VOL. 87 NO. 51 TtnCSOAT. DBOEBIBBIl 14,1M« KINGS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA 18086 it <hh>**»***************************»********»***»*****»*»********<k»«o»«***<hnh>* ************* THE TUESDAY EDITION *********************************1^*«**«****************************«*************«**«******* KiriG9 MOUMTWM MIRROR-H€Rt\LD .\(J*A Award Winnhifi .\euititaper 15‘ James Luther Ray field, 1975 Victim Bristol Qiarged In Murder, Robbery RyTOMBIoDrTTRB Bdltor, Mtaror-Henld Parry Dean Briatol, 80, of Klnga Mountain has bean charcad with tha murder and robhary of Jamas Luthar Rayfleld, a aarvlM station attendant, on December 18, 1070. Briatol was returned to Clovoland County Jail last Friday from LJUlnitan Prison Unit where ha was aervlns 60-70 year sentence for his conviction In a shooting and armed robbery at the Ramada Inn In Oastonla on December 90, 1070. Rayfleld, 80, was discovered In side the Phillips 06 Station, than owned by Doug Falla, at ths coriMr of B. King St. and York Rd. about 1:80 a. m. on the morning of December 18. Two teenage boys iiutde the discovery and notified police. Police said Rayfleld was a weekend employe (Friday, Satur day and Sunday) at ths station and usually closed for buriness about 1:80 a. m. Police theorised he was In the process of closing tiriien hla assailant entered the station. Rayfleld, Mcordlng to the police Investigation, was shot four times. Winter Concert h Set Thureday The annual Winter Concert by Junior and senior high bands Is scheduled at 8 p. m. In Barnes Auditorium Thurs., Dec. 18. Under the direction of Donald Deal, the Junior high eighth and ninth grade and senior high Blaser bands will perform marches, over tures, pop sdectlons and tradltloiutl Ouistmas music. The senior high band has been In vited to perform at Disney World In Orlando, Fla. In April 1977 and now the parents of band students are creating projects to raise funds to fi nance the trip. Mrs. Bob Maner, one of the or- gsuilxers, said this Thursday night donations will be accepted from those who attend the tree concert. The donations will go Into the fund. Between now and next .^ril sev eral fund-raising projects will be planned to raise the 98,000 needed. Four slugs were removed from the body during sn autopsy tn Chapel Hill, one from the stomach, three from the head. Police said a fifth shot was fired at Rayfleld, one that struck his thumb and lodged In the station woU behind a clipboard, the report of a year ago Indicated Rayfleld ted bem shot three times In the head after he had fallen. Police said the wounded at tendant was aUve, but unconscious when found and was later pronounced dead at Charlotte MemorlsU Hospital where he was rushed by the KM Rescue Squad. St. John Belk and Sgt. Richard Reynolds, the original Investigating officers, reported there was no sign of a struggle Inside the station. Inside a desk drawer police found a loaded pistol and In the back of tha cash drawer there were bills and change totalling 9146. An un determined amount of cash was taken from the register by ths assailant after Rayfleld was wounded. The police Investigation, ac cording to reports of a year ago, seemed to lead nowhere until the armed robbery and assault with a gun on Charles C. Tarpley of Bessemer, clerk at the Ramada Inn In Oastonla on December 90, 10TB. TTila Incident occurred about 8:80 a. m. Tarpley was robbed of between 9800 and 9400 from his register and about 988 from his pocket, then shot by the robber. Briatol was arrested and charged with the crime. He was tried and convicted In Gaston Superior Court on May 8, 1978 and sentenced to serve 00-70 years. In court Tarpley, who had recovered from two wounds, both (Please 111111 To Page 9) R-96; \ Photo By Tom McIntyre OANSLKRPBOJBOTBBCHNS - OSM While (right) discasses the work to be done nnder a general oontiaet with Champion Landsei^ilng In the Oansler St. Urban Renewal Project with Ken Jeffries (left), WMtehesi * Associates representative, Newell Thenbnrg, Jah foreman, and Bob McKinney, Job sopt. latter two are employed by Champion Landscaping of Kings Moon- Long Renewal Program Enters Final Stages,-,,..,., ByTOMMoINTVRB Bdltor, Mirror-Herald The Kings Mountain Redevelopment Commission has awarded the general contract (or completion of the Oansler St. Urban Free Swine Flu Shots Here Today Free Swine Flu shots are available at the Klnga Mountain Community Center today from 8-8 p. m. The Cleveland County Health Department will provide nurses to administer the shots. This return to Kings Mountain Is part of the county’s big push to give countlona the vaccine against Swine Flu. Jimmy Hines, county health e<hicator, said In the past six weeks of the program less than 90 percent of those people In Cleveland County who should have the vaccine have been to a free cUnle to receive them. The turnout In Kings Mountain on November 98 a total of 488 parsons came to the oommimlty center to receive the vaccine. Hnes said this to the middle of the flu season and each day a person delays getting the vaccine en dangers that parson to the flu. Swine Fhi Shota will be given persons 18 to 69 years of age who are In good health. Persons from three to 66 years old, who have chronic Illness and persons 80 and over wlll be given a combination shot - Swine Flu and A Victoria Flu vaccine. Once administered, the vaccine takes two to four weeks to become effective.