w The Continuing Education Department of Cleveland Tech haa an nounced the following extenalcn clasaee. Beginners sewing begins Moa, Jan. 17, from 7 to 10 p. m. at Holly Oak Park In r Begiimer Sewing G>i]r8e Is l^ated pel fro to — —. through Friday.' .. Persons, 18 years c8 age ”1 Shelby. The Rev. R. D. Lucas will Instruct. Ihe small engine repair course announced to begin on January 10, has been re scheduled to begin Mon., Jan. 24, from 6 ;80 to 9 ;S0 p. m. Eddie Whlsnant wlU Instruct and the class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays on Teeh’s campus In room 706. When calling about extension courses the Con- tlnulng Education Department request X G WEST GATE PLAZA - SHELBY ROAD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JANUARY 21, 22 m 'V persons to oaU 48MI01, from 8 a. m. to 4 p. ii6> ar 8 these classes may-riglster at the first mostti^ pf the class paying f^e $0 reglstratlan fee. Jim Dinffm b Elected ny CSIOVBR — The Orovar Rescue Squad held elec tions lor 1977 recently and elected Jim Dingus as cap tain. Other oftlears elected for the year Include Don Dingus — lieutenant, Jim Beam — second lieutenant, Terry Richardson and Roger Ooforth — sergeants; Sherrie Dingus — secretary, and Robert Wells — treasurer. The squad also reports ftar the month of December 1976 a total of 11 caUs. Volunteer rescuers spent 48.W manhours on the Job, traveled 808 miles and qient 70 hours In training sessions. Ten calls were for The OiUders Family of OastaMa will, present a song aarvlea Sat, Jan. IS at 7 p < m. In the Pan- tacastal'. Mollnass Oiurch, 008 Branoh St. Rav. Mark Roberson, pastor, Invites, the public to attend. Refreshments will be on sale In the fellowship hall. Mrs. Aisie McSwaln of the Cleveland County Social Services will be tonight's guest speaker at the Kings Mountain Klwanls Club dinner meeting. The club meets at 0:40 p. m. at the KM Woman's Club, E. Mountain St. KMFiremen KeptBufy Kings Mountain Fire on January 4, one on January 0 and 8. On January 8, at 7:80 a. yoiKs PIN- 8x10 in. Living Color Portrait of your Child Compare At W.9S * BRING A FRIEND! PHOTOGRAPHERS HOURS. STATE OF Nfmm CAROLINA CLEVELAND COUNTY In The General Court OtJustioe Superior Court Division EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Mary T. Revels of Cleve land County, North Caro lina, this U to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Mary T. Revels to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This the 18th day of January, 1977. Naomi Mltchem, Executrix 402 Cherokee St., Kings Mtn., N. C. Oeorge B. Thomasson, Attorney P. O. Box 206 Kings Mountain, N. C. 28086 Jan. 18, 20, 27; Feb. 8 TUNtUP SPECIAL CYUNDER CYUNDER CYUNDER Regular Ignltton Electronic Ignition '21.21 '26.00 '33.26 '13.28 '17.40 '22.32 Includes polnto, plugs, condenser, labor, check belts k hoses, bat tery connections. REUNE BRAKK DRUM BRAKES *62.01 DISC BRAKES *44.96 INCLUDES BRAKE LINING AND LABOR ONLY JERRY NATION CHEVROLET 124 RAILROAD AVENUE KINGS MOUNTAIN PHONE 739-5471 RESOLUTION FIXINO DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON QUESTION OF ANNEXATION PURSUANT TOO. S. 168A- 81, AS AMENDED Whereas, a petition requesting annexation of the area described herein has been received; and Whereas, the board of commissioners has a resolution directing the city clerk to Investigate the sufficiency thereof; and Whereas, certification by the dty clerk as to the sumcleiKy at said petttlon has been made; Now. therefore, be It resolved by the board of commlsalcners of the City of Kings Mountain, North Carolina: Secttm 1. That a pubUc hearing on the question of annexation of the area described therein wUl be held In Council Chambers at 7:80 p. m. o'clock on the 34th day of January, 1677. Section 2. The area proposed for annexation Is described as follows: Lying and being In Crow ders Mountain Township, Oastcm County, North Carolina, and adjacent to the present municipal boundaries at the City of Kings Mountain, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake In the Northeastemmpst Una > of Lot No. 120 of the North Woods Subdivision as shown Ml that certain Map or Plat duly recorded In the Office of the register of Deeds for Oaston County In Plat Book 27 at Page 8 said stake being further situated South 60 degrees 41 minutes E^ 0.06 feet from the common corner of LotNo. iSOand 121 of the North Woods Subdivision and running thence a new Une through the property of W. S. Stinnett North 80 degrees 41 minutes East 806.08 feet to an Iron; thence another new line throush the property of W. S. Stinnett North 80 degrees 01 minutes East 710.0 feet to an Iron; thence another new Une through the property of W. S. Stinnett South ,04 degrees 00 minutes East 407.41 feet to an Iron cn the Une of J. P. Payne, now or for- merty, said Iron further being situated 813.61 feet along the old Une In a Southweaterty direction from an old Iron; thence with the common line of the property belonging to J. P. Payne, now or for- meriy. South 71 degrees 84 minutes West 649.00 feet to an old Iron on the line of Lot No. 97 In the North Woods Subdivision as shown In Plat Book 37 at Page 81; thence with the common line of Lot 97 and Lots UO through 119 In clusive, North 46 degrees 00 minutes West 800.48 feet to an old Iron, said Iron being the common comer of Lot 110 and 130 as shown on the aforesaid plat; thence with the conunon Une of Lot 130 North 40 degreee 41 minutes West 73.73 feet to the point of Beginning. The same betnga portion of the property conveyed to W. & Stinnett by that certain deed duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deads for Gaston County In Deed Book 980 at Page 380 to which reference is here by made. And being more particularly shown and described on that certain msq> or plat made by Trammell Surveying and Mapping, Inc. dated December 7, 1876, and entitled property W. 8. StlnnetL m., firefighters were called to the 410 Scotland Dr. home of Gene Tatdm. The house fire caueed extensive damage. The second fire call was at 8:48 p. m. at 601 Msadowbrook Rd., a chimney Are, no damage. On January 4, at 10 a. m., a vehicle fire at 8. Wat- terson SL, Ught damage. At 3:48 p. m., standby at broken gas Una on Wat-' tsraon, At 4 p. m. K. MllU, burning waste, no damage. Cn January 0, at 8:40 p. m., light damage reported In picker room fire at Burlington's Phanix Plant. January 8 at 6:80 p. m., again at Pbenlx Plant, a Unt ftra. Light damage reported. I 7^^ ! I DEPARTMENT STORE I DOWNTOWN KINGS MOUNTAIN PRE- INVENTORY CLEARANCE INFANT AND TODDLER PAJAMAS WITH FEET *1.98 ALL LADIES FALL AND WINTER SHOES 1/3 off Large Selection Of CHILDRENS, SHOES w .■ •cf ^Iwuovc'- SRes6To4^^2 gff Large Selection JUNIOR PANT TOPS *5.00 ALL LADIES, CHILDREN, MENS, BOYS WINTER COATS 25% Off GIRLS AND BOYS P.V.C. JACKETS *7.95 Large Selection JUNOR AND MISSES SPORTSWEAR 1/3 Off LADIES FALL AND WINTER DRESSES 1/3 off