Church provided the setting Friday evening for a 7 p. m. wedding uniting Miss Elisabeth Fitch and Eugene Floyd Lovelace. The couple pledged vows of the double-ring cere mony before the Rev. L. M. Schuman and Rev. N. S. Hardin. Mrs. Margaret B. Me- Swsdn, aunt of the bride, was organist for the pro gram of nuptial music end vocal numbers were by WUUam McSwaln, cousin of the bride. Mr. McSwaln sang ”0 Perfect Love” before the ceremony and "Wedding Prayer” as the benediction. The„«Utar of the church was banked wlUi. palmf and enhanced by wrought- Iron candelabra holding 16 cathedral tapers. Jim Fitch of Shelby escorted his sister to the altar and gave her In mar riage. The bride’s wedding gown was a formal design of white bridal satin and lace featuring high neck line and long aleeves. Her elbow-length veil of Illu sion was draped from a Camelot cap and she car ried a bouquet on a white lace-covered Bible. i^7~Car(il Wiggins of Kings Mountain attended her sUter as nnatran of honor and bridesmaids were Mrs. VlrginU Clark of Shelby and Misa Wanda Lovelace of Kings Moun tain, slater of the brlde- grooim The thre^ attendants wore full-skirted Bicen tennial gowns in red and bhie-check gingham and carried bouquets of white mums. Best man for the bride groom was hto fadhsr. Joey'Allen of Kings Mountain ushered with Mike Wlgglne, brother-in- law of the bride. Mias Jackie ~ McSwaln kept the guest register. _ After a wedShg trip to Charlotte, the newlyweds will be at home on Rt. 3, Beaaemsr City. BRIDE AND BIUDEOROOM The bride is the daughter of James Fitch of Monroe and the late Mrs. Fitch and Is a 1973 graduate of Kings Mountain High School. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lovelace of Kings Mountain are parents of the bridegroom. He Is employed by Kings Point Knit Co. of Bessemer City. CAKECimiNO The bride suid bride groom cut their wedding cake Friday evening at an after-rehearsal party held In the Fellowship Hall of David Baptist Church. The Bicentennial theme of the wedding was featured In decorative details and In refrsshments. The green and white wedding cake was cut and served with ,puncA. ^ - ■ i. , Mrs. Margaret Mc Swaln, aunt of the bride, was hostess. Your Thanksgiving turkey won’t cost you as much this Thursday as the fdbbler cost last year. This Is the good news from Jack Hughes, Dixon Community turkey far mer, who recently raised 80 to 40,000 In time for the holidays. The Hughes family loaded up their last shipment this week for the maricet and Clara Hughes says they won’t “have any more until after Christ mas.” Mrs. Hughes says that turkeys are more plentiful this year and production has been at an all-time high. Local grocers are selling turkey for about 30 cents per pound cheaper than this time laat year, ac cording to Mrs. Hughes. _-o0o- LECIION DANCE "’The Zodlaca,” popular rock and roll bsmd, returns to the American Legion Saturday for a big dance and floor show beginning at 8:46 p. m. Advance tickets are on sale at DO per couple. ’Tickets are DO at the door. Poet Commander Rick Moore eald the kitchen will be open for serving of steak dinners at $0 per plate. Legionnaires and guests are Invited to attend. COMINGS AND GOINGS Orangrel (Mrs. C. L.) Jolly spent ’Iliureday In Cary with her cousin, Jackie (Mrs. Jimmy) Harris, former resident. -oOo- “MY FAIR LADY” "My Fair Lady”, one of the muslcalB to come oft Broadway In recent years, will be presented for Ite final performance of four by Community College Players Saturday night In LRC Auditorium i at Isothermal OommuntCy' College near Splndale. TTie performance Is at 8 p. m. Lib 1 Stewart RENT OUR ,» GREEN ® MAGIC 5MIST STEAM CARPET !CLEANER Professionaily ' Cleaned Carpets For Just Cents Per Square Foot Easy to use Weighs only 38 Lbs Come in and ask, We wil show you how FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 739-8161 SMiTR~DRUGS K M Plaza Shopping Center Kings Mountain All Types Photography Weddings Our Specialty Gary Stewart Riotography 739-7496 739-7548 PRE-THANKSGIVING SPECIALS GE COLOR CONSOLE TV SPECIAL ONLY *549 Channel Master Antennas Available QE COLOR PORTABLE TV FANTASTIC BUY WB9266LB Cabinet constructed of hardwood solids, simulated pine grained composition board and simulated wood accents. 25" Diagonal Color Conaola TV • VIR -Broedeait Controlled” Color TV • 100% Solid State Chaetia • Modular Chatala Ooaign • QE'a In-Llna Pleturo Tuba Syttem • Black Malrla PIclura Tub# • Cuatom PIctura Control a lllumliwlad Channel WIndowa • “Tllt-Out” Control Bln • Conctated Caatera • 100% Solid State "Energy Saver" Chassis I Modular Chassis Design I GE's Patented Spectra- Line Picture Tube System I One Touch Color- System I Custom Picture Control > DC Restoration *359 FAMILY-SIZE WASHER with Permanent Press Cycle WWA-7800P • GE Filter-Flo® Wash System a Four Wash Cycles—Normal, Permanent Press with cold water cooldown. 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