^ Hines urges dtlsens who have not received Swine Flu shots to do so today. Renewal Project (R-SS) to Ouun- plon Landscaping and Excavating, Inc. ITie Kings Mountain-based firm began a clearing and grubbing operation. In preparatlan for land scaping, along the project rights-of- way last Ihursday. Carl Champion, president of the firm, said this Is the first "Job we’ve dene at home In a longtime. Usually we are outof the sts^te on Jobs quite a bit. We’re really happy about lan ding this local contract.’’ under the terms of the general centract. Champion will coordinate the majority of the activities In the R-86 project area, even though some aspects are being handled by dif ferent agencies. (Jhamplon will be directly responsible for clearing and grubbing and landscaping. In stallation of streets, sidewalks and curbing and guttering. Gene White, executive director of the redevelopment commission, said, "Champion was the lowest of eight different (Irma bidding on the general contract. His bid price was 9889,680.86, which Is well within the projected costs (or the project.’’ The high bid totaled 9868,709.71. Initially, the gmieral contract was to have been awarded by November 16 with work to begin within 80 days after that. White said, "We are 80 days late because of governmental red tape.’’ ’ITie contract allows 188 working days to complete the project, which would see completion coming about April 18 Instead of March 16 as originally projected. The mid-March date would have coincided with the completion of the Kings Mountain Housing Authority low Income housing project In the R-08 area. And should Kings Mountain be approved tor the 9999,960 Federal grant by the Economic Development Ad ministration, the mid-March date would coincide with the beginning of ccnstructlon on a new dty hall. White said ths commlsslan Is hopeful the project can atm bo completed by the mid-March date, but Carl Champion said te Is doubtful the worit can be flniahed before mid-April. The cost bredkdown on ths project requires the redevelopment com mission to pay 9881,481.10 and sots the city’s aters at 9171,086.96. (Please Dim To Page 8) Gty Appearance Gimmiggion Project Decorating Ideas Worth Cash Got any Ideas (or Christmas decoratlonsT Tour Ideas could be worth cash. ’The Kings Mountain Appearance Ckxnmlsalon Is sponsoring a city- wide Christmas Deoomtiona Contest with 996 going to each of the first place winners In the city’s six voting districts. Second place winners In each of the districts wm moelve 916. Mn. David (Samh) Faunce, chairperson. Invites all Kings Mwriteins and ama dtlsens to participate. The project Is pari of an overall long reaching beauttflcatton program (or Kings Mountain. "For the contest the amount of money you spend In decorating your home will not be a determining (actor In Judging the contest," Mrs. Faunce said. "Overall house effect, decorations stremlng originality and good teste wm be the points the Judges look ftar." The final days for home Judging are December 90-91. To receive conslderaUon partidpants are urged to contact any of the committee members: Mrs. Hilliard BUck, Lewis Curry, Mm. Selma Crawford, Mm. HaUle Blanton and Frank Mltchem. Mm. Steve Rankin of McAdenvme, who head the panel of three, has served as Judge In numerous contests In her hometown, which Is known nation-wide as "Chrlstnuts Thwn, U.S.A." ’The appearance commlsdcn wm award die first prises and second prise money Is being awarded by local dvlc clubs. For DUtrict One - KM Woman’s Oub; DUtrict Two - Rotary Oub, District Three — Jaycass; District Four — Klwanls Club; District Five — Lions; and DIstrld Six — Optimist. \i.l Photo By Tom McIntyre -y A TRIM JOB - BUl TsMy, fhsmpisn Landscaping employe, onto away Umbo (and later trees) which are designated to go tn the Cansler St Urban Renewal Project. Champion, a KM firm, has the general conteact (or the (Inal phase of work In the redevelopment commission program.

